? ? *v J.M.?x JUF ? M ; fxu- . M>i:. w-4 .?"my. ii COI-UMBIATKLI ? isir BU4CK t sirEtJtr. -l^-1 i!i j |h ?" 71k ?. -- PruiUrtlo the llJuuof RrprMiUaiJiH* of SttlK TWINS, ~Tn?^'ooluti. r*'<* *VSESffSi j?tfbituMa|NwU4 '7 llM ?*dib or 11 nui|ioijMMo reference, or they wilt faceitro ;?flW *"" rHON "til?: OJHTkll #T?TfS OARKfTK. &?ug itf tk Hlirriart oh the night prtced ' ing the BitUe qf Bunker IftlL This night, ye hardy yeomont wield Tk? spode,on glorya fallow A<-l?t; And bo'er >liuIf ?ninar'd harvest yWld A richer meed of victory. Toll on! lot) old ye trbe mid brave, ' Dig for yon Am bit goary grata* . Aid Alt* that Kill<*$r*^4lf uiaasro Your lirn ond NM frommarery! Who sleeps when taatfal tyrwli will, *k 1.1 mi a \n;i r r. / In answer to the motto on the letter scut *v ? tue of *' - KOKCSKT MKNOT. P??rM thee! I en 11 ne'er forget ?>' The moments we ba?a passed toother; \Vbao hfenrt and beart wHbfcrvei mm, And forged the Uaks Hint htnd forever. For theo each oord vibrated dear, , Abd every moment w? a Uaasare; While '-'lipid's spirit hovered 1 Ami bile#* cop aUaiood Ha a > Ni>?'.but day, that banpy day, - .. When my youuglieart withtransport met thee, llty imaae )(?? been noVe away, ^mistl not, irt be faurilar from our in Dmmjt. I caonot, howavar, pate over ao imposing a ?Uur<-finitely unnoticed Willie peraoaaiafeai two turr.c i nit* t ure, expe ruled, muacular, of ela gant proportion*, and amnually graeeftat in all hie movement*? hi* bead moulded ?oinawhat ao tba modal ?? the Grecian antique} icalureeauAeienily prominent lor krangtb or curoellnee?a Human imaa and large blue ayaaj deeply ilioughtfnt. rath ar than lively. With thc*e atribute** tha eppear aneaof Washington waa itrihlu* and august. A flaa couipleahm being superaiMi d, ha waa ac ??wonted, wbao young, oaa of tba haudeomeet of laati. But hi* majesty consisted la tha eiprendiitg well with III* ebfrarlrr, indleaOng a soul noble, ardent and deling At thin lime, lie Wa* at ibl* lime, ha weft about 3d yt-ar* 01 age; a period of life whleh, per hap* a* mneh a? any oibt-r, M*ad? tha grarea of yoatb with tha m?Jr*?y of aMnhour,n become. a? they k-mld, fruK?l ?artwenend boat*' wlvea,th*y could, mature ever* opposition from Commerce, forrver aeoot want Irmn tho door., I come to laeta:?Ever would ndaa enough | dantly feed hit wo . .???L . leather from lib kid? a and wool from hia aheap to clothe hia whole Itouaehold. He May lode*!, ?in* all day ?> / emrtfur wa*edlua a ad abaadaooa, and the natural craving they beget for Ivxttsut ?r wont want froia tha door. I rery farater know j he can, if he *h from hia plantation to abun Mrityt Imaklaa thle, he ean get farfetched and deaf bftught. Tktc k Indeed |ba a better conjectural view k, that if more naltUMor* turned to the toll, w or at atate of the caeej and a better i view k, that if more naltUMor* turned the lowering of the price* o| (fet Aral naawaarlai of life, would IhjIIm very thioga which would aa> cure ta ctttton and Woollen loautifMctum, a aura and permanent footing among ua; for 11 /? ? fmrt, that low prieee lor prodnee ((trovnrbially, hut not accurately, called bed timet.) haVe beett t lie an/jr limts that Ihoee manufacturer* Cthe laboreta In (hem I moan,; have lourtahed. Nitf i? III** Nit Ilia MMlUl wMr.H *i(hl I ? enprrlrd to rotuli; for If IIhi prlnoipta of //dJfwfcwit'onwoMHltHil, m*nkin?l, ?.y Miking lar *nd llw of mutual wraaU, wnald df?w l?a>m tin* enunlry vwt portion* of our eh**p*aad production* hi a?