>;?? ? fair one. lad uitfthM,hsiw?v?r, IIh -*? overcome we shall nu>?t heartily re* jolce, end thonhlboae aanerior mind*, which, ta. 3*3Tt??f ? Wronger force of im*nn (ban we can pre Trad to, shall point ea infallible way, without )o?fMirdhiiaK *%? bertoooy of the Union, to entire fo the poopl* the sovcrAso rijM of lastnediniely ?'-etio* two of(bi prtb?fel oliecr.or (heir ,ein< of K In ? r.iy'erfAy of ml! IAe JH* **itt mo/? eitif m of the CMr4(fi?K eolUleit, by the le**< of (ho rekicltv* ^ete*,fn rote e( elections. To no after upon (bo bro*>l d*droMe principle ?d direct popular xilfrage, would Ibe rjpf4iofdbig states rcqiwl H, thus ?nmt iu < thmnlly in denrert (hem lo Ibe choica of lb? e? , rentier; and it Is mult-r of nrtonMunont (a in, . that gentlemen lu ftmgrcs*, wlm, on otlier ocra efcsas. wo so vliilint (o piniJ encroach ^?eof? nn (ho ngbta of (be 4ev#.boJ lh?t eletea, ftinotdbe fo?iid,on Uie?foe?tioa of dim i?lio^ iho twuWiiUoa,ia e pulul vilally liMiaf Ibe iir Wi' ?* ^f ?lavery, to ardent hi pofhnaK the aaaend. ment to a eoncleabHi calculated, more than ahv . otao, i ul?r Totee. by dh H?U, ?m *be v<*tra of electsr* eboeeo by Un> poople, to |t*? tbo certalotafcite of en olecilo^ if chief OM-Wtyntebye toejorily of popola4 tmtrm ?oa. ? -In f. t hy o district wy tea wHboot eUolor*, a* well J ' a* St ? dletriet eyMem wHh elector*, the mtooriiy j w^e. likely lo aeeceed W tbo aaijoriiy, at ^ * P - * eeendify th?*, let mi tobe ?he a,?lr vrtflld ownmt ib* Ml M .which b cootrary t* tho fend*m*atal prb*j||il? of ?II Mr td?a? by general Uek?t hi each J Enry Vie# (hot cm be take? nf the CemtM ' ??".? at Mmt**, rather linn \SpoQ I He pinhtiliof ifiH white H w framed by i (MrHtVw of d?l?r*?? from wm "7 wp*tm? i?i? iwiuh wmcn Ik* fractional parii of the poMhtlM; Ihr W'l T r ?" ? f'l'WIII ??*T ccordktf to the ouml*r of ??ontoa and n Crnta each IM confutation >mi, nnlem throufi the of Ifc* ?Ui?r, HI tMtr e! ? people of I ho (m rttAri^, howevW, frea wttfa rfttort>?, ?r? (ntaMy rt ? la C?iiMV.f0 bed? of mm wbaterer, el?*l?d by Um atUaeneJll latge, ?*?rtr*H hi au * ir.aaner totally lodejieuib-ut It WMiwr Intended thut the Hector* dtinfto abour that the iw |MtaafeM^B7rmM ? i ofWnfiwotit! both" that to, W to a rhoir* of mm 3Ut of two or three ctwIkbtM, ?miW uf whoM tbe people did?ho*e. In eteeo a?econdc * |m ri??it!, .?* fmlrmiitd. Uteyarc compelled totak? ihe.r faudldnte from the two or threo uuohuMu eaudi. date?, ?ctiWof whom,-u to prufcnbta, *n the ?r. cab ] triu! ? .*1 * n*w arrmi-emrat of portie*. >? tho oioj*?rliy oflho fteople could per?ue tbrlr M u ioctiUMiioo. mig*u bectected by thm. ' Ttirro to j no fM|*olar free will lu the wtoutd eboirc. Yney would be iapntivrly beoou to rote U>r one ?w' ttw pvt-MMw wIiiim netoea had been returnod to lHem, nnd thoi the people, o? the ftnt buH?t. irouM ? ead in tberetotioa afe eelle^eof uotulim tlon to the people on ib?MCond MM. to' -ihrr wor Jr. tli- jhoj.I-, who pHeenly eouU) n.; nfm-, wuubl tore* UMOMelre* inimUrilr t-i ?,t* to tbet lu nhteh thry wtfn nm exrieed: There to mm bigruafty in thto Method of enabling * MttrtlMy t? cot-tie i tnojorfly tint 'ToqIJ mom to drfy ?tl i ! .1 rn. The^port of the idtrt??mHU* oftboleu Rle, howck'tr, dor* uol ?