I ftwriqi LOCAL HEMS. Beaufort, S. Dfc. 27, 1877. The school ship Saratoga is expected shortly to spend thewtntcr in our naroor. 9 We are indebted to Hon. Johnson Hagood for a copy of his animal report as Comptroller General Paymaster Allen whose face has been so familiar to us since the arrival of the New Hampshire has been ordered to be relieved and placed on waiting orders. The British bark Dictator, Capt. Sham per, arrived on Tuesday 47 days from Liverpool to Robbjos, Bodington A Co., to load with lumber for an English port. The Fanfcstics on Christmas turned out >n large numbers and ihe general get up of the costumes reflected srroat credit on the colored men who participated in the parad*. This is the first time the colored people have turned out in this .fashion and the display far surpassed the { exhibition of any of the parades by the whites on former occasions. The sale of delinquent lands will begin next Monday without fail and there is but a short time left for the negligent property owners to save their lands. In - the list published are found the names of many who are able to pay their taxes, and as the list has been carefully revised by the treasurer and auditor it is supposed to be free from errors. i as > We have received from Dr. Lebby, Health Officer, Charleston, a communication io answer to an article signed 1 'People" published in The Tribune on Nov. 15th., regarding the change in the quarantine laws. The article will be publish ed in our next issue. Christmas e^p was a pleasant time for' the children of the Episcopal church Sunday schools. The driss'ing rain did not Dreveot a large turnout to see the beauti fill Christmas trees set up m the Episcopal chapel aad the Baptist church. The trees were loaded with many aad varied presents aad every child was remembered . and aiaojr ware loaded down with their numerous presents. Rev. Mr. Jones was the recipient of a handsome chair from the members of his congregation. The fox hnnt Christmas was paficipa ted in by about a doxen horsemen, but the disagreeable weather prevented a large turnout. The fox was giveu ten minute.*start when the cavalcade were off foil tilt, aad after running as far as the eld site ol Ely'* store paymaster Hoxie overtook reynard and carried off the prise. Mr R. Poilitser took the part of the fox and had Ins horse been a little faster the spor would have beea prolonged boypnd tfa? twenty minutes the run lasted. The two phosphate companies here arcdoing a large business and getting out at present from our waters a very supcrioi article of rock. The coming summer u expected to develop a very large business in our midst. A company i- I?eing ovganiaed in Barnwell and Aiken to dig rock in some of our stream beds, the headquarter* of which will he in Beanfort. Th-* of m o iiri u? iho rock with the 'aeilirics is ab ?ut $2.50 pes ton arhi-'h lealiiy sells in its erwde Manfor $6. The British bark Pretty Jouina arrived at Scheperis vrhart yesterday, 27 days from Jamnica in ballast bound fo Bull River. 'i iie ballast eoudsts of 25 t/jind frtr RhII and (dtjofav rivers to be obliged to lay in the st.'cain i'ov from a week to a moi;:h before they have an op portuotty'to discharge halbst, and a* the by days begin wheu they are ready to receive cargo they are ai the mercy of the phosphate companies. The Jemima wif a he ready to receive her cargo as soon as she gets there and consequently will have quick dispatch. ^ Last Thursday while Abner Kespecta ble was turning over the sand on the bluff near the toll gate he was horrified to discover a skeleton and hasteued u in form Dr. Johnon of the fact. The Dr. visited the spot as J found the rcuuius of what was supposed to be a white uian. The body was lyiug on the right sid< with the arm underneath, the legs ben aa hi sleep, and the conclusion reachct was that the man had bin down undi i the bank and had been killed while asleep by the sand caving in on hiin. Ii the pockets were found a small sum o money and a knife, the latest date of th< coin being 1862, showing that the mai most have been buried after tke Federa troops occupied Beaufort. The plac