. roiUUQ/r. HUrkburn, .iprit '25?H wut toy lulcui...u to ive wiuuu yon. Imi iU M, bni to at tempi n M hurt of insulation whtoh nm all in coofa* ?ioo; buugrr, h it true, will brank l!tuu,fh *tono wall*, and unlaw tomrtuing bo vcrr ?i*eddy duo? tore! Wee a starving c?'iuiniinity, I fear lha con N ?ci(U*>noa ??|l| ba awlul indeed; llia.wtavvriMvm to gather atrvngth, and, it nppaara, am more and ' mora dvltmliwd on Ibt dertruet ion of ihc powt>r? Jjoat manufactories, which th'-y tuppo?e it the of robbing them of.ltieir l.rend. Y'?t?r<]e) Mify dcrtroyad tba following mill*: -S\ ko't, wl Aeertogton; and Bitty'*, at Whlto A?h. Art?r having ** ftaithed off" tha above, they marched loto tha town, seven abreast, for about ? mile lou* (many of whom w?ra woman.,) with pik?? aud navoi, Qro arm*, hammer*, a*et, tec. and; In tha abort tpaco of f??rty minutes, d*?'mycd about ?IjODO worth of loonta, in U. and Co'? will Durlnjc tha latter pruowdiDj, a ttoou of t!te lat Dragoon Gnnrdt surrounded tha r*ll, and took afoot titty pike* from tlia Insnreeote, and a few K'-wni Mil I oonaidtr it highly prudent ??l. pt. U< ay, that h? did not make a mora forniidn Me attaek ontkb infuriated Bu, Their nrit at tack vtkton tba Park Hace Mill.bui h*fra thd ini lilary wet completely beat otf, Mr. NdbU.. the ma ? giftratet, and u vcral other gautlcmeii knocked ilnvii.iuJ thn mill left to its lata. * Thlt compter c J tho da> '? work. Knriy thi? wowing (&Vh) an espreM arrived front L?>w Moor, ten uiiliadi* tunve, for all the aolditr* w? hud, to proU-ct the r \tMidve and valuable |K>w?.rnvttvnifc concern ol Mn??r?. Oarnctt k llor?f*||. Two troojH of l>r? gonna who hal just arrived here from Manchotrr. and who Itud mr.rely time to Imll their horiea an tiding of blnidy work tium thenr.e " In ih<- r.otirw of the dny, we had ctp-?am-i from Pre?'on mid tTJmrley, t?>r the aid ol the ininta y < hopol. '!mt the I.. x'tlHture will thin- tome t|weurv> to rttmudy thu pro.-coi c* tt evdt. llxtr.Kl *fii Itlhr 12 miUtfson Manthtti't. I an. j.ui riturn?d f(ir f??rv?nc cr?tur?? huvo (>rok< q all-tl>a p< *er-lo-nn? l^l-'iipirtj; to Mtiffi. \V !|.Cirr&: ?"o l ha rioter# are u?v, it ?? *^>>1, nt Cltorley xnd Pre*ina. I'Ui I 1)0:1*1 'look M>< >? t- uuy trj'b in the variou? ri>p >rt<. Tite |?? ?r crintnxn iir\: in turmsrth^mieWefc th?- nio?i. I: U nl.irnni'? to In lirrr. Wn h>v? n?d n-wl vy;?re?tc< iroui vun. oii? ?i>ia?ier?, all wanting >oMicr? ; in ui t. nil tl?i> l ?tt K iu a ioA< dark 'j'lwy buTe cnanncnccd enter.11^ Unut"i for vie* JUnnehuttr. .ipril 27 ?Tlior* iiat l?e^n *evrr.il livnt iott witliin twelve niii?i of lint to.vu, l?y the ?le liavc, today, Iiccq walking throutih tt\etown in d ivm, and tlicre are ?o Otany out of employ, that dUturhanr.m may barsprrted here aud at IMioit. Jtpnt W?SoviTal fai turie* a trc utLuclcd luM Uizbl, and tome uftliritl dvtroyed. Disturbuneee also prevail in ireluitd. Tlic Itrv. Mr. Wnjjan, corulu of pur.all uf IWiMvlinmk, urmr uuuun, wu? ujuruwed wli.Ju ntleep in hi* f?rn house. So greut is lit* Jejweeistlott in property ot |)i??lf Mint two good Jwi l)inj bou?ei would lot April I a ft Fr.un the Uiit*l State# 101,00ft; B-nillf, 19, M1, liMt liidies. 6.0!M: t'.-vpiian, | >,7iJ ? it, Indie*, Xl'iViTiit"'. HM,570 t?a(t?. To lh?? anme period in ln*t rear,innv wer> t??in tne U. it'ale*, 100.401; QratiK. 