I ^ J3 lit itc i $2^ ^'. PIM1IHI I mwu.mn luirrocMiYnwaiM'ii ?.l.liliilln?niw.Mligiii:w?iMi? Iiwii ? "*iyw?1>l?1,1 "'?' ?l?m?i|?ni ?nnrtwlK ll iim ?rr?c;r5?-ir.iii?lJ-?JUiu??BrE??^"f-jt^Jtir.i.u-iiiu?? uj?i?rTCn?ii|. I iim? M'l?:?J** ,VOL. I. CAMDEN, S#., WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL* 5, 1865. ? ' NO 23. * ' - , -- BnaiyglWM|ttn[|?MnwM?MM Ml II nMii-f.wn~a^riiw n.iw_^wiip? W?< t J. T. liEKSKSJEAK IIOVJOTT, j EDITORS. Terms of Subscription. Tri-Weckly per month $2.00 " " for Six Months SlO.Oo ^ Weekly, $10 00 Hates for Advertising: for one Square?ten lin.es cr less?FIVE DOLLARS for the first insertion, end FOUR DOL LARS for each subsequent. . Obituary Koticks, exceeding 0110 square, charged at advertising rates. Transient Advertisements and Job "ffiprk MUST BE:PAID FOR IE ADVANCE. ~ No deduction made, except to eur regular advertis ng pniron6. - From Charleston. Tn fho (inlnnine .if tbf. ?'d find the'annexed dcws from Charleston : Through the courtesy of a friend we have received copies of the Charleston "Courier," which has fallen into the hands-of the Yankees, and is pubjahed by them. Recruiting officers are reported to ho heels i over-head in business.' The negroes are enli.->t . ing br$he scoie. A recruiting officer had arrived Jor Sherman's army, ,11c is after ' advertises j. n'leoting at the *. All^Pyal citizens" are invited by General Oipfara'No. 8 to call at the Provost. Marshal's rorricfor tlu.ir n^nios iirnt fr-ilra (hi* nutli No possessor,other favors granted to the contumacious. Redpath, of John Brown notoriety, is announced as superintendent of public instruction. J j. Gen. Gilmbre'is in the city. lie is Coiu; - mander-in-Chief. CitizcD.s are ordered to give up their shooting irons and doff the rebel uniform. Brown's and Bonnet's wharves are the only ones at which marketing is permitted. No soldiers arc allowed in the city without . passes, andjitrict decorum is erjoined. All ab^htfijned property has been turned over to the-United States Treasury. The people are invited to open their schools, churches, etc. A A limited trade is allowed. ? Gold and silver are received, by order, at tjie portrofCharleston at the following rates: Gold, 100 per .cent, premium; silver, seventyfive. < i Col. S. L. Woodford is Commandant of Post, and Maj. R. H. Willoughly Provost Marshal.* NatiFuller advertises that be has resumed business at his old stai^>.and offers for luuch boned turkey, mock turtle soup and other delicacies.-, ' Gen. Gilmore offers to exchange prisoners * with the nearest Confederate General. David Barrow informs the citizens that lie fcas reopened his stock of goods. Rice is being served out to the needy. Sfninmovai-'s mill, on tlifi weal, lmnt of tlu? " Ashley, has been destroyed by fire. A number ov refugees havd returned, briug% 1 ing their household plunder. - ' ' .* ' ... & Appointment of Brigadier General.? || The Greenville Patriot & Mountaineer says: ?^ye jeara that Ex-Governor Bonliain has been appointed Brigadier-General, and placed in command of all the South Carolina Regular Advertiser. WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 5 Terebexk On..?The subscriber'is happy to announce to his friends and customers tljpt ho will be :ible to supply them with Terebene Oil, on and after Saturday next. 1 ' D. D. Hocott. Rev. J. J.' IV on km an", in behalf of llajor L. W.. R Blair, rciuins his sincere thanks lo the firemen and citizens generally, for their active and untiring excr-1 tion in saving his residence from tho ravages of the tire, caused by tho burning of the barn and stable on said premises. Messrs, Thos. E. Shannon, T\". M. Shannon and ' Charles J. Shannon, beg leave to tender to the, citi! 7.cds, firemen and soldiers thoir own and their sisters grateful acknowledgements for the earnest efforts which stopped the ravages of the flames on her premises on the morning of Tuesday 4th instant. We arc requested to give notice that