*tMi?g* I or MrphN prodntUdf the tarlli, Wlueh wmt m^imI. Ijr ?u|MrNtAti<|Miit with ihant. Thit would n?*l?* mro ?o naturalI f on otl??r?, tk?t thai* amllloi would Ija 40 *trr mjihrnod l?y tH?ir inter* ttt, t'?at lh?y n?ihi Wdl* I* f'rtr.rd toto IhUTi ??*? THh wniuM bo tmfo-d < auntefaotiiff tt? pr?Mn< ?olHM? ptMimnu-uaia'd th# prlnclplot I ??n lad*! frialjlMt* wlrirh Ood wnVortoUfi ied; WMN W mmlo of?HtJUtkt oil lb? uMioMiflkt waHh." FRANKLIN. y.JfvU ?/ 8f* ?< i >?? d?rlM? atom |Imm tliW* y?t* mi fe; sSean# js& WMMl on? lolitarjc eottvlatioofcr en pit. I offaue* MESSAUK. X MlWf om lb* MlMof ll?0 The foliowinj Mildt* on IIm ?ubjer.? OWN ? 8UI?I, ?tud lb* MW Sufee M America or (Mr MluUtera, respecting Hn pfoWfJ Co?|rtw, 01 mectlnft u( UiplonMNiO AlWtl ?? ftlMlfW, and *uoh iitiormution r?wtjtii<>ii, ,111.1 M iney, in iwy Minion, be com municated whhotit wijidlW to 4* pablie Inter ?*?end eUo, t? mtu?m Hw ll?n?, *o f?r u la mi report from the Secretary of Stale, with III* t ration* of I hat Onagri)**, I d<*ui it r?rr to iwwmiw, u.*t n,c.? object* d.d not innu the wily, ii(.r even the p iniljml motive for my nccepUoce df the iuvimtl.M. My Snt and 2.-?U?l ImiJuc. iment ?? u? men, in (be ,,,|r|, of kindne?iend frlend?hl|i,.??? ?*?rturt made in that ?i>lri1 hy nitre t?*ier Reiwbtfca of thit he. . ^ IWt rr^Mutlon Id human af. M?lr? wbleb kiii nnnt^ht Into emiwee, nearly at thetame il.ne, eight ?ovrei a ?ati6n of #???? ?ratal Blalea. The deli vera m? of Hw 8ooih* ?rn American Rej>aM*? tan* the oHhm*J?u, uu dor Mrlucb Ihey h.J U?a? i?n* aftictcd, w*? hnilod wllti great utwjilmfiy by the I'eoidn of ihU Union, M nwnntf I he mhl %?,,rfrlo?* event* of the nice. , O.i the 4lH of May, )??, an aet of fr1"9*""*'***'? an ajipunprlelioii of one hundred Ihoiinamldol art "foraudipltahink ?o the lude. pO Jh? AdMrineti corftiflent. a? the President of the Unitdd 4uit? ? niljit deeiu pvnpor.", Inexerrialng the authority rero?nix*d by ll?U act, my |nnedcce*sor, by and with il-o advice Hud consent of the Senate. i.|i)H,ln(ed, sucnes stvely. Minister* Plenipotentiary to the Itrpwl. tics of Colombia, Buenos, Ayn?, t.'hili,uud Mexico. I'nwilllng lo raise ?iiiomk tltu (ralerni ty of freedom,. ifiMrtioiu ot pteitdciicy unit HbptWi whifcb I'Vcn I lie Knro|Htmi Munirclit had oT late found it neoeesaiy in * great measure lo dhciril, he (ii-?|>*tcncU ?? lomhm.ttnei.ni Ayres, end Chili, without einrt lag from Ihwc lUjinbhc*, ? by the inrlmil prin ciples of poinitul primnge?h?ro h#> might have dooe, that the contphiMeiH (if ii plenipotentiary minion, tbnuld havti bern Mid it?l by th?m to the United The liotroetiojt* preimred under hi* direction to Mr. Anderson, t|i?j ArtLof ^STJMSSasfijfcrsrfe limit. |M?litieul ?