. i ksir ^ " r " v * ,sunday; october tarrgBones Atlantan Bec :^-fiBi 9 1 1 ? ^^HHH r^?n| |^fl? -| -> *** ~ Jf ""; ?j|bi ; A report to Major General F .> from Col. William A. SmitH, Conr, Devenn discloses the appointment 1*. MeLemore, a haiUrcf Astai>r-Min McLemor v - ' . . V * . . V . * ' Now Is 1 Kinks Ot ?Ry MAKIjK .. /. J. These tingling October d (Alt on a beauty rm&king prog rwith "that upland-doing feeHr ik- -?i i 1 .j . Lxie inuuu nnu nume aumecnui] ? .:. . ti'xei^cise ii a must,.whether you 7 -it or;nor. The baste-exerciser " e^proved by heading health auJ.)K>rities are quite simple^r-and here ?s'a trick tb roatie, theip more hm (< nrl |v\r\?A J A 'Won* "T (\JIvI TllvlI " Uvltt^ltvX3?I. rt I i"VV Bigger Nursing Program Started' At it' MiilliM A! jL i ilsliipS t Add Five New : Supervisor* To Va. Institution RICHMOND, Va AFJP) -As h part of its new enlarged program, v the St. Phillip School of Nursing ' laJst week^saw five'hewv supervisors assuming duties in medicine,, surgery. obstetrics, pediatrics?and public: heaKgTrvQfSthgrr AT ^tlie same time, the $130,000 additions' to"" the" nurses home, made, possible by a . ' grant, trom the General jfJducatkm ~ > Board eT New YoSTcT neaf'ed com pletlori: *" The two .projects' are resigned to. make this important unit of the 7- "Medical ColIejg'e'Of Virginia one of , the most outstanding, centers of Its kind in the country?a center that Js. jleyoted to the care of Negro patients St.'Phitiips \ ospital and. the Negro crippled children's unit, as well as the education of Negro nuraag'. ??: Nurses STipervlsorg - wno?Bekrrrr their duties and instruction last r-v; . week were Sadi^ Aittn Welds, East ' Chicago, Ind.A public health nufs ffty- Darke Penor Waahtngtorr. nerifatrte' pnndng- Mrs A Austin. Phoenix City, Ala.,'surgical nursing; Miss PauiTne D. t'Battle. Buffalo. N. Y? medical nurstfig. and Maude I. Duncan, Springfield. , ^ Mass., obstetrical nursing. Each of the five nurses has a full round of. -t-*? classes, as well as fterlods of pnu* preparation for teaching at the bed side and giving larger supervision to the care of the sick. A total grant of $168,000 -was , made to the school, with $38,000 set > . aside for a six-year period employment of the five - supervisors. At end q>t the (etorjfli year- of -the Hew program, an English ' teacher wiH he. adrlert tn t?nh Shuus wluJ 1 have not had th? opportunity for WOMEN, . 2-way roll .. Month aftPr month, some Worn* functional pain and discomfort. - Then they learn the tfelp of CARDUIJ. ^ -V. ' - ' ' f * " ' t 1?robaf>l.v. that Is beceuae CAR DtH increases appetite ' and the \ flow of gastric- jutcai so aids . digestion,^ and " helps build up mitif V / ' ?*-r?? ?-?> ?1?H ' V * ' .'t#v V*">* . / \ ^ ' - k / a ' rT~^?y 1 ' " >" 1 T 11 " * i f 1 ^ ? Definite omes librariar 9 -ir\ ppp-r "N~"** mrSP&Wnffl*^ ^ ^B ~~" "rancig B. Wilby of Bradley Polyt imander of For* the A. degree of Miaa Roberta Hampton, Va., w :t, Georgia; and locatioifal Fort r the pt'it eight the S.