jLi:?- -r~ w * " :: I'AGK EIGHT "South Carolina's Le, Eoutey-In K""va UaU I NEW YORK. rGLOBAX.) CHICAGO?President Earl W. .. . ,P Dour Miss Hail: Jinierson and Secretary-Treasurer Patrick E. Gorman of the Anuil- 1 arn interested in the opinion D rramated Meat Cutlers and Butcher i of som(, one cise before I make Workmen of North America today , the big move. Eddie and 1 have .announced that their union is ready been married a number of years. ^ to spend one million dollars to He has been a good husband in y clean up the poultry industry of j some ways but very selfish in, , the I'nitetJ States. They notified others. He has never felt thnt I each of thct more than five hun- ,-1CiKled unv social life. It Was all dred affilia^jT local unions to, de-1 n ,u for hjm ^^ QUt but he l>clare immediate strike* if any { shou]d st home with J" effort is made to slaughter un-' . ... ?:* i . . ,x . the children. They are teenagewholesome poultry. ' , , , ??' v j rs now and have interests of This action followed a National | ,h?ir owl, fac, 0|u, js gt,uing " Conferaicejvhich was attended by mairied next month Once or j 315 delegates from all sections of twite whBn' j just wcnt out any the nation in ChicaRo this week. ? wa3 a big fuss alter-.' t.s ......i. 1 1 r I ? *^v,v?w iu ii ui niv luirai unions i . , . ij praised the hundred, of poultry Yct 1 haVe ver *aid <>, .slaughterers both in and out of the anything when Ed came horn?", union who maintain a code of pro-! at 3 or 4 am frecluently sttwed .during only healthy and whole-!and noisy" .He ls SIck now ic some poultry for human consump- j slightly crippled. I want a < tion. A stinging rebuke was made' vorce. I ctin not see having him to those companies operating under \ around th j house all day under ;ij ooth federal and state inspection' foot. Neither can I see myself ,, who ignore all ethical codes for! being "Nurse-maid" to a fu-sy js .sanitation and wholesomeness. j old bore, for the rest nf m> In'?. Kl "In the Mav issue of THE 1 met a man last summer i O RUTCIIER WORKMAN, the of- while Eddie was av.av on h f.-h-j ficiul journal ot the Amalgamated, j ing trip. lie was verv nice .and n story was published exposing though T did not intend it, thi.s! ' shocking conditions of slaughter in afl*air has grown into lo\r> It. . manj poultry plants. Each of the kas helped n.-.v morale. JN local unions was mated also to bc-j(00 This man knmvs mv situa-| n *.r, a campaign for the enactment-^ and is willing to marry nv ' ^ of state laws which would provide . , j ft for rigid inspection for wholesome-;. i in the union hou-e- tin ness. | r 1 uie'ons were ur-lered In immediate The instructions to the local, ,y gn r\ cj a. M80 L*n*tl Stroot Roller's Dm*? Store g-u gnndaj a. m. 1804 State Street PkoM S-tlM PHONE 3-6520 -> . ml* w^mo??f w ^yzraraiZJEIZrZJZJZI2IZfaJZfZfgI? * s Dant.zler. Radio || _ . Hop s Dining- Room I and Shoe Repair , . and Grill 2313 Gervais Street I? 2300 Gervais Street iu i i " , . , , t?hl lo tnu segrcgutioft lust aecide what to do. How- i tne tx?lis. to hold "C-tueiislup ver. I shalj otter an opinion Uuv.C -o that pastor-, and lead on may haw good cause for ing lay men could preach and U ivoire, but do not be so