LEXINGTON DISPATCH-NEWS BR? kt - xo LEXINGTON, S. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1918. No. 26. ^YOLUME No. 48. \ ^ " [ MRS. VanORMER'S! f OFFER DELSG The music pupils of Mrs. Ma ? delightful and instructive recital ftp lowing- program will oe renueicu. | 1. Song?You're Welcome If Y< i|- Mary James B f-.' . 2. General Bum-Bum K' Sue Morri 1 - 3. Sahara-Waltz Burneese 4. Polka Dorothy ( Duet?Stand By the Flag Misses Ruth and Sue 3. Slumber Song Fairbanks ' ?* 7. Les Pierrots K . Bertha Sue fe 3a. Airy Fairies i. ^ Sb. Playful Kittens gp^'- Frances T | 9. Pure as Snow f : ' - Ruth Ha | 10. Trio?Grand Galop Brillant Misses Sara Meetze, Annie 11. Le Crepuscule & Katie Belle RsV" 12 a. At a Run-Waltz 12b. Dance of the Keupies ^ Ruth G 13. Silver Thistle Annie C 14. Duet?Gypsy March Ruth George and ! r 15. Grand March de Concert....... Sara Me 16. Tam O'Shanter Blossie C 17. Finale?The Red Cross Part I. The Story of the Red j, Misses* Francis Worrill Oswald, Ruth George i Part II. Duet?The Soldier Master Fairb J* Sue Berloy j Part III. Chorus?The Stars Iv ? Misses Wor | ley, Clarke ? Morris Har George, B( ir Harman. MOTTO?Stand CLASS COLORS?Re. | 8R00KLAND FOLK Ij ON HONOR ROLL New Brookland has responded nob ly to the call of the government by j subscribing to the Third Liberty Loan The local committee began a drive! last week and are very much pleased over the results obtained.Below is a list of those v;ho subscribed in Brook i land; j IC. G. Howell & Blanch ~Z. North fD. B. Floyd G. Merriweather K. C. Gummiii C. J. McKenzie . J. C. Huggins E. L. Bryant I Leroy Busbee Leroy Busbee | Salter Metley " J. A. Spivey K& . ' A. H. Jackson r - R. N. Senn Sam'l A. Thompson . j { Brookland Bank Mary Swindell Jas. W. Arehart K-? -* T. C. "\yhetsell Pf, T. W. Dye " ' T f* T n d !*J . V/. B. L. Goss D. W. Lee { J. B. Odam i. Jno. H. Hamilton ; Oliee Hudson Sarah Gibson Herwald Reelev f H. R. Duren T. G. Leaphart ' V. M. Aumon I C. A. Hutto Julius W. Wessinger Jno. McPherson Gilbert S. Gates Margie Shehane Earle Stokes Giber*. Elders Kf- R. v. Porter Wgpr E- B. Morgan Wy'' [ "Luther Price Mary C. Senn Margaret Edwards 1> Ok H. Rhodes Mi,: J. M. Cameron B; Willie Jolly O. T. Watts j?" ' Leca- Edge Jfrffi. L. S. Trottp. | PUPILS ! HTFDL PROGRAM I ! I y Lois VanOrmer will give a tomorrow evening. The fol )u Keep Right Still Eldrige ialtiwanger Poldini s Harman Greenwald Aires Cornelius Gurlitt )swald Stults i Morris Harman i Gurlitt Harman Streabog s Berley Spaulding Paul Lawson Vorrill ....Lange rman e Wollenhaupt Corley, Blossie Clarke Guy Harman Dudley Martin Ashford [eorge Ketterer orlev Carl Wolf Mrs. Van Ormer Wollenhaupt >etze Warren llarke j Denton 1 Cross , Sue Morris Harman, Dorothy and Burneese Aires. Boy and the Red Cross Maid anks Harman and Miss Bertha and Chorus, and Stripes Till, Meetze Haltiwanger, Cors, R. Harman, Oswald j Sue man, Aires, Katie Bell Harman jrley and Master Fairbanks By the Flag, i, White and Blue. Mary Sue North Luther Floyd Jno. Blackwell , Philip Elders J. H. Vankinken D. J. Shumpert C. J. Shannon Tom Carroll . M. L. Fox A. H. Lucas I. J. Mills D. C. Lewis Oscar Elders S. K. Oliver Will Sokes Lorenze T. Taylor S. P. McNieil j Mrs. R. N. Seen C. M. Hook H. C. Mckernan TT T7> ii. rj. jr w ia W. S. Fairey Nettie A. Shull D. E. George R. T. Hallman A. M. McManus J. B. Rawls R. F. Dunlevy J. R. Kline St. Julian Geddings F. J. Grube Jno. Hutchins W. J. Hardee Willie Neeley .Julius Brunnemer Geo. Johnson Carl E. Thompson C. R. Costner C. B. Addy Bert C. Young Preston I. Sox C. T. Connor J. T. Moore E. K. Gresham Vv\ C. Windham F. G. Whitlcck \ Rosabel le W. Trotti Kial E North Vista Fioyd Jas. Rich J. F. Cantwell J. A. Gay den Jr. Jacob Bundrick Lewis Dawson Will Price Evelyn Sox J. C. Addy Geo. Frick C. W. Watts Lola Lowe A. W. Graiiam Thcs. J. Jones. F. S. Lowe