cheraW^gazette. Swlbas ?..,<** ???.?.=. CIIERAW. S..'.. W.,1)NES?AY. NOVEMBER & 1*37. ,?"""' ' J8 I -?= L TERnS. r * If paid within three months, - 300. k Ifpaid within three monthi iftor the close K ot the year, - - - - - - - 3. 50 If paid within twelve months after the ^ - close of the year, 4. 00 ^^9 If not paid within that time, ... 5. 00, ^^^9 A company of ten persons taking the paper I the same Post Office, shall be entitled to it at $25 I provided the names be forwarded together, act ^^9 aco;npanied by the money. No paper to be discontinued hut at ho option of the Editor till arrearages are paid. Advertisements inserted for 75 cents per square oi lees the first time, and 37$ for each subsequent insertion. > Persons sending in advertisements are required to specify the number of times they are to be*tod; otherwise they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. (CJ*The Postage must be paid on all cominu nications DC. McLANE, in returning his sincere thanks to the citizens of Society Hili nd vicinity for their liberal patronage respect, fully informs them and the public that he is pre. pared to execute all orders in his line with das. patch in the latest and most approved fashion? that he is now receiving a suitable and well * 1 L ???l r*!noim?*rAA. Veslisv, ^ A ' ^^^^SbUsSc. with ample slipply of'Mrrrrpondin^ trimmings to dispose of on good terms. ' Society Hill, Oct. 25tb, 1837. 30?16 Buckwheat Flour, FOR sale by JOHN EVANS & CO. Cheraw, March 6th. I7:tf Caution. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against trading for a note given by me to William Bums, about the middle of March last, for ninctv dollars; as the-property not proving what - it was represented to be, I am determined not to _v. / pay it unless compelled by law. T. J. MILES. Brownsvillo S. C. Oct 25 1837 ~ 51?3t Commission Business. ifWlHE undersigned have commenced tho for. JL warding and commission business in George Town S. C. under the firm of C. H. Nettles Co. AU orders will be pron ptly itPndrd to. " E. NETTLES. - ^ G. A. McKAV; Georgetown, 23d, Oct. 51 3t. (For Sale FH1WO beds nearly new at 45 cents per lb.? JL One large mattrass at .$10; ono common do at $1. Also OncGigandHarness at$100. A. W. CIIAMBLISSThe Bank of Camden, S.C. > Oct. 2Oth, 1837. 5 * fWlIIE third and last instalment cn tho new JL Stock of this Bank, is payable on Wednes-1 day 1st November next; and the same, being ?10 per share will be received on or before that day, at the Planters and Mechanics Bink, Charleston; the Commercial Bank, Colombia the Merchants' Bank, Chcraw; and at the Bank. ing House in Camden. By order of the Board. W. J. GRANT, Cashier Gray's Invaluable Ointment. FOR THE CURE OF WHITE SWEL. LINGS, SCOOFULA AND OTHER TUMORS, SORE LEGS AND ULCERS, SCALD (HEAD, TETTERS, RHEUMATIC PAINS, die. die. dee. ? * .V- ttRTTr; STORE. fg l UK saic at tun ? JT Nov. 1S37. , Semple's Improved Patent Truss. ' ^ >FWlHISoelebrated instrument for th-> radical Jb. cure of H ruia may be had at the D* ug Store: Nov. 1837MOIASSSS. f Ak Hhds Cuba Molasses. ,, - JL xF 20 Bbls. New Orleans do. ( For sale by W. A, T BAILEY & Co 12th June, 1837. 31 Carpenters & Joiners Planes &c, &e. A MONG which are she following, viz:? -/m Plow, Astragals, Dadoes, Fillisters, Grecian Ovolos, Og es and quirk Ogees, Sash, Bead .and Match Planes, HoIIowb and Rouuds, Snipe Bills, Rabbet, side Rabbets and Reeding Planes, Smooth, Jack, Fore and Jointer Planes (double and single Irons) Firmer chisels, Spring Dividers, squares Ac. Marking and Morticing Gua. ges, Key hole, Tenant and Hand Saws: Also T '? IK??? VIloc Knrinrs Kaila & C. &C. lAltlia, t HUB) For sale cheap by D. MALLOY. Oct. 25th, 1837. Notice. ALL persons are hereby warned not to trade with or credit any slave or other person of color owned or employed by the subscriber, without a written order, The law will be enforced against those who do so whenever legal evidence of the fact can be obtained. EDWARD BOWNES. Oct. 25th, 1837. 30?3t ???????????????????????????? Bacon and Lard. A LBS. Prime Bacon. 