CONG HESS. Otturml of (At V. Statu. ' Sir?Alter a mi efal nimldmttoi of the cm vf Mr. Adatrta, which you have Mbmltloil for ruy uplnhn, 1 Jhinkhun c'early entitled lo the whole rtiillt, which wu allowed and paid to hint by the I President, nut of tha fund placed by l?w at In* disposal, (or thU purpoae. ?1 think Mr. Ad?tu?' view of the aubjeet unanswerable. The quetliou uf. outfit ia giviu to lite President. e*cluiiv?l;. ami without Hail, save only that be U not to n - ?**4 u whole yanr'e aalary. In the p'rfM ta?< lie kept wMlila thW Unit, and lib decision final aud Irrevocable. The refusal of congrea* ?.o i?>ctloQ the allowance, ia wholly imuioierial to twi quMtluu; their Mnctiou wu not nccewuiy to ooo'omntnte, either tba |>ower of the l're?ldeut, or the right of Mr. Adam*. Tlicy were both per fect without It?they ?to.?d uikiu existing lawa, acting tin an cabling fand, and not U|*oa a fund thereafter to ho called Into being, by a v?'to of ongrt-M. ' Had the latter been the ca?o, my opinion would have been different Wore an ?!? lowanc* of an outfit nothing more than an nh matr, prepared by the Pretident to he laid before cengreti. with a view of leadtvg to an nppropri ullou nut of which it wu to he paid, then con grew would hare the control of the ?ubjt< l, onJ their refoMl to appropriate would uvcitula the President. Out the fund or foreign intercourse i?, I undrratiinl, ??? .Tiiuual fund, out of which th.? ??oen?ef nf that intercourse ure paid; and il vat from thu fun>i, thui placed at the dl?|K>?al of th? l'r<-*i?l?'i,i, that the outfit allowed to Mr. Adams wa? diawn and paid; aod, aonsctpieuily, that no appropriation wa? uucvsta ry to give thu president's dv<-)simi ? fleet. The Allowance having been regulate inadn and paid, I coosider the subject a* placod b**yunri tr e reach of recall, either t?y the Prvsidcut ?>r r?>n (Tew. It would ho extremely unjust and cruel. w?re it otherwUr An allownnco i* regularly made to a foreign .Minister, on the ?-*pre?? ground of us being uc?*e??ary to the ainc*> is all over, and 0>e expense* have Iteen incurred and raid, he it told that In Oiu^t refund one half of tiic advance | am per miii led that no couit of ju?tice would tolerate this?and I will b4rt-iy suggest in conclusion, that if you thhik oth?rwi?e, it U pmrticahlo to ui.ike tee experiment, hi ordering a ?.nt again* M;-Adams, lor the alleged bul.tuce in |d> liaudv to ?1iic|i, | dnro hiv, lot would maku i;a ol.j'c ttnu, but. you will not un l*r>tnn I ine uiiviMiig tlii* course,-fur I am tli'Tou^ly ptrnitded tiiut theeait would fail. I have the honor to remain, hie, your rcspevt fcjl aud ohodieut ?ervaat. ? WM. Willi. The Prtudrtit of fht L'iuU>l btntt* The wa? ordered t?? he luid ou the la Llv und prii.ted. TFaiAiajfoii, Man 12 To the S*nate. the b?u? urilcrrd to % third readlo< ware pB?*e.l nod ??nt lu tlir ilou'e of AepretcitUiivev The hit! foi the rel'ainf f)"n Carlo* '?? h iul? L>i U??ut, (lie hill for thi r*!icf of wndry per*on? who huve low proper ty ?bv Indian depredation, ?????! the bill* t" umend fn? e'Mrter of l!i" town of Aleiandiia, were order ed to ?third reading A hill *??? introduce I l.y Mr Dickeraon. fioti. the Sela** Committee on that ?n> j to ilhirM'Ute ennuilly aiuon* the ii v?r?l 0Utii, the surptu* revenue of the L'mU*d St?tei. i'dJ * bill hy tU<> Judleley Committee, to r?