D. W. Geiger ( __________ PUPILS OF MRS. W. TO GIVE R The pupils of Mrs. W. W. C recital in the auditorium of i Thursday evening May 2, 8: The public is cordially invi ins: program will be rendered Sons?Old Glory, Revered on Eldridge Clas Solo?The Robins Call Miss Louis* Solo?Childs Waltz Miss Sarah Solo?The Moth Mr. Philip Duet?Four Leaf Clover Wa Misses Gladys Harmon 7-71TV*c Wolfv X A t * * Miss Delia I Solo?Morning Prayer ] Miss Beulah Solo?Mother May I go out Miss Louis< ) Trio?Bloom and Blossom \\ Messrs. Roscoe Hallman? Humf Solo?Melody Waltz Mr. Loren Solo?Katie Waltz Miss Carr Solo?Swinging Waltz Mr. Roy Trio?Dress Parade March.... Misses Sarah Roberts?Lin Song?The Little Soldier an C. Eldridge. Mr. Judson Humphries?M Solo?Early Waltz Miss Ethel Solo?Dance of the Daisies... Miss Elizs Duet?Stars and Stripes Fore Misses Chicora Caughmai Solo?Second Valse Caprice.. Miss Anna' L ; Solo?Gondoliers Miss Jaunit Duet?Valse Vinitienne Misss Anna Lee Corle k Solo?Music Box Miss Margu Solo?Qui Vive Gallop Miss Matti Trio?Dancing Butterflies Misses Margaret HartleyCaugl: Solo?Spring Song Miss Queem ; Solo?Love's JPleadmgs Miss Chicora Solo?Moonlight On the Huds Miss Marga: Pantomime?The Star Spang Misses Bruce Caughman? Martha Roof?Marguerite Grace Powell?Sara # Rikard?Pe comw????ae? ?? MRS. ROOF'S PUPILS DELIGHT I LARGE LEXINGTON AUDIENCE The music pupils of Mrs. E . B. Roof gave their spring recital in the' High School auditorium Thursdaynight of last week, to one of the lar-' gest crowds ever attending a recital; in Lexington. The program was var| ied and interesting throughout, as was evidenced by the frequent applause given the performers. Each J one performing their part creditably; to themselves and teacher, demonstra ting- thoroughly the excellent training received during the session. Mrs. Roof has been a teacher in the mu-| sic department of the Lexington school for 20 years or more, and du-l ring that time has produced some finished musicians, many of whom took their first lessons from her when they were tiny tots. The pro-j gram Thursday night consisted of 25; numbers ranging from the simplest beginners number rendered by little Miss Sara Hampton Kaminer, 7 years of age, to the most difficult classic by Miss Sara Black, a June gradu-; ate. Following the recital the Four o'clock Club served refreshments, completing a most entertaining and! instructive evening. # CAKE WALK AND BOX PARTY "There will be a cake walk, box party and an ice cream supper at Sharp's Hill School house, Saturday n:';ht May 4, for the benefit of Harn o iy church. This will also be the c>> ir.g of a very successful school ye-1". The public is cordially invited to attend. : !. ('. Derrick J. 7'. Hilton M. H. Manner H. C. Nelson Ft-icl B. Hodge V/} man W. Trotti i W. CAUfiHMAN I SCITAL ON MAY 2 I I laughman will give their :he Lexington High school 30 o'clock. ted to attend. The follow- j < Every Strand Harry C. ; ; s Leo Friedman TCvypr T. Presser ] Dreher M. H. Cochran j Roberts | j ltz Harold Spencer j ?Bertha Caughman J. De Lancey \ i Hallman L. Streabbog, Op. 130 No. 1 Fox Wingard to Swim La Rue 2 Roberts 'altz Edward Hoist I Lester Rikard?Victor ihries E. Mack z Rawl Fearis ie Meetze Bessie Barrett i Corn Paul Keller a Harmon?Pearle Price d Red Cross Maid....Harry * iss Beulah Fox Wincrard Ella V. Herman Harmon La Farge ibeth Miller ;ver John Philip Sousa ri?Annie Martha Roof F. L. Eyer ,ee.Corley ,..E. Nevin, Op. 25, No. 2 a George Leo N. Ringuet, Op. 4 >y?Queema Corley I. Liebich erite Dent oqttz on 12 ie Rikard ^ Stone -Juanita George?Bruce tman Mendelssohn a Corley Florence Kinkel Caughman ;on G. D. Wilson, Op. 60 ret Hartley led Banner Francis Key -Jaunita George?Annie Dent?Ethel Harmon? h Roberts?Mattie :arle Price. DEMOCRATS TO * JO' JO AT M. W&UJ1.A. PO 4k V 'MEET SATURDAY LEXINGTON CLUB MEETS