'S /lnformilhcf. .. ? to I he e^Mrnf t ?lra#t?, atd h*? oiM?Mllt?r SPSS. ^ ?4? t "" ? i 1 > ' - ? ij^ ZiooACademy. . of thl. ?on.in.r, wHI cpM I ' ilyi 4*/ gtWTORO, on the aaeoad Into tfo *e*?lon* ant) nloato on tba Iflth day , iilfniDDnce on the 25th th* ?*h of No*. wwill rnil oh tfie la?t iltt ol third on the Mb of&ept flHb. IO' eut*r thi* Academy, to . apply ' fur mlnWon it t 'i>f ? qnart at { and thoae M atutt pay the fall prlee. of ffhola qiart?r. No popll will be ?rfprl?ii t$rm Iliad a quarter; *?l any avln* tha Academy ih- and of a t mn*t pay fdr.llw tuition of tlia whole qwar * ^ , _ 4*aHaem B(?wd at $t per'wook payable quarterly la *>*?? ?o 10 Wc -*Vi Education. 4 Mnllaman qualified to taaelftHa Latin and JTk. Uieek lan*u*K<-i, Mathematics, Itc. wUUet to j ahtakaritotlqa e relaird. -71* AttHAM GEIURII. ?,.WMt Spring, Hec k, IBM. *''' '/V^tlBBSWR? ^ *' ' J 'r> ' 111 1,81 Hate, bhoct k and ready-uiade JAM Ml HQRA & CO. p? THIS 8IQN OF TUE r. LARGE M- ? HAT .?_jmm&L* I f revived a large *np|tly of llir alxtVe ? wlifoli wUh I heir furmn *t all wlmeUalty ra maka payment or tiimklate their m rr I'KIICIV M?4t CO. "?? ' " Notice. . r Mii( alxtul to make a n.-w ar tiMkxKi will dM|tn? ??! liU , an aw>iimeiit ?.f att 'i ttf liternturv. far al nt Ik* fHmp'tl K any eitxm* MM|h*< Him will f?r pay Witt jboM ImleMed 11 ?4trtottc4tt:tl ? MilloHMnt of Ifiulr ttuMa. e*t U aitrndcd l*yund November II .? ? <47 tf |gi To my Friends. TIIKnilMeritwrSctluAtinn lartcli.that il haab* eanw lib iut|*raliv? duly to tail lit liU (taWbM and m>?ke aeitlrmr ul. N*?an*l of good Stable*. Any pervon *i?h ? 'use to pnrcbaao Hieha tra<-t of land will do w*ll In call on tlio aqhtcriber Immediately. aa li? i* determined to aall ?ud will *lve an esoellent bar i " v . v^, ? i . ALSO,?Aaolhcr Iract of jnqJ Laud adjutnln* lhatilxive, uoutuinlnji n'mul 7lt0 acre*, nhntit 2ft aereeof wbuilt i* cleared and in a good elate of rc|>alr. Thi* tract ha* on it a vary eonvanb.nl dwelling IIoum and all neeeatarjr ont building*, whii-b will al? 6a aold on vary aceomm<*!atir.i' tern*. For tarnia itaiiylfl ilw aulweHbor liviu* on ihc prtmiaaee. ' JAMns liUMXH K March 98. IpM. I* if HAGS W'ANTJSr). OI IK Snheeribera are about to erect n PAl'KR ?) Mlf.L in IIm vicinity of ikli and it* deludeIn a twrt won?re upon IhokMof MHI M th? ?iH nufaetory of tlit* in*ike only t | tenon In ill* community in iwaaerv. material that can Im uted In the man HH thUtUtfutarticle; limit* keepers, nntl ?ll others, tiro therefore eamOftUyeolloked to col utmost every In thocommntilly In prei ?pSflBi i, are the HWWWt, OT? r iiillio*. riiei.- U not n Ikmim hut'will afford nw< la?