mail s for Columbia, tho upper Districts of this State, tho'West, North Carolina and Virginia, will be made up on the | 9th, I3tli, 17th, 21st, 25th and 29th insi., at 4 p. tn. I The mails for all offices on the "Wilmington and ! Manchester Railroad, and the Chcraw and Darlingtoa Road, are marie up daily at 6 p. m. Fir.es.?On TuesdaT'morning, about one o'clock, the kitchen of Mis. Martha Dittos* was discovered to be on Ore, and before water eould bo procured the I building was lost, About Jour o'clock-the same morn| ihg a stuble.on the premises of Miss''Martha ijiiAX.voy, ! containing her carriage horses, was totally consumed. ; Also about half post four the slnble and barn of Major i L. W. R. Blair was burnt?all of which are supposed to be the incendiary acts of some consummate villain. Municipal Election. ?Atl^lection held on Monday last far Intendnnt and Wardens of ihc Town of ! Camden, the following named gentlemen were fleeted: i For Intkndant.?R. M. Kexxeijv. For Wardens.?J. A. Force, I B. Alexander, W. li. IIUGHSOX, robert Man. Called SEtSIon op the Legislature.?By reference to Gov. MaGKath's order, to be found in. another column, it will be seen that bis txeclleucy has called on tjie members belonging to the two houses of the General Assembly of the Slate of South Carolina, to convene in extra sossion, at Greenville C. H. S. C., on the 25th iust. * It is enjoined on each and every member to be prompt, as matters of the most vital importance to our dearest and best interests will be presented for their consideration. From Nkw Orj.eaxs.?Lute advices from New Or. leans have been received. It is slated that Gen. IIuju.but is preparing to establish the headquarters of the Yankee Department of the Gulf at Mobile. Gen. Granger's expedition against the city it is said would soon move. Com. Palmer commanding the Western blockade squadron would soon leave for Mobile oay with a fleet of about thirty vessels, mostly iron ctads. The enemy flatter ikemsolvcs that they will be able to capture the city without much trouble. Wc think they will find themselves mistaken. The Lincoln government have commenced investigating the abuses which exist in New Orleans. Several officers have already bees arrested. When Foote entered ou his crusade against the Confederate Government, lie little thought that it would laud him in the enemy's lines, and brand him forever as a traitor 10 his section. But it has done so nevertheless, and a good many others are .rapids traveling the same road to ruin and disgrace: When a man becomes a general croaker and fault-finder? whep nothing goes ou to suit bim?when lie talks of sexarate State action, P0300 commissioners and all that sort of etuflj be may bgset.down as rottexi a . . \ ' i heart, and as only having a few steps to travel to land bim in Abraham's bosom. You can teil a traitor the moment you hear him tall: or see him ac?' liicre are scvortd now in Congress, and many outside of it.? | ThayUV'e mlkin^like h"o6te;.,rcnrig'hf to perdhion,' arid tliey vrillcnrry the country thereof they can. TTe congratulate the community on the prospect of I securing tiio services of He.yky M. Bkoks, L. L. D., ; an accomplished chvistian gentleman, who for many i years was principal of the High School in Charlffiion. Eo brings a reputation and confidence uusurpassed.in the" Confederacy as an instructor of youth, llis academy will open in a few days, aud will bo an acquisition to parents and to the place. Y'e respeetfujly call attention to the advertisement. Deaths in 1st So. Ca.,- Hospital at Camden from 12th ( to 31st day March. . ' j/ John Bradkine, Co. D, 1st S. C. Eat?of Asthma, on March 12. 13. Cook, Johnson's A r tillerj?of Typhoid Fever, on March 12. A. p. Shaus, Co. H, IstS. C.Batt., on March 14. W. C. Wilbuin, Co. H, 1st S. C. Artillery?of Pnoutn^nia, on March 21. I!. C'liauce, Co. G, 32d Ga- Regulars?of Prieumo" ilia, on March 23. T. l|\ Tucker, Co. M, let Ga., " ?Softening cf .theMEaMajiJIiiich26. .. H. {Willis, Co. I, 5th Ga., Reserves?Cluor.ic Diarrhoea, on M&reb 30. K.ir. Tee), Co. 13. 