TSSSSSSSSiST^' tjm udois L4TUM Of ?X? SKNATK Thursday, Dtttmltr 10 o>uuta, submitted a report on the contloxent weounts MltuA >lh? lower division of the treasury; nUn a.report on \bn Wcmiitt of On moUo?< of Mr. I'cjtue*, leave wiimn l?A him to withdraw the petition of James "The report of the joint committee upon till memorial of Henry Shult*, was then tWten up for consideration! and the memo rialist wn heard at the bar of the aerate In ?Upport of hismemorial. On motion of Mr. Wilson, the report waa ?jfc-romriittted. Mr. Kfehardaon submitted reports on the ?wverol petit k?n? of Daniel Gillespie iad Vaty West. Mr. J 8. Dent auhmltted report* on the several petition* of John Duunovaht, John "Peay, and Jamea 11. Picket, Walker ami Thompson, and Wllaon Neabit; all ordered for consideration to-morrow. Mr. Black presented the petition of Dsut* -itt* Deem, and Mr. Sloan that of Benjamin llowcn; both for pensions; and both reterrcd td the committee on {tensions. A message was received from the Iioum of representatives, announcing that, bjr invi tation from that house, the lice. Mr. Ren wc would deliver a discourse od the deaths ol m?su. Nixon and M'Qomb, late taem hereof that house, in their chamber, on ?iund*y next. A resolution irom th-: house of represen tatives* .directing tlu* committee on the legislative libraiy, to uiocurc and have bound for the use of the legislature, alx complete sets ot the actvof assembly, tub 'aeouenl to the year 1801; was concurred in, y nir. Wilson, in relation tr? the re-chartering of the U. e>tatMit hank, woro taken *.:p. On motion of inr. \\ilsoUi the resolutions -woro divided, an I tho following being par or on Charleston neck to nrgociate a loao for the purchase or building of a poor house;* and ? bill to provide f?>r lighting lAmps on a part of Klngstre-et, on Chai lotou neck. Unfavorable rcj>o? ts on the several peti tion* of H?gh Norton and David Ktrr, were Considered nnd xgrecd to; as was also an unfavorable report on the memorial of the titlscns of At. Philips and At Michaels, and 1)4 the city council of Charleston, against the proposed amendment of the constitution Its to the offices of Secretary of state and Treasurer. The following resolution, offered yester day by mr. Wilson was thou taken up and con wide rod: ilcsolved, That the town council of Camden, and their successors in oftice, shall, by an officer, or officer*, to be by lh?'in"nppointed, collect the taxes accruing to tho state, within tho town of Camden. Iron the 90th day of September last, for the term of nix year* from that day, and that the amoont to be thua collected, shall ho distributed amongst such of the sufferers by the late fire in Cant den, ?>ho, from their etwiMtunces, are m.Pope, P m>roingW poirtf rned .. A bill from *be senate, eutiliud, a bill Concerning apixnxU from mc court* of ordi nary wa? ordered to lie on the table. A Mil to alter the practice of the courts of ordinary was lakl on the table and ordered to be printed. Mr. Toomer, from the Judiciary commit tm>. to whom was refeired the petition of the delegation of Prince tieonte Wiayaw, reported a bill to atttboriae the purrluuw and emancipation of certain alavte; read the hill a first time and ordered far a second reading to-morrow. Mr. Green called up the report of the the whole which had been . ^ >le.nn yeitcrday, when Mr. W. Tbompeon made a motion to subetilute Itions in Ueu of the res the committee of the Besohraft, that it is expedient to transfer th? cUanoery jurisdictions of thin state to fee circuit judges of the court of law, and that the chancellors be transferred to that focncb.. . <-* Raaolvc.il, thut the common law ana1 chancery jurisdiction* remain aepcrato i"?l that the lt>roii of practice .??d the princi pica of decision in oaeh juriaditftion remain SSjMESWPfcB YKA8-?B. P. Dunkin esq.apeakofw