-C. 4 Sei'vi sw library in the ively as a *epa of the 368th In- to meet the nee e graduate hancL At the den will be obtained. Tie Tim e 'it Of Yot ;?s :?: i T)OWNlN(T ays make it exciting to start ram/and if you find yourself ig this, bright morning, seize 0 York Beatify Salon, which believ?a "in the value of stretching for hew- . ty and relaxation,' has put an exercise aid ,dn the -marhet This gadget, is simply a piece of tough which to slfj/ the hands and the feet during your exerciser If th?a tsp't available you can make cfne ytmrself whieh will - serve very.. xwell. /> . ( ,|Iere are sunie of * the stretching ikerHses recommended by this an- ' fhority. *"We've' tried them, anclt , Ihey upc fan .and downright sen 4 sible. " ~ ~ " 1. Lie on your back and put youi | handt 'ln the loops of your elastic . strip. -Place your feet in the mid-4 die?(rf?tbr?elastic?and?push them up u nttt your ItHees a re straight and legs at a right' angle to the body. " Z Sit on the floor with knees drawn up. T'ake both ">nrfs of .the j elastic In one haikd, hold the center I wlth'the Other, and stretch ybU?i' - arms high above your head and as far apart as the oiastic will Allow. 3. tile on. your hack. Put both tworps of the-elasilc on one foot. . the other' fool In the oenter of the elastic. \Raise your legs,-stretching advanced Instruction in English before entering the nursing school.. ZThe remaining $130,000 has gone. for the .construction- of twd.tfve-v; suhV year-^lng additions-, tp. ot. PI il.lip hall, homt^/or Negro nurses In addition to a new audito.rtutn to be used.for lectures and recreation, 74' new beds are provided and - ^ a much enlarged library. The addii tion Js belnft constructed At .'the _ rear of the "present building, built 1n 1?31 ?ht cpst of ?im>.lHJt. ItR'lud- ~ tog MMlpmentet ' - -?- * Facilities -now provided for only lOd'bcda, but the'nursing school has;L a Current enrollment of K15, including Mtp tW pre-oUnlc Class of 4g ~ which came In fcnii fltff ft! ~ ber. before Completion of the addition around the first of the year. Mpv officials ^ay that a? number of the nurses will have to be housed outside the halls. A dailv aver age Of about 234 patients at the hospital require* the attention of the nurses, who also attend the youngsters In the .crippled children's unit. ^ .V ? ? ^ r. * Another instance of the expanded work being undertaken?by St. Phillip's 5? the. grant.ing^of; a yoar'3 leave of absence tp narses who de- . mirsliigr Pmidr I Study yiuvlUoii by tlia tmnerol ? Education Board. ? . ??*. here's ell an ?r for manyv That's rmfp way *t may ,reduce periodic?,, pain du.~ only to functional causes. . . ;. But it may also help relieve periodic distress if you start taking it by directions three day* be- fore' Hyour - time// Remember, modern facts hnji 61 years ofpopularity invite your,confidence III - _ ------- : \ ~ ~7"* '1 - ' ?ly Not L . 1 I ' ?' 1 11 " 'l- -I1-- .V ' i For Army ? " - - .J iff echnic Institute, Peoria, 111.*, with ; < y and Hampton Institute Library, ith a B. S. degree. Tile newl'brary Deven? ti oiT'jlie ground floor of i Ice Club. It is being iFitted attractTate unit. . 1."50 yolumes.. picked ids of the 366th Infantry are at , nand grows additional publications < .