Columbia telescope. (Columbia, S.C.) 1819-1821, August 17, 1819, Image 2

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f AttfUH'l flic mild, The iiellv oa tilt cap mug Merrily out j While Kvum>ii tftrfV Hi* ncHiiotl book ? ' Which was tin? iilw\*uptcr no auu can <louht. No, No, fa>, No ? ?' \ . # fiaiily who 1 l;c? to hi* Hi outfit very la^e* 'I tirnw-1 lor a hi MiU lU to (hill Till Folly jKiiil, " l^Kik ikma*, invert nwid ?*' ' 11 o capcrV. an I ?uiiip?-lic-?uty <latice>l lo heraulft An<l llcmwn read t lliii K*.?>o oi h'.'.il, iM, With no one to iuhul him, ;>oor ?ciuiil?lc cU"! Ko. No, No, No! r 4?vni jjrrw jculoMs of Folly'* jf.iv cap j ?? lUul liii.ii on, I her heart inig'it cinraii;" " Tlirro it ii," * 8:?i.l Ft.lly, "Old Qui* i" f'c'tr l\J!? wnn id??y? j*<khI n ?i ucd, 'lis tuid)?. " limlor the Min, 'IVitfti no well fun, A? lUnxori wit'i in?-rap and lu ll* on hiahcjnli III., lia, Iidi, Ha!" I!ut !<pa?on the iicaiI dire* ho mvkvvunlly wore, 'i Ih'uutv n ?\v Meed Jilti> k"*11 It ? UirutLjtbfo i ' I'"1 i'"0,lr l'M ^ Ma-*'* ADDIiKSii |iciitevA'ij of lislab!lifting \ of .7 frii'utturt. {bntinurtl J cm ( .11 :i tatiimnl point <i4 lsj l?'*t IcfcMt .?iid part mil npmvctiicnt t. A-< M ?ci.| |ii<ilr>iin<| iiMurv, it im*! "ll, ;i?'l uefni-wrvnif it, which it r.clily Mt?ny r. hi. vtlic npplicuti'tn of ti;ivc a coin, flltiwtl Ih:>??:!?< tlMM1*' |K>pilt.? ' uhufid.iiii iV p.?rt <i / <HI k H it Will* C*. Ant'oui Wpti'm Hp \ctiu MIC Milt nfliicsl ii Jil'lJeri I, ii>er?M?4 mi c-ttcrn tUlui.i<*( ill' tli.x . 0 mlvfoirc .1 n??iu iwctnna j eijWti'ritiuti of livo ???,<?<*, h'.ir!, mi *'?f?ie 1 our t ?? .Ij lliriialiirat to; ii. fcMtinl n? hii intlnrr ?tfih't * to j>ro 'vc<r|ucl<i na?u; unit iw jtimpin-tmit conn-rni. W\ tlial onr CMimirrcv lrn III *!??* i?tu? ilf?'Ti|?i on Im.i j? eoniitvMi'd with Hie colli, ?if O'lr proltict,?A'v f trade I) irifijf tho >var* >111 tin >|??\ 11 is rt't'H Known, iIiid ^Viinwrcc liccnmc* v:i%i vnirc* ??' united bUl(4, and u %oi|rrc tint IK?tlc|H'rvl/?itr.<! mi I In- <viitiv.ili'?i of on.* Tlit* trade fell wit'i t!iu l>-?littf*'CiH ?)*? irill ol (11J .ruiriii< (Ktivur*. Aimh1i*i- o.r.HO, r't 'ijvcruU'i Willi no hcon-dderahlu ollcct, ir. the*' ?i?c*he'wocn tin* atf.cultural dime* in Uii.i r i'iiitrv ui?l ihoifi of tli* lint M^r.onltii v .1 iiitniii:* in Ktirnftr. In lvi^lwi'1 and in other (i uri?i,i of the old r-mi -iK-'iH, (lie noil Is hi the h o' Is of *cr?~rit landholder*, the InMt of the do. ?nniii. |wii<'<'iiir|{ imntoiise werd.h, und frt><|iic k ifiivt rcvf-nnei, indeji'ii lent of tin* |ir.*<?"l? j ? ?I th?.r rml <HUte*,?nd o*?*ry wiy aide |<? in ?!;?? j r. ?|inii.v?* oxji 'runi iit* and exoend lar|fc iumi ?il" money, ii t it I lir.njf thciv LiiiI* to a high <i( ajjr r ittnr.i1 )<ii|>mvciiiv t Thu 1mh been the* rx*v h Kii'l >nd and Pr.mco. Wcecmtiy tij>, Iru o p.ncity of territory nod tleWTly of (k>uu 1!.?: if; ):+.? ?,v W'c w'u'i not f?ii' tint condition of llunfrt in <Mii* o vn c.onntrvi we mtly njr, that it ItM only trii'lr*tl to c!"vit? k;f icnltur.d knowledge hi io.?w n?rt?ol IVirope ?<? the highctt ?Uud.mlof (1 ri' ction mid to winch wc en <*?M*n? ?i'.iion* liclr 4 the |nc?-urc of rut odiooi dnjk. r'tv hi tiivil enjoyincut* and civd ri/'.?u. 11 i"?r ih'ih i v, uuvotion, mitt cwnTtil i ?*) ? ouiliftie.t 4 )?rv.i? pivpirlioo of m* - ?i ?inv:/ rtii'l Wv.dttiy pipul iti-ci. Tin* Clll \i\.?