well, Cook. Carothers, Duncan, Duffan, Eaves, Pridav, Galphin, Graham, Go use, liagood, Herbert,.!. Hutiter, Jonas, Irby, J O. Lewie, J. \V, Lewie, Levr, Lowry, Mjcra, Moye, McDonald, Meftard.Mur dock, Pope' Proaly, Raid, Stark, I. Smith, St table. W. Thompaon. and Watson?10. KORBi-Meun. Alkcn, A the, Axa.m, Arthur, R. P. W. Allston, Bull, Butler, Uacot, Cocgeshall,1 Craig, Cole,Cunning ham* Cooper, Dwight, Elliott, Ffc>*nson, Frost, Gillam, Gregg, Glover, Gee, Clour din, Grice, Hibhin, G. R. Hunter, H*ynr, Holmes, Hill, Hemingway, Key, Leizare, Mintting, Matthew*, Muldrnw, M*Cord, M'Kenna, M'Conn, M'NVillie, Murray, Glum, Pi ingle, Preston, Pray, Pliyet, Pinrknev, Pou, Pat tenon, Pu'mer, O. 8. Keen, Schmidt, Simkins, R. H. Smith, J. M Smith, W. Smith,Seubrook, Simons Sheri (Tan, Shaw, Singleton, A. W. Thompson, Toomer, ToWhsend, Whitner, Wardlaw, T. Walktr, G. Walker, and Woods?60. The question being dccided in the nega tive, the resolution* were not adopted. Mr. Simkins then muda a motion tn affix the following resolution to the resolution reported by the committee of the whole, vie: Resolved, that the moat effectual rented*, and productive of the least dangerous change for the evil of ihe present arrangement of the chancery ay Mem, is, to provide aurh chancellor or chancellors at may be uect? sarys and thnt two eourta of equity in each year be held at eaeh court hoate where such courts art now v eld but once a year And on the question to agree thereto the, yea* and nays were required and are a?fol Inu/i vie* YKAS?Mes*r*. Ashe, Ax son, R. V \V. .\ 1lntont Bull, Coggeshnll, Cole, Cunning* ham, Dwlght, Desnnss'ire, Elliott, Fergus on, Frost, Gillum, Orckit. Gee, Gout din, If i'ibln, Haync, Holme*, Dill, Iteming* av. Legnre, Mintaing, Mvcf?, Mi?t?iew?, M< CorJ, M'Willie, Murray, Pi inglr, 'Mayer. Palmer, Richa'-dson, Schmidt, Hunkim, It B. Smith, J. M Smith, Simons W. Thompson, and T?wm?T?39. NOKS? B. F. Duuktn Esq. Speaker? Me*sta. Allen. Arthur, Itutler, Uati?kett, Barksdale, Bacot, Barber, Bowers Crook, Cobb, C a'dwoll, Co^t C??llins Carother h, Craig, Cooper, Duncan, Dugan, F.*v<-*, Friday, Galphin, Graham, Glorer, Gause, Grfcr, Hagood, Herbert, J. Hunter Jones Irhy, ICcv, J. O. Lewi*, J. W. Lewis,Levy, Lowry.Mtildrow, Moye, M'G'II, M'Donnld. M'tvenua, M'Conn, Mellard, Murd'?k, Gdom, Pope, Parks, Pre*!?, Preston, Peay, Pinckncy.Pou. Patterson,O.S. Recs, Reese, Rcid, Stark, I. Smith, W. Smith, Se.ibr'mk. Sheridan, Siroble, Shnt adopted. The house then ugrectl to the report of thccofnmi'tec of the wholr, as follows vi?: < | The committee of the whole, to whom was referred certain revisions relating to the chancery system of this state, report, tint they hnve hud the subject r< ferred to them under consideration, and be* leave to recommend to the house, the adoption of the following resolution, Resolwd that it it expedient to enlarge the power* nfthc commissioner*, ao an to expedite the preparation of cases for trial in the court of chancery and to diminish the expense thereof; ordered that the resolution be referred to the judiciary committee. Mr. Greg*, from the judiciary committee to whom was referred a bill requiring the owner* of boats one! other water craft .vi gating thfe water* of this atate to keep white patmnn*, nnd a bill regulating the prtet oe of the c.ajrls of law respiting physicians bill* and accounts reported, aii'l recommen ded that it was inexpedient io legislate upon tli'wic *ul>jects. Read a second time, a bill toucerniuK fish traps; and a bill to teleasc tin title of the slate in certain eschf iImI u bill to provide for lighting lamp* on .? >ait of King stieet on Charleston neck; tasted and title changed. The senate returned to the house, a bill, ntitled an act for the better organising the re guard of the city of Charleston, which ad received three reading* in earh house; ffcrrvd to the engrossing committee. TUo Whim kuspc:>fiid U.c of Jay, to nr; SENA R.. ; V. 11. 