? ., ' "^ w^, X' j&ff? / . ''.v! . * affm sgj? " Hk. jj \jV ~*^| B- c?:. '/H vf^B /,. :"?' '-^H jHHjJM -*z?-r1-'* ?-? H : " 3B ?r I - ~t lHP,W ,yOH ?C-?Tla?_ f?n|Ou> | v.; .' V" ' J v r ' * ~ *' " ^ T "gtpggu?> -- AMKChnroh had ,a very brilliant - ";?w"l"r ?n limt snn.i?? in j?iv ditlon to the regular meniberi, many s ' jN^ple of^thPf .1 enominations front c . *tuTnnt.of thf rihr rmw* An (hM inpfeativeness to the, services. Bis"' hop A. J. Jillfn preached an elo^uent aettnon, taking as his subject ? "The Church'V- ?lngf.l H " TTTTC TilW -v heerd-, ?: -~ -? r??? iProf. I.. M. A/ Myerg wee* keynote speaker lor the occri*ion '' oh the subject, ,:tet Brotherly Love Continue." payiim . > -v , - " * 'nfli ~"1-' ?? r- r .?.* :' "v~v ??' * : 'V* "* > v ;- ? ; r*T>-. . ' y ; . ^ 3$""freedoms To . ? j se Of Hope" * vr?> f#!^HIr]Jlr8 j^4>?".', u*yr* ? ; ? - ' .. . :Cee tio'nn hni i?i? fa?t?u? a uio . The''tree, which Mnyor-F. H. 1 ten hit by car, J . Mayor, Bill Ro ;0f Mt.;Pis?ah AME K-i ; . i B Mtt B y ^?V * :? ? ' B4H?-?i????? BM . -. . . ' * >* - "a Nepro ai^d the eliurcli in the lVest Indies,* which form a part of his dtdoeSo. Otj iWdnday lie addressed " "ttl^'studrnts wf and on Tuesday ..he lectured at - -Morris Coltejfe. DmTTnT " >1 rC J. I , Benbovv entertained him at dinner on Tuesday evening and lie left I'm Charleston on Wednesday nit?niiiu? Ur-#Utiiul the' l'atH?eit?? 4?trtwt Conference. * lerston# 4aid -, lew Ubfffii tribute to Ailen'i. t ic.-l .. trusted unci r>?rv;v";. t >... . Three presufiii-r , | chaise of' opuiiiiuc ..:l" . .. * . ' services The ?;>' I trochifeO bv 1'? c- i ' j gins yvlio . ' 'i 1 was (k>-T . h- -I \Jlidftf Ullf ' Hi-'' - . WOfcV.pt i , . _ Li'. St iu.'iU.i..L ... i ?n t r mi ff vf 7-" ' y>''V '" ' "*. V?' ." . ^.V ^ " ?,i m ; 'N -lUl-. * \ jr - * W-?n-' ; V V ';?r' ' !'- ' ; v ; V '' f: . -? - * ..' . - . ' Color Line, 1 ' * " ' ' &L BF t E n p - '.. . . '. . ' ~j. V. _; '... " "* . "I NfcW I Yorkers as ? wt*kii|? ?po Jifiuirifn liatl' tKe tree as Harlew bin?on kisaen. St.? (ACMEK 1 Bishop King Crowns Queen f , OH ANGKin'KG. ."ft P. Bi-hr il. lCjiiy. r<.'rim- !,i; !u '1 o* v hint a.-" C:i>\ A:. . \.l. J chut'c h' ' r\j . ;t ' ' ' * V, ( j .Hi.nvky.- s: 1',..! .. ? Mi- pci : i;k ; . Oiafii: . C\ \ .. !: ; .. , V " * 0' '<1 * - < " . . V. i . : ' ? 4. -ii . * ?ty. l'Vi - nn..r- :* ?? ' - ~rt- - f ft t *' . pill 'p \S iU] 11 1. .'? ! . .< ( ('. id" * tm?$?TT?V! " : "| ... Muy At.iii.-H. , * . ?It?r : . ? 1 tlivi I'l.KT 'A !!,l i' ' : : i NanlfT t I TO thfrd t.lni-i- \v,! :v. . ' IT|:ft y-.'r- .1- * I-' ' . ;.( 'y (An ** . I thp ! who ? \pl;ii:n ; ' ( Coil t ill linl ..11 I Mitoi K }J' ? Kl hHv T.: T ? I iirhUio I..:. . | ifiniiii u ~T FvT: uiui th lulu . tllC piti y.,. ' ' mw Uiai'si 'm state. ... ^i?^yjgtr.; Jjjr~ .- ? iMpj ' ^ I ,? . t" B B B ' A * _ IJV;? J\r air i\? tion adds to th ago, listing some addijiohat o vioiisly listed tlmjjTh&vp vrrei soimrnr W: -' Mrs. BjatkbiJr^v Jr - i ' Leads Defuse Fund Campaign ^ I^T-Ove - .. . A.ss^u.)