4000 LBS. Lard. For sale by . M.BUCHANAN. Sept. 6 53 tf Sheriff's Sales. * ILL be sold on the first tnonday in No If If vember next within the legil hours at the house of Archibald Campbell on Jemmies 1 Creek, Four stacks op fodder levied on as the I property of Archibald Campbell at the suit of J Peter L. Robeson and son vs. A. Campbell. B ALSO, will be sold on the first tuesdvy in K November next within the legil hours at the B the house of Ma/com McLeod on Skippers Creek; Twelve head of Cattle, levied n as the property B of Donald Nicholson at the suits of Goodrich B Webb & Co., and Mark Iiailey vs. Donald B Nicholson, B lermsCash. Purchasers will pay for Sheriffs papers. A. M. LOWRY, ShfF. C. I). 17th October, 1837. 29?3t " 1 Corn & Meal. B rVIHE highest market prices will be paid fo 1 the above articles, which are now vory H scarce. Apply to J. MALLOY &. Co. Brirk Store. 66WJ|ARCHED Coffee is the True Doctrin JL but burnt is down-right heresy." An article can be had at the Tin Shop t which the process of rousting Coffee can be g at without impairing its flavor; add with mut 'ess trouble than by the old method. October 18,1837, 29?2t. For Rent. THAT largo and commodious Store Houi and cotton sheds lately occupied by Mcssr | Gregg & Marshall on Church street, and ownt by J. B. Billingsly, Esq. For terms apply to BROWN BRYAN Sept. 20th, 1837 45?4t VV. 11. Scarborough. PORTRAIT painter at Darlington C. I will be happy to attend to any commanc from the neighboring districts. October 18, 1837. * 29?3t Factorage and Commissioi Business. ' 'W fi.,Kooritu?p h.iR rfiKiimrd the FACTOI 'J_'AGEaJTd COMISSION BU SINESS, an respectfully tenders his services to his friend and &J1 who may commit their interest to hi ' ? ""tTEORGE COTCHfefT" T. Edmondston's wharf. Aug. 23 41 tn: 0*The Camden Journal, Columbia Telescope Georgetown Union and Cheraw Gazette, wi] publish the above until the first of Novembei aud orward their accounts as above. CEPHALIC, AROMAliC, SCUTCl AND MACCABOY SNUFFS. FOR sale at tho DRUGSTORE. Jpril 26 24 Notice. THE Copartnership heretofore existing of K Bennett & Co. has this day been disso'vei by mutaal consent. All those indebted to san firm will make payment, and thoso to whom the are indebted will present their claims to Johi N. Williams, who alone is authorised to setll the businesi of the Company. JNO. N. WILLIAMS, K. BENNETT. July 14, 1837. 36 3mo John Evans & Co. HAVE jest received Molasses, Sugar, Col fee, Rite, Flour, Bacon, Tallow &. Spern handles, Spanih Segars and Cavendish Tobacc [best quality,J Spadts, Shovels, Weeding Hoef Hollow Wave,&c which, in addition to thei former stock, comprises almost every articl adapted to this market, and is now offered fo sale on as good terms as can be had at this pluci Cheraw, March 1st. 17:lf Lime. QA BBLS. Stone Lime Fresh and unslack cd, can be had, if applied for, in twent days. A. P. LACOSTE. July 12, 1837. . 35:tf. "LSMO.IT syrup, A? D02. Bottles li-esh Lemon Syrup, for sal " 1VO MALLOY &, CO. June 14,1837. Removal. THE subscribers lave this day removed to NEW BUILDING one door below thci old stand, and offer for *ale a large and extensiv stock of NEW & FASHIONABLE GOOD* consisting of Dry Goods, Hardware, 6c Gri ceries; Also?a large stock of Domestic an Foreign Liquors 6c Wlnci; all of which will b ; sold low for cash or eounttv piodnce. i & R IIAILEY. Feb. 11, 1837. For Siile, AT A A Sacs salt, 9 to he ton, at the coj FF ^F IF and charges; .jjlOO barrels fresh Lime ju* landed from Sell! Comet, $175 by th? .0 barrels. 80 bales of irrsh Hay. 40 boxes leaf tobacco at 7 ts. 15 hhds* Molasess 2' 30 eta e. waterman. Gorgctown, Nov, 10, 1837^ 49?3t, Sheriff's Sa)es. BY order of the Court of Ordinary of Cliei terfield district will* bo sold'it Chcstcrfiel Pnnrt House, on the first Monday in Novembf next, one tract of land near 44 Wights Fo'.ly on Big Westfields Creek, (belonging to the Ei tate of Win. Hinson dcc'd.) containng 202acrt more or lees, adjoining land belonging to Joh Clarke, J as. Everett, Thrashly Whilj and Wn Pegues. Conditions. A credit until the fvt day < January 1839; tho purchaser to givcBond t Note and good security with interest jom tb day of sale, and Mortgage on the premies toth Ordinary if necossary to secure the turchiu? money. Purchasers will pay for Shelff's T ties. t ALFRED M. LOWRY, Shff. ?. D. For JSale. A set of Merchant's Patent Balancos\ wit weights complete. It will be sold c^np. J, HERVIY. Oct 18. 