40.7W; E Indiea, Krli of Carrtwitb and the Lord* OiUvw, Eleho, and Uftfin, nod the S?rMift?y ol Fingeak. The BdHor of tho Hun egprves** a hone, I hut all other Llnent flejre>r nt ativef o| titles forfeited dorm* timet which ought to be forgot ten, who may ho worthy ia*h nn net ol fjraeo, may bo restored to the Honor* of their aoe< ?tor? at ho vary dittant period. From tho following parngrnpli it w ill appear that Intemperance of Ian ware ha* maiW?*d the discuwiooe e( the BritUh Parliament, as well u? | ?>or Congreae during it* lata ee?sion I * (t It the very error nf the moon ; "She onm?s more a ear the earth than the was " And asekef mon n?ad." i {a the House of Common*. Mr. flume, in the ? covne of * debate relative frHi Mr. Hutne admitted the* he had uaetal of foece, and etprawad Regret for what be hod said flishnp of London, sfioko di?re

p, eellttqr Mm a Hlns-lwand moter of dlesentton." Thlalnnmn At the pre??*t essiae of Co?tli bar, ledge Bre t >4 h ***ii?g learned tbet an allkir of honour ? as to eentempii'tion, had the parties, lord Bingham. ?t*l Mr. Jaeiea Brow?e, before htm and l>e?ind the* #*er and tWt seeurHUe If reoognf fence to keep tie jm?*U the aAonnt, as we md..fand *4 nine or teo tltotmud (^noda on rach *ide. lite Irwdship warned' them, that If ?Mr went lo Franc*, and hei 4 meetiuftWo ih? >?J their tioif thtldftrfiH tl.e'r i??4g GLORIOUS MEWS FROM GRSCCtt -""*"18621 sssSKffiSC?* , *C*rJk, JrtU 6?*n?? obecurity wMe* hat hitherto tv Igued oe?e the horiaon ol Or*?co ha* been Ji?>lpjleU. * Ibrahim, havinj loit a UrK. portion 01 hi? army la Ui rtiir atod attack* HMti MiMolonxhl, lately recallod to hit n? helpline. Alter ll|l*? of the lirvilU 'all and return to ?l?vcf*," ' 'lite ?t.ita ?,f thing* hi tho l\?1o|?omievi? Im prove* every day, and e\ery lbbi< i? Kome mora rr^nlur, and retatolug to order *l'ho na tional am'inMy, which h*? In-en convoked not at Me;ara, hut at Met hunt, (between Corinth anil Argos) carrtra on iu hu*iuc** \?lli g?al.?The fcOVtrnuii'Qt baa commanded ColHlii In ?it out and a?*emble and rw-uolle the force* of tlta chiefa of Hoi)t?lia, and fly with them to the relief of MiMolnnghi. C'oloeotroni i? to ri'mnln blockad ing Tri|*ditK'. until that place, pnrud by famine, ?? forced to aurrrnder. Coliapolo i? to go to P-tt r*?, and .Vcrta* la to obarrve ihoae of the enuuiy Mho ar<> at .Vuverino, and the preddwit, Comlj rio||i?, at ilia head 01* tho bpartrutc/, u t? l?ettege Mod.in and Coron Under lha duto ??f Anemia, April 1-V, confirm" the abuva dtfi at, lidding tin- dftalll of Ibrahim. Iu anotliff It'll - front Corfu, it i* Mid that Mo?o|i?n?lii rtill hul'U iint ?rti|M lliojf all the at iMUiUof the Turk*. Tim cjaip of tliv Arab* ha bit n Iturnt. Another letter fr"tn Z?ntr, April 5, ?av* ewty ihioi: I? (Id, |.| f.vor of the hr*iege1 'I*tic oan.p ol I'tr.thini hn? ?bevrirburnt, anil hi* troop* ?(**. A i th'u moment we Hear a very heav) c:,imi?iw !e it th*5 dirtctain of M>r*??:on c tto fenr, a\ t'.:w (JfrtioM %s *\?li supplied with pmvidon* nud .tntu'.,in \ ChiIi'' I'tc iiatr ?ii A'u-l ur,;, April <1, m?* f,n| the Inlionin?: - While h<-fr nuit'ii jourUab. make litrnliiui I'a, !im luke ?!? i>,l?iig!n hy atfiuit. fie 4?or;u pai'4<* brii *? u* Ir'ter* ??1* ii??> h* (Ir.-^S;*. |hr,\l? tu mndti miother lofi'ilt up?oi iba.^JJ u? Al?rcl>; Sjt IJie K. yn'un? wert re,r\j(^d wilh * !??* # f ?-?ivur.u lliou>cor.liii~ to a i?