? * ?_ i'AGE TWO "South Carolina's I SCHOOL and CLUB ao mm es Johnson C. Smith University start of a new career fur . you. ruATJT attp . . ? I Some of you will take rcsponLilAKLO 11L ? J-ohnson C. , , " , , ... Tt . . _ , . , ( s:l>!c positions in chinch a> Smith UMvmu, graduated log I misslonarjcSt and somc w,1} con? h ^ f ? t?>< h '?eraf' tinu^ Naming for other branchArts ana b from tht School of' ... , n - . ies i)t study, and some perhaps Theology on Wednesday, June ,. , ... - , ? , in f'u> service of our country s Z. In the commencement - ad-' , . ? A , _ , , armed forces. Ihe training dress, Dr. Ambrose Caliver of1 , , . ^? I which vou have received at this the United State Oflice of Educa-1 , f < ? . I uiiiversitv is a prerequisite for turn, Washington, D. C., told the' . , . .... , i ' { '" eopsih1 position. 1 he pro large audience that "Only a , , . , ... . i blonis which will confront you mature man can l>e a 11 wc man.' ' ., ? , , , U T . ,1 upon vour entrnee into a ne?* He pointed out that thrFc L s of: . . . , . .. I hfe, will be bafueallv the same ?freedom?a+r?hbortv. literacy, , ' , , _ . as have confronted gem uionr and Jove. Dr I homas A Jen-! , ,, , liefer,. VM'i k.in>. a < harlotte rtnnw iivored the Baccalureate sermon ncteir.ug :?> .ionti iimi.u the to the graduates on ih. subject, groat Ln.gli.-h .\iubqr and' . ivh"Your I.anip Has U? en I.iglited." ' '< '< pomt ,u out The honorary degrees of Doc-H >< i- ..-.it.- ? by pf Divinity w vr? conferred hi!* l?ev. Thomas \ Jenkins,' t - > r ' ; -b' Pastor. S'.atosvilL- A vo.bur Pus- . \iiy?an Chin ch. <.'V,rhf M.vth- ' i ? .? > ?;! \t;cs i'op.' Ipivc-I, .. Morrrftii* '-od ?: ' CoihA'c., \vn.s .awfirde'd the het> ?>i. .orh t ' War-:. nt. * h- . I". :)/.); of Doctor of ?V...?u M- : o:. I Iit< > lol.'.il 's,0 s?mo-> o. The honorat:> degree of > : '>r< >. ui.--.oI .:>> Oik tor -of I,n\vs was awarded *o Boya'dy to .?r. <"> liege 'ova o, , . . vr..- ivli;: f :'.v. whonon. "N. C ja!i i'k< fourth iainp," he Sni, Pit.' i03 graduate.-, 73 re- ' ^ -* oivi'M the Bachelor of Arts' dc- / h,,u;vi exceed his- firasp. C>'u the Bachelor of' s'] bi.ci r. the mastery / >. Divinity degree ,n ,t,so ?'ao,-> > #--- fully . and. to -tart ap>in Sh.ra V'niversity , . .-..a ihu gouc . Th0 i?3th annual :'ii.:,;:er i" ni.vX.'O-ai > U> iaa. - commencement exercises of y'pur* house bi'.gut ami e:i-..e? Shaw L'nivei srt'y wore held in u aPiig. to hibv "Haii'ii.ii Memorial Auditorium .pnauoa io the soui of though! . i:-t? vd; v and degrees wore con- w iinuut hicli scieiKc .coup verred upon 11)7 candidates in not have reached the stage that 0 c coils ; . o . ' . ng to form a concept ^ y s 'c- receive a diploma trom' Shav/ mid oi honor, especial- *!yA 1 that have a hare iy ajipreciatcii by any one mui nas 'time. Do not let these peoDh f nroi'ound and abiding faith in make you think they belong t< education, and particularly in a new school oi. thought:,'' h< freedom of Religion, which is warm* I. "TluV e who questioi today the keynote and founda- tn(. i xmtence ol God are usual Hon stone to success in our Am- lv the most ignorafit. enean wa:' of life. "This com- With these lamps of wisdom r.ieiicement," he said, "is tlv you should see into th0 future _ vv/ajv; u 1 AiV/um^JOl T Li PIANO STORE Where You Will Find A Piano To Suit Every Need NEW USED TERMS COMPANY, INC. .