1837. 29? Rank of Georgetown, S. C ) 12th October, 1837." | $ THE Subscribers to the Stock of this hsti tutiou arc hereby notified, that the ja) nientofthe Third Instalment of its capital, vil be required on Monday the 6th of Novcnbe next, and that tho same may be paid at li Bank here?at the Commercial Bank, Columtt ?the Merchants' Bank atCheraw.or to Mess) John Frascr & Co. Charleston. J. CHAPMAN, Cashies. Oct. 14. ~ 30?2t rflHE exercises of Mrs. Green's school coi menccd on the 16th inst. at her residen opposite to Mr. Stinemetz Hot?l. A few mo boarders can be accommodated. Oct. 25th. 1837. 30?tf TTMBR3L1AS AHD PARASOLS. ? DOZEN Silk and Cotton Umbrellas; ai 2 dozen Parasols. For sale by J. MALLOY A Co. f June], 183 . 31 tt Java, Laguira, & Rio offee A GOOD supply of the above ariiole on ha and for sale, by J. MALLOY &, CO. Feb. 6th, 1837. 13:tf BOOK BINDING. THE subscribers have established themseh in the above lino of business in Cher and offer their services to its citizens. U. BAZENCOURT. & CC Bheraw, S. C.. Jan. 26. ^ ^ V ' ' sj J e,| Dissolution. >y Hjn, [jp; copartnership heretofore existing unde ot JL tha firm of Scolt?& Koclcr, is this day dis :h solved by mutual consent. All tliose indebted t< saidfiim are requested to make payment hefori the first of January. Those who neglect to do so ? will find their accounts in tho hands of an At torncy for collection. sc SCOTT & KEELER. g Choraw, 2d Oct. 1837* ;d Tqe business will be continuedhcronftor py S. KEELER. 27 ' 3m ? ~ P.ICE. Casks of Rice just received, and for sale , t# by W. & T; BAILEY & Co,8* June, 1837. 31 * tf. Copartnership Formed. ? rW^IHE subscribers have this day formed a coJL partnership in business, under the firm ol 1 - W. & T. BAILEY & CO. - c\.? ? :?.j tnd have taken tne oiorc iau:iy ucuupiwi uj m*. > V.. P. LaCOSTE, one door north of Kershaw j street. W.J. BAILEV, , T. B. B AILEE, JOHN W; Moil A E 18 9:tf POLICIES will l>e issued upon Buildings Merchandise in Store, and on the rivor to ^ and from Charleston and Georgetown; also on II Cotton in store. Persons living in the country and towns adjacent by givinga description of their ' property, can have it insured against loss ordatn t ago by fire. * D. S. HARLLEE, Agent at Chcraw, for Insu. Co. of Columbia, S. C. April 10.1836. 26tf. _ MALCUM BUCHANAN IS now receiving and for sale, 50 pieces Bagging, ' 20 bags Laguira and Rio Coffee, , 3Jc*ses Hats, 20doz.Cap'), V Qfl I?Amlir>r? ' uu i vnwii^ vuu 1 A few sets Blacksmith's Tools, with a pood e stock of Saddlery, Hard ware,Crockery ware &c., all of which will bo sold low for cash , or barter for couniry produce, Nov. 22.1836 . Drug Store. f BlIIE Subscribers have removed to their New JL Store on Front Street, opposite to that of . Taylor & Punch's where they have and will con, tinue to koep, a full and complcto assortment of r Drugs, Medicines, Surgical Instruments, e and Shcrp Furniture ; Also : r Paints, Oik, Glass, Dye Stuff's, & Perfumery s. All of which thry propose selling on the moat reason ihle terms; and p -.rticularly so, to those ma king large purchases. Any article they may not have oh hand when applied for, will be procured on short notice. POWE & MALLOY. , r ? i A? . in ?c roajcnzisi. i, Morus Multicaulus Trees THE subscriber has from 25,000, to 40,000 Moms Multicaulus trees now growing at 0 his residonoe, with roots or 1, 2, and 3 years old which will be ready fbr sale this fall, and v\ liich he will sell on moderate terms. EDWD. P. ROBERTS.. Baltimore Md. a 1 ''Dissolution." f? FBlHE Copartnership in Trade at Ccntu ? Montgomery N. H. under the name ana d 6tylc of Thos. Allen Sl Co. has been dissolved by ? mutual consent. J. M.& J ALLEN. THOS. ALLEN. THE firm of J. M. & J. Allen of Allrntor has alsojbeen dissolved. Having bought out thr stock intradc of the late concern, the subscri. ber will oOi inuo the business at Centre, here, r, after on his own account. ES ALLEN. September Oth, 1837. 