eolumWit fftlencope; UtttiKV frfb rVBLianCD KVUtT TUESDAY II f,M?h '?Vyy;.j i'ftpy^iwit?TU? . ? i* vii . *3' rm TKllM8:-TlHHH? lasraai Ai.vKRTMttpitNra. are biaarted at. the rate of icwa(Lnitd by the >.ub, or a roapojpw^fc***, or tkiy will receive I'UMl/ND REYNOLDS U ? caridldat* for the oiflce of'Sheriff of t airfield dUtilct, at (bo ap j>rui> hinc election. ? Junu. gfr-tf. .;. OCT* Wo ure authorised |o flats that niCIMlU) B. HARRISON h a candidate for the olttce 6f Sheriff of Kalrfi?Jd dUtrlct, at the ?j> l>ronclilnje?l?eUMi. , . Juno It. 6m. are authorized to state that A WCXtBIQHT ?H| bo a candidate or Sheriff or Fairfield district, at the election. - 15 tJan.7 Hi'o authorized to that Mil THOMAS J. COOK, will be a :?('? for tlio i.Ti< ? of ilieilir of Fairfield die u v.cApproaching election. < M.yJJU. ^ .v Om ( r The Huhocriber inform* his friend* .? :.e ..n lon*tH\ Mi. i-, mm floor below Mr. Lavln'a ???... j he will attend to tba duUc* ?if his ALFRED BYM'M.iJ/emry a/U*. : .It Vfhi, Jaiie 12,1 tidQ. 2-!?ti )!8aolution of Co-partnership. \ <1K r?i.|?:?rtno.>itli?|:crctr?fore?titling under J. tlm firm*ol REM! ti GRAY In tbo c?ndle innkl"ff hu*iiiea>? Lu. wa* diu^lved by mutual content on the 1Mb iiutant. ? ' V ' -? ROBLUT IlKID, WILLIAM OR AY. July 4?, 1820. HO?Bt ; % / v.? A^CAHD. . Mild. SARAH T.BMITH, will arcomodato a few young Ladle* with boanl, who may wUb to attend any of tbo public School* in tba vl a,S(I2?&^ ? i7 tr - A. Millcr W anted. A PERSON .wall' aauaalntad with Grinding A. CORN and WHEAT wUl maat with a pcrau ncnt uluatien'by making application at thi* Office. , July 1?t, IOTA, ? ? ; .. . ? tT?tf. Agency. Charleston Fire a)ul Marine Insurance Company. rnilE Subscriber la. authorised to take R(<1< X hkmIiuI fVrc, on BUILDINGS, GOODS and V'URNlTUfft. m-* V 8. PEnC'lVAL, Aftnt CotuAhla, May ?7 at if ??? ,..i .....?' ? ? ?!. ;4gency. The mechanics* fire insurance COMPANY. Niwetk, Naw Jersey, iheorpo vated December 20th, l821, with ? Capital of f?e Uuridrttf Thdtuan'l uolhrrt. * CFJtTHICATK, ' * ' > '*? Btatk Bamit, Nswaa*,*> liUA t'iltrilnrij, 1826. I " Tbnra la now atandlng to (ho cre?lit of tho Mo ehaniet' Plro Imuranea Company on tba BaoVaof tt>o Hank, lha ?uru ol Una Hundred Tbouiand D"Upr? Dppodt 100,000 Dullnrii. C. J. GRAHAM. CvUUr." I tir tiibterihrr i?authorlxt>dlo lakeriikiagalnt* '.s.m .ranch Hank, r '>lumf>ia, 12fA May, 1820 .! r M r, B- Mnc?bopl to iiU^t ? n?w ? cf'tniwors of attorney for the tranwc \io.' '?* ? hi Hank, /? HjlrrJ, iltwfnro, (hut nil notoa which* may iluonflrr thr llral of October neit tball l?? ro ue wed only hy tho orfgloel ilfoeture of tfan draw* urn aiid KiilrtrMr*'. 2| if Benjamin Courson, HOIJSK CAItPKNIKH ANI> JOINKR, Hm ajfmn ottaMUhad hitmolf in Imtioct* no tho ,-orn?r of ItfchUftd A?d Mtulo-t Kiri-it't, whoro h? icuy bo fnuhdat oil lime*. Ilo will h,? erfttaful to ??l| who are dhifrtod In ffc*o?ir hhn with Ihoir pn (rooaga, p'*dxe? hlttwell lo |my ?trirt attrn uonto their with#* lie will nI*<> coudoct thejolo en t>uilno??apoii the h?*ikI term* f??r mriienter*. ? if if Town Taxes for 1826. (J1HR whwrlMw heM?y mMlei lo ?)l eon ?. rfn^d, that ho will eommint* receiving the 'imei. nil nImi fton Btrtet Work, /'Al? ilay, Ml hit nftiea In lh? Town Hafi, and will .?out hum l<> rOrolvr th?from 10 oYlovk, A M. until 2 I'. M. every day otitll tho firU t all defaulter* a^oArding to low. , 0. II Alt ItlSO.f, Jr. 0Imv? j??