** coimuen-lnl, Willi lhe?e oor now neighbor*, should bo established, .for their iiencttt and ettM Mud that of the future age* of our {ttetarfcy. A copy of to much of the?e in St ruction* ae relate* lo the*e general subjects, is among iba papers now tiao?ml|ted In Him Iloute. Similar instruction* were furnished to the Minis trrs appointed lo MniOi / vro?, Clillt, ?nj Mux hy , and the (jntMl ot social lutrr*nUr?e whieh it wee the perpijse of IImm mMomlo e*(ebli?h i row the ft rat opening of our Diplomatic rrlelioua witli those rUlng net tons, I* the mn.t affective t? ? lite Invito pCMHt negot r la positiop af the principle* ut*ou which tin lion lot he Coognweut Panama, be* been ad by me, at well ae of tU obJeeU of i tlon al that meeting in whieh It Wat expected that our Pleaipotcntiarie* shout4 take part. The House will porceive thalt even atlhedate ot tbeee instruction*. the Irdhaithi Mwrno some of the Southern Rrpoblics had been coin eluded, by which, .they had stlnuloted emong themselves thia Diplomatic araembly at Panaaia. And it Will be seen exlth what caution, tofar as! it ml^itaoaean>*?taa policy uf tha United States, and at I be seme time, with wh?f' frank nets and , good will towards tho?e nutioos, ha gave coon toMnoe to their design of Inviting the United Stales to this high eeispiMy for consultation upon Am*u*n Infer**#*. ItVas not consteersd a eon* elusive reason h?rr declining this invitation, that he pr opoMt tor aMembling ?o?d* a Congf*** had taoilrwthetm made by onraelves. It had sprung from pie urgent, immediate, and momentou* comtnon Interests of I he grrat communitle* ?tro* gliag for independent, end, as it were. nuiclten. Ittg into |i|e. From Iheei the proportion lo ns | appeared respectful and friendly; try in us to them, it aould seareeiy have ?etn made, without espo stag ourselves lo su?pkimi? of purposes of amid lion, if eat of domlaelion, more suited lo rousa resistauoe tad excite di?tru*t, lltan to ooaeil ijle favor and friendship. The Hist end paramount principle, Upon which it was deen*d wise and Jest to lay the eorner atone of ell ner latum rela tions with them, W*? di,iHl wtHt4ntm; the next, was cardial good will to them; (he third was a claim of fair Md equal reciprocity. Under these Irmnv?siuns, when the invitation was formally ?ndeeme^fy given, had it evanheee doubted, whether eajr of the otijeet* imposed for eenstd eration and dtteeeaion at tha Congress, were such as that Immediate ami Important interests of tlm United Slates Would be allrcted I7 the Usee, I should neverthelem hare determined, ae for na H depended upon me, ?o have accepted the InvHn lion, awl tw h*w Ipfwnl'il MiMMM (0 iUwkI iba moating, Ttaa |i?opi*l Hull Implied that I far RttfMihllct by whom it w?* mad*, to ii tied, thai to^r1 sat Intara.iu ?f our*or of ih*lr?, ran* <4arad oaralumlanea ititwdwinMi. Tbav had ftivan mi notVa, tbai, in tba novelty ?f ihair ?ltn allow, and in tb? spirit ?>f lo ouranpa> rtanoa, (bay would br pkwfl to Inn tba bana |t of oar friendly ?o?a*?l To awl llm tempar Willi wbteb lhlapro|K>tal amI*, with a ?old alia, wm not tboaiM rooK*^lal lo that warm io 0?at* walfara, with whlab tba People and Oovammnnt of tho Unhm bad Mtbarto low band in band, tbroogh Iba ?ho1apragr*?(of ibalr RatohilWn. To total! (bam by a mbnat of tbalr ovarUirr, and tban ImrHa th?m ttf* itmllar ?v \ to b? aallad by onrnr bava mot n?tni?tar? I Imamly to aiva tbam I iay? Joflrad. a?an wilb Ntkan4n to not Invotvinf om*. | wonld bav< It Ihnmi mcraty to atjMlft udn rSSEEHT ptiiw(4 aioiv |K)werful titan Ibing wutvtr fat* b? kind treated am ba gamed by tuliet) NpdiMMd Hut otyacta of the k%lwHlMrtaboe, not only (?Um future welfare oftlw wloti bewan race, bet l eering dircctly apoa Um mmoUI Intereatt of (lib Union, witl mgif* Um fcwtwliOM of the CounreM of Pimm, whether wo are iiprawt CoiureM of riMou, w nether woin wprmm ed llirro or out. Otbarv, if wo are rcnroMMted, may Ik> uflfcrrJ by our Ft?