where the remains were found were ad joini^theold Confederate battery an the high bask that caused the death o the man was thrown up to form the ba teiy. The crew of the U. S. Ship Net Hampshire in our harbor were paid off o Monday last their back pay which ha been diverted from its proper source b ex-Sec. Robe8on and was provided for b the late session of Congress. Seventy '* * *? !n rVio acrtrn nine Dlu jtcieu rwci?cu m v?v ?noSate over $11,000. The men are allowe to oome ashore in squads of 20 at a tinj and generally return to tbe ship withoi a cent, never mind how much they brio up. A Urge part of this money is spei in the stores of some of our respectab merchants and is a great help to tbe bu, iness of the town, but generally aft' making his necessary purchase* Jack relieved of the balance of bis funds at is carried aboard ship in a comatose cor ditioD and pockets turned wrong sic ou t. ,y 9 ?mit himmiim*!.! iip uninni w luvnimr n | Out- merchants were made happy uc ! Monday by a very heavy trade, hundreds : of colored people being in town to make j their Christmas purchases The dry goods stores were packed and the extra help on that day was entirely insufficient to wait or the multitudes. i Mr. Whitman received just in time a large assortment of plated ware of new j and elegant designs which was the envy of the impecunious who were only permitted to gaze on the army of pretty things from a distance, as it were. He still has a good supply of everything in hie line and those who want to make New Yea is presents can be accommodated. Mr. Harms store was the centre of ati traction for those in search of toys but the great crowd that filled his place al! day must have kept as many out as were inside. Mr. H. always has the largest lock of toys in Beaufort and knows now to make an attractive display of his goods. As many will make presents New Tears they will fiyd that Mr. Harms replenishes as fast as the customers cany away the toys and other gift goods. Mr. Odell's attractive store, as usual % was patronized by the hungry as well as those desiring to purchase presents. His rush has lasted for a week and still continues. A reinforcement of clerks was a necessity in this establishment and the amount of cakes, candies and fruit sold was immense. In the rear of the store was displayed a choice selection of articles suitable for gifts and the customers who invaded the room were nolens vohu pur* chasers of the wares on exhibition to a large amount A love of pretty articles of virtu led many to enter Dr. Stuart's attractive establishment, and those that followed the impulse were glad indeed, for the selection of j>erfumery, and pretty toilet and mantel ornaments was a pleasure to the ~ a beholder and a triple pleasure to wnoover became a purchaser. Ptrt The Alexander has on board 2,664 bales, The press compressed 863 bales on Friday and Saturday for the Calve it. Christmas was duly celebrated and Mayor Friend heard excuses from sixteen drunks yesterday. The Calvert sailed on Sunday with 1,019 bales of cotton, 120 casks turpentine, 320 barrels rosins and 48 casks of clay for New York. The Dallas sailed Friday but could only take 595 bales cotton, leaving 1,000 mnrp xtill on the wharf to day. Sleeping ear* are now ran through from A'igusta to Jacksonville over the Port Royal and Atlantic and Gulf Railroads. The officers of the railroad have removed to their new quarters and arc as comfortably filed as they eould wish. The new building is quite an ornament to the town. The office of the Port Royal Docks. Warehousing etc. Company has been removed from Port Royal to 90 Broadway, New York. The following vessels arrived since our ast issue with guano to the railroad agent: Schooner E. R. Emerson, Sears from Wood's Hole, 5*295 bags; Schoon-i ?