|?90 "| ;,'^Wi; , /, : V%v' '<""?' ? / > I U,.; '"? JV ?".' ' . ' ... i p . /. 1 + ? S, r;, ,) ..? '' ?}<*? :' : . ?'' 'V,. '??/? (*'?? ' M W WJ w! . * >??' ,'?. m vqimi tm$w ; ? ? :v,."'.?,: r'..ViW. 1 ?' .*??? ' ;. .... ? ? , ? . ?. .. ? ? ? ? ( ' 77. .T( N .* f , ?? j a?- T '?'./???? ?' , .>.. :^a.i-T-v .;> ' r '* 'v ??'?" >: ' ' ., ' ;?? / 1 war r tinunce Ih VT. IKiLTKH* M ft <**lidate ft} Sheriff of Hithlnnd lilt Met, at the eoiutng cltw ion. ' f*K?l j* it - . V ? ' ?? " ?? > ii ? i i> t i 11 rfi.??? I. i VV? are mitliorinctl to iui< ttoiinca tTM, O. candidate to Sheriff, of Hiehittrui Dulnet, ttt tbo tmuio^clev Hon. ' MftWhO 0. tf ? Wo ni;o ttuihoviaod to mi uu'inro C>p^. JOHN MAUSIlAM., acandidate f>r the ollico of Sheriff, m\ twTh?aUlg etcction. Fobifrftry ftl. lftM- , 8 If Wo litro i itorl'/cd to state that WILL MM .dsLUlit) U ft catrtidatefor "??">> i ... mi ? ...ii.i.i. . .. . i|. ? ?J,. ??? i Wo ttro uutliormd jtostate WUiriiEf ftt tfi3 ouiulug clcclkm.^ VT May^^f^*' Oyfl*' ? go tf (??* We, the flubscribcrs, do ccrtify that ANTHONY WII.COX has tnad? ? final euro of wveral dl*oa*?? on aovernl pmon?,to wlt?$ HhcumaUc, Pleurisy, Consumption, Cancer and Dropsy, Of Hi# Consumption Ann Dickiniok. Wi?ipp m AUK NfcLMp. CoitMlltlJttloil?Kli/.a#ktt;;, N \ ?3 SITUATION DESIRED BY an e?j>erknced Orugglit: for a permanent aituation, In any part of till* ?Uto or South* Carolina, a moderate aalary woutd .be accejitoil, U|iuue?tloiml)lo tentimonlau can be glvon,*illi A t?Book?ttr> ^ Ml tho ffjKySta* Oct. aS;i82^' 44^*tt MWfe '' mm mIWIBH fth September, l6Z4,mid due 7th 8o|?tomb?r, 1826. THO U to forwarn any peraon front trading lof JOHN CALDWELL. Novembers. a , t-t?ti * L,IKM&mwi FAINTED. vi I Bnii. WWHi ? ^ !>fA#uktaught by '"'Vt" - ; \'J \i;"~ '? : iv kaiohoAA. Stores to U' : v NCOTCHE'l t k WjVgli Two Stores. cm. bwii. No*. I*. *m'm. AM. pnrtoni ?tro r??tlotir d not to trade for * nolo of han?wrof 0?naU>*nd ftlehiird 1% ?dt? rtre?t?. mid dlrektly ojKwHilto the ?ott llorvti, Aluhv, Ac. to lliW iimrkftl, lir li.n . |lrtv1d?dl?Mii !.<.?? u ltli l.i,^ie. ?|/o, w lotir wli?cl:0-.irr;?. of p'tvund.'r, Miid nttritilod liy catvful iind . rt*n??4 iMMiitta. Isaac mA/lKii. mif.inlx rl?. . ?7?tf *ii ff ??*??*?' 'Mi/11 ?. ? Ay ? 'Ktuu* of Hmitli~Cui'oliti?. MfiM'hw.u i ft. S .ittathaunt. , ihl. MM, hit Inn mutw ftdd'ihu defendant li*?\ lo/ naithcr wif* ii< IWf known drilling Die Unlit* of ililMl.tov ?d th?8?? pi Mid or d??n?r |o thi iniiif on* irtd ?i f. \ ii/ri NOTl< mmmr^ ?oh fc Walfar, will |)leuf# Mtile tun 'aamc with Wlllinm Gilwon, who h'olda Ihr Iwok* and nolc* Mongliif to *111(1 flrnit r?m>pcll voly.nnd i< duly nu thorhud to ?clllo and collect all debta duo Mid flrmi. WM. CIliBON, II. W WALTER, T. UYNt'M Columbia, Oct. 12,1R2-I. N. It. All nctomil* iienlott the nbovo named Arini>, inuM lio ruudcrud in to Williiun Uiknoii. Ortobnr Ift. 42?If. notice! , <. .. ALL tbow I?nvIti_c nny .demand* aipdnat the . eatnto of S.tn.