; - ' I" I NEWS' OF T I AND OF Rev. S. J. Riddle, of Eallentine was a visitor in Lexington today. Quiney Y. Wingard and family of Johnston visited his mother Mrs. F. R. Wingard here last week Miss Thelma Riser of Orangeburg visited her parents, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Riser several days last week. Hs ' Mice Anrn'p Corlev will entertain the Four o'clock Club Thursday afternoon. J. Walter Keisler, a prominent far mer of the Hollow Creek section was a visitor in Lexington Monday. .Miss Annie Rutland of Batesburg is the eruest of Mrs. Holly L. Harmon n Church street. Miss Winnie Hartley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hartly and a stu-: dent of Coker College spent Easter at home. ! Edward D. Kyzer of Marion has re turned after a visit to his parents Mr and Mrs. J. E. R. Kyzer near Lexington. S. P. Dean, one of the boys who wore the gray from 1860-65 was here1 Saturday to draw his pension. While here he called at the Dispatch-News office and renewed for another year. Elijah Hall, a good citizen of the] Batesburg section was a visitor here last week and while in town called at our office and renewed for ano-j ther year. ^ I Postmaster Frank George, has re-j turned from Gainesville, Ga., where ] he has been attending the funeral of| his brother Dr. Joseph George. .J Mr. and Mrs. W. K Daniel who have; been on an extended visit to friends and relatives in Lexington returned . to their home in Gabbottsville, Ga.. t#day. { -Mr. James E. Rawl, is in Port Roy- j al spending sometime with his son! Mr. J. Elton Rawl. We may be mis-| < taken but it appears to us that there; " * -Li i_ T> i is 3ome special auxacuon m r urt; Royal for uncle Jimmie. The Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Riser and two daughters Virginia and Zen-j | ith have'returned from a visit to re-; - \ latives in Orangeburg where they at- j tnded a family reunion at the home of Mrs. Riser's parents. I I The friends of Mrs. W. P. Roof / m will regret to learn that she is not improving so rapidly from the ef j fects of injuries received when she; accidentaly fell in front of her home one day last week However with the assistance of a trained nurse the fam ily physician Dr. J. W. Sandal, is doing everything known to medical science for the improvement of her condition. i Senator E. C. Ridgell of Batesburg! was a visitor in Lexington Tuesday. Senator Ridgell is very enthusiastic over the bill he put through the Senate at the last session of the legisla fcure' providing for the appointment of four County Commissioners for Lexington county by the presiding; judge upon the recommendation ofj the Grand Jury, which act we print' in full elsewhere. WE SERVE THE PUBLIC. j Everything in drugs and medicines; We have them. Ask Rice, he knows about it. Twenty years Experience, i #2w. Harmon Drug Co. i i . ' ( Dr. J. H. Mathias will attend the annual m^eDng of the South Caro- i lina Medical Association, which ' - * " * ? ^ ' ? ? /I a\r An rneei* m AW Ken T>T >I i,m ac.v.ui. next we*k. f>r Mathias will go as ' a deleft* f rnm t.be Lexiri;?ton counS?W*ty. j NEW BROOKLAND PEOPLE 1 SHOULD EAT PIE DAILY ; Pie j* v/h?J?r?f>fn"f '-orn bin in;: both 1 fruit and fcmirt.'' Thoxe v/|io have' . trouble diiftytit)?? pi'? should Like ONE SPOONFUL simple buckthorn ^ bark, glycerine, etc., ? in Ad- | ler-i-ka. This flushes th?* ENTIRE ( ' - - - ?-..i oowei trad, remover. jo>jj ^ which poitsofieA ,your stomach for r months and '1relieves ' ANY CASH j sour stomach, gas or conatipatlon and < prevents appendicitis. Leaves atorn r ach in condition to digest ANYTHING ,, (Name of d^c^jit.) jj \ ^ J Subwudii u The ffZWafe* I ! % * HIP "OTPA'DT TP !P! & rxhvtijbj pijij TJ TP rn r\ TI7AT U\?