eolumtifa fficlcflto?t; ^frowSS^# ?a MMtinuaoee. -Thoee from n?it ?Ml be ac?.a>i>aal*d by the caih. '"mm'wr tb*y will receive .1 AllKrwms r^DRRTGD (9 tba MbMribm, wboee note* I .?ul aouounU were i~ Joe on tbe Artt of January w. *rv remireu 10 make payment before tl* M fCMfn ifcy, ?? lumrr imlulrene* cannot 'c.i , 4?J all llio?? iiidrlilfd to the uitxcrtbarf, . ? \ {?'?;l?*ee made but yens err reap?etfully re f^itttedI tftmak? payment or ltM of hit li so Meortmenl of all tka v nrio(i? departmfcnU of literature. for t4th el reiiiienil nrinrn, at chtap qn?IWd to tem;li llm Latin mid Uteefc language*, Mathematics la:. withe* to i 4Ujyhn> a* Printout of mi Arndoiny ? ?t laflaftctorv t??4trm>?Uii cwi i>r.nin iMitf addrnaand |o A. M. rare ??f Rolwrt L Kd.nonda, A. M. Prlnaittal of the C'oltiinMa Mutt* Academy, will maul with immediate ntihi tlon. j*#|?t??mher S3 V< 39 tf Piatt Hprincpi AOADBSC7. rj'llt; duties of thin li?t'itiium ??.!? b muuned " on tin* flr?l Monday in Jauuiry n ??, under Ihu li'in of tlii* (tn^cni j?ruirl|m!, Mr. Jolin Varmer. All l?it? tctncliea n?cr?M?ry to eater the ?Junior Claaa of Ihn South Carolina College w'll b* sinfully taught. TKKMB: Claatict and Mathematics, per cpinrter. KngiUl), A do. Boar), tf4 do. The particular attention, which Ihn Mitwcrilier Ttasalwaya i*ld lo the mora)* of yoalb in Ihu in* atitntkm, ?rllt In nu wlw lw refaied. ABRA.M UEIOCH. * Tl*ll Spring*, One. 0, IBM > Mount Zion Academy. THE operation* of lhl? Mininary will coai munco a]ra so to Confcctirmary, Cordial, muV W Liquor Store. TMF. wWfihtr agent for ISAAC C f?A? BATr, infoiia* hU friend* and ili? pnh lie. thm he ha* opened a CONKE4 TIOVAHV, COftrMAI.. U KSTAUMSIDIKNI, n?*at d had n roe??ant and fre<, ?... ply of COHDIALB It CON POTION V BY, and every other article in the ahoveline. Having engaged a person who ha? tewed a reg alar a(?pfeatfoe?iitp to th? above hMhtwaandwho l? known In thla pleee a* a g*pd workman, tier wm at n dhtanee aending order* m?f depend on having tin in faithfully attended tu and put ap In ?be i>e?t uidntier. ? ? ON HAND. Cognac Hrandi/, llollMnd (tin, Jivnnim (turn, t'enth mrandy, C'lnrrt and Madeira n%n$$f London ' Prunr$ by the box, Fiji. > ? tivtrtcf Soft tMI JiMond,, 1 Thoee wh? mhyl r?t*da W well m MCXANO) H. COHBB?, " Jeunlkr nd IVatcK- ?#?-., ' tTAB token l*? botiM M fow doot> north of Miv n fidfti'i h?(fo?*??. F 8:r All ordot ? from tho country tvill r?etlw th? no<| prompt Mtentlou. January 2 1 if M'f'or Bent or Sale. Col. Cmw?,| two Urt? Brli k 51m r?, ?rlth cooimoilin? Indebted to tkoootolootlhor i?y bond, n?fto, of mcomI, mo Mfnoatly aollcit?d to eoino to on ImmodiotM totllomont of (holr dohU. Indul^ no? e*h In oo earn bo eitondod beyond Mil foturn doy. I wit. c c. cwrroM, Qh*i. rsr. \ NofombrrU , 47 tf Garden Seeds. Jutl received and for uale at the ?utoerlbcn ttore, A SUPPLY OF FRESH GARDE V SEEDS. \VM. II1M.BARV. Mnrch I f If V valuublo Tnwit nt* Land for Sale. ' TMIE .Sub?rfi!