- .>itt <<f tin* Mul, tM|KTi.illy 111 lln? nortliciil ?it ?'.!h nid wed nil t? u<n, i? Koivr^lly lj 1 in* ciifUiJp'iil pinion i?f eolti T 1*1*1 Iv, llHucftCe tflVe* tltoin iMllCjU'H 4 't!i( not lite itirtiim :?!?? I opportunity fir del V 1'1'n; ? .Ifli* ????( - X|?i:IMC to Hit* ?J r* ' v nX'Mrt'j i it! ??.??|inpi neiit, m ordd t>i rtloitl tt?? "Jilicro of iCtiCul ktviwlcd^ tla'nV and pn'J'idic**, furtifl td by tune .???>! in idiWiiplrd r??inpcteort?t i??0 ifini ilitil o?lt tin I ii'il oi' imrfl'^ticc, wlicii il we ir? tins .i?p<fr. ofti'ivcMy. And hi t'?". to ivmolude on tin ji <(tit, our oomiiry i* ?ti(l yn'injf in n><tmnd c* i itciicc, .Vid of ro'irnc not yet cxprneii(M ii tj?.??<? wulk* of unpf iv-jiiieul into uliicti w< are n->w entering for it long and tnninph'iu ro'iwe. It U Wttli hat n? mm witii individual* tiiti" it '"Mfiitiiil tr? tli? ewutmuntion of excel fence and jfifaMn'M. *ik*w er\ hM ommw.ed in nuragrtanltura \tty, Tlie pi^ifiU ye4e pre-ienu u* with Iw n?U Mint iffyr ? % iti'fiir.tory pt?<1up?? of iU IJliattlont winch *w*it m, The fin ?>*?? ?ML tlie flrat nntrMmcn, In o?lf Lw ixtidinx tliclr effort* *nd t1i?ir li of Mtiviul powtr m\ gnat nc?*. tbatwillrepay their exert ion t with a rich and lasting tribute. Tin lltfitof Kuropo U bo "W*: u*. Th? tun of seance Ilium ute* our paths. The won ? ful advances in cticmitlry, imncr^logy, geology, and botany, which mark $ in the%rt or agricuiiui*, thai shall result in a niagiiiHcentacnuisithm to Ute iM hi which wo !?*?? anil a benefit ofthe deepest moment to pos terity.' Ruch prospects demand the exultations ofagMat people sensible of tbeir advwtsires, thair intnreats, and their ftiture fame. Ui us t;.ow inqulw into Uie natural advsnta. Xea or our own state ibr nyrieultural improve, ineqt. i Iii -contemplating the phyileal and moral ud* vantage* of our country lor agricultural great t??i the Unit fiyoraKe cmwiderat tort* ? which strike our view, are the nature of our five anil l^val imiitutieiis, the tenor of our lmded pro perly, the cheapness ant) abundance of our land, the exuberance of our soil, the general salubrity and healthiness of our great Agricultural sections of the country, our exemption I'rom taxes, and 'he rrecdoin of our commerce. loniany rc*pcci? a nattering commit (trine* aj we compare our country with tike v:tr>ou<t stnten of Kurope. hi relation 10 the gre*t Mihjeci of which ue art trcutinr. The luudttl ?y*tem of the eastern con* tlneut has Iclt the utern imprest of iu feutm ini the political Institutions which nave Hdlov iti disioluiicn. It alitl pervades, < oa gres or lean extent, lite spirit of landed tcnii bears with u depressing anddlseouragiUj on the cultivators of uie soil. The lA ittling contract*, duration of I tiKi| of Kuroof. n, .l l , n?Pr"i:c,,K:,?t The , 1/iiitK, ex. .**???111% <*c. (it Hiiitain the |>nilliv(Moy ofjjo. vcnunuiiUi the vwit proporliuti nf unpro<liic(iva ji'i{hiIhIiuii who live uii iIkHjImw of (liv inferior das*tn?i tin* tniniunfte evI isurtf*,, ami iIimioiiq KrmnuU, iluvolutl lu the iitln uintiikv of tiie uttbtlilv, arc so nunv thawltarkii on i ??.? |>ii)j|n rlty of a^r.culture in live old hmi'IiI. If tltc??? Iiimtcth u|ierute in favor of k IiIk'i n'atc <if ^j;r.cut>u?-l i.npnivcmwit m pro;, by this coercMit of ticcvMit), tliu uM?> :iMciili\t- riil'.ivalion nl'llti! no.l; il?