l UKHOAV MOHMNti, Jt'NK 12 ?ll*//ointment hy the Governor, Thomji* Lkk, K*q. to he Comptroller. vici Joh* S. Cmpku, K>q. ? ppo.nled by the Pre illicit* otfic r f r ih?* port of Charleston, v?ct Tk??a* Wahimu, Hen. Esq. retigned Columbia Femnlc Acndcmy. On Tuesday the 29th of May, the examina tion of llie young Indict Miea enabled itiem to judge of the pr ? flc.i-ncy of tlw scholart.^ There wu noth ng of acenlc exhibition mani fest on ttiiH occaMoni no prompt recitation, o? eflorta if technical memory, wrought by pre paratory labour. Tlte question* were, for tlic m?>*t pur*, ?elected md-HVrcmly from Various p.tri* of tlic text bo- k-i uiul 'he aiuwera of tin pu til* evinced, tha' their memoriet vtrc not in adriince r.f ihrir judqmrntl. In Grammar, Mud in and Ancient Geogra phy. Wr-momy and HhetoriC, they evinced tin. common proficiency lor tlic time which had ' been devoted. The lyiiom adopted bv Or. Mark*, the Pr n cpal, it wholly interrogative, founded on that Kilnp'.rd by the Celebrated Petlah-zzi. The pn pd i* here taught to labour i:nd aliilitiea rend, r thia n? iMition ia detirablr a pl;ic<- of educ?tio at any in the touilicrn slant. I he Trustee fc.? icr tk> msehe?, from the specimen of ih> i talents, lately exhibited >n the iierformanco ?? their dime*. that ihe public will have no cauae to regie' the bounty which baa l?rcn bcatou e>i by the le^ statute upon tint institution. I'r.intiirnt (pr ntary. secondary, and tenary) S..irk?2. K 7.i ill Hopkins?*3, A., na Mm.tli. ASTRONOMY. 1. Elizabeth lUmbeii?2, Keziah Hopkim? 3, II jirlei 8urk. HISTORY. I. Adela F. Goodwyn?2, Mary Stark?J. Kezi.di llopkim. rhetoric 1, Adda F. U lodwy ti?2, Mary Stark?5 Ke/.inli Hopkins. GKSKR W. PREMIUMS. 1, Catherine Cr-*von?3. G. M -fTe't Crevon? 3. F.lita Ar'lttir?4, Margate'"" Elliton?5, EIhj Van ng-6, Ci- ? ?ln>e II p!f ni COMPOSITION. 1. M ?rv Si ark ? 2, AdeU F. Goodwyn?3 iTfXiah llopkina. Strom! Class, GUAM MAM. 1. Praneea Satierwhite?2, Rebecca Heath?| Ann M'Gowm. GEOGRAPHY. 1, Martha Heath?2, Kmnia Smith?3, Emma Stark. ASTRONOMY. 1, F.mma Smith?2, Martha lleath?3, Emma Staik. HISTORY. 1, R?r?h fh?irblnw-2, Rebecca Heath?2 Rmm? Mtniili OF.SRRAL PRKMIU.M. 1, Mary Cooper. Third Cl'isa. GRAMMAR. 1,Harriet lla\nc?2, charlot'c Trea/lwell?3, Elizabeth Plnll.pt GK'U.R\PHY. I, Harriet ||i>ne?2, Mary Montgomery- 3, | Mar, Mulder. DICTION MIY. I Jiili ma Rerk ?2. Kin-ly Hrek?3. F.liztbeih Mjrvr*. GF.VKim PRF.MIUMS. 1, Jane Wtliire?2, Cliarlmte 1'icadwcll. | Fourth Class* KKADIVfJ 1, ta-qurl ne ).?v>? 2, Martha Stanley? E,-?y H a-ing. HPKM.ING 1, S irali Stark ? 2, Jacqueline Levy?3, Sarah Mycrt. GRAMM Ml 1. Mary MTnlet*?2, Mary Mulder?3, ,lae? qticl.iK- Levy. The ?semination in the Mimical department nfilie,?c>?lci?i? took plurv on pridat afternoon the B'li in*t. The pup.lv evinced, on tin* ocr <* lion, mo uncommon proficiency for the time wlurli h?d hren d>-voted Hcvernl of the juni"? pupil* u ho had merely entered upon the ae cond quarter. executed t>ari? ablv prealdea over tin* department, All I who mav i .1 y he* iid c<>r Kuaa Mtaii, Principal of the Columbia Kkmals Acsdsmv, on award* nK (he premiums to the various claaaea.? Monday, June 4th. Your* I .AOtKa, I is at the request of the reapectable guar. <1 ana of thia inatitution that 1 now addre*a you. ?m compiling With their wishes, I gratify'my ?wn Or I infra They deaire ?ne to express t.ey are thua ear Jieat in their exhortation, from a conaciousnras, "thai partial success if overrselveai the advantagea which mi iicadcm.c course give* io ihc pupU, are small compared with those which alie must derive ?rom lirr own rrsourres. Your preceptor can milt place you on the 'O.