'M m iiiri Tali ?m COLUMBIA, (S> O.) TUESDAY MOENINO, JitiVARY 34. 1820, v. ,,* / l^y.'./y''',ii' iSOBb: ? 'tthoriir's .S oa' mim liuilfatt (i^y li##*! ndjohit ng Col. tH bty??W* niyl R. R RiAmII on iho olL, mT_, Iffl&M KW?rt, ndin'r ot ihotfp llefron. ?fcf H0| 'mpu M.,, I,ot ?m?! BnKHlnp nbovn defcrlbcO.M th* >l?o.-?00 Ac** of LAND, more or SS&^??vfS JE&W5&& ?? ???- ??"? ? La^MM.c^ofJ. D?rr?tt No. 4* Otto quarter of ?n Acre, more to ton, on Dull tlrert, Including Iho tyilMlit** ttttreAh: it tlie >uit of Sclliui Wiring, iff. J. K. Howell. " < | p?f nenlwM bodemnnded hfthe jpnnhnwr ?f J H. Uow?U'? urojicriy, m tltti ioH Of Boll** Wiring ? No. 0. Tho HOUSE ami i,OT, *lWjra Mr#. Ho rah C, Unit now llvo?, on the cor ner of lixilt mi J ?-7? ?trwis, ??oniulnlriK Wlf nil ?u:ro, tnoro or lemat th? ?'jll ol'F. O^itr, v?. John H Hovretl, _ . - , ^ J So; C. The HOUSK tiid LOT, containing rtnn un wcw,* rtioro or low, Wlu-m ilio defendant J. *f. Unwell mm* llvot, icljnliiio^ Or. JiMc* l?.iVU mid DuvM lfock?t(, En, nt (lui mtU 01 JnmcrM'U/nvnfi, v*. JmmIi' T. Howell. . ! > Thft??mo ?it, nt the nitl of 19. It J, . JJwnrt, vj. flttiMI No 7. 100 .Acre* of T.iANi), more ftrJwa, nh^ro tho UffviiJutH ni'iv hvui: ni tliu mi5i ?f\J J. tiaimU ^S ? *}? So. 1 The lioiJSK. nn.l I.OT, *" lor ttrect, lutfly ocepplrdby Ilia , tnriro iir/lcw ut tho sail of tha President hud DlrectoN of tho bank , <><>iitnuiiiuj two 4A: at the ?ufl or Jatnt-a llotn, v?. Wui.. Uy. V Alto, thoiawo ITbit?o and Lot, at tUc*ult of 1*. I* ft. Bryee, w. Wwt.Oray. At*), III* tamn IIoUm and nt Ufa anil of I). Kuurt, benrir, for ctUto df f JeorjwtJcrfou, va. WfeOrty. r Ah?, 'flie mine pwrrly. At tlio toll of 1). Kw art?w. Fntrtek Poylu *nd Wui. Orny. ' f I^o. II. 30l).Acrctof l^ANO. more r>r iMa. An tho Cougaro* rlvor, bounded iiy IhiiJi of It. Carter and . r.lliutl'a land: nt tlio lalt ofc A. IVt?lb!cotton,*?< KtUha Pb*. One half of a five hundred ny land* of 8a ?n>el and /mart* PajftaHbni Pmlerfok Mover, and Julin .MartbuW: at tho'?bll? of F< Lyket, tt. Tho* frlwondi. -V > ? .. Af*?, the tanvi hnlf trart of Land, at tlio >uli of . \J. Ltvy, (ado w<>? v?. Thm. Hdmondt. No. 1$. The HOUSE mxl LOT, Vhara the defendant Wvit, containing ona ipmrtcr of ?o intra, uhmto or lt?, wljolnini Or. Jump* ty.tvia nurl I). Hockcl, VU<\. at tlio juitot J. U % lto*>ion, v?. Joicph T. Huwcll. Ten per Oent. will ho rroulred of thh nnrchawr of J. T. llowell'a property, at Uta suit of J,k T. N0/ V4> 100 Acrct of LAND, more fir lew, on tlifc rond from I'olumltU to M'Cord'a t*rrf( oimitt 120 mll(# from C'olninWn, adlotnfni ?tand? ??e|< ;.>(iiig twllirliard Hrniihntn and f'redar* v ^WrMyan'e laiiili lit the auit of iut. SoiHIi, rt, tlio ?N?an property, nt tha aolt of William -6aoU,lt,Co. Willluni M'O.ird Uruwn, ?ad Klljfl No. 10. 890 Acrtrf of LAND, molt! or los,on I tire C^eck, bounded N. and X.E. by itnud# hr.lonjtln^ to ilia ?nat ? of Samtnd I>?niatirrty ?0\ arraa of Inn*', moro or lra?, on 'ftlca ^r.tak, li'iiiu I' ll N. VV. by jamiie!Perry,8. U and H. \V. iiml N. W. >o*jodtil by jtnde of Mote* liukt*, N. by In.id* Ix-I'iiigln^tdili'. ^y Dr. Jaw?? Dnvfc, ?li*tr ?ci1 MvncH, Robert MUlor, | OttiJ ^.divin M9&G&9* . ?] No. tlii 100 Acfw of UND, more or lew, on tho water* (\S Broad river, bottih'eit n?ortU by laud* Mooring to the ertalo of IM? r t'aiut,niid alao by J. 8. Gurnard, K. by e*latf ?