-y coiiHtttmu fart tliai only jpie.? tu slww to vvliai oxiciU tlie ?uiiii: arl nih) Ijc c.irric>l umlcr u jfuVcXinctU, '??id nmlrr circntintaiK'vH, lu vliu Itan |lltl'St?4lM nl'in ."'!' "-1 ... l?V4l. In \!.c L'mtrd Siaivi, w?* luve u Kovernfiu-nl that in mild, Oeti anil ti;i|>|>), mmting milqiyi <lcut oi'<tii'?v.i taxation i a clitiutu ttiul eniW4> cc* nil \tii' pliviicnl hlc*?my? wuich ?lit?tliigoi>?u tliumiMt bvni'iVvot qiMricr of \iiC world i * tec nlory iliut po-.*oie4 all the vurlotl* wiili of the produc.tuj every material production that can tit' found in the confinc* ol Kuiope, ami many iniinc ?l plant 4 tlut Knrope cannot luroili. We utc tit*.ly lH-':oiniii)f mwo and more the gra. n.iry ot the w.?t lil; iui:| wiiaievrr itin<;rior .tccjui* lift Hit of knuulcdtfu arc po*?CK??:d in KurojH.1, connectcI with :i,i? ciiliivaiiuii of the toil, sire iviitiiii?f *cru#M toe 'K tMii to uur kliorc3 with the ?m.{rr.mtH fioin Kn^Utri, France and Germ.toy, ml ever) oilier acctiou of the continent.* ? Vi Mpi'crJi of lx? Hay do Chaumont, and j ic I- ; cm of \lr. Il.rk'icok, MIMIIIBMWr ? - \j t? Ml I) AT I'. l> FOU rim TKLKOOUI'Ji.' h UX APfJ IligTRKAT. The r tpiitiy 'mcpcauimf wealth of South Cdrt Him, and i ciorre .|ioiidiu<i munificence on ilie t>ii of tin. I-. ? Inure, rifle in (iics o' al rcAvctid^- ..*?l zealous well'trUlier* of our t'i die dhii: Kiuvful Icritiiffj, and tlit* iikkK Hat trriii;{ .n'ui:ip.?'i.)iii. We now Inilmld the dawi of :? ik'.v uiv, ..iii-n our river* in every wctioi ?>l tin- iijr.e ?viH it rcn lered invi^.Jil>.* ??? far *? iv,.>/ lie pr.ictieJile. U'.icii rtiikilii, IhhIkc) iiicI turnpike mtlt vill l?t? c?tMnli*licl in .every ?li. iveiions :n once o. .itinentinjf the fic?i of n.iimv, mid adding in ili.? emolument* and conilbrw ol c? cry ciii/en of c ?mi?ry. Wit hail llii* pro.* l?*et wnii vii 'i isxH'ii; r;i|itniv?, n;it onl/ fmin ;>roici|il?4 of iiueres' and jirotit, orfro n feeling of s'uie a* t!iv itariimjfer of mill fiir tliur t'liihedi-mmunta mi l l.'gier improvements nljioth onr |?.i\ .mil mond condition. A fciv m??r?r \ eon, I sim olilur ?u*.e? of Oonnentfciil and \V* Ynilt nay n?t have mncli of nupcrior* i'y uillir>'^ifili'i intvi'iinl improvement* to lioaitt over tins itiitv ofSoniii Cur tlma. Tin; revenue* ?if our i'ate, to sav irilliinrf ol' the Increasing re ?out* f***i'ii her Irani:, are already tulei|unu> to ft >: j' i i le<*t.\k.ittfji and jftvai improvement*. For the d:? tn of-Uiin i.J.i; iiiul ;>rosp< ot wc ack..OiV. '*??* o.ii*Ht l\? ? in l? .'led to die iiri/Tiainiinty of our I' irlM.tiurf at i'.? l ilc vuiiiit. We proleM o n-'iiil<-'.^'ued oti|i(f.iiloii 'o tlii.4 h-tfida<ure, he. rviw ?!? jr.' ??'<dl ?rr- '.'i ll nverv cent of our fundi line.MUelvOtfJOH'l il. i.tour money eninlny. fit for <>ur own nd.'.mtajfe at a ratio of pfliftt lar e\' -edinj( that of comp-r iod ,!ntere?4. Tin? faci lities ahoided hy the ??".ntonipl.i'ed iinpfove.iwn'* I'd- conveying our surplus pro luce In a >nark.'t, ? n I .,f pri?oil:d traftvnort ilii.i. t ma'iriiiirt* irotit mi" |)lii<'v |?? aTKfftier* will approximate tin .ii til coiitinc* ncrilont of th'5 *tate if *>ijI? it Ti.imirf us to uppn-ciulc the value of cvcr> Hjivriri >il" propcrlv, hut mt?.?t especially landed pui.icrti,'.?i .?i? '?? ? ttculahlu Our torn ir> w.II ten ,mji'Ii.? :t miw mjjcr.t: from what hut Imp. 1/ \vii? a rugged .viMernevt, it will mtiti h" to iterted into *'i of beautifully r,ul?"