*r Uln* dr#irou? of removing I. la tha watferw country, U ?uiiur?li??a ?uch a tract of land will do wall n call on tho aubecriher Immediately, as k? i? lutci mined to nil and will jlvo an ?xc?lUnt bar ~?in. ALSO,?Another tract of ?m| Lund ndjou** the above, containing about 7*JO am*, ?t?vut '/A ?cre? ?f which U ctvaretl and in a rood ?tat? ot repair. Thw tract ha* nu it a v?ry coovetih nt ?Itvolllnir flouto and all ucoaatary out builditnra, which will aUol*> told 011 vary accomwHvlading For t*-rin? apply to thn aubwlbcr living on the pri.mbaep. JAMES BULLOCK M .r?li m 1HJ6. 1:1 If New Saddlery Ware House. Smith (f IVright, I > KG leave 10 Inform tUelr frinndt and tlir puu> lli lie, thai th'.y have again r?lahtl*h?d tliem m>Ivm In lira 8nd?fl*ry Imdnw, at their old tlund, ?in the corner of KiuijatidUtforgetSlifwl* Charle* ton, utoe door almve .Vlr.C. Chiwln'iirol?)l,whitr? (bey have rou?taiy to TflF. flnutli ^rolir. Iif th?? Mtuxi/c (l?|l. canity fvftipletl hy .Mitlir ?id 'ityl vvm. Hfi.Mjirtr \IawIi *ff ' o If To Heat./ A rur.-ha?ed of Jk p irt of a tract of Uad originally granted b? tba (Jorvrnor of. North CmuUm, Io Ang.-ha Mitchell, whK It three tn?ct?, containing "J14 acroe, aro ail ?ituutedia Ihedii'.riUof Ninety, ?is. * 31. Thomas Cordcr?A Plantation vt'iuto on Sitiii-o rif?r, St. tJtt-.phi u'j p ,7M>. ? 195 Vi'Cartcn <*ampbell?A Plan ts on in the par,>b of St. Juiui, e.>ut ? Bur-oy. . 37. I hcotliirc liortlin ?A Planta tion vunet*tiii? nt -10J acrt-f, tiiuato iu WUkm IVcdaikkNI' ..t, ?' J30, 'rii'.otlore (inrditic?2 tracts of Lotal in t'r.nc? Vrojort -it'g .wruiM-uiitiuuiog 4lt> ** '*?? '*? i Hmhi.-c r ?rrf 403. ?V ailc* ll*}, ?*? 409. W.tjo tluiii|>[oii?y tract, ol' Laihl. Mttjtioiio^earli utlirr, w.ni . nn.jj 900 acres ?ituatu in lnunUn dlitral, ?u Htmvtr creek. known by lb? nunicof .M't. 104. KUtvanl Lynah?-2 trai'U ol l^nntl, tiiu.tir in the pait*li t Hujoioiu^ tllO ItbtlVQ, flit* U ,th(t CtlUi|K?i|||^ Mill n)ltklll? Otlf! I'lHIitltllOf; ly |;;J ? f? I IV'tit, 8*1. William M'Cnnico?A tract of I.jikI, contaiiiin^ .i*Mt acr?*** Miu^ttf to t.i?f t*^ri,i. of ht: \JarU. t'liio'lcii t|i*trkl. , 4l0. William Milii - A Phintaliou in ll?o |iartrli of tit. Jaioci, C.nt arm iu NiwtjMit JutrH-l) alto, ti Ui acre#, situated on tba Ui;c Malt Kttvhor: altn. int> oortagiaoUd to Jattc Siiriiux ili*JI,?itu?ta ..a S4 VHuuah mar. aUo, W acrw. titoatad in Ucaui r u.ilrit'.l, koowa by tho aatao Nrjro |K*ud. IBK O'Brien Smith?A Plantation in Uta porbb of St 1'bilip, about tbr?a utita* trow Cborlcatoof 164. Win. II. Wigg?A Plantation 011 rort Kotil itUntl, routminiig 690 nor#a 250. Jacob William?A lot of Land 'l[UHtVi,OU King ?tro?t,ooutaming JW feat in front thereon, and iu dopUi K3J Icet, houo.le.1 to tbo north on tha land. o( Jamaa Gor. dou.aowth on Henry Hairer, tie. CHAKLLS M. KUHMAM, Treasurer Treamry OOta, Cbarleitoo, > 'l4thM>rch, lUSi. \ 2 LAW. ~ TIIH- aa&acrlhcr liaVio^ openad bla I.AW OKI'ICK at JpartanbnrjtbC. II. roftwetfully tinnier* bl? |rof*-?MoiMl Mrvi?f? to tbo puMic, In ilia praetie? of J.hw ami l'.