m W '? feS ??- ? - ,uTO^t P?. -?,.B?.,?WT, TO THE HpjjSB OF OFTBE CT?i % W- ,???.'? i'MMI iii'imiin ,i'"i Fit 1 DAY EVENING, Jan. 0, 1820. r Mr ttEfclSliATIVB PJtOCHHDJNGS ? or souTyrcA-'ioi.iNA ?&' ~ SENATE , FniDAT, Dee. 10 tltojonrnal uf yesterday having Imn read, Mr. <, T. P. I?.ivl*, Evans, Gllllsple, OJovor, ClrliTin, Miller, Mornl, Topa. lummy, llcymdds, Itlchnrdldn, Itnhhisofi, Smith, Taylor, Vordler, nnd William*.?')M. . 80 the resolutions worn not pout potted, i A motion was then mnftotlint jonalo do conenr 'in tho report, nnd resolutions therein contained; whieh resolutions worn a* follows, vhn?? Jttnleed, That cniipro;* doe* not pnmn the power tender tho constitution, in adopt n gnncral system of iutornal improvement, a$ n national meawr*. lUtoltt? eiarcUe a power (punted for pnrtietih? ohjccw, t? eir.?r? other objects; the rigid to eflToct whloh has never been cnnccded. Iltsofreil, That it is ah unconstitutional oxer tSlio of power on tho part of eoncr***, in t,?* (he rHizensofona state, toiniko rot J* and canal* for the (glt?fn> of ftnotlieratatd. lYpowerolt tto'pirt of congress, to lay du. |tei? to protect domoitla' manufacture* , On motion to concur in snld resolution*, th* fyyttand noes were repaired, and aro as follows.' vUt AVF.S?Mem?. Benbnw, Den?on, Ulack, Rry $nt, Ciendlnen.J. ?. Dew, J. N. I>avlt, T. |?. Da*l?, Duhow Evan?, (illitiple, Glover, Orldlii, llalg, Jerman,Miller, M'Klhhin. Morrall Pntlrr <00, Pope,Hamifty.lteynoli!", Itinhanhon. Hobut ?nn, Smith, Tart, Tftylor, Vcrdlor, and Willlem? ^ CTiJ r * ^0E8--IIon. Jacoh M'On, PreilJent?Merir#. Cattell, Cherry, Crtifl?,IC. Pons, Ke?r well, Prnmp (drt. IIttjer,Irhy, Koger, Manor, Ptrry, Blmlclne, fw Swygert?M ; TM'molylioni were therefore concurred in, and ordered to bo returned u? tho hoote of repre. eentatlvtu. Mr, Orlflln luhmltled the following reiolntinn, .ch Wae agreed to, and otdered to l?o sent to the h oum of representative*, yii; " H'firrtm Robert lloutor, dfceaiod, of bau*. ant dfi'rfct, did, by hi* last will and tetUment, ill and devise that 111* eight certain negroes, With the Increuo of the female*, thotttd be einan ci paled, H*iolr(d, That it U inexpedient tp emonelpato the ?aid ilnvee." A favorable ft)port from the hon?e of repro #ent?tlvi?, on the petition of Iho Charleston bridg? romp^ny, wu eomlderod and concurred In, and ordered to bo returned to that houie: a roport from fhnt boute, ort the petition of David Jleckot, wa* ordered for coniUer?ilor? fo-morrOtv} i ?Jpato Mid fleve, wbie'i W*i Agreed to, end ordered fo b# i0:it to' tho bout* of repreienfa ?lve?. (/> ?r . , . / ?>"' ? ,. . H > A repon of the eoiqmlttee oii Account#, on the Mport of die superintendent of pnbflc work*, m to (he expenditures mado on the e.plLae building*. In nppmhetlon of H.o ?,wne, WM agreed to, end ordered to bO Mnl totheh^tie of frpreMhlallvc*. A btil 10 amend en ret, entitled " an act to r?< vWr and amend the jiidiejary ajritem of thf* elate, S| hd for other purpose v'wa< re?d a second lime, I'd ordered to be returned to the toute of lipre* rotative.. k * /A bill to regelate ftilt* agelnUIhe maker* or dratyerfof Joint liftd MVeral nofelor MIU, era* UVen up for a *ecood reading, and rejected. A bill to idler end amend an act, ahtUled " an let tofrfiblUfi * coU?J?at Colombia,*' wa* read a rccond time,*nnd ordered tu be returatd to the ft 'BM of jrfpre?erdatlv*?. ' Vftlllem r. D Wm, noinied lo eootrect for, and aoperlAtend* jr tbe opening of Wali-'I cue, referred U the