? ^UL ? 1 B--^ ~""-~"Jf~~ ? ' v 1 I- SPARTA, bWl8."^(AWy) ~ Aftfet -?tunings ' rhiriTMt ftf rape and as sauit^ filed Majj 12 against three solof the 184th field Artillery. now stationed at Fwt Cluster, an | all-white jury in Monroe .county M cixnuii coUit oi jiiimw uanrtM] ITl ft If ivi n m ' lenria ?n ||^ TCWUlW.y o Of not guilty hnu Rut-urriay. The verdict returned oft$r Capt. .* IxiiihTSucHd Taylor and Gen. William J. Warflftd had oieseAtcd ' " unshakable defense In setting* forth circumstances upon which charges were based, came as a shock to ( Judge Sectarian. The Judge per veracity of the decision. John Orgain,?James Billiard, ."Boyal-T ? Hudgle and Clareno^ Praf??aicr, the defendants all- bf Chicago, t - Were accused of_jcrimin?Hy attftokk ing Miss violet Van Kirk, -white, of t Sparta and beating her escort, Pvt.: [ .. ' Forest Stagg, white, attached toj 2lst r field artillery regiment, after' enccuhterlng the coiiple in a lonev Sr.'^o ai sParta'?n night ..of FALSE TESTIMONY- ^ Denying the .charges, the defendants cited that they, along with te . othefr. white _ana from 7 Ivinda. be4??ved moat powJSftil tounj for 7 yTOAR* GkOOD &UCK. Bend 3o iUump tor FRK? OfN HdBR>?B CO.. *301 BJ. gfraat. ,Knnna* CStty. Mp. W' ' -""I - I 1 'V1'-* ; BRIGHTER U?kVN " * ft#??ttkrM4M' & 8HA Wf. jj 'n '.% '- "* ' " ^ _ . .' j -j" . m ' ' - v.'- ?'. '^. " Vfe'''*^^.1-1?Vyi-'i ~1~r~~ jst*?r~TX?*?1 T ' e "^mi -J- - ^JIMI !itfej?^ag~r-7 r- ~'M V^*':""" "' ..' .? ?."| . " 1,1 .' " nil ' ' ' i 'I' i i ?x ?p ' JIVE GRtt " 7'" . '* on TsffiuBegSr AMeBlCA'S COtrfSA race papers f the United Service Organization = fui eimu^TiwTi iiramtg. Th<& men are b#ing assigned to spot nearby the taxt\yn> and will loci after their recreational activities it an effort .to keen down the .vice which usually follow camps. ..., ? , i i ft requires thy "latex obtainct L from two hevea trees for an entlri . vcar to provide enough rubber fo a six ply tire for a small a u tomb --btter - TUSKEOEE Al* ?03 N S>?N*: ^nife^Efc: Week, beginning No vember 17 and continuing through --the 33, will 1*> eetebr?Wt ?t Tu>kpspt'. Institute, by the opening ct - th? new erf w^'ns ih conntiotloii . ^lthiHfclie^0eOffge Washington Car* . Many choice paintings and rare - , 1 ;> * T .,\.; -' /. " !\- ..: ... ' " -: ..-' , . -V.-J.4- , , | . B ^ Y S : ? -?- *. :?- - w?: : ? i _.. ^ ^ "Vw ' j, ' i ' i *r*- s\-r^r^n:r^ v .^.TTlTcr^T" As Convoy Rei I ft ' ' -ll I < I ' 4 f M--H e ...J 1 Jfl r vfl i 11H e ' ?~ "9 3 -H I BtLUB time schedule of Greene, of the S to Fort Devem, wald JL Wines, e New York end try, and Major , are left to ments for the rvice Co. '372ed Capt. Clay and 1 I Lt. Vernon K." L.t. Wines from AFL Mon v*. Jobs Is Many Locals Openly Bar T Negro Workers - s Louis, in Milan, Tennessee*., where tfce Carpentora' Local No. of "Jackson, Tenn, refused to grant Clearante to anv Negro wnrlror iu ^ lte of the repressed wimneness of the company tf) hlrq colored labor: in Chicago, 111., where Plumbers Local, No. 130 bars Negro members, j?nd In Jollet, 111., where local No! 107, Electricians Union grfusbd'clearmiw To Negro electricians. , ** Others named were thP Jnte.rna-' tional , Brotherhood of Carpenters and Jciners^Xosa: <88, Mobile, Ala.:' mDtiivi Jtufcwi* raumers. i,)??DrJXz. trfs" and Paper Hrinsrors. Baltimore, Md.. and Omaha. - and?CarP' ov*1" ^ JOinrn> Wa&lUim^^ The N"AACP said that prejudice on the pnrt of AFI< lnbor onlpns invades the aircrafi industry and quoted -the ritual of the ..interna-.