vSZ!% ih&tW' _ ttmtifa crtieacopc; ?< *?I?TBP m rflUHKO KTRIVTHiaWM ?? PftjUf* ?Ik4 m< ????*? y; ( ^WRMS: ?Tm r kk Oo?4M viraoaum. J '? /?? or Povfi UobUM payable ?l tM |V" m4?Cthajaar. , for ft* lril'|wiHiM.ui) Ibrtjr ^ Mw iMfMr. I if h . ? , > ?/? iiuartad ?( lb* rale o *1 MNMf.A^ *g?afciro?)e*y twooty Itoaa, w? -1'hoae fr??m oon ?mpilM by the r*4u ur they will receira fit, All i*< rsona JPR f^ttllTKI) te of lib rt.ir.W of book*, r im|?ri?lnf ?n eaaortment of all tSc vPOH>'c*o?'HliiMyinf..rm??li#r.)?? " ?H, that the tiM r??no?- d t^ t'i? eom?r ol Tvadr 'h??d Bnmptrr a*niMt?. and h*? nnrn*i| Mr '? fCII'Mlt* for titf of V mux La-li-t, in f !*??? l^riok ImiUlinjCt f wmrrly InMiilid id to teach the Latin aod tlteek nnfnai(f?, Maphanmlli-.*, tv-. ?nhc ??. v-C**'n * ?',l**Ho?i a* IMnripnl of an Vr?d*mv ~ T The ?n ??? ??.t ?atl?ftctorv testimonial* ran '*? nr'id.i d. ?iirrau>it lo A. II. c?m of lloln-r* F. I n in4o? A, M Prinainal nf .lit* Colwni'ii i Sr*d?my, will MM with Immediate attvn Saf?tfml.*r 28' TO tf *;'? Piatt Spring ^ AOADBMTT. ' ffflK dntl*? ?f tht? InetlMiti'm will h* re?nm*>l I '* I on the ?r*t Monday In Jannarv n??*t, a carefully (Mfbli/, a i ? ,i>t tfiRM8; f lawlc* and M-tlliomallcf, per qnnrler. Mnm^'4v 41 . ? , IBSEM?4 -iLL.. * ?i ? ??. 1 4 T1.e pertlonUr nWfntJnn, whleli the Mtbrnribar MfrelWtty* patMlA tho Mofck of youth in tliw In* ?Illation, will In no wl?o l? .4 MUM nrj?CR. > flatt Spring*, Dm. 8, IBM. 'XW ?' ? Mount Zion .icademy. operation* of l!tl? eernlDnry will rom X mi?n*e n*nln nndrr tbe , on I tin tecond * JK-n-lnj In Mwmry nn?t. ' Tne yenewlll b# dirlded Into two w?'nn? end '#r ?viirt.T? * fpW* Ural eeninn will terminate on the IKh dw M* in*, tSr ?*ao?|d Will rnnm*nM on the 23lh MJ'tnmt and find on tHe tWh nf Nov. ? TV flrM qnarter will end on tbo ImI d ty of ,h N#r?'h. and Inn third on lit* 8lh of Sapl. i -t Thtao who whh h enter ihin Aredemr, flre rM|HMlrd imljr frr ndmladon at fkt cwiMDnMnitnl of n qwrtwj end IHomi who do n?t enter 'hen mn?t |?ay the fnll price of fltl'on, for lb* whole quarter. No pupil win be ndftllrrd for laaa term than a quarter. end ?ny "I*' Uavlnf tbo Aaadomy Imfnr* the end nf a ?|t*rtrr muat (My for (bo tuition of (ho wholn qmr ' tnr Tnllion will baat fhi per qr. payable In ad* 4*140. " < Board at $2 par weak payable quarterly In 't*T#S7 iw> to Confectionary, Ctnrriirtl, and tequor Store. TM15 fubenriber ajent ftr HAAC C. f.A HATT, iufmme hie friend* nnd lha pul>. Tia.lbnt bo hne opened a CONPKCTIONAHV, ronnuf,. u lkiii ?k rbtabmhiimkn i , Itatt don? to Franela OkW'i llni| and Madtalee Hiore, wbere may alway* be bed a aon?tent and ?, MataM Haitian, M ,h*U Jtlmond*. Ibe a'wve IV rWW ttfn H. CORBET, anH H oick- '?'.er. HIM hoton* faw doota north of |fr. hv^nl on tti?h*rd? w wm cuvomrn m inn nn? 01 niiproivfvi JET* Alt urd? > from thai eoanUry wHI milre <*?? mini prompt ntlenlion. ?Innimry 9 V tf j 1?1 1 For ttcnt or Sale. . CmwA two larto Brtek tMoroa, 7*ttk? roroar of llirhatdion an? Walnai Apply to J nnr.QQ I 5W 4ft tf Wpiici fc LI. poraoM hatrlo* onv d>oi?nd? ajralnal tU* 1 r.intoof M?jor Claibtrnt Vlifln, docraard, kU milIla JL |n LkM|I ikotfl la flg\ tMA fn* f?? ? . Www wW9wY WCtlIRCfl lO MnB lOw |>9V a|| I||^^l|| .