? - 9&EsRMm. * ?? M ' >?- V m O, MARC If 38, wpMPHMaHaMvaMHMMMpnpMHnMaMPi ; CtXLl/ M UI ATKI^I Br BLACK ? SITEBMr. f'rMtn* tfu lhu?*f /{jprttta/atfie* ?fffmtk Ainr?n*mirti, erp inserted at tbe rete of ? WWHf4WMi for ww 'wtaty liars, or ? bar. for the first Initio*. and frnty ?Mb iml?ilM. Utaet from oon ? V moat ho NMooHmnWd hy the talk, or *' retp0 li? uMiimit ?l*illwr phw by Utter, dlroet ?rt ?o Sptnrtr 4* JOf JOHNSTON ' " Ikmer r u. irexctR. VvrHtl I'J If tL- -?? ? ?" ?' "11 j ?,11 - Wanted, PtlOeootrftet fm ? regular utpply of ri.ir. ami , JL oHirr HTlKTKS, f?r |K* Aiw Mill* i*4mr Co imhU (rrrr. The rtnek* to ht rafted down (he ilni JQ<>uhlio rood loading from B?>ekham*v.llc to Columbia Agency. Charleston Fir? and Marine Insurance Company. THP. Snbierlber U autbnrto?d to lako RUk* mmmint Flrt,oa BUILD1M1S, UOODBand FURNiTURE. ' / - , PERCIVaL, Jtiftmt . Columbia, May 27 *? -If T% Agcncy MECHANIC* PICE INSURANCE COMPANY,Newark, New Jer*oy,locor|M>. rated Iteeoutbvr Mk, 1824, with a capital of moo. _ _ ceutificate. Statu Bar* Nrwarx I l2fA FeAruorv. IH?> \ There I* now (landtag to tho credit of tbe .Me chanic*' Flee Inauranee Company on tho Hnokft q* iKk Bank, the Mimofoae hundred Ibowennd d?l DepoeM 100^000 dollar*. C.J. ORAIIAM, Cmthhr. ? Thawdwcrlbor k anthor hwd Intake nth* ag*inat Flro ou Building*, Good*. aod Fnrnilom. BRNi W Mll.MB, sit'*! MfMMihf. H? J* if Col. ('olonH il'Ornfino Wll.l. tiv lenoue la fYrurA. //aMo*, uod Sprnttttfi. Payment moot lily in advance. Itofhranrtt may bomadn to Me? Hall. fronting ou HWilil?n.l .irrtf Tbo MANUPACrORV of the la?e Mr Cn?s r?a*i it ramovrdtniboyard nfi'ol C. Ai??.?n additional eupnly of beet Mmrmk*** and Hmfptt -fuu# uef bo Wi ll w rente per pound, : ' flMWV'flfcl ' w If All Person* NDP.NTRD to tho eutwcrBmie. who*- n*tu ??? ,1 and nooownte wero due on tho tnH of January aro roqnircd lo rank* poym?n< before the nett r*wwru tUjr, a* h?n?er indulge** onunot h*> ehraU A**-| all tho.* indeMcd lo tbo ?..Kwrlbere, If u pureham* made I net ymt, ne* fOapeetlally re br - "*? wKtsr C IMH ?Mk JHPHI ?"?*? - \Zf' '- , ??SjE; $V8pe? -; lOTwhmlmidi, iHMrMthi k KUcken ud ew}??tflbcr inf?mvt tboae indebted lelum i M. Jtrcvira* u? tke Ant al Januaf y. IStS, tbftt pajra^nt Htut ha ???en?ft<-*nnot be given U. L. WAKP.I.V. - Jwjiunry TO, & tf Notice. 4 IA. MiroM l(d?Mn1 to the la to firm of 1 JACOB SARRET1 i; CO. by iNiud. note, or open account, ir? rt^uMUd Co mnko InmrUI* ?te payment, m the nU Arm bu bwn oIom ] IVt ????? tia>* ptil. AK Umm ?tw da not troll themselves of thfe nolle*, will not think Mrtnn to And their re .pectiva amount* in tha head* of an tttorncv for culltdion, it m loun IsdulpiM ena b? (Ivtn. J?Td\H BARRETT It CO. Columl.ii, Feb. 98, l?2rt. 0 4 [ ./Notice. WU. C. PRESTO* and RICHARD T BRUMBY, have formed ? co-portwenhip in the practice of Law it Ptimterrttlc, and kit* opened an