?Nr?t ^ 1J U L. ?* STATE t- YvV ,? ' ?.> THURSDAY MORNINO, FKBRUARY 1, 1887. ? ? .), Anditujoy toipatk th*tw?t . Wo m*f of huwau kiwi., . IVe ttomi bftid? the eotUjfo bed Where Um Dard-nc?*nt flr*t drew breath, A ?tr.iw Ihatahedroofabnro hie hciui, A urtvw. wrflkght'oomh be neat 11. Ami I bar* ttnml beiide lb* pi If, llftmooumeat tn ffaaren The hoMWM vleartb'? prna-lert itla To that l)a rd?peaekat (i veut Bid thy though*horcroVrttint *p?if, Bnv-Mii?tra), ia Ibjr dreaming- hour,? Ami know, iowrtrtr low bit tat, A pott'* pride arid power. I'bo pffMlMHWrOttnH from *?rlb, Til* pawar ltwt|?T?(?UM nftme AmwlNiifa'M mk imI birth, Tli* rick, the brmv?. the alrou*. Ami ifdee>>m]?ney weigh down Thy?p?rit*? flutter lag pinione then, r?*p?ir~Ahv mltMtfl* written na ? . TM NUpf BWWflM men. There here boea lofUer themrathaa Mr, And longer *-ro|lt,aivl lon.ler lyre#, ,P| "Vet read the oaunf* that know not doalh, 1'ew nobler one. thau Huriw are there. Ami few bare won a gree ner wreath Than that which Im*1? khi? heir. II.?i> that language of tbo lirart, In whirl, tbaanewednjf bentt would rpaek, flrangtu, word, tkatbulatb* warm tear abut, Or the uaile llghtthaeheok; Iu eot <>r eaitleVi (girth or mean, U^WJtfttbjreliaio. aggjr" irad, and ml, O'er tba mind'aeeejuoalm and ttnrro. O ar Ik* beartV ?uu?hinr, ami ?bower;, OV ?IHi'*' ponwmto, bright and warm, ? dm k, cold Knurr, * "oo^ - a^HRPmMI'w wwaft naaruir yhed, feftMgf ?on! abnre, rtannfpeai)^, ruth, end lovr, kaake nndl brae*. matter lay Had wall. lf?by atUaaalV iktwldafalr. ^AeeoefWw warld, Me gloom and glee, IVil ?ldlkAa Mtal??4*alli^Aak ; i a.tT7iTTi i rii AJ?raiSlT3TJtSfc ? SUZmTISrfSIvT. ^ ' 't i: 1 would m?l ;?ow, % >} -..? ' ? agar wAitr>. [o the. man! a natla* ~ ) ?iUt jap* intlM. her (nod, Ami Hill, m on lilt Auterel ihftl ?AAgP ||g|||| |||| #o)it Mftf ground. Who live* upon nil mamorle*, v ;v TtHMfhw.th the boriatlfane.; . ' *^ - 1 Quch*rar'*ii?biaau> pdjrim ahrieer,' 5; Bhnnee(onoMideor*re?dM>oAa?l?'. dimmer ?tnr. Are there?o'er wave ami mountain come, From couutriea bmu1 and ??r. BwKtert mmt, lb* ArabV alia Or lr*t (bo piled leave* 01 tho we?t, My ow? p>i> faothwl. All n?k the collage of hit birth, (lateen tha mmm ht)?rfil tttliont, And gather feelioga nut of earth I lii Urtda and dreamt among. They linger by (ha do"o'? low tree*. And imetoral mill, and Wooded Ayr. An apt to gild the dawn ox youth in its otuet in life?that from Ha very cn trondfe in this world ot sin ami sorrow K had to struggle hard, and that it has for a long time, with patient Miflering, 'held aloof its fate,* will not be denied by those who kindly attended on It during it# last illness. Kre ft had Men a year In being, some gentlemen of this town purchased out the National Messenger, ami placed it in the hands of the Sresent editor, which left the Metropolitan le tole and undivided ftatrortagr. A year afterwards two young gentlemen from Vir ginia, (practical printers) purchased nn in terest in the concern, sacritlccd their time, ami sold to a gentleman of Norfolk, who In* vested a considerable sum, which has been absorbed-, and for the last eighteen months, prior to its death, tho Metropolitan has sul? *istedon/>ro??tfr*?and/>r/ve/*fAarftp?hope ful food, it will be admitted I It was permitted by thh town to dwindle from thrice to twkc a week?then once, and lastly to die unpitied and forlorn, without one effort to rescue it i leaving its onljl sur viving