27 3t Bacon! Bacon! ANTED 10,000 lbs primo N. C. cured *? Bacon for which the highest market price will 4e paid if delivered prior to the 10th Au gust. Apply to J. >1 ALLOY &, Co. July J Oth, 1837. Brick SUne. Notice. ' MTHEREAS RICHARD PHELAN, Mcr. WW chant of this town, having a signed all his estate and effects to the subscribers upon trust for the benefit of his creditors. s" Notice is hereby given to said creditors that in 8 order to avail themselves of the benefit of the n assignment, they mu6t establish their claims on or before the first day of November next, and f a?I"w3 u> discharge the said Phclan from ail furUier liability, upon receiving the dividend allow. )r ed. ie Notice is also hereby given to all those indebt. 'e od to the said Fhclan, that immediate payment 5 must bo made to the assignees. CONLAW LYNCH, ? J AS. W. BLAKENEY, \ Assignees of R. Phelan. Cheraw. Sept. 11th, 1837. 44 8t New & cheap Goods. milE Subscriber has just received and open. JL ed au unusually largo andextnnsive assortment of seasonablo Goods, carefully selected by himself iu New York, in Sept. last. Those wishing to purchase, may find it to their interi est to call and examine before buying, as he )hinks his stock will be found to comprise as 11 general an assortment as any in the place; and r he is confident that he can sell as iow as goods e can be afforded in this market. Merchants fiom a tho country will find his stock so large as to f. merit their attention. He cordially invites aH * to call and judge for themselves. It can at all events, do no harm to come and see He cannot neglect this opportunity of expressing his grati. ? tudo to his friends and the public, for the liberal n? share of patronage with which he has always ce been favored. D. F. M'ARN. ro, Nov. 21st, 1836. ' From tho N. II. 0\ i?"n r. AN HONEST LAWYER'S FEE. I It is now five years dnco the widow Utiles called on me one morning before rid Ireakfast, and asked me ?o recommend her t? some lawyer, as she thought her friend 9^ubbs was less correct than ho might be. ? I asked her to step into the parlor, and went myself to my breakfast, and my wife, whose advice I always asked on such points. We had known Mrs. Jared Stiles many years; her husband was a greal ? iand owner in a goodly town of the western country, and with a disinterested love, that di^erved some better aim, ever pressed il aw on his help mate, as the first rule of life ) to ^et all she couid, and keep all she got. rietdied and Mrs. S.iJe* became more am laBii i ?ra? more religious and aims-giving, but also r mot*e and more fond of wealth, and sensible of the admirable advice, which her hus> ha id had given her. J I stated the facts to my wife, and waited ' her opinion. M Well William," she said after drinking a cup of coffee upon my etorv,? I fear the old lady has some money jetting in view; you know she has of late given all her affections to getting more vvertih. I would therefore recommend her to the most honest and conscientious lawyer in town, and not to the most acute ! apd fiorough. She relies on your judg. ment^ use it, not for her seeming, hut her realyood." I pountcd my legal acquaintance twice . ovr, before I hit oa one answering to the ; terrm "tfionest and conscientious," in the sense in which I knew Ellen used them. At lejijjth I found him, and taking my hat ! -?11?I. i.diU ,? . 1?.i, 4/N Ivl^ / (Tino WaiKtli Willi 1UC WIUUW IV IIIO UU1VV. W^found Mr. Sawyer at his desk; he rosftf vl gave Ua chair? and waited Mrs. S.iles' statement. Buf before 1 go on fo this point, let me say a few words on this phenomenon ; this man with his head un- . der his left arm, close to his heart?this . honest lawyer, in the broadest, highest ^ seuseof the term. He was a man of thirty-five; he had studied law because he liked the study, and began die pracico be. cause ho had to get a living; and now he continued in the profession in spite of bad j opposion, and bad courts?because he thought he had done, and might do much good by his labors; not