quick ?tiuel congregation* on the im) take advantage of it. Keinem- portanee of registration and -r the saying: "Out of the fry- ting. Lg pan into thc. fire." You have Foi this courage^ ,liind lh, -en seeing this other man only tiery orator was credited with his best. What would it be 'influencing the record vote piled kc* when the going got rough? up by Negroes on their hrst vitop to consider why a man of sit to the polls in 75 years, and is age has never married was cited by newspapers as Next vou slwiuld review your Carolina s Citizen of the Year." wn married life. " Yau have ., mde mistakes hut was not there n Gerard lot of happiness and cornpan- 'V , ?* I^ooddn, England, >nship? Tht. social angle may . * studQm of internas a sore spot but are ybu sure U airs' directing a lat it can not be healed? Work V/1 . 10/! 01 ^ Afftars at i * , it i Aioi lis C oliG^i* hen-, ik'cordiii havinir fun together and en- . . v 4l ? . ? ' statement bv. I'o.Uge IVe >ving lit., even though Eddie , mitng? His condition is not dent ?. It. Ruben. ^ ich that tt wilj confine ' ' ' \ ,k '' "lsU',u r'-'* J ports are that the statement in nly when you are sure there "Jet Magazine" to the effect that ot such that it will confine would support lor Lesuu Only- when vou-ore sure ' '* :n recent gui-u r lere i-s no other solution., should IM'orial elect-toi* was planted by ou seek a 'divorce. I.astlv, let someone in .South ( arolina who w i'i?ttiinfl v rti. of vnnr m ^ **i w c is. 11 i l, .1 h 1IV h I Mis t 1 Oil with ows - "For richer, for poorer, -ht It ha< been re.iably as >r hotter, for worse--" soiled that this per.aw:, who as doe somu ^_jjji^tHrrTToijs7 par the .->?? k o of the teenagers] , i . 11 a I j ;xu^'?"TeporTrug for the ml the future* grandchildren, ' < d n?ijra.mi- hits wai well paid hink twice before you leap. far, tor the planted stat' I ? ?? ~ nient, but is to receive a niuch lai -tor reward for the doublen/T/ln *VJ f) /*nll A/>S A "f a longtime' friend. The n King.stree was -the cv v> j/HZ^ fft' 1v! l:'1" }u IWta Chanter of th? Omege ,PUDOIN' PIE F I dSk V "1 Isn't this a dainty dish to set before I 111* 1 I I1"1 about 'opt for any royal entert have the girls over for Canasta or B< an impression, whether oo your hus HMHHUHHWr PUDDI JEFF KNIGHT VI teaspoon cream 61 tartar ' reirn r \ i?<5 ? ' 1 p"k"!*Roval ,nn" UClItil" V jT\ IVi' - *- Beat egg whites until stiff. Gradua Vnur Credit is *ood here 1201 Main St. 1 -2S.1S meringue by teaspoonfuls around r: oven) 1 ItouV or Until meringue is Li rack, away from drafts. Prepare Ro; lowing directions on the back of th b*k*d meringue shell. Chill and' ?r Clean ? Cheap ; USED CARS , 7 ///; { E. L. Hodge { Meeting &,State Streets .Phone 4-6829 West Columbia, S. C. v ?? \ ^ ^ , - - / Dixie 5 & 10 Store I ,*f*\ I t ,/ 2302 Gervaig Street .^J *t jfJ! h /V' flaircnttlng By Am Ex^rt ^ Holman's Barber j Shop V r" ( * Vv' *' > 2l2H^rya?'?ireei ^ J icroin^ V, S V ? ^ caning and Pressing Specialty ' i1 i PHONE 1863-1, U i . ! (* U 1 ^ {1 ^ i, , J 801 S. Harvln Street ^ ^ ') % ^ . / / Sumter, S. C. ~ ? JhMj BHmk c v "Say It With Flower*I | | ^ r.f r ni *1 r tower on op I IM Gervat* St. Phonr StCl I F . Colombia. Sooth Carolina I j H /? v I / rrr rr// Li ret r I 1 RMEK, COLUMBIA, b. v Militant, Progrcasive, Phi Fraternity. Member* and m ______ attended: V* OOTID AWQy f CHEKAW ? It was learned' fiflilf ?i? here last week that a certain , f ' | whether or not one belongs to T0tu..