{713 N. Main Street Phone 8-2101 2 Miles From High Prices" " BALDWIN ? KIMBALL ? WURLITZER \ I \\ //^ I nder New y fi ''i.&Cti J * i teyi- s\vo\ _l_lW \ Proprietor j . , ' alvriiig l? CI : S""""" V HAHHFrrr - |Wjj Kyerythi //( ( llumc f)-01H9 ? A^Sv . HIGH 4 X./--V (Old win { 511 |ps f)n< t mmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmamM * i 4 1 ? . J v ;?*, f. tri ,.p i, i . " ' hate ( ollege - (jraduates Two it condud' h l?v saying. "su-? J iiutulrcd Forty-Six ess is within your leaeh. audi ^ the world is Ijoi'ore von" han^o mig, S. U jfi.il outdooi etting'not hunm MlAW ,1 SlVF.KSH Y I ?i "by a ran threat Dr. a ! I)j\ Ralph E.Mil.ain Delivers j 1 '.adent i?i Ala l fn ' oral ..r.'.i M, ehutui Baccalaureate Sermon ! , .. , Alabama t. Dr.- Ralph K. McLoin, head of 'Hl!d, Mh iha-ui .les Mondav i 'iinn M." .'}! tint the v-dithe Department ot Kehgion. ale- ' ' -_Df.it today.' 'i he is to j-r> redith College, piritvorod th" m'.-nibor of sermon at Shaw University but- ? ?. (.,in(-er!1, ,| xvjth th ealaureate service Sunday al- ,,, th(. ,mportanee of ternoen, May HO. hi University :<>tuil;tv" . Church. ' < , I In the sumo vein on Sum j He told thc members of the - or? lM n,,()J, Bishop Frank M.. ^graduating class that the wQrld;\<(ui Kvia * "v I - tviilil I'l M>1 lipil 1 1. ; :> l ulling for men and women (trict SoM(ft Carolina, Afru I'who have the following qualifi-j Methodist"' K^fa-opal Chin rations: Deep convictions (who cwl the * question "Arc Y . can stand up with two or three j A bIo- lo ?ivV unso]fish and ]o . 011 the side that is right regard- J service with r the oducatio j less of the consequences), high^ equipment von have rec? i\ j vision - for deep ^ convictions( ric;.-lethic -pursuit 7.V tliPUt , vision l'in oe a damaging thing. "Don't ever ' Imnei conlrrt d.cv.int I rutin; power;" he can-1 'J:" ,H;md M ' tl''' " - undid Pes from . f t'm ages that challenges men 1 v<> uiaicrgraduate seho'o! .. the differ-', ! ' 1 : L:'w s v \V? 'vp'-ld and cite-' ' 'r 1 : ' ' I'1'" ill, di-e^ms "F.ach age" he ' > lI - '* d'Hi , > d-e ,o; ;,.?? . dv red ; ^ " - ' > ' ' i. ' < *;> il ' 1 ll - f c'e:n- . : \ '.e'epons hi'.ity is- needed", "he Iran lie-;. <\ . cent tr: IVo: I'os of other ; : ->t .: ( .. . . w\ hcv.- no\y; "v< : vo ??-,> :? . < vjc! v i * 1 >i's ?1>. ' ' Mo,, :v Vi "ot 1r> h?-v ..v.v.. rr, , ...v. Uv..; ! ;t<- >* ?*V. hi? vvrijVd I V tVit rrtd K-;,. -r ... .1 .V.tV'I '.r.V * . J TV" ' s o- ' ' . ' " TV V. ' ' v.. " v TV Cr.'iflv D;\vi? . . ;j c;. t Musicni numbers by (ho Uni- -r " tv Cho:1.* wrr. 