-.t aud preserve nil HAU9 prod?cod in their la mllip*. Theie U not n Ikmim hut will afford m? ny |?ouud? tn th? yenr If atieirtlon ho paid to mv nig tliem. It will afford tu thn poor many neccs tilth's which would otherwUe he lost to them; nod tlin rich, by ulloHinif themaa a peniuhtte to some favorite ?errant* wdl render rs?t-iitlal afenric* to lids infant manufactory, of oar own state} and we flatter ourselves that the aid uf the community In litis respect will enable nito perfeU thin undertak teg, ann l?y that mean* keep in eirenlallon In our own state, and among ail classes, very large mm uf money that are yearly carried out of it for the article of paper Them it no rag ortafcally com posed of Ant, Hemp or cot(oti, hut which wdl ana* wer for tome kind of paper. The following inlets will he paid for nil naga delivered at tho store of Mr William T l.lttlo in tlii* place. white LI?rn, J# err l<>0/6*. Cotton, flat or Heap, 8 jHr 100 ib* .J. J. FAUBT U fo Columbia. July 11. W" if. H H. CORBET, JcwtlUr n ml Watch' ' al er, AH iak?ii itift liffliM 4 f?w dftwi Mirth of Mr. Kdiprtliulalnn llicliard?Mi ?tr*?ii, wh?B? In* m III fori m| fetation In alluding la th?* rail* of Ms old u'Moraers In tha lina of Ma tjr All uri*> % front lh? ooaatry will ractlva III!' III.Ml |?roin|>t attention. January g ?, I If For Kent or Sale*. r3?H /'ol. CmUdp't IMTO UrjM flrlrk rttor?>?, Wtlll#] mtIiIi commo?lloii? dwallin* apart m?*Ml? to f?l(7 M lUr corner of HicUaidiun and Walnut ?li**l?. \|>|?ly to J ORKGG ItDvcmlirfn 47 If montIcello, Tht seal of Iht late Thamu Jtfftrton It I*|MO)inMrd to |atMUh A fticlurtiqut vMw of Mootlc?*ll<> Ifmn*, (from * draw In# matlr om iIhi *|n?t by Mr Mit...?.) ai|?n?Uni-l In iImi Im>m ?4yl**( Ity on* of tiia fir-t artlM* of our conntryj provided tHjgfritfl I* rIvo*. npml lo inert I>m< r. k|K*nM? iiKid* nt to ?H?h an nntfertaMAft. With m vt?w to HMtrrtulu tit'.*, Ilietr |*opoMW ??? laid in-far* fit* Tnr* ?"?t*ravlnn Ha?')?>im>ly r?dor?d. Mill br liinrnh*.!n?bwrU*T*#t H'l** ?nllai*a t?*|iv. paya |.|x or* dallvary. The aWw of tin- |d?t? Mr Ml hm flU lnrh*? ton* by It hir'ic* wMa PartlCMUr alMlttOM b>? la-an paid. UI Ho draw In llm eWamoltr of tbi* l?uitdin?. H Iron* all <*b*r? ?i^ of RU I '4m>? It ad, ? tidaj (fe? j ?r Battalion < VM Town Halt wTfcutw ttiUMVebmerir Mat, m tx> o'clock, AM * M - trnmfbm. Iltb ot4kt. ?IU MfaMd f -J Api. ?. c. m "WT? ? 1 General Orders. ? tkJSSSSU^im. ! |'Hli following lUtSiMltSorp* wW JL rede for nmw eed esamtae at the time* ?wd ??tt. ... * Thf 1Mb Col. VwilifclliA ll Hie wherry icirv.tiit Thnrtdav ilio 8th day of March Mil. 1 be I Mb Col Walter'*. ?( Whining ou Satur day tbr loUi day of March ??( The l?hCut Rlce'aat W-ltafhcrougb,on Tow day the ?Wli day of March uoftt. Tin? 1'iih Col. Alt*too'a.et C*orewbatchle, eo l lnn?d.iy the lCxb day ?f March Mil.