*** Philadel IUIK U. WWIRPon, a. i.w) .. ~r_ _ p'lia, 5^)0 ha^s'lSofcr. A. V. Bergou immtfew York with plaster for Augus ".I. For a musical young lady, po more a; :?v?tnriate New Years' gift of trifiiug co.si van be found than a wars subscription to vune valuable musical monthly. Send your Sweetheart, Friend, Cousin, Sister, or Daughter the Southern Musical Jour nal for 1878. and see what a pleasant sur rise it* monthly visits will give her. The Music in the Journal is now-of a superior character and will save music buyers many a dollar during the year. $1.2? secures the Journal for a year with a prfr mium of Sheet Music (subscriber'! choice) to amount of $1.00. Specimer copy for a 3 cent stamp. Address the ?ub!i>hers.?Li-ddgv & Bates, Savan n.h, Ga. The act of March 6, 1872, allows th< inspector twenty five cents for every toi . of fertilizers inspected and branded, an< seven and a half percent, on all amount , |>aid the State as royalty for the privileg of digging and mining phosphate depo ! its. During the year ending October 1 1877, the State received from phosphat ? royalty $75,898. Upon this amount th t inspector's commission would be $5,691 ] The fee for inspecting and branding fert r lizers ought to amount to about $11,00 more, as over 45,000 tons of fertilizei were shipped from Charleston last yea f ?News and Courier. ? 1 a Obc Celt A Day. Economy is the order of the hour, as e every expenditure, however small, is ei ~ pected to give a return in full value. E< d cry family requires one good, reliab f family newspaper. If such an article ct l* be procured for less than o je cent f< each working day of the year, we are d aware of it. A Family Newspaper shou f contain a carefully prepared summary < n all the news of the day, both Religio d and Secular; and if arranged so that tl y two departments maybe separated ai y read by two individuals at the same tim so much the better. The Family New paper should have attractive reading ai - * - - *'? ? -'"MO momhprs nl * information lor iuc >?> ivun ^ d household. Sonic portion of the pap ,e should he devoted, every week, to reli, Jt ous and moral improvement, to currc secular newa, to agriculture, com men g markets, finance, to general literatu it Ac , with a special department for t je | young. Above, all the Family News] t per should be perfectly^pure, and fi 1 from any contaminating influences in ?r reading matter or in its advertiseinec is Too uiuc.b attention cannot be paid to t KJ hat are, when the press is flooding i country with so much that is vile aua p ' niciouH. To crown all the Family Ne 'e paper should be untrammelled by any filiation with sect or party, and should \ . ncmbmkimcami f i ?1? i I m hit -nrftn i free to jrive all the good news from and J . i about all the world. If- such a Family k | Newspaper can bd hatffor one cent a day, 5 it should be taken by every family in the ' laud. l Such a Family Newspaper in every rej spect. we find in the New York Observer, now commencing its fifty-sixth volume. Progressive, comprehensive, sound, 1 reliable, pure, it is just what is needed in ' your household. Send $3.15 for a year -1 to TnE New Yorx Observer, 37 ?ark How, New York. Sample copies are sent free. r *4^+ > The colored men in Augusta have ori ganized a company to build a cotton mill ' with & capital $100,000. Gov. Drew, of F1 irida, has been arrest ed for cutting timber on lands belonging to the United States. The Governor says the charge is false. The steamer Huutsville, Captain Fair ' cloth, from Savannih December 16, for New York was burned at sea December 19. No l.ives lostPatterson's family contradict the ru mor that he is about to resign. They say as soon as his health is sufficiently recovered he will probably go to Lancaster oounty, Pennsylvania. The Legislature has passed a resolution requesting the United States to establish a line of mail steamers between Charleston and the West Indies and South America. Jacksonville foils are indulging in strawberries at a dollar per quart, raised jn the open air near there. ENTERED St. HeUma Sonnd, Dec. 17th, Bg. Atlanta, Nyberg SO days from Grimsby, England, in ballast to Wyl'ie, Teacher A Co. Dec. 18th, Russian Bk. Ajan, Strandberg, 60 days from 8t. Thomas, W. L, in ballast to W., T. A Co. Dec. 23d, Br. Bk. Deron, Welton, 51 days from Oporto, in ballast to W? T. A Co. CLEARED Dec. 18th, Russian Bk. Lalnetar, Rosenberg, for U. K. with 665 tons bhssphate rock from Coosaw mines. ALL PERSONS are hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of tbe crow of the British Bark DICTATOR, as no bills contracted by them will be paid by the Captain or the consignees. BOBBINS, BODINGTON A CO. posTa?Q| OAK DININGCHAJRS, . OAK EXTENSION TABLE, CHAMBER SET. Enquire at this office. ^-Nothing will soften the obdurate heart oj a young lady-lore like one of those brilliant little Diamond Rings that are sold by Whitman at a price that would astonish you. Go and see them. 49-ln selecting ysar Holiday Free-1 emfs tou will find it to your int r st to examine 1 the terse variety now on exhibit ion at ODKLL'S, where may be found Toys, Dolls, Pictures, Jewelry Musical instruments, and many other articles both useful and ornamental. 49"It is the duty of every wife to aee that her husband has a genuine meerschaum Segar holder She can fiud the same at the Drug Store. ftrWhst more desirable present can you mabe your sweet heart, wife, mother sister, or somebody else's sister, t ban one of those pretty setts of Jewelry or a set of Rogers A. ?.. Spoons, a Napkin Ring, era silver plated call bell? Whitman lias them and you had better call on him. Wnt KnmsI has been appointed for Beaufort, for the aaie of POMFSTIt' PATTERXE The gpe* reputation of the>e patterns makes it unnecessary to explain their eaeeliiHMmr?d beauty. A full supply of patterns on tetdltdl timer of alf seasonable styles. mr A virlklug fteek.il an Indlspensible article in the home, especially then? deligMftilly cool morning* when ?m In npt t? say "aim to bti fokliwgof the hands to>>leep," and when he get.up finds he has lost a good part of the day and eat> a cold breakfasf, scoUs his wife over the cook's shoulders and is all day yetting over the loss of bis go-xi hwnor and makes a fool of himself general ly. Avoid all this by getting a striking Clock o Whitman. * ?TWE CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION to the eboice selection of ftna holiday presorts at Dr. Stuart's, Ml advise all to postpone their pur. chases ehtwhere ?nti] they pay a risk to the Drug Store, whore all ean be suited at the fcnfoat rates for cash. The art ides consist ofToilet Sets. Vases, Wilting Desks work Boxes. Monumental Thernioni> eters, Statuary, Ladies Dressing Sets, Fine Stationery, Rnssia Leather Glove and HandkereMef Case* and other things too numerous to mention. Every ' effort will be made to please all and we invite all our friends not to forget the Drug Store. ' ta.The Immenoo Stork of Candy now of1 fered by ODELL far exceeds anything ever exhibit* ed in Beaufort and for.purity and excellence cannot . be surpassed. Also Apples, Oranges, Dates, sod other fruit besides a complete Meortmeht of Nuts, Cakes and those incomparable Mince Pies. C O-Aissieos Wwtohoo, are now acknowQ lodged by the whole world to be wtthouj rivals for , beauty of finish and accuracy of.moveroeut. They ^ last forever and every Christmas would the recipient S remember ye??r good judgment and friende ship in presenting him or ber with one of them next Tuesday. Whitman has a good assortment 8 on band at manufacturers prices. e uhm n_ftnartrrn * UU/1 Xin JB. jumwrw i % ?FOR? ? TOYS, DOLLS, VELOCIPEDES, ?AND? , Gifts of every Description. [- The largest stock and most varied ever offered in Beaufort, at the store of [e HENRY HARMS, hi Santa-Clans Headquarters. ,r S9-L08T.?Several sheets of plans and elevation! Ot of buildings and dock*. The finder will please leav? ]d the same at the shop of Jno. Brodie, Beaufort, S. C of us Notice. he , J A LL PERSONS having bills against the Towi XX will please present them to me at once fo '?? audit. f8- J. C. RICHMOND, Eld Town Clerk and Treasurer. I*.r For fnt Medical Attendance. l,' office county commissioners ) BEAUPOXT, COTTWTT. J he Beanfort, 8. c. December II, 1877 pa" sealed proposals will be receive At this office until January 3rd 1878 for Medic ^ Attendance to the Poor and the prisoners of Beai fort County, for the year 187*. Sealed proposals ^18 be made separately. The Board reserves the riff! the to r^ect any or all bids, >er- R. J. MARTIN. WS- Ci airtuan, C. C. af- THOS. H.WHEELER, be Clerk ol Board. 