?i?59i^- :.'? -v - COLUMBIA, (S. C.) TUESDAY*MORNING, JUNE iO, IBM. " '. ? ? * ztumjikv ?dtirtri* aub n?m v?KMiy it ftiswnrr, ^ ^Hi ii ifrtfi 4 1 -U MS: THE VA^KOF MJVE I know n .irer and lovely .pot, A aotaaof gptrtbtiwawlof flower*, And MllMoj* nntetjlgti Fleamrc'e |a^ Vet think m l in bower* and broolu, |t? b"?l *b4 denmt eUerm It fonad; Old 1W tbe h mk of eat wboM look* Sh?d light, aud hope, aud tpilaf, around. And wI*re it cluingtd to (rtckltu Mod, . ,love'i Mfio wand lleteettr would bail; And flow?r? and frul(?,th? fair laud, Would floarkh in that de???rt vale. 'LINKS WRIlTKN AT SUA. ay AjT KMiotsat^ Ct*r the wW? waves. f wek the kindly shore, Wlitre JMe?tly, friend of Man, i? |om? before; blow y? propitious wiads ejavYing gale, ' And eastern oraeres fill each swelling mI|. . Weft me where Freedom, nymph of rosy hue, Willi btukia'dfaet lm|iriat> the psarly dew Where no proud Tyrant with unbounded sway, Mcds hb commands, and trembling slaves obey. Nuiwarm of peftioners, e rordid hand, Those starving locusts of a kturviug lend ; So tneiuHhrllt L.rnl#, the Monarch's supple tools, uialed on Fashion's lap and turned out fools: Ho hireling spies, a despicable (race, Mt&oly to lalngle in cacU public piece, To our the slowing ?hsrmi of social life, Ike A friemUUIp's bonds nod tola the world atsUifo Hail ( happy elbne. to thee fees evry laud tVhere cruel d??|H>u rule with Iran hand, Virtu# oprretf d shall from corruption fly, to 4ale the tejkp of thy Mial sky. Vho sportive qurn# too (dai daiigbls 16 rove, free a* the songaler of the vocal grove? Oa the g?y plains bey eaten read aball fill, fttag tlm broad ri??re and the U*wYin* hill; The united 'friends in faithful notes rvbaarsa, Aad tluuat tba tklwi ia issmoital verve. BETTER MAURY THAN BURN. - 1* attacn o*ao?:mni foraaot her! HOUSE OF COMMONS. Itt the debet# hnnnit, front the hon orable find lout ned crtillatiMti who hnejuat rat down. That honorable ami learned l;eitllcin.iu hits allowed himself totay, that lid w?i not umiutrised Id make cerfmn stutcoienis?not at libnrty to make certain adtnioinna?Jn u word, he dre#s the house ns though he ?idly mMroUrd i'or llio oc ?qcb lungnsige hs w.w U40nl uml it the eourts of justice, hot w* ed new imd striking in the , membW ?t" ih,t hou?o. With thech iraetrr which marked the< tien of his epeuch, tlie vehemei hfsted ,Mst nnquul *ure and mrcmim 1 #ay, that us respect* those A?lur?< of kit, l am with perfect sincerity suture the house, nud the honor* able uma learned gentleman himself, that I entertain no HMtOHMt of anger, nor anj other fueling* than IhoM in which I tun ture I curry with me th? sympathy of nil , who enterlMin muihI Viewson this interest* ?"K question; nod who now, for the first] time, hear that honoruble nod learned gen tlcmtin launching forth hit denunciations ngniiut the maintenance und advocacy ot general principled?against the inloption of philosophical theory?against acceding uf tev delay and circumspection, to the uni versal desire of eveiy honest.end intelli gent in tin in the country, end yielding to the opinioQ every enlightened man in Burope^?ftfevd cheering.) I leave him then, lor. in the full enjoyment of all the n^w light (hut hp* to recently end to sod denly broken in upon him. I leave him and hi* honoruble friend* around him to digest the tauutsand aueer* which, on the present occasion, it has been hit pleasure to ponr forth ?against a course of mea Hurei which hit friend* profess to have | been (he first to recommend, and for which ithey claim the merit.?[Cheer*.] Now, 'Sir, I beg to any, that m whatever quar* tors the statements ot the houorable mem* bor for Coventry may have originated, and more especially if they.be from iudi* vidual* now suffering distress from the want of employment, atod which' want of employment they may conceive may have been caused by the measures of this house; frees whatever quarters, I say they may come, they are entitled to otr indulgence. I feel, siri the difficulty in which I am placed, in rising to oddies* the house iu opposition to what it has heard from the mover and tecoudcr of the muiion. In opposing it, I may teem inteixible or in* different to the distres* which now upon so Urge .a portion of tlio manufac turer*, not only in this brunch, but iu others. Tho honorable aud learned gen* tlemnn has affirmed, that 1 wh? not only mistaken in my views, but that 1 ton insen sible Jto the dktretsee now prevailing among the manufacturing classc*. Mr. J. Williams