* n. IM ?lia ? ? ?4" ? Consolidation. "VA "t 1 ' P. CLBSEY, COAOH MAKER, nrcn?iujsoN-iTn?r.T, Opporite c*i. Crtjftn't Brkk Budding. ' ; HAS oil bud ?t prcient, ?ad will couiiuue Co M?P ??u hand, numerous article* la Itw'iboM lioe, to wit: Old*, dULKIKtt,*mal)CARIUAGES for children, ?ud muuy article* lo tbe HUMMING UlfB. H? will iIhIm plMNd to itttwl to uy work that may be ordered either lit (own or country. Ho will always keep tho boat of work* ?too, and flatter* himself that bio work wiU boor tbo laspeetloa df judge*, ALSO. 4V ' A bwdioaio assortment of TRENCH PAPER of tbo newest mud latest feshkms for room ^ipti lag. Lendauepo Po|>or of different psdUru* for Serene* ud a variety of Velvet bordering, oil which con bo bod ot different prices. ' P. C. Alto wMI attend to doing every thing In tbo UPHOLSTERY LINE, and in his itoro my bd had tho following article*, via: Sofat, - ISelsttrs, Sweet, Mattress a, .. . Serenes, - Cote, Foot Stools, - Curtain pins, . Pillows,^ Bell pullery ?Colored fringe of different kinds, fye Ho respectfully solicits thoso.thnt ere indebted to hi in to cull aud mako yiyuwut in whole or partof their accounts,** tbe prenure of thu time dciuund money to carry ou bis busiu->i. foiTsalk. A8ECOND HANli COACIIFX can be pur. chased low for rash, or on a credit of twcl.'c mouths to approved nurcbuscr*. - P. CMSSF.V. April I. . ^ ; - 1-4 tf ~GEOIlGE HENNESSY, .. CO/1CH MAKER, TT A3 removed his tbop opposite to Adam Ed. JLJL gar'* brick Stable*, wh?M ho intends to carry on tho bu.iuessof COACH MARINO, bo. in all its branches ll? baa determined,and that with' a *tedfa*t resolution, to favor his customer* will* his strictest attention to builaess. lln hop** toteceive his share of the public patronage, aud from tboeo who bate heretofore favored him has : nothing to fear, at he is -determined to do all In Ida power to give aene/al Utsfm tion. |la hopes that persons engaging work will colt and taka If aWay at aooo as completed or according to pro mise, at disappointments are not agreeable to Mm. L.'< Q. II. will glvo immediate eAiploymmt to a | Journeyman Owcb Maker Tbo situation will bo permanent. ... Juno o, . ;. ta-tf. A Card. MRS. EDMONDS RESPECTFULLY inform* her frieftjs and the publlc.that ia compliance with Itorndvcr tbe meat of December laat? and to obviate the ob ject loo* to the distance of bfr former residence from tbe centre of Columbia, she lia* rumored to branches of polite and useful education will be oontiaued. She take* this opportunity of stating tbal tbe fHunliiury wilt bo permanent?aod she hope*, by uuromilted attention to the Improve ment of her pupils, to merit the approbation of her natron*. Sue I* assisted by competent and approved teacher*. Persons wishing for further inform* tlon mpMtin| Ibis institution, may obtain it, to gethur with the most satisfactory references, as regard* tbo standing character and abilities of the teacher*, by addressing a letter to Robert L. Ed? | moods A. M. In addition to her present number iho can con venlently accommodate eight young La die* with board be. The musical department is superintended by Mis* F. Haiard; m whose ?bililies as an wstruc tr?4 the mo*t satisfactory recommendation* have been received by the principal. - Colombia, April 3, 182* M tf The Plutt Springs Academy J IS bow in operation nnder the direction of Mr, JOHN FARMER, ? young gentleman of ?MllMt ability, and great expnrfonce In teach- j iugt will qnatlM to prepare jrounr gentlemen to ent* tM higher e!euc* of any ITiuirnmfty in lb? United Bute*. " i?itit of Tuition. rUH'riaod Metbnaalice gV 00 rer quarter, fciiftlkh 0 00 ?? . Good