32d Ga ,*Regimentf on March 31. The Mutual Supply Association.?We vouid earnestly call the attention of our planting friends in this and adjoining districts, who have not been ravaged by tue l'oc, to tins most praiseworthy as.-ociation. !t was instituted by n lew patriotic and beticvelcnt gentlemen, actuated solely by a desire to benefit tliesuf* Iferiug *nd nenly in our ccir.ir.vnity, sM.d it* c.tiatence was hailed with delight by hundreds, as is ' evidenced by the names which crowd its rails. Its objects are two-fold : First, to supply by purchase, at reasonable rates, to its members the necessaries of life; and secondly, out of voluntary contributions made to it gratuitously to distribute provisions to the poor. Can an argument or an appeal b<> ncct-saarv to commend sueli notices to the eon sidcration of those who have escaped the destruction which 1ms befallen this community ? ' Is thoro dihe who has escaped loss who'docs not fad that hi? enemy has wreaked this injury upon his compatriot? Is tjtere one wlio has thus escaped who does not desire to^^ ler his thank offering up an this yltur 1 jf there.- :b. *' * How the Devil Lost. The following is too''good to be lost. We dip it, from an exchange paper, and respectful- . ly.'call trie attention to it of certain persons^ who feci disposed to spread in the paper Ijne': A ynnug mau, who actually desired wealth, was visited by his Satanic majesty, who tempted Ijirn to. promise his soul fur eternity if he could he supplied on this earth with all the money lie could use. The bargain was concluded; the devil was to supply the lhou'gy, and was at last to have the soul, unless the' young, man could spend'more money than the devil could furnish. Years passed away; tire man hi Iitrintr mmi it'll, nun m u** uro.^ palaces, sp- nimr,' --dr" r ami broke,-dead broke, fit tlio tut 01 ute year. So tij;: ijuwspjjvr went down, l>ui the soul was ."illVllj. . * -- . 'SnSIlMAtf's l'dUSoX.VK???yV YatueO correspondent says : Jie is aboui- six feet ia height,'.villi all the mature physical power of vigorous middle ago at command ; and willuuit an. ounce of fltssii siipcrliuoiis iir wanting. Bis bi-nv is intellecti:?il ;niu five, hem! uot big, but lifoli, and ho lias the keenest and strongest eye in the army, and a 'long aqui'iuu nose, as good in its way as the "Iron Duke's." Tin so pictures and dc. . i . , . , . if scriptions, which give him somcimng nice mo faceof :i tiger and (.lie i?}u.ii:ers of a slouch oran ogre, err upon tiio wrong side. The side fe.ee of .Sherman gives you us much the idea of a proi'essor as.a soldier. Tiie lull face, bristling wii.li tho short-cropped . saiidy nuistaelie. urn! beard, is military without being savage, lie is a full composition of tile Yankee soldi.er, ami a liue type of the intellectual American, iiusiness tact ami energy, instant perception, eomprelie'nsive study and true military fire seem to he written ia his features. The Sumter Walchiaaa has 1 he following, which we have read with surprise and regret: In connection with the enemy's advance in? to our State, we learn that immense quantities of coru fell into bis hands, which had been hoarded and denied !o the needy, and at last it feli into the hands of the Yankees. And a soldier informs us, that his regiment was for solne time near a plantation whose owner re t'usod even to sell auy "I ins nacon to our troops, although he had a largo quantity on liatul, and not until the euemy advanced and our tucn became engaged, did lie offer to sell. Jt was then too late, and no doubt the enemies* of bis country fell heirs to his bacon. All this is humiliating and should not be rcpeatcd.:? Those who have surplus provisions should share them with their Je>s fortunate neighbors, for who knows how soon the whole of it may be swept away by the ruthless foe! ! >. * ' '