\ M Ili JL U VV I'S h| \u&i STATEMENT Or THE OWNER cr_-jo WANACTPM7 fiRni. jrilf, ~ lation, etc., required by the act of congress of august 24 1912, Of Lexington Dispatch-News publisl ed weekly at Lexington for Apiil " 1 Q1 ft STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA County of LEXINGTON. Before me, a Notary Public in am for the State and county aforesaid personally appeared S. J. Leaphart who, having1 been duly sworn accord ing to law, deposes and says that h( is the Business Manager of the Le>o ington Dispatch-News and that tin following is, to the best of his know ledge and belief, a true statement oi the ownership, management etc., oi the aforesaid publication for the dat( shown in the above caption, requirec by' the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Law: and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the'names and addresse: of the publisher, editor, managing ed tor, and business managers are: ?tv--L T : l TV iruonsner JueAiugtun -L/ispie\vi Co., Lexington, S. C. Editor G. M. Harman, Lexington S. C. Managing: Editor S. J. Leaphart Lexington, S. C. Business Manager S. J. Leapharl Lexington, S. C. 2. That the owners are: Lexington Dispatch-News Pub. Co., Lexington, S. C. S. J. Leaphart, Lexington, S. C. G. M. Harman, Lexington, S. C. C. E. Leaphart, Lexington, S. C. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent 01 more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: NONE S. J. Leaohart, Bus. Mgr. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of March, 1918. Karl F. Oswald, Notary Public for S. C. Not a Bad Idea War Sayings Stamps and Thrift Stamps make ideal presents for birth days, for graduation, and for all other occasions on which it is desirable to rememberJthose we love. By giving War Savings Stamps and Thrift Stamps we not only express our love for the recipient, but for our country. The gift, instead of ^being somethh* - that is soon worn out, broken. lost t rendered wortnelss through change of fasion. is one which constantly increases in value as years go by, and remains always a reminder of the donor. Thrift and War Savings Stamps may be purchased in lots to suit all purses, from twenty-five cents to $1,000, maturity value, the full amount one person is allowed by law to hold. They do away with that nerve-racking search for something appropriate, which so often ends in failure and the hasty purchase of "just any old thii*g." They are always appropriate, and will always be appreciated. Why not joint to make it the custom to sire Thrift and War Savings Stamps on all appropriate occasions this year? tiro n fin rr +in ^ciric -friT n Co Wi. VTUllWill5 Ui. 11 JLVA V?^v this summer will please place their order at once as we expect to order out a car load in a few days. Enterprise Hdw. Co. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE Lexington People Should Act in Time If vou suffer from backache: If you have headaches, dizzy spells If the kidney secretions are irregular, Don't delay?likely your kidneys are sick. Lexington people recommend Doan's Kidney ,Pills. Here's a Lexington man's experience: W. P. Steele, farmer, Craps St., jays: "Ever since boyhood I had bec?n bothered with kidney and bladier trouble. Inflammation of the bladder caused me a great deal of suffering. I had. a-too frequent de v 11 j . x; *iro to pass tne, suuriey. st'ereiauns which were scant and caused a burninjc sensation. ' . * Doan's Kidney Pills were brought :o my attention and I began