QAu la that iHa? -.e. ;h- ? '? _? . ' '" JJV Rent. ?pilC South STORE of il>* Mamnio lletl J. raceatly omiihH by Mr. Browana, Ut?H up .vltli Shotvw, *uHablc for a bftY IKK)DS or GRO* CERY STORE. k; ALSO, :.U< - JIOt'SE recently nor tt pied by ^ Shaffer in lh? rear of the Maconic ?wii. imntinf on IWiland ?trect, suitable for a entail family a* a dwelling PiHutnir Sale A T HILLEARY'S Cmtfrriiowary Store, /%. fraah "apply of well a^lor.ted X3ARDE.' SEED. Whkh will be ?>U low for Caab. Jan. SI. iT. Bit For Sale. V' HOUSE and EOT. at the Rice Creek Sprint*, lately oceapted by J.li T. Robeon. Far vm*"ftltTn MP'J WM. M'CAUtltT. r?ov m, 1MB. 4B tf The Court it/ Appeals WIEIi be bald In Columl4e, i.nmedbitaly after the eo*e|?Hion of Km. Hjirio* CWeult*, as *mmI, The erder of the Circatl* will then '?? r?ven*d?the baainew of the .Ho"tArrw Circuit will he ftrrt taken ap?tbe ll'nitm Circuit aeit? the Mtddk Circuit eel I?a mi lartly, the Mkrthtm CVeail. - " By order of the Court JAMES 8 OLir.NAnO, Clark. February K MVS 7 ?f - Sclfct Clitftsirul rimI Fronch SCHOOL. DR M'NAMARA will receive a limited earn ,let?f Cteaaieel and i'rtntli MmMl, la Mr. ABjpr't School room, Columbia. Clnwir?, $ IS pflr. qr Fienel, to pai*l? oaly ft Me ret i 7 10 1/ __i m* ? 1 ?e ? i?a?i a i VV anted. 116 pareheae or Mre, a female ho?ce SF.R I V ANT, bonetfy aed ? fo.td HliprtMm 'an tftAMNMMa quelifflHion. Aj?t?lf a( t*i OAne ?'? E Ami MM toll** bjrtbt (Mr of the waters l? raat? ,m*mm u">* Boom frtood Its* forgetful praoowneo aty poor And thluk rhet iBilwkM by dheeor orfeer, I fallow lb* br%ht--4n*tlug brtbli of hi? wnt thou Uiiak of Me mnide*. when .id tbogay Thou Mmt the tori that mm Wm fell thy I(tenii to del 1*1,tMi with "hops'! syfen And tby sJnl swims in pleasure?without mm ?lloyf^Vr; "* ' ? ' ? Witt thou think of me maiden, nhen wno renllo Shnlt j*eel In to thoo vows of 4mtiM and And tutor* ttoat My bwt^ftiaibl with tonmt ud troth, MUI lingers with lbr??vbsmsrsrl ror?J WIU thou think of ?? tnnlden, if bir forlnn* Aod straws thy Ufa's potbway with sweet scent ?d flowers; 11 lander aifcetlon eneh sorrow begnllesi Aod Iky snol bo anekanlad hy hope's magic ?' in09tw- . Yes, yes, thop wilt think ?f me maiden, I know, And pity thai love which thoo oau?t not pa Ay a 1 wish that My hoert may those foe Hap out Whrb thno canst not reapood to, and Un would not spurn. Vet belUve ma, dear maiden, where'er I may be. No time and no |dnce ceo Iheae belinp do *3W o'er thy mtoVy and aosBe 01 thy jaf. But tf tot- ho les*kind than It aooms lot (Oh Ondgmnt It maynotlahall still he My pvm*yr) If angniah and earn tattle down on Ibybsvw, And Ui^ho(?ra be o'erce* with toe Aod* of If iwliorw and sorrow their inflttenee shr J ? And thy sjiirit be bnton ^'y fortune ? dark frownt If despondency's gloom thy bright pathway o'er ftpreod, Aod the mantle of nigbt o'er thy prospects be thrown