committee on internal Improvement. r. Tt?V committee oft account*, on tbo memorial of John (ieddei, wbitelited a report, recommend In*' an appropriation, of V07. dollar* SO ofDlf, In bit laVor, to romnln In t,bo trtauiry of tho itate; to await tljo d<*l*lou of a'eortaln ?ull dow pend* inf between the itato, and John d ferrW: a 1411 to enable Ann Wchnrdfon to bringback Intnthh ?tale, n eertain female ilarr, and, n bill giving the right of hppeal from thejndgmeirt of bullae* and freeholder* In certain cav? of capital felony, on tha trial of *lnve?, free nogroe*, and other per*on* of color, and for other pnrpose*. Tho following bill*, from Ibo home of r*pft* *entntlvei, were rend a third time and patted, and ordered to l?e returned to that houut, vti: A bill to lucre*? tho *cnirity to be elvon lry tho nherllf of lllchland dhtret hereafter elee? teds n bill to require tho ?heri(T' of Kdgefletd district to ndvrrtta hi* talc* In one or more of the public gazette* of ttmt HUtrlet: n bill to give to tbo f.lt? court of Charleston concurrent Jnrl*dlo? Hop iptli tbo court of common p'ea?, in *ull* on eerfahi mercantile contract*, toanv mnonnt; and, a'blll concerning bnwkcr* end pedlar*. Mr. Craft*, from .tha r.on^inltten on fi?nncA?, njftdo a report on th%prlitlon of fi. Tliirgeri mil n report on the report from tho tmnmi<*lonnr? np oointrd on Ibo oluceinf surveyor general, and ?e. ?srott?ry of Mate; ordered for e.on*Mernttnn ?<> morro'.r; nlvi, an unfavorable report on tbe pell tlonof J. Wiley, which Wft*$muld?rod and agreed to; nlio, a favorable report on ? report fomi the Iioimo of reprenentitlrei, on tho petition of'l'hot, VddUon, which we* rnn?idcred nnA ncroed to: ej?o, n report 0'i tho rojHirt fror^ the trenrurar of Cbtirleilon, a* t?> ilie cxoniidituro of tl>a trnn *b'nl poor fmi'l; ordered to l?a laid on tho tabl?. Mr. William* from tbo criifiniill>'.o oa internal Srnnrovoment, rondo a repoit on lin m^morlal( of AtmVfliM?!wef?Vpp(^iffnil to ojh?V Wall'* eu:j or? deredfor cotul lcr?(lon to>inor."o\j'. On motion of' Mr. Willlnmv 'bo committee on tuternal Improveiiu'nt u'ero di*cbnr^e.d from eon* ?Idtfrln'{ tbo prlit'onof iii.lry lnbnbi{?nt? of |?an run* and N^wli.ifry.lor a lottery, uud it wa?onfcr* "d t.? he n'd on tuo tabic.. * Mr. Xofor from ttic nSnrntttce on public hjiildln,'*, mn'1" report* on tbe tevcml peU, out ho petition of W. Auerumt a report of tfi* ??>romilt#ie mi finance, on tho petition of David Beckot: n report o| the ?*me committee on th? petition of the Charleiton bridge company, and on tho petition of II. Craig: a report of the committee on rotd*, on the pott Uon of Thpuwon Waro.nnd J. H. Stanton. The houie contldered and agreed to, a favora ble report of tho eommlttoe of way* and mean*, on the petition of ll?gh Craig, and recommended that ho ho pah! 172,34, and ordered tho tamo to b? returned to tho nr. j Tho homo oomidercd nnd conferred with the teuate In n feport of the apocial committee, on tho account of tho continuant fund of hie Excellency Richard f. Manning, whiuh wai ordered to be re tqrned to tho ?ennte. ? A report o( tho committee on internal improve ment, on tho report of tho fupcrlntemlottt of pUblio work), from ifttJato; ami, at report of the ?60010111100 on internal improvement, o.t a report tho luperinlcndont of public Work* of th?.? ?##, were postponed until tomorrow. Tito homo oon*ld?red nnd agreed to ?n unfa voreMe report of tho co^mitte* on claim*, on title petition* of Thorn** Heard, John Kinck* and I) I.. Wakily. |?