reletave, the editor, nluuged in sooh an unfathomable abyss of debt, aa nothing short of tho wand of Midas can extricate him. Forgive us our trespasses ew we Have forgiven. We honestly believe- there is something in the moral miasma of this town, which Isure sei* poison to newspapers and periodicals.? In our own day, brief as it has been, wo re collect no less titan twenty that hare appear cd and passed away nlmwt with the rapidi ty of the spec tre kings before the syo of the sffWghted Macbeth?the only two that did not absolutely fterUh, were sfved much in the same way that n butcher saves an animal from dying, h *. by cutting Ha throat?they were sold wit.* Wc were unahlo to pre. servo the Metropolitan even in that ways bat, peace to its manes!?We subjoin a short extract from tiio last dying spcchand confession of the Columbian Repository, a pnperpon Qnixot" wan. I have not rccoived one-fifth of wliat i* my due. The retoipu would not covr one thhd of the expense I have not only, wasted my momgr, but materially in totdiny health, i.t jfaisertKmg thsslmsinros, only In li?hed la this town thst not penrii, w?? cms eMHburtsd by Clr??n?ad KnylMi??W<> th? NmU??sI Mii'iWtr. Ih? hrm*t MrtHU-H ??*?utd vat in the editor** Cither, awl M?a hiUse te Mm?#ll?sot oae ?* tto whwl# *vei ?Mah(Mha.l h?fs, t ?? lon< n> tbs Met r* - s. * ?? if ak* 1 V i I i ? a ? is Hnifn?*!lsl If w9 mwfi* ^ Ho l>?trWt, sad wkirh w?yesr?lMgsr fhsa ih? |root * lv reward has beetKabusa|.one Audi fault that the paper has bc*n occupied too much with novels?another, that tpO large a por tion has been filled with soog* and old wo< men's talc*, One complaint of one thht(( another, at another?tliat wore. 1 to attempt even to enumerate tliem, they would taku more time and paper, than lever shall have to snare. 'nettle d)d 1 expect, when this paper was fin* commenced, tnat thedtlsenaofthc me tropolis of the extensive* enlightened and flourishing empire of were so de* ' formation ?? { have found HMsSFoectt as poorly paid as a paper could be. , The fonmliiug state of Georgetown, I did amiiwiy would induce itn citiscns to be llher?ri.< AU this I hoped for,but have been nuMtegregtosty mistaken. k "I find from experience thai a newspaper printer has An arduous undertaking to per form, and that H Is laopowible lor a printer to please always any one of hi* customers.? he 'Should <16 snd_ whatne should notdo^ There are many I am convinced will com plain for no other reason' than to thow their critical discernment. T. O. BRADFORD." Notwitlutanditt all this, believe the Metropolitan might have wen reared up to along and prosperousIlls,k had been nourished during Its Illness whit attttle'Trea sury pap'?but no 1?Mr. dny was faring sumptuously every day* making speeches at Lewithurg, *u fct.?the War Chief wai busy at Weu ?ohit Instructing the Janlsa Hea, (and through them their mends,) of the necessity of adhering to the present admin istration. Old Neptune's cli Irf man was st " tlio "poor wai called when we had repeatedly hinted, though with that modesty which our nature Wowd never per mit us to abuse, that as we represented the Interests of a town, a component part of this trl-urbine district, we had a move legitimate claim to a share of the government crumbs, tli.vi the house of Qti'mcy had to the l'rev. y patro nagc?It wan gorged with U'?* mmal patronage. and had nbt7*t?onffh of a ?. J*.?? nn\ V\>vusvanflue,-?-Vw'" inmt.