?Uyl licit 11 au<l fftfV'Mt <tn 1 gCtA! r.oip f t ? .?mi OM*rt opiilenfo <\1tl ticiIU[)liy6:l In fnnny part* now in n ciito of poverty mul comparative omyrity .mi itn'^(ilAeence. Hut wliiUt we arc tliii? rationally feattin# Our. nelv?-? with thctedimming pro.p,-cl? roncorninft the pltvutcal improvement of our country, ano ther subject cloudy co'nuccted with i?? hut of n different character. attracts our attention and en* lis'* our !????? -? 'Ufa pioi^i-cw tow;?r U amiili! provision for ibo poor ftixt frieu'lK'iH nfrlicic l, i' pe/.iap* a Ka*t criterion by whith to do'-crmine rmocriilni the *?1? .tinM-iriMii of civilization nmonijftt a people 'l"ho lni'mfn* and benevolent <|itnl of t'?o citi/cn* of So iih Carofiliu !%-.??? Ion* nince led to a provl^Mi Tor Wift meen poor ol the country by wholes iu> I imc* fktt'.l rt'jf dlOotM i but one U%? of miilcritig tbll.iw crettturco, ami thotf too the ?no?t grioviMidy rtfTlirlr.?l and W/ete.hed, bun lii'on most ulnjf.ilArly and entirely overlooked. fntellceUnd ?>?? fn*n??, which U ae? koowlu diced by all to be Win nt'Mt dreadful c:d*.I mity which r.n'i hef.d a r.itioml bein# in tbU *tMo I of exUtenc.j i and to wh'tfli the rieto **n<l tlic po?r, the Iniuiicd, tha vrlae, and Hip ignorant Are nil equally n'moxloya, HM n*ver yet Atlmeted tha l?,wt (VtrWh'ive attention or excited the anvdb cat poldw tfifird. It la hfctoved thero are not leu# tlwn one hun dred of theao pitiable object* n<>wdi#pcr?edo*,or onratAte, who maybe divided fbr the aafco of taking a proper view of tbe Mihlect Into four deacriptlont or claaae?, Tho* of Uie Hrnt upper* tuin to wealthy Kind cnlifliitenod Thoae Of another belong to fainlliea of very modor?te birftUtmUnee.*, tMtt iff vir"K)(ii Mid afllcliontte FttBiff*. Th#*p of a third afo p-^r, uftft Dtow of a fourth nru attach' rrilena relatives who id L* to provide for them, Kule rv#*rd to their to their comfort. ThuM inanely mid amply pro r painful nutl mortify, tho ?ccoml nru al?o and provided for u? far ncc? of their (Viciid* will ohrioio to all that it is l?l? nrivntion of the in. of their fllend* i tun I it mcnt to their uHUii-s, und in Increase of'thur hur C0? aUfnaflHbal u rceour** to n well l*'?t'tnatWfUt with nil the conco.tih c* Im wWli* mo?t happy und ;?t the ,...o ttai^.fwcat oxehaupe '.j them. WJnw UMwVo iao lattur i I.?*m* wa . f '/> 1,40 *vpno*?H ttoft so the <; nn iioyaiKj^H|tn' of tho comrmmltyi nwl " j fed by tlr? prc?ariou* tUa)*,.or to pei-Uh hi the ] arc aomeUtiicn lodjfod ?n^^^KWthe authority of tho ina* ' mcdwrtuout thu Kttnriion l fed for a time ut the the twnc of hunitfliity, 0 rc'ccplnclu for :i fellow "mo it the hvwtjj vWU Aion incident to m\n'! t lnvvo Ion,? hinr.e been benevolence, Immunity, ml mttni(icencct [)um thnt ih'.H important ; overlooked ? tll.{feni, tit w true, can tnfi.<c?? ??4,i hut the i'K\?i have now '<? m-rt umm ?1, To i. vail llintiiclnM l?cdie.d ?*. 51 for the re. 1,1 'heir iritndn dv vkIkIoiii and e*. J>er<\ulme tune to ha* c (lieui kindle treated, und an<l m'i*rhief, they ***? plarinf' thoin in the llut i? it not .?* ?nutter*?" V':u? to be under the di?.\i j reparation from iheir ad^^B V Au> ?' not humilmtinif to tlic V]" .u> Ut tie mum lie in lut/icd and hovralii^* ?t a dist^l^K" ? *" 0,1 whim f<?* ?'? torttmnta frtyiM&un'.Utfn" o:",ic oilier <!<'? IU11 wlutV toJL wi^ioU J ???