'4$Py D. W.\SIMS,state pMNTEit. COLUMBIA, S. C. JUNE 12, 1821). ? Vol. XV.?No. 24. ?'#SV ~i'UBI J 811 ED~E V KR Y*~FBI DA V MOKNIKO. 'TERMS?Thret Dallnrt ptr annum, payablt in aJtantt, or t'vur Dollars jioy.it/* al the end of the y?r. ADVERTISEMENTS inttritd at lUt vtual rain j [4Vm? iMt Ifttltrn lUpuOliftn.] , CONCRKSMONAL CANVASS. On Thursday last during the rece** of court, the candidate* for Congre**, addi ess fd the people hi the court houic. Cot. Crockett fim took the floor. On the sub-! iect of the vacant and unappropriated land*, lie regretted that he had been under the ne cessity of differing in opinion with hW col league*, or rather Mint they hud differed in opinion with him?-he hud alway* hud the interest of the occupant* ut heart, they were generally poor, he wished to provide for them homes, he had introduced n bill to thut ciTcct and advocated It with great steal.? There wan no ab*urdity In tlie measure, ('ongrcHH had made donation* to Gen. La layette and other*. It was their own, they had the right and the power to dispose of ? as they saw preper by donation or otherwise1 ?us nat ional property it wu* no object?Con grcM would never be at the expense of Mir- j veylng and bringing it into market He was' ?-opposed to it* being appropriated to the use of ?Hillegc*, such a disposition of it would btne fil only the rich?the floor man wa* unable to *end hi* con to college; for hi* own putt in hi* raiting, he had never seen the inside; ut a college? what little education ho had gotten wui the fruit of hi* own industry, he had to work hard for It?go to school awhile nnd work n while to pay for it?this enable ' h ) to appreciate the claim* of the poor,...? well an to guurd against the designs ot the rich. They hud defeated hi* bill after a Mire battle, lint they had nothing to brag of, he had been the humble instrument in the Wands of providence, of detecting thciis?he gloried in it,and would with his lutcst breath, lor he had acted according to the dictates of a pure conscience. He adverted with regret '.o the difference which had taken plate be tween himself and Mr. I.eu?he had expect ed to have received a challenge, in event of which without hesitation he wuuld have nu t him uii the field of hunor, lie conceived a man was justifiable in lighting in defence of hi* honor and reputation, upon the same pnueiple he was justifiable in fighting for hi* country; and although lie had entertained in t'.ic outset no unkind feelings toward* Mr. J.ca, yet had he have challenged him,he cer tainly would have killed him if he could.? With regard to weapons he had no particu lar choice between a rifle and a pistol, he knew how to shoot cither-?this v.ua known us Washington,?cc. ?:c. Col. Crockett mid lie was opposed to the 1 Jidtcd State* Bank. in ull its bearings, it was ;i devouring moth upon the community, an cfgunfe of oppression and destruction tlr.it '.vould ultimately. unlet** nretitcd in its course wallow up all tlio capital of the eountrv -- 1.shad been lately to Na?hville, the impu ting appearance of the place had induced !diu to suppose that Us inhahitantH were \jcalthy and independent; many of them no 4ldubt were so, but whilst there lie was infor med by a gentleman of re spectability and ?dattuling, who was considered wealthy, that ljc himself wns in the United States Hank :'cr about $00,000, that ve>*y few if any of the citisens