tf ibou sUoulUst bo aUgbted by Criaad end by Inner, And pleasure'* soft bend tint now circles thee . round-. II the howl which with joy once toesncd to run ecer* Untested, l>e de?hnd from thy lip* to the (round. Ah! surely, proud M*ideo, thou It think of MO Ihen, And thiak of theae times thoo mm! oorer i eat. Ttortihaoee, thoo mayst wish, too, to see Him again. Who can joy in the fortune, and weep at thy fall. Then sand round the world thy soft meamge of love, On the swiA towiog (ales, thro' the plr let it Or tot some gentler edarier?Ihe sweet cooing From the wild, or the deep, call thy w \noxaan home ? / ^ . PKIUANDER. HEPORT J Of n, klilmwdiftirru lar to ner staler KclatlH in Mm aUla, rncloaing tbc followio* p ream Ida and reaolutiona: "Where**, lb* btenimi whW-h ?|rlwMlm^ an* dcr dlrln* favor, h calculated to beal?w upon mm, are an rleh and manifold. aa almnat, If no* wlinly to atceed M? ca|mcity (Ulwr l? eaamo* rate, or appreciate; nod which, whllat thry ?he*ld Mm to expreaa a aiecere and heartfelt grati tude lo the gl ear of every good and perfect gift.J ahould alao raau aa to consider it da the imunden defy of evere man, to me hU utmo*t effort* lo promote Ha (eat ?ol moat permanent Interact*. And wbereea, nmlcr a government like that with which theae United State* ar% Maud, H b pern Marly ItlM that we aboeM encourage ami eher iah a leer for agriculture, a* an attach aaeat to the aoil kfd* nncrafonl love of auwalry, aed the enlti ralion of it ia atrikingly adapted to Ihe creation mMI flwietaloaarc of a hold, bardf, independent, and patriotic militia. Mho would not onIjr he folly competeal to defaa J oar country in cam of foreign inrftMoe, bwleleetoaecereitagaieat refractory and aapWng demagogue at heme. The trwth of thia (?oaitlna hea haea too aAea iUnatmted to MM for ?herproof H? eoniraudtou oflt. And vrherma. hy I he |?owerfal agecta of preconcerted and tiaited meaMtrra. commerce hea ever aeoircd lo iiaelf Ihe rofiunaaaca and aaaiataneeof protecting lawai eml like |?treauge la now ealeaded to dnmailtc mannfantarea, whllat agrkulinre, the pareal and aourtaberof rational liberty# la left to airuggle, aa M were.for Ha veiy eanlcnre, unaided hy any le gialatire interfere aee,rrndering it iherehy import* oUaly neceaaary for lla/rteeda aed tapper/era |a .tap forward to Ma hefcatf, to aecera to H all the benefit a which ean *ow from lha concerted end ?y?temetie BtranaiWiof the wiae and prudeht. -Therefore. ReaHrtd, That thia aoriety re rninmmd to her eiaator arte iet lea throughout Ihe *4nte, m aeanl three deleg?tea. ekoea from among iMr member*. to awl at Cotomlde dathg the laiatna of the l?egtetatere, whoahail eoaatHate a ?ocietj, Which ah all b* known by tba aame of apealel doty it ahall be, to waUh over (he inleraata of agrlcal|uro?lo ewggrrt, whee necaaear?, the |-aa*?gaafuiw( wbieb might advance I aed to collect information nf*.n all aubjeet* aeeted with I hair n<*el?l Jotka, from a eery a rail able town; which, hy haNtt aommaaiaotod to ihe iodHrldnal aoclertea of Whwb ibay are mem ram* lo a?ab a MUr, aa vnM wwh to tha JMitw opfmicr alt jbe Wiecn l?