-d in k..owlcdge. It is bv your own exertion*?by sclf-cultivaiion alone, that you will be enabled, hereafter, to reach the vestibule of the temple. Mtnv or you are preparing tn return to your homes dunng the warm months of the summer I recognise some who may not again, as pupi'a, revisit the walls of this institution. I'erhatia no time would he more opportune 'than the pre?ent, for addressing you on a subject, inti* ???airU connected Willi your own happiness, and tlie hippincs* nf society. Your part-ma a'td fi ends are now cxpec'ing you to rejoin them, alter an absence of some months. Tliey (lis* missed you from the parental roof, with the plea sing assurance, that you would return to them, a lt s?? aomewliat improved hy the opportum* ?.es afforded you. The period is now apprmch* ?tig wlun vou will either confirm or disappoint ?lit* loud asuir.ncr. School?trdinu* school, is frequently left by many with joy. The pupil view* herself a* re leased from a species of bondage, ane accountable, iwfnHt aeeoun'shlv for those talents, otiginal a- anpiired, ol wh ch you may be pnsseshtiF It is no unhappy impression with manv, when ?hey art* dismissed fnun tin; walls nf ihe iiraiie ?nt, that the satchel is to he thrown niiilr, anil that they h? ve nothing more to do vsi? h the stii'lies in which thev ttere or.gn.lft engaged ? hey look back with feel ng? ol contemptuous ???-iiigiiitt, to those ll'iiirs wlncll Were dcilir.itt-.l o useful pit' so t?; a>-d helteve iliej have only to ress forwa.d amidst 'he throng awl hit* ol ist,.nnuhle life. This is an uofortona e idea; i- -.11 the hour* of lormer appl.c..iinn weie in -oiled aa imt.atory to that self-cultit a'ioit tth ch >iiu are now to enter upon. (hilt the founda ?n nf education is laid in ?ehool; the super* ? ?nittiire mu-t he reared In your-elvea lire mains With tun, whether the germ of v-rtue anil earls inipliiiiir>t in your mind*. s in be fosifird and nourished) whether tli? j wnmjf altoot, eie it attsin its growth, is to be "Cut down anil cast iii'o the Airtiace" of world* l? follyt or whether it be destined to afford shade and shel'er to those kindred (icings, who ''?all seek it* iimhrage This then -s the spring tune of your ye.irsj hut the harvest is at II forth |roimng. It ia tn the future, the eventful fu l tore, iItxt the linpes, the lear?, and the a.txieiies i of your parent* a ImI fnends tend. Alas! what I sign.lie* the early promise, how he.itii.ful soever ? he hUi*?