/*yiog relief from fo>y imtaiitod by rtre; and,* report of tho oomttlUeaon Onanaco, on tho latnc petition wai dlt*gr*<*| to. < A report of tho cemniit finance, oil tho petition of John Connm^n It, fate troaiurerofthe Upper dlvWion, we* orderHf t? Ho on the Ubio. The Mtiato tent ifi tW? houie for toftourrentv, a repott ?f the?ommitteo,..n cUV. Hmilb, ordered, that the upecial commUtee, tn whom wo* referred the memorial of It. U. Mill*, i>*q. praying an InVeMi J at Ion into the official conduct of tho ordinary of 'hntor dljtrlct, be dlichargerf from that *iibjeot. Mr. T. Walker from the oommlttee on internal Improvement, made a report on the memorial of j It W. Lubbock. Mr. Olovcr from tho eommUtejon road*, made a report on a report of tho committee on claim* of theeenat*,on the petition of John 8. Thomat: and a report on the potitiop of Sara Alloy.. Mr. lUyior from the 9onniittrot on public port on the rei?or\ of the ?an if committee Irom fcnuto, on bulluinga new Jail for YorH districts a coi\?^leration to-morrow TU9 hou?e comidered bitlidinjf, made tho following report*,' vixt A re 1 of the aai ng a nCir rcnort on tho petition of Wm.tlny, prnyin^enm ii*V^nti(in for work done on t'i?< court liou?e of Uichlnrtdi 'k report on the petition of William M4 Crei^h't, fc Co. whloh wero ae .-orally ordered Cur , M ..... end aoneurred with the lenatc, in * report W tin o?nmlt\t<\ on uublin building, recommending a ado of tho old court lump ot Cojndou, and ordt| turned.' Mr. rnttnnon, from the committee on vacant office*. mnda tit* following report of ofllpc* ya* cant: H^Ute'r foil Prince Clcoigo, ifinyaw: K'chrntor I'or Lancaitet rr*on?*of ??oler. mvl for other purpotet; and, a hill to oHabto Ann Hleh Itrdton to brlp^ bock into thH itale n certain fe* inalo *liivoj ordorod, thut tho raid bill* bo tout to tho lenalo. A bill to enabloPattcy Gregory t?\ Inherit tho owed ?o? ordero*! to lie or\ tlio table. oitatoof Iter dc will, vent from thn ?enato for concurrence, wai ordered to bf. laid on thotable. . ... A bill to alter and amend the tint and wxc.inl tortlom of the 10th article of thocoiitt.tution of litis ttale, being taken up for n *?oond rending, win, on motion, ttoilpoucd until the fir*t dny of January. " Tbo tpeaker laid boforothe 1iou?? a communis cation from lite attorney general, relative to Wup. poo cut; which waiordered tolio outhoubk-. Head a *?coad time, * bill to <:?tahll*li certain roadi, bridge* and forriei; ordered lhut it bo ipnt ?n tt}e *eme *nb? Jeets and a report of the ipeelel committor, to whom WM merrod the communication of tho comptroller-general. covering the Heeoant of the : latogovernor with the oontfcifeat fund. Aft. L, II. Kennedy from the eommKteo on tho qqafter-neflfUr general** report, medo a report on *o rhveh of the governor* iiimm*# m recom. Send* an appropriation of arm* for the city of harloitooi and a report on n resolution to mnke compensation to tho quartcr-mu?tcr-a?nora1, for hi* srivire* during tho iw?t yeart which were ?o> verallyorrierod fure?