* t To Get ? , . ' Jt I hem t ; wide o*'cr your head. Kock hard *. on the hlna ' - . ?J Stand up, with feet about a ' foot apart. Hold the elestiq taut * over "your head and swing torso ~* . from -side to side, without relaxing l <- i J. Now ^ou go flat-on the floor r with knerg^rnt arid feet ?d the J feet and stretch one leg straight i up;' then louei' it and repeat wij?l~ the otlien I ?g.y-"-~ ' K. Lie otr your hack with arms ~ outstretched At shoulder level,- feel straight un in the air WMh ekistig loops river your feel, saving . your-legs from :,tde to side, Vtt?uchv. - You Too Can Hav _J ??T TH1 nu-hair .; i ces*ro '.rjffil ~i formula . - .r<: | hel> you as " ' '.it has helped ' '"rll j 1 - thousands . jh How You Cqn Srowl (Certain parts of the Irody rVow to a cei -Hair Grows always if you keep your act 1 , itching;-When you scratch your scalp ) -J HAIR Wtfcl HOT GRC - > -TheCc arc Tip sweat glands in sprca 01 * i by hature to make certain outgrowths I well. Hair is produced by our soulp skit I little place in the true skin. If you d I you may feel-all right, but.? nothing w i ' A scar is not skin. You will newer fin ^ 1 sore. Hair grows from the cells < > not look after these hair bulbs, .hair v , . These are two glands to each half I6~] i pniDic, nreps ii itoiii oeeomTTTjr-itfVrnly ?J L,J. muscle winch1 is yttaibcd tu Its Hair ( 1 healthy hair, you mu?t JheTp nature tol i in good condition, keep it clf*n, aoft ai , >" If you are suffering with head sores < . . I Complete"treotmeril or you will lose >< < working properly ami gtramrrtee y?mn 1 long grewtrtf hifr. gtvF yeuratf a eornj j CompM* NwHalr Seotp 1 Hu-Halr Btsgr* formula Nu-Hair Prtttlng Cqmpoui J N?-M?lr Sp*?l?l Ikmmfi I SEND NO MONE Mud ?iim and iddrtw. far PmIimk on ' l7" .? d?Uv?ro iKo niiro troilmawr. h ii ftorti J Vtiu Mswl > 1 NU-HAIR PRODUCTS. 1133 Br ?- : ' ' - . ^ ? *? ' " ' T1 " . i-*'t .* 'JiU ? . *?; Jt. ' , Styiist Thing Of" ?Y HELEN "T Distributed by King Fe " Scrawny is one of the ugli grnpfrc. Tt meem'slofFiySF^c witches, JKlbowa puahjriq^thi >Jcka hllow. would you believe it theri. aro to death of taking on a few^ demons when they shoukhbe si developing curves. ' They're hel stylish any more. Between slenderness and 4eanncgB there may not be a. difference of more -than fifteen or twenty ijou ds but the difference In iipoearariee is marked. Aims sh.uld be neither at not, thin, but beautifully molded; Just light. The thront should be smooth, without a line. If malnutrition TIla present, . if will be ere: sod", eve/5 if 1 woman is in her early twenties. Nobody wants a full mocn face, cither should ontTMesire to parade * 1 hungry, gaunt ?he.. " ' The extreme lightwe&ht. . need-! ful of adipotsp upholstery, can cultivate pleasing curves if sne is ft noriftal health. Emaciation may signify some_physical In ; hat 'event, hers is a case for the 'amily physieian.Lehances t*ie -< he ivll fi* d thnt rhe is more or less 1 crazy on the subject of keeping hip. ' ,,, . . 1!. It shduld be thes not ] TOHirttlHT the diet should he madep of?these sub'tan-es ' rff that -1 hey should be t Ren in excess. he digestion v. ?v ?t manage mt eh atrSiig.ir is a-hlghly concentrated '>* the floor ftt cavh ?U}c. ' ing the elastic.Uuit, v? : ^ 1 9.. Finajly,. sit tvllh your knees < ilraighL toeshp and heela forward 1 Lie dawn and sit up again'as stow- j ty 11 possible*' If you make your own exercise' j yd. be "sure that the elastic is _J trong chough Th make >it rfcal ex? j ^rcise to stretch' It. This extra , itretehittg, added to the familiar j Xfcfc'ses is a splendid id'?a. A few j At these exercises every horning*'? and we mean v.EVKRY horning'?will help you gain the | ithe, y5ung figure that you want. J -Uptakes. # little-wLll-pny/er-y-but j t works! ' - - , WfUf itre y-rittr fteanty p'roft- t~ !e?ts?