hoard at A dollar* per month cn*> he had conveniant to the Academy. The oibfcHhcr p|*lge* lilrartiC to parent* and guardian*, that strict attention *Ul ho pai-fto the moral* of youth in this iutUtutUu. AORAM OEIGl'.n. PlMt S(trine* May I, I8VG. Itt?tf. For Sale. " AlfOUHK aii tf For Sale. i A f.u>? aud all otbet'felj house*, pertaining; dim a store nut door tb Jfeasflk P?. via UCo.oMo?itb to llaea/i. C^b U^ou, twenty by iMj;. with a weH&A'tWHty by forty, wltb four rooma above wr/Wt* 1*0 story brjck kitchen. Possession can be gWtu by the firit of October, and. sooner if iwalred Tb* subscriber takes (hi* method of foforiftlUg *11 those that arc indebted to him W %oAd Or book ac count previous to Un* lit or-JaattaiT iStd, that thay must come forward and aalftt ,ir tb* lit of October nest, or tbay will find them la Ifca lioud, of aa attvraty for collection, vy^Jiout rtrueu t0 t Oct To Fr - ? To Bwy (RRl THE COLUMQIAr HOTEL, Marl i JSlELoPBptko l,|o Stnto I loose. Faaaenlo gWeiitminediateJy. For psrtloalbfr*apply to ; Mwhfli To Hea^. In an tVgiblt and htalthy iituMtion, at a | summer ntldfmjfe ALMIOF. and comtaodhub IVQUSE at to naiusviUe, about two and ? btlf miles fiom Columbia,togatb?r with a four acre lot undar flood fonce, an elegant spring of good waUr' an J fprlog house, with three apni tenants the laina.?. For terms Inquire of tba subscriber. ?' A . JOHN FAIlll Columbia, June 20,1826. i /, 25?tf. +9t> For Renior j$a!e. ri^IIK IIOU8C aad Lt>T. lately Ilia |?rdp*rty i. of Mr John Battom, nlteett^ o;'!wiila Cut. niunillnx's. There if attached to'tho dwelling a ,?<> ? * Jl? * ? ? ' ? ? . - ? ?? ? ? am ? + ?? --i* v For Sale, /pilK HOIMI; and LOToh'Lau rd street.con JL tninlni; one <;unrter of ah acre, morn ut low, will bo sold on reus^tmble tetms, fur ohm hull Cash, and the bounce with a good tfrtto and aj?* proved indvrscr, to bo paid in |'tv*Jv# montlii. Any person widiing l??purcbfM,will apjil^ 8ub?criber, in Columbia. to III6 wit ARLr.noE. ?' Ffch. 7 ? ^ rt tf. ..-a? Mo. iad Marloo For Sale.*";;, THE HOUSE and LOT In tba Town Columbia,-on the corner of Oarvai* loo ifraata, oppoillo .to Coluaal rrvitoii'a dwelling.' Fo* t?ra?. aptdv to WM. M'CAULtY, Columbia, or ALLEN JONES UREKN, OutUr. . June 20. IMS. fl6~l3. - i' v For Sale, J | /^10L. CIUiVON S Ur^a brick Storfi I liilx.Vy' with eommudiiiU? dwelling ap^rt, mania, id tbo corner of Ricluribou and Walnut itcccii. Apply to i j cnF.Gn. April II. ft J[ , | For Sale | A T HILLEARY'S Confectionary Bloc*, a /ft frash' aupply of wall caleetad OARDKN SKEft. Whkli will ba (old low for Caab. fttf .1 A JBargaiiik rjlllK Mibatrlbar oRara for iala Ida HOUSE and Mnnn'a. I'.ia. Tba bulMine* art all new and wall calculated lor a private reiicfanra. Tba terms of sal* will be?one half io ea?h, the bnlanca In per* aonal property or notes wall securcd for one and two yet' a. If not ?old on or I'tfur' tbe Slit itl Ju? ly, the ab?vo propanv will lift olIV-rM at public Auction ut tho Court IIou??< in t.'oliimlda> , 1I10S. 11. WADE. July It. Valuable Property. FOR sal v. THKHubicrtberlnteo'l. r?. I'urvla' tM0n< Tim dwelling llnute D bu?lt of Hrir.'