Vj)t ion ot'thc Editor,ua r.ont *.il k I atrear. -^s nro ptfH, ?1tw )un-.r?f u'jt cx^edin/; twenty l?ti??, in Her- dtbotlr?t thnu I'o.* H?v?aty.fl?e ccnt?>, an.' lort; jcent* tor each *ubse< .'ton to which depend ontAi acci- iidat.Mi r.f bilr, ? jiier'?erretii>n?, in the alK'nonmul vi??? f>du Wnier promote* the accretion* gvner Jricreacj the Mliffti.nl, U?rt [ it operates an?. wild tonic ^.Titcuigcativc oiguna. A Fountain I* ereotetV where the water ??l>c had in its purity, by tailing at the ttorc ?it' A. PITCH. UKKWIKK, nw'?STlurU?0,tVVTy '*f.emr> "NiciesJuM k^Yi . i? I m Grc:im I Jttar, <;**tor Oil. ^cidl.U l*owdu\ &c. fee ' 32-tf LATTfc ~tt skiTll7 (COLUMBIA,) LATTA to KILGOKE, (OAflUKN.) 1TTA HUTCHISON, 1 ( VltltK Vll.t.K,) \VK just iwivt?l ( ot? ChhrV'U.n niu ;VUikl|>ln?, jl lur^c uiitl general aisori ^bfoods, Groceries, Hard [arc* Cutlery. C*c. tl.cy will m:II ai reduced pricc* for k or retail. . M~4? WaHlen Seeds. P'! L8iib^V lion Ibtcly rcccivc?l from J?v *1 Y??. Knitilitlon to I?1h former mi|)? J..mmc?r,lUy ol vVublo full TVItNII*8KKDS, \Muv>ug tcm ?re t|,e \ KUTABAOA, A? vlil!e l**1? ?r \cw York I?y the name &>.'y *Wfcr u"<*U Turnip. It U * fall tup. HUVi'lngr jlieirt L#>*?-*-? M to _ oittri* ({I MMI for |to?tiiring nr ,j to ntuwcr tliit rlmmU' j?i*y be wit ** often ??? foin or '}? r.ni llie set'il from tlic? first of Augohl till the [Alter. p I at .1 er?, twelve ?iVb V i:im\ in Ahhevillft District, on SiiihI ?>-, 2flth July, tvfo negro CIIAIILKH, l.krly bright iiml.it about twenty two Mine or ten I countcif negro took e (lurk ln?y "other cloth* LGfl, . right mulatto, JiUcit year#, five 'ten inctwt high, t<*?i*nco.tkntorii?l i bluer,lot fi eo?i,>,n?l ng not reeollttted. WNOftWOOl), HFKKO. ?it "ji RUTA_BAGA> A. FITCII receivi-d a ?mtdl quantity of thii laced, which lie iMtw ofTcr* tor ?de rge aMortmeiu or l^rujc*, Mwli ftc. pint id*),owl cv<*] ? fctpt bv l?U line of buiincw. RutaBii^uorllusHmn Turnip, May bo mndo to yield oil a rich noil, l?oCK Ktuibcls to the awe. WILLIAM COHURTT. ? t, EttnC. from ? communication of R. 8. Town ?end, R*<1> of New-York, to William Gobbet ? 1*ub Sin?1 tnke the liberty of sending to you the following experiment* upon the cultnre ol your llulit Bagu ini'.de by mv unrne riofc (oil J,500 bushels may be made to tlie i?cix\ ... I* S. TOWSSKXI), J,Jy 27 . ..r-o?rit Company Orders. AN c'lxM.tm ib toljo lu 1.1 on Moi iluv, ilic .JOlli iim lv. .1<-wl t.icHtiiiaia unci Kojugi., in Iteat Cnin|).iii} N?. 1, Upjwv U.ut.v lion, JJil lUyi. Pulls o )>c ojicn at tlic ' urt Woime tram 11 o'clock A. M In J 1*. M. Malta t-^v' li'lioiu 1..V.I JiikMili I'.llofin, IM\ tli I.. vUM.,, \ frequent ittdulKciice in the luxuries of the table, liar'icularly aver too much wine, the dis.-tgrceabic eft'ecw nrc altogether In warm clhriatCK the}' will he found ui debilitating the stomach. jpStSi bfftotta eomplaiiiin, indige.suuu, iois of Jq, habitual CotlWaiem, fcc. he. TaslcUss Halts. ?