SATURDAY The Lexington Democratic Club will meet in the Court house at Lexington Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Delegates to the County convention will be elected and a full attendance is desired. W. D. Dent, Secy. Summit Democratic Club will meet Saturday April 27th at 5:30 P. M. Delegates to County convention will be elected and a full atendance is re quested. -r^ r*V 1 Ti r. ir. aneaiy, jrre& Boyleston Democratic Club will meet at St. John's school house Saturday April 27th at 4 o'clock. All members of this Club are urged to be present. W. K. Hook, Sec. The Pine Ridge Democratic club will meet at Pine Ridge school house Saturday afternoon, April 27, at 4 o'clock, all voters are requested to be there. C. L. Epting, Pres. The Hollow Creek Democratic Club is hereby caled to meet at Hollow 1 - - ? i i _ i? Creek school house on sauiraay aiternoon April 27, at 5 o'clock. Every voter in the district is uryed to at tend. T. P. Drafts, Secy. The St. Matthews Democratic Club :s hereby called to meet on Saturday April 27, at 2 o'clock. All members should be present. J. D. McCarfcha,Pres. STORES CLOSE FOR f Rift HAI.I.Y SJ/jL ZX1XJU2U X I Witfii every business house in Lexington closed, and amid a steady downpour cf rain, the people of Lexi net on pacbed the county court hou^e to its fail capacity on Friday afternoon, to hour addresses by the Rev. R. R. Murchiscn and Mrs, Annie I. Rembert. The occasion was the bic: patriotic rally called by Dr. D. M. Crossor. of Lcesvii.'e, chairman of the T.a?-CifT4-/\n C (, frcinpil r\? TOp fense. It was an occasion for the people to demonstrate, in an open and public way, their patriotism as .. well as their allegiance to. and faith in, the American flag. And every member of the large and enthusiastic audience entered into the meeting with whole-hearted fervor, and eagerly did they grasp every word that fell from the speakers' lips. It was an audience r-ompo-ed of men, women and children?every one of whom are enlisted in the great work; of winning the war, and helping to give liberty and freedom to all man-j kind. The meeting was opened with a song, "In the Sweet Bye and Bye,"' led by Sheriff Sim J. Miller, follow-j ed by the invocation by the Rev. W. j H. Riser, pastor of Saint Stephen's' Lutheran church. { Dr. Crosson, in intro'ducing Dr. Mur; chison, thanked the people for their attendance, which was but another evidence of Lexington's genuine pat-1 riotism. Mr. Murchison stated, at( the outset, that it is not necessary i for one to go across the water, right; I in the midst of the fray, to realize: the horrors that are daily and hourly j : being perpetrated by the enemy. Hei declared that the great majority of; the people do not yet realize its ser-1 to trust the military leaders and| [ Woodrow Wilson in this great crisis, j | Our armies have been raised with j great rapidity, he said, but nothing; compared to the need of the hour. ; Every leading man realizes now that | the United States was a little ^oo slow? I in declaring war; but the fact that we j had always been a peace-loving peoj pie, was largely responsible for this. ! It is an enormous undertaking, and! | the people of this country are willing j iousness. The speaker declared that! j the ill feeling occassioned by the War, i Between the Sections had not yet fi- j j nally passed away, and this, too; had: I hppn a draw-back, to a certain extent j ! in getting the people aroused to a j full sense of duty.Happily, however, j the time has arrived when every Ai merican no longer knows no North, i I no South no East or no West, but i that Americans everywhere are lin-; j ' i ing up with the one great purpose of . making the peoples of the world free | Dr. Murchison scored the manner j in which pacifists are spreading Ger-j I man propaganda throughout the i country. The fact that we