were exempt from liability in one way or another to this bank, in sums pro portioned to their nbility?what uuut be the rewilt?of such a state of things it was not \cry difficult to (brace?he was opposed to ;?u extension of the charter or any other measure affording facilities in its operations. Col. Crocl? tt was and had ever been op posed to protecting duties?he was inimical to the tariff of 183-1?it established a princi ple which lie did not like?there would be a bill he expected laid before the house at the next session of Congress, to modify and re duce the duties on importations, lie should d afforded the opportunity, certainly support it. The Yankee** h? said, were fond of ino lasfccs; if they chose to have it spread only on unc side of their bread, he had nopaiticular oS]ee?!cn, but he believed they preferred having it pretty well stuck on hoth sides. A induction in du'ics on foreign good*, lit believed would incretrtc the demand in F? royc, for our raw materials, and consequent ly enhance the price of them. ? Col. Crockett said lie was no enemy to in ternal improvements, upon proper and ju dicious principles. He went on to give his i casern., and made n number of remark* un der this bend, which we have not now room ?oinsert?-finally he s:ud that notwithstand ing he had never been to college, he had witli the help of the people found his way to Con i'.rcrs, and wan trying to find his way hack :ig?in, in which if he was successful he would as heretofore lie has done, serve thcin to the best of his ability. Col. Alexander then made an Interesting, and indeed it would not be flattery to add nn idoquont address?we have not ipw room tor even n brief notice of his remarks. On i he subject of t ie tariff, he declared that he had always been opposed torfw//c*upon run other principle titan as the moans of r? ve nue. It was with this view that lie voted for the tariff bl" of 1891, embracing as /me! <>t its objects to hi* mind, the extinction of the public debt; tlint he was opposed to pro tecting duties, Htid even were he in tavor of such a syateu., he held himself bound to con form to the known will of his constituents. It wilt now known to him, at least believed that n majority of his constituents were op posed to u tariff, for purposes other than that of revenue. He hud been their retire ontative four years, the only compfalm against htm, that had reached his enr, w.:?. bis vote on th?; tariff of 1824?he had voted -.?ccordhtg to the best dirtnrcs < 1 hisjudg mmt, without any instruction* ft un hU eon ? ? Stents or exprenf-vi c iiiU aro reflated wlilnli wrw ke|>? u|i with so mucli prr-eveiance lor tlio 6|'uco ol two years hetort (he lurilTo( IIJCS. ami which no doulil had I lie ir c flout in |>rudualiift t hit I rocntute; lint tlicy m? niw renewed with wow ninlaiichntv and pathetic. Intonations. Tlio prediction* oi the iif ty tin- ilier*M?a. Add to thi?, the were! mid fisudti lunt compel ilion of I'.?? I'mu^ters, f??>?>( ol' Mrtiuc,nft'of ?ucli oppor tunities, mi<1 ilm iii;;li (tut!*-* miii ti*tn|it.iitop?; ? lid \t;iir-li l lie whoh. rtmiiliu;! .winy uf lliu U. S. p'.ruutf at inj on.- homuhuii-s, would uot Imj ublu In tuppreo.t. 1 ai?* siiiiir.ii'lit cnu>c* for the depret ?ion i.o-.v icit,aitd were looked for by eve ry sane mind All oiir pa?t ??pcrieitr.e( from lit* very (ir-1 in^iaUim; ol Jim dnrlriuo of encoura^e iiicut into our iy?tem Atlrfchlaliau, was u wnni in; tr'niii'1 tin mlcuipl rajlegisliite lor tlm enrich* in? id llmud who weru ciAburrnsted by their own Inu11 It >Ut tiUi^ttiirdcd, however, and now ilo* litter iiullir.ae.v .