<|uity in Ibo oovoral Circuit Cowt. ?f SfHtftanbur^b, Union, Oracn willo ond Lauro i?, ? ' . T ?" L ' M. DANICL, ***** K. a A For Sale, AtiONVrtNlCNT Um.ly t'-rrUje, newly r? p*ir*d,?id in kk*r, together with fti?r ?*m. It will fc? ?oM very low InrcMh. Enquire at Mr. HuUdiimon'tthop.aefcr Co|. Cb?pp?ir?. t)?riii)Mr t ?rivatc Hoarding. A limited number ot BOAHDKHH w ould he rm-1 reivetl in thf family of ?!??? Milnrriher, who ha* InlteH the lionvt on Plain ?1i*?t haton*iiiK to Mr. A. IViUff. and recently *?U(Wfd by Mr* Wfrhc, n?* private lio-trtliiiif . ? W*, 0. Hum Ji\i\"*ry 18 9 If I "Agency. Ckdrleiion Fire. and Marine tnturancr . Company, 'i n * SwWwtbw It Niitlioriied to t*k? Ai?A? a^Aa/*Vr,'onBlJ,LD,N(19' ?<*>?>? and ^.t-rwwr '? ^ THE SUJiSriilBER flKOS LEAVEItllWQRM Hid FKt?NI>9, That he hat rtntvkdkitltatt fur a ??i ttmof year* * 'H'j? \ ^:, t or THAT will UlWiriHtAHtKMICNtitlll GLOBE tavkbn, ?*'??>? IM AUGUSTA?' ' ? Situate on tht South aide of liroad-atrect, orroiirr tmk bauk*, hi ah Ymk rwfHVricii ANDINTIIK IX.NTIW: OF UCSINF.89. HE U reenlved to *|?nre neither pains nor ??? |*n*0 In fupplytag hi* libit ?1||| lite lte*t of mfty I blag the marhH a&nb, lib Wines Bad liquor* circled in Charleston, are of the imlnl vnrW.iy mid best unelity. v , Ills houw Imm m*? enlarged by the addition of an anthv naw wing, containing a Mmldw dining room, and twanly separate dormitorie., and the \\ imje liilrrlor ?>f tha tstebllshluaot Iihvin* hern re At Hid and ?H?ba)IUhed, U eapabi" of accommu dating an Increased number of naiti, including i>rivatefamUU** with Mu?rala taWe*, with incruu nd Mmfliti'' ? lfi? BTAULKB are atao greatly enlarged, an l>ly S4iiti)liu(! Willi the best of pmtrendat, and at tended l?y eiperienced and ateadv 0*li*r?-~ln ad ditlonto which Iba subscriber will bestow hit own ItaraoMl unremitting attention, and in hU charge*, not lorgvt the pressure of (ha time*. ? r Tha Charleston STAGES arrive at Iba Glolie every Sunday, W'djetdaynod Friday evening, dopiut front the Globe, evrry Monday, Thurrday and Saturday morning?Washington and Adieu* Stage*, depart every Tlnnsday ahd Saturday morning, arrive every Wednettlny and Sunday evening?the Ubetton Stage ? ?ul*e.rl6riv. on or before the 1 1Mb of March, a* longer ImWoim connotbn I von. MARflLt.lftP.WlH, JOHN J. MYERS. Fchnmrv H ?? , ? ' 0 10 dfigtttFfr'S OFFICE. State of Suuth Carolina. Rnhtatd dizt IN .TUB* Ot'RT OP COMMON PL FAS. iJuduh 4' Callander, ) w. > Writ 11 Attachment. | John Dunrmi jr ) NoTlCF. i? lien-he fcivi.n to nil whim it may coworii ili.il iIm nliovn writ of attnclimeiil laviiiKlK'ru lodged ill my office on the SHrd No- { | vcmlKif l:?