using them. Relief followed almost at' mce and I kept on taking them until I felt I didn't require any more. I'hat was a good many years ago and f have tyad no^rieed ofta kidney medi lina sinoa." ' I Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't imply ask for a kidney remedy?get Joan's Kidney Pills?the same that Hr. Steole had. Foater-Milbum Co., Mfrn., Baffaio, N. T. i SCHOOL CLOSING AT LIBERTY HILL SCHOOL HOUSE. ! On Saturday night. April 13th the ' school will render a free program, j: gram. Exercises will be divided in ; two parts. First exercise will be rm at b o'clock r. m. immediately j after the first exercise there will be I Ice Cream, Cake. ar-d Candies to be j sold by the school; Also a cake walk for every one. ( ! ! Promptly at 8 o'lock the second: 1 * | exercise will beorin. Prizes and med- j | al will be presented by the Rev. Jef-! 1 coat. Prominent speakers are ex-! | L pected. j Everybody is invited. I I LOST KEG HORSE SHOES? On. j yesterday?Tuesday morning a' bout 11 o'clock, between Lexington ' depot and town of Lexington. Finder will please return the same to i Ben Teal's Blacksmith shop and receive reward. * i TRESPASS NOTICE. . I ? : ' All persons are hereby warned not 4 to trespass upon our premises by j i making roads, hunting, hauling wood i ;; straw or lightwood or in any manner. , whatsoever. The law will be strict-! >. j ly enforced against all parties viola-; ; ting this notice. These premises ,! are situated on Red Bank creek, ad joining lands of 0. Steele, J. J. Rik, ard and others. Mrs. Berlie C. Roland. Mrs. Minnie S. Shull. | 4t27pd. y } ENERGY A? -! J depend rpon the condition of your sluggish and grouchy? Your feelir liver and kidneys. Constipation is poisoning and this condition should for the Liver and Kidneys, No. 2. ; and-.v( ry effective in cases of habii i gestion. It is also effective in cast J ailments dt:e to defective kidney ac j offer. Ask your druggist for it. MURRAY ! '! COLUM | i cJ-i Give an unusi I? most interest] over Eastor si We A keen eye I will show ycu Coats. . All cc as $22.50 and No ma iter \ want. Every that distinguii all the george ?. ?>Tr r rv + | Ij II UIII tficJ.VVT \j i.4 New arrival i i ed and plaid S j j * Best showing j | ? If h known line 01 and many oth< 1 " ' : . just the Hats-; | CORSETS\H . portan't to the 1 1 assist'y6u in s( | service. Ccni | You will appr< ?j - are giving. ? ' nl 1 KJOBSK U r ; * - : Ja?? % PHONE 2647 DO YOU SLEEP WELL? I : Jo be at his best a man must have I sound, refreshing sleep. When wakeful and restless at night he is in no condition for work or business du: ring the day. Wakefulness is often ; caused cy indigestion and corstipai lion,. and is qv^Crdy relieved by Ch?mfeer!air/s Tablets. "y a dose cf tese tablets and see how much bet ter you feel with a clear head and good digestion. SPRING RECITAL. The music pupils of Mrs. E. B. F.ocf V/ill give their spring recital Thursday evening April 18th at-8:30 o'clock in the school auditorium. Mrs. P.oof has a large class this year and ?n ir;tprp<;f ino* rind vnvipd nrnornm will be rendered. The public is invited to attend. Subscribe to The Dispatch-Mews. - , JD HEALTH i | liver and kidneys. Do you feel lgs reflect the condition of your incipient auto-intoxication or selfbe rectified. Dr. Hilton's Life j a vegetable compound Is pleasant 1 tual constipation, dyspepsia, indi- i ?s or gout, rheumatism and othfr r icn. Guaranteed by money back * or i in ro? BIA, S. C. | FORMERLY CALDWE 143S MAIN ST., plete Stoci ial opportuniiy to the thrifty ng selection of the season. :ock but new garments daily. ! Have the Famous 1 for style will see many style n 1 1 1 jl what graceiui sienaerness u dors and materials moderatel up to $75.G0. Coats from 5 WONDERFUL VARIETY vhat you are locking for in tl one irrespective of price has ' shes high grade garments, tte combinations. Prices mc o $85.00. s in the Skirt Department: I ilks, Satin Baronet. Prices : MILL! of the season. Your choice ; Gage, Rawak and others. W ers designed and made by cu: vou want here and at the rigl -The new styles in the Royal gown itself is a properly fitt.