|tort in ilie loiiUn MVrvi-, ti'i, Oi >d of I wound*; hut tlii? l.i?t waul' c.ih'.1>,ii.iiIoii ! l.vMcr* front &* ile, rfcrivrd at Vruice, April 10, annriuune ?r e dcuih of Ibtahiin fa< i?i j IV? find many ulnar arti. I??, nil u-nd.ii'* to couSrm Ilia fvt that th- tirtakf havn mt-t with *ome p,ic it i id nn??|M?r.l?d ?ucc* m. ?i.au> Mto. TUo lioiton t'ouw^r ni*t? ilia fjllowinif ar countk brought by a rtaa*! to l:ml pi>rt, mid al though tl-a new* i* of a more raiuotu dale, it will bo ftitiiid u?t nithoul interest, a* it cnnimun'cat?* the tkuatinp ea l utovciu?,nftf c<\ tint n Greek fortre** winch command* ,Nii*.dnii?ln, had lieen taken by Ihrahiui l'aciia. lha g*rri?on of which Dad into MUaoloti^ht, and aathe tircrUi hi the liiUer plae* had only fifteen day*' prnvitioi", H was eepceted the tdaca would to<>n fall into the baud* of lliclr rremiov A flreek ll#at wn? fttting out at Napnll with provi*?o?n and diiinliimit warfortbeir relief. Tho Ortt-k caiue wa? n?H coo*iderivj liopehf*, a> they bc^nr lu"b?? mora united for tlja eotntu?>it ? au*c of ihnr eou~?.y, .feeing lhcm*clvet abaodviio-l In fl^ht il ont witli* Taut the. bait dir*vd |td>l*n?? from li H{ii jiowera In Cti^dia nuib tt(j but the lilUe rotk Cciabure reira.'tiiid in lhair po*?c??jon. Nj;>oli de Itoniuniu wa*?ickly. Mcnrf, Whi!i. iojrfon and Jarvn ?o?tan>io<>ple ? Morra tgaili?t tlie ,Y *>'. Cm.. AJ?. VOLCANIC AITI. All/INC'!; I.t THE VCON. (Dy Copt Henry iCthr, k if J Oa $?i;tl?y evt-uii|rf the 4th of February, I oltcrvcJ h ItiuiiMOiii .'j?ot in ihe ?l?rk p?tl t?) u>e in'io'i, whit'i I Hits miliiud U? Mtribo to the umirfiwi n. f The tileirtfpo uiid'Hii an eseelNht Newto nian, oi OjlncliM np*rture, with a p-iwer ?>f VI* ?J'lie tii'XNi win exactly two tin' f ?nu the ? veiling $n clear tHut I wu?l>l< to ilivcru tlir KCHcr.il outline* in the dark |??rt of her due Iter we>tern axiinuth war about 70 degree*. end b?r (?llltinio ?!k?mI 10 degrees, In thi? po?tt/on, at G h "ir? ind minuter, Ihe by the eyf) appeared dhtaut Irons I he northern limb of fl* moon (limit l-IOth of her. diameter. It* appearance waa but of a small n*l>al?. anblend tug a.i Migla ?.f about three or four wtoafc lu ItfTghtncw very variable; a luminous point like a mmll ttar of the *l*th or rerenth magnitude, would suddenly appear in it* centre, mid suddea ly disappear, and thcae change* wouldrometime* take place in the course of a tew tncoodt. On the evenhtg^of the Oth, having an eogagemeot whltH prevented me from observing it my*elf. | arranged the tebwoope for two friend*, who re* market the aamn phenomena a* the night before, but in en inferior d?gr?c, partly, perha|n, In ennseoncnee of the evening txA being an fevora life. On the .Uffm.!rf arfced nenr tl* e?n M Hie Mii. ? welUfcaown dark *pot, from the mtlM* wwed '?? aHual eruption of llrr or Inmltiout awtti-iw*? ?h*tarit from tbo north ern limb of tbo uh><'? :H?, 57m 8f. tbo diameter ol the Miming |Mrt being not tew thnn3in.' f And that thi? lijtwhiion wai made about 1> o'clock in the oveojttK wbtfii tlir mnoa we* uoi quit* two deyaoldt ndiMaillv^ttill>? of the i|iold?v cribcd ? l?y Sir Wm. Ilertehell, I have no dottbt' of ill beiiif tboMim* thai I have noticed.** .fit*K?l ~htir Km! India Company'1 ntd terri tory, coniniioly known in Karui^t liy the neme ff llrtignl, otcniiylnt Hie ?peceoi l62.MM>?qitare IMtwh ludei, contained, in lfcH\ 31?,rt71>,000 mmiI*, txhibjiny a |>olntion than any e?j?iid portion ol the Glubc, ChhiA oot excepted. DOMESTIC. KXIRACi' From l/itfjutc'i of Mr Heingtt**, of fouitima, oit tht Paiuu.a .Minion. Mr. Chnirnlm: Out of (bi>- House?and, ! hid wry ?wrv In My, in some degree, by impliciiliou within i|?the mcmtieri have be?n tlaased either at inliscrimiuate uipporleit or O|ipotera nf nil MriMirri itrr.potftj |iy the eseoitive. Ifeuce, it life* been deemed nect tlv ?upport of disa|i|KobatiOu of executive inni?tiri'i. YiomI 11^ to necessity, I reluctantly ?