>nitder?tinn to-morrow. Mr. MJfrlok pro?cnte<) tho report* of tho com. mirtioner* of l>eo *011001* for Abbeville dittriot, for the year* 1021 and 182/lt referred to Um coin* { 'uittOeon owcr* bore. 4. Because tho censures ptit on the act* and proceedings nf congress, bjr tho said restitutions Wouki,** well ju?tlfy that body, In their turn to reviic on I consura our ryt*, nnd a war.of origin atlon nnd re b;imlnation. would ba wirfged con trary to tho cohitltutbmof this, as well a# of tbo i'altcd State*, unbecoming thn. dignity of either body, calculated to produb* dangerous division* among ourselves, to array Ibis legislature against the general government, and to produce other sectional dlvlslms, injurious to tho hnrmotw nf both governments, and tho belt Jntoresu of the coun.try. 5' '*?" fl. Unrauso, \hp l?g'ulaturo hit* no time for such nhtirntt di?cus?k>n*, (cspeclatyy at tills period.) which can l>o taken from lb* Indispensihle duties for the performance nf which, wo are sent here.] it is tlmreforo an unnuthorlicd wasto of time and nf the public monoy. ?. flocou?r, thn disruption of, and decUInn on th?, If even occasion* itioh palpftble [violations of tho cnuctltuthm ami plain usurpation j 'of nut rights mjiy occur,ns in rtml^r it a ditty not | I only f?r tbe people; t?at for tbl?, wltltovery other I organ of tbe goVern.tiiiI, Kospsak oufand a;t?re | not;" 1111 such occasions at present e*lit! On the I contrary, its it rogn'rds tho subject of internal lio 1 provement, no general plan has, as ye(, l?ecn tufw, , milted to con {reis, mid no general *y?teTi gone ; Into. It I* lltoraily "leaning before we arrivu at thbatyle." ?* ? I 0. Because thcie ahstrntt reiolutions nre so drawn a* not to present fairly, the questions tlj*y purpoit to raiike. ?o thatono branch of tome of them may be well voted for by Ihoie who could I net vole-for olhrir branches, nnd tho dcclilon of j tliJi sonato adopts thcfin in ihn lump. ' Home of tb? r?solutloni,e* nbilratl proMtUmt, cannot be qb* I jeot^d toj^and ~ * ' 10. Bceauae all abuses by congress should be remedied by the legUlcnute power, tbo P.Kt>PIe have upon ih*to suMccts Iii conformity with the irfvlfatlnn accepted yo?-1 trrday from the Cterionopbie ?orlaty, ??nata then joined Ihr* Inmie <>f rrprcwnutlvci, and IheMft aonlc todg*, No. fti>, of Columbia; In proeeteion'tb the cftllni* rmnjiuj, wht-re the corner ateoe of H inomimunt to be erected by the Clarioiopbto eoei* ?ty. to the memory of Dr. Jonathan Mexey, wee laid In M* reduee ell the aettof the general m*I Minb'r of thti atate. relating t*< the power end datle* of thf eomniU?Joner* of loa'ili, Into one act} ifecommondiag aevoral eweudment*, which were jngrtied to, nnd the Mil read ?le^ond lime, and ordorad to be returned to Ihe home of rcpreten* Utlvai. ' A bill rrota tho hotno of repre?enUtivr?, to Atr,*n *#nt to irnate, i bUl to adopt, lor t to of (ho Mimtn of lilt* rthtot tho rfatoi for (Ho i r?f?o mvl rtinwuvfM of th* Infantry of t|,? U Kl fti.l for oth#V which * ??<1 ft first Um?, *ml eommlited to tfco JudlcW ommlU**. ? 1 Fftvorftblft report* frofti tlm tat** of mm****. The homo of repreienlntlvet concurred hi ami f*<"?ed to NNitt, a t?jtort relative ttf the Ml* of l|M old court home in CWcfeni a H-port on tU? expenditure o| (hi contingent funiTortbe pr??ent iitMtlonwIiIoh tod to tke deteoUon of Joe, p i out* law. " ' ' ?' .? ?>}: . A favo?bl* report on tbe petition 'of Jmno? ]Stevons wU agreed to, nod OAUredto bo ?enttO1 51*? iKMtw of ropre?entativ*e; m wat. nlto, a ftv<*a **"?? "? A favoraldo report froin Oil houie of tepraien tattoee.ontbe petition of David necfrW,hito eh*r^' iff of Richland district, ,w*? cortc'urred in, unit returned to that hooee. ' ^ ' A mctinge, No. 3> wat received from liU ex cellency tho governor*, relating to the college bultdlagi; referred to the committee on tho col l?