|MM#ioV NT con ?i'Ut?owe>*; and to form a convention of navigation and coiumerce,Mi?plicabl* both to the confederal edetatcsaud to Ineir all.*!* It Drill be within tho recollection ol lite house, ?bat iinniediatidy .altar t lie close of the war of our '??depet)icuce, a ,ni??wjrc cloocly analogous tu this Congrats of Panama, ivu adopted-by the Congress of our eonfodi ndiou, and lor purpose* of preuiMlv Ibt tUM diameter. Three commlto doners, with PU>ul|M>teuliuiy ponm, wera up. f*oiutod to nugoljaio treaties of amity, navi gallon hikI commerce, ulth ull the principal |H>wcr? of Kum|?e. They met and resided lor that piir|>o,u ul.nut oil# year at Paris; and tho only re.iitt of their negotiatinns at that time, was Ilia Qr.t Iroaty Ix-twevu (he foiled Status and I i'wl?, memorable iu Iho diplomatic. auitaW of tb.i world, and precious a* a monument of Ilf? time warfare, hM>%4a. jtaiamiim ond mnr|. upon bar tarwr ha a in* in bar of the great family of independent nations. TUta treaty, prepared in conformity with the Instructions of the American -M4ni|iolentiaries, consecrated lliree fundamental priuciplu* of the foreign inter* course, which tlm Ciwgmi of that period were deslroua of etlablishiag. Kirot, equal reciproci ty, and the mutual atiputatWn of I He privilege* of the uioit favored nation in the commercial exchange* of Peace. Secondly, the abolition of private war upon the ocean; and, thirdly, restric Hons favorable to ueulral commerce, upon bel ligerent practices, with regard to conlrntmn-l of war and blockade*. A painful, it may be ^ild a calamitous, *knarience? of more thau forty jreere, ha# demonstrated the deep, importance of these same principles, to the peace and prosperity of this nation, and to the welfare of ell maritime slat**; and has illustrated the profound wisdom with which ihey were assumed as cardinal points of the policy i.t the union. At that time, lu tho infam y of th?*ir political existence,wilder tlio influi-iieci of ihnee piiuciples of liberty and of right, so congenial to the cause In which they had Just fought and triumphed, tliey were aide but to obtain the ^auction of one great and philo>ophictd, though at?olute sove reign In Europr, to their I.beral and enlightened princl|4e?. Tlicy could obtain nu more. Siucv then, n polllical hurricane bn? gone over three* fourths of the civilised portions of the earth, the dewdatlou of which, H may with confidence Im expected, is passing away, leaving at least the American atoifMpbrrc, ii'irlflnd and refreshed.? And Mow. at this proptthma mnmeat the new-born nations of thi* beastyihero, assembling by their representative*, at the Isthmus, Iwtween its two continents, to settle tbe principles of their lutnre internatlon.il intercourse With other nations and with u*,atk lu this great exigency, for o?r advieo, upon those very fundamental maxims, .which we from our cradle bed first proclaimed and partial ly