*? let all pass! ! We tcivic;- m?v unfeigned acknowledg ments and cordial thanks to our friends of tbe Metropolis, front whom wc have derived as large a Share of patronage as we have from the place on whic h we were supposed to have some claim; they all have our nopes for their prosperity individually and collec tively. To those of our true leiroM in this town who nave no Kindly stock by us through good and evil report, affording us their akl and countenance, we give them our gratitude, tho breathing* of a sincere heart??H wc have now left to be*tow. To our fellowciti* *cns generally nhis come* greetings' We wish that every successive year, u? it roll* on in quirk succession like the wave* of the mighty ocean, may waft health, happiness and plenty. Should it be inquired why wc are so general Hi our rxprcuion of warm withes tor all the Inhabitanta of this place, seeing that all do not deserve a full share of our commendation; we reply, that a mvstc rious beatitude sometimes comes to cliecr the dying sufferer, and that it has ptuiscd upon us) ticslricff, our rtlighn (though some people rdtirni we never hml )?teachcs us to pray for those who dctpitcfuljy uso ui. Below will bo (mind our Inst tr ill and testa ment as recorded. Othello's occupation's g??nc I OUR LAST WILL AND TKSTAMKNT, tn the name of God, A men, .Being of sound mind, but so grievonsly afflicted with divers horrible pecuniary gripingeiKjHf threaten Immediate dissolution, doth make and ordain, this our last will uitd testament > Our immortal part wo devote to the cloc tlenof Oenernl Jackson, having faith onto salvation, that en that day we shall all rise regenerated. Our memory we consign to oblivion?We wish the water* of I?ethe to How over it, craving pardon of God at the same time on bended knees, for the folly we have evinced in ndhering against light and knowledge, to a business wiiich a child with the slightesf smack of prescience would have known, muHt have ended in beggary and ruin. Imfirlmb?The good subscribers we glte ?nd bequcat to the relegraph, to akl it in its holy work of defeating the machinations of men wlto seek to rub the j?coplc of their rtv". iv and bequeath u> the Inteihgcn* I eer and Journal, our bod subscrll>er*, (there was the weight which pulled n* down) which, ?dtfedto?helrown, may aid in prostrating presses thu?. meanly succumb to executive To the head of the Home of Qulncy, we ^veand bequeath a pickled codfish, taken on the grand bnnks with our hand?it nimy serve to remind him of an attempt once M*debythat House to surrender the efttlu* slve right of navigation of the Mississippi, in exchange lor a participation in the fisheries. We alsd give and l?eqnea?h to the sukt Quln cy, to further aid him In all hU future nego tiations a bo* ?f Jemmy M??nroe's 'eontttm matt/ioHry,'of which lie w.*s wont to boost as a sovereign panacea m diplomatic snail's. We glve.it to him as wc recetv^llit?being taught b early youth that honeRrwaa ihe W? never opened it or had otc?