/u* lute the procam-* ?'f the United Stale* t'ouM* in tho*e Stme* whir1, have Imhiii Bu, uttc-d into the Colon ainco Sept. 17fW. Y..tcrday, mi th?- House of Representative*. the b>ll for the r?*11"l of f . m ? >ioi,i.?e, lulu l're?idctit ??f ? tie United Slite*, wm taken up hi conimittro of tho whole, and le^orted without auieudment. I? wh theo laid ou tliu table, on the motion of Mr. Ingham, with the undercut dm,; tliat it would be cmII-1 up to-dny. The t>iit concerning u tinder, over the Potnmau River at fieorgrtown, in tlda iDbtrM, waa defeated, hy the Mrikiiig out of the 4 propo?ed to carry it Into effect. On thi* ocCe?ioii, .Mr. Weliater look a decided Mnnd against thm *y*tem; and although the hill wa* gnaloiuly and ably defended hy M.'. Powell, of Vir. lud Mr. Thompson, of Fennnylva ?!??. the motion to itnke out (he lectionprevaded. Toe hill for the relief of Mr. Cox, the PaymaMor, hy refunding a con?i>ter.?Mb auiiunl of wiioh he wft? robbed, waaalao rejected. Si.vcral bill* were act"d oft In cent., vbn-h ha* been r?ti(i?d by and with the advice an I C invent et the Senate of tlie United Slate*, and having ??kcd of Coagma an appropriation to carry it into afbet, the under* jigiied^tlenre?cntelive* of ih* people of (Georgia, tetfl it't'ieir duly re?pa?:M.jliy to re^reteut to the tfoUM That, by * contract mndit C otgreiH, anticipating ?neh contract, had ?p proprlated tin ?um ot two humlml en I ftjiy th?m Mnd dollar* toward* the eaevutlon of It. ThW con tract tmriiully fti)(l'le?l, o?ed by the Occupation of the Crack Indian*, lo the full e?arc(ae of all the treated right* of the State over a roi)?l lerable portion ofhar toil and territory. That the und?r?igQed are under the aoleinn con* ?lotion, th#t neitl'.er tlie PreatJant alone, nor the frtddent and B?nnt?conjointly, nor the Govern* taeat of t ha United AUfat.bare any cototitati-Oil , |?ower, whhout the co??eat of Georgia, to ,Mt rapt, or itralldatn, nnder any pretenra whaltoa v*r, ?!?' right aacnrfd to that Stale hy thi* coat met, made in ol* bene* to a? act of Congre**, and rat* M*4 with all dtM ?o|en?nily. , That the aaw eontraet, for whVh an appropria> tian ?? oow a*ked, differ* from that at tlta Indian 9ptrl?tf* l? tUa?That it 4om got provide for the ramoval of Mm Cntk I doM oot tlMMljT movUo for M tb? UoJ ?oc?|M by tbatt I* tWfi*. Tbo uod?r?Unr 1 are, tberafira, rompelkd by a ju*4 miht of what w u? Georgia, to protaat, they do moat ?olroiuty prot?*t, agatort U, u tiolatfng the riKbU vf thai member ol the Uoiuo of wblob tiiry Krtllw iUpraaaotativwi ioaving it to tha cou*tiiatiMnal organ* of tK? State loveroipty to vindicate or to waive tbt?e right*, a* their own ?eiweof propriety, their duty to the people of the Blate, aud their revereace for the Uniou of the Buteti under the Federal co.ulit utirn may dictate. AI,FllKP CUTMBE^T, GF.OKCKCAHY. JOHN FORSYTH, KtnVAfU) F. TATS ALL, K. tf .VYNK*, Wfl.KV THOMSON, JAMKS MLIUltlYKTilKR. ' We ere appretun?ive thai the Judiciary hill ha* fallen through, fioui lit" d'Mnroemeitl vf tlia two huotm ea to the ujotle of adminolering the remedy acknowl?-d*rd to U> u.i?li?ig d^leel*, liirltin toihti Wekteru Stitea, iu (l.e adniVibfniliuii of the C luilitutiou mid { Uhi ol *l>e I'ult' <1 States. The bill it n>t dsnd, ; to he aure; hut $! ap|>eara t) ut to h ve n raivwl j it* death blow. .Vat. In:. I David Hrcarly, of N?ttv Jer?ry, h;? been a|t |tointrd hy lliu I'le-iJi-ut ol' the l uilrd ?