< sleeting arid fitting your Core e in every day this week, cxa seiate at once the superiority W A- W ^ll'lf IjBdU I . Formerly Caldwe ONE PRIC fflnTFFmW ?? i gf? f| V v 9 V T V v f I' flf f'fl ???**' ? *?". ff -7?tts a ? ? w^-: ?r ? * \f? P k Wi b w 3 j iZ- i<"? -i ?k ? v*-~ a-' A ? >..-* v ? x! i ;-:/^iv?V no 71 if I " T- X X.<. ?. V i I. I _ \x i v. 1 ij*Y < '111. i ?. i ?& - _ _ ' - ' ' i C* C * .O l." 1 V '"* * * *%. 1 i f. C* "V* n r i JOoCx i >? \x. i :. Cv j.i^C' iiC'. l< T - : ... . x - :. .. . .. _ pp. wining to pay ior ihsut If* such disastrous exnerien i. gw ?'o-aay, througn cur pg Federal Reserve System, m> it to youVithcut any cc ^ y t/ !KL K'* ^JFEDERAG EE*:-:T?VE> ^V-JQ pv ; ?jip!> EitSr^SV5T^ 1" ifev one o? ! &?? I fez* gu fsV*P ?TA* sr* r.T4; pi- I hW H? a jigfl MA !gj|} 1111 l iixl I* LEXINGTC ?* CAPITAL $50,000.00 |E OFFIC1 E Saml. B. George, Pres.- J a Karl F. Oswald, Cashier, J 1^ direc: Saml. B. George, J. P. Drafts. ||* S. J. Leaphart. Karl F. Oswald. r |j YOUR EV I If your Eyes need attention are not just right, be sure to vi Consult Dr. Glaxon, it costs you 1 will fit you to the kind or glasses At this time all prescription 1 I Difficult case* at Tapp's Department Store, Coli LL & HALTIWANGER COLUMBIA, S. C. Irs nf Mpi j ? buyer. This week we are New styles constantly arrivirg Wooltex Coats and S features in these garments. ( rnse models give to the figure, y priced. In Suits our prices 1 or nn 51D.UU 10 $?O.OU. IN DRESSES THIS WEEK le dress line we are prepared t< that excellent quality of fafcri We have them in georgettes, )st moderate, considering style me Serges and Poplins, also tl from $6,EO to $25.CO. [NERY practically unlimited. We ha onde^fu! assortment of ready-t r corps of expert milliners. Y rt price. ttt _ _ j 3 "n, rp ^ Worcester aim jdcii-iuh ?cl Corset. .We have a compete et and there is no extra cha mine the new styles and get of cur service and the -excelkri IS & HaUiwariger . '.' . 1439 MA E TO ALL ? . .. f If* -,J *r. 3 T: F r --Tk f T T f1 iTl r fr,,'? ?j* I ? ?i & S.^ ? . z.. if. c. *W -6. V Xv.-' A*' rfi "*iw j C^"" 3 : of I0C7, with all the *H3 "vvciiid you have been ;^| 1 r O t-1 f-1-, , ;-,> ci>:au,v^ c;;iVviL>:i '"r\ Cr. c. ^ membership in the , we are able to offer st v. hat ever. 1 % i ^*ui n secure tms insurance otection by becoming -? " CTy'fy our depositors.'-*. fl AM A! 3 A \Tif Jjf ? lOililL JUial^A^ }M c r S-3 as, o. e. iz.c 2 *5ol 4&1 RESORCES $450,000.00 "S| 3RS ?i w? T -.T- . . ? s. J. wingard, VTCE-r RES. ^ . E. Kaminer, Asst. Cash. r0RS iM Jas. J. Win?ard. E. G. Dreher. T. P. Meetze, ^8 J.P. Matthews. ^|| ESIGHT. | or the glasses you are using gj sit our . Optical Departments gp' lothing, and. if necessary he 9 your eyes require. A'ork at half prices. 3 solicited by DR. GLAXON, jmbia, S. C. I showing the . No picked uits I . 3nly a try cn Specials in g :egin as low o supply ycur ic and finish 1 taffetas and ? and quality, le new strip inrllp a wpII o-wear Hals oil will find tr. Nextiw.r. ..... .. . J rnt fitter to. .... ..... S rge for this . acquainted, t values we i s I lIN STREET j