> bb l>!>un,wU|b would ba lab wilh> ?a tha apnlroul 0f man. "Alao, iletdl v?J, That III* thltd W?J?cvJ?y A jgg^SSgtfg^ ?Es bo raraa^iadaJ M tba J?y on nhlrh the del* af IWm agricultural ?ocuHiee.^M amy Pl? ?< ?*? agricultural mmf and h^lMibr lb* Koeerument of ||m i?tMy ccmtemidiUed to l>? nitbliilMd WILLIAM BCABtfOOK, PrtiHtmf. Uaa9 An?, Or. Sec. A: 8 Coll CVtftfen?Wbi?amuMh B 9a?broo% - Job* K. Malbrwa .n Si. Hr/iiw?CkirU O. Caitcrt, Thoau AM on Coin sad Charles W. Caper* St. Pmnft ?Cbarira E. ftowand Col. Thomas Pinrkney yrasoallcd to the chair, ami Edward Brown appointed aecretary; whw Mr. WHKemandl B. Soabrooh addrriacdthe mact Ian explanatory of theobfoct for whkh H had boaa oonreaed. aod of the hnportanft of a m, oral toci.ty t? the agrlonltorwl lule**al? of (bo ?tato; after wbteh the fnlluwlcg revolution* were unanimously carried: , lUmlvH, That a committee bo appoint" * to ropoHO cnustltntinu for an United A*rielfut-a1 Bo* rmty in thW <*nte, and (bat (Ho Chairman U re nnmtadto UbUllilitO ana delegate Bom each ?.>c?e ' at lha apill^to oat aatba com That WhItemarab B. Be. W* Jobs E. Colboon, Edward Brown. John 9 IMIu.cf, Charle* O. Capers and Chariot E- RnwK.it Jo eoMltat* a committee lor tho purpoa* ?*?>va ttated, Knolnil, That tha chairman la requested to heroine una of the qnmmittee. Butolvad, Thai this cOu?:mtto? tin ullmim to moat again ou Frllay evening nett, at do dock. 15<a f? ?nrol foellng of I ha community, they an g^rate'V ?j, y? the proper coorM to he perturd. At the first eoaf?Wue?, amain dilLriutus ;?fca sented tliemwlvri raiailre to the b?c?il" ? 'U thn Aaeoeiatioti, and the manner to m filch the emu*I coat rilmtluaof each aoriety abontd bt apportioned. From the deposition of tha fcotn miller, Viwa-vn', to yield all metionaf praditoatiop, and to re mure every impediment to tha way of their r "wpoar, those diflfculties hara happily We may>v..d. A Aatha pcinpoaad pl*RMwlon i> to l*? to every agricultural society <*f ink* State, fc* their approbation aad sanction. It i? "onHdantly anticipated that no minor confident igo will de?a? them from promptly giving their e????i Tim In dividual aocb tie* poeaorsing the right of be enabled to avail Itself of tha informal..1. ar.?i ei|>erlence of tha whole ecrieoltand eMnn.u?*!ty, and brnce, to da vim a win anlar- the farmer* r?f this sieie ?o dead to tboir trae intere i?, thai tliey eano?t be antoaed to H ?imnltaaeona movement In the tarred eaqee ?f That tha |i?anawd anion ma; the welfare of amy < * ' aaelloret* tha phbk*ai to place foath t'arol er then the ?te?e>ed (ha farvaat pray ?r nf and i alb m leafy WIIITK.M/ KowatMl Stta ? l^CnT