>t..ter. witli Ilia emiient Of I In? tenate, to l?c hk'IiI of lite Kmi^rutitij petty from Die Cntk Nation ol Indian*. lb. (_ To tl\r I'.iUlttr \>f the .Vational Jouhial] Mm. Khiiou M.\ lluudolj-h huviug delamed my privaiv ctinr.uier in llio ?enuu> of the United Stele*, I wim? to litis placn in the hu|>a of pre vailing uo bun, by u candid e|?|ieal mhtajudft nieut and uia^nuuiinily, to retract hi* at'cutuliuni. With this view I addressed litni ihc letter below, intruding the (riend who bore it, lu nature hnn it ?ii? iii(ifTuii?ive in language, and explanatory and pacific iu ita uhjo:!. Tin* precaution wa* itted from * well-founded ap|irehen?iou that Mr. lt.indol|i)i alight object to receiving il. .The geu. tinman who oarrnd it mad.i t wo ineffectual at* tempi* tu ????< Mr. lluiidolpli; when, believing lint! no interview Mould be allowed hint, he *u> rIt.ied it, ttcmiiiljtamud by a note of hi* own, in which lilt; itbovcuMurnoce. a* to lilt character of the litUr, was mode. N'otw iih?tanding, Mr. I '.vaudnl|i'n refused lo rccoive il, of at leas I to road i it, an.) returned H by the timid*of * uieiiil>er Imiii ? V rgini*. Dyie^l .d iu the rc.uouabie li?#p<<( { Mr. Ilnud-dph would condesceitd to hear the dn I leuoe ol it cilixcu uud iomtilurut, wbnm lie had i iiiijU?tly assailed, and r?'|?uir the lujury lie lind in . dieted, I ii.-kul )mi Ihe favor to wake tbial tlulnuce I kuowo lo tlio public, Lb't'iiteil, o? he k>|>OMll, ! luu hi^li in raiiK and character tu .tcknowh'd;;* ? lue hi Hiiy ?h?iic, uh an e'|u?l, to challenge A|r. i iUndtilpU would iauii*tratiy the M-iiute lor u breach of ; privilege. All thi* Mr. Itmidolpli know*, nud ?p(-uro in t.i* ten.tloriul nuuiuiiitiei, he riots iu u,0 | flnu^htert-d rc|Kitauiiiia of. Itii Icllutv chtscu*. i .Vune are virtuou* e?i >u;li lo ?n-ape In* Unipariiij; ' imiligftlly, or oh?cum ?ii"0gh to elnde ilia hla*l i of hu wiihtu nmoilliriipy. Ftiini'hhip it for , istiilun in ihe fuuiit of piditical iiHoKJCitlioii, mi l i f?mitle iuod?-?ty it%eli Ci-*, coVerud Willi i>|u?h> Hie ?ioie brcHth his fcatltrr* the n*1ic? ol titi*, aud i murilei* the fume .J" tliu living? an l join* iu tlia Iininv dcuunciutiuii a /rtforvuii and mi vilitiir. JOHN II. I'LEA^AM i. TO JOHN ItANDOLi'll, E?j. HuthinrJon, />n( from Ki.ltuiogd ?everal J? V>, I In aril it itli rnach ?urpri*eoii my return there, tloii you hud Jr? med me woilliy ol .1 t|iccinl c*? ti^ntio.i in your o( Wedue?duy k I mn concerned; but a? limy could not be mddcnly turnuhed, uud Warning that you were on (liu eve of leaving tin, pise* for t'.nglauih nil I | can do at ptcwul it to klaic the ch.?r/? ? ui t'l^y I Imv?j l>ee? verbully*trulioit: 4th, that Iliad l?.eu ilU|(r?<''iJ by my transaction* vritli the bunk* in lyncbhurg, in coiiwqneticc of which I had left thai lowu for Kichmond Tbe?e are the ditiinct charge* ai far a?your tvruarkt Uavo been report' J to me. 1. I abhor, ?ir, the character of a j>r..Uncd du elli?t 11 inacb n< yon can.. No conduct of my life, no opinion thai 1 have ever uttered or euUr* tamed, can jo?tity (lie application ot the epithet me. On one negation only, I wan lot nod by circum'tiince* to nabrare thai alternative, or ? ubui't to dbgrMtc. Ou that occajion, lb? mode in which the affair terminated, by the acknow ledgement of the high-minJed youn< gentleman who wai my antugonikt, that ho lind done me in justice, 1* Hie best evidence that I had not volun tarily ? oUifht the contiMt Yonr friend Ueniainio Watkio*, uf Kichmond, i< acquainted with the circ.uui?tauc??, mid I appeal with couAdenco to hit ilaletiient, should you deem uiliw un wor thy of credit. Tiial Iheru are ?ituntion, that Jm*? lily such a retort, y?iur own conduct 011 two oco?i t im of your 1 lie, foe a* you an to the ptactice, tdflttieiitly deniomJrarei. Your send charge I prt nunc it embraced in (lie olhir three, and 1 Mill thorefur* proceed to the third. 