? tiircc atorie* High: on the |?r*ml*eanre. anew two atory. Brick Kite lie it, * Brick Smoke Hum*, with A large Bin Mo, Coach Houte, Ice ia>. The Lot la comiriute. ly enclosed by a good Brick wall. It ia a d date. I Apply on the piemlao* to F. BELCHER, r October 14. , ? ? t. - . All Persons INDEBTED to the ?tih.?cribcr*, wb*ae nolra and accounta were due on ttia fir?t of Janu/try IBi't, are ranatred to make (>nym?nt l^rlora ike net! rerurn day, aa longer Indulgence cannot t* fthran. And all them indebted (o (lie aubaerlb* triet, on Coflktown creek. /There ere about Av? hundred and thirty aeree of bad*' Attached to the tract, three honored a Ad Aifly of whiob ara cJ ear id, and under good fence*. Tha tMproveawaU ?a Rood dwelling hiJOte, ttorc boaee and tin hou?e, together with every other neeeeniy build, tag, ?a excellent spring of water, wUhltt Illy yards of the door, besides several other* oo the farm. The place it considered a healthy oae, and situated in an excellent neighborhood. There is j||fla another tract of al>out three hundred .aer aflln woods, adjoining the above, which may alto be purchased. Tito purchaser may ha neoommoda* led with pert of tee crop of core and fodder aofr (rowing on the (em. Those who eta Inclined to purchase, it is expected will tee the premleee. J01IN LYON. Edgefield Juno 27 . SO lite fZI' The Columbia Telf scope, Southern Patriot and August* Chronicle, will publirh the a bore onoe a'fartuight lor three months, and forward their account* to this office lor payment. "| A vutuubto Tract of Land for .silow. ,M. THE Subscriber being desirous of remorioj to the wettcrn country, Is edxiou* to eel U s trect of Laud, *iluMed iu EdaeAeld District five miles from Cambridge immediately on the rood leading fruia that place to Edgefield Court House, end eoiitaiu* about ona thousaod acres, about fuiir hundred of whieh is cleared atd in Ane state of cultivation. *?i??s i* one of the most valuable tract* of land tu tho up country.? The improvements consist iu au elegant two story dwoltiug house iu etcrllent repair, a parcel of uucomninnlr i;??od negro houses, a new Gin house, a first iMr llorw mill, it11 excellent framed B*ru nnd a pared of good Sialics. Any person with lag to purchato such a tract of land will do well to call on tho subscriber immediately* as he is dolcruuued to at 11 uud will give an excellcut bar gam. " ?' ALSO,?Another tract of good Land adjoluiox th>* abuve, CMiluitilug ubout 700 acres, about 2ft acres,of which is clear^l and in a good statu of repair. This trnfcl hus on it a Vary convenient dwelling llouio tud all utcestary out bu.ldltui, which will alto be sol J on very nec.tmniod.Ulug to'iut. For term* apt-ly to tLo subscriber living ou tho premisses. - 5 '. JAME3 BULLOCK. Mnrdi 2U. IfW. . * i'.l tf . -Notice, fltO alt whom it may concern, (hat Dasicl tHonnxv, for himself, and (or Daeirr. >loa oa#LCo. lately trading as merchant* in the town of Columbia, have, for the hem At of their credl tor*, arsigiicd and set nver to tb? ?ub?cribeif, all (litir debts, bqndt, uot<*?, Itooks of account, goods, cbttttoli and eflbel*. ?? ? , Thaso who are indebted (o thw said Ptuiic. Morgnn, .tud Daniel Morgan .nod.Companyi eorncsll/ celled ou to piaCe immediate payment of thojuins by them du$ to the said Daulel MoT* ?pu, and Daniel Morgan and Company,,to either i of til* undersigned eangnee*, who are slona au thorised and empowered to receive the same.? And the creditor* of the said Daniel Morgan, and Daniel Morgan ft Company, ara required to pre sent their demand properly authenticated to. the subtcrlbtrs. r ???' JAS. 8. OITON \nO, > JOS. K. ARTHt'lls 5 ""'8nt"> O l-imbii, July 20, 1820. 