^Write: Slarle Downing. I I.arieuse TBrauiy Rureair, S50!l 1 1 I.lndell Rlyd:, St. Loliis,- Mo., -and?she?will he glad, to auswej them. Re sure to enclose a. iwdr- ? adrtrrtsfd, stamped envelope. e Beautiful Hair ;! is j j E ^ .1 -ong, Heaimy nair ' rtain'sixe and no further, where**, 4 lip healthy. An ailing acalp eautea , 1 fou make sores and scars. j ' ] >W MOM A SCAR i ' . 1 scars. The body is given power , * of skin which we all kno*'very 1 1 1. Each Hsir Grows from.a special ' 1 2 lestroy or mutilate this true skin 1 , . rill ever form another true aKfa. ' ! k| n hair growing from a war or ( . >f the hair Im'hs. . If you do < till become brittle *jid break off.. iroduce oil thai keeps it soft Mtd , 1 and from cracking. Every hair Kaa i Jluuf. lu urJrtl Hi Crow Hair 4ry keeping your Klip id eliminate itching and dandruff, h or, acara do not delay taking our ( 1 >ur hair. To keep your hnir celU < >eU a heaUby. bcaiiUlul head of , 1 . )lete Nu-Hair Treatment.- ' ^ kj_ : l?" SPECIAL OFFER ' ikI ALL FOR ONLY , sf * -: y >1.00 plu* (?w (??m poataa* "Ik* .. ,< iH??d to plnw or Hoiuy nfunlitl r <, ' 1 | I oadway, N*w York, >y?Y.,' ( j tgQBSUBL CHABBESTON, S._ ru~ n^4. r i iu r ddi JAMESON attires Syndicate, Inc.) est words in the English lan-~ r ?n?sfandmattesyouthink of ough- the cutajtpou.s fabrics? Shanks^ like pipesternsl And, girls like fKntWhoarc scared _ Irtra"pounds? -They diet, noveiingJn good groceries- and v hind-the,times. Bones ayen't_j food, muat be taken in moderation. But the, slimpy l*dy has been 211^8ardly With these' food" elements, needs, more of t'rem. "it if. the string bean girl Nvho shudders ,at the sight of, sweets,- loVes . pickles and iiyes on a lettuce leaf a day i >. .. / v - ^ ' uaisini^are rich in sugar:, they ore highly recommended for fho wooer of cuives. Nuts, rich in oHsT arc fattening] Have nuts and haiisins near ct hjind when the nibbling'desire comes on. ; - A so't-bolled egg for* breakfast tad ia cenerous serving- of meat lor dinner will provide protein. Bead and toast should be well battered. -Be lavish-'with eream -; when taking ten or -coffee. A hot ? cereal, well garnished with cream . ?nd' swar, should be taken for breakfasts __~ /Green Salads and. other Icrff; vegetables do not build fat, but ?. they supply mineral ~ salts artd retain vitamins that ard " necessary for well being. Txie sklnnles especially.' nepd potatoes, beets.,-, urnips. limn beans, corn and peas. And plenty of rich milk. - * , J : ? I PROJECT NAMED - ~~ "] FOR NEGRO I -i - * ' JACKSONVILLE, Pla. -mANP?? < The housing, authority of Jackson-, ' mie, nas omciaiiy announced that ' Lhe; second low-rent housing proj- . ?ct for Negroes no\y under construe-' Lion in the "Haasontown" slum area j las -been named the, Joseph H. , Blodgett homes r in honor of va Ke- ' jro, now deceased, wht^ pioneered irf i he^hulldlh^ anddeveloplng of the :'irst. high class local residential ? i.ubdivision for members oi his race, I md who did much for the betters ? nent of-race relations. - - ;i I ?-?" 