Lighthouse and informer. (Charleston, S.C.) 1941-1954, June 12, 1954, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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? s 0 h ' V ' . . V ' ' . ... SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1954 MibUnt CHARLEsTm By E. M. Parker ; honor ol her daughter, Miss 1 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOB MtulWe. a rewurte. TH? LATE REV. E. P. ELI .IS registered nurse, servos at \ The Interdenominational Min-jRhett Elementary and .avc isters Union of Charleston and high i^chools. vicinity paused in then usual' Airs. Marjorie Howard cc order of rl v. , ~ ^ a. ? I -i .... 4 . ^1 *1.^ 1VA**o f?* t Knl :? ?- T.vt IU uu auuur 10 j UUVlt'U me &aiiico, avaj a. th0 late Jlev. E. Phillip Ellis who' M. Parker received the gue passed recently., Winners were: Mrs. Elizabeth Hyms were sung and a prayer Jenkins. Mis> Christin: B-< was rendered by'the Rev J C don. Miss Vivian Eraser a Dunbar. Mrs. Julia Lucas. . The Rev. b. D. Lewis reports! that a resolution stating that the YWCA HE1J> ELKCXORS Rev. Ellis will be greatly missed * from their midst and that the. IT , . , r. , . . . Mrs. II. H. Linstyd, of t\ C< iion bows in submission t . TT~T, ttz -j (l'ai YWCA presided at 1 God s will was made. , . . , . . spring Electors Assembly ol SHAW RECREATION CENTER <-'ommS Street YWCA. The 3oard of Directors of the ma Youn8 ucted as secretin Shaw Recreation Center met!11"' absen<" o? Mlss Lo,''" May 29 to map plans for tbo Moultrie. Reports were maue summer. Miss Rose Nesbitt a ?"?? Emma J. Alston, p.og. recent graduate of Avety high chairman, a n d Mrs. Jess school will lie in charge of the mown, membership j. nan a. nursery school. TShere is also 6 Awards were presented oy fc great need for volunteer v. nrk-1 Ehrabcth Jenkins.Sac 4i? ? 1 The Cominti Street Y v 11 a' J" "MuiMUji iu uic aiui^u u ? w Bible Vacation school is gian- commended for the large nu nec*. | ber of electors present. Remaj Members of the Board Drascnt were given by Mrs. Wh'tfit were: Rev. J. T. Enw'right, Mrs. executive director of the Cent S. D. Butler. Rev. R. D. Lewis, "Y" and Mrs. A. D. Kellv ii 1 Mr s. Albertha De Veaux, Misa > Coming Street T. Harper, Randolph Bourne.' Miss Lunle Williams is ehn .Funds are needed to carrv on man of the Board of Mail i] this much neeoea recreation' ment of the Coining Strom "1 center on the eastsnde to curb o()o juvenile deliquency. j YWCA EXHIBITION CI.ASS) ? -o()o? i Mrs. Ethelyn Harper BIRTHI>AY PARTY j fiance instructor- at the ^.,mi Mrs. Anna Belle Moultnc, 10 Street YWCA, presented ivv ; Jasper Street, was hostess at a pds in twelve numbers In 1 birthday party, May 21, g.ven ia, auditorium. Wednesday, May CHARLESTON Business Director* t%" ' Y . ?? ~ I. BASH J L I Ml) L V w SHOE HOSPITAL I the a r u e "We cure sick Shoes" ' ? ! Oreat Eatertainment Work call...! 