<1^"1,* t*1.?*!1 ... . . . ?? . .. & . faded. burnt-halr amy longer. Newly! NAACP 1 he "oath instituted improved JET BLACK GOL/DRlNOf i at least three years ago and POMADK doea the trick with your stealthily used front, tune ,o | JJ* J* time has not been effective and comb away tray, bring new w since the Palmetto Education highlight* *nd sheen. Mab the I .... , ., maaz-o hAlr kx>k livelier, gleam*. llakti Association and the NAACP. you look younger. It * easy, eo I stale conference have marched elmpla, a child can do K. It's wJ I along together for the benefit of *W2l.5^?7?"-?*3 I iuo?. ? ; ?H.\NGKKUKG ' George O the ea*y quick way. WRITE FOR. ,. , .. IT NOW TO \ii I.-!' S (. State college sop- ? (.? Iuailore during a southeastern J Gold Medal Hair Product*, lee, 3 province meeting uf the New- j Dept. B-3, jrooklyw 23, N. Y. jouli eiu!ai Tampa, Fiu , ,?. as Nmm J elected province treasurer. the Addrfc?? I lirst time a Negro college student was honored with an oITi ? ?y . JT11 pro\m e consists'''of the ? , , Subscribe la t'.nodnas, (o tal gia, ami JTonda _ M,. lc. v.a, fiominat^Jix^ T.-tT*--?rtTrrfrTrt and t iect- . ? ! \ < >1 unanimously The Newman Clubs art organizations of Ca( 1)0 YOU NE1 M )K!iS( >N Mrs Andrew \ ?--? W Si ink ins, state NAACP seem-7 will address the People* ) Burial Aid Society daring the 1 ov-eoii^ i ijiio: annua; meeting of the or^ani/a # " FRATERNITIES! Hull, to t.e held at Able Baptist \ SCHOOLS! l (11 TTTC^J ' church, near Pickens, on July # i xt ' i..i 11 .-inounef '! i>\ Mrs. 1 I N D I \ ( .LET'S GET 1 MANNING - l hiud.us D I Ta](0 S,ll)?crir Ii;c: ? tho w. I Lighthouse a: I ;r:,'I : > .m prl/e for out- I ir>?7 Hard of* :'!!r?-u,,ure # Columbia. Soi ?e 4 n ' k >1 'J ~ Institute. ~tc rn-'V * T 017*0 A 1 . a; to f.n:,h their I 1 j 115 K K AJL \ Time Cost f 1 vonr t ' IT FOR :> . j' jf a king! In fact, thia Puddin' Pie a / < ? T?vln fining. Serve it the next time you \ Ioao lavm olivia or anytime you want to make / 4 ~ ,, band or your 6 year olcL V ^ Ol.UMRlA, S. ( . Pinch salt ~ ? ~ " " cap sugar u.-.r^vr,,. w. mmx'wwx rwrTxrwargxraxrai it Chocolate Pudding 11 y add cream of tartar, salt, and Spread about ^ of meringue over vfiiT,i i trivia t'tic upwt 8-inch pie plate. Droo remaining ^ 1 L HNI) ,HE REST im of plate. Bake at 275*F. (slow ^\ ght brown and crisp. Coo! on wire ^ T*fr ? T 1^ FT T*F *"T^ * >al Instant Chocolate Pudding fob ^5 l^J ? J|\, ? e package. Turn immediately into ca. about 1 hour n S OPEN 24 HOI I CA IS Hi Y ' '/ .'/y^W-A /Travelers: You'll find u V- . ? r| No. 1 and 1 . A- ^ Rupert A. Bro\* i ? 2 i 24 Gervaia Street r L W ( i itvi to . p. I ? ^ . X i, JK j xor><>oo4^pooouoooooi?i>^^ > GREEN'S FUNI \ 0 j,". lj$ ^ Corner Knipfhl and ^ I I Am hula nee Servic N-y. ^! g Notary I . 1 I AOCK>00< |^> o ' S For A Compl l&JtfsiA V /--/ A i -> ^ 1 I ?* ^ottnin *-?/,. < / ? V.WBIIIC Aj'- 2?^ ) enrf,n m 1 GARN m K&g&i T S ?? \ Rates Rejlj ?? f % 201 Ma-nnincr Avenue 1 Inx Kith' Itir 1 _ .. ( ? ^ _ _ _ _ _ Stunter Sontt i , Dynamic " SA/^URIXAY. JUNE 12, !?