alone by saving the innocent and needy from the strong nnd cruel, but preventing strife, putting a stop to half knavish practices, and dissuading men and women from unjust suits, and < ? ? ? ? ??1". If. 11? ru r passiuil-ruusiug quarrels. mi. mu?jvi s thought it not only proper for him to refuse | acting for those whose claims Ke thought dishonest, but he counted it also a duty and privil go, nay more, christian charity to strive to persuade to forego such claims. He ought fame and extensive practice as means whereby to exert a moral influence over the commnnity; he thought a lawyer bound to serve, not his client only but God and country, and looked on him, who for gain would prosecsle a suit which he tho't unfair, as a traitor to his country, and his religion, in act, whatever he might be in intention. In short, as Bill Blunt once said, " Sawyer was such a hanged fool as i think it an attorney's business to. help the parson make good christians." And now we shall let Mrs. Stiles state , her business. It seemed that her husband hud sold and conveyed several lots, which her fa;her had left in trust for her, and In such a form that she meaning to release her fee in the lots, hid in terms, merely released right of dower :?these ets sho understood she could get back. Did you receive the money tor h?m?" said ( Mr. Sawyer. ertiinly, sir." 44 Was it a fair, full pi h e for the laud?" *'I was all we asked, sir." "Did you sign the deed willingly?" "Of course; do you think Jared would have driven me to do if?" "Did you mean to convey a full title in foe Mrs. Stiles?" "Beyond doubt; as we did'nt, they tell me the land never passed." ^ ^ f ~ t Kofi Knfln OUppusc M19. Ollic^j liiu niuiicjr iiuu uvv.u paid before you had drawn the deed, sho ii > I you have thought it honest after getting her money, to refuse to give the deed ?" 44 Why, lawyer that would have been ' thieving right down." 44 Well. Mis. Stiles, you have not yet given the deed, shall I draw one for you to sign ?" 44 Why, bless your soul, Sawyer, that is the deed you have got in your hand." 44 Mrs. Stiles, if you had given the man when he paid the money for the lots! a shoo of blank paper, and he had not looke i at it, would that have been u deed ?" 44 Of com se not." 44 But you meant to give a full tile io fee V "Yes." 44 Well, this is not such a title any more than a sheet of blank paper, you have not yet given the deed. Shall 1 draw a claim deed for you to sign ?" Mrs. Stiles looked at me, and looked at lie window, looked very much puzzle I an somewhat ashamed. At last she said, "But don't the law say the land's mine, squire V' u We can't tell tha'," said Mr. lawyer, " till the case is tried. First, let us ge ' things straight, an 1 have the bargain comdete, and'hen if you please, we'll go o law about i." The widow was fairly caught in th * cor- ' ner. At length, with a gasp, sLC".sk?d, how much he would charge for a quitclaim deed ; this eliarge the a torney told ! her the o'her party would willingly pay,* he had no doub\ and taking down a blank procat.-ded to fill it. Before we left, the deed J \vn< signed, witnessed and acknowledged. " And pray,*' said the widow as We walked heme, 44 what sort of a lawyer do you call this man ? I verily believe cheated me out of all them 'o's ; I've a great mind to go back and tear that de d all to flinders." I assur? d her that t was not only too late but that she had done the proper thing under the circums anees, and aivisd her in fu:ure to employ no one hut Mr. Sawyer. But M?\ Sawyer. Much to mv surprise, sh ; took my advice, and that gen. ' tleman was henceforth her sol.citor and counselor. i Last week the widow Stiles died, leaving [ me her executor. After the funeral we ' opened her will, arid found it, to our astouj ishinent, in her own hand writing. 