1829. "fat* Friday. Dec The joarnal of read, tor. Orimke, tee otfflFtoetltlon H I I canal and rail road com|a r, reported a to load tlie c< edit of (he ? teto&C and rail road company and for purpoaea; which waa r d a Ural and made the special ?m r for to B|__ after thfr reading .of the ouraak; and it wm ordorad (hat Aleaan r Black he then heard at the barofthesei te. in support of the petition on which Uu bill was repor On motion of mr. Dayi tho report rf u? veatry of the episcopal cli rch ofBt ?:> gooes creek, on the disl iraement : ' Ludlnin school Aind, wai akcr >,? u ? ?? ferml to the committee o lei"- V < ? f motion of pir. Davis, m ml k i.-p. . v - withdrawn froiu the ftp >( )S*2 u! r forred to th? aame cow?n . On motion of tnr ^ ... d. .s he >i.. < as doe < /:id*Of this .od the pro ve to his legal solved, that the instructed to inn' r<> vi to David Ship> 5 iaui state, at the tiw *fhi pri??tjr of pa, ?r?" *ucti> representative Mr. J. 8. Dek w-iln fed the report of th* committee oi. >-44 al improvement, npon tlie petition ot W . M'Creight and Jainea M'freight, andt listretors of A. Dawson ; ordered for col deration to mor row. Mr. Grimke, from tlx on the legislate ? lihrarL relation to the maps off issouri an Jersey ; which W?sagr? 1 to, and ordered to he went to the hnnae representative*. Mr. (Jriinke also mil litted a report on the several petition* or ke Kdisto baptixt chnrrh,*the Kut.*w bitist church, and Peter Ludlow, declarinit inexpedient to legislate thereon, and (commending that the pet tinners hsve hve to withdraw their petitions; which ip )rt was consider ed and agreed to. Joint committee insdea roport in d New , ordered representative* On motion of inr. Conor, the following re ort w,w tub on up unconsidered : Tho committor on snsions, to whom wm recommitted, the jptition of Rimeom Perry, praying for a pinion, report that thtsy have'considcred t> mime, and are of opinion that the casoknnot be granted without an innovation nd violation of tha law* and resolution* <1 the legislature of this state, from the lltbf March, 17M, to the December r<*soluti< i, of 1896. The question on ag cing to the report, wan taken by ayes aumoes, aa follows. \YBS?Hon. Hen Deas, presidcht? Messm. Benlmw, RU Clendinen. Oil Tin, J, S. Deas, IKi li. Dubose, Flagg, Glover, JllK. I 'on, lerman, Johnston, Joyner, Kogor, Perm , Rice, Richardson, Smart, Stewart, Sto ?, Verdier, Withcr spoon?24. NOES?Messrs. Cnnor, Davis, ErvWi Kvans, Graham, Groaon, (Irene, Griffin, Grimko, Hampton, part, Lehre, Moore, Pat erson, Pope, Sloti, Smith?17. So the said report jits agreed to. On motion of inr. (art, leave was (front ed him to withdraw khe petition of Geo. Oswalt, Mr. J. S. Deas sulnittcd a report on the petition of Win. Ow us; ordcrod for consi deration to-morrow. Mr. J. S. Deas rej >rtod a bill concerning the public works: i1tich was read a first time, ami ordered tc a second feading to morrow, and to he f inted^ Mr. Verdier subiitted a resolution re specting tho propnty of collecting find securing the debts <1 te to the bank ; refer red to the committe on tanks. Mr. Grimke, fron the joint committee on the legislative lihr rv, to which had t?een referred thereports 4 t he comptroller ge neral. secretary of date, and treasurer of the upper division in relation tol?ook* and papers in thdir ofliif *, not connected then* witli, submitted a, report recommending I the manntr in wiich tho said books ana I paper* should he jinpi??ed of or urronged ; which report wssigreed to, and ordered to ! be aent to the hot^o of representative*. Th? senate then joined the house of ^e proMentativcs in Hlectosive balloting^ for a judj^e of the c?Hft of coyituon pleas and sowt nns, a regi>ifrof mesne conveyances for Georzetown jistrict, and a commission