/'i Oil, make* the Imir gi??w thick and prevent* it* falling oil' or turning grey, even it hair ha* begun to turn grey. ?* *ueh 'nourolier to the hair, that bj use it will restore to ita natural color. Mica miir Oil, For re?'"t'ing hair on fold place*, prevent* the falling oil'or turning grey lu tliu latest period of life. | Cuniltir.1 Ilnlsim of Floury. .httltiiU'Hii )'//.'#. Tiie virtue* c pitlxiiif) well known :n the West India 'i'h? y are given with mhxcs* in inter* ennttcnt, and hil.ous fevers, jaundice, CO*tlveiH?*|?, eliolie, pains., !?? fco. ently, produce neither costive Cat excitement, and may he used ? safety without change of diet phint fuetiii. >r rheumatism, *pi.viv?, Joint*, &c. he. the relief frequently curua m It; * ?w nam, Tartar, and articlen. ni?4t fttttli f'tu'oliita College. liflCrforti liuving in their pouenuion ?? l>eIongitig to the <,'?>llcife Library, i?re re. quested to return them on or before the llrnt day or August m il. THOMAS I*AUK, Uhr?>i,m. July 1.1 28?3 HTHVYI4DOK 8T0MiN7 lAllOM the Subscriber, a Iny hovy.e, alnml f,i*. jP Teen and it half bauds high, hotli Jiind fret urines hii'l from to ten yeninold, no brand* reenllceted, had on it Kinnll bell when mmxiug. A liberal reward will be given fm* ilu? delivery of tlie ?siid borr.c to A. Wullae.*, in Columbia, or to the owner, on Hear creek. Wll.l.l \M IIIISII. .Inly 16 '2'? -:U KOIl H.VI.IC. Subscriber l?Cingdc?ir?iin to move Wer.t. 1L wurdlv, will soil n bargain in l?i?? valuable TUAOT OP I.ANiy ?i hi (if** . xvtill j?i? tttt; itch/" *a", ?i iiciiUeincii cii'/CUT SatliUl IH.4v ileiHud ?"'? tj ajuhl i.? ?., ??.??'r.?nglil |^C|?air, Wfll JHny |Mur/^'"' , Trove'"!? ' nuili#, IW/.ii't Cj?iW, Hwonl Hells, 11IM'C Ui or,lei A Tlll'l MAXWK1.I, (lx of l~.i ttiuldlct mid .mUoillC (IfMHllUCUt V' lnp.t. Ju<> 18 J __ m ? TUtl OUD liiu now Tlun.l, a li?i!(lwf > kju ?i-'inem of arUo^i tin* line, wliicli will Im: wdd low fop ) n ItbvPkl credit. A? lie las now,'and k<-?'jA )m\\y ?trnplo)cM V lift attended to, and exccmcd with Hdutf.H ?*. 7 50?tf -% 3f Valuabi&aml voit jL v < ?>vmm|T||C eniiuitSS^tillrr* lor ?!.l? hi* vaWik tract of l*nd,'i dilitl in Ahhevdlc 1)i?tricif well known by tb iilnt of WIIITH It.?//,/,, containing thirteen jitKrt'd acres, incitf Of less. On the premises ai? o?il improvement*, having excellent oichards, an 1 a |p?od alorc houve. White Hall, luting sitiiatfi to n wealthy neigh borhood, i t equal to Any mi il in the upper country fnrhns ncm in the at;rm HKIX1M2 OFF. IIP. ftnlicrila-r intending t> e.lojio hid Mer rantile Itiisincs.i on of January next, .offer* lor iwlc. it reduced (p.i< e?, 1iIh prrra-nl stock ot ('nod*; Oo'npriniiy t general wiv?rl meut ot' I>ccdy arrangements for ptviirnl. ANDHBW WALI.ACF.. July 3f? 29?tf A NOTICK. ft! ?hull leave thi* place tor (lie Nortliwanl on to-morrow, to Ih> ftbaent for aiver.d month*, I liavc appointol Jltnt* T. ft'iKVNvyn, V.u\. my attorney, who i?.v?fce?t with full pnwer ??