*' in.-niuM"^ ? Kcii)?uoiu of nrfQt poor ?>?? 1,1 i'liev ure n<?. oiM?. bvilHit <.i U' ^yvln.ii??!' ivuil Uiciniolvj?|Ay ol ?r? .h\ <U-su 'll]b/|cl|)hl?, Ol* <HC ?lie lo oHUiu |?isU::mIo!Dc'ui^niulir >?d, Itxljr.nflr*""' n** "??<i wijiiinctl iiiv objuuU of \MTat lite m -??'?> ????" c> 1 oiany of Uio col^i ich? ?tU*n ?? jirtcntly enjoy, ? cmnouu monbU-iK'- ii\im abandoned to iBif fcoiM .a luniw u w w i lran*ici?t bmintyB-^ mule ;u*? bnr'?aroiu *y. quunUy until .' * b.ruiiU ?rtd c.on!li A? ?,? rctmrk*. 1 appeal to l-'or Uie uiiih JT /Jie *t*u? <tflu*r? v\ H?? th? toprcttlilutivliA^^c* ul wi.avntaojf 'nay litvo IiaiI 0|JS.forloi*tito tclViw ocmg.t. bOllllitiolt of ihefl^M Ol) tU&? OtMJVVrtt 'IIM l)oubdc*i tliirt lK(huti* tvtpucu.e diilrivi*. liiopq tluin v< nfuK)tor U>u picture too Uitfik C w not iiUcwl?''M'v tti? rcnuiV* ?cry >. IV wiivei1 Mt ^rvMioits *??<? >lC m s'mv III iiU own no*-' ? koiully w'Uueiw.l s.-vcrul m-giou* nvjjl ;ot diuI >Dii, conrtncatciit uijU ol'U'jfi+Mlivc r< iiumUtcciico f Whooil m?y t|u?. liv fiii.vfti i ^eoino one of hw family or ft.iniU uny nwVi -jirtib llni--* e qic.-irrxo tin* null culuaUiiy f Hi ( |(c U'ctv ucrtuiit ?] all vx empt'toii from il t. vlt, uhououM not won clu-cif ill/ contri m 'apiiUncc lor tv n'.m.i' *??ip plieit .vita nil iic fa >\iy comfort*, a:.?l with thu (i;s)iuolu tni-ann ( l radical iTC?n'?r> of r>-.?*on and coiMuiplciit t, to lii-i orluT iVlclt-W mid lo sucii'ly a j ^v-'ijj'lilvir or u frllo>V i:ic.w Hire who iimy li n 1 HU*Uimt-d this hum uiilio iiijj hcrvuvenunt Yi\a *v??il<l wilhhol I iti'vii n cxcr.iou f [H-iiotfttVitCC iiwmiiI i ?:<.,?!)? IishIii^ * rwtrcitt| ? itff , in lit" lan^i <> .to *blc advocate fof ? iti*niiy, i Itui |?nya?Ci.iti.i prcuule, niul lltu qu' luvo the ofre K?iLr attendant e, ifm ?!i and una l.d'.rruU'd iiw< <iicinro,of propttr litainlcli m?|itn"nm :i miinitvr highly fitor.ilili) inure, iiimI w iiii'li van irirdlv lit; virpaMul i>y'"i 1 ((nivtiiii'iicv o< oiiuImw. ' It ih ill-lit-ved, ll0v\/cr, thlt lliu ?'.<?tolj)Uhllli-llt flf II tun Itiu l i:lu :it ? Itllli H ill for UlC '.Al/ft IU lH 01 thi* S'aic WuuMpll/ cmt us lint ;? pittance, '?'lie rriclion of tty- build'nii* would probably runitiuite the principal exp-n**. Ih omft it n to In- umluN'.OiKl tilt IuimIic a*) .ir<: of vi (liircri'iit n rlianottV flroiH Ikm;mi?|i?, hi regard* evprii-u-, thattluiy^ n<*n?lly fliippoi uioin?;l???;?? nn<l not utifiv(}iii'JM'y itpc n ivi.tirc of profit 10 ?lie iu?tit'itw>il. Ma Into im port from one of the great ?syliitm in !>>r*ttio numiul incaiiic o* :r and Above tlio ?tiiu| tl expenditure amounted to nearly tho mitn otSjtMt. tlerlin^. Ilui the pro. hahlc expenditure* feu. ?hull lie the Mibject of .iniititrr number. Cil'I'L'tt. ? If ?? nn provlr.on fur tlu-*c nu? foli>IMtu kmIjIi'cU | Ml licvn lulu? >iulv n lojiHdi Dorlor .lfift'it now lure Invii living, ?(> nnt tracrit Jo lii-t c??f'nr/ ;nt>l an able t- uvi'iimior U? hef iinjmivviiwn s iimtriul of hating imii by ? mil '.?c. mm ? ? f Hoc nor jr. Tijr. iipi'Kii i?.\kk4. A gentleinao UAvellm# in ? lie northweM, write*?" The l>e*t ,iort to nMko tor in ;i voyn^e lo the Upper l?*ke?, it Krie I'Tom tlunce >ou caji .\t any time hi itiu summer mm ton, wcurc |i i<i i|fu on 1?o.ird >^no merchant vcjm-I, hound for Detroit or Macknack. lAke line i? not *> widahut you can 4t 41 timei, nf* clear ilt*y, aye land o.tonaor ilt?e;?ernf in Vtor??, i not *<? Ion* .?