sr inequity for Kershaw district. On motion of mr. Patterson, ler\ve o( absence after to*day, was given to mr. Pope. On motion of mr. Grimke, the message of yesterdav, fr?tn the house of reprcftcnla tives, refusing leave to amend tl?e report of tho snecial ennmittee of that house, on so mucri of ths governor's inesssge No. 1, and eomfttroller-Kcneral's report, as relate* to tho claii.M of tins state on tho Unite/I States, wm taktn up. Mr. Wilson moved that the senste ad here to their message requesting amend ment?on whieh motion tho ayes and noes were taken aa follows : A.VICS?Messrs. Renbow, Black, Col vin, Davis, DulKise, Klagg,Graham,Gray son, Johnston, Jovner, Poi>?, Rice, Sloan, Smart, Smith, Stewart, Stone, Verdier, and Wilson?-19. NOrtS?!|on. Henry Deas, president? mesars. Clendinen, Connor, j. S. Dess, Dodd, ftrvin. Kvsns, Glover, Gregg, Grif fin, Grimke, Hampton, l.art, I'on, Jerman, Koger, I Wire, Patterson, Pegites, Rich anfson and Witherspoon?21 So the said motion was carried in the ne gative. On motion of mr. ftrimka, the report (Vow the house of representatives#! so much of the governor** message No. 1, and the iaeerttn lieu thereof* the word*, ' euch ?J?* Kvvernof ?hafl ?PPWH?rj* motion, the aye* end noee were de ?d end taken, as folio we: A r KS?lUPMrn Benbow. Black,Colvin, Davie, Duboee, Ervia, Pia||, uraliam, eooon?17. . 'noes-Hon. Iieftrr Dfeae, pteeideot Mfceew. Connor, J. 8. l*a?, Podd. Erane, Pattfcreo*, Rice7Richa?d?oo, Stoau, Smart, ? The repprt. from the house of repreecn tativee, wee then, on motion of nir. Gnmke conourred in, and ordered to be returned. Mr. Verdier preetnted the petition -.1 Walker and Thompson; for neymrut <>? a certain contract: referred to the eoo n,it tea on internal improvements-,?nf I or Stone preeented 4ho memorial of (>??; c?*?> ^Abflfio punbh iliaV, , . s. ronda, WU taken upon ? ?u* 'M ri>a ind rotund to tlw'l'i'liciaiy .*ortwniUve? ^A bill to alter And -i mend .fit la* .faintt uaury, waa.road a nA'undtiiTH' " tton ?nr. 3T1. DnI flpv?d that !?? 'I'M uded and taken, aa t .11.* i' Uw. PtetkUnt? \[, ''?? ' ? .vin, DhvIh^J. S Pr }' JWWhto K ll? ?|?ton, !*t >? , /< ? jKWfXm, K a report on contingent nc? crMinta tgaltitt the lower dlritmn of the trea turv?aW? favorable report* on the tevern1 petitions of Jonn.DannnVmit, admr. ?f O, W. fioorp, John Peav and June* B. Pick ? ett, Danic) Gllletpie, and Marv \yr*t. An unfavorable report on the petition ? Walker and Thomptoo, wa? conbidcre*1 and < consideration to-morrowand to he printed Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Friday, Drr. Illh, 1820. The bouse met ngrceahtv to rv!) ?urnment, Mr, Tow*nend irom the eommittce on Internal Improvement m >de report* ??n the petition of Thomas Hitches, *en. and rite presentment off the gran^Mury off Sumter distrln In relation to the Mate road Mr. Math* w* from the committor ?>n education made a report on a resolution di recting them to enquire into the expedien cy ot making mime disposition of the book* remaining io the office of the comptroller general. Mr. Glover from the committee on rofcds' made a report on the petition of j per l?oard of commis*ioners of roads for St. Lukes parish for the alteration of a road. Mr. Toomcr from the judic.is.ry com-r it tee, made report* on the petition* of Char le May rant, the ?dmr. ,k, the Santce canal company, and mrs. Mary Hillen. Mr. Pinckncy frotn the committee en way* and mean*, made report* on the peti tion* of Wm. Salter*, N. C?. Cleary, tru* teeaof the Columbia ueademv, Wiley Wil *on, intendnnt and wanten*of Moultrieville and Wm. Harri*. Mr. Levy from the committee oh re trenchment, made a rep^rfrn a retaliation propming toallow flJOO to the printer ?.f the house} Alt ordered for consideration to. morrow. The committee nn road* wa* discharged from the further consideration of the peti tion of sundry citizens ?fV"rk*iilr prasbip the alteration of the road I ?w and the same wa* referred to the delegation of York dis trict; an unfavorable report ot the special joint committee to whom wa* referred the petition of th?