'Hvnvi F\- " ' h-.nt " featuring Waiter P-al'itv. at.ui/ '< '~wF ' :vort, of Norfolk as solo 1,1 ?jj t..ted that -i ac' ompanist and director i " ' 1 ' 1 A:nei ie i w ith ; MORGAN ST \TK COI.I.KGF. worth of tlie indivni.ial i \ h i : ,onstratc does there appear to b,. effort toward universal lenrr President .Jenkins said that the as u-0 find ;n Ambrica Tn f policy was reiterated by the Board somc Europeans think we lot Trustees in compliance-with the , .. , . . . , w ' rvinr tn do the impossible j Supreme < ourt decision of Monday, May IT, which found separate urged in closing that e M'hoots unconstitutional. graduate -should Irfe.v u;i. t ,, i , , , strwctive and personally ^a Morgan already has white >tu< - f....... , u.i^ , v . , , \ , t. u j I> Hig philosophy of ;;-f,. ............ .............. ...... 11 > .......... "RfTortivo leadership in a .ha j intenaeinl H.mr.l nf Trustee*. in,, ..fu.i(.tv rr.qui..os ;in ant. ^l.u-h is headed l.y Hr. Carl .1 Mur- ,u,am.f th< ,.x ip,.n(.iOS ,.f ,if{ phv. President .>1 the \tr<>- \nieii . \ ^ soiinc a t \< i triist-.vnrthv ;h can Newspapei ruMishinu ' "in-. . r, , . ' sot>hv F.aeh for hims. f n pany. . _ wrestle v. th the ." .'p ore* Wwwnwnaa ?. wH< proi)|.<:n nf th? hash. ;>u-pnsr i, life and hi< place in t: \aeh \ h m-elf must chooso ..i.. 1 ac< M. 'ijhi- center of lova.v. II <-.vs anagement - , ? 1 j -i.lv. 1 a "tiv'tio.c ' i ' i I ! JjHOWfR S5C">Rff ^ A 1 ? 1^?. r* . r- -v-$ gi*} v * " Mvrick I Si ^ ? Manaifcr lill^ * I uhs and Pa r\\o< - A Sr>K( 'I AI .TV !|i - niiili ill.I ?j .gharri Win.le.nr \ movie artrr^a, j>:- ; :n ( boring shown:[WAV 21 ft \ knowledge th ' --? .! T1 s ^,>? ?< ? ?> -vza ' ' vinyl film, r .: ; ColumI:>; Folk 'S' l' .. .. ... , ? un.tt n Nations i i udeoslu; ' I* : r : " I : . , . .. , i I;.as nt en u: gcd >, ,, ?\ ui' ?'? ii.tc, executive accrc ' : 1 ' i: ;4 ... ( el in.- \,.t.oim._ .xssociatioi . 1?*-| ,\f. ' '' 1,u Advancement- ot Color I 1 d I'CUPIC. - 'K.l diplomat, winne ' ' 1'?"1"' I ''"' ..>i i he >?oi,? I ,.cui c,prize aiu " ; :ri l" Uh-.iiij" d.-r's W'.-l. ul th0 IN A AC P Doar< ' ' i.l *1, < ' | I ? f I \ 4 ( ' | ) ? f \ ) i 'i ' ? . ' r . . ? . i).nrtoi5, iUi.s been question 1 '''l ' 4'-'' ' ' en .nirnsivcly By th,, Internat Ti;?11 -j7 i 'u!v ! TV? sc , . r . ? * lay , *ionul Organizations Linploye I.in -, covei imr room, hoard t , ... ;; . * Lovalty Board on oihcially un - I : i..n, i vai'ah'r cmh , disclosed cnaiKc:-.. However, Pie in mil v leaders , _, an . ice J Gerety, chairman of th< ieh \inoinr th. discussion leaders Loyalty Board, said Uiat "n* i Mo/.elle Ilill. Atlanta inforonco should be drawn iron val "> "'.isei sity. and Irene Oshoi ne. fuc(, that Dr.- Bunche hai IV1I A root lean hriend.- Service- ? om- jyjpoared before the board. - 111 ee" a nd other- who worked with * r., le... a.,i,...,oni m.uu. .. 11. iliuil.iin.m, 1UVJV 1JUU1I' Marry S. Asnmuro in proparatt<>?r <>'. , ' .,,. v. , . lit it on iviciv -<>. White praise*. " "" I If' \ftrv<> and tlio ., , . ... Mi" Buncho not onlv as a vireu ' 11 >i nonl, ai/.l ci iS ti n J4 in shod Amthcan nr. -i Ljront and distinguished citi i "/<. :i of 11to . ..o: ai v.hose out i? J ' ' " ' '' 1 i !< cheated to tic . i'City., ::. " ' : t< adfru t y . ' ' ' dec'..ft . "! 1. \ ally and ft %, '\\\-< , ,j. jtsvr U i A t I ) I 4 t ' J V C I 1 . " " .h.-f-i !'-a]-!,C'i . It-v Mr*. Ar U'alker . t r T . "' Ttry ?rrrrnt- T*"rr**>? 1 :!< ;:it- f : i i; - at its lv " ...... . : c:;;.m '.y .v.