|1 1#S La ^vrnwi Itf ba*d. onto, or tenant, ofo raraoaily aOilcfcml ? u MO* to mi Imint'dlain MrMlomonl of |Mr dm.t > ludolflHOOO eon In no ma* Ho eilrndad l>*yond 'Wit rcturo day. WM. C C. CLIFTON, tyuf. TJr Vrtmntiw It 47 If ? ? . i . , ... . (anrden Scods. Jutt rtcrtvtd and for ttlc ut the ?ui*eri6er? Horr, A SUPPLY OF FRESH CAHDE V SEEDS. WM IIILI.KAItY. Mirrh I M if ;V vuluublt4 Iriict of liUud Tor Sale. rllK BobmriVr lialot de?imo? of wmnvi In tlia wntdfii caantrt, l? hvihmii to?-. S tlriH ol Uml, iila?l?le*IMd 0i?1ri< tlira riIIm from f amhridr? immediately on |li> ntad IvailinT (mm (hat plana to Kd^efleld l!nm II.mi*?, ?ml contain* about one thon*aniudrnl of whf h la cleared and in > tiua Main ol enlUrotlon. Thia t* nae of in 'in?i rnluahle Irarfi of In ml in Ihn Hp mnntry l'li*iia|rt?vftm*nta'rftim*ti* ?*" elegant twortorj arril>r immediately, aa he |? tnterraioed to aoll aad will fiva an excellent bar ?am. \I.SO.?-Another Irani of fcood Load adyilntai; the above, roitilnliif ?'n?hi 7'K) oltoni 90 ?crea nf rnt'* ta rl*ar??J and in ? fnmri <1^, y?" '?yalr. Ilia imrt hat on-lto voryaMnyiwipo^ IwallinK llouto aod all naoaaaory o?l bnil-lln^r. wlilr.h will alio ha ani l tm vary aeoomaao'taMti ? l??o? For fnrmt apply lo lb* nlanrlllar Di m on lha pr?ml??r?. JtMKB BULLOCK March t ??irre?* depend* in a creM nieatur* toon tlm aid n| atmoft fvrry |wnni| In IH? r omniunn v in mirrv inn lit* only material Hint ran Imj imihI in the mat. jUjC??tnry of thi? iml'nl irtlrlr; honae keepers, nti'l nil othera, ere therefore earnestly ???lirit?>#4 to r ??r>if eh*rnetrr of thte building Whirl! dM?ng?iWie* u Irom all other*. Vof ?ve?#fWnl?e rr-ponalWo anbeerlbem, Who wMI f o'lerl tb? name*, wMI ba *tble worh gratk P. Tuooaaoo. th<* General Orders, IIKAI><|UAItTKR?, > v CWamMe, Jmumrjf MKA. I?7. ( 'IMIK following Kegiareats m4 Corps will |m> 1 r? d'ytb* Iftb day of March aeil TtmlMhCol Rice's at Wellrrborougli.onTun ?tayihe 1Mb day ?if March Mil .The 1Mb I'ol AllMaa'a, al Coarawhatehle, oa rhutsday ilie 1Mb day of March *a*t. The 4?kd Co;. Howell's, al Baford's Bridge, on 4and dlvitioa, Is ordemd to oMaln Hi r-ry init oce.rirrert relaro* Irnni the regiments, ..l ibeir ?ir - m, in which tbev ar?? at* ?srbed, ili?- fomintnder in Cblef dirrcl* that t'icy ?i*wtt r.?i lx> rei|*nrrH to e?*emMe *itli snid -Ci'Oent el VnltfrUnroiico for frh.tr. Hy nrd-r ol iHr OnmnienHrr In Chief. J. tt. RtKI.B. Adjt and ln?p'. f>n Prfirnar?- I 'ft fl fWgroes For Sale. ^ ' UK 'nv* n ll?. I'Allk K?bM F WTCME F* Hniwr* 16 7 tl T?ft ?e\v Saddlery Wrtrc Hotincv Smith if Wright, F.G !?<\?r 10 lnfr?rm if?rlr frtondt nnpu-> w> llc.Otat t?.r ? have a?lvrt in th? PadHlrry l?ti?lnra?, at th?lr old tiaml. ?11 the corner . t?rflh?r .villi n complete nttortmeiil nf plated (ill *n?l tipinn?,ii *?d and coach trjmminrt nf nil kind*. At limy arc run nerlcd wltli nn enlentlve maimC-irtoryiit lhe north l.?ry fiel runjldeiit m P**nriiiC lit* mhlir thai *f\ rac ( irniuli poo-' In iS-tr lin<* nf n anp?r1or ?'i|f, nn-l on Mrnud |e?.n? >t? run tw? procured at "M_v alm'tt *r etlatiliiumctit in t?>e Vniletl fttatftt. VII will I* tlnnkfatly rwcoWod, nnd ""mtplly alien.ltd tn, n>*v re*p?etf?lly solicit a ?Sand FURNITURR. *. PKRCIVaI., Agtrnt. Colombia, May 2? 