30?tf. . Notice. ALL persons hevhix any ricmnnd* agn'>?t the late firm of LATTA * M'FARLANb previ ou* to lha COth of Maroli last, are rfcqueited to render la the *ame to the subscriber Ur paym??t 1 hud ell those Indebted'to lha saaie Arm previous to the first January last, aro earnestly solicited to rill and maho *uitt?blo arrangements for (he liquidation of their dues, as Ihe death of Mr. M'Fatland renders it necessary to have Immediate ?etllements; it Is also expected that those indebted to the Arms of Latta L Smith, and Latta L Walter will m*ke speedy payment, as much longer iuduU geuee runuot be given. uobcat latta, Sunicing Partner. T1IE subscriber has lately received a hand* some assortment of gUMMEIt (iOOpS, which, with the former stock, comprises au eirab lent and general assortmeot of sensonable articles lie also be* received an extensive assortment of BOLTl.NO'CLOTHS, of the Am quality, which, together with the' above, will be disposed of on Ihe most reasonable terms. ROBERT I.ATfA. Notice. THE subscriber forewarns all peraoa* Indebted to the Utc Arm of WALSH tf DO AN either by note or open account, from paying Ihe tfeme in M P. WsliM, ai said Walsh nas net com* plied with the terms upon whieh K was agreed he should s*ttl? mid Arm. I feel H therefore lutuni* l?ent on me to notify all lho*#lndebted (0 ns. not to pay to Ihe said Walsh, until a legal adjust* uictlt i* effected Itelweeit us. 8. W. DOAN. Columbia, July 86, 182(1. S*??3t. ' Pioticc. ALL )Htr*ont tndclrfed to the lute Rrraol Wamii k I>imn nra nnlifWd, (hut tb?y hav# mud*an Mil|tmnrH{ of many of Ibtdr account* to tbrifcft diton, who have placod tham In tho hand* of an Attorney for collection, who it fully aothoritud to Kill* lb? ?amc. Thl? notice U tln-mrd n?rnoap having talran pot Mwkiit of th? IkkiIi* of lb? Mid Arm, contrary to our rx|>rf?4 nndf!r?tandlnK' No om, therefor*, will Mttle th?(r account* with him. WiMM. Columbia, July *5, 1820. 90-91. ? Notice. A l.r. Ind.Mad to tb? by bond or si And th*m In tb? hau'dt of ftft Ajfii ? BEjS?? Nqtice. red to October ?..., aceount* is tbe The ?itualiou of < nmuvn 01 Notico:' ? ' 5ft 9 p .rw . ^jaKL-g uiaae payiueut iuimedietety. ye?* littJ?: hip *bot la the left hip?left lilad foot wL'.te. l.OT WII IT LOCK, .1. P. Neer lleetUlown, July 14. ' ? \ . '? ' ? ;? ;i , ' State of South-Carol iila, Abbeville JD?fricf? ;V 'm IN fcQUITY. George Vbeltita, Administrator, yi. Hugh Month, end Abi^ftM Caldwell, Adm're,*/a/. IT appearing tbat Jacob SeiMmao and Lemuel Wbyte, two of the defendeet* la the eSove stated ee*e, reside wHhbut the limit* ofthi* Stete It it Ordered, thet they pieed, eaewer or demftr to tb* Compleinaat*' Bill within tbfee toontb* from the publlcetioa hereof, or the said Dill wlU bo taken pro. ceftfta* efMinst them. THOMAS LIVINGS TON, Com'r* Offer, Abbeville, > C. E A.D. JnuegSth, IMS. \ ?P?3ou State of South Carolina, Cheattr Dittrlet. John Crosby, Applicant t?. Mlddleton Robert*, Arthur Yerboroayb, Williem Holssif, Jeremi ah 8. Devi*,' defendant*. TT appear* to my Mthf*elion that Middleton X RoboH* cod Arthur Yet borough, two of tbe defendeot* reside* without tblr State, it ie there lore ordered I bat they do eppeer and object to Ihe derision oa or before the flr*t of September noil, or their eon*ent to tbe tame will be eater* ed of record. B. LYLES, OrMnmrjf C. D. June B, 182rt. U Ranaway -r.lf ?ub*r?' ?B (W 7th of April la?t? a a?gro wo row., iiamed LItzt, Mw?*a wcrUblv atiaigM and aetlve, of? dark ratio* immolation. _ ?timvnjnnttjr loud of drink, ?nd ilowof ?p??eh. The ibw?B?iHlW|j M> *ro waiformnrly ilia proprrty of Mr. lUoob.naif wbon rfto^eft MrMW Hi b*r po?ntofc a mm ?*ifrrinf upon Mr tfco right of hiring hemic *lth?r bf tho mooth, or ?Mr. 8b? ItMfroMd to bo at lira praaftnt I