>niiiigo| the spring, if the summer 0> ! \ demands will he made ??pun -.on, for the exercise ot those \ Hues,and 'or the extension of that knowledge, gleaned ?rom the le>si.ns ot \our rarh tout , and fnm ?he after opportunities of solf-coltivntion For, let iik- once more impress it upon vou, my ? -nng Iri' tiils, you are not p|Mce>t here, solely to contribute to your own comforts and enjoy? men's. As nieiuliers of sor.ieiy, each of you ?till be Itfieniter Wound lo conduce somewhiit " Welfare Ami, as extstenre i? not >v .rth posacssing, unless it Contribute io the '????pness ol others, %>, naccomplishing the li >pp ness of others vou secure your own. In the female character, wo expect to find rtues |r.s alloved, anil ilisp >sitioi,? more eriua* '?h . iIm.ii til the other sex You have few if a.iy flicii'g interests with ?or:eiy. The re'.re. i.eot ol domest.r life ke?|is you al xiffrom those ?mil v lent alfeetinns, which, m the great mart of! ? c i'ty,dady and hourly C iri mle the huriiati heart J I.ippilv, you have s^ltlornoccasion for that con* fl-'.cnt hesr.ng, that deierniined port, which ilie ' nte-curse nf men, embarked m sio.ilar ohjecis ! of amhit.ou and gam, imparts to their character I ?e ex|M>rt in ton, therefore, an mgenurMisne^a iiMiuitr, an anuahiliu of disposition. And a prompt syntpithy ol feeling, w'.lch will respond ? i every prO|ier apneal That ingem.ousncas "> winch I Inve reverted, w.ll lead vou to form ? proper estimate ol the humble nature of your ??idit'i.loal attai'imenta. Instead of fteluig any V:'i'ai for self-gratnlal'on in the advancement tInch you have made, too will learn humility, '?> rcnrrtinjf iipon ihf tinnier ?fn| rnTiiif?ncri lied iniure, no* --niy of huuiM.i knowledge g#n. erdly, hut of t ?ttr own peeultur acquirements, ?n any one ilepartment of human knowledge, ?t hen compared to the ?.Cq>iistt.ons made bt .i-hei s I lie ingenuous in.ud does not huay it n the con ?Ciousness of its many deficiencies. |>o not, lierefore, ?ccustom yourselves to rs in every respect, far in ad vance ofyon. I he qo-dity of mind to be prixrd above any oilier is go.a| sense It a practical tvis?|oni, ? qtiall. removed from folly on 'lie OH" hand, ?nd pedtn'ry on the oilier. It implies a com o mtion of moral pr.nciple .md ? >uml under Manding. I'ertiaps one of the greatest of mis lOrtiinea that cm liefal die female character, i? o he possessed of thai peculiar Hippanry ol mind, which with the world, often att.niis t.n :iante ?.f MVr, ami to which the ep.tliet tmmtnrii .* ftcqueiitl. applied. I^t me entreat you to he guxrdcd ngiintt it. It i* directly opposed to the good scnicoffiich I hare spoken. Itdes 'rnys that amiahilit)ofdispo*iti**ii wh eh is ? are only estimable, in ft* much as they contrfeuto "t the cultivation and advancement >f the moral principle. Kvliginn is tlir cemr.-l point, twind which all the affec tions ol the hurl shuld r? volve, and is t he ^e> nulne source whencttbe mind it truly illuiniu alcd. Fom lleaven descends The flame of genii* lo the hutimn ttrenwi;** ami the ha*>piest emulations of tnind, arc tlioc which are the rtfliclnn* of a well regnlued heart. Virtuous pfyfetions give to tlie miiMl u clear aimo*pher*< fotty and vice, on the other hand, involve it iamUi and obscurity. In order that the torch eorKi.i, in the y-ar 1810, mw? 232,435, and that in 1H20, it amount ed to 344.773, an increase of nearly lO'i.OOO aiocc the la** ctnms ?white maie*94.7W>i females 87,642. Free {^fcfred inalea B.V1; Irnuli i 721. Slate*, males, 7j,30J, letnalcs, 71,179. MR. OfHLVIR. A a few week* tintt, we announced the death of Mr. O^ilvie, the Kitgli?h orator, who spent ?oine tear* in this elpintry. A Kentucky paper spe.iking of the chanfttcr and conduct of .Mr. O. whet in that k'ate, wys, that a,u|?in the Inva. sinus of our wei>lert border* by the enemy in the late war, Mr. |)fdvie gallantly accoii'pa iued the volunteers ?! Kentucky under of Naples liV*' settled ? a prrfcci calm. I lie leadera ofthe revolution hasr jut fie. i, ?iP meekly luitinitert lo put mi the yoke lnp?