*t, Unit iinin# dmtely after the Mid writ vra* tod^ed I levin.I the Mid allHCtitneui on the Iioukii iiiiiI lot in the Town of Columbia, il ti e corner of Ricbardmn mid Walnut ?tree s, former ly occupied by Col. John M Creyon, containing ? me nml m hnli Htrii more or le??, nml linvn Used up lit tin* |>ri?on door of Kiclihtud dUtric t a copy I of tin* *i'l wrili and I tki hereby tivi notice eml ruiptire of any person or persons claiming Iter siad house mid lot, I., H|>|i?*r before the justices of tin Mild court of coumioh |?l.'M?, to he huldeit In and [for ihe Mhl district of Richland at Columbia, at the i < ihi ii of Mid writ, which will In* on the fourth Monday In March near,to *hew emit* why the -Vidimus? and lot should not be adjudged to belong to tb? ?ald John Duncan Jr. 1 WM. MILLIARD S. R\J). February 1 \ v Notice. I UK ?nhicrilmr hereby Rives notice thai ?he _ ha* the conMnt of ber husband Godfrey On bard, to trade a? sole trailer, mid tlmt aucli la her intention after the aspiration of one month from | the ilate hereof; the public will therefore take due nolle* of the faot. SUSANAH DUBARD March 1ft ,['? l\ 4 For Sale ON nccoramodallne terms and at ft very low (?rice, a IIOUttK mid LOT In Columbia, in ? cent ml pert of the Inwn. The houM contain* I elrlit room* with Are placet in four, and there are ?II necessanr out buildings onHhe premises. He | will also self on the Mine term* hi* PLANTATION on crime creek, containing two hundred and for ty acre*. Wtly ?ctw of which i* cleared and Iihs a good fence around il, there i? a comfortable house on the place, with negto houses and all oth er neteswiy nut building* suitable for a farm The land produce* well of corn or cotton, and ?nine of the best I* not cleared. For further in formation ennuite of the subscriber living in Co lumhia. JOHN M. MILLP.R. Pehroary 1 -7 . ff| r, Notice IS htrrhy given (hut the *ulKr.rib?r, thn wife of Alrmniat-r Murk* of thw town of rolumlwj. in. (i 1111 Hi, Intend*, wHb the ?UMrentof IIib mmu Alrtaniler Murk*, to trade n? n ?ole Under. float mid mi?,r ouu inuntli from llio fir?l |MitilicMllon of thl* notice. HETTY MARKS. Mnrrli R. m (I OIJSKHVK THIS. 'pIlK wlwllicr Kill Attend ?? follow*, to re* 1 ?> i/< lk? Tnx for IWM, vlii tli" IIoum lit (.'??luinttU, on To*?d?y, Wednesday Mini ThurmUy of "neb week, during the entningt mirl; at Mlneivavillc the 9th of April nml, III* l?a. M. M'ELROV. V I. 99 H' If A CARD. % AI'KW KtatlaiiM-n cn.y l?a aeaootaodalf# , wlU?, BOAMIMNU ?au 1.0UU1MU at Mr* I1IIU' onuuxta the Colkfca Maara. THE ALBION > Is rutLlSBfcB IN M*W TORS* BY JOHjN S. BAftlTUm, Si. & Ltliior and i'r\,indJorv>ardcaitcuthbyihutduypmmpf$]$ TEltMb?Bia do.lars p.