succeeded. to introduce into the code of na? lioiml liWe Without recurring to that total prftttrxtims of all aeutmr>aad commercial rights, which merit ed the i*ogrvs* of the lata fcnropeen ware, and which finally involved the United State* in them, and adverting only to oor political relations with these American nations, it It observable that while iu all other respect#, those relations have bean uniformly, and without e|ce|ition of the moat friendly and mutually satisfactory charnc ter, the only causes of difference and dissent ion between us and Jhent, which ever have arise.ft, originated in those never falling fountalus of die* cord mid irritation, AMiMiMiHim of com mer lin) favor to other natlooe, UeenUoa* | rlvMesn, ? nil Mp?r MoekRdM. I canoot, without riohte Injustice to the rrpuMlc* of Buenos Ayr** end Cotomtde,fo(tieer to acknowledge tfw candid mm! conciliatory spirit, with whleh they have rt|wit> edly yielded to our friendly re|?re?enlalkHM and remomtrancee on tk?au ?ul*J??t?. In repenting (iiurimioatlv* law* which operated to our diand vantage, and in revoking the commi*?iot lawful rapture* by *>me of Mr tntitert, and of assenting, In the mtdH of war, to treaty stipulation* favorable to neutral navir?iion But (he recurrence of the?e occasion* of com* ptakrt hat hwulerad the renewal of the di? wnlnn, which resulted la the removal of tb?m ?eeoewyt whMc in the mean time Injuries Mo aeaUlned hy memhentt, end rfiiiiwgr bo donptmH,??|Mf|MtaitA?. rc^rtft*: s???erii dwll toU llH ??|if(ln ditaik baud of waruiavtion, by any European power. The principle lia.i Ini beeu attorned in that negotiation with ltn*a>a. It reat* ?J upon ? course J reasoning equull/ auN|d? and conclusive With the exception ot the aiiiha| European colonic*, whioh if wee In nnwl* In* fended. to dbturis the two unuawli com 1st eU of several sovereign and independent jMdfcmr, whose territory novated their whote'enrtKa. Bjr this, their independent condition, the UnHad Statesenjoycd the right of commercial Utsrcourau with every pert of their possessions. To attempt the establishment of? colony in 11km* imnassiOne wouldbelo usurp, to the cx'clotion of others, i commercial intercourse, which kii (tie nm??? posiewlou ol all. Il could not U doM wMiwt encroaching ujHjn existing rixhts of lb* United Hiatus. 'I ho government of Rua?ta has MV?r disputed thi-w position*, 1104 manifested lit* slight, est p? still M. exercised in mora than one of the new states, n joint declara tion of ita character and exposure of it to tbo world, may ba probaMy all that the omgeion would isiiuln. Whether the Unites Stale* should or snonld not ba part las to mob * dealer* lion, may Jn#tly form a purl of the deliberation. That there it u evil to bo rtntdkd, Medi Wild insight into the aeeiet history of late year* to know, and that thtt remedy ?n?y bM be concert ed at the Panama int-*ting, jiMrvn at leaM the evperiuieiit ofcoaatdtfalloa. A couce.t of bmh ?are*, having reference to the mora efc?md abo lition of the African sieve (fair, ami the opailit. rratlon of the light in which the potfcieel condi tion of the Itlaau of HUytl ia to l>a Regarded, am aim among Ilia tuMect* mentioned by jUm Mm bter from the Republic of Colombia, a*! * to be suitable for delibtwetloo al too