*1 , The -i.M Cm, Hum oil'*, at Beford'* Bridge, oe 4 i divMoa, lattaf at It hit) their ThoCav Iiom regi ment* of lalauuy within who*e li.tfil* they are nwi Uy hi dm upHM Cbu?m*nder In Chief. J. U. EAItl.fc, Adjt and ln?pt. Ot-n. February 1 3 B. INoticc. ,4 I.L nenona bavin* demanda agahwt tSa **? l\ late of WM. VOIJNU, (Tallow Cliandler) donated, formerly of thi* cily, and lata of the town of Columbia, 8. C. are requeated to render their demanda in proiierty attested-, and all ptr aoaa Indebted lo wild Wm. Young, are requeated to make immediate payment to DUNCAN LKITCH, Adm'r January 25 IF Tlie Colembia Ttlrscope wlU insert the above twice a waek for three week*, and feeder hi their account* to tho oOicc of Ike Charleston Mercery tor payment. Dancing School. MU LR8LIE respectfully informs the Udiff end gentlemen of Columbia, that be lie* re moved hi* kM from MaJ. Nazi's Hotel to Dr. Bric?a- when it will be canied on na OMiat. ' f d Negroes For Sale. "ftHE MiUcrilwri have a likely (tercel of JL NI.OHOES fin i??Ip, men, w together with a comiiUta maortmeat of placed gilt, end Upnnnrd aeddltry were; coach I nee end eoMcn trimming* of elf kind*. Aa they Rfi aoa* netted with eitealeniive MnwlMsloryatllM iliey ft el toiildral in aaamhiK lb* pa'" they can fernlah fooda In their line of a ?tM*, and on * good term* ea can he pi any eelaMlch mant In the 'JaMetl in "jiwn win m iMnmoiif I????!?Of MM pri>tf?|i(ly ?????h?y re?|**?tr?>lly aollcM i *bmr* of Ik* wlilic MlroMtf. un. 24. Agency. CharUtlon Fir? niwf Marine Insurant* Company. pilK S?b??,on BUIl.PINUS, OOOOSmkI VORNItUHK. ?. PRRCIVAL, 4fM#. , ffihiXl, IhytT IrV a > ? Notice. i laikMAllo m* tw4 OenerafSOrdera. |H?H Qgjy^r L.-t i i.. . JNoticc. TU5lS??a,i O NAOKL. "to tr.d? m ? IA GIBSON N \GKL. Prl?. fl, ItBT ? tf Notice. a\ WttJStttSSSBRCS *d ioaabe peyioent to ; JTT. m.m w iih mo arm HC tc^HMM to Mko |V?V> I Meat to either ?T theMberriber*, o? or before tut l(Nk of Mwetii M loom IndniiMct conn.?| be given. MARVILLK F I.EWIH, I JOHN J. MYERS F< breary ? ? * 0 ?0 SHEHIFF'8 OFFICE. State of South Carolina, Richland diit IN TIIB courar OF COMMON PLE AS. Juduh if Celirodar, i VI. > Will it Attachment. Johnt>uneunJr, . ) , ( ^ IWTOTICB l? hereby given to nil wlnm it may J_^| concern that the ?liov? writ of attachment hliving been lodged in my *IBce uo the ?3rd No veaiWr la?t, that Immediately after tba Mid writ waa lodged I tavitd the Mia ettecbmeuton the houw and ltd in tbc Town of Columbia, at tl.a corner of itlcbardaon and Walnut (tree a, former ly occupied by Cot. John M Crayon, containing one and a half aew mora or lex, and have 1 aed up at the prlaon door ?if Richland dUtrict a copy of lb* Mid writ, and I do hereby *ive notice and require at any nateon orpenon* claiming tba aUd bona* and lot,In Appear Wore tba JutMiea of