3. That my paper had been purchased up by the Adminiitvati >n Tliit^e, I presume, it lia*r-4 i.pon the fact, la piet, that 1 wa? diputtd |n 1B2A, to eurry dv?i>a tiuanox Ayru?. While I admi' that thai circum stance |ivr? a |i|auiihihty to the charge, I do not doubt m> ability to intiify you ot its iuc?>rrvclitew. When I a*k"d that appointment Iroin the Secreta ry of Blate, I told hint that J desired neither nun lume.nt nor honor by it, nor w?i it possibla by it toii?-qtiire either the oik-or the other. I told him fnviher, that a deranged Mate of feeling made me dr?iie a lem|?orary aloenoe from Virginia, ami that my finance* being uneq ial to the charge, that I should be happy to acl a* a mtMngtr to the Oovermnent if any wai ?!iortly to be employed. I averred that I tough! no nfAce, an I that I would e?r.haiige my b??lU'm al home for no office which the OovefNioenl could crily," or w lhonl authority. I would not apply for that appoint ment when the l ir.-ulatlon of my po|??r entitled mc to it, became I would not mrnr lli? Imputation* whieh are la* v??hly dealt upon Ihoae who have the wnhtiime to (HllillOi them. I do Ml advertise eulttoivrly for the pnblie depart men tt hi Waahtogtnvr-iHtr to any tbiftglilie Ihe e?tent lhat the Knoaher doe# Three of four memhert oaljr of the Government anWeritird Id my paper; aor^m t palronteed, n?r do I with to he peteoniied in %f irre?(ntar way.-* I aoppoa ?uch measure* of the OovefwewM, * "ktiehouly, M laptiruva. t pmnme thalthUe nia* of lit; nalnral and ComKHtHtQMl rf ' of lylwt, ???( directly or Indirect!7 tor Ihelr fo?Ora.? Ciot can be established by thalc raeords, and |?? *h*?vld?M*qf evacy bank o?eer la iba town. ? another shape I bod transaction# wiib tliote lit* ?tilutiop*. If | way call thVni by thai tarn. I' joined 4 paRy, w ho, Uliaviug tha book* lo thai placa mismanaged lo ibaonpreesioa ofuertaio In dividuals, otaiM annual eBbrte to affect a reform. A* thla Wes tlse wrnkcr party, I bad sacrifice* to incur lu Joining it, but nothing ip any eveiy lo gain, Individually. That tha citisen* of Lyucb hurg did not consider m? disgraced, It rpanifesl from tha lact of their Riving ui?, tha lest year that I resided there, n unauimous vote,, with (our exceptions, for a scut In the general nuaubly. It lias occurred lo n?a? (loasible, irom .your habits of intimacy, H at you way have derived voiir impression* concerning me, from Thome* | Miller, E-'q.of Powhatan. I say not this 10 the j. war of u ? leading quastiuo, but to refer you, if 1 such be the lact, lo au retract of a letter from | that fanllt mm to the adilots of tha Eoqalrar.? | Having called uimi tboso editors for the author ! of a piece tinned Patrick Jlenry, In which I con ! ceiveduhargt* lo liavVt been insinaated against my ? private integrity, Mr. MUier declared himself i'io author, and di?:laimed (ho cons(ruu(lon which I had put, hi (he following Inuguage.?"That (row mII he had heard from me, such a chars* was out of the question, 