^ ?t1 t>rily^ML>^v iin'ord.nirly" sent dcM>vel?i? 10 ilic N?f ihr- Auntrmns, in Ihe '-amp ii^n acmnsi Nade*, *?/? aevm killed and ..fy wounded! Not an Austrian ?m taktn prisoner. 4 Out- of the lint act after the rettoratiofi was lo tniuzle thf pie*? tin tlie JO1I1 of March, Hie (itfii?'i?d Hoard if I'oitce .?niioimred that the printing i.r puhlifit on olij?Hiin;?ls, pamph Icl'i, fcr. would onlyhciici forw *rd be allowed under virtue id ?ncd>l authority. At'iordin^ 10 a Uoai K l.c |>i<> i.ndirecily, or half in their poatetMon em* litem*, paptra, hooktor other otijecia thereunto belon.'injf, Will be immediately atibjccied to extraordinary meatpea on the pm nf the government. (Thla edict la aigue.l by the M. rquia de CirctHojPrtlident of the Proviiiou al tiovtrnmenl ) The l'r.iict- Kegctt ia no longer mentioned in nnt public ordtadee, nor ia the new formula, * K np, by the Contiiution* winch wm intrndn eeil nine montha a|u, any lunger u?ed.?The I'rovimonul Ooveront-nt ha* ordered the autpen sum of the forced Iran of three million*. It i* ?4id, that an inslrian corps n manhing upon Cknua, ami ?lll laki* p<>?>c?*inn of ilia* town in the name ol'ihe King V ctor Kmanuel The allied aovcrejjn* hid broken up their (!onj;re?hacli and Willi their auitea were preparing to return home Nun.eroua arreaia are and to have takfa plaerin IVoakia, and the apprvhensiont of ilt government have led to an augmentation of the stand.op army. Ii was umleratood that tl* King of Prussia had good teasnna #? ?r nut obeyo# his auniirxina to l.i)? bachi aivl it I* .?lw aflrrued, that if the Neatiol tana had made any at-ftd against tlie Austrians, tho Prussian* wave broken out into in* *ured tlie ensign of rel?tlll6n in that city, and that tha efliirt* io prevent ? rtpetilion of tlteite di?oriler* have hitherto proted imiiHlcleut. Madrid accouilt alate that the new* of the Piedmont raj rcrdutK.n had given great aati*lae> lion to the Spaniih people?and was celebrated by publir rejoiciijgi and ilium.nation*, hi which the French and t*KI*h ambaiaadoi a joined with a good gr^ce?4u. tlie mmittert of the holy all.e* refused to partieipaV, and received guard for llirir protection from Uiepepulactl MURIUM. (ie*rx*t?wn, Mojt 30?W* have to-day to perform the painful dtfty of announcing the opaHi oftlioHoa II. Kom?, Esq. ? retpeciable plainer of South lalaml, in thla nelghno-hood Co record ihodeath of *o valuable a cditen and aogooda mar># is al all timet an unpleasant task, hut it b*tomtt painfull in the eatreroe, when w?i? cmnpcjled, as in the prewnt in ? mice, lomld, Mmi ?c has lie. n ambit niy und ? llie prime ..f lift- Hatched f urn sitc'ie y anil tit boa. in'Of mt ali'ectionatv famil), by die hand m bru'al violence. On Sunday night last, between tbe hours ?