4or fair or Rent. Notice to Taxpayers of Port RoyalNotice is hereby given that tiie Taxes due the Town of Port Royal for the j year J 877 must be paid on or before the 15th inst., \ or a penalty of fifty per cent will be added. A. c. mcfall Tax Collector Port Royal, Dec. 8th 1877. ~~ For Sale. ~ Four Black Walnut COUNTERS and STANDS, 10 ft. long by 3 ft. wide each. Apply at this office. To Rent. A Bakery and Snop Advantageously situated on Bay Street, with many conveniences and necessary utensils &c. None but reliable persons need apply to John Franz. Two desirable stores in the basement of the 8TEVENS HOUSE, Price $10 and $13 respectively. Apply to W. J.VERDIER, Agent. FOR SALE* AN EIGIIT HORSE POWER STATIONARY STEAM ENGINE, Grist *1111, Saw Gin with 40 saws and one Utley's Lever power Cotton Press with shafting, pulleys and bands complete in running order. This machinery will be sold entire or separate at a reasonable price. For particulars apply to Capt. J. G. Sipple at Grahamville or at this office. Notice. Mr. J. M. Rhett, is hereby authorized to receive all papers pertaining to the office of Probate. A. ?. ADDISON, Judge of Probate Bit, Co. Horses and Cows. The Ordinances relative to homes and cows running at large on and after the 2 Id vw? WM. H. SCOTT, & 00 D PORT ROYAL, S. C., Offer for sale to arrive ? 20 BOXES DRY SALTED SIDES. 50 Barrels PEARL GRIST, 25 *4 IRISH POTATOES, 10 11 APPLES. 100 Bales PRIME IIAY. decO.it. j <5riSt ami ?(d. ' S. fc WALLACE, COTTON FACTOR AND GRIST MILLER Wholesale Dealer in 1 ' Grain, Hominy Meal, Feec ETC., ETC., SEA ISLAND COTTON Bought Ginned and prepared Tor market ADVA3NTCB? Made on consignments. Having the besi machinery for ginning cotton and giind ?nr] mr ft I La 1.1 nronnrftd to exe lllg will OIIU u?'. uw ...? cute all orders on the shortest possible nc tice The highest cash price paid for COTTON & CORN Cotton ginned on toll. S. MAYO, Bay St. Beaufort, 8. O LIQUORS, WINES, Ac. NET YARNS, FISH LINES AND CORDAGE. Griass, Paints and Oils, WHITE LEAD AND TURPENTINE. Special attention given to mixing paint; *"? . . 1 f . _ ana tfiass cut to oracr 01 any sue. Dec. 6 W. H. CALVERT. K- Bajag PRACTICAL Tin Sheet Iron, Copper Workei DEALER IN Taiwnned and Stam|icd Tin Wares. Constantlyor J hand, Cooking Parlor and Box Stoves. TERMS CASH. Agent for the Celchrah-d Hair riflnllTrtfl Stnves. Wiiai W&i WUU VWWUIUJJ mm mm - ... W. II. CALVERT Bay St. between 8th A 9th ats. Beaufort. S.C BANKING HOUSE, Whi. II. Lockwood. BAV ST., BEAUFOI.T, S. C. | GOLD AND EXCHANGE I OK New, York Charleston & Savannah Bought and Sold, Collections made on any poiut in th< United States. Accounts received subjec to chock at sight. . np.27.6m. PORT ROYAL Saw& Planing JNill BKALFORT. 8 C. D. 0. WILSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OP AMD DEALERS IM miow m times m lux:*: AND * Cypres? Shixisles, ALSO Builders & Contractor PLASTER LATHES, All kinds or JOB SAWING promptly done. Flooring & Ceiling Boards always 01 ban Orders for Lnmher and Timber by the ear) promptly filled. Terms Cash. D. C. WILSON A CO. AVERILL CHEMICA] PAINT. Mixed ready for use in white and over onehundr different colors, made of st rictly pure WHI1E LEAD, Zinc, and Linseed OIL Chemically combined, w anted to last twice as long as other paint. F. W. SCHEPER, Wholesale and Retail Groce ; ICE! ICE!~ ; COUNT & SHOTS, 1 A RE NOW PREPARED TO Fl a ni8h Ice in any quantity Customi . may desire, from their Ice House, Seventh. Street. JOHN CONANT, > J. A. EMMONS H. M. STUART, M. I Cor. Bay At Eighth Streets* Beaufort, S. O. dealer is a DRUGS, AND CHEMICALS, e FAMILY MEDICINES, FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES STATIONERY PERFUMERY, BRUSHES, Ac., Ae? Ac., ? Together with man y other 'articles too dum ? j to mentioa. AH of which will be sold at the k pries for cash. Physicians prescriptions care: componned. Notice. At the expiration of aixty days frSa thisds will apply to the Clerk of Court for Beaufort C ty for a Charter for the Preacher's Aid 8ociel the South Caruiioa Conference M. E. Church. J. B. Beaufort S. C. Not. 13. 