>( Pnlrtr FautUS. by J. 8. flUimianTi j?i?d, orl^.1. nally flraalad to ft?Ur Faint, annveyed by Mid Peter FmiiM, to Jybu Fau>t; ?t tlio mlt of I'nrvlf, to Co. re. Hobcrt Miller. No. 32. Hop Acrcs of I^AND, more ?>f IriHi, wlmro the dnfenUnul llrt?, on lb* Wnte/fw river,niljolMlRK laud?oti lb* couth ?lilr. bebingbiK toJolm Mitan, and onthft mirth ?it!* by binds longing to (lie estate of Ihjucun M'Uafii wt Inn ?niit ot ClinrtM blU*, v<, Juhn Fowerr, and Johu HlOmjHOH. ' " '. ,???.. No. !13. 300Acro? of LAND, more or bus op the rond binding fro'* ColumMn to Cnm di.m, iKiundod hy laud* l?!b?iiRln? to HmmuiiM l>iii kin* mid David Davie at tbeuiit of Juiur* WHkmi v?. Aiii^lum tVonMhenby, f ?? ??*'?? - N'J. 24. 396 Acrca of LAND, more ?>r L ?? wlirrn llifl J fondant iivir?,on Torn'* ?rei>h, iHJiimlotl l>y Iniiif4 ni Dr. OJIvir, end Jo*. wttbe ?uit of .1. ltarrHI, ii Co. v/. /olin Wanlf. Alia, llm Mint! property lit |iio eutf of h, *lato ofllurrell raq?tjnnd IhmiwiMit nd Sharp* Inndt >1 llio auH ofJlUtopli l>.il?o?.y, v?. ihn (Mover.-' ] Alto, tlie ?on?c property nt Ilw cult of WiilUm; Montgomery, r*. /oho Glover. No. 20. 97 Acre* of LAND more or !???? nonr tlio J,i?litwood K'tol Spri n^, ed on one?Mu by Monlgoinnry'e Inn.I, end on nil otlw-fi k? Iiy /anift? B.OuignardV litnd; ,At llm milt ofj). (I loorrv*. Julm l)4oeer uni Jnit)c? $. Unwell. No. ST. 20$ Acre* of LAND more or)ei*, where Mr. Joint (Mover no\y IW'm. on (be main rn?d from Columbia to Wlnoeboroiigli, ad' ointnglaiid* belonging to Jai. H tinignnnt. Alto, tlio IIdum* nu?t l.ot, wlicrn Mf.lt. Yntte live*, containing four ncrra mo#* or fr?t> m tlio ?ult of Jeno Uebrnhl, v?. John tkUMJer, Robert Vatea, and lob* tflorer. No* jjp Tlio HOUSE and LOT where the.defendant Uvce, on Washington atreot: oonlolnlMliMflitiMNalootor Iraa, bounded #\n the wmi by Jalw* Warner'* lot. on tbe r*??, by Mfa. llendflekat lot, on the tooth, hy tbe lot, be longing lb (bo Pi ' bylftUn Chiirefc aim! on tbe north by ?aW aire*!; at (he luitof Beiina Waring, vi.W.H. Wed*. ,No. 29. 133 Acres of LAND moro or toe, lying on Mtlio Cmno CreeV and Bay Branch, Hater* of Broad rlwfr, t?Mhd?l W, by land of Thome* Bniiih, ff. W l.htle Crane Cr " " lotto Smith, odnifuntrfctrtff offliomoedmlth. No. Si. The H0U81B wid LOT, where the defendant now live*, containing two ?eree. MOT* or len, fronting on Taylor itreeti at th??nlt of Wm. Oray, w. /obnM. Miller. No. 31. Tln. llOUSK and LOT, con. twining half An acre, wort or to*% 90 feet front* id ifcrtfettdeep. wher* (he defeniMit live*. adjoin log Willie WhKo on the wee*, (bo rfefe?lC. Rr.try on tlio north. :zify-G ' JLI' ? No 93. .600 Aefet of LAND, moro or lee*, lying on IWfit#y'* ?foek, being (ho up per pnrt of Pearaon'e largo HWVty (?e* plot; at the ?wH of Wm. Pur vie, v#, /am*> flortglnw. No. 33. 