'or onrl rfc'lvorodj . Poputar Pric? Sfi Spring St.; l'hono ?l?8 ! J01 Kin, St. .Pharlesxon. 8 CHARLESTON, S.-C. ' ? ,, 0 0 O 0 0~0 CK>-0 ?V. DOOOOOOt ATLANTIC COAST LIFE I INSURANCE COMPANY 3 "The Golden Rule Company" ? HOME OFFICE: ? 149 WENTWORTH STREET ? Charleston, South Carolina i t A AJfl . ? HARTS V lLiJR BEAUFORT 5 OR ANGEH irRG CHARLESTON S ROCK HIIJ COLUMBIA 5 SPARTANBURG FLORENCE g SUMTER GREENVILLE Our twentv-ninth year of sercrict -.. 8 to the neorle of South Carolina Y. W, yfrprhnmngh, President Co<H>oo<J^o<>o<>00^<H^<JCKH>aa-aocH>oooo o aoooaoooo oooooc B UreftcrtpUoM Filled At Reauonabie I 'rices! Called l or And Delivered Free Of Charge I * INSULIN AND SYDINGUS * Sucaryl (Tablets and I.ic|ui<! > 1 * SACCHARIN Conaway Drm* Company I'HONE 2-2460 FREE DELIVERS 1 V mi e R olrnrv M on/It! Hue WtACK*!') If ^ i irui i/tniv i j m v vun v/ui t 'j/v. v ict * i' - ? Baked in Butter Bolls L Delicious Browni'-s , Pies of Ail Kinds akes for Weddings and I ? Anniversaries \ fl < TAYLOR'S Kitchen Bakerv i. . ~ * * 42 Spring Street Charleston. S. C. * .' -I * ! . Dial 2-0235 i 1 o . , .. i -?? , Progimtrii Dynamic 1*HE LIGHTHOUSE AN - > Mesdames C. C. Martin. E. J I Robmsor. and Miss Nathiye Hcv Holds Annual red ward displayed garments made, Mb in the Sewing Classes. Mrs. C. Mnf lior-1 )tl 11 <> ll t Pr "ry M. Brown displayed ce;am:c,; iUUlllt 1 tnade by her pupils. Woithy cf |>nflnm*4. >u special mention is the work 0/ yn Mi's. Vivian Moultrie, Mr. . ,, ? , . , - - ' bv L. M. Parker sts Charlotte Tracy and Mrs. Louise Hill. Other instructors wer? Mrs CHARLESTON ? The ui.m.1] :>g- P. E. E/iekei. -Mi.. John Bona Mother-Laughter Banquet \wi ild 1 parte and F'ank McKenzie. held at the Coming Street o.uu 0O0 c.i VWCA Saturday, SIMON TON SCHOOL P M I 11 c'1'11 i>10^lul" *-orri I J miiteA headed by Miss Luci MEETS ' . Brown makes this one 01 tn at tr j t I. . 1 '-'innwttees- special projects < f?.? Mrs. Edn-, J. Robinson, who. . 1 1 . .. liu' year, Lna^hU-S been training pupils tor -.ev the ( oral years, presented a group of, Y-Teens and their mothers 1 1 'u- j youngsters at the Simonton joyed a wonderlul evening 1 in School Parent-Teachers meeung, songs and ieliowship. A v. arc infc j May 2b. '?he Glee Club cougm; and prizes were awarded i. by ; ed children of the firs4 grade. Miss .Brown who cave a mo. am.1 others on the program were' message r0 the lea students of the 4th. 5th, 5fr> and Teens. an. 17th" grades, in groups of bov Awards were given to ihc. fo Irs.: singers, girl singers and nr xed lowing girls: Potato Chips *A groups. - wards,, Gloria Hart, Shirle vis The Simonton School Glee Stewart, Delores Parker and En m- Cub has takcn part on several nice Williams. .*> year Y Teen iKS rrofram? on Sundays at churches ( Hc!c,; Rg m ... v* uiirncj '?d, for club events, which is *v.