&? 7fj| YYiy Vlsdqhb rm yhiyhbtfilr __| . |t> UII.I. I'AT iai^ ' "And Bpetking of crumb#?thatfi about all we jtet in our tows froo ..Qne way to get rid of a few the taxes that sro to WasWneton" Bureaucrats is to change their _ . status from 'position?' to jobt!** ****** ~M ~ HOLY OIL I Used for luck, love, crowed B. F. GOODRICH I ^"T/h FT*' *fl r bottle with Instructions. LUCKY TirAG inH Ror*ond IIAND' 5520 No c ? D'8 ARvS CH>{><>l>OO<><>OOO<>OC>OCK>< Small Down Payment I ^^^ o r ^ Convenient Payment Terms To Fit Your fi KOOM FOR RENT \eeds I ^oom available for sum|| mer school teachers. Few BLACKMON |i blocks from campus. TIRE SERVICE 11 Reasonable rates. Phone 1309 Taylor Street 11 3-2305. | ^___jCoiumlHai-^v-G^" 2118 Barhamville Rd.? Phone 4-3174 ; || Columbia. S. C. ED MONEY? ~ (InEWAR DJ * i\ | MlN AND WOM5NI .. . YOU ) ] % 'soft ~ l "ntotiasal NEW 1 1 arTd J? df??Jng fhot ko.ps hoir J . # , ?'wol" i" place. Regular size 58<- V t C tPJi" 10 ,0*. Of large $iie Si.00 plui 20c 1 i / " V?ur Cooler can't supply You write- 1 J V | fU"ATS SUPERIOR PBOOUC1S CO.. INC J D U A I S ? 11 ' m m ,fc:coq A *B c^0??ly- * TOGETHER ;^==T ition For the # ?We======5ss > INCOME'. , v ICTrSS 'I jinls * # ! Uwern PfRMiUM I &?, ? Commission V - .._. - s=^m 7" ( She Was Blessed 30 Iwttb LONO^l - rfllAID/H^I yearly subscription would \ lEllEn V juMfib K nOI.I.OIJS to you: ( SSraiSTt, hthouse loday! / JteSggafm&rdBll ijfSsasa&iHB 1 Mr moit valuable - w ^DUfiS? ( a??0 ?*t-A?>P,,c?Wo? Test T&SSl ) | fecT^T^: K5?S^fc?B}?: COLUMBIA ( I /* # * Syatom on your hnir 7 day* % JuSr fn#^SL2L ? ' JESS* JhfthHIhnw a v T ? T v _w r 1 JUCLEN E coron In 2 Fornw. O I'ornidt Uauid LAUNDR\ i II wn. CO.. 17? W. 5* St. PenA4*ifoeHy? 23. N Y. /COLOR COMB BRUSH r Street / f &******* AVOIDS Til AT 3UDDKNDYEl) LOO?T 1! . PHONE 2 214. # \ . P.y only II 98 oo deli?err. Plu? .P^'tMT' _ ? - I j H not ?t?oluf ly d?llQht?d JUM. CO.^ Dy t. Al*^. 1736 Wttt Sth Stmt W. New V?fS ^lrgj^jEizraizrejgiziaraiararerai7' | j SUBSCRIBERS: irnnn AT P ' ^ur ^un^8 are so severely ^ I limited that we cannot afS^-> ?"* III t5 ^(,r(' *? ma'' notices. Please VJ. 1^. A L* *? check the- expiration date ? under your name on the adr P dress label on your paper TRS DAILY ?i an(i renew your subscription g on time. Postal regulations P require that subscriptions be is on U-S. Highways B dropped immediately upon ^ expiration. So. 76) K The Editor-Manager rn, Proprietoi 1 Mamanugiaararafeiaiaaraiafig^ Columbia, s. c. p| EXCLUSIVE IIOMPC1 ? _ n\/nir?^ f UK SALE lia*|i; 5 Located in Edgewood SecX tion on McAllister, Ogden ^ 3 Waites Road MoFadden, and Church Streets X f)rr streets. They have from t Anv Hour 8 2 to r. bedrooms, floor fur\ ... * 6 naces and plenty of storage u 8 space Many of these homes A. Green. Embalmer 9 are partiallv furnished and t2 1-ake City. S. <\ J ck?chhhkh"toooo<>oo, # urr'^ si'ACK FOR RENT ..Jg I CAPITAf, city real J tty cttlttre C 111 oil. Director ) ESTATE & INS. CO. \| enable 1 < 1118H Washington Street k . |1 telephone: Spruce 3-3797 C |^Gnes 3-9644V&4-6047 ' ' ' ' : fc '.V'^l : . v. ' ' f:, ' I ' < V * i ; . ' & ' . ._ .- 7:^ M n.. . ?'-C* \ . . ' JRk