>transact my htiftincas the mmu a* il l wax per. nonnlly present. lie will redpA'e the receipt* ot thote I not :(ii|chtcd to, and ijivt' rceciM < to tlioMj indebted to mi*, or us L. II. Coe (X fin. 1/ II. C? 1t ~7\ KQlJli yT^ NINKTY HIX MBTItfCT. John M'Comh, vi. Francis") .M'llriile, Wm, llarvry, I ???,;/?-#. #<,? F.llx:?b?'tli hi* wJtV, luut f m f*r fartUun. Thoin.a* M'ltrldc. J IT nppt-an to the aatiM?etion of the court, that the defendant*, William llurvey ami till. xabrth hi* \*ifo, and TImou* M'llridr, l?v? .*?f tb? C'?nrt, that the defrndapt lb mean .Millard, i* ab? tent from and reside* Vithout the limit* of thin ?lute i It It tfiertiure oidned, that the ?.dtl Ifclnem M.dl.ml, do ?Jdwr jileail, Ait*Wer of iltinor to the aIiovc *i *?? I hill for partition, on rtr befnr* the first day i?f Jarttiafy next, and that in default thereof, tin- *aid bill be talrcn as eonfemd. 8AM. 1.1/!' JUNKS, Com. Ik/no 81 , aa-if Pinevillu Academy Of flora diMWCier >viu i>< huHt.idin ho prenatal l< u.l' i!n; t'uki it ?l?e hv'. tli* Pirlttf ijfcl' kIinII tak< principal Tracher will be wanted -,U? tak ?b ctafge bl' the l'in?vill? Academy on tb l?t Jwiutiy, 1890. who will rtctke * tutyw o it dollar* |i*r annmiv payable lial jtlmoulate ol'flood character will b< ^;-.$W?nU Vnu4t\?M MbM ' Mi IM PPHPHBP .loen boardurn, ai ik rate of ?1% annum. j*.'dutk* of the Principal dull be in fl?l . vi?. r tract from the lla thai! ImVe n feftl anperintfrnUnce df\A control ovnr nil bratichea of the inatiluiUtn* nn11 ?uel> eaignod to complete their education in y after they huVe idvaoeid to a cer. ,.tfi.be dcUrnt'.iiCiV^by t|?^ friroipt' ??vice of .t!i? 'iVwjsWfcJ;" A dw.ji. i?l MH fc &on, Oharle*ton, 8. C. will br at ftnded to. The election wdl tike pluct ofy |,o 3lst Octolicr MXl'lHKKG ,,oucilV.lt, I Prcnident of tlic Tiu-'ocv lMncville. M,iv IT. 1819. Education. AN elderly Rvnileman ivlthrttit n Ginily, u stranger, who h?? lately arrived in itste from u tour throiiffh the different part a of I tl?j tf'iion, nud wiihea to rraido lor some tiiiie in j tl'ts whoic principal rmploymciit al' hi* lite li*"> hern ilic oluntinn of you It, mil wii,? I ma latijjlil in vurlou* |?urta ot'ltie Minted Sii.tr:-. Willi approbation, now takes iIim nuili'd *?l nHorin^ liuntclf to tlic public nn a tcarht-i* n. Lowii or country, u? an .usisimu in an ac.;?!c;nv, or f a tutoi' in a private family. lie can lie w til recommended for ability and attention to luui :?iid in qualified In tf.vo sooili a I'iiv.ci.l Driiiv ?< < .>. I. pcdicnt to inform such m heir rii . lens, a* may lie dctit-nisbf alio ? In*..- ti-mtd< children, lit opportunity of participut.iv* n ||,C Ik- irllt* of education, (hut lliv vli'ifkui unit vim* mod',out building* erected by the hnwmtblc ini.'iiint Smith, at thin place, hate lately been purchased lor ait Academy, and who to t.ccoiu modatc Kuch persons as may choose it witli >H>arr ten urrcs. It iv airy mid w