the aeid eowrt of commonpbtaa, to be hoi den in and for 'be Mid dlatrtet of RIcbland at Columbia, at the icturn of Mid writ, wbkb will Ite on lb* fourth Monday la March nett, to .hew cautewhy tba Mtdbnuao and lot should no? be adjudged to belong to tba Midiobn Duncan jr. WM. HILLIAHD 8. R D February I y | Final Notice. A LL persona Indebted to tba Mbttittwr, am / m. agnin mmtttlg catted on to make payment.! TboM who dlwcgard thU notice, err, entt/er mIL \ ittformiH, their notes nnd account* will be lodged In tba hMtd* of an attorney for collection, wnhwa MtWfaetory armngemeati are cut ere J Into previ ous to neat recurn day. ? . JOSEPHR ARTHUR. , February 8 < l( QS Dollars Reward. : >** RANAWAYfr ui theml.*crit>eronllxi 14th iu?t. ? bright malalte hmr, about 6l??t 8 or 0 Inchet Ugh, Mined I'ATOM. Md fellow ha* ilnrW.lKroM ti hair, tight grey eve*, be* lovt the Aral joint of the Utile lager on the left he?W, la *tmlt EpiB&ixK peatcdly. Ut Had on wlM be raneway a bine eoot, Mfw eatrtnet pnntaloona end a fur hat, botH la more tbln prolwMe be will alter hU drete- 1 will give above reward for III* ettpiel^enrion and IW., um*-, jai -<*<;? I-muy ts, l?7. 4 4 Tbe Angaria Chronicle and Charleston Coorter, wHl ttlelwe give tbe above four wieltly insertion* end forward tbelr tetoiiali to IkbowMfntr pay* 1 t'/etolier 17. , 4$ If For Sale I ON McomiiMMlMlwi (arm* unit nt ? *lry km !*???, o HOUdll and I.OT in CuluniMn.in a Mtilnkl part of tko town. Tbo lioow cantata* ?l*ta mom* with 4#apUc#? lit fowr, mil IImm ara all oaeawary out buUdla** ?MI M?rh?tcliW *m < . * '? " ? tBttKitmotthe ?a^SS** sarsi 4*?dk of a? ?9!U for koi The bmlAtu will r b*r attb? old stand oc ^SCr it lacr. >. .KM ? *r"~^ " ? ?.' ?11 ? '' 1 Drawing on WbUm GRAND MILITARY LOTTERY, - T II I II I> CLAII. r .jm d May b? badfor fH OOk J .?. ww^^-w !*? had of U>c ?i?KR:; would I A. calvad in tb? CacaUv oMlw *oU?MI>er, lias UkfH Ike Imnni on Ptaln Mini Mot ' Mr. A. waiter*. and rawtntiy oacnpUid l?; Wycbe, a? ? private hoarding botua. ' ' . w v ? Wm.q nuNvr. I .anaary !? , . 'm v, .,??*???' j-jfrlltfr-* BOOKS* ON CONSIOMItNT, , Over tk* Store of ? JditAfil BTff'^?m?OiT? No. 0, Brick Jtange, 2,000 VOLUM KS. AMONO W81CII ARK: 1 v iy, Ho..|?r'. Diction Cf invuranlluii* nn Cheuiblry, Hynu'k Recti oiClWMUka. Bprelttor, 8htkfw*u"d, comxx?* w ??** History ottlw ftiMh RertWlM^iM flltl'4?' Rii?Mtll'?Mwfcmi Europe, Pluttrch'tlhrc*, r: *'??*#" 3v.'.-.i iiSSWOfofc. ? W'? ;4- *?; rVrf PocUl MUM,nilBud llyn* Book*, >W *? '/bgether with a very ext*n*h>tam?riment qf school books, Wblcb will to tlWpoMd oi at whotoato ?? nuoaabla teroM. - v ?v auo: ' ? *fSfk ???ssrsrs;1" O/a /?rfr importation from thrmotlafiftrovef CONSTANTLY ON HAND1 ? A VKIUT CXTKN?|VK AHOMWKT Of DBY GOOlwk^ Hardware and"