~ 7 ?*- ? _ . ?? / t ' ~ - -1 'I \ . ..I.. Kj"* ~t ' ' J 7~~^77~2zr~^. -"'V ? ^7 .... . - 1 . * * ' ?;? ' - - ^ ' , IV- I ; / :V : ' . . ; v , . .. - ... . V " o V ' ' \ -V. ' - - _ .* V ' ^hl ^ + + + -f ". ^1 lj \ ?4t P H B i '^Hv ^jJ * ->^B iss / Vaunt fcejH*>llra* Ctuto m r*edi- J i*n?r> fhwlrnitn. N?tion?u>ommu 1 ?? nt??- i?* H pru^ .a# ?p**k*rt or dm- T FYtncho F?uut>roy rf Tuiu Oak batar? lor any usua. to h?v? roit>- 1 homa st?nd:a^: Arrv W Hmttmt V. I. Legislature Ends CaaaSAH. Ifi^biAi^ Ua W699IWII, Ul IUI?I?CV III Progressive Democrats Hit lawless Elements, Hear Hill ' in two ?tron? reeohitiow, xht commendation in tftr firA part au ?. e. Kioiyn ???u rejirrynu Oreennlie ui February and rpveal- . Uvta of this iut( in Congress. re v rd to '.he rest of ^h*?tete?mtj|bob- i mlndmj that in view o( the obviou serve lam and proper dopoKnitm reluctance 6f a jury to convict H at a trmtva representative of the race serve religiously the ru.e* of goo Dt Hill attributed syh tnctdenti f oanduct in all place* that we ad ?i Use Onenvttlr iynchlng to "fear- mvntsti ail wtth whom we twns ii la- wluu-- ioeu.toacauaa-o! Hagro-ad- -eomari to-move wtUrdtgmty carry vancement *i7Tk" ! infc ouraelve* with forbmrance ,an ?r~r? ? petsvinally etidearm?fceep?mi The Nev he aebl. I* tired o. |rMjp oat of ff,nf.lr! mith the Ut told he la ? r1'" "*11 by asking our men and W^mien t only when it a t? <*?* foe WJth circumspection whereas country M??w. ha said the Ne- ,ftf| |0 frr ,?Uf Bi.tfSrsI puniest ' '? r he-eant* the ^eaiter ebld. ? the Aioog with expecting and de prtvjege* of the human (wraona- | manning justice fn?n. out law off! ?X>* . . . . . *. . ctra in out courts we egpect an The e*ecoti?w V..4!. report ; mu4{ have good conduct Iran mem (roan atate ehuuntan John H Mr- jf0up -Ceay ?'V1 other* fnur several roun-, Th^ resolution- ware" signed b ties Julian L Morgan of Marlon q byrd. Chert w A J Orn S?SS^: ?nt. 4r ; Chgrleatun and h. J M< TFXT OT *t*OL TTIOW* OmmM of Sumter irsi 01 inr . rrv ,uuon aooptep follows: "" ? I The **ecuti*e comhiitte -i '"U . " South Carolina Proffeaatve Demo- |lfSfl|ik I iimaL ?-rv77 Fa - I- ill wwtinr^y|(|\||L LYfltJl ' Columbia. 8 C May at. LN7. here- ; V fcJIIWfl with raadiiyaa that the Oowrw at ffca|| m . Bill Introduced v UN, lav enforaemewt officer* be ewwwaaK|m commended far bringing to trial the i WASHINGTON Df C?-< nnp>iQdletad Wbrt of Wlfl?e~i let le. Senators Robert F Wagner Dnn 1 along with presiding Judge. J Rob- ocrat of New York, and Wsyn ert Marun. /r, for *fc masterful Morse Republican of Oregon las 2?1&jS35rV?i, *3? .. Bgsrrj522JFZFi&rsS?. . a mocker; of the farts presented ( abettln* aueh ?iZo -? "iii at nariamSe dHA tilt Mil 11? I WtL_mience. and signed eeldanra. ' CM of fire. i*?< v?, .. Sa U aleo raaofrad that this man days oPeork . ' -' " _ . . i : * ?_?? !?__ -1 ' 'IB [: _.;Y* ' .. ?