(i?p huco Kfiar t*hi?4 lb* electlun frote thr Hi?w of Repreiewtetives, on trcnuM of it* linbiltty to rarm|ith>n, It brmn H thither lu the letf r*?1*1. U out thli touethiuf like au eit rnixiop oi the w? doni of tiie frame if ii tbu riNutilutiou e* it origiii-dly R#>d, and now ?:nii>t?? l?tbe llome b* ?i eitremaly v.M^eptlbie ttirvoU iu ainktnc Km | c?>; ?lo cumm) the to do Ut?> wh .jfe Uw pcoj'K-1i?d rtwol t*de. Tneyruud motive, an J that' nfMeh ed;?errf^l. all other motive*. a*i|atd R?r the MMMut of Um Conitltotmn, to Me frar of ?*>rmp<>?n. \o tordin; l? IV tenor ef t!i? Mjitrt befor* the Sou. atCv*nrruptl??n i* to b? iouked fur In Conjtoei In the ftnto |r,'irtitorr?. In the dUctbttod eotf^ci and orcn atnunj !'?? ttoopie tlioinie!vr?t to pro rtmlc tha |HHtib>nty of erHWlh, In th" MM, the coutaiunity w to be divided lute dtofriet*. Ad tbto corruption ta po??vbl*; but ?? il |irotiablc> Tot oar qwi pert, we rhouldnot h pre?unMd even to nwlouat* iftat the booor^'i'" u?co*b?r? of ?h' national legtoUtun), to My ?? t'?inj of Um re*. o?mhl*ht *<9 moment, be In ? ItfPff ? rtato of eorrff^itibllMy m mny be Inferred from Uie import DU? to* Mr. 1MM M, na n conanlUt of tho Senate tuu forrmlljr anooaoc*] ft M a feat to the wort J. wc maatfc allawod to My that It jtruvea twofnucli; that le. H prura* the prof? of ilu'., Unitod SlulwtoW?IbqomH>4? of tit ~***rn If tharaaroieut oh* of virtue ?ooOfh amoitg th-m eal ra?, (rum wkMl they aiajr aaiact toco* Mp?M* wimiitfitlw hi Owgwn, for Mil tl tho jrwinJ that the mflttxit Id not aorUtt ofth- imt up?J la tham ur Ineapabta of f?t||. ?1!inr it fceeertly.eapaanlo m to K a of nlf-ahawmat aul tolf-tnndentoathti, wfthont parollal of preaftlaw*. W? are ?t>? riota lot b?U u twaay balief tn thU *?ni in that roapeetohle Mv; mm ifi(ito*bttani!hi| that wo Ira ebaarfot'y dliptoed to allow tha paopla to eota i? a Heart wmrr f.* fmliiW and Vie# Pratidont, |tr of Rapra atathaa. It waoil ba an aa?y talk to follow 1*w arjttNMot of tha rt port mad* by Mr. Omytoo, from boj(W Ing to #tvlf and point o*t defect a In H that arn in curable by r*?>oa. We mold rftow that all tha n?aeh**i-ry of the enfrnj?l'>a *t lo>o?*. naon firth In tha <1i?pl?V0 11m 1?U Pah. 189#, by Mr. Mits ii SUfie. *? l*| ??? ?a aba tba i iK# I . JH to which it b cath'ed; ?Mk district to kv? | Iter*, pot Into aliallot bo?. ?. Feb 16, |?Z8, by Mr. OeHwey. The pcopla of tb? a*ver?l Mat#a, authoriaed lo vwalu mo> bar* ol ih ? KtuKMiittmn hraorh of lb# M# I# xWlafwrr, to rnto directly (?r tbo Piwidtal UhT Vict Pre*id?at, and a plurality of rtXet lo ileter ?In# the rlmtM 7. Fob. m\ lg*?8, by Mr Da?bi oao. Tot#f>| tabtiaii tb# aU elattw of tb# lit xctbn of tb# td artk I# if tb* original ceailMloa, ncr,it (bat portion which tuuiort the .power of electing tbe t*.nu ?v,1i i# of mtbi- l y dutriab ? ; it* nxail^ r ?