(ud folly id micli legWhuion '?? demonstrated by another, and if po?Mtd<*, n inor - decided eijicrlineut. ilear wltatla lihm'c I>I mid |>iii i r ?.?% ? on llii* *ul'j< ct, a paper estidduh ?.<1 in tin* m'uf.l o( inanulariurt'if, mid hearing o.i it*column* tli*' mono of Clay u? a candiiluta lot tin* ulTce ot I'miiliol. l!i" editor oi iltn I'm vidrneti l.itmnry bulinltrrii lia? tin: iatid?iur t-i atlrilmti'tin* niivetiit'l to i's tf'io touicr, and la ailnii* tlx* iuferi'iice* Hint latU mid c*|iriieti<-o lorra ti|ion nil ?< iinl.ii' nn-ii. Alt? r iiii'iitiniiin^ tliu la'durr: uf ci-rtuiu u)..nt, tlm eftr.ituiUriit and din:iust whith tlirw (ailnffs hod orrajlonrd, mid tho low ibli to uhicbthf l-uuiiiui of niAiiiifacturiiig inn fulli u?;t ihiu un til rtakri In ttilvn Ihi' |MtiClcin uf i!il- |>i'ctcnt u-. |irr*eration; and tlm liuMni'M, \rn? cum|>aiadv? ly ovnrdonn l indinx that it was a^ainon the decline, Ihov who hiihoii^h^J in It, to nan? th muse I vet from iin|M!iidiiig ruin, rue. ruoriiilixi-d ('oni;n it for further iirotcr.tlmi; nnd, lliair v du*s lining ){ralilii:d, the luuiiieisa^ain revlvt-d, and thnumudii of new nutijccU ve?led their means in it. and thought an I ilreaniPil of uotlirni; 'out S(iiunint> jeunys, and cotton i|nudle.i. ^o hni4 as latiiiutiiclniiiix wm liiuiid |irndiiclive, to long did l| And new convert" and |iro?elyle?; anil n?the trade sailed Iteforn tin- wind, and was daily cainin^ new assocUlut, the marknt wa> overdnnr, ami nrini.facturcr* were coqi|K.'Hcd to atk for further iirotrcliun All Ol IIiHr ?|>pcnl? hxvc been groatcr, nuil, n? llm jnotc? liv?? ?j itcvii va* carried to loo jjrmil nn I'ltvnl. and clmcd our tioori Hgainit lorrijsii 11.1 Itorlnfioiifjtli**In-cnni' a|-|iaii!titly mud; and iiii')' linvn ?,s ^nd tlioy li.?vc no fo tuisn iniirkit ? any kind id cniiM(|Uriii'r to ???. j.uri lo.tlwy nrn led vvltcro wo now find -it iiotH.<,|C:ts:i{;,'?) in ll.c fulirlralinn til' good*, wliirh ?ir? Iro'i' iicct'?sity, ?itr.r:ficcit at miction, nnd ?o!d hi many iiitluiici*?. at r.?w? \vl?i..lt will not |>ny f..r tin- ra\> infttcii.il, ir.d t!n; Inl^ur ctti|i!i>)'fU lu etir ry it into nmrUrt I'.*i*m?iyi* |.p?ln'lion, lias ticcn the ruin of I!??? trade; il i? tr??i tlmt it tin* roinj>arativt-ly rliwrtl our doors i? *11111*1 fnrrl n iui|>iirl?t'nni?, tint in iloin^ tlii.*, 'f> many liavo In .-il r?lliiri* of tin* [rau. v 'tnwnultl nn?r?- jvnlui'ily rdvor-ttu tlie iiitcrcd* I of Ilia inn mil te!nr?r th in u< W011I1I, lmt it would lu? tri?u>n, ??.r< 1111 I \o would dti-tpio the l<*f*itiiiin of llm ro'iutry, Mini I'm mpi'ly ot our very limited fo iei Kit ln?yniid tlil? cvti-ut, we ire Intmg money; and it rcilniidy rrn|? ?t l?* convinr.o in, Hint In* who nmnalactop t in? thousand yard? of rlnlli daily, when onl/ ive hundred nn- deinr-ridrd, ?i*ti%l in Hit. Mill he m intlarer and involve lionti lf In artnrl lniikr.i|itry Tim position ?v? ?* ?? |dain ??? tlir mid il?y |??ih to hem en, mid it not >114 ceritlhfe o! refutation. Wo euro lint 11 A (, nhout t'ie t iiKrtilou* a?.oim|i ti'in# af llrei'kiah Nile* iimiI Mnt'irw t.'arcy; nnd holh time* whoir.rri?wlfr only in folly--may writii and wril?, and reason mid renvoi, ns long as it dinli l"5?t |di'itftn (hrm; mid until thuy ran con vinvvtlio wotld,tliHt tlin uifin nlio miniil^eium r.'