*>'.,* ' .1 ' * y: 'r'x y }" : ? ' : ' .... * . : ' v. 1R JAMES VI wll JAIfltO VI * _ + + : - + 'Hears A rgu "" TLANTA RES __' ? -HoFrcu Z \ ?Z1 tf**>*ta, oV. '?? t'iMirr PtWft: at darknwa, around ii.iJii ,:h( Ki i.U ? . I*.i wMtr inn. lit ' tn .idtmpt ti? Mrikr (rtr Inu/ N#' gr? iiilwiiii*i>^'i>l itif imnhlwlintl 'ifiidj Wtwr*u ti Mild llrti 'flu A*l"y Si S W Mini ti.\ ?tmltrrn.f j?^ > , ' '77 ?i|iiA?liui bb>? udt froln 20' to ,'4 ,. # jwitnluWk rwiOnt^ ?i>?i It <* '? a lOtitttiualluii ul Uir Hj A\ht> huuiin* figlit uhteh tiaJ Hr bwi gcdf.g on" s?v?rm) mur.th* ^ Rj ,Z - { ' Miu .Lucille llaxtU. Ahw iivti 4i ^ r?r- ?...>wi ^Krjk -. rad twrn i irt umtrd in thr- nrtM' * / ^ ^ attiaclad U> Hi* barking. m? ,t*o mm plant U*t1 buipto. itae rr (HiitoJ Rhr *aid n?W *a* thcib run b?aaa^???] back of b?ua#a and Jpm- thatn . Mivcfc ui IIk tail yraa* altar planta b*th Jran Mil^y?m m?I'at !*- Inn ?niJtu> a.tii a.At ant import* 1. j w. rW,u. *.?, s ttur sa.- r-tns - -?1 ? thanHahr. 1 hut rilkl thul m> baor of --?'"v.; '-- tltaot V^Ai^filll Uwnadiataly afar til* puU-r iaft, | ajllll I If ol UM gwrtiinr . ^ " (H? slw> ( unilng ami r* I CT I Q lurrid ttmr fir*- It t* btltard Mu?' IvLI V "T5* <)'II* of itir ?.h<>u took ffart ?:? Go vernor A? t NAACP Calls for R*H, AnlLl Mirk hau r CHARL-OTTF AMAUI ? Two- l/VJ mxir. Virgin leiutda- tNNPAV? . YORK.?'THe HAAPf a? " Governor sdmlnUtrrt.on fcuyor O'Dwyer .? de-i a^brandrd t>oth a red andI i r**^' clare ?n antH> nching day. In ? ii.UJlUiy" Hi*WU*f? uf lite Fiufiv telegram to tlv? ?^ew Yo.k City d Qulde political party la?t Mnr mayor.?Af-v*'"'" official* eald* if \ day a* the An>mbly of "The National Association for the LhaVlrgtA Ulandi adjourned after 1 Advancement uf (Vilnrwl People t.two and a half aeek* of setaion* urge* you to designate an anti s duringjrjj^ch.Ulne tt falled'to pa*? a lynching day within the .next ten ft tingle mil- " v.- day*. *ral1.ihK upon rttit^hn of New - " ' ., . , . ' York to take all aetfdlt tyithin their j A corulderab^ art of the w-wlon. wer- |K|fh individual* and character tied by "'V??1?, ?f through then nrganliationn, the.r rv.)i \ rrnor fiaat* a adnUniMratwn ?n4 iJf on,.,ne. to make . Crttlrmn ot the tgrjff^w%? known the.r opposition to,,, the . ret oft by a letter which he w _ crime of lynching and their ?ff*ira 11 . 4 onttnurd on Page A, that. ???r govemm**? tkke alepa to * \ . . . ?. ?^4 erMfcate-lt " . : WilbertorceDean ? ? dustr-y eapgrixron tike thkt of "20'*' : dim; stfldw- ' v Citizens A$k T Ir-nstinp Parade wn.BKHPORi r OMo r?r i IOt*0 H3r^S V1110 \ Aubrey Iaii* Dean of Men. poro . _ ^ 1 rsAor of kgtumtturr, lutluiii fprr HARTOVILMf. S C ? Cfd?r?l -tentative >d ii>? Veteran* Admini* Investigation UHo uh?i It termed ? TmtUih program Wtlfcrforc# UtU- * **P* charter brought ji vet ?.?t? died unp*v?