> i Monroe we give 1 ?or the plain reason fh*t the go vemment have paid him ten times more than all his services Were worth, imkI hvthe Inst settlement forty time* more than he w*s ever entitled to?lastly, wc give Htm leave to wash |i? the L?thenn/?trea(ti, ami recom mend such an abhltiooas above , all other* serviceable to hi* name and person t but in consideration of the legacies which he bc aneathed to Mr. Adams namely hatred to }e gallant Porter and the Panama mission, wc give him u diamond ring worth at any Jeweller* thecnormoo* sum ttf OOfVOOftpOO (1 'I o that ambitious, but eloquent Harry, which we surname the Hotspur of Kentucky. We bequeath three boxes-^the one fUlM with MnefVkble contempt' ointment, Which will serve to plaster up the mouth of the honest Dutchman, Krenter?the second con tains a variety Of firrcrdettf which he can use as he thinks (It?the third contains a handsome lltw^BBwy Chief) a in.' which pops up when the box Is upenett, and strikes terror to the soul of a timid civilian. Item it appears to us that the uld Harry some times takes (like Mr. Adams) too lofty a range, we give unto him a very .celebrated naintlne'of a ccnteaur (brought by our iricud fted Wlrtiitim llnwia) tne half of a stuffed alligator, and the head of a snapping turtle, to remind Harry of his unde derivatur ?the latter he hits our permission to apply to the ca/utt of (not John ofGuunt) but gaunt John of Konnokc, whenever he talks too strongly of the coalition. To the War Chief we give and bequath that 'empty InutcI' which he beat on at Ar? llngton last 4th of July?it will serve lor cx trn music to the young Janisarles of West Point, who no doubt will hereafter attach themselves as strongly to the government In opposition to the people, as the poisoned shirt or Nessus adhered to the skin of the unhappy Hen ulc?. ? ? ' J To the Secretary of tfle Navy, of whom we have a good opinion, although we are In the opposition, wo bequeath this advicct That nc attcndtnorc to the rrffu/uthn of hU *ulordlnatrt, and less to state elections m fa vor of administration measures _ To the Secretory oi the Treasury we re cnnmend a peruv.l of his reports, and more tare in their composition'. lie is a gentle man of bland manners, wc admit; but if he would keep his clerics at n greater distuncc, lie would fare better with men of intelligence. To Cut. John Cox, of this town, we be quath the Mavoraltyin fcesimplc,bclng per (cctly satisfied that the able, impartial, nnd excellent manner in which he has adminis tered the office, and the general eood Wine of the whole corporation, as well as the elti? s??#Ltnv,-?rds him. Justify us In tills gift. Wc die. hi peace witn mi ? Col. M'Kennysto whom, in consideration of the wrongs we have done him in taking his name in vain, wc bequeath a fietr{fird 1'ota ivuttomic and a fitckUd Kickufioo Squaw, to adorn the Indian Hurra it, which Mr. Cal houn unjustly ereatcd without plea of law; and his sucecssof has measurably confirmed. Item?Wc give him a sum sufficient to make tip tor extra tulent required for the office be yotal a mere auditor. To our worthy fricml Mordecai, the Jew, wo give anil bcqiuith a small nrk which we kept for n voiding tlio coming deluge, ami landing tin on Arrarat?wo hope Mordecai may escape an successfully as hi* old name nako?oni- ark being frail, we advise him not to take too niaitv crer/iing fringe. To Mm. Hoya/ft of ltfb and manner sketch memory, we bequeath our l?e*t duel ing pistol*, ou the express condition that the ?hall shoot Htottc, of tlie Commercial.?Item. We alto give her a skeleton of one of her "dear, dear Yankees"?who died of grief because he could not extract money from the poor to save the souls of the lleatncn?bine ills lacrym*. ^ To a certain fellorj to whom we sent an account he knerj to br just, and which he refused' to pay without assigning any reason, we bequeath the patt|*y sum, disdaining to Interfere in any manner, sense or shape, with a creaturc so lost to character as he lias proved him self to be on another ocoatkm. We beg pinion of the public for letting him ln? trade upon our dying moments; but 'tis the weakness of nature. Lastly, having given away a great sliarc of what wo had really Hi possession, as well as many things We had net?as Earl Pembroke say*, we "give up tho ghost."