-to* a: lh< t . .:a 3eih. o, m. yrnrlc-s t.: th ' 1 . ' ' t. . r. Kr.'ni a of f) h< - , notv.s h.lt,'.' !. i'.t-..:, !. = Dr Hunch**'.-: ' i 'h'f . in'-'. 11 r.ratio in ad-rn '.." farco." ' Vi'mnia vv; V. .1;:! \\W Vi't.ir. . ' - \ .vn . i i ; v ' cm '.ili *ra." ' . 4 . . i. i- - ' 'o'-.. a ..-it ;ry--1 TT'> * 1 - V. 'Ill's : I lions' v ?< .* ?I Mr ana Mrs" f>d\vard \ . Gray . - 1: f ( t iv ! ' "V1' ' i' ' -n;; h?- 1-1 : ; nt a f.-.v lays n Geo- hi,* f.;>rmor Vi: 11 r ' ! i; ; K ' trinia <; .vcrnur .l.?hn S. I?attl?. an i1.,--. hv.i I - Graham ,vas a- Thomas f*. Ut'nnijrs < v . r\i hu ll si hool who visited -it,- SIO. a !at<* affair $1.0(Y Washington, D C last week 'a?voi iliny t. officials. and i The ' Wjl 2 For want of a ft - Teacl: WW am- i jni the \ t ling ^ For want of a f3 Sch ach on t?. . ? I For want of a Child ?| For want of a If Citizc -d >A11 foi* tfl6 TVcl !Yhi? yeor our country needs 70,00 more elementary teacher* |u*? to ke#j up with the tremendously increase School enrollment. You cam helpl '^?81 |S lj* w ?~ toftMiuHtw ?ih?TWI H th?> Public SckooK *k morris rind rr? i,.^ Sum1ci\ Soi 1 ,ii i i i i *r emve. UymwHv ?SATURDAV. JUNK 12, IQ!U ' II rHE Pratings of Peter 1 liy Peter A. McCray ?? Met me telj you something, th^ |f| e . , gioat writers of the world aro .yki? i reckon that there comes a \J , ,, .Known for then1 subtle humor; y ? n.e . hi n .1 r? now just must . , , , V y , , . they are often referred to as the M or.1 in sell defense. I - r , > , ,u . - "wits, or literature- It makes : i l'kou .urther that now is one of ... ii . no inherence whatever that in f percent oi tk?i time, "wit" 4 t-.r.ou a0c w hen a fellow | ^:),u{0 be prelaced by "n't". .. j,; n:m,eif -"City Slicker" t , .?77-7 r~ , ' f think that you are beoig 9 i a " o.umn for tire Light- . . 1 3 , . r . . A ~. . most unkind wnen you ascribe 3 i ,ij . a lot of peopL. identified , , .... . V J , . . rr.. only th,, lightest columns to me. . me as being tne writer. Thev | ,c fJ , . . ,, , oiiue should be a better ot, foi ii i that no one else w as capa-,, vi c i ... , . . ' . ; : have written some yeally great . me ot such prattle. I toc*k that r, - . . u wood faith, though-7. have 8emS' For example Spring nan !.r, n know,, l.v that par- SprUng; .the Sap hM ^' rp ..a her'n, and she is his" beats . teular cognomen. i urthermore. _ ,, . . . , i ..... .... i. a . , ,, Tennyson on the topic of spring I am an h oft est (sic), forthright c J ,)B-l A i , . . . . everytime, and my little lime i 7>;<-L serious minded (sic, sic) , , . .j ??ti? ricks about a gal named oaliy _ i ''"iinr -man whose journalistic , * ? I. 111.11. makes Poo's "Lenore a comet.foits are usually on a some- , . , . . u?*?- .v. ...u.. l; i' mon hussy. And---but what s tne , what higher level - (sic. sic. sic, . . . . c;cj ' j use of continuing. Alj you wOulc. ... ? do next" is accuse, me of braggi mow, for the past few weeks, I . ' " ' Lighthouse been carry- i ,n - ing a column headed "Blue- STUFF AND THINGS goos;ng and Spotcheckmg." lj YoU!lg Lady hfcard last Sun_ ;v* m. v. no quarrel with the writer, Uay mo: ning-as she checked out uat column, out it would be of a local hotel witH an esc0rt( e.Mvetiingly good j get home I'm. going 'j o .nuke ;diaight to bed and-get me i ':u not to u(" s i:.:!