21 If A Druggist Stock for Sale. TK* lul trrib'r intending to leave Ctlumhim, nrr*?t ro*'?o.K m? ran** tr?M?? nr iDrues, Patent anil Family Medicines, Sur/ron't In trumrntt, Paints, Paint Hrushes, Clonth and Hatr do. AND A V ARIKHY OF MISCfci ANEOUS MiT?CLE8, With ? pretty rwttl aaaortmenl of nil awch artlclea Mttally kept In a dri/'goiht'h SHOP. INCLUDING ALI.TIIK (!la*t Furniture, Dram, Counters, ift. And all tha nen-*?ary ntenaelt belonging In ihr ?nir. For furthrr /larlleutari filrr afifily to FRANCIS OfilKR, COLVMRIA, %. c. March fl. 1827. 10 tl To Rent, PIIF, Booth STORK of tH? M?*onl? Hull, ft 1 r^otly o>-eapi?d hy Mmr? Mlllnr and Ttjf? lor For purtictilart apply to W.M. IIIM.F.ARY March I ? tf To Rent. A convenient HOU8F. for m family, with a iarden, ??d all wrcitoty nM. co*? ANDINTIIE CENTRE OF BUSINESS. HE l? rtwnlved lospare neitherpain* nor |*#?? in wpflvlaii hU r4(i with the bM pt eveiy SM?k llM market ifordi, hie dim ?*d (4fK?p? (rl?d(4 la Charleston, ir< of lb* imtrM vnhoiy and HN uaalHy. Ill* Mw ha* mm miliind by lit* addition of mi tfrtlre *ew containing a ?peclou* dining* room, and twenty ?apafnta dormitorle,, and the wnnte Interior of tU ?a??d nnmlnrr of maeta, including private familitt, with aeperate table*, with Inertaa ?d comfort. * Hi* STABLES era alto greatly enlarged, am ply annnlled with the haat of provender, and at tended tiy eiperi*need and atendv 0?tler??In ad dlllonto which the aotweriher will bestow hi* own personal unremitting attention, aifd in his charge*, not lorgH tba pressure of the time*. Tba Charlenton 8TAHES arrive at tha fllolw every Sunday, \V?due*dfcy and Friday evening, de|?eit from the Globe, every Monday, Thursday and Saturday morning?Washington and Atben? Stage*, depart every Thuisday and Saturday morning, arrive every Wednesday end Sunda'\ t-venlng?tha Kberton Stage depait* evry ??, arrive on . tha Pendleton Stage depart* every ???,arrive*every .. WM SHANNON Augusta, Feb 17 7 1# Notice. ' IlllE Po1?aeril?er hrrebv fives notice Hud slir 1. I month from the H?lr hereof The public will, therefore, take due not'rc of |ht> furt. MARTHA OIBRON NUIF.L. T*?b P. IB27 fl If Dissolution of Co-partnership. ' ? 1HF. co-partnership of LEWIS) h .MYEItS. ?v psrtnershipof LEWIS *4. MYEHS. tvm dissolved on the 1st Inst. I.y eipiralion of it* limitation end mutual consent. All persons in tlehted to Ih ? l?lf Arm arc r?qwit?d lo mulct) p*v went toe.ither of ?hr subscriber*. on or belore ti? 10"h of March, as longer indulgence connoi l? tfirn. . MARVII.I.E F LEWIS, * JOHN J MYERS February p ? ^ n |0 v SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Slate of South Carolina. Hichiand ditt in Tin: court of common rLFAS. Jndah full nder, i v?. .? ITrit It Attachment. John Pnni Mn jr. > NOTK'E U hereby rivsn to nil whim ll may r.tmmi that the *Imiv? writ of ntlarhment having been Indeed ,n my office on lha 23rd No vember la?t, that Imiw dintely after the said writ was lodged I levied me said attachment on the hmtte and lot In the Town of Colombia, nt tl.e rornerof Richardson a he bolden in nod for 'ho said district of Richland nt Colombia, nt the lelnra of mid writ, which will he on the fourth Monday l? March netl, to shew cause why (ha paid house nnd lot should not he adjudged In baton! to the ?aid John Dunenn jr. - -,ur February 1 WM, MILLIARD S. R. O A CARD. \FF-ff gentlemen may ha accommodated with ROARIHNO ?nd I.ODUINO at Mr. MilU' opposlta the College sqosre. JanuaiySA 48 For Sale ON aecommotVmg term* and at 1 very low I trice, a HOUSE and IjOT in ColumUa. In a centra* pert of the town. The home contains eight room* wilh (Ire places in four, nnd there are nil necessary not Imlldlngs on the pmmisrs. ?