?God bless| us sit?Amen!! Healed and delivered In the presence of, i ? ' tills 31st day of December, 1826. vs. I Bill to fordone a Daniel Morgan, and r Mortgage. James PaU'jn, jr. J [T appearing I? U? s-ttUiarlion of Iho Corneals ilviwr thai /mm I'alhn. jr. on* of III* We* Si la the abov* caw, rnnki l*)iitnd (he limit* U Stair. It bordered that lh?i *ald 'alien.jr. do appear sud ptcnit ?nw *, Jote/t/t H. Arthur? "j to . , ? * ** Daniel Morgan, I Dill to forclone a Jnmee I'alton, jr. f Mortgage. f>. -i Mil | IDr. Samite I (Ireen. J T appearing to lira salMaetion of the commiv *)oo*r iHm Jib.it* I'm!ten, jr. eae of ihr a?n?vr named defendant*, rftride* ???yond iho limits ol ibis Mats. It Is ordered itiM Iho ?sld Jnmtt I'll /?a. it. do sptwsr ami pbtsd answar or demur to ibo cnmi?tnli??nu Mil, wlihln threo otoliths Irom (be pettiest km hereof TtfMOAU* t, WlLl.tSOM, c. k. i u ' Novra.ber 4 > . ' ' ? ,.\U nfcMldi'ed nod ^or *ala at ittit o?c? ?; rf1%/ssrr? te ilanoe - P, iro tVfap. StlBA* 2,000 VOLUWWfK . AMONG W^ICH AllBI ..,,0# CjAIWDRR* fcwV, A^wm O fMralw Con vmH*'PMk. l|4H?i HH AfOkbold'a Pracltai,.- v ^ V Do. . ttvU PI??dtng?? >rpH|HHL.^,.w_?. SjSSLIww*. I'yii'i iftdgjii'SSft Wwllllrtwfh llnd. Sp<< Hume'* Htrforv of England, coot and Smolfrt, Hwunr. Do. South (WliM, Vy'1 PolUknl l>oaomjr, Hall'a I Modttn Enr*|*e, Manoert mid CShIwu, t? . UrHnslMWt England, ' tk>. United Stale*, ?..*>' ' iiiriery exfrnatve apartment qf SCHOOL BOOKS, Wliteh will be di?po??1 of at wketawta on Wlf i muonftbta term*. -, -J ? .?? ., AUO! ** IIAVF. RECEIVED A LARGE SUPPLY OF , .) BOLTIG CLOTHS, Of aiaic im/iorlati%nfrQMthcmo?tafi/ivv4& >e ? VAOT &*'?+? '>? rmmww on uamd vV -. A VKHV KX'l'KNSI TK AMSOHTMCKT OV DKY GOODS, Hardware ami Groeeriet. All of whiob can be bad loir for CASH, of ~ PRODUCE. January IS. 3 H ? Common iihl nkUliM do ineMae Police Cletk. Mai. dcob, ood Oxford mist CuiljHnf, Selling Off. The Sulwribtri having deteriniaed oo rmnriiir ^ from Columbia early la tho 8prior, mo . iuJnced to offer Ihtit^iripiM . i..\nor. and vai.uabi.k ?TocK or DRY GOOUeSv: I At very reduced flrkeejbr C ASH. |amono the oootw iie^ gUPF.a Mm owl block Cloth*, M?i VnUnrir, 8 wmmJo wn, end Toiline t Veiling*, K..?li*h owl French blook 8Uk do While, red, and yellow Klaooelr, >' Met?'r iup?r Bm.k, Do?r, end Beover 8kin do A largo o**ortment of Knrnitar* Celkwc*, ? t Cerabrleend Jeconet Maallnr, ' PUinendfaM 8winilo ?***? > Mull ilo?plain oml'Az'd Book do Elogmit worked Mctlia IUb?, . v , Worked Marl in Capor and Point*, Ploin and Ag'd Nenkin end Canton Crepe*, Do do Oreo do Xopler, Bdk, Mock and wMt* Black, white, e*l oaroried ool\l SotiM, . wfi*-* > a * Do do do Crape I.U, $. |)o do do fteliea Crepe, J. Black Seoehewa, 8or*net, end (tolled Lnatrlnr, OmUno ood Awim Mutlio * A Velvet end Laatriue Brit Ribbon*, o**orted, Ktojput PlaWI end ueaae Ctaafet Wbbooe," . Kumil 'ire Fringe rod Binding, 4-4 Bobbioet Lace,Thrred Ore* end G MMM Klrgoot Bobbloet end Ooooo Villi . ?? > A eompte e**ertm