-: sLr:i-:p;" 1 .* rk authorship. 1- . , ' . ?\1 i" . 'h' ' fhi column a5 such iiewiu at Little Joe,- the BarSi' m v. ,-v and carries a ^'c1' Peilow,. after reacting the , o 1l w. c /- . > ? >.k, ,i. u; rcaner nil-, rest. "" -??r? ?- "?? v-oun oy tne "Fres T\M e<-.p\ tn ;t is V;g:u up to vitroLc blajgs directed tovyaay . : < t > . : p.: -t. vpc'r Lint. hon- hmder" governor; "Boy.. I sure*' iff Vo;k'. I h;jvfc:,'l the slightest'" a-:i fV'lad 1 didn't have to go to <~- + ? *?f'- %viw?4--. lU'U Ki11 ^nnfiin[ '' schoo 1 with a mean ... ^ . is aJl about ''Diddling-' I >^? bijn! oi.dv i -land." " Scooter-poot in*This is undoubtedly the ;i 1 ye- : "smotheration," I'm quite quote of the year; the little type familiar with; and I oven have writer pusher gpt all indignant i - 'onto idea of "City Shirking, when we questioned her about y "! '.!at goos'isi,; " beyond an error which had not been I ..\ slight knowledge. PeVhaps caught on a proof Said she e ume of you wj.);. bo _so good as "Why, any FOOL would have '* : o enlightcn mo SEEN that, so. it's OBVIOUS "l I don't know what has given tha* I didn't read it!" .' _ ^ II you'who have boon so llercu- From the "City Slicker"; when 1< ri to read the few line.- .1 queried as to the meaning, of ; \\ t it ten, the fallacious idea "Bluegoosing," "I don't know . .k ':i.:t my "ranking is never be- what it means and I don't care, round to level ,-,f shallow, non- It sutq can't beat ."road testing." iVn&'-u! utterances. I would have And the "Ilappy Undertaker" you iv.'iOv? that some of my work was absolutely glee.ol the other :.i r? exant.ned .by some .of day whetj ht was as . red about world ' nest minds, and has the condition of t.he shooting j/ sno'i com- -N.. m-he had just delivered to ' :$f vmv s:on> as '"re- hospital. Said he, with that u n be- ' you'll-never-get-away" en**>.p -cable" ar. i the like And, I turcci look in his eve. "Ch, she's J *' ; :? ; most. ernestiy, that it s?g; ^hot." completely lrrot elent that . These next lines may get me A&j " so minds all belonged to men shot but they're worth the \N whose specialty is abnormal psy- .]aUgh: 'h I 'iloey. j Mary had a littlu key . L'er.hans you have been rpis- She always took to scaooL .p d by the tiny bits of humor I Someonc stole- the little key v .u,i would othe :v> >e be dead So Mary broke the rule. ?] from time to time inject into she wouldn't learn arithmetic, ,f what would otherwise be dead Nor even A B C's, and boring reports. Perhaps you Rut Mary did. (doggone ]ier 0. interpret!' this humor as be.ng' soul) sprung from a weak mind Well Learn lots about her D's. ier, a ? School was last 001, a || Child was lost ., a lb Citizen was lost Ji L m, a zz? Country ms lost _ tit of a Teacher! t D Write today for free booklet, "Mow p Con We Get Enough Good Teach#!**?". . d Write to Better Schoeli, J West 45tb Street, New York 36, N. Y. MoflalCHtlM Commission for odvertkemeel 1* sponsored by 'COLLEGE ? itii < Carolina -g MMMMNT1 MnnWWnaWMHKMMWmWHWnWbl .__ . ... . , 7T. . Y . rJ ; ?-? (, , : i i ' i '' ' -i