-f ten and eleven o'clock, Mr Foisl having ie Coved information that -onir neginc* ? ere en gaged in kilting b * cattle, l?-. ti.gi-thcr wni ?1'' or two i?| Kit i i (;r..c>, tii>d a mine man, a car|>eiilcr employ?d l?y Inm, went im ?rarrb ot 'Itemi llie latter cirrtcd i gun. They bud nn proceeded lar Ik fore a am* ' (log llcil i.erom panted them, hy irlping i i an unusual rna nvi . drvw the uuentiou toe p.uiy, ?>u| u ihum: hi die bodies attracted Hit* liu'irc Oi Mr. F'-nl; Ml dna moment a ipm Wii?di< ?hat 'be vdi'niis after being dii>coveied In M>*. Kurd's M'tviim, anticip;?iiiijj hi* iur.t*l, had ad< vanee:d ab??in a mile und ? Ihif ia men loin, ?nd iiitwle eh-.iicol the iiii.m favorable >iltiai.no lur \\>\ tat iiijj liim, and perpclrultn,; an act nn which they bud delihe: at el) determined. A litiiblid feiliw m the menu time, armed Willi a ?Milt, cnno-nicd him?elf lifh.nd the nk that had been kd'ed. in hopes in ?!e?ect diem in their attempt in Mimir ti ? n tin* lie not m.sia den, and hu was l<-ruinate m taking one of tlieoe dariug ??llaimi Hiahc spi-MjacticI A* v.on as .lUiatiiVire cooler be pioctm-d, Nlr' F. wa* nought for, .mil fiioml ilo.nl nn die spot ? n which he ?hui; ibe gun lud be? n loaded Willi slugs und a htlli llie pnnripal |>.irl of tbe slug* ?nieie I hia heail? the: ball penetrated hit breast; two of thv negroes were ?Iv<. wounded, one of litem aoerely near the tempi* and m the groin. The fellow who baa hern takfo i? a young nrgM inmi, rjlhil .I*ck, the pmpiviy nt' Mra llorry, and from In* confess on u *p|teai*4 that there were two other* tvguged with hint; iliey had deM'ended tin Kait'cv in a c.noe, anil en tend i small creek whieli lead* from thit ri yer mm the p|.diatom nf Mr F lie gives the lolhi'.vuig description of hia tun coii>p;ui?>li>. .!?><, ihe.r ringleader, is nf yellow c-.ii.p|. xinn (but be is not a mulatto.) ?ix feet Ingli, ?iiiCtiinninulv ??nut and well iikiIc?lie ba? on ?me ol lit* clieeki (it in bebeveil to be hi* r^ght rheek) a ?rar about the * /.\~\ lie was preient when Joo attempted t Hie t\ a*li ?u,;t'iii (.1-11 iia, ? i 1 ('aiitaiu (.'inns, hai e reiiiriie | <0 town, Iiiv ng n their cusI'mI\ , J .ek, ?*:.y thin deuciunent, a liult brture d.iv-livflti tta'erday timr* ii?. and on the r rr'Mi ii,; to y ci.l. we e find mi i?y one ?il the ineiij the Wollun un ?oui.de l, a .d the men endeavored in make their eseapc, wbe> Jack r?i taken; but we regret to at>, thai Jm Iihh, for the prssvnl, rscapcd; tbe other ci n?? n f ~xi4 ^ . The aplrit and alacrity evinced by ttTedijv lerent nnli"*ry corps, in the r lahoii >11* an I m defnti^ahle pursuit, eiit tlethrm to the higbeat eoiiimei.dat.on?ibetr activity anil zeal Will, we "mat, have a hem li?\a| and lu*iiii(( ell'i ct. I'he tj .rnne- '* Jnrv, eonveued on the late mclanrhult ocral tHi, have pronounced ilia' the ibxcatrd came to Ins death by being " Murder ed by three negroes unknown." We uniter*tnnd tbm' the two ne^roe* n??w in j ciiatmly, w .11 have ilivtr trial lo-inorrow , at the court, house. f?Vorr*r?ut1, Juiu 2.?A (Jourt of Magi?iraie? and Freeholder* w?? convened on nmrsday last, for the ir.al of Jack, llie properly of a Mr 1 Fonburg of I.-, 1,caster district, charged with llie murder of ti.o.