-.v\hv I rem. Grunt. Gussio Heywaiv :al ??i mention. j Gracia Jones, Verdelie Mitchel the ^ o? j G< iK\ ievc. Nesbit, Dolores Pai CANNON STREET HOSPITAL iktM' *Vurhcna Shmh> Odell Sin f1*5 7" * ' t mons, Doroihy Smalls, Dor 4C-' FACES CRISES Jean Smith, Pauline Washin, Tht. Hospital and Training t()"' (n HoAeis. Grac School for-Nurses, 154 years old,' " ut ^^-blh Gookley Thie . '! known as the McClellan Hos-, s'r rhoinasma WiIi "J wtal and lately the Cannon $tJ J?1"*' Mabel Whaley Ethr 1 , ' mi v. I Richardson. Alice Pomsetti v . Hospital fades crisis. The hos-Vo'j pital does not meet the stan-' OM ' ( N J11 l!"u ^uc'"e Giari 2oJ' iaai.v set by the State Health j K I,Kh Stho"1 Y-Tccn C,u - " ' Board under the Hill Durton Act.lwrn f'rst pn/c of 55 00 fo1 scli , i The hospital has recently been1 ir^ thc' h,*hest avora?e of p< j , tato chips am) Rhctt School wo operating under ? provisional - , . , a. , . 2nd prize of $3 00. license because of its need in the * v com'n unitv. j Dr. T C. McFoll. medical di-. Act' Dr McFa11' ector .reports that approximate.! Tl"' ? "??' operant) 'ly 4iK. patients arc admitted ai >? vntue of the proposed pla w vnr About 75 major operations to replace it ai> -perlomed. About 100 babies """" are delivered. Five to six indi- J Charleston News ? gents arc caared for. The staff PERSONAL MENTION fourr registered nurses, five prac-j MjS. P E. E/.ekiel, 35C Ashlc r tical nurses, two maids. a main- Ave and Clarence R. Aiken, 4U tcnancc tram a crw-tlr nnn mairl ; '"He direct, were recent wn -Cubles ;e Asst. cook. .,? . , f .... ,, , , ,'< Kv ' U>\ Jeep from a draw .llu* v..!-. Roper Hospital re-in)! of ,uum,? j)V a lota, quested Charleston County, Mr and Mrs. .Benjamin I'?\ tit - rl to effect loan lo build , s. u ......- .,.(<c.hjWl.,., ^sl?n t???ha?Hioiiilinl in,. Kncculareate prTl gram at State College. Orange old Roocr would be abadoned. .. > , <; . \? ...ay at;. As.eompc.nvin J he Cannon Street Hospital also] thcm Mr and Mrs . and qualified Negro .physicians. Glvt>n aud daughter, Mrs. Na would be permitted to practice ]>axjt.r \ e j-Vase'r II Roper depending upon the jamin Powers,' Jr.; Mrs. 'V U .turns and standards do.!.. I ' ' v'. i by the Stat..- Board of j- ' ,N m a?th_ under the Hitl-Burton Commencement exercise* o 'Mor.h.i I % ANCW Su^N?50 WftM agiuoan- rct recently. Mr. Kline I: 8* H ? p | P ST T O U M U D f DO !5> TO FIND A kENPEP WHO W-LL . ! ' ,\I; S make the LOAN.then ANP I Klin., Melvin and Co orge Klin, o J ONLY THEM may va j 'r t|L O -'GUAC.'-NTEE A PART C? IT * ' " ui; C ( ... , 6 ; j 1 rif ;j. ii:ife to it o * ^ Slot.' A .uul Y q ;; ! J Col lotto. Oran^ol>urtt v.. re: Mrs 2 rr^\ j 1*11 Mo! .lohti: (in !! ::<><)<.>. Mi M. 8 & ia:-- -^'keH. M?v- Hoi.tvif,. lluii J //^:,tlPsnl1- Daniel Wriith't. Jr >^-.VMrs. Lilly Mao Powers, Mis: Albortha Harrv and Miss?liar ? * r..Wkh VM ' ' "" H:,n> *P C^S^3 ' 1 ? ? 'C ^"vti't'i^s- A.