'ml he entirely disclaimed it." 1 mention lhi?, that if yon should have du rived your unfavorable impression* from that geollctttuu, to satisfy yon that be Is convinced that they were eiroueout. Thus, sir, hnvv.I met, ami 1 hope refuted, to yout ratKfacIiou, (he dirgraoelul charges you made egaiust mo io the senate ol (he UnUed Stales. If (his eflcct it produced on your mind, I (hen throw myself upon your uiagiiinlmity to ackuow* ledge it. and to render me Justice. Our relative situations give me an additional claim to this re* dre?<. Itepreseutiug Hie sovereignty of VirrNia, kultwn to the whole Union, planed by yoi je and chstsnler >0 lil
  • e I am mil too obscure lo be unworthy of thai jus (ice which every citir.on bus a right to eapecl iron>'fce*ry other ciliaeu. I have heard that you have-udopicd the rule never to jjivc esplniiMtioiis. Bui your renst ol moral obligation ought not to permit tin* rule to makr you |?uiliy ol' individunl injustice. T<( (hat a^nse of eternnl obiigat-uii I appeal?convinced at Iho tame lime, tlinl you cunuol w isli lu destroy the lame of an imioeeut man. I(i"lyiiijf upon your candor, and Coiifi Iiii.t in the viiflicieucy ol llsia explanation to rumovu your injurioii, luipreesUm* re?|?ectiii(f me, I res pectfully u>k, Hiul you will make hii uckuowledg inenf Id tlint ilJ'cit, lo be published iu the ,\? lioi.u! Juu.ilwl. JOHN 11. PLKASAXT8. We ifjjrtt to iw.rr.five, that in the House of lie prt>?i, I.mi bill appropiih!iii? $100,01)0 to ?:'>Jti|n*ii?alr >W U. catur, widow of ( duuii.kJom. IWMur,. en?l otiifr*, il?" r<'i?rt)MiuiHtive? uf tbo*e offr-cr* wlir (lie Incite Pu'U't. ia>liite, at l'ri|>oli, bits burn laid on tlm t4l>ltt, tin rr to remain. W# regret It bi> c?mo tlie claim ?< Fup* is a Jtbt actuully due, mid whiuh nujlil I'i bu |M?td. The I'hiUdelplim, cou\ mended by Cuiumodoro Baiubrid^e, with three hundred ninu, fell n.tu the h.iud> <>t the 'i'rifxili tan?, uuil the crew turned captive io the dun geon*. The veatnl Mm* mooted under the ca*tl.w, Mid the creaccpt waved over the ?tar ipuugled buuner. It waa.attbU junrturr-, when the *l>ip w?t* In |totae??ion of the enemy, under protection of *everal hundred jiiece* of ordnance, that f>u catur and a brave handful of inao, iu a little iMrque, dUgohed m fiihoi m?n. |ft*tened *theni ?alve* to the frigate, aprmng ou bomd, and, after a fierce and bloody encounter with the ?? malig nant and tarWnV Turk," on the quarter deck, cat tied her at *11 poluta, drove the 'lurk* into the ion, tore dewu the crimton Aug, fired her In *e vend part*, and took to their little f)?hing ?maclc, aud tailed off triuuiphautly.* Thewidow of I)o oatur a>ki the nation to pay the gallalit crew and herteif, a* the tule representative of hrr d?eased busbaiut, the vain* of the *hip tliu* captured r Had no important coittequence* rcsulud to the nntinti, from thi# tuceeuful eiptoit, It would aiill lw n deW, Tlie ship wa? captured, and lo?t to the lint inn; the pa?*ed into other hand*; tilled uti d?