<ttie l^cw .?'> >?'i', il it not k?im'. rally cofl'Mcied of ?4 lafe or pie H int a n?vi,f.?. tion In witl.i luke* Huron aim I SI,. ehi|f.*n, it i?n.iri\m 4??'l ?)i.?How. It :tf!'ofd<? lint few go kI lurhor** nod i? ?til?Jeoi to frequent ?lid heAvy iujihIU of wind, ortatioj n aliort, fjnu-k aei, moie dUjf?roii mi l implement than tii? nomnuinou* injl nflike Huron." 'ill* Tti\ lUtliorf ihat U, ifiude U one of lite I'nt.inJuy l<d*nd*, * nur*?roti4 elmier ne-ir tlie ?KMiloftue like, f-iwleftd fawMi In'tlm la*t W ft Koine of the*4 iilnnfa " att lirK??n<l well tinu'wed, of f(4o?tj ?oil, pn?l affording gumti* ilea of limestone, flr ?m wticu?? tlitt inhabitAnta of Mi/aoothern ?1*re of. the Uko arc anpptied wiii? thi* wrticle, 'i ll''j nr? *n?in vi.t?-.l into anullef <ilu?ter4. mil ure ?ti?ix'? *'? <l by the aailora m ' the old no* -rul her piflfn. (he ol<l hen ?hd her e,hlnk?n*, ?lie tli-eo hWterv M One of thd PuMndta) Nlanda had been mueh improvt# hyroloutt Kl-iinUofthettwtncctieiit Hwetfre, who had A fp%t firm and a fttoek of wfttl* o i it At tlta cwntttneement of the war, but ulnte hi* death in 913, lw hctn littli or not* attended to. Kr.^HKrl? to the* (aland* l? ISO miles nod from i?nw it la 30 mow t.? lh? mmtb of j'v^r, vrhtc*' you Rictt Willi Infinite plMitfrtk kfter suffering, n* yot fieqoently do, in ji boisterous ?ua untJeasan l?ak>ajfe of six or ecvcn days. In a small but dir iy>vctsel Though Utterly the accommodation! have become mucli IxitfTi wtid tho atc*ni-bo* will almost deitroy the unpleasantness of a Ink* voyage Maiden, a mull dirty town of a lew bun**, and a lirilidi garrison, you leave on tin e.ut mlc, und |?asn a little almvo tlic moiiUi oi die river, up which you conltnufs your cour.m neatly duo north. Una is a beautiful ainiit through which all Uk> ??.?iter* of the upper lakei past on to the full* <?. suguru. It i? from imt to two nnlea wide, and deep eoouidi to rccolve ??hip* of the luruett class ?ut Midden ulone it is ijuriovv, and divided by the i.dtud ofHois Ulane, flic iiliip channel running on the cast, or llrit isli aula l'lftecu miles aliovo this, on the same aide, ih Sandwich, a small but handsome town,; on the bank of the river, from Which you have m tullahd beautiful view of tlie city and settle ment of l>ciroit, extending lor nearly 3 mile* on tlio bank of the rlvc#. This view, of a clenr d iy, in extremely picturesque and beaut ilulf; as J'W wind gently wahiyouup the river, itagtx;.n bunk#, line farm*, covered with orchard*, and their houses of a ningultr ordrr of urchit which you can but just discern througf planted around it, .of turinua fruit, bloom, and at every jioWii or h*' large wmg* of a wind mill nil a rouifcl white building, ct^iing the n.r, fcrm.uud out a cqpnery, yon can contemplate qnly with emotions of pluaiurc. 41 Detroit is a very old ?cttleinmt, conwnen. ced by tlio French about t'.iq time Philadelphia bt** by Penn. The house*! particularly in the sett! em tut above and helow tlic t?wn, ?re htldl "pientijPnRVVurgc^WlliVigli von would ftw|utii(ly imagine the garret to In; the larger pi*rt of the house. Tho toWn In 18U5, was emirily destroyed by fire, aincc %hicli it hat l??. en rebuilt upon a IwMcr pi mi. It Tin* l*o street n running parallel with the r?ver, in teriecU'd by two other streets und two alley* ut rijfln angles. 