^ .. .. o ' A v i % I 7* ^ S : V __ ?? -**- -t i?fi (Samuel?ftfchprd Higgim," President. presented the rru*t?es i* of Allen University $1,000 In Void' - 1 rash for Allen's library fund last v j. week when the boar^l w?i holding the fall ipeeting in Columbia. u , ^ "TTif M ' ? *i ' ! *? f ? v i #-T MS, . . >-> ^?w> ?. >. : -; 5 ,? - 1 Ka-jh ,, _?i ? proBpM^^My-^- ^r^~ iw^ ^ piE^-x^;'-j ,'0'. /-- . ,'-r^?T-^ BJjg* . .*.. r?'--'' ' -V ?? ~ Tmimn '?>- ' :?,?I ? i i? ?? ? igroes liJii ' > ! . : ANP)--Continuing the breal aduslry, the'Office.^of Pcodu< e report submitted two w. i l rganizations which have u ^me pointing out "th;.v M - - - ~ luy increase*^ their Nrv : i__ pr HvhfX. "V-J_ Y Cur?i?T' \V ' .* . I'i-H iV . * tt.V-. 7 ' T ; t ' \ - ' '1.1 . - * ; ^ ^ rliV i Ammunition '< r k. __ >{) Ne?roes. ;-r:ri'r.' nf the- whole rtn in 'construction. w( ... w:ll tic -i+trr'd upon coi :.i m the 'plant ??1 T' n^^AVllght plant _ ' Ohio. _Inu??--A^O Negri machine tool opera'.vaa fabric of-s, sheet metal worker's and . more are being trained to go if ? -T-fnrtorv iremecimtelv upon-po* 4_U+ tile Thorwioh defen^ fund fib President Alexander announc 1 that Mrs. Thornton and her hi band remain 'feftrlfsS" and anxir '< fight the (axe "to the_ li ditchM * " ' * ; 7. It Is definitely-stated that J - torr.ey George W?Wtlltngtuun h bc>ii seen red hy -the S'AttPP tnr* resent Mrs .-Thornton In this ..liij for justice," * . .. , Thp-eaSp date.s back to October when Mrs; ^Thornton, who resic "ait 346 Oliver Street, was kicked the month by, McCoy while bfl engaged in a scuffle to see w CContinucH on Buck Page) Notice ?- ' ? J^prrls -Collegemusic tvill present the In 11 Vespor Mu*u:al*? Sunday, OCUv* 19 at 5:30 P. ?. at White Ha ; The* college ohOir, the male quo i; tet, the mixed quartet and pia | selections- will be rendered C students. of tne department Pr 4 Andrew 'Jenkins i will be gue?t .? ' Joist. ?"?' . . - i :"y - ."V*? ' -v. :W .>. .:< " -fcr:' -; - - ; -:^ "I ii ' j? . ;& * V . >S? v" ' . ' ' rkv Y ' i^M M * ? ' . I n ?r? 1. -?1 ??=*? . iRs !??J9H^Da^XvMfiJ| B?< I i ? ,- - ,.- ? . :> : ' 'J- . .'. k->. i. 0, SUNDAY. OCTOBER 19, ' ,.'v; , K > : IS C- I4! OfHOted VI lod. Beiming, Ga. FTT.I NVIN'h : Headquert'-:' ol Fir 'JT.h 2s i'.d t:y. Pill l. B< inu:w\ Oa iii'.nWA: ed >r- 'I inirsi!:' , -.' rr+i?-n tor am --ut fiVu , Cici. ri;>.??.iiiti Alribsinivi Yule-ted men;from tit?% rank of private- to C?OJfppr?l.l. ie. I' Tin1 soldiers, who air jhl'Selpctees or''and members-of the 24th-'?. An tiff t-Tank Corapnn7,"";ire:~''v ... ^.1 Pvt. George M. Smith,- Talla?{-dt u.i A!,i .?rr-?ju'iji TP?r.u'ti'r, at f RFD' No. " r. 