-. V"? I nWtK lcW!nji OI- MHv'rin WW , oc ntracted by Boeina Aircraft ftempany. Seattle. Washington, which sa vi ;??.?? ; ; ' ' .-"I further nrrinUe-th.it. T will never propose, for merrtbernhip in this Association any other than a cOttjper*m.. tyiUtowahcfidale " The t>nme xmlon if? in control'of the-\hutec Aircraft plant - i?i Nashville, TeniY., and at neither plan Li_ f., _ x. .. n , \ .. - " , " ; i - * ? ? . j ^ f . . -i .' . : . . -v* , . ' f >r1 . ? ,.,., ?*? Wr~r1 X;1 ?-?1?r? i v*. ??^? ?. CHAUCB^TON, B. c , v V" -w'afi* & ' ij i>>, ^ ' . i'; '; .," ' " ' 't" ' r "V db 1- i w?: ervice Co. 372nd Infantry, Lt. 0?of. Headquarters Co, 37^nd InfanII. A. Bruce, observing the movel?Adqijartert of the Second Army. I A. Greene are from Baltimore and j Washington, D. C.?(ANP^ 't * opoT^On] Souaht_?[ f are Negroes doing production work. II Through the same Machinists unl ion Nc-groeS have been .barred at I the Bethlehem Shipyards, __San_ Francisco, Calif. Tfta jfrlAftGP plaoari wwpotwibttltv' for clearing up the situation on the overnme-nt in ylrjir nf tint Prfrt?: : Executive^ ortter. I TllYJu4* rtnk t>A??"?ta ^ # ' I -w m wiuwi *copa nair in place longer adds that glossy ?p pearancs smart dressed men want. I Qftt Tuxado Club^SSP Uw Jtffth- ^ 7 MM. At Drug Storai I'.^TW^l **" ******* ** mAwnw \ . ' ' ;- ' *" ury Vo Negroes Defense . / ?.,. % -t V; * ; - ; - * -?WASHINGTON, D. C. H both individually and throuyt patiug actively in me i\atlOn according to information reach of various types, in the United States, more than 25 already have notified?the?Treasury . of Iplt.lni purchases of' Defense Bond* amounting to a total of $469,074. Stx of these companies bought ?50,000 wo r tli of Senes y and Q,! the maximum amount any corporation Is perns^tto;! to buy m one venr Th?- Muinmoil^ LiU, and Accident, Louisville; Supreme CtmrpTTAmerlcHn'Woutliiieij, Denver; Atlanta Life, Atlanta; Southern Aid Society of Virginia, Richmond; North Carolina Mutual Durham; ami Universal Lite, Memphis, ' The Federal Lue insurance Company of Washington, D. C. 'reported purchasing $33,800. Other companies include the Pilgrim Health and "Life, Augusta, Ga. and the Metropolitan Funeral* 'System- Association, each $20,000; Virginia Ritual Benefit Lire. Richmond" $15,000; Domestic Life and Accident, Louisville, $15,000. ' Five companies reported "purchases of glO.OOO worth of Defense Bonds each. They arer The Great T JlVnc TVifnfuol ex J ? - ??u 'uu> uai, evvyviv; uoiacn State Mutual ^lfe, Ijos Angeles; United MutuaL Benefit Association New York; Guaranty Life, Savannah; and Afro-Americair' Life; TatkSbnyille. ~ * ' ? T? Memphis _lhe Negro Division nf the Defense SavIng5~~G?mmitta?_ ^as laid out for itself fnllnw. trig five-point program (1) Canvas? all Negro business houses. to en* plain the allotment ,plan; (2) "Buy-a-Bond" Sunday;?Bpeak n-s-buteau lu serve club and lodfee The Globe \ Another $mokescr< HUNTING EXCUSES to Ve the valiant Russian foi-ces to ste avalanche of Hitler's hordes, Ame ventjohists, whose ranks include Jt!h fascist-minded -apd those down-rig the ex-pap^rhangcr's "new order" cr rquot't, during the past week rei to bring out one of the most in inents they have yet advanced. They got ,cramps in their fin .yvhrft they terme their- frantic effort to stym>6 fK foreign policy ^hich is based 01 these freedoms now being so serif by the* Hitler-inspired world rjev THE "REAL TRAGEDY Thr tragedy is that many ui sons will fall victim t? thifc hogu ^on-interventionists are now show called (Jod-drprived Russians. ~Ttr