>? b? equal to tba whole > (totnWr wt' tooa{rs ??oibe C^t trial,lo rboo## on-; tbe voti>? :? I* takeu by ?Ui#*; aacli Mat# tv lia.e mto Hp!" '.V *h-ct#r*to Tot# 0 r?b.'?!?!, 18*8, by Mr U.w*ll. lo (bo tveot cf th? H?rli>?ii drvolvia^ on tbe b?la rr*> direct. II. Fab. St j, 1*128,1iy MrtHayn##. Tba pao vtanf -tboapvaral alateito rota by paafll tickat, an 1 (hfcftn tidata recivinx tbc pidMt Mibar of ruffe ?n a alate, i to a atata, to ha lialdaa to hare racalrod one v?nbi *n eitberaradl, aaw?)ea1ty of tb# wbdl# number uf vote* to ba nacca?ary to a chtlea. S 18. Feb. SMtb, 18A bjpMr. Uvlnfatao. To e.i llie choice ot IVaakkat and VicaTrealda^t dlraorty b> lb# penpto, a'hboat lb# iot#rra?U#a of -rlota. - IX Ftb 240?, 18t8,by Mr. Thdaipaoo, of Pe.tti. The ntlaaiw im #a#b aU4e quallft#d la Tote for fb# tHdiU SStt&S . JfW* , ^ -ei? f-M'Tl || ?"?.!?? || lMlU(l|?|tl)|lar( UMT MKXjIut. the ?n the VMit (l??i In fie State, Ml be tm b? *tr d red to have ??* bomber of electoral ??**? ta-fbbb ?*????* b now oatHbd; hi cote ?a ce?*dete hu ? m4ority ?f all Um sbeterel vote*, ?l?# p^ool* ore h vol, api*, fo , MMiHH-r, niDbmog thcirfchoic* to en* of the the free while M'U titbw U the uvtnl^uSei, ?U*<> th? oflIwe^HNM yeor* bv * genon] rot* Mr W(UU?,tWoeftW the Uw.ted Hute?,the ?Vett* of Prr?ldeul ? J Vfce-Pr?*kfcftt. ., Ej*. Teh IMlh, ISM, ? Mr. Wee?i_Aft*r th neii eteeH^^jfce m flmiiley bes mrreJ fo?? fmr*. he rtidi to tael*fte onto for sis re?n-, ? ?tnif.?rn> tfitem ef rrtinil.v rffcrfrfcW; the rlqcte r?l wHmn? b?ff>?fter to JUkt lb* President eod ' "i?r Wta* Hi Ihe log o? Coogitss, the ?"J Member* voCne ' from h.,i.l fcP er > mmm i * ?ru* i MopwHKiM h?n l?M aabmUted, ??at,m|MVliw vImIImU the*chief ?*?>?? re ?uiWrrti aflhe watfoa; a >liim a my nieaafcly be aatertalatd at to the leal adoption r?qr mm ?r 4f. UaM. ahali have ?Or thaa iae ' iMlUwatlwr ftnaaaay -4^-jLi ^AmII WllhttM*e?law>,a?ceHrediB re?ec*oaeaddae whieh Mr. Beat* UiWrwis * ferreJ the |nt|wilton to hmhI the fowliinllw with i Mf?i C la the wylMawttfAwitw aad BipmwiUriwU win ?iVr the WiiiI gov iwiwi IWnLaklw havegaae iotodeanfa aoarch*e*d haw Waw trom Ow iwWim of the MriytlaMM of the pyiniirt, jfcmifanu of tfra m?rf?lwii ifayi hy^Wii lh>yp>w>.lto> a mSm yl? miiaanM by New-York, Vir. fiMii awl North Ciraliae. A Iiod wea rabatHMd U> Ibejtaf Huipm of Um i(r4 ?oMgre?tj aad In tba third lawilaa of the eleventh Coagteaa, la Mm Ihae af Mr. Meal jra? propaeed, ?uMia| aiahm of Caa* taraed epoo the fclaa poeHiee, that ooe m eetrtd only iadatuee oae aettaUv, wht rraa, mil Ukc iwafoi atay hare thaireyeatiffcwi oaaaadthe aaoMaffoa.a vaeaaey la which aaay have eeear rad. Aad agetu, >iace the adeptloa efthe CoaaU unite, a wHnwtha WM at anaa It, t* iw m?*\ ^^^SSSS^'ZSSiSSSfi siMMl&ap^s!^ fygSBp pSfe=^M &lE&i3i?g &r,S~~SS#3,t ^gasgaas ";u,32H l??.y ?*n*to fiuwdflflttfSi M? lain pr?ct4c*? in mm) Mm proftri*t <*Mt, ?r fWMII Mlean ]|53 jr tut tTm+i*4Un CUg, Mart: id tMa cltjr, ?m op^-nWj Um ui CoatafawU ilw C?t(ati mall, on itoMtntr or nif.