- Edistolsl r>d b'iptikt church, and of the Rev. Peter Ludlow, wa?ronsid ered and agreed to and ordered to the sen 1 ate fw com ttrt ence. ? | The senate hv mes?nge proposed nt t? j oVI'M'k this dav to e?? into an election of , indie, a register of menne conveyance for Oe- ?*et?)wn, and commissioner in equity for Ker*haw, whlrh wan concurred in. Mr T '< omer from the (military mmm t tee made reports on the following bill*, vis ? bill t?? regulate the mode of <>?"> idint' hook* for and entering therein ?t:(?e am1 district records; a Mil to unite the ofRrr<.ni secretary nf state and surveyor general; ? bill to prevent the transportation and poo. iahmcnt of slave* ^nvicted of iuaurrectlot or an attempt to exrTte the same or any ? ap Ital offence; and ? bill to pr? vent sheriff from selling real estate* without *ivin.; en tire of tbe levy to the owner, and for othei purpose*; ordered for consideration tn-mor row. Mr. Barber called up.from theunAni*hc< business of the last session a bill to nntho rise farmers and p#nters to prove their ?r counts; read tbe bill a first time, ordrrec for a *ec ud readiwon to-morrow. Mr. Whitner rflffnilted a resolution, re quiring the fieM^Arer* of the 2?\, 4th, 6th and 12d regiin-, WH. V. M. to ?c?rfnir whether in tho^Aninion ant and wh?i change* nre rc^ld in the on-sent milita ry divisions of s'Tileton. whether Ihe dif ferent regimes inav not he re-m^lolef with greater ? .faience and equalitv t< the citizen* i* that district and that thet report to the legislature at ilk ne*t Reunion Mr. W. Tho tpson, jr. a renolutkm thai It to expedient I > fmnnfer from the ?up?r iutemknt of public work? u comif is*k>U/ r ?? ? " ? - - ? Tf . ?n within ?*d? ?f tin <&irite where w? Mb work* ttwr b* situatsd, the cbniy.< und nttnuMnwnt thereof with the >;??<>> ss&^tsdB^rp abolishing of tliat office; and r - i ,, ?notation requiring ihe ^ iuv, ral to us? *11 lopl '? > ?'to J do* to thiajtfte >?? i?a*t *l h ThO * n >(i s..n i . ? tie house Tor concur rewJFa ritq>ornd Now-Jersey ; refer ml iu comtntU'.-t) on legislative library. 'I'lir eeuah- Uondedand voted with tho ho** foi roister of mesne conveyance for district, and iiumeflmtely after iir _i>uii assioncr in equity for Kershaw dtMiii'l Mi. John Hunter, from the committee inted to count the votee for a Judge of Murts of foimuon plea* and sessions, ' Josiah J. Evans as having been that office. 'Keima called up a resolution,re quiring the eOwmittee appointod to exa mine the bonk of the slate oVSouth V arolina Wftflford certain information. Whieft was disagreed to, and the following rreohitiun adonted. vlS? . ^ Resolved, That the committee appointed on (Ik* part of thia liouie to euin'nrlntu lb# uffiura of the bank of the state 1>? called upon to Hate to thia houto whether they havo carcfully and thoroughly, aa allowed by law, investigated the management of that bank?whether they are aausAed that the general affiant ol' that hank art) safely and well oon^h*cted?that tho amount* due by the president, director* and other officers, whether aa drawer* or indoncra, are mode rate and well secured, and that they report the aggregate amount due by the director* and officer*, and how muoh of tho doubtAil or bad dcbl* are debta of director* or oilier officer*; and thould there ho any doubt of the solvency or insufficient security fur nished by any of the officer* of that bank, that such doubt be imparted confidential to the committe appointed to nominate suita ble candidate* lor president and directors, whon those officers are about to be elected. Resolutions, requiring the coiumitteo ap pointed to examine the branch l>nnk at