>fe. ? A bill to raise ?upplle? for the year 1820. waa ?end a second time, *pd ordered to bo sent to lb* liou-us of re iresehatlffct. v! A report Irom the hdiwe of representative*, re* commending an appropriation of Mvmlttn ihrtU* ?and dollars, to complete the 'Are proof Offices lit Charteston, Wei'concurred in and returned to that house. , *'? , A bill lo amend "an net mora eflfccUiMlv to prohibit fnee. tjtfgroes Ah ' A fevorn'do rcport'fcom the Iiqii?o of repreten tntivor, on 'be petition of John Cnnnlnghnm, waa concurred lo, tmd ordered to bo returned to thnt llbiue. Mr. Al'Kibhin, from tbe jniut committee on titr lunntln etybiiDi m?d>? a report on the petition rt on the petition of Samuel Berber, tax-collector of 8t, l*l?tH|?a end Bt'. MIchaelYrvns taken loto couildomtlnn end disagreed to. Ail umnvorAbie M|Hirt on Iht petition of Adam Ed**r,m)mlnUtr*tor of VVni-M"Ke??i*r-vtff? con aldered nr;d agreed to; a*\vn?.a1?o, no Unfavorable repor*. on n resolution Relative to the manner of. r?rnmmi.n#Ung rtfaln. tr\ the diOerent public bulldin(i*thrnuglioolthei1?te, . A re|tort o.f the committeo on InternaHmprovr^ men!, on the report oftberon}n?h*!niftr? orWell'* cnt) rocommeudinf an eiteniion of tbe'liine for complfting the work on Mincnt, woa.figrn'ed to^ end ordered to be ?ent to the hour* of ropre/cn tntivc*. * K favorable report on tbn reiiilon of John Johmon, Jr. Frederick Wc?ner, Jobn Gordonan?t llowe nnd Wlille vtk* agreed to, aiM ordered to tlij? hotlie of repmontatlveR; and. on iinfrtvOf**' | bio rtjWrt on tl^e petltbin of |??.nd nnd Oraham. : \v.i? cpnilder^i and anrecd to. A report on the petition of the Iidend.int nntl ; warden* of \heiown of Coldrrthln} and a reporf on the {^reienltnent froin lllcliykliai were leverul ly tnkfu up for coniM?!rnt1oii, nod poiijwiied In *C|(\k rninmittec, wliicli wnn nfjrord to,' and ordered to l*o >ont to the bouM of repreectt^ taiivc*. Wr.J. N. D.tvi* submitted a rerobitlort appoint* i Inir Harnnrd K, iJje, llen^y Inafd, nnd Wllliaitr ! MlHard. t o?imW*loner? to 6o?iciire Into the ktate of ! the Cindj left by the Init will end tbrffctnent of. i the Rev. (tieherd f.ndman, ol the neri?h of 8t. i garner, G*ot? erepk?to aiccriatn the amount of, I the tame,and In what It eoliiltfi, and Yo report It 1 at tho neat lertinn of the lekhlNldret wljloh wee I agreed to, end ordered to lie aent to the bouio of, \rephfientatlvee. ? ? ' ? , "" *1 I Mr. fllmkine tuhgliUnd ? raeoletlon for fttr nldiinx the two lw?ar>l* of cnmntlHlonere lu F.dge field with a copy of Brevei'd'e digest; ordered to lie on the table.?Adjourned.' IIOUBK OF ItKPRESKNTAtlVES, Aatoaiuv, Dee. 17. The Uouie having mat agreeably to adjourn roent, ? Mr. n*7?or from the <5ommlU?e to whom was referred an Invitation from the ('Iari0?0{>hle Bo eiety, to attend the r.eramrtiT nflaytag the corritr Moat of tho late l>r Maxcj t Monument, report* ed aa order of procewion. Tho tefcat* having concurred in, returned a report of the committee of wave and mean*, on the petition of N. G. Cleiry.^irrifTofCharleiton, to be reimbursed for amouAt Of ta* ?r*ecotlona lodged in ht? offlcei * report of the ?ame eom ro(tt*o? on (ho potitloa of tho Charleston brldga eompanyt for indulgence on their boodc a repot! of IH4 committee on publle huildiagt on tho pre* ?eminent of the srrand lurrof fleorcetown: and a Muort of Oi? r.ommitte* on eUinu en th+ txii* lion of Joseph Oilbort/ * thb ?crt*?o r?tnrq*I totlildtonte, lb* following bill*, wlnVft rVorlvrd llirett tMdinci In ?ich Houh>, VIX> ' A bill cooretnitiy Mwkert ami pedUru * hUl to giro tb# fit* court of Cb?Het? ton,