-r imituui, or volutin of :?!i> two numbers, yeyaMs in adommte ' To llie native* ol Ureal UriUiu {hi- AKdOto ?tm+J recommend itst il l?v furnishing tuut/rtm kttmf, it 'J| being eimi|Hiwd cblil) ol vtlNtit UugMlto (Mltv Interesting Enghtti. beutnb end Iriik ol Ml '.JF! parties, with editored cotnen ut* on ihu i.ew* of *1 the week. Tin: debdlee?( both Huutes ?? Ik# British pMrlluineut, always fotin ? i?0orl, lor llti! whole year, is?i~ To lliu literary uii.. sciet uisbes weekly,* selection* , arth-les, iroui lint Briltsb peiiodkul,! ally, rstruct* Iroui the most approvi suing from Urn iirrt*. '.ff ,4k'?1 Il bus been IIm) constant aim of lb* conductor? , of the Albiau, lo avoid in en&Ngiufi In parly |ioM? tfjb* tics, niul lo utakc llie (election of that diitrM&ed character, winch Mill ?uitilia taste of the general r'i; reader in eVt ry |iart ol |Ii?kIoIm Ladiw will And in llw Albion, every week, a election of Poetry, front the beat and moil popu? far writer* of tbe J.?y; and occasionallyt the <*.l celebrity, and generally voided entire; ?nd ? .'?< 1 co|?iou* summary, composed of tbe lllle litem* of' new*, and oh dti?, so common and agreeable It ibe English Journal*, is given in alMoel every pa*/'/*, per. In fact, UU conceded,tbat no alngle wecfc.y |w|ier iu England,contain* tbe ?nt quantity end variety ol reading matter, as thai now ofeted to your patronage ;tlie object bclaato supply u Ob**p and valuabb substitute for tbe JoumA* generally} and so successful baa tbe plan proved, tkft tbe AU i ( f eear WuujFt*,'' bion already ln???n or a (.ublicatinn mi copies distributed almost ekclusiveto aatotf tii<* better classes of society; and clrcalafMg in oimmt ' every pait of tbe cdatinei/. of AArtfc and Bovth America, and the East and Wm gfli * ' _!fo enable tbe '* ?artipent the HpHp y received nt tbe oMiee', London Courier, M Herald, British Press, stngnr, John Bull, LMsrary OaneBe, Qterary CltMMWle, Quarterly and EdMibtuv Hrview, Blackwood's Ma^iuiiiie, New Monthly, London, Kuro|?an, Seorting and other l|a|ji#nes; with n co|4oim supply of Kdinburg, Ulesgow, Liverpool* and other |*ovinclnl paper* ' trr Application may boaadefbr snbaeripthm at ihe Book Store of II D. PLANT, AjaenO^i March Ift ? II tf I the East and West Indie*. the Editor failbfnlly to eieeotn hl? the following publications are regn r^fiomieg' ^htSJirTinSN Press, Atlas, Bell's Weekly Mis. Mil Is and Land lor ^ale. WILLI* Aold on ih? ftrtf Monday in M ?l l?tlHXtlll C(MHt Hon*),Ml ?!??? I*nt Ori?t Mill, (iouM* g?ar*d and 1 Cif of MHI wno of which in i oiwralion, tog?iUrr with nealWnt I C'ldth, c*l? ulaled fnt miking Su^rfm# with n good nmHibwrj) on Br and formed) known m ?V. J. A. Hnmn whiah have in ohm wMimof wK?M grinding, | from lhrv? In liv* hundred ImhIi?U ol loll ?i??>; on? imii hi jm, anO IK*i ?th*f hi fw. per ncre, inr lndin| rri|H i(r; will Hmw altitail tko u Id day, ihwl P. ft'-AnV