|>eak of my-i-li, h*? I declare that, at the Inst election, whet, ill |l,-c?Mrni wm ihtignatcd hy tliit house, I gav?i my mice in f-vi.r of the candidate who had the ;n-ale?l number of electoral votes. An.I I di*l s > lfvr*u?? I li'lni-sM'd in Mm the mi'WMion of ipiu'iti^s, an I the ex.rtiun of tat* vtita, ht'iI h i|iiiii ji"il bun, ?? I Diou-'ht, in a greater de?r.rn viimi iny other man now living for tint jlntM Wivloni in_ formlns hi* plant? prompt linte i((i,i energy in I heir execution? eoar?{* ul icily reunite** ut dmijp-r, when cr ifiini?lnnre* roipnrf <1 action- pfiHlnuce not to he irrtiilod ?r drawn from it* purposo when no ad vmita wms to ho ga.'ncd by delay ilern iute^ri* I}, n t only {^corruptible in itrolf, but thbur* i ? uiid"j- hi* iiifbie.nrc or direction from the ' .ii promli of corruption?the |? ? tti?> c.ni'O ol hi* coun try Ihnt iipdIIiiU i>i) wi ry rjiiniilrrjtinii of j>ep* *"U*jI MlHy urtilnninjrt -ii ta!? -nt m-vcr, jicr- I b*p?? <-<).,idled, iti nui.iii^ din-ordaut opinions, md uirrctiti* ihi'm in tune of iluigerto the rnai. ?i?o:? id tho moment of victory ami Iriuii^.V. tf and'ehcerfut tubmistiuii to the 'itw\ iv.uiitry, . von when tficy j.n pnt-dnh-asjr p*;..(iy for a t* don? .u, preterm tlie la / H*oM*fly4 ?U 'pontiley from detraction 1 prefrrr#'! Idirnot ynly. because Ira wn* |.y ?hero chan.ttcri;t;e* r^i-juiy tpmliih J *>r the Pin." , !mt h;? egrr?t*e of iheto, f Inouglit tho co<^;ilry ii i^) i<,ciiir?l Wid human cuurnae. , ff* ? llia?ackol cHksNiid "of tho ?iMtrnetiM;,, filiate, bnlclury, vlulnl!o'n, aoJ OtUar Mroeitin, with which tbey ara adumSad, and w* lea: emo? have a right to atop them from speaking. *tt* ia tho course of rao* '"?'?f akbfc lad t* tho eaeroaeboiaat aa Hbarty in tho day of tbat fratoaa iaw. I rafar net to tba rolgn of the ftr?t A#am*, tbot dark paiiod of oOr htayqr, wiib any p^taia^fbr t?m it( hat to J^Waisjma^w^a aiof U?o4oogara whieh , h?>n ?tainr?l by an oration ?m thy *ummit, in which all the glorious achievement* of the second wnrof independ* nee were cnrelully rtme.nbcred in be for^oitenJ? Can I, while 1 fuel the responti* I'ility of my station; can I, knowing these things, i <*?> extiecfed to act opon faith with the gentleina.i* N'v ?ir! I caonot be led away by the symj>atMes , of any nuin for foreign couutri-*, who had m> Mil* fir hi* own lu the hour of her greatest per^s. , 77-e .S'tpritu.?The inci rating lrm>letir.o of the blacks la I hi* city U ? subjoct of universal coin pl.?int. TI10 d scootented runaway blacks from the wttitheru ?1ai?e hare bsan f?.r yaers gradually tonj relating in (hi* city, where they do little mof? (butt corrupt It* Tow g?tod ?iut make (be had worse.. A custom prevails with the negroes oftiiU city, which, arnnnic other*, to daily iucrcesing the bad feeltiigt Ii*lw?n the blacks end whiles, and Vhat Is, the practice, of driving* and sometimes with furw, the whilH off Ik* |Miblle walks, to I rustle and bast them at nWit, ud particularly tha Irrslmrtit of *hltt females, wbo bar* been fr?? quently intentionally intuited with (he grossest expressions in ptsstim of husband and parents. A few nights ago, n party followed ? gentleman In this city, who bad restated en attempt to jrut him r?ff the side walk ; on arriving at a dark place he wacr#d to ' mnrtler?then, and perhaps not till then, will the I whites be excited: but if lids ?ho?tld once hapfttn, I New Yerk will record a day ol horror tbnt ha> seldom been witnessed in a civilised country | A'aliitnul AJrstole. From As Dtmtcrmtic I'rti*. ,j F.dttord Thortpton 4c Hobtrt Motrh ?