#s"1l. wa* belli* KHHjfot' "f lending iht Annual Memorial Ut) j ^ by 'HWI%harif and krouiMd pwridc it? xenu Dean law k hutl ciuartu. UV.V. try hK a ulna ariil ilaiitfhtii^lldLtMIK^n Ftfrf-hflefyJ hiMtftfll hi p-afc-Cei ofllreni laat Hund*r immediate 1**11 in Cincinnati in ttM>. Dfc ly ifter returnine from aenricea at ?liiisr aaa?rmnmivdiaier?ul ' ?-??"* - "? >> ?. . ,IKm i kw??trm MMrtW AmOrtaUuti at . uf forty-.nevm white men had vUit the tirwvof )iu death A member rd hi* home In a "lynrbltig mood " uf ti?a faculty at Wiiberforce since : A white woman had charted that ivAd. ur?n mm *?? i member of Unmon bad aotatftit to attack Mr in *?,* J?fyi Ro?n Port, Amor loan hat bacfc yard but Am m At rfnil J*rot>. Ptrrt Lieutaoefo m thr ftrd trttti Mr tearatffe ? ?* bahw - Vm?b?!w Rwtrvf ?#th Infantry ihf ntrteaMl httitk and (ha mw r and tw??bd I*?dth? RMgM of flad/ tht vooap llw near Da/t the Iola Lode* Xrtda i iaHy Mat. Uf bfaanvtui*. ubmb niaraudf de. . tat* ron vent lop of tna *Gk* din pir?ti Mho era aajrt a taa anaa at rieonvro* tn Xante in June and taa cfeaftt. appaaruic a?> aftndtaai i" *rvlne %? fhMMaan^ djlw vtM the rMtyajra* aouftrt i mernbr of tbaiAtpM ltd AipM -adtt ? hat ar and M the? MB fraternity. i gladly lam thaaa era* tc fadtrat - ' 9 " ' * ... , ,?. . i * 1 ? I u 11 J' r *' " Hi * ' "? - - . .... .. j v*. | -'I ' '**' " ! .' ; . s. . #% . A F - vr-i " '-f.. f. ; . .- - *5 "# . '* : -r -.y, ; > v ERNER; MM ; + - + ' / + 4 merits On S. " . 1 ? *? * ?r????i . ?: ?^"?- . |*',p j ..... I FO-R M ER;^- ^^|| iiuv. JI'NP HJH17 _ v' ' ^ IDENTIAL AH mi.i?1 to imw hidden ind luund thai ^ thr tfT*M tftuard rvWIeiir* lluil HlL w IIUHMI# i amphrtt * I vMQIHMI Inhabitant* ?ki Wlh Iwuui rl I J market that Uk rKplmton vti th* H -! ilurtn? ttu I pail hut* nmnth* |H True Uitiabtti-.au frt 33* Athbj ?%)d -1 tt.at h?J j?c?tv?4 ur^^ C AftlillhA.! I baa *-' Assaulteisinds-Jr^^^H Echoes Of Mortro6~j U p Lynchings Heard 9 ^ Thruufbaut Trial < Ik ' . T~r ' f| 1 - *t f. RirSAIPMON JONI H > p. a'Ti it~'7?t n? i HNHi a <,* 1 Jurv tn U. 8 Dl*trlrt Court twti* Tu? sday drvt?r?- tb* January 1 beating of 'Golden ham a* Howard, and aqultted and Q felraaed hi- brother Toco aiding W&jfjA anu SbrtMof him In Ute umt crlio.* h3ifc?*!i* Maf? r - .~*?|irtfd^a before a Federal gTand 1 ^ ^ Jlirjr Instigating the Walton Coun-I. wiNfl VA ttJ.SAY CONTEST ? If lynching*. began Monday In a j MUa frodella Mreue. eb*mh gride packed courtroom The Oowmmenl student at Boolei WWUBIWIB high aoeueed the Verner* of aaaaulttng i BCnool in Columbia; S C , wa* trln"HfiSMfJ in an attempt to draw fron. ?^f ?, ,he V^mr,. *rtrntTtt?ri-?rtmrhUn what he told the apodal grnrul .National Service Llfg Iruuranc* Cklury I'l let the tnialrlal verdRt j Co*ite>t It; Hi. hlan.l Comr \ r. Jaxnea Verner ^ muit again Mand *-** announced, Monday The cOl|? j trial on the charge, unles* the tk?V' teat tea* open Id arret.