>r the eneniie't flaj and was recapture*] from that enemy; repat*ed iuto the |*>wer of the Ante i icani, who dcitroyed her to prevcut a recapture. ? - lialtigk Ittguttr. Wc have copied the following article* frctn???. We were tbfen unable to InJ Ten ner'* map, from vthleb tbat i* protested to lw ta ken We ha vasince examined that map, and And, f'/ein/y marked and lettered oa It, the boundary me of Ilia Creek* and Cherokee*, o{ winch the Journal take* no uotkq; although, u*fut?tiomtMy, tha Treaty line commences where that bonndary line ttrtke* the Chatahoochee, runnios down lite river GO mil**, and on that boundary line 46'ndir* we*t, or till it aUlkea the boundary Una between tha two ?tales All the map* which we have ex * mined, aud gentleman from neighboring rounlic#, make Gwinnett and D? Kalb ha upporite the Cher Mkee Land* (l>eKalb*t touthern boundary being the old line between the Croak* and Cb*ralieee,J It placed fluxxard Iloott io the Cherokee territory 4i|t*, the Journal'* ?ketcb ieavldently MMorreet, a* it (aval* v?e tha laeon*i*t?ooy of oaraaaapflag Cherokee land* by a aamtan from tha Craalu, ead evidtntly lliUfcii ,? u *ingular a piece of fraud ever happened In the tune?of*p'culatiou. Atbort (law ilaee. the Grand Jury found a bill of iudlct ment against several officer* of the romj urif 'or a conipiracy t" defraud, and -yesterday the ca*e ?ii Mt down for trial et an eviy day. To tlw plain business habit* of the inonicd mm in your part of the country, the manner aod conduct of the great mover* in tbi* fraudulent tchewe, will pre*?'Ut a very strange picture. The Marble Company is a child of the X. York lobby, a mother 4%o well known in the nnaals of corruption to mred any specific description. The l>rincipitl Individual concerned, wai a Cuundian Frenchman, by the uaine <>f Miurtt, who, bi* intrigue* management, contrived to put the oom|>any into operation, and appoint hit own creature! to the office* of tba constitution. lie baa l>ren indicted with the re*t, but be* now flud from the band* of Juriice. AI?oul two or three years ajo, tltis person kept an oyster cellar U> lleed-stro?l, where be got a living by sellin* to tfrny cnitomers, a half doren of oyuteri and a o pursuit of several charter*, and (would you ptlieve it?; succeeded to get a charter or two throui(h the legislature of tuoae day* At that ? ime, h charter wm< worth ten thousand dollar*; tiiay have diminished in value tlnoe. On hi* return to New York, he became concern - ed In a manufacturing eom|iany a? a stockholder and director, but waa toon ejoetad from that *Hu? ation. During l**t Call or iirnmer, he *et in mo tion anotLer of hi* charter*, obtained for Ike man ufaelure of marble, appointed hi* own president, director*, clerk*, teller*and under*trepptr* to a l?mg train- Bond? aod note* were iwued at long dates, and all eiyine* were aelto work to palm the* upon ike community. Their oWJcet waa to oMeta property of every kind for thote note* or bond*, aod then to sail the pruoeeds for whet it would bring. A very considerable amount of tkfe marbU payer wa* efrfulated In Cauade. At first Ubt M m? of Iwmm W I Cattle Garden, and towben effort to mt| Chatham Tbeetre. H?drove ? pabof fine iln BiMklwir, bad bb season ticket, at Um G| era, boarded aMlm week, nn spleudid dinner* ami plenty of< tboee to the **cr%l* of the Marbb Coatpeay. 