Co lumbia to afford Information ; anddirectinp; (he Comptroller General to re|>ort at the next session, a project for a land tax found - ed on the actual value of land* ; with a re port of tho special committee on the poti tion of the town council of Georgetown to be reimbursed expense* for protection; were all laid oil tho table. Tho senate having concurred in, return ed a report of tho special committee to whom was referred that |?art of tho Gov eraor's message, relating to tho claims of thin State upon tho United States. The senate sent to tin* house for concur rence, report* of the Coinpfroller General; Secretary of Stale ; and Treasurers, in re lalion tti'lMNtk* in thoir office* ; of the com mitleo on accounts, on contingent account* against the lower division ; of T. C. Fay ; and on the petition of Wilson Noshitt; or dered for consideration to-morrow. Tho speaker laid lieioro tho Iiookc, a communication fr??m II. F. Whituer, su Cirintendvnt ?>f public work*, in relation hi* Ml?ry ; ordurod to lie on (lie table. The senate wiit to this house for concur rence, reporta on the petitions of Joha Dunovant, adm'r, and guardian, John Fray and James R. Pickett, Daniel Gillespie and Mary ?Veat; ordered for consideration to-morrow. The house considered and agreed to fa vorable reports on the report of the com - inittee of ways ami means i on tho annual r?|Hirt of tho Comptroller General, on tho finances of the state, and recommending a reduction of the taxes: and on tho petition** of Win. Richardson, J a men Martin, Rich ard Wilhanks, James Brown, Jesse Gran ithaiu, James U'Crarkcn, Martha M'Clure, ' James Goodson, Robert West. John Park er, John Bright, Thomaa L. Shaw, Arthur 4 Davis, Meriaith ilunnicut and Bannister Owens. Georgo Murphey, James 8. Guig nard. Win Farmer, George Oswalt, G. E. W. Fo-ter, 12. VP. and A. H. Johnston ; sundry citizens of GreenvHIo district, for an additional place of election ; sundry ci tizens of Laurens, for the same purposo ; conunisMonerM of free schools for St. An drews and Marion, and the memorial of the town council of Columbia; and to un favorable reports on the petitions of Ro bert 1 ataon, llerry Beasly, James Mc Means, James M'Cain, John Molly, Burt Mooie, Willis Whitaker, Hwepsom Cox. Randolph Hewell, G. P. Frieraon, A. B. M'Whorter, M. I^aborde ; sundry citizens of liexiugton district, relative to a road, and sundry citizens of Chester district, praying an additional beat company. Reports of the Kershaw delegation, on so much of the Governor's message, No. 2, a* relates to tho fire in Camden ; the memo rial of the medical society of Houth-CamH na and tho medical hoard of Columbia, were laid on tho table. A favorable report on the petition of James M. Harris, late sheriff of York dis trict, waa disagreed to. Tho house considered and agreed to a | resolution instructing tho superintend! nt I of public works, to report to the next l?c j gislatore. tho expediency of relieving the i' inhabitants nf St. Andrews parish, from the inronveniencearisingfromtheinterrup II lion of the public road by the opening of r| Klliotts Cut, and ordered tho same to tho i senate for concurrence. The Inrtiso considered and agreed to a rc i solution, instructing tho committee on pen 1 sions to enquire into tho expediency of al ? I tering the law authorising the payment of annuities on tho production oi certain vouchers. The committee appointed to count tho votes for iommisaioner in equity, for Ker shaw, repotted Wm. J. Grant as having been duly Heeled to that office. , Tha committee appointed to count the ^ votes for Register of mesne conveyance ,w for Georgetown district ; reported. ? Mr. G. R. Hunter, has leave to with draw the petition of Wm. Johnston and Mb Craig, the 'petition of Jainea James. Adjourned. HENATR. SaturHnu, Jjrc. 12.-1829. The jonrn d of aate>d y haing beerv r