^e It. Fori, F.s/j. f'he court consisted of the I dlowmg |?rraou?: I J I.. Wilson, J (J, and II. L. (hniei, J. Q, Wm \V. I'rapirr, \ Francis Withers, / Solomon Cnlien, V F Robert Ifer.ot, V A ?r?in Marvin, j Freeholders. The ev lut he will not he taken alive. Volunteer parties are still going out, to assist their fellow citiiens in the dis charge of a very important duty. No circumstance within nur recollection, has ever produced so great an excitement in our community, as that occasioncd by the late un tirovokcd ami dteadlul murder of our worthy elbtw ciucrrt, o*ed. Il is with pleasure we notice the very prompt and sale* factory reply of his excellency t'homa* llennett, to the communication made to him by the lu tendant. O001)?? VERY uoont Having recently mentioned A'tun, the *t?gr player, who cmiaed hitnvclf to be imported in to the United Htatea that lie might export it few thotmnd of our turplui dollar*, hi term* that appear to have exc>tcd an unpleasant senu tion in some who love every thing imports!,ami despite *11 tlmt i? of domettic growth, or a? tending to the dome vie Circulation of nt'ifley? it may he right that, for Hie comotation of those per?on?, we should again notice the precetdmg? of thianiuek of old dame Nature In Baltimore lie was favorably, hilt not ra|? 'urottslv received. Ilit fame had prccedul him In the llritiah periodical work*, whir _ are published to save in the trouble of thinkm toreur?e4ve?,het}ad been citoUtd M amounting 'ifltl nrtrly to p'-V?tion, and ?r< v,-.,- ' i'il to vee'it ? a* i' v - ?? >i 1 ? \ lion h'm li?" n^in.'.??. t '??? a< ?? .. . i'il li> re ?f ?: ?n '> 1 >c- *1 I, he had f"!l hw?e< :????! tv i? '( v Hie Jiuhiin1 'he rat<' ol'utir r Itv ill" hr>.efit if uiir ptttrn: u.? , <. Hi- innrl'ill-' h? ertjf nji'iint kn nuili.n^ .nUIrr^ io i|jp n>..|.t lo k ii;> . ,-r I'm- ff ml l"}?< .lit lv. itnist li.tt-I,.,. ,? |.,H j nodi'of* muI'ii .?! iiliu, w i.< ii |i? ?( i> . tu jfia>le tlii-ir nAi'ii- ul M-rrli ,ii" ? iitln-r ?ca!e. riieloj'l ,i |.o> Sir'n m .? ... j are In j??? ? K** ''J' u?i' We sl o *;,.| ? ? mI ;? I iinrn'^lilf I i.il lluknlli'i I I ? 'I ? ? r->- J llti* city in In* hind 'In: liifir. v '..it '.- I,, ,.i th? new world," iolennn the r?n.|( .? i firdly which Iho pcn&ol tiul lot*n li^.l; ,..i Ililfl" Y ? - v Al\cr finish nR hi4rn; .foment ni II '? '? n v ? [ he returned in lloxlok ?i lie wor%(. i p>: 1 . (tuition "f die town?M l'io ? n. ir i! . ; ? j w:is nvt-r, *ii?l iho |4j'h t?i-u! t?.?? i. ; ,.? ,. j pari w 'Ii ?h?ir o.i?h b r- :u!ih a- I i- 11 plavnl two uf^htk in Jrii i.nitt < ? - iliu ill r?l i.ifj'it ?o prirm ?!" '..rt i . ; \ mi iit'imtt I>ii iK'lin in imfl ? i ,ns' ...i.| r ? ul'I'llilO'li 'til' pi-Opli? Wili'll p.i!|? ivi i|, , ?<.. tfrt-ttt iikim until '" ifStIciiH-k ? nil ? . -.-i .? cltiitoi ?r.l? ai ilit tick . 'I >h iii .n liirwaril, mii.I ulitlo.l tlia^lr. Ko '? ?1 li. -i <. It rcliitcil 'H apjH'ar Immt tin* 'iinli i.