44 Know ye all," it began,44 that whereas | Km going to give sow tftng o my at or. nev, 1 wr to this myself?that is, 1 Jane, rehot of Jared Stiles, being of sound mind and body?know all men, that said attorney, to wit, videlicet; James Sawyer* of t-'is town that Tin-of namely, the town of Jackson, whereas, I say first led me to see lite fojly of giving my old age to the heaping up filthy lucre, and cured me to turn aside from a course that was as I have since seen, wholly wrong, for which may he be blessed in this life and for ever?Therefore, know ye, that as a small token of respect and love for said attorney, to. wit, nal , Jame- Sawyer,who has of late been unfor* ; lunate and much distressed in worldly matters, I do hereby by these presents, give, bequeath, will, leave transfer, make over, and pass unto aforesaid Sawyer, every rent I've got in the world ; goods, chatties, lands, money, books, dress and jewels, for his and his tteirs'good; leaving it with him to give t my several friends,such articles as are marked with their names. Witness _ itiy baud aviu sEal, November "2 Jib, 1838 JANE STILES." . fJ Knowing as 1 did, Mr. Sawyer's troubles j n these bard imes, I shook his hand most < oyfully. ? . " It is a fee my friend," said he," that 41 j nust thank you for." " Site must leave $50,0.00,"J replied. " I was thinking," answered" he, u tu t , )fthe money, but the- change of lifo ;u.d J letrt; that is the feel prize." J. M. P. ??? ?> ( AGRICULTURAL. ^ { From the Southern Agriculturist. I GRAPES Mr. Editor,?Many express a desire to 5 mltivate this delicious fruit, could they be i jure of success. It is easy to coveran ar- I ior, or an espalier, with a luxurunt vjjie, ( I >ay they, but the fruit ii the thing : we i a ant to be assured ofit.a desire is very ha- i ;ural; but if no experiments are made they < itust be content to forego the enjoyment < jf the arbor and its pcodace. Every gar-, len of moderate area, should have a few /ines for family use, and the gratification }f such friends as cannot afford the pi jpace. Every city, town, and village, can. \ produce the grape, in yerv considerable , rjuanities; and if the quality i$ uct good, S it will be the fault of the cultivator, * The i first requisite is a good root, or good cuttings, and these may be .obtained at little < ur no expense. I think roots .preferably locuttiqgs,?the pith iirtbeeoid of the !at-_ ter, being exposed to lite h?at of fli sulij and every change in the atmosphere* the health of the vine is apt to suffer,- nod the fruit deteriorate. This is one ok the re? sous why it is sometimes complained, that Mr. Such-an-one's cuttings do notproduce as good fruit as the parent vines, and the unlucky wight is straighiway charged with deception, ns if disappointment might not result from other causes. Cuttings f?ora (he same vine, and taken at the same tidv, will produce fruit of different quantities ; tlmt depending on carc^ soil and location. Roots, it is thought, canoqt be had without much trouhlt, and perhaps great expense but this is quite a mistake : and I will put your readers jn the way of procuring the best of roots, at no expense or trouble other than the cost of seeding, of as many raisins as they want seeds. Some may know the grape will grow from he raisin, but I believe very few do. Not having tried t ie experim lit, 1 cannot speak wnn certainity, but I am of opinion that the. fresh white Malaga grape also, will grow from the seed. 1 mean those packed up with saw-dust in jars," They may not, us they are much more liable to rot than raisins; being curd, they are much more moi?t, and the seed may not germh nate. 1 think, however, the seed will prove sound in all plump, perfect grapes. Fruit of ihe growing crop will he in market early in the fall ; aud I intend to supply myself wiih the seed as early as possible; aud recommend to all disposed to experiment upon this suggestion, to do the came. Separate the pulp very carefully from the seed, that the germ may not be injured, dry them in the sun, and that they may not be approached by insects,cork them up in a phial- The ordinary process of eating the grape or raisiu is the best for cleansing the seeds, taking care to avoid the teqth, and not to p ss the seed too rudely against the roofofthe mouth. The germ end is very tender in both, but much more so m the seed of the uncurod grape. Raisi seed will require very little sun diying, and both raav