* h. eighth ernnwnt iwl-ptOMii the Indictment Ihd ninth grade student a and atJEchoe of the near -Monroe lvneh- -*-** - -- -- .. >^u ...? ?/ n^r^iruv rmrir* MIS>8 iiign f?llrj n* TtSCOBSS^of hm?i of UreUr's *i> al?a rriO-fr^ ih? Hawuine* nn the ffrat day. Ho tw thy. >ti?te contpeUtton- ??1?h ward W-0 the parade uf aline** to - Mtu MrrtH' raeived a |&0 s#v? the afand Ink* Bond fforn T. K. KiUffhl. pfe* 1*Whm the government . resumed dent of the Insurance Bervtee-Com1U raw itHiuM the Verner brother. P?"> of Cojuiwbta The jnraentatlon Tutwdav Cltf Police OtfucrMlkr *" ^ W.R Junes of Moutoo took thf aland ' Whltencr, -VA Training Offl? and eenflatftbe. statement* C'hirt ?f ?" ??*"?* * of faculty and Ben QMtthson made Monday that kt? the whooj the a#T? nd?r.t J?ffie*> had aenniu-Ty \ yA ?pon*nrrd the ronteat Ut an ttated h* beat lamar Howard bo- ,ffort to better acquaint veter.tna cauae he allegedly had told lie* on > of world War II with benefit* or Rlm ; National Bert lea Uf* liuriir. anre may be reinstated now with*. At teir.pt i of the dofenae to con- ,w " *Ona th.ne allowed "Ilea* meant v^r.? ,d, kw CwMtlnoetf On Pag* C ? health la no Worye now than a the .. -?.. . ",>? ,-iL- tlm#e ,,f 1*jeq. Veteran# who foiled - - - - . .- - *'?* to tme dm inauraiwewmie m w* II "-'O ' PI,, j-wil-fc ^ v"*e bta| do -?' now Howeter. thl? U . iJE. rrooe _eaa> trctj^of ' wnMaHUffllt > ptre> Augu** 1 VA contact repra I teiUtlV^f will akl in filling appt|rai R.SlD'G 'Judge- iJi tnr nous' wore WadL. ^ H ( ,/U ??jfcrthterident n iaHfowa'-. "7 education and two riwinbrt* of ?ha I mi tf| > | i>. fit I I'D i" Oo utiil'ia City ftifl .Mat ; . l. u*eo i. ?K-. tzazKi** ~T IB' ^ I i m?? iiwrMwoFwi o.* sE much nl DurJfrurU*! county u l?- tn CoLie.hla khiAKl m lh? of thtt farmer J m. ColUn'bt*^ [who asked hfcf name vtthhelU , /? . rsaaT a it ri^> Dobbo ain't the kind of than who'd l^vJU .^WibK I A -4fO a_ro--:-U iXxtl*JtiV at?i ? * r W.. ? ar? tired of all tttfe trouble about nrnrAD 141' r/\D rapine around hat* Inataad of the ~^F,l\r rVJllV - 1 federal - jfaternrnanl waiting?until 1 l - I tuere'a a tjrnrMnf to coma In. it II1TUCD C/'UAAV ci.uM Mop a lot of thia meaa by i*I/\ I llIMx Ov^nV^V/li checklrv up wv theaa Women who v peruainf falsely and make them BEAUFORT. B C Mite Lou iuSwt tome." ' ! Swarlr ?f Ne* Vr"h Clfy, etdefcr ?.. . ?. _ ?? . , nwn concert ami (rrtun itrtHi v?' JO#HI'A JONM tnd kmr idrMUlMl with ^H#o? IT I F. ItTNOUM) . and mural upMfumr nave?a free toailm M ?ajra Mm nryhfi performance Hwt Monday n%tot (or # Mrt rtag M km ttmgai am attor student* and faculty mantbara at HMvaftfeetfMpaf aloetMifclftiMad. Mather e*n<#d. - ? v ' Attired In roatume* denirtfn* Hrttdtn I* expected to ?et foil character Ira t muz Mtn.DeaiU n?fi ?># mkota from United State* . ., V vivid and in?pirin? performance. ? which kept the audience tpellAto* ?n vMitUU 'to xtiMky ihnond fiUHik knk~ foCaUa id Africa. Miu OwarU U at prenot the MB . .'''