why President Rqosevelt spoke oi on the issue at. his press conferen< ? Thr Rrcrsridierrt" called attention i'Lttius ?! Ttssss: stop further than AMnericVifin gui dom of anti-reiigiOus propaganda. A virtual hornet's nest waa< statement. A chorus of complaint American clergymen /followed an twiwt#, happy in the kwowledflo th< th?r served to^. becloud the issue, ft/rain. ^ .v-z^r?. - . . r TT nt this religious issue was a bp attention to^'be TivOTtad^frhm''they'll _ _Poriottcn amid the emotional up by this religious dispute was th Russian religions ideology, but the i was th?f principal businesa - at h Russia's mighty anhies are the,onlj ?-?. .* ?-?i- ? ? :*\T- , , _ ..; -'j. JC >1 Harrington V"?jow' _2. : ^ rV 1 \ ^ Kr ^?'~ B^Buyt ^ Bonds ;g,NS)?Th# American Negro, > i his organizations, is particial Defense Savings Program, ling the Treasury Department. meetings; (4) . School parades; (5) Distribution- of posters and placards, etc?., by Negro Boy Semite. ?The Iirhiman chain of Negro theaters in Washington, D. C., has inaugiyaAed the sale of Defense Savings Stamps in their theater i^PEfes^and a notlcg on th? acraw^ asks patrons 15 takiT their change In Defense Stamps. ?Many cnurches and social clubs are actively interested in promoting .Ahe calc of Defense Bends add Stamps, the reports - show. In addition, special meetings designed to gttmTftate lilteiesl In the DefenaHaav-r In Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, O., Indianapolis, Ind? Braddock, .' Pa., . Durham and | Greensboro, N. o.| St. bonis, Mo., St Paul, Duluth and Mthneapdhs, Minn,, Spokane, Seattle and Tacoma, Wash., Portland, Ore? Stack tuii, Sacramento. Salinas, Venice, Los .Angeles and Pasadena, Calif., EI Paso, Tex., Pueblo and Denver, Colo., and Omaha, Neb. ' RELEASES LATE BOOK t NEW YORK ?(ANP1? The Negro Publication Society of America 1 recently announced the publication" ,of "The Kidnapped .and the Ransomed." a true story of Peter Still and family, written by Kate Pickajd. The novel is a tragic tale of a-boy who waa klfliyapped. sold into slavery and then ransomed after forty years; and it is held to be, forerunner of inspiring works dealing with historical and. culiuraL-lruformallon of the"N?gfO people. ~? rrotter . ^ - t.ius far been i 5en ""plans of the wo ep from helping NONSENSICAL m th? sw?er?in? . rica's non-intejrVr *1 . Nonsensical e appeasenj, the ^ ht in love with. ' Christians, If ' plan of. world fHCe n<*vsnothe n'chod way down k**P 7?? r congruous orguger. pointing to I1* ?'?"??> ? d Russia's * lack v You'would iedom," conven- rescuer for get Christ's admo- ^T^,?0, luck the beam might bd weU ft ~eye.,^theh thou?to Pttt in every* he mote In thy Principles they * .XXZL' It & no se . \ that boasts the ixr non jnterven- - nnd the most ?C really?seriously also boast the i gioUs freedom, blind intoleranc >ther four free- "One Americ 'resident Roose- sian constitutior 10 forcefully. If nn a "hnTfmnr thnr yt~i*iW T)ecre- could justly tne< confusion In United States C e government's umendqientg, V9 JuinMSs *re n dution. o -* It certainly ing provisions o; with racial issui iBuspmnig per. I llgloualy and fii s sympathy the Surprising injj for the bo knowledge that it, no doubt, ir discrimination a it. ho forsefhtty die Amowean tfe v . Article 123 i to Arttele lfl4 the w Trot only Ifunr-- "hollow mockery P. hut gees - aranteein# free- 0 9. K., inaejMM in all fieMs c \atin-ed by the p?hll*-|H?Htl?a1 -a 'from many, "AayJ^I* d non-interven- rl|fcu> ^ C4W it they- fur- liici gi jadhna joined in the ent aipon ffcair : y T" ~ ~ ~' . M tfjy " W? fSt loltescroem goes ?