denied having applied the term iuecndible to the l ight honorable gentleman. Mr. Huskiisou?Moot certainly 1 under stood it to be to applied. I appeal to the lionse, Whether the honorable and learned ientleman did not, iu the whole course ol its speech, spoak of me as one lost' to every thing but ? a desire uf maintaining consistency, und the principles I former* ly professed, ut nil tucrifkct. I appeal to tbe house, whether he did not use h quotation applying to uie the malignant qualities of a demon. I| j* for him to If* concite hit opinion* expressed tit different times in Pariiameut, aud for me to enter* taiu my fueling* of utter scorn for the ?:? cusation. Charge* have been made against me from other quarters, aud before 1 sit down I shall be eblc to repel them, wd ?hew the house that my conduct, und that of my friende around me, hus uot been represented by the honorable and learned member who hus, by some strauge per version cf understanding, nnd, indeed, the honorable member for Coventry baa done the same, addressed the houne upon the subject as if wo now hoard of it for the first time. Tliey Inivo gono on in n manner which would lend eny one to sup* pose that this very measure was not the result oi nn act of Parliament passed 18 months buck, and which hus. in fiict, be come part of the law ot the U d. I own that, in the view I take of the speech of the honorable member for Coventry, of which I do uof* complain, and of tbe speech of the honorable and learned mem ber who last sat down, of wbieh I do com plain, upon tbe view I take of them, they seem to me to go entirely upon thic, viz. that the principle* r.f commercial policy which have prevailed lor the last two >r three years in Parliament, and which tend to remove alt restriction* on commerce, end to ^ive every facility, consistent with veMed Interest, to the extension Of manu factures, industry, nnd the full employ ment ot capital. have been the cause of the present condition of the .count ry.? What other view can b?s taken of tlx-in, after all we have heard about reciprocity, which applies to every measure which re late* to tlin different i: ire (instance* under which manufacture* and trade were car ried on, now and heretofore. I therefore consider the present question is, whether we shidl, bv re* enacting these prohibitions, re-extablmh the *y*tem of restriction gen erally f M hether wo shall (road back *11 the ?tep? we hoe# m*rf? i? ndtence to wards n better system of commercial po licy! [Cheers.] If we retreat in Ihi* in stance, we must in eontiiiefef tetrace all our other step*: imy, we meet | eml under prohihitionei been heard of before. VNe slmll be obliged toL of llmo* total oxdtfeioto lw motion Mipr# JM now, bat, m i (Mid before, of totally .changing Its com. mercinl policy*. It MeMrttbt howe be fore it dociuc* this important Question, to look a little ut whnf bee fcecn the cnm of the measurA adoatei by government 1 shall be sorry ^detain the house; tat from the importance of the subject, I feel callml upon to ask permisdon to cell Hi at* tcetion tn a petition presented to the house in M?iy IOTO, which was like the present -online ol grart'ifytress aod difficulty? Impure the house, t}wt Ihoac honorable members who may fosor me tviih their At tention, will he regarded by bearing prio? ciplea laid down in .the. ^clearest manner, not by theorists; n^mutoMlosophera [cheers]?not by anbetnliug metaphysi cians frith the malignity of demoos in Iheir hearts, but by merchants .and traders, und those principles eiprested in terms so much more perspicuous tbun those in which I could etpovbd them, that I shall read it to the hettae. It is the petition of the merchnota and traders of the city ol' London; il states?;, i ?? T? at forslA coeftnetce b emlaeatly condu ct r? to the w<h /ml proM*rhy of ? oountry, by enabling It to Uapoft the eoaMnoUUies for lbs productions of w^lah'tbe soil, aiuuete, capital; awl iudartry of other countries efa best eat and to eaport la p*^(f mutual advantages, alatum an Inornate of the wealth & fid cnjo}u,tnU among the ihbitbllarit* Of each state. *' Tbnt unfortunately, a policy, the very re verse of Jhi?, lias hern, aud u. mote ur Ism, adoj4j>d and acted opou by the ,-nveromeut *>f Ibis and of overv other counts, each iryiog to exclude tLc productions of other countries, with the spacioiu i.nJl well meant denga ol encvUMR in* its ????? production*: thus iufla-tiac oil the boik of it* ml?j< cu, who are r-mruniSrs, the tie evilly of