.if". . ? : ' " 1 .., _ : l *' vj? MNHi + * + + C. Primary z I 'V "' - ' .. ' .. ''1'".",' ' T-':' ' ' ' "' 1 ' " '*,' ?ii' .y'lf ?? < - i I . . : .. - |.' . .. . . 4 r ^ ^ P R I G E; PER COPY ^1 i B Jlllll^ B 1EJ^ NAACP Counsel Build Case On irJ#?ein' (hilimf tkhuno ? -- -* -j, . - v. :? 4 , Upholds'lawless'White Primary r~ V ft MUtrlcV TVnirT ?li inn itfimiL''.' a*i h Wartnii f ChaflMton heard A.ttorn#j Tmnr F Balaar, Mmrir T rn-. TiHXdav and WadOM #4 firvt deftiur artiamcnu OWtLM* ' dat.-irom both vide* a* Naa< i? )?u lirnrt. uiot.htr detaiue attornay, rv?.. - .?p??rd th* Jon* >*pect?T t,it-? Had handled pcrPimilfcflta Q| lip I tic to tweak Houth Carolina* aut? r*tm ahd *aa vheduled to oonUnua te*ai whit* Datndcratlc p?i- aiVjrtitnf when court Ktaswini ;t,* WrdttradaV RtOt|llli| T^7 ?' -:;j I ieaday rnrmina and afternoon Mr Ifeieer wtfbba?an ipaaklnc M tha cOOTt" heard *r fitment* Iron, - It 36 fohowttlf a 20 ir.lnuta OOUrf i -r. 'HI---'" "1*f rwrnky marked on three penni*, flyat 4 10 lir.'ii 10 00 a. m Wrdneadav that at a-twlvately opera lad oitudr Ftnai ai?um?nta from the itetnue aaften the PtOoagma party. Iifd^r-. add rH uttai* ana to tw heard before iefalrlfht id annate it* inatnhtri / .iud?r Wariua riiffh* the *?Uty altip atone any line* tt preferred, / ipheac or the anion brmtcht by 'cmnrt that ttOuth CaroHrut'e prt* / A Ktmore ??r Columbia mart ayttcm differed from %ny Ft / : againtt Wirhtand County Pcruorret* nildh w bv court* and. third, id?4h?+rule* nn the caar. diaiituaaj of tho caae onvtrotmd* of I?Four fifth* of aifctMon Tnaaday r.?i lurlMicnon of th? ooml ( morning Wait Negror*. many of Mr. Betaet -waa ntltl arguing when d whom traveled area' dUUnoaa to Court re.ewed at 1:30 until S o'etoak hear tjw trial.-'Fnfautw from Ftor- when he returned th? budt W

rote In last MUtigttaf* luUhattaa | ment for the pTaintlff, first moving I After being a .lowed to enroll., K? and being granted toy the court? ad- ! Whatever the deeiiton hefe, U? mlMiotl oX Tfuirgood Marehell chief , I* Mpee?*d^? ?|>l?el*l bg ApiMga. ?? nwH jgyk ^ . Mr Bovhrarr recited document- [ 1 ' *ry fact nurroundlng tberefuaal of W f A. Ml 7 g* Wg \ Mr BmoTe by ward nine party of- I7^lf Jr|r Octal* In Columbia |?t hnmw and! ; . -f moved Into the apecial egldattvol. M a ' -* f f -cMK>n athldh tfpealed ftotfth Card- i /\ o 3% Q t* 4?/7?>lV7 / ilina prlniirr law la 1044 far. a* th* 1 aa O O 1, MioMljftp attorney cited It, "a deliberate *Up ] to circumvent ibe Smith ver?u% All- W I A _ j.' , wrltpht ca*e" Mr Bouleware alao /? ^Affl/Trt f\CVl\jT read the teat of former governor . , or ~ . . . ' . : ?X" ?*?