1877. FINE GROCERIES " CANNED FRUITS, VEGET And a Fill Variety of other thing's u t Goods Promptly Delive SEA 1SLAN . / HAS BEEN Itl TDK PATRONAGE OP THE TRAVt M. M. K I N G M A N , Ponnforf Mat JLiVMMAV/JL AT^LV> -? 0? Having opened a shop in Beaufort, I am pre Build k Repair all k BothofWOOD Particular attention given to designing and j pioe and fittings constantly on hand at Nortli Personal attention given to yttiog l ml con Steam Boiler Furnact Shop nelt to Post Offiee. lis!?! HOLIDAY S'' \ A &c., &c * I . . Cheaper than ever, at the * APP Call and See fo JOHN F DEALEB j Ship Chandlery, Oils, Paints, Varnishf Ploughs and Plantation Suwlies B E iWf ^ J&*If you want to purchase fine and chea FLOUR! FROUl JQTlf jrou want a good Loaf of Bread, o JOHN tfRANZ. ? ??HAMS and BREAKFAST BACON JOHN FRANZ. Special attention is giver A TVTC T/^VXTl= JVl/\iNOlwm 1 BOUSE. _ PORT I^OYAL, S. C. ?* Is beautifully situated, facing " PORT ROYAL HARBOR, Enclosed with ample yard under lire oak tree the rooms are neatly finished and nicely furnished and the table Is well supplied and kept. ^ Guests from the North will find this a mos healthful and pleasant winter resort fnited States reasels are located (n sight, and fishing,, hunting, and boating can be enjoyed. Contracts forboara will be made for the season at reasonable rates. BENJAMIN BURR, Pbopkietok. r. KINGSFORD'S " Oswego Starch, la the heat and moat economical in the world. td Is perfectly PURB?free from acids and other foreign substances that injure Linen. Is STRONGER than any other?requiring much less quantity iu using. Is UNIFORM?stiffens and finishes work always the same. KL1GSF0RIKS OSWEtiU MA it in, ? Is the most delicious of all preparations for ) > Puddings, Blanc-Mange, Cake, Etc. INSURANCE. THE MASSACHUSETTS LIFB INSURANCE COMPACT OF SPRINGFIELD MAS8. ~ ' ' ? r* i o? f Art /utA Capital ana surplus o.ow.uw. M THE~5oME ** FIRS INSURAflCB COMPAHY ? OF NEW YORK. m Cash Assets over tfl.000.000. This. one of the strongest Firelnsur* |to 1 ance Companies in the world, is now ,oun* prepared to take pood risks in the town of 7 of Beaufort and vicinity. For full particulars, rates, etc., enquire of f J. IT. Clancy, #Apcnt s a ABLEsTmeXYs, 4c. stall) kfpl in a first-class Stare, red free of charge. D HOTEI* \ HI ' . %# fi-OPENED. JLLING PUBLIC 18 S0L1CITPD. MiKJtQE^ thine Shop, * pared with the latest improved toohi to tads of M|chtaeiy, AND IRON, >attern making for new work Steam lern prices, structiug }s for Saving Fuel. . WHITMAN1, Mechanical Engineer. GOODS,; &C. a Old RELIABLE Stand (< LE. I r Yourselves!! -t t ' ? n A \t 7 Xfc J\. 11 ?J y ; IX . ? Groceries, Oils, is, Pally and Glass. ; Whwlright & Blacksmith's lKla. T. S . C. ,p Groceries, go to JOHN FRANZ. . i!? FLOCK!!. ^ r nice Biscuits, buy your FLOUR at nrtirrfo ??^.f.APT> ?hA I DUlluuaiw uuuv) ? i i in putting up Cabin Stores. JUST OPENED!!' Fill IND will STOCK' k E. A. Sefceper's The Leader in iow Prices I HAVE the pleasure of innovating to my friends and the pctblfe generally, that I am now receirmft my 1U1 and Winter stock of GENERAL MERC&N$SE. embracing the choicest and cbea?c|ft scieetiea of DRESS GOODS. KaUons, EmbroideiW, BOOTS AND S|0ES Laces, Hosiery. G lores, Handkerewtft, Casai meres, Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels, oaiespgns. Shirtings. Sheet toga, Print*. Cambria*, Linens, Towels, Table Damasks, Napkins, Wble Goods, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 4c.; eVef exhibited in Beaufort. My assortment of geods hag only to k * seen % be appreciated. 1 have selected titan w the greatest care. ALL ARE FRENH AND N and defy competition. ? A- > Those reeding FCLL and WINTEft anpplles tor their families would SAVE MONEY by looking at my stock and purchasing what they rrntiirei A well lighted store, with polite and agreeable salesmen. to attend to customers. *Tr M E. A, SCBEPEjR.j VESSEL S; -J Boll and Coosaw Ifiveril -08 At? l ? PORT ROYAlJ Will be supplied with j FRESH WATER,! From the celebrated m Club House | By Steam or sailiBg vessel*. J ' >1 n i ili n in nt tr eur rffiit li Jl.eeiimfcl ImBm ccire iiflmedUte attention. \ If* J * k