60 Acrca of LAND, more orloi*, iying on Cedofererk, adjoining land, of John Ulunk* end Wrp. WertOMi at tbo suit M Ouvid l'rke, rt, Aaron Morgan. umii?CAvtt. ? w. Mif.f.iARo, s. n. n BlmrifT'i CMVo. /an. 19,181M. M~it Valuable I'roporty. pott sai.k, ?|tlf K fkihtcrilM* Intending t?? In ?v? <*o1umt?ln. IL nlfcc# tor Mki Mi IHMJflR and l?OT, on Hloti* Mrd?on ?lrc?((, OfuxtfMt Mmvi, I'urvlt' itnm. Th? d willing llotMk |>iiUt otJkkk thro? itnrfo* Hlxtr.on lb?pwml*wif?t?iw?v? two tuny " SMsa$&ra8sJa 'C "Sss r n. is^|JE*l6 ? clthw by"not? or ho6W account! tvvim'kw &,?* mmfn+rnuto sjl ,.-Jwiwry ft ??< More New Goods. Sutxcrilicr JtavUift l?i?t rroMVfd ai JU ?i|Iaj?bl? addition to Hf? n?tf>rtin'nt of ( chaurfuc.uoatdtRku tJiH onnortottity of Infi publio (bat lio tvIM trtl iwiit< ninl tli? put>|irt tliat they hara move J to iti# nrr at<*r?, north nf M*wm. I?"w, F.tttahn Ami A.M?-r,nnJoppoaita AtmnX.l; 1J. Drcnuu'*, where tlx y carry on tlimr huvlntu m foMnrty. li. i ??'Jftftowry Ifl | tf JE; Peck, 'TTAfl rtuiluil n icitnwkl |1 mnit Stinutiw ttooiN frr?#n New York, ??nn?l?tinjr of *wr*rl> Slf.K I1IWM.. (NOB for pnuttflooit*, a ml??vnilft vof WaWlcoallnj, ?if Uih nmyvat pQltoriiK am) rnntmUTa. April W ?f For Siil o. ALARC.r, mpply of bwy ?oun?ry iant!c UNHBY. iiutcinnson u stkwajit. I>*-r rtO. Ml !l. Unmoral. 1.1* L. shkrmax f/flf* rtihorf4ihrirB. WDIJ'.ll V W.HniWWSK TO NO. 0,I'M U IN IX HTOIIU8 wiutrt ikju offer for talc Wholttmb anti ~ flfitail, A9 nvrr.aMvr M*onT.H?r*T tfr *.\f IMTAUY ami l'l.iln .Wdlw, iTJL Bridle* arid Miifttiwite*, mnnufnriml of the mti mittumW, and In the mart nhroved modem nyte, 1 Co*$h rb*#rTiow? dp Iffytalooni olMitM-rlor< Wm v i -a . ? . < A tog* *M?rt?Kot of vtfrioui NEOpo cuyriiiNGl P*Mfetbw? ' " milk I tttWMrtf ' Columbia Male A li/fll. EDMONDS^ . tA' tentkftwenv lace (heir mhu oni fifctadPriiicMo t affi W*r*m?hom m Col. Colona d'Ornano i&sbs Mfwvw (o Metere. X*Coin an m PfcwSg1. ?? TO* i?pt?? hou*v,or??riy -oeuplod by Mr*. Surge nor, whkh ha* been Mlectod for a temporary sefcnly, u they will remove to a more . *ltnation in a few month). The eottrrt of ctkni will embrace alt tUa branche? of fcojp Kih Litrratnro and Science, usually Uuiht in F?malo r*gnnled with parental tnmUrnoea nnd uore/ tlioy will viilt in turn with the family, and every uictbod talcnloM to polish the maimer* and cul> tlvate the mind will be anxiously porsaed, The mjuit*r of iHipiit will nt present ba limited to but should thl? establishment /cc?ira tlje cq arHtragoftcnt, which I ho exertions of the Te*Cb*ra, will endeavor to merit, tbo number of scholars Will hn increased.aud ooinjxjtent usdttaat Wmpfi* m employed. Tlicro will ho an eiamtnnllon hi Juno and lieeemjiir, *?ben Iba younj ladle*, will lie critically Interrogated on their previous studies by a coimnlltco lclected for that purpose. TKRMa raw tuall tun, r**an..n in ^iivancc. Mhiorctati Spoiling, Heading,Writing \ g 6 <*> had Marking. S 9 2Vttun. f polling, Hemline, Writing, 1 ArHhuietin, KnglUb Gram- f am m?r, I'lntn Ifewing nnil f. ... b ,u Marking. J hf rTum Spelling, Itn^ding, Writing,) Arithmetic, KntilUh Urnin mar, llhtory, Mythology, Geography, with the nseot ,nud