.otii, ot tha into nf(?in r.enl* a yard, mid tierifici * il ?t i.ik Vinft tor flvo r?nt? for I mo *ainc i|iintity,i? inalanx <> CorliiiMi, w? ?!ull u<>t li?t?;t to Hit ir tolly. II Mil lire K'iIo ; to r I of our diNir* ?4alii-t till' I n liule woi Id, ninito iiuuularfui<< for otittid vim on 1 ly, i'u niltl not hcivi morn i/lotli ttian U u ^nr I *d for llm iimiioi?. i lic inomont wn ticyoud lint wn nrn losing orn|n*rt) i and tIioi|f niit'cipatinjl tro't'dr, ?1 Kcnnrallv ebtitm(bil rnon^'i t>f lt*?*|fi Hut a? iln> j nunnfaelorini< |fiitlon of lf?nfr?inf* it, wrt tuunoi too ?in'*iar?'ty olfi-r oar criyi'riio Ilia t'lrona ot ' tnr r" a'i'l '( ?rn -i-. nnd IrjiiMv Irr?t?'? ? ? everlasting God of j???l*????, i.?*? Mipreinn fi-leud 4itti fattier, aild twiiflitr.lw iif luunkiliil, t<> ?rrfil the storm, wliicli iiowr tlircutetu our lioluvcd country." Tlioigli wc ilu imii u? Iiovii in the doctrine, tint nation nl l>y treaty,of tin* fi^iluni of Init*. W? hiu hippy, iherclnic, In copy the following ?|K!CiiU tlmi* tin iln> possibility, ?ut'l reasonings mi the ih<> ?ie**iiy of n'lcli mi niriintoineiil, from llir. N. V. Daily Advertiser, \mi|iou| v?niuliiu>c fur till its us Mrluinf, or cndtir*ii>x all it* uijumculs.? Huston ComiHtrrint Caztf.t. Tin* winnu'rcii of F.umpo it m!J to he in a more fuilwrnuii-il mtd iI.iIicm 'it situation, nl tlm (miriil IiiiK ) ill.hi v*? ????: r befdrn kin-v\ii.? There Mpr<-MK lii in< n >tagiialioil of liUtliiiiit In.Ill in trade and iiMtiiilmtn.es. throughout almost nil K?Jrn|M>, Had this Mate of thing* oceorrcd wlie/i Ilu re was a oiiri.d war over nt ipiarter of tlm woiUI, il couhl ili? inoru cully have lnwn ne> coutrod fur Itul ilii-ru I,in Iron n |M-ace of im examined continuance?a peace of *?l?*i?t fiftnu year* duration. .Nor ha* it swi?oii trom h uiiifuriii i)Mi'm ol ill judged policy oniony llm italioi,*, lor foine <>! tlii'in iiavu pursued i mp >y stem, iiml some. nn xi?u in otimr l>ram:lie? of trade thr<">?? s;1iuiit tlio kin^ilom, Mii li n? voUoii, ?vo?!ion, mo and ii|i|><-i?l? for )?roo.' of tl.e rrmurk, to Uie tiimiilluotti ri?in< ol iiMiroeymi'ii iin.iioUctiircrt at tilux^row, Msiiclirv ler, Htorkpoit, Mini in tlit; ueit of KiikIumJ?"nil m.-iiit' n J Im >?>?, froui I lit-* decay ol trade, tin.I lieivM'-iicd l.y i|te ilr.Mrntii of tlie piicn of lirend." Tlie ? dilor oj tin* London i'ourii-r, at tlin close ol mi nitirlo ul.it-.h ??? |iu(ilisli llii* uuirniniti s..ys?-Willi r.Mjiii't toihc foreign Irade ui'.!i eacll country, tltcrn !? n .itjy wli'cli in ti.u liijtli* ? ?I desire d?lriiueittni, not only toone,l,nt to nil. We cannot umlcrttaiid why (aiit in Kuro|w, l>y whicb Ifiit'n , ail (irolflp'oiy >j?tem, kliould lie done nway wii'i ?i onci; J: i* now profiiablc only to ti.j uniif'uler." l'hu eU'ect* of micIi a ?talo of tliitiRt iu tliu t'oimnercial eoutitilc* of l'.uro|*t land t?jiccially iu tlioio ? illi wliicli we Iimvo tlio | mom iulercoiirte. limit. If il c> an uiitlcoliiniliii,; u|k?i? it, and then thry Kill find out oar.Ii ollici v view }, nnd l>n ablo tu regu late tlinir own intillerieccordliuly." The I'i'.jctt u oti:: of tlio bight:*! int|ioi1a:ici? to tlie civilized ui.lli!. The |nol>aSiili(y i*. that Hie affalri ? i uatliin*, in ti 1n:i?