'I'hc main or second street from the river ?1 remarkably, mid huvuig n sa.uly or gravelly soil i.? seldom muddy; there i* onlv a part of it paved. Thu beauty of tl,c place 'is much injured by th? want of .?* street on tl-.e river bank, wit etc the house* have been built no close n? to destroy nil passapr. b?twiXt them nnd the \*?<?r. 'I'll"* !>'??? "?? t,n <??? )??* or wells t water f?<r all pttpo*e? is takcit hum the river. Tlircc imlvi from die town, on the bank of the river, me two MualUpritig* denoini. n.ited ? the SprittfT Wells,* whore all classes und f.islnoiiH ix'nort to in panic* of ple.\?ur? " ?VtJK*;nY MOHNfXO, MKit'HT 17. ?. j' A v.'il lie lu l l tin" Me tlifxlisi lionet,,. uosr Uicir old camp ga*ouiuI, i?i *l*o Fork of SuloU uml Itnwl rivcr.*, to com. rn>:ncc on TliurfcUy the imt. und continue four day*. to a cnimK*ro*n**T. * The marra^c notice left at our Office 1m' r.. ^ fiiotU^Wnfmcil of couwe. In thit <UyN pripcr wo n .ounc the impoL^) sulij'.ct of ii tt'iii-rtic The first mn&r tiitw alrvjdy uppcurc:l .n itio Telescope, K* ittdeep interest, ami n? order to jf?vc tin* *ynol series njjain, we iit.e neon uiducwl to rcpunltaii it. Wc ;?.iitieu!aily rcco.nmind Uicmc niunlicn tc the pcruunl of the iiicin'tert of Uic present J<o? gislituirc. No. 2, iitM wwit. We have the sati.ficti'm of presenting iVn \cojie in a mirfljfemvcl drew tlan< aii'i on u small new type. The Tel$??'?| lus Ik'cii in the hand-* of il? prcient'% two )t.?rn and ? t?ult',diii-n>j; wbictr litt has l>t<M inoro tl< ?lit: jwjM?r ii.ti now the most rxtf circnlo cm ufntiy pnper p'tldi^ Uiit Ii!k.t.?I put milage tho; particularly u? such til ing tttally paid tlivir UUP*. cay, unci) has beert tllj of Ihv tdPw*. on Hit- receipts of tune, lie tiicretfi tfonlly beg thul tlio (In up.# M.tii) of our patron* i arc "A'ct 1/ mm," and "yootl fur the i is not aatiifoctory to our typo founder, ji-if tmtker, tfc. Thty wi?l? to " touch tlie tiller, ,?ml we mutt rai<e the auppliu*. Iii plain U-ruii " wc want money <ui?l nntit have ?t." For thi purpo?e, mill to rc-cttidiliOt ? CQiwtitntion con ?Klerubly impaired l>y lib labor*, the editor wd nuko m tour during the nest mouth through tin utAte, nnd it is hoped Hint the mmiit-j due It] gentlemen who do not litre uctr the nlllee-t a which they receive their p*i>ei-* wdl ho Itf with the ncverat pott-matlcr*. \Ve he^ leave to ntmc to the nupporten o thU paper, particularly to gentlemen ot'the law, that ndverltvintf uivl jo*> printing will alwaya CMnti ute thu chief, mipport of A newaptpcr r?UMi4hmeiit. For l'?v.?r* already received in l(n4 w.iy wo in.ikc our acknowledgement*, and H'jf they will he continued. TIIK PUKHIIH1NT. VfM thing* are more hkviine to a man ??l ?teaily Ati<l regular huhtt* ?l?.4Vt to b? ni'CCMi Ute<l to pirtakc in <cdmuI picture* awl failiKvn junketing* for any length of Por ? few hour* it inty ho <!?)for a week it m \y tfc? t i1fr:.l?k?, (nit when ti? i? compelled, through etiquette or urbanity of ilUpoilttOn, to cngatfe in iccA?e1ei? r Mind Ii?r inonthi together, ilio burthen i* Insupportable. Our cliicf ma?i*> Irate lift* luil an opportunity of fichu# the weight >f thi* rem*rk with It* full force. We really vmdoled wi?l? the good of<1 genileirwn while on il* tourf and heartily eongntuWte htm now hit he ha* got aaffely through hi* dinner*, hit iuppcr?, hi* lull*, and hi* ?ddt*m?. It appeus from tlic Kentucky pap:** thut ho lield- out until lie carno In llnnodslurg, where l>c abso* lutely icl'uvcd to rat any more public dinner*. If,us Miifiyot' hi* opponent* have nid, hi* tour was tor ilttciioitccrinjf instead of patriotic pur* po*0*, they have IiniI their revenge to the lull. If mil' ha? bcoi hi* object, (which however we by no iiKins hiliAt) Cwfc.?rs ir.cmurablc txprc??ion, ?? unil it ifiii o'/," lu?