Maps, Astrmio. my, Composition, Natural l'lnlntophy.H'ietorir.riaio nml Oruutnt-utnl Needle Work. PrriM-h, to 00 lettiu and Clrfok, 10 00 Mode, lit Mi llntrapfi- to thl< llepnilmerft, (V 00 Drawing and Ferspaotlve, 7 At' I' dnfiittf on Velvet, Vulluin and Satin, . * >10 lln-ird, 97 60 t'lrcAyood 50 Tlir Teaeflflra am reintvod that there ?hnll be mo r.AU?o of cnimituint nf oatra ami miexiiected rharcei, a* no deliU >hnll I* contracted hy tho pti* I'll, nithout thefciioivlodKuoflfco parent or guair* dian. * Poo.nn. rut Ir 10 00 Tabernacle Academy, JIT MQVNT JlRtKL,, Till". Trurieetof thU Academy take ? plea* tiro In announcing to tho public, that at tW |ate*?aminntlon ofthnttudente of till* Institution, their mo?t ran^itiue hope* and espectatloM Wert ??Jrnowul. Tho discriminating accumey am) npld ad Vii nccincnt of (lie ?tudctlt* |ti lltolr varlpu* >tu ?Hw, were nuehai could ojily have hcert effected l?y fl?> m?st owldtiou* application directed by * tenehcr of tho Ar?t literary ajtalnuientiand e*|?o rlcnco In 111* profenlon. l'hry ennKrutululn themiAlrc* and the public on tho flattering v " * thl* seminar rcctlonnf krinc pro?|teet* of the permanency o? fry ot Mnring under tha very ablo dl ?lit* Rev. Joeaph Tr?vl?, a. M. , I'flie nolle* of tho village I* entirely within the cool rot of the Trwicoytyhlch enaMti them to Mrid to tha In ?Tho Tru?te*i ?gH *1*0InftmrtW cfHtjr*" 01 inv irun?'o?i ?rnion ei cvclude nvrry thing which might tend to tha la traduction of vice and diedpntlon. The Trutof* wen Id alio Inform the pnbilw that the Aeademy It located In one of th*m<*t hea|thy iHnatktm in Abbeville dktrlct; UM evidence Qf w fetch there hn? occurred b?l two c??t of fever among (he Undent*. Mventy In dumber. The price* of tui tion are aa follow*} Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, f& Grammar, Geography, f.ogic, Hh*to> ' ? .. ' 80 Letin, Of**k and ll?hr*w, V$> Convenient and gentfMl boarding can b* had at 7 dollar* per month. J. K OI.^NN.Seo'ry. Ahbaylle, Deo St. ^ 4? h Wanted Immediately, AT tho Villa** of Rdgelleld, a hAlY* com petent to 4ak* ehargaof twenty or t*wt|jf' lee Ityto**, of dl(Rk*oI age*, and to Teoeh them the branch** ordinarily taught in f"*m?le A**de< mlee. On* a denote, ai*o, to Toaeh Metlo at)d Cdcefield Januan ?www-1 wvupf I yy-.. joilhn?uL tto bTS? |1W per BDMOND BACON, ijfevjV., fcnuarj 13 ? :# r#M Beaver-Dam Aoadcmy. Tllie fiuUtttiioq la loe?(*4 in M lM#tUiy &<* Uof^p?3?a , a) South of tie Court ltou*. It V Hon fit this time. The eourw < eondueled by tbf milted eaertloM FwiHiinJ Iow D. Pwiiiti (I Hindu*to of tbe Sottlh-CnroliM Ooll Utt?r of N?*Mt Hill, PrlncetOn, Noirt Tljf. following bwncHpa of SSS&&2&H dsm&BwSti for ntitcring Junior Ctu? in Clltre. A 3?llr? Lettcre, Moral ffid Natural PMI< mjnlrto, U^rd mftj bo hail for $ 7?. pr. A; Py/?i /K*. Jbfol Qarlingt'o pupil W Bo ?u ding may bo hod ft from 75 to 100 For Tuition, |Wrae?Ipn, > # for B?nrd, f|(i. I? Far WwhliMf, p*r dote*, . J Jant*ry IS. * H' M'MI i rood C'otion Gin Wright ftrtt day of Merbh ?e*l. S*te4 Ml i or ? readable ah nre ef lha i ?hop woqty'be *l*Ht toe J4 NHfctt p?rtl?uJar? 2r*w51i