*? ?J5 urruoiT; Mich WaKer P IUt>. apedal General ^otnibly. In lfhlrh t ? nmj.ct/> nraalrlant aimound^ ' W?uj-'aW^-rami ?h>> Wf*k Ul* ,our top mC T. 4 11^ of the union had wired Pra+ twuSJ i2r SlIS aiSJl1 d^,t Truman demanding federal If- i 19M weft alao Introduced by the ' Uon Je^thaml- ' ''* laintiff Uou of den>ocratlc Jutice a* the N>i a Knit m i. mvife law . ';nt l[rg*1 ,'^ r.tn 2 *"*' J?JI i Mr.'ManhoU. impeccably attired c arnltna, whU-h n-auHrrt^tn a Ml . | in a tight trey iuit and upon whom *tu', y..Viiy, i >?r first deMng Into the historical bark Georga P. Add lJ**. I ground of what he rallad the 'rights' i |K* . 'IT, 17ajt ' r | of NffmV to vote #tnd court ruling* Thomas ?r?d RlrHfcfd T. l^ooArd. against various M-htmii employed . together with Reutherwho js co-qf' _ y'd'Anti ; faW^f The 6M 1 "Wff. " T,- " " , >tJft' r fleers." the brilliant oouruel who The iext of the telemram follow ?(o that d?y be pony, tnurmfrt-. Prer?d?nt Harry 8. 'I. jrnao ^ i ed the honorary dortorat* degree by Washington, D C. -jajWUnroln University, said that the The PAW-C1Q repeats agmfcja * two weapon* titd to deter Negro reque*! that you take th* MB In voting were, ftret, the "grandfather setting federal action to prevent rlaute." Which was killed by th? If sueti tragic violations of democm?, Supreme Court in itlft. and the j lc Justice at tne recent legal UfW "^hite primary." ruled agamst Hi' Ih OrartMjIe ScUth Carolina. which the cUwlc Allwrlght And Primus resulted in a not guilty verdict for King case* ' 23 ronfeatad lyncllm Attorney dgeWM TH tl?OLINA WllfkP ' ?I arat Clark hat already annual* M : The Nixow versus Condon case In i hit intention to explore ihep ejjjmt Text*, derided In |W?. he tald. In- ity of further action In this cate. tod volved principle^ Identical, with th? i we commend him for thit potion. ; fiouth Carolina primary, situation out we are convinced that nothtdg -. s I which, he said. nukes South Caro- lev, than e federal stUl-lTaafctdaiAir Jl H Mite nwd tan yean nehlnd hf=^*f|TnwiTre to uphold justice l^Sd*. whit# primary" scheme cenry in cages of this kind., Prom i Mr Merxhai; also cited numerous ,n corners of the earth the ey* M 1 > cases In which federal eourti ? - mtt .j?j? i.? *.mu i wubuj? t | FuW- jbprvwd upon AamU* 4'xH*T.U> ?w ctudfni labor unions, which hwj k wo can orMtlM tho^nrlnotafti # ?u|hi to lm? ur mtrtci their pi^ch In tho c<^uTl!7if?I a_ in' *** *??'?* ton* , DKFkMNI rU'HIl WIWI nr* pwmlttfd to inurdv AMdMt Counsel* for plaintiff droye- llocnf cltlaerP and wo untninlihf^mB IU main point, namely that at-- Df other tiatlona wfl ]&Sk . though primary itttutM had'boon with okootlctsrn on our chm wL ^ " repeal^ Democrat* must print and Wf . ,7^^ EjPta JJS5JS.'?5lfc*S2u tm-m1d- Oon?r*" MM oSt |\UUon. and. tbmlort, arc *ubj?t to 1 Welter F Reuthar. PrwkUnt . ss^traracr n^Bb&lnKd ? and mother. Mr* Weryaret Walker I ft. J. Thomas. V-^yskkOi. 11 Waal *7th Bt Savannah, Oa - United Automobile W?tk?li (KX I - *-S. .... ^-y~ - -*"< \ : '%? r I - " ' 14 "r C "