-Ttiere are rtrangn iltii'tratmns of tLe evendiandednet*1 with which justke returns the poisoned chalice to tha lips'of men. Mvrnrd Thimpt^n I* at length in prison, after having been long indulged in all the luxuriesof bis own spleodld establishment - Umbtrt Morri*, to whom the United States are uixler many and heavy obligations, was loog in. volved in pecuniary Jjffivultle*. His notes were sold, publicly, for smell smi compared with their apparent value. Among the purchasers of tbese note* was Edward fkompson?th* same who has rtcently, so little to hisowu credit, fll? led so large a space In the public eye. lie obtain ed judgment on his notes and determined to get bis money. At that period Mr. Morris lived at the ?plendld establishment, now the country seat of Mr. Pratt, awl took much point to seeludo himself from his creditors end Use worM. Mr. Thompson, the sense who is now in FhiledolpbU Arek street pri son, determined to arrest Mr MorHa, and having aseertairfOd the necessary fcets laid his plans ac cordingly. It wo* in the spring of the year?Mr. Morris used early In the morumg to take 1 walk for kis hea'.th. A tshermen boring eftught In Sehuytklll river, on the luinksof which Mr. Mor> ri? lived, a very fine shad, he took it to Mr. M. to sell It. While this unfortunate patriot was ci ioing the fish, Mr. Edward Thompson, Use > I hatre before mentioned and two sheriff's oAeers seised the poor k?nttemen and lodged blm In pri son. I do not know ?>r certain whether he died tkera or not For the truth of every perticuUr of this story I do not vouch, but I do assure the pub lic I have riven It to them as f here beard it, snvo only that I bove omitted many of the commenta ries and observatMts which were *n?le, and have confined myself to the Mere narrative. A erowd of refection press upon my mind lust I forbear to put I Hem to paper, and leave overy reader to maki his owt* comments. Mytteriou* but right*, ens end Just ore tho dealings of him who rules over all f a tutrrn telleh, Mm?thvmlk ?The arhele ?umber of votes re. Htmed for Hovernor, at the Mo election, was **** cf whWi l*h rsnf In, bed trjmi ?The . .. noiTON A1 ? Earty la January but* n eem|^|^ifjU jfa* I teea of the lWtoa, AlhvtiriS)! wu ifMllWd to Uk? into eoaeideratien Uw ?C ellewi?nthn Wok# to nireaUt* among Ike proprietor. .The committee rcaommendtdthet ?? attempt *0*14 t>4 made to units eevernl of the Willi the Atbenaaum, end tl??t atn . _ ??tow andJifa ritsre holder*, as wouldpey i flee dollar* fhould be allowed (| U&e (I . Gem the library under MMfe refutation* MI rs&S^T&xs fuM power to Mrry iaio affMt rtM site, Tbe mim cJidoiluc* Mrra e'*?? lostrUaied tonamiue Into ami ticvrteln tbe dcfieiet&lei vS tlic lihtnry, nud lo t.tkp injures M lbs truiteeo should approve to M>ppur tbcin, jctx raj^r. 3stfs&$ rut'rtn Aa*ocUtloo< Tbe Medical library mi lamed nwra tUen twn thousand volume ?,f well Kltcicd modem work* on tnedipi)ie,e?r#lcy anA ebimeslry, purcbsmd within ?t? MM i pen*e of mora than fourthonaaitttlUe dollar*. Ibi* Hbmiy-now forme a Allien aium.