< ?? .m .?Et' l>ip liOU-r ?? .. ? ii. ? that he liii >. ul iliitly ami piivatrly 6(Mrlin,? IV i n II i-it fir New York We like ye tn liri- ol i. ? . . eiplm# tlioro- hill it i?il unlikely 'Itui >? .nil niiiiii hi! p*ep ?'f I t-i ri'tf i fp .in w li. iirr ? r uiv. to iho reeiew crmn I nt>ior< m ?' imnciat.oii nf iih lor Will o' tas'i1 f??c.i*e v ?? re if>1 ilmpiHird to tvru'o till'!, im.hi- .e. t< :i J limn e?en cs, huwetor '.iniir.e t'inie it Mist he? Tlirllitimiliilkt litflirrn r'j?,?ilii'lv?i"u 'he) e've.I i?i ln'tifH-i-aiMi'-ni I'm- :'n- in;, mcr fu t; lint Ke n III >lii'.'ii 'i ni'el: .t nn ^ra'efiil .i? lie '* -ell'. <>.o?yien il I* .? .? it eil, Iipiioitly ?'rul a Opce/ I ke '!.?> n i? i-i. ilclphia. -teiien ?rtiiallylre?iei| lo* i - hr riliiM" ! io appi'ir lifir.- :i tit n Ii ?? ??, ? -nil the ma. tt? re ui.lir l in ??fl???? lum f-.vr hmul-rtl .loll r? I'ntf rni iin'c, r:i'li-i- i .u vc-l.te the r prumive totepu'dir l'ln* iti. n?*v slllul?y ii;', tliatM inmiet nv.ik?'? ihcinf ?" Tit- ?' jfi.otl" of tli.t B ur m?that it ? ill prohibit prcvei.t the illlmeni of 'i'.;i>.v h. n?-, iftl iloltti i in Kn^l inil I I'Xrlii ge Ii-'- ? n. ili iiij;. hni ili?* ran'inK* '?'* ?p>?iled ?ta>?e pla\cr. I'lte |H'i>p|o of ttn.iiiH ro e\ei'C'!i?i.h '? rnt'i wt 111i their l?io Ihtiiri'eitlii' papen *pi an - f liiut hi Uio mViti iii tennm repriiiia'inti. rt'*' ?? runauay" it .nlvcrtiMiItt "imeeeiv re???f?li,*S atul it i* kkid that " he iky be ea?ily ifr /???I liy Inn inutliaiien trlit, hi- Mu nin fili curkuey manner, aiul MJtlu.Mir uc n?! .iirji Miiiiniire wc rxini!rv) the Hoohlt ion tor (he nilin i\ioo ? >t M viitiri^ (lie mure we become satisfied with it It isorr* tainly mticli le*s esreptinii:ihle than tcvrr.l'of those which were rejected. Tlie firat thing (hat strike* us in the rr?o|u.' tion U, that it now adm ts hy fj;r, d rtr< aid necessary imiilir.-il ?m?, that M >.?o>tri s m v fo reign ami independent ?t:ite It adoii'* tl treating with the Kg tdn'ore of the *t.vi-,i?? now oiguniaed under (lie 1 ssouri hss nith in it derogatory to her sta'c sovereignty is not required to repeal, expunge, or ai'er part of tier emit* itut'Ou. She i? only reqiiii* so to construe her present cunt:itution >,iiio impair the rights ol' any eitiien ol any o*n the states. Sho would i?e hound to do ilt.?> way, hy virtue of the controlling power of federal constitution, ainl there can he no ha no degradation in promising to.lowh,t e? one is sworn to do who tak ca an oath to supp* the constitution of the Republic. II hi an /en* of the United States, i? not under"*.!* he declared in the resolution, and 'hat ?|? tion will of course go where it ??iif(ht to lit- p ced?.n the hands of tin? judical authorities.}! The drf'rrrd admission is unpleasant to uttf feeling*} hut restly, we tee no practical mc< ft* we shall have neither opportunity nor nrc<-?"ifgi for tlie exercise ol' any ftiltral power, and course cannot lie injured b\ deferring till tl time iho recognition of our right to exerc them. We nay that tliere can he no dooli ahuut tlie validity of aU the atlt of the i'ate ? thoritiesi Anil our position it mairttanul I ftriuciftfe ami In practice, anil bv the iitlmimo'i congics*. I. ifv prinnftSi because M?a??' having hail the conser . of confrets to hero ? slate of the Union on condition of framing a ?<: government at a certain time and place. an ?it Missouri. Kucli i* not tlie fact. TImum! tion ?ii not the work of the ri? thry opposed it, and opposeil herei hut if 'riends of Missouri irward bv ?id support >r more tMi