0t> eeeb*tally,be would be seen b e*erv public place, with hi. hat and bU liindi full pfbeak bUla, far It. appears be mstfle a* jrtal a show tor ewbUe at aur,. any om? comIJ. Ho bad Castb Qa*bn fitted ap , la aspbadld style, gave a ball to ^liMtwb,eal i Invited iba Corporation to look epon,lhe beaatbt <-f the pbee. aad drink bb health end proeffrity \ in a gla*a of Chau?i>aigne, iTbl?, however. Coo 14 not ?fanelve tka sheewd *ul?taullal men of our , Ihy. Tka Marble UlU and bomls bad no Mfiti lion la tbb neighborhood, and whenever aay per son was for cod (o take (ban (by run totba ofcea in Will bin-street to hava than redeemed at bat aa ? possible. From thb circumstance, the MM of r bit operations wai priuuipeUy ooaltied to dbUat place*, aad to other |?er?ons tbna the yooctr orders of *ocbty. la Uio eitv? the principal mftraw it* v. Iho broker* and a few lottery vender* who bought hii tba bonds at a ditcotutt with a view of epecu- ' latin*. Many of them Imagined that tba blow-up would ba delayed a While longer Iban wbat actuJ all r turned out. They have beta bit bownrer. \fler the notice of ?be fcUtre wa? Hack bp it? the window, the fraud mover, Mabpar, atlll coo tinned to make hit appearance at the theatre*, public place*, and oeery other place where be bad been accustomed to be Shea. On aauettfort being, put to him one day reapettidg bb Marhfe'Cempe nv, be aaid la bb broken French, thai be alight u-mima operation* pr'hapt i?lwo treek, I toe men/, ! vr'hnpt /tea year???/ etrtaio with, lie b fop*, liowever, aad it is aald, ke baa net eoae emitty headed. Such on eiampb asthis, it b to b*bop ed, will not only mend the maaaers of Ike New York legislature la future, bat boa warning far all thoaa over the country to avoid the mom qpecbe of corruption." - , __-.v Cwybi. Xt*- York, .Way 6 ?H. I*. Pyramue 42, and 285 men, capUin lie a* bier, arrived at Utb Krt a lew day* ago from Vera Crui. Paaeeugfr*, r. Morier, Brltiib Commissioner to Mexico, Dr. Maer,hb Fhy?iciau, and Mr. Llmeaurier, in the eahio; Mr. Kinlock, (nou*e ol Klntock aad Son#, Banker*. London J Mr. Nicbobe, late a Licateoaat iu tiie Mexican Navy, la tba Gun rooiu. The fyraniu* has a large quantity ofspacb ami cochi aeal on board. She left England la October but. with Mr. Morier foi Meiioo, Mir flobert Keer porter. Consul General to Colombia, and Mr. Tuiiner, Cousol to La Uuayre, Captain (Jembbr and Mr. Morier bare procen'ed to Wash iugton. Amtrn. ft raniI.?The editor* of the N Y. Daily Adver titer have been furuhhed with Rio Jaaeiro paper* to the 8th of Match, by Capt. Price, of tba Tusca leeea, arrived oo Sunday, in 68day?fr?aetbat port There i* nothing *ald of tba war feHbtbe Unit ed province*, which tunn til for U?? imperial arer*uade ourtelVe* the! H It .Iho with of the llbertl and enlightened portion of ihu BrltUh nation, to wrert from tbo unforiunale, ***? lemnUt*!, awl ruined colouitt, the prn(-r?ety which tliey hold under Ibe Moction yd emmur ngeoient of veri??u* Mil of perllnment, without remuneration; nor can It be the ieteutiou <>i Miy later#, to fritter uway that property, a* to render H aa uncertain in tenure aa It la ?aloelew Id ooaaet ilon. If tbo Coloulr I ?)?tani of Hlevery, na el |**> ton! e?vahli?hed bf Uw, lie a crime. ?? anhmti, with ell deference. Hv?l it originated not with the Planter*; but with the Mother Country; the ha* fweettred ell ibe idnmutri, and If ebe U net* ant ? loo* 'to wipe off that foultlaln on Nttfonhlhonor,' let it not be done bv n ?*cri?.*? ?f r?m>.t? end On leurdeented lnJlv*iu?ti, l.ut nt the general *v penee of the whole Ktn{4r* nt Imrf$! We tru*i that Ibe tmpurtewee ol the epilation, ajd the nui**r eel eaebement It h?e?MMd, will fully pleed au etiology fee. tr**pa wing on your Oraon. ??Wo bete the honor lo he. with hl?fc qnetfder eUqe, my l.oril Duke, your Graee** moat obedlft ^*(5S^V^lofcKPll IIKRBKftT. i