'nawaon. On.. Pfc.. ; tkr; Pfc lTeder.ek BcII.'IIHKj WPSt jo j Savannah Avenue, Valdostn, On.; lt0 and Pfc. Willie Writjht, * Svvains ;v : What Is'1 " With Ber les : it) | EDITOR, ltll j Lighthouse and Informer ho"' FhartesTiTrf; "south Carolina _. i ' Wp have rend your very. splendid i paner herv for"rorne"tirflpv Athniit? j the South Carolina items, which ? I hawo baan^uotrti fe&peclailv. wo IwWc always , i$okeci lor newt spout j ?enectKX (miiane. IHV I Jius( last night A group discussion J nro^e nhoiit tn,. college. One per*r ison exclaimed " ''what" ? wrong U- I with Benedict*" That ?oetocrt to he ir".i fxagtly what the Benedict alumni "" and iorroet? sTuncnts in the Krqup bV wanted to Know. There were com?f plaints about delayed transcripts o- and replies to inquiries: references to the apparent disinterest of the * 1 tr .. ; . r; . ,/ ' ^ : ? _/ 'i' '3 " ? - --? - -i. ' ? . ' ^| wr ^ ?? ? ; ? ^ ^ I : , - - ?? * 1941. ; ^ 1,;<- ' - -?. . ' rp~? " uif in7 x,! . - I,. . % : ^ . ' & .J : 1 ?- ;':V ^ V~ -,-AU ;^.-;.': - ^ " "% ?*" ; ~ ",~."k * * ' V . s* , . . *> v 4 1 ' -j : r^r- ' ~~T ' itactaU &Tr\V~ \ Addru.-^mi < Wi Aston Churchill,-a letter sn crimination on the park-of Rri i country, was dispatched by I1 brr 2b, by the Xalionnj Associ ' Colored Pen pip*.7^ -f- The lei ler, wi- It ten.by Wa ?sotOv'tnrv nriffs t h;iT t h* Hiiti make the four freedoms apply j five types of 'di'scrimmat irtn an ; color .or race *>?, immediately > Wrong | alumni; and the pronounced ateI Interest of the admintstratl6n In [ the alumni. titJiersT- wondered | nfcout. the rating of .our alma matTerr" the types at* instructors. * and j the adequacy of the curriculum to .i-meet present trends.. -yj-.?.? .. . Afte< a lengthy- aftd spirited dte ewototv rt vmr "mjrjresiFd inn*' 1 seme type *, ' ' . - ' ' ???,' - - " _ " - * " '-**? - ' * >V. '.. . ^ . RIDE TO THE CAME T "ri v - % ' ' k ' 'y . ' * \t~ . .T' * * '-1I- . V i * * ' : ; . a ppeai in r...,n ally, to'Primo ..'din ir. lor?r? ttinx LoHb five/types of disf ish agencies operating in this 'un-American Clipper Seplem :' .it ion far the Advancement of?? " " v *- '# ' V * Her'White, NAACP ex ecu try iv- mt sh and American governmentAv -J to the color-line and that the " 1 d other demarcations based on .v QVltr-?X P^bUciUv-tui the leH*rin? *18^ ^ neia untu rnis wee* oecause ^ ox - . the custom of .not revealing con- J tent* of g^mmuftir^Uotm to ' the head of a government until the com- *|j . mjipication ha* had an opportunity tu be accea upon, \ r.REAT concern exprbsbco rive days after |he letter was dig- -'y patched OcJ. ft. Ik. Benson, military attache of the British Em- -~:r hassy In Washington, called the NAAOP national offfce by long dietaace expressing great concern ovpr it and particularly ovar. the xaae of Dr. Walter , King, talted as an instanec of pr^^i^^Ke-^6^-^ the ^ copiesJacEfte^received la?^'>/merlcart Red Cross and, the British Wat Relief Society. burtng'the conversation jMi. Benson stated that he wogld like "get to the bottom of things <9 little more" and asked for a copy bf the letter.' .. J ' Alter pointing out- the baportaaoe ' ! ?. sf.i.s.-., i.V.- ;v (Continued en Rack Pa^c) . ' ' 1 '