* been ready to ?l?rt IVoio hi* li;?? ii^am and i??-uii since the commencement ot Itis tour. The 1'ivanlent in so iniiCh exhausted :h?i ho i finds it nccen?*.y to vA.t the w&tvr njr pluc?A (?ft bit Way home, where he will t.t.</ - lev dnvtf, and return by a piiwtc r?:?d through \ii4;.u.* tu Washington City. UF.NKKAL. MACJ iJllV.COIb^ x flninoR M*u Cmkuoh hy km r.wmnu ut An* f'uyo-t, (St. Doming,) jjpif ill lite Hern. Ilv is. wholly lUmried l?y ?|K n>o|>i] op rather ln.s deserted tlicnu an<J, yWU my ?ourf.c*. A i?nti-<nt ui.^vi^n <lo/tn nro.idl that remain with Kim. lluHtrtom wl?i? arc arriving (taut IrtLmd rt-fiu* lo J<?ii?T?.n^ni it it kh|)|m>k? (1 he will never he iccoj?i.f.ftd ? Patriot comrnandi-r (ifpiiii. The in # iroipi underCoin. Kytv <md M' loudh diyt lute, having relied uptiti Mxc (irejjor for k.j|?|iI J on their arrival. A i^nitrinjn a* Aiix Ua'T prt'aVtA tienWly) of i*cry tlunjj cicojii uHonU t lit in i their dlitre#! i* indeed The di??aHf peculiar to tlic cliitiatu, liuf carf.ff of them oll'i *nd if tl?cy are iwt *(-ii'. iiMin ihi?, inan> more w;H |K'ri*h. Since the atxivtf wait in type we nave bml, via'?in?rie*toii, ttint M*c tircgor Ivs atwint funr hundred of the troiip? Utcly hit'td under (..? command, and intend* to rcu.!<-* l**irt? H. lln, Wcgive UiU infornutl'jn for wi-t ?v? worth. NF.W8 FltOM M?Al.V. The United .States' tliij> hvnm rnptnri returned In New York'jn the M'.vt- mis *?fJ tl?o 30:li ult. from Cudix, whenrr iihe i'-*l 2ilof July. The tre?ly vith Spain ?'i> n it ri.': fled when the llonm left Cad.a. Wl?? n cap Held wi?i nt Madrid, June 14th, th? Spa ? miui?try were warm I) nig t|te *ut?ji'<*t; it wrui the general opinion at tit: treaty wmlil not he rn?ifi.-d al all. , . 'I'he Spanish cxpediton d?,'?'ined fo' America, \vh? rxpec:ed to he rc;idy lo >'M> U*t of July, or lK>|fiti?ttig of Atigu<?. vernment lu?t pmenred uannporm convey 20,00'J men, which were r ? watting only fop the cqtttpiivsiil of',c,, ? ? ' war that were repair ng in clock. The M?r<'ttu de Ciso Ymjo^ ^,nt ' V er sri/od at their dwelling and to ^on|n' the 28Ui Jmic. The-e. w*. A rumnv tW u.ey h*d breti #ts.H!itn?trd. It t/** ?l*o rel^'jci general OM)<mncH#> t'ie governor ' ' received nil or? America. lint frconntil ilnre, received via dent At the office of tl tint tho r*vngn? ofthe jtlitfne Dr. I (iml lieutenant III *re pa*!?enn?ri in tlio Unmet, Ctptnin Iteid liai Arrived 41 Wathit | tlinp.itcliv# lor government. l/>r<l {SAMlereagh, A4)?the N'O'rt Iivk* l?u?? lb in?l it tivceitiry to apjiv it to tl f<ltlir .*n<l ya'mtirfin of Parliament in a ver/nift'* Atylc, vfiicli win iio4 without it* efT??*. finit (|iictt:oti|" Mtid lie, ? which ought to look At in u fcarlcs* aim! i whether it ?>n ghl o tie fi ll ?itimtioii in time jfl'ort outfit not Id l'ect the hitltlc salaml'y nnlj |?o nothing 1 sninitniw* 5* to luencc?tho I in* n private iixl the llrftk,. . iHtniw^" Ufi. y i tl IvOttU <i*?ctte. t