*n lo ? nrli oilier, will lie conducted with I ho mure initit.'tli.ili reference to tin interi itj of routinuri'o, tliau to iIhim of coiii|'i?>l, uud military 4};r.iiidixeiiiciil. l'eaceU llow the faslnon lo a larj;e extent', uud il it is lo l>e di>turli?d klionly nniou* tiie t;n*at muratlini' poweik of the world, It will jirolialily lie ownir. tu souiu ciasl.in^ rivalry iu trade and mamiiac lures. A central arrangement, I'V treatv, of ilic freedom of trnde, would ' ? u uiual iiii|?utiiu', fea ture of (lie (inllcy of nat ions .'I arumbte tnu>i.?\ in .a iti Itochotcr who bus Miflered fioni duns, in.ikes the lollnwing proposition : t).at in order to save time ami nnncccMtary trouble, he will stand one hour each day to. one week at a certain corner of the to*.n, where all who to* I anxious to har ms* hi* ?jnict by asking iinpertinvut ijucs tiuns may have the opportunity of a hearing, always pro\iding, that the remainder of cub (lav shall not be d ...turhed by applica tions of nay kind. The p!.;n i> excellent. T)lrt ci.rnn to hut /.to/.-V. ? Now-:?-da> s. iii'iioily is e'wl?every face is a* red as a bee?, and every man's hlmul is hot enough to boil an eijj*. What is to lie done * Iit/ii\ni'x? keep votir temper, it ?r.l never d? to get in a passion r.t this season, reserve your wrath till the fust fro?t, ard \ < u iua> then blase away a* much as yon e. Ssecondlv, rise ear'J, even before th. son, and et Joy iii\as tonishment at seeing himself lie consider able comfort from their icy rrjterlfan. " A? the day grown warm and high," you tteromo thirsty. You arc afraid to drink cold water, you therefore mix a little brau >1) (or a good ileal) with it t i present any bail' <>n?ei|iiences , you put i:i a lump i 1 ice a id oil ?fl" ' off wi'lt'M* i ? i ? i'i.i . Y i 1 fionna'! cold brandy and w^ter, tukoi muI dcnly Into yuur stomach, i? ju*t ** danger ouvaiicoM water; so U cold punuh, cold jkny lWiii^ the, hu would ft pared of cold ftvecoah be, if you could free*e thcni. Your bc?t beverage is claret and water, von n?Hy cool it if you ideate, but you must sip it very I gradually. \Ve lueaii real dona JiOe claret, uon? of your poke bci ry juice, which is ab solute poison. Do not eat much dinner?nnhnnt food putt the lion in u tevcr, and so will it ?ervc ??an. If you And that you have much appetite, cat a lump of tu^ar, or take a wal*. iuto the' L<"'?i? ju?t before the table h *0*. The pg for you is a little hur.h and mash ocs?jt Haven a great deal of labor ?a? may smoke tv*o wj?rs rth?(lie smoke warms your mouth, >j>fs a'rnsli of air into it which over the artificial heat. In the even ing y?? ? and several of the ml ? joining counlb* utleuile d, lo creel him v\ilh a per MMinl ni|tri:t)iuii ui t ln;ir approbation of his lor* mrrr public. conduit, of their confidence in hit continued patriotism, and of their hopes and be lief, ilmt Iik future devotion lo his country'* vvt-l fnnt Hint banoi will li? i* nratieri.'.uil by eipiiil hrdour .in I i!i%i;?lfre*!iMlne?i. t'.itdMivr |ir<*iHiMiiiins liud been made for tlio occasion, nmi about U.OtiO persons tut down to diiltuir. ouverui toasts hull been prepared by (lie couunitiae (ifmranceuients, and when .Mr. i'lny ?'?< lojiilutl, lm ro?e it ii 'I e (pressed hi* sense ol the honor conferred on liiin by bis friend", neigh l?r?. and Irltoiv eilixen*, in nn eloquent nddres* of one hour and ihirly-fivc minute*. H cannot undertake lo give even n sketch of his remarks, nt this I inn , tliOUih wo hope to be nh'.e lo present tli?in to nurf'Kjaiier* in thu nest number. lit; re rninuieuilctfWoderalioii, calmness, and candor in judging o; tlje conduct ol men in power; vindica ted th?