*chs?WeU by lain issue. " \ Strong wori confhet ftirreij insuring deinbcn ie fact that not vlded by our dw defeat of^Hittev" Governor Rujren an ' l - 1 "i i'njn wr Wj'.1!. ? 1 >AY, OCTOBE*rl9, 1?41 y iph^TROlT Mlch.-(SNB) - i* l^lu SStiT^ at? S^i&a^maw- ?1 try? Committee of the local br&nfch tf ~~^ \&pr??< Sowlay, October 4 I tftn*1iilil^ g&tfcSed in Detroit. Era?-:: -. .. It was c6jnplalned f that jthcre could bc.;no effective follow-up af __ FEPC investigations tod other effort? to stop violations of tfe* Pies- ? ident's Executive Order under the present plan where the preafent repmentahge?"ha$ to o???t_ thtgc states?Ohio, Kentucky and Wfchlgnii. ?A number of outstanding spAk- -Uers, including Horace R. Cay ton, labor expert and newspaper colttmnwt; Walter Harditf, interna-.; ' . tloftai representative of the TflHEf* CIO and* Horace , White^mission er^nf the nptwUt; Homing Commission, acquainted the ^udi~ enqe with step? V be taken W|et- 1 ting Job training ami irfwlTilii. imfoh and. plant procedure; andtbe work of the Office of* Production Mariagementrand the Pain Employment "Prartlfl? irVwWmUt^#. Jja ^ nection with employment of Ne?roea.-. ... _ _ ' , m in i . rrjrtht-r??? Aggie Graduates mr?mt? onritiwn MBMiiJ posdUllties oT^Es Willi Urn ment u Junior "*)1 lsts, the salary range of which rtms from $1,630 to $2,000 per annum. Students or graduate* verseil |n agronomy, anlmgl husbandry, and agricultural education,. etbeSttfly are needed inthl* field. . Examinations will lie held and Uve appUcaUons are receivable'- un^l : til December'81. Tpis offers one of the finest opportunities for trafbed persons that nave be?v presented recently and there is* great need for such per-7 sons: - ... - * Applications may be had by writing th? rwvil Hwnt^ rVM^niliBlgn hi "Washington.?? ______ Bi! Cliff Mackay 1 in" 111 *' J iisi able to thwart the carefully laid trtd^be-^lfgsRr conqueror* -? . ARGUMENT ** - . \ > .. ' <:l'V - titfs--''* ' * is this plea tha^we not peip RusSjtfs because IK' Russians ars a bandit is holding a gun in yotsr rr. armed man appears, would you tsr anpwng uiq panqit long - 1 iim whether or not he beHewed in ligion"? Hardly. Jbat as silly i* >f the Russians. be entirely too gratefutyib Touting that gun out of your face, .* i pointing .go hard at jtussffc, it >r some of our religious Americana lay practice soma of the Christian ? K> atdontlj profess. cret that the section of America most churches, the most preachers bristmna," is the eectioirwh^h^ui es. :an churchman sneered st the Rus ml provision of religious ibsadsm ?? .-T," f"ifiVn |*tl thri Rgesians . . ?r back at certain proViskm^of WiA rr onstitution, -say the 14th and lstb trelTO "hollow mockeries." OT MOCKERIES cpuld be argued tha* correspondf tKc kutiian rAl1*tifiiHAn Jmltna is are not mockeries, but are' raid! y onforrsa; - " . *m to most Americans will ba the ' Russia unqualifiedly ou^mws^ the ewe. ?? ? r?:?r~~t- ?2?of the Russian Constitution, which m-inter?entieaiets saw trtwn k a ^ a! rlfbU fcf ei*Mr attlJttrSs??"" lent of their nationality and race. " J I economic. State, cultural and vd any erftabllmlmaont of di~ t tiiiifswaiM ?f 4Hsaa4tnal ' ** ?l M?d national Swiia itifc pr-^r' ins of racial or natloealh^ law." ri* $r* these, Stronger by fair In bey to rll nornls than thoaa.j*roir constitution. In RwSa, by new. e TsUnathve, sreh-stiTrer 6f social M ho cooling his heels in a dun* - : .I, l* \4 r :ZS&..i: -v>;