1?"T ? '' - * Freed In Death ^ WHi I'fcVlU.hJ, h C. -'A N 'Hi? ~ Failure of a Columbus county grand-, iury to tind a -true bill ngaiifS.t Mrs. Mrsy Mclvin, in connection withl* i.he fatal stubbing last August 2 of r, J. F Fermy Dtibnl, 26. white 1 ( employe of the state" highway department, resulted in freeing of. ( Mrs. Melvin of;-a murdrr charge i Saturday. -- - - - ? _j < .Formy "Duval was fatally .stabbed j rtt; the Kittr Moon ' filling stition here, ;ind the woman's husband ^ was arrested with her slicrtlv after 1 ( the murder. The husband, row- j ever, wns released after the coro ' ? ( ner's inquest, \ ' - s* ; Testimony of witness*!.; saW thHl." Duval went% into the station flhat J night and thut therx? wn*--^ an ' argument None cf thj witnesses ( saw the icnife wielded. j DRAFT FOR LOGS J A device to be placed across^ the lndilons in a rwldonoe fireplace ^ has been Invented thai is asserted :o provide a draft r?f air to burn t logs evenly. TAKES OVER AS BANK "] RECEIVER B CHICAOO?(ANP)?Atty. A. M. Burroughs was appointed receiver ur the holders oT Clip Binga s State Renk by Circuit Oouit Judge-- 3 Benjamin P. Epstein, Friday, Sept. j 16. to succeed Albert C. Dixon. . Bl? NIW STY LI ftOOK Mil . JVVHiPSi we are the largest B thousands of satisH /-1. ficd customers. . wBT" ?? PAdl BOY Transformation* y|l|py- 3 lowmt men gnoS* Bteidi' " Writ* fpr FRB E Straighten* Hair Style Book, ing Comb*, etc. RUMANIA cp. * IIKl.1* tllVKS ? ()l KSTIOkS '"1 AXSWTHKD ohoppv .nurrlHur. lo>r offiiirn, develop I iltrnrtlye jw?r*oo?Uty, fiirnlly confllftH R Jiilrlrrn. ilrinklnKi and work problem*. | n(Wrpiilft f ? ItlaDHiniirrd? l'naueceaa- 8 ill'.* :i>o* you *i|ffer? Try Met #ph> *1 r*l C looting. Menil VSr rotn OH. WODNFY, IIAI Ho. ,Miehlgo*\ I hinutn., ? , A I. a"' ? * . ? !- . - r 7 % ^ C, gE - ' - "-T ? " i 1 m l J * ' ''oi JB > Pictured it the Nationa.1 I tee for the Natioital Confer?hc? Tbc chairman, Mt*? Winifred N< Dl -^f^ V~. ?*U - o ' ?'7*(mr' ~*^i WASHINGTON, D. C.?.frli shaT.fcecp two and a half million ng in the industrial, civilian an >e woi-lred ?nt ||t (>i. N.tl^H^fn it the Nation** capital Novsmbs >f the Washington Initiating C? - . Seated from left to right: C' "hurch; Thehna Dale, Washingt nan of the l?w?f-t.l:?:-?: ^MKiaiiiii cymn :f the United Transport. Service rig .secretary df .the committee. Standing, left to right: Her United Construction Worker? Of lewell Mazique, Delta o Sigma 1 United federal -Worker? of Am< olitan Baptist .Church. r? . . . - STYLE KlUllIK DKKSS AND^BLOOMFRS v. ^ Dres^ hor like y little princes* it tliis Clu?"ie; Tilden frock jnd bloom CT ensemble-. .. it has. that j iuth ful penciling that is so flatteiIn; Lo a tiny figure! In Pattern 458 th< ,wo center-panels in front 'art cu m the bias, and there's just on1 sanel in the back~ Tlie bias eUicc is very striking in a striped ? chei^Aed 1 bri^, e'^.tciaUy whet he yokes and the sleeves are mad< of a contrasting material, *a shown In the upper flgurt. .Thi Irosk has short sleeves; the on )elOW it -ts Thjldf all of ohe fabric md has long sleeves instead. Don' ou 1/ke the tiny^ grosgrain bov it the neck, the trios of button an the yoke? Both a.rs optional Blrsmerr??to match this cunnfnj ro^k aro made with elastic at th< vaist and leg, oi may be out inky?a?pantie Instead?' , v4?ni5 rtooiif jnly_ at the uniBt tw* hie pttttern^TfTTn^r rrr malts with he Sewing Guide to explain everj tep! Why not make two version* or an active miss- one In woo 'or everyday wear, anotner in oft rayon print as a party dress? Pattern 458 is rut. in -children'* lre^fr. 4. e, 8^aHd^ t^V. -uFn""J*ver, At ??ta, Georgia. HOTEL MACK k IT ?p. 848 Bedford PI. N.E. V?8921. Atl*nt?, Ca. Free parkin*. gJJ NEwToLOR Hr\ lirtnt*)#tNUtCKa?AUTV to hair that KL^5e Odafl.fadador *rar. MaMMitt' mm wplon Uti itxt ItomtiK*. 