> l.ifa Administration front tlin charge to often hi might against it by it* oppomuiu, of sob-idttin^ th'i pru??, unit rewarding political ta v.iritat; d-^i.irsd that not au officer und;r thu (?o^ruiyrm during the Inst four yenr? ending on ltlie. ith 'ii March List, lied been removed from I oilicc oil account nfpnlitle.nl sentiments; thn' the few change* of the piiiilci ? of thn law* of the I'ni* ted State* Hint tooU place yrur give* A -i claim on the tame mechanic for his nest yci.r's patmnagti lie dwell lit some length on the recent acts of lis? present administration, depi eca tiug the principle which nppears from those ! net*, tolic attempted to be CsUiblishvd, that man, a tlnnklntf freeman, is to be .mawcr i able by the loss of oftiee ntid of support for : hi* family, for the unbiassed exerci.e of bis ! right of suffrage ; n iy more, for i veil an ab* ! sttact preference existing in hi* own breast, of A over 1), when lie is in Mich a situation Jan prevent* him from giving any actual cf feet to tbnt pt efvrenee ; us ?:n tiie case with (iciicral Harrison. Mr. Barbour, and other I foreign agent*. lie showed-that theconse '?picric of the establishment of such a prin Iciple is dangero.is to the continued purity ot our repiiblicnii institutions. 1*1..: appointment of an uir.hie prnpurtinti of political editors to ofTtces of trust and emolument under the government, ha* a di ree*. tendenry to corrupt the fonntains cf public information ; mure enpetially when tliey ::re taken fnnn the rank* of the i?'j?ractiee, we may indeed have ttie forms of free eleetiona, and the unbiassed e^.en.ise of the right of milTrage, wliilc in .pit it, in csience, we shall live under a mon arch) : a presidential election will be but a scramble for ollice among unprincipled par ti/. in- ; and political questions will rot be ijutntions regarding principles of public ac tion and policy, but a base, a iicrvitc, a r.io velling and venal selfish prclerencc tot iiu n. I'artiz.in jjresses will then labor during a canvass for the elevation c.{ a man, in the confident expectation ol reaping the reward of their prostitution in the loaves and fishes of oft'i. e ; while " 1h he honest, is he capable i* he faithful to the constitution will not be inquired into, i Mr. Clay adverted to the solicitations which had been pressed upon him from mafiy of his ft lends triou??-I liiivf oli.aetvi-d that con ilrfnrstilf. credit i? Mlnclivit In llm letter* Mliir.ii ocr.iuionally npiMuir in tin* I.'. S '?nj!otle, I'fciladel Iilli 11, from tlif.ir correspondent in Wadiiiigton. Tlii't tlio piddle may l?? imihMo to di di??ewd ! r.siing, havn induced tne lo ?md yuii lldj otfor Ini.itioii, whiih I hove obtained from one WilO KNOWS There is a story g?ibig the rounds of the newspapers, copied Irom the Hunker llill I Auror i, stating that (iener.d Lafayette ha:* rctpirsted the selectnun of Charlestown to send him a hogshead of earth from Hunker 11 ill, to covcr i?is body after hiadcceMe.? \\'e have good reasons for believing that the. v ieneral has made no *uch rrt/tir*t, and that if the earth is to be sent, it will be the act of vnne individual, without any authority frwin Lnfive'te hhna'ilf.Y. (Jnxettc