%11 (liuvt nrorcqunitoq to rom dcrtlintr arcoui|r.r; und tlio*e Indebted >0109 etfate ure roqueted to moke Ifunwdfoto imyinent. JOHN KOUSOXj A, and I'nrvU & Co. i'utunM", !? dMrral/ft" iubfccrlbo.w will flpnltnuo tho t>o*ifteM In Chorbu tou, um'lor llie fifm bf i. Lft, l*iirv 1?, and in Co? luinMit, under tlio firm of l'urvh'5. Co. WW' ?' ?'? ?? 'IHIfi'' finptomIipr It. . _ ?'. gftlifeia' :; NOTJCE. *|10 nil perion* indebtedto tholate Cronoi EL IIkuiio.v, docoituii,oilljor by bond, unto, or opon account, to cofno mrwi.rd bc-luro tlio fir*t of January ne*t, unil wak# jmyntegl, e|th*r to m* *rt of l)ecomlio?ywhen by future tho balance then fremainlujf ybifcld^willfci at public miction, Tf rm? wiU b? owd* known in ?ItyatWfcfWf :?mult ,V. v*''Vi'-yV vTRmmIooIi allud^l to, comprho a well, and recently (elected luortnii-nt - ?f^ljff' CJood*. Ifardware.Cutlery, Wwn, Bjiirltuonl Llquori. anel|la end charge*. Th# pubiie will do well to call ?i MerronV old *t and. and oxanMw ftr thrun?lve?, Mri John Caldwell h14?t'r. Aurn?fl2, fftfct. a? If ????? ... ? r ? Milltnarj/ Stort timttd nhif ,tow 16 M. Altanib'* try infl Mantua m m inn immnm ii carjiert on n o*unl. All Mfock c/rdcred or Intruded to |jercorn Via 11 be dotio at the iliorleit notice and mo?t rtU* , ton?M:? tertru. . ,;r ;? *ed ta that mod?_. ? ? T T-,^ give* a prrcocioup tleveloniSi} to the memory, at the expense of the ji)(/gt?t} Out thov i>ro. Icm n totut l^iionuicf oi"Mij|(!ior inethod offtd Vnncin&the pupil, t)i\ o Ity AjIii,, her to UiLor^. end are unacquainted with liy royal rood to science, not equally acccmkto pltlMUif uki (Mtr'cidn. TUey coucclvo m^T u> bo the only eftVdpnt inodo ol instractioiiwli?:li innkpe ?u C'jual doinand upon the meiny utfd ttio undtr itAiidhiK and that the pupil tluld have imo slrik# 111 j limit of -knowledge, bifaUwtd be,0 ' to lender en usurious iiitefwftf every. [wrMeti'UjMijiwM? -l'bey ttre|wa4lof tlur ?nd coiuwonrpi??ed rowiirk ' *" iinl.ficlHur^MWI/.youthiul ii tliat wlileu liuiilu iney. umtersiaM!" l ?'/ ^ It tho U0iM?o( educMibKiccliUl n memofW *ymmm If Acre bo no qfraHente which the uftwrttMfiinx a tasked?h* the scholar,^' iT*{ oi' tori mm W^m I HHIi V,v;:v ^ '? ? - yfe- I ?8 rfiitte MUw?* X m?to to th< [fegulfr iduMe* of i ON (M Tirtt Monday ill Oelobtr, uniler c1rcuni> ?t?nce? which they liupo will ensure n continuance of (hat Ilia;r?l |mtrowu^u which lm? boon extend ed tpward* ihcin, anil tor which thoy now rutuhi their grateful acknowledgment*. Thocy?tcm adopted by the MU*es B, It the re luH of much experience, and einlmu-i>? nil ttio ux ful and ornamental brunches of a |tollto and cum* plote education. 1EHMS! 5,o und Arithmetic , j Tfto^iW hrauuhei with derivations, AticN.j Orthography and lw||EL nerqr Orthogrunhy, Kaadiog^^Wrltlng, aratninjir und Arithmetic . 