-.oNi r xn.' ^ THE A. At EI ! Fraternal ? |' Rites Inf Wl JLv_' " vAjr I V. llll lit, are m.uty Ira- ^ ' ternul and henevobeiiL or- fcc-.'iNs ^ J'"" ~ ders w hit h have evolved ~~ *Cy * " tlefini(r and lieaulil'ul . rilti- Z?r-'7~- . -n a Is to he observed on tin death tit a brother mem ?f".~* o A her. Many in V. t?'" have -yH J I u i^lies \ For Funerals ? 122 Logan Street i i I TWe phone 5914 I \ Charleston. SC. I ... rr . ?# . g Different MetI T D INFORMER, COLUMBIA, S. O ~ "South Carolina C1ALJHA PPEN1 FWuu I MOPECEDCICT^VEAH/i'N^ EVEN GOT rw,THERP)^ ; rlSI^? C ollege Groups Camping Tips 1 ,rm:<K 'I'll Iv SllOJKS VOI K | To Appear For I1'"11" 1 vKI:s m ( M' tin iv p:?v too little attention UNCF | t? shoes when preparing their children's clothes for camp, aoN'KW YOKK?'The choral groups . T" ;i S'>?'V<'V ann?ng camp r , 1,,, cn ,1 , directors hv a national foot health ot three (icorgia colleges and one r.. '11 i . . organisation; ,1 if' i * niie>i>-ee will . lie t.eatured L h,,,,,,, i,,, . ,i\ . ? M?<st mothers don't --tint when it <lui ing .June on 11 i%* eiirrent Anierii, . . comes to throwing a omple of cXi .i': -l.i? ait'-a.'tiiur t ompunv choir ? presented in eoo'peratinn tra ',ains "f sh,"'ts in,? ',h? tnmk> with the I'nited Negro' College "r mavh<' a fl'U mon> T"*hirts ,,r 1 Fund. The new Mo dule, annout,- <U,"-ar^s- il- t(' " red to.lav 1 x W. .? Trent u I'NT. *W.s, tt* ramp officials report tor "IF executive diieetor. is a- t'Mll.w- mSn5'mn,tlW SPn<l alone the "il.eMovne-College, Memphis Term >"??h*ter's eurrent pair of shoes. " June II; Morehouse College U- ("'on ,f ,h,'>Ve nearly outgrown, a J lanta, (la.. .June FF/Clark College !':,ir "f *n"akors " an<1 thaf'* all. | A1 la nut-, (la.. .June 20; and Maine That way ,1"s sav th(> j College. Augusta, (la. dune 27. toot spee.alist*. Camp life .s a ' . , , . , (wonderful experience for voting f ' 1 he. broadcasts which show-ease . , . , , . ... , , ' , , . , .. ,tw.vs ami-girls - Fut its rough on n t.|n- choirs o( the 21 colleges and ., f , , ' . their feet. ( limlung, running, mmpuniversities associated in the Fund'. . , i ing in improper or outgrown -hoes | an- a punlic service feature of the i , , v. ,:,n '1? serious damage. Aiu net work and originate in New , . , - . , ,. ..... 1 I hat s whv foot specialists make i 1 "i K over station \\AB( , Sundav. , . , , I , i ""nng'i n.uition ,\o paients: I ' : iitugs at io:.iu -1 1 ;in. a.m. i , ., . " . ., , . v i ., ,11 Make sure vour child is xvear'? i'logiani.- .will carrv special!. .. e.A. . . , , I ' j. ; ing a xvell-fltted shoe; when he '* ijimpiii.i. .j'oi .-fl moo now .'y the nieniiiei iull?ge.-' for :n',.i ogress throughout the count ry.'i-cholarship aid. w ill have to he cot): i Following the Supreme Court do- tinned, and even stepped up in tin u'on May 17tr. t! . \'.\< :: ,o! immediate futur?. 'J' n ip on ! In* now , py >: t u J 1 u - i. - fvr wiiler service made possible ^ * (j^ .teeision." A ' x . ',;.a: tiie I win! legards . - in, .i- t- lilH.'ol rOcli It?'