be injured by too mu h In this way I feel confident, roots may be j oht lined of the white Malaga grape, and'of 8 cry variety i f raisin imported into tins coun ry, except the Sultana, which is an a lomuious frui', if it docs in fact carry no seed. I suspect, however, the seed is very adroli y abs;racted. With referent e to procur'ng roots from the seed of raisins, J can speak confidently, having a few years ago tr ed the experiment merely to satisfy my curiosity. I sheeted two or rhr :e of the finestlooking raisins of the kind known as Muscatel Royal, and perfectly free from the appearance of being candied, or sugar-, ed?clean, pupy, and well cured. I put the seed in .he end of a bed, in the gardeq, and it came-u;> .finely. The location had a northern aspect, and was therefore unfav. orablo to the plant; the buildings, too, completely shaded it after ten o'clock ; yet it flourished and grew to about the height of seven or eight inches, when, unfortunately, my horse got into the garden, and destroyed if. My curosity was gratified most fully, and had I owned the premises, th< y should now boast an arbor covered with the best Royal Muscat Is. I trust the day is not distant, when we may talk of our " vine clad hills and vine. troy most of the fruit bjjds, but Tiove al! useless foliage. * e ives 'will increase in sizt? and the JsuBl ind air having free access toibe fruit anJB^ rine, the whole will be morelwd hy.^ If-jKL he cultivator is Willing to dispense jwtli^ajBhe shaded jet liitn set up one or w&fe >f posts, ten feetajiart, and a?mgn/^g1rivr:^p Cedar, junipei, or cypress posts vyourdJ it to-preserve them from rqX T^ce; owe r slat four feet from ihq giaundj' lers reach the upper gla't. train t, and let them imcrweave and pags'eac^SjRv it her. in this way, j^faay ^ iesired, can b?, .traji^jjtt?4 ^ unco to' procure tlu?i* wing planting, we*take the-liVt^ DOfl Morus Muhicauiis; Mulberry trees.for sale. -The roots chiefly two and three years o!d,-^MsM* ed on the first opening of aaeart . spring, mightbeica from r; sell our trees with ilieir heads ^ companies as well take 9000'of dp'.vur^' we will make the price ira ohjt&~ That :h'? J* - ^ variety of the rrjulber/y is beteri^p*^. than 'any other to feeding the still_ permitted to it in fresh .slaked lime, beforivso^g brand % the two species of umu^hftro to the grain, nnd^are propVIIed thibagH sapr vessels of the- plant, ;to,the 'gejcgaftftOte g; youhgjrraiir. -The salt ati,d ? ; vitality of these seeds.~3%e licves itr be die 9 a me kmd of worthless stuff! that h?s4rom orial, been made by bcrtlwgdo^;eirk?V is not wrthin my province, at this ~timc? " attempt to convince such, that'th chemicnl difference, though it might-eas fvO be shown, that they are almost as sugar and vinegar. 1 would, hawevv^S^R invi e them to lay asiYe their cidert^eyeer^*^. : and try the plan of boiling down the jufce <3F.'' of the apple that has no. been e.vposST the air by grinding and pressing, 'XSi : - ~ Last autumn, { placed a mipib^r shels of WothcrillVsweetiag ?pifar ant to steanMhtm; when tiicy had'boifi^l soft, I turned them into a now splinter bds. ; jMjjTket, containing some straw, and placed hem a barrel head, and atieavy The juice was caught in a tub.' Tnfs i repeated*until-1 had juice enough to fill ^ kettles, when I commenced boiling it*dowoT- ' n I attei ded to it strictly, frequ ntly Slitf. itiing it, till it became of the eons?s:euey > cane morasses ' The na:Ivo acids ot fruit imputed a peculiar flavor, otherwise! $ it ceuid hardly-be distinguished from J syrup of the cane. It was used in my fem. .. ^jjfc^ fly for making sweetmeats, for sweetening pies* for dressing on puddings and griddle cakes, and a variety of other purposes. The B&j cost of making it is very trifling, and the. -Sr, means are within the reach of every farmer. - .ilf INDIAN SHREWDNESS. ~W-\ ? Some years ago, some Indians wese siting the Capitol, .and seemed to be resfles#f ;?L. while witnessing t he uproar of tire House. /Cm? On being taken into the Senate, the grave, ord rly appearacce ofit8 body struck, their -'W' savage minds with awe at Aftec^Xj^H