should I or should not have entered the war. j I said he," is as ancient as Revolutioni ary history," and ail must act and act wisely. Men are needed faster ! than we can get them across the wa! ter, and these men must ,be cared for. They are making the supreme sacrifice, and it is the duty of those! who are left behind to see to it that they are made as comfortable as possible. In this connection, the speak er urged the members of the Lexingj ton Red Cross to put every ounce of I ! energy into their work; that wounded soldiers in the trenches are praying for the bandages to hold out until their wounds are dressed. The speaker closed with an elo! quent and touching appeal for the, : thousands of little innocent childrenin the war-ridden sections who are i without food raiment. His was a masterly presentation of the needs - - * 1 of the hour, and he sat down amia much applause. The next and last speaker was Mrs! i Annie I Rembert, of Columbia, a wop man who has given most of her timej and her talents for many years in the ?reat work of stamping out tuberculosis in South Carolina. Mrs. Rembert stated, however, that this was . not her mission on this oceassion; < that she was here for the purpose of arousing the people of Lexington to < a cleeror sense of duty at this time? in this hour of the nation's crisis. I wish ! could go out on an old time campaign and meet the people face , to u ever./where."she saul, "and endoavrr to impress upon them the , sacrif 3s which cur-soldiers are mak in;Mrs. Lembert declared that , j ev sol iicr now in cainp realizes I fully chat they are offering their all * i Continued On Last Laye * 4 SORE THAN ISO F. C. Corley Kiss Ellen Hendrix Gcor.ee J. Taylor Nancv G'asco Frank S. Oswald 0. Dedreick Kaiser J. M. Oswald T. Frank Barr Mrs. Pauline R. Barr J. P. Shall John T. Kaminer 0. F. Hendrix Jesse E. Kaiser i euocn Loriey E. J. Crout W. D. Crout Monroe Spires E. Kellers Mitchell Ernest M. Corley Mrs. C. W. 'Caughman Jesse D. Price S m L. Hendrix ( Noah C. Monts Henry E. Harman J. W. Nipper Sam'i A. George Lexington Mfg. Co. G. Franklin Keisler J. Luther Sease Jc ferson Wessinger P. Calhoun Keisler H. C. Oswald R. L. Keisler A. A. Kook C& R. Sease A. R. Sightler P. H. Shall J. P. Glasgo George S. Long E. L. Stoudemire Gilbert Lodge A. F. M. No. 176 Roswell A. Barr D. Charlton Drafts .... ... John M. Drafts J. Frank Roland Fred L. Corley George 0. Derrick Levi E. Senn S. R. Drafts W. M. Spires E. C. Davis J W. S. Hook T 'W H. L. Gartman Shelton Harman Hessie Leaphart John Monts ]. * Mrs. Mittie A. Harmaa Mrs. Sam'l B. George Dr. Robt. H. Folk ' t Simon E. Bickley 'I T. Wade Long J. C. B. Price < J Rufus L. Craps W. B. Taylor 1' W. D. Franklow W. K. Hook T. H. Shull C. H. Livingston Saxe Gotha Mills R. H. Baughman iPink M. Harman T. H. Rawl, Jr. Mrs. Amanda H. Hook Enterprise Haw. Co. Abe Meggetts W. H. Riser S. M. McCravy TIT T W ivirs. Uciiiies >?. uixc?ij Miss Annie Gene Mitchell R. C. Moore Mrs. Kate R. Hendrix Dr. J. W. Sandel Miss Elemena Lybrand J. H. Price T;' Caugrhman & Ivaminer S. Ed. Hendrix E. E. Hook J. W. Ilarman J. W. Sijrhtler W. J. McCartha F. H. Funderburk Mrs. W. H. Riser James W. Shealy Jacob W. Shealy J. Ed. Kaiser R. L. Connelly Miss Clara Rawl Miss Francis G. Lybrand Frank W. Shealy Heber R. Drcher G. E. Roberts Miss Leila E. Wessinper J. F. Lown Dr. Sam'l. E. Harmon The name of P. L. Taylor was inadvertently included in the list of Lib erty Loan subscribers in our issue of last week. This correction is made at the request of the local committee SPECIAL MEETING OF U. C. V's. Camp Steadman No. 0G8 U. C. V's ivill meet in the Court House on Sat urday May 4th. at eleven o'clock a. m. (new time) All members end others interested in the Reunion to be held at Abbeville May 7th arc requested to attend by order of the Commander. D. T. HARE, Agt. V r/ m