11.00 for NIW COLON today. 11 ploat>ojta?y). PoallWeUuarantyaofaattafartloa afttr tha vary Ant application AHW?ry?ariwn*rbuk. Writ* todaf?aura. W WJP IIICTI Pfl ?Tia ?c CLaN?-*Trr wAJUCLbU 1>0|? vjlit. ' < hi *>'' ; ' rwjA. "" '' i^Sii < -? r ? , ' , ' ' T ' " r. i * V .. * / : jp'" | } *| o . - . nitiiling Commit* to ^the group. F i )( Negro Youth. ,Pjriiifcilt>\ Jackie irmtn, is speaking .^EJward Strong, Discussions . < I " v k -. - : '.* . / '_ : .' *. jna for breaking Joy tin h>rmw negro you'h from fully parilcipaiJ military of A"1*''"*, rr{l*1 Inference on Negro Youth to bo hold ir 14-16, Shown above arc mombora nominee.??;?? ! r * =*~ iarlotte> Payne, Metropolitan Baptist on Negro Youth. Federation, chairlittee: C ^-":""IJ A * ? w ?r*iim A?D?ri" . larie Richardson, woman's auxiliary Employee# Wnion (Red Caps), actiry Thomaa, secretary* local 30, "hala Sorority; William Tytnoat, srica (CIO)j O'ero Tjrmou# Melr*' -' + [ -V FIRSTS L ' ' ^ TT^T^S^^SH vi tw, HMfiHMM MM ? | ' but* 7 GLAMOTOtM, *?* ntiM ! method, Km bu?n m*d? for do* opina ?nd itrongfhoning your Km*, '.1 full month's supply c?th only $1, -A >-- - -*. ** ?- S. -S rfCBWmHTUW Iff IMIIIMpilf m iRfn Rpi CcwpUts i Irktlsm with wry ?stops. IMppt i wwviM ; j ^knvio-Porin Frodvel I * ...j. ' - . 1 ?? - 1? H t-. - -- c ^ ^ raj I* "'/ Hx ' ?ji& ? .il/;.^^ L I. >J>-* ,7C^ | }l HHHHHHHHHHT ron^io^QBfr to right, T. B?JH?t ^ n, Waring??iney, EUI? Jack?o?. ^ : a^l^Mlta Johm. 1 """'" ,, v - '"-; Song Featured new york 6rrY? <&t9&)^-Ma-' ceo Pinkard's song, "Fni Contented Like I Am," was Introduced on the j 'Sach's radio commercial program * 1 bv Gus. Van., famous rutin l?U. .-J vision and stage headliner, Sunday and -was received with so much enthusiasm that he decided to and did repeat it over Radio Station WMCA: ^ . * ... k V Letters poured in from all over the East asBng for the reprtSSJOflZirJ of PInkard's song and it fc pro. 'dieted to become another nation' * , -wide: hit?like iwrtip Durham and "Bennie Benjam.en'sr "X Dont Want To Set The World On Fire," two new-comerff in the fteid of. colortd . song writers. Maceo PlnJkardwas % wise in holding on the jaihliahing rights of "I'm Contented Like F Am." his latest hlt.ahd.it will prob- . ably head the Ust of a Wonderful catalog of songs his firm; Pinkard 1'tiblicatiohs will exploit ***+*) H? - / ley." New York rouah,' tfiatlw relief, helping ym> feat, iwail again, luli of your normal pep. Millions of folks rely on rWrTA-wHrf. ?1 Just chew it like your favorite nan. Testes good. Try FEXN-A-M1NT?a whole family supply coats only lOg. a "J f OLIVE* OIL*fffrr* EE^MfSr^y. If what thi? extra rkhnesa doe* to bring out nil the deep youb( bMUty of your hair. Gat Quean today At BTo^r^y Atlanta! Georgia ^u iy D*Pt. tiu* 5 ? *?M? JmrmUm**m Wkt, Mi HMMRLTN^MkW 1?M ? -V '- * '" - - - - -"'" - * *.' .' '.- ' '.' >"<:.VVftwfr J> j i -\. -J ' ' ' . > > '' .: , y ... - &