- The proprietor* of the . brary, being thirty-one in mwubw. wtfi eat te lifr-riftht* In the Athencum, wHH lit* prim ol ?vhan*lng such life-righta for full aharet paying each an additional *nm of "n* hundred aA Ifty dollar*. Thtily of lhe*e proprietor have ta ken ?har*? in the Aibeeamm, trying la all ? aim/ of four thousand Ire hundred dnl|*r?s ?o that the property ofth* Athenrenro ia ineretsed mere ttui nine thousand dollar* by thla' unlock. The Bclfnlific association, formod a. few moijlhr >lac?, lor tha uurpoee of procuring a coSIectk ?cf ncMntiOc booas.hsve oMofhed a *ob*f>tm> ted for the purchase ol tha aclrntifle book* ?*on talned in a catalogue prepared by (be trustee* of tha Sr.lcntiOn A?>?cletion.. Ibis catalogue does uot rontnin any book* now in the A the* run, end it will makr a very important addition to tbair ?J teaJy respectable colWtion of tcienlific book*. This department of the Albrktttia will alio be rendered much more complete by the sum ant lion* of the roj tcribed in Feb. 1826, for eetnpltiing tbe tran*ji? ?e royal ?orJetles end aeademie* and *?*> ence tu London, l-slinliargk Dublin, Pari*, Pe-t tersburK, Berlin, Turin, (Jottwgen, Stochhalnr^ Copenhagen, Madrid and LMiom, making in thaT whole.oneof the mo*tcomplete icientifie liUaliea* in tiiO United States. TH? mean* t.iimi by Die committee (a ripply' the deflciencle* |n the library will -M teed by Oio .? annual repot* made *?y tua proprietor* ot the*" Aibenwum, at ibeir meeting M?y St, I82dr'?l blcfc"; wa* accepted and ordered lo beprii4?d. ' * REPORTf. Therominittee appointed hy a eote ef Ihepro prietoi*. Mti-li t8, 1820, b?>g tenve'te r?|M?rt !?? That having s?c<-rtatned the ?ladclanrea in the library to be great,they wirac^niiUonR the ri pedienry of a general ?u>Mcrlf>tina%monj( tbe prei?* priAfor# i o'iupply the MBit, wh< n C'ol-1 heron? If Perkins, by a fetter of March 90, lltl^monll ceutly otfered to ^ive eight thousand dollars to ward* the completion e? the new Uotave roomi, ' provided the lille turn shouU' l?e nbteribid by or tbe friend* oftbe At hen? urn, before the Intday of November neat^and Jaa*?? Tcrkini, Eeq.by a. letter of the tame date, end in lh^ tame munlfi ? cent apirit, made ? similar eCrr, ear similar c?0 tjiiiona.?Wbcr^tipoa yonr eomulttee. in paw?- ' nnea of ibeir Inat ruclb>ni, q Sulfrintiona fir tha TrnneactkMta(ff no don, Pari*, I c of whl^B aura Col PV. ? kin* ftohaeiihed fuQQ,and Jeme* Per kinaE?o.|fl(? 1,7# Bcieuttfic As>oeiation,(?t least) V 3 JIO Araouut in cub or approved f4W>00 To IIih i Catalogue prtperad by the Ttttsleei o| the SeientiAe Asaeciation, ?,nV> Catalogue prepored by the Trustees of tho Atlimwnm, {about) |0,70#> I'or loading and 1^0' Mnkin* In ell gOAto Leaving the moi el $ lUN to be oddsd la I Me permanent fund of the institution, tho Income ??f whlvb isto he appropriated to i he pnrt-batetdbuoka hereafter. D?n thia ia not the oalv.or the priori not new source of bteome,thof will be open*4 to I the AlhenaeiMB.fr>* the potchese of books, wbVj aaey be estimated aa follow*. vl|: Income from new fun<1. (about) fMO from Leetera Jtoon>, Wh> from circulation of book#, (about) 9? prletftfe The eddrtioo to it? mean*, fhaa obtain ?d In a very abort time, will prob?My rentier it H HMftf " n In tbo united State-' ? very short time, wilt prnbe* to no ?imMerhMtMoib n In the i which is respeetfally rnbmlth i"? ofiMiOK w.