1 The'&itie bftuohet with derivation*, Aucl-j ? v ?ht iind Modern Geography* ktemeiitK i< fy AMroiiotny.,?i?? of>M?p* end GloWJj' 10 Tho abovet withRhetoric, Conijwwltlon, Velvet, (per muim) A 10 1 r '??< l?ogftf, Nfdiihd and Moral Fhllo?ophy,'> 18 Ancient add Modern 111*tory, ); 6 10 H Unu>;id(Treq?lfed, UH to ?^UlVjrt^h^)o^ i7;enode / the Im t*?c tiotToT W 1 aha, , a gentleman eminently qualified to > over these departments. - g Afe** VoiingLadlekcan he ictoinmodatdd BOOK STOKE, ?S,V.. ,fc REMOVED. aiiSj MNiiVjM^ii ox?-cirtud wtf V IEP ,Alfpirinx l? oot of roilrtc intended, to nilntitntu of .Mmttr?edo the HepoH* Of WbWw i'or ?lie NnllOniij.tal^Tllg^Wf.lCul^ter.by wllWniw. |ti^ tlm litavy oud intviidcd rcjx>(t)i.|rora l(? ?ot? iidiii 4, to ouob!* tht TiopriMdf* 6J thut io'urn. l tp funiUh, every ^yi\W?^coiiiiiW^fbriv? form, In teilllu rtpgita oi ? tMvumjMilm on^l dJiou$. tloti* on tho day preceding in boit? Home*. Tta ??Hegblcr?'\h nccemrlly an erfpcftpitflt, Interest In our i?oliuool hirtcW, &. wctj tliow mftrtn.whK . ? I. L any object debuted, ?(mi ?0tH? n*ui?,ornny one Who o??ttn? d Ji^ debate. tyiM f work, Wfeuld l? i.a tleiJientAylJook for yln? of stich nn oi|L>, from tb? copuycnof rtient ok- tbC existing ftovoruuient to thtadpy, would iwiofini i.icnto value to the nation, tc *boW what ha* hewtofofo l*e? Mid irio? ^qi^ltlont which are continually wcitfrtng tot dJicnwlon, liavo po**.'d, wlM? a* aooi^ ihMf ?*? gone, bo .?pmliy-uW of tkgfclfi *Mcl? w? ?y?. I ft fa not only, tW?f??r^ ?a^elilalo of |?w**nt "?W4waswte tS.Kf.Ww.rl. wfiiufou.|u.f?l I ioirnM. of ?& Aiitrirtlon lo 'lhn character Will ?iwm? it n iurtr.iont AtK? fcSBATpM. i-.w vuiiwiiiuno, , commence u mom m tlial>ebdr?#t each mtcn of C^nRn U #lMil:?B-0rd to > forth* pttipoa*, nnrl i column*??*?ch nutn ? matter u* one of the r W... nwllleonttdn *? fidl .?td weorstte Rrportu n? unnhe obtained of all debate* on main on??tOn?, AiAl oftdllntere.Mln* d*hrtte? on Incidental nt the each lion*, 4he teka and Nny* in rt?on*?hlfh have bet n Hie iiiti ' intent* eonm rt-dwiib ntey lid deemed mnt? w comprehend them, , '?! SNdon, HkeoitoMited, ' " ? volume of Ave I bolurnldied to k?o, In *beeti, nf f&<*, at the Mtb. ? forth* Volant*. In Advance In ill m< limit* of thtf city. WB put rartftf rltMiy |lUR^IpMUy>, at the pubhrn. (ion muit of cout>o bo ftg. hded l?y the prepare the eKy, end i??t ihe* uWf*?? ?memlly Irtdbeled, be itnilei ?tood to ejdend beyond tlte volume acto ally paid for In advance. . To non-mli?t'rtl^r? tlkO pflre will he fottr dollar*, hound Id lioartN, for the volume no?v unnuiited. The J)*bttte* Oflh> fcft**lo?of CopxriM follow l?f the nftjtt, and of the ftot B'*>>$? ejrrryCoit. giirt, will, It W wipi>OM>d, (111 Iff l.y i m*t let* u is! and for **!? al the CoUlnbift Angint V) *