|n Hill also sell on the same term* his PLANTATION on ermie creek, containing two hundred nnd for* ty icim. RUty acres of which la cleared nnd ha* n good fence nround it, them is n romfertnble honse on the place, with negio houses and all oth ?r ne?.e***ry out buildings suitable for n farm Tim land produces wall of ton or cotton, nnd some of Ike best is not cleared. Foe further in formation enquire of the subscriber living in Co. (MUM*. JOHN M. MILLF.R. February I If Notioc IB hereby glran that the subscriber, the wife of Alesander Marks of th? town of Columbia, merchant, Intends, with the con ent of the sain Alexander Marks, to trade as a sol* trailer, from nnd niter out month from the Int publication ol tMa notice. IICTTY MARKS. * March A. Its Oli*?EHV|5 THIS. THE wWfl'tfr will m In | c*to? th* T?i for IIM, vir-. M th? ('mm Www In CaI?mMk, ?>? Tii???d#?y Wnttrndtf in> Tl'HrMlwy of rurh rfurlim tto ?nwtl?M( cow:: M M*n*iv?vlll? lh? Wh of April Mil, Ik* |nc Thousand I T INC. ON IUKCA AND SAVANNAH RIVK.R9* fflHBRR I* ultarlird |<> Ihr mom* |Im- ?.o?< J hiMiile Ferry in ihr Up fi.iminr, an r?c?l Imt FWwry, ??d n good Haw Mill, nil In gno4 ro Kir. TV incl run bi> convontaotlv dl*WfdlM? o or Ihrttwrtlhfirti, wllh romfurlMi.li- ?!**? N ling hou?*? and oilier wren miry twlldlnira o>< r ?Lb. *1*11A* ? - | A alu till mXaaAm Mi'M ? M* Vv ? fWWVV ur 0 Und. near'.y all fifth and nndrr *??od fi-m a* Tfc# land It wril lltnbrrrd wkk oak. Mtltory an?i (linM. Thn land lira adjoining to AndrrMHitHliT<>w% whlel< makrt ihr aa?M mot* talaiM* on armwnt m boat* tunning to and from HaMUm i?d An In Any panno wlahlna (n lot It reqeaated to ?0 on Ibr mbacribar on iko pramiwt, ho ?*MI ghro ? bargain In tba prior, and mnkr Ihe |?nn. of pay ment* accommodating to ihr pnirhaaar. , JOHN O llll I. I ? March 1 9 Kockv ( reek Aradmiy, JWDEVILLEDISTRICT.' ' I MIIA Institution situMrd mat Col Kircard ? (Iriiii'i midrncf and within on* mile and | half of the Pmliytttritn Church of the M?ir nmn^ I* now in operation under the Immediate r*lr?-? Hon of Mr. I>TE, ? preatlemaa of *ndoolrfe '8 00 Ing, with the above, ' i Embroidery, and Lace Work,! ^ with the above, | 10 00 Fainting on Velvet and Satin. wHh i > ? __ ' Ornamental Gulldlnr, 7 w Or to complate thnsa whom tbey ? will teach Painting paying . IS 00 ball In advene*. <1 Several Children front the age often la iwt'.-tm years, can be accommodated with . Boardinp at thirty a*van dollars and Cfty cents p*r quarter by paying th? Ant quarter In advaae* All p*raons who should enter their Children at this Seminary, are requested to glvs one month'# nntir* before the removal of them, as the numb** will be limited. Young Ladles thin wish tn leant the Lnr* Work ran b* taught It, Independent ef the other twaaekes Feb. 2t. ' .7 o Gnu I'owdcr. ? From the Eden Park Milk* THE subscriber hei!i? agent lor the m?>nnfift*. tnrer of thUCJl'N FOWDER, will diipotr of tut"" CahimbU CaMil. March 1 ? 4 4b ? For Hcirtt ir T -w V?? "Tom- ait* nil'