-,' , ojipi.rsunity for Negro youth, Mr. 1 wou.i'-g[ -Hivi- it - i ".i t jit ion in 11*4 1." j ~~ i . | *\ *w ~Tg^ the a < i < M .- t intent ! ' i :nl<letj. th? iiti >uji}M?rt <?f the - l-'ntul w: irh |'i to. itii-s, atnoior other J. ? things, rji??11it-r- -uhich are alioeatisl I _ R I CA N WA Y /2ll ' Vyl ' "* * .^**1' ft ^^ -*5 WWm r;,Yv Wo ! rwO ^ |>' I $ 1 Tftu kicko a?- '/ hnt s^bodrbo: r^0H~ mm c* B6 PROOF 1 / " 3 ALSO availa OLD HICKORY hod?Same I)rii**l & 8 Leading Weekly" PAGE THREE WGS - - Parker EAP'S INVITED OS TO 9EB ^' .' _ '-:*4 s lor tamp. The l>est shoe for^ SOCIAL. AND PERSONAL hi iough ami tumble of camp life Mrs. Pearl C. Lott of 1108 s :n aU-icu.ther oxtord. It should Queen Street is in New York ha > a flexible leather upper and where sh^ will witness the I sol,., since leather supports, active graduation of her daughter, jfeeu without binding them. | Cerelena E. Lott who is to relake .your youngster to a re- ^ ceive the degree of bachelor of >I piaable shoe dealer and have r.i.j scjenCe fr0m Columbia imivers! -* checked. I'nless they Were I purchased a few weeks before the ,ir. , ?T , w T .. , , , While in New York, Mrs. Lott 1 !> aVes for camp, the ehances ... ? . ? . .. ... . . , . i w ill visit her son, Isaiah, who ate they will be outgrown-before , . summer is over. If the dealer finds | 18 livm6 In wood, Long Island. that there's not much growing room M and Mrs" Robert Cleve" j left. better be on.the safe side and land of Farrow Road announce "send atohjr another pair oTie-hrrlf birth-Jin April 1.1 of_a son,? M/e larger. Robert. Jr.. at the Fort Jackson r a .b. v.,mu-.tei and hosPita'- Mrs. Cleveland is the till ea.'.lp (.nil iseilot if possible, a- former Miss Mary Milledge. Her van-.^t indi \; i.r.i i>i ..f sneak- husband recently left the States. I ej'-- or <>t h'o* -( ' . bim, s'neuUe.r - for Japan. ] d<> not pro'vide . aiicqwntc sop port ~ # j" for growing young feet. To adyit; n.' 1" v hen children run around in the" I the canv.i- , . > ' ' **;**!' d ' ntrv v. here the proximity of "mi .n?im (i ui set i? mfin in snape, :: tsid'k creates a tetanus hazard. the lie:. 1 -eh-s, prevent. J.'; the:- sole-. according to testing: . the foot f ?athip"-." HUs- atories. will provide four tors, ihiiini'/, ; <: fi:i'?iK iiifeetions 1;,nov nr. -1- protection against J thrive o" * - . fei-t. I he. *-;r -or nails* sharp stones will pei pj.t i i-e pii-sH"*' "t air ::"<i ? *<> n. ir.t' il objects as rubber ' hr? u"h it , ,.t>: >> . ? or composition soles. A ho. . hiiooi tnht.' the Vn'<- . ] ?? Junior's vacation and other in- >pr.f-d 1 y aching or disabled '.irjds iv at its feet. A few precautions now will' height during the summer, especial- save lots of misery later. Til _ tCuOMifXc | [ Itj arsW_ rich its at Bourbon I flavor a OLD 1 HICKORY gT """"BOURBON WHISKY i . BLE IN I'OO PROOF BOTTLED IN BOND ' DISTILLING CORPORATION PHI LA. PA. ' . " i 1 i ' .... ? ** L