citation Mid lancy work. It will he given tip to the Kit-: iihc of the aeholars, mid ii now open to receive any number of hoarder*. I li? v .duo think il their duty In announce t) t flourishing condition of the nc idcmy buice it ooliiinrnrtd in January lost, almtn 50 scholars have been entered, and are now in ftchoot ?, nil n| whom have made imch improvement m the d.flvrent hranchen of cducatioi to which tin y liavu attended,#* U? l?avt|iWitol turli u-UI U obtained by tliehex* fall or earl.er. It U the intention of the promoter* nnd foiiu* deraol'thU iistitmnn, to eatublnh it on a p. i ? mtmetU Waiting, to extend the branches of cdu* cation then'io to acictlt tto stiidh*, nml to mo* euro teaehti s capable of instructing the putnU m jM>iiie mid uselnl learning, iu improving the un demanding, p.iliflting the dc|H?rlmrni, and in forming, |ue?crving, and atrevgthcmnj} their moral*. They would flirther give notice, tint thry ?r*. prrnonalU and intimately acquainted with Mr Ha mm i. II, lilt's who i'. now oeciYynig tin 8remi?iea, bo tho purpose of licronimudatingall me in lH?;R, TIIOMAS WKIX8, UWIWi'Pl/I.I.Y Infurmt the iiitmhitimti oi Columbia nmt ??? vicinity, lie U ultoni to rommi'iie ? the practice of Vliyilc mxI Hurler. *-y in (lit* place. Me announce* himself in tliii wny, that it may lx? Knierally uiulrratoorl, lie will pay nth. 'tual attention to country praotrfe Hit ?rvtc< ? may tie eommaiHley calling :<< Mr. Ime ft jn' 4 ' , > ; , ,,?* Town of Goosawda* ON ft hundred lots in the'above town will Ikj ?old totiitiJupMht o.ddei, nt public at.ctibn, on the premise* on tlio firat Monday in Octnbei* ?text i one. fourth ol the purchukc hkmicv in land* nid tho t^Unoe in three- edunl annual instil ,tnent?, secured by bond wltli approved rumct* Jj** sale will be coiuinuril train dny to dav, ua> dtyftploied. . ^ Coosawda is r.lti|Atcd on thr western bank of th? ? itcrAlibama, about two mi lot below Uiu coin flijfncc of tho Coma and Too??. The alto iu elevated and bc.iutilol ptuin, foiumuuliiig at* o. ifimivc view of the river. Rtearn-boalA cart ";v,li iliv town without any difliculty. It is tho highe it dotorubl^ point on the. rivnr. There arc. in die town site, several line bluff springs, and con-enent boat landing. Tito neighborhood V-outuh in excellent ti nber for building, ievcnl ?aw;ii?ilU ate idrcady ill succcsslUl ope [ -li'iO. f j ?. V ' "' .'?janlto Iib3 been long adigired, and it tea ^.v;.'5Vy ma>r.;T.?wl JliftiiTT^Wt >otu Xl | Mi. No situation on ?? -~ W?ro healthy i and a conftdwf btllel I* , tallied that tlio growth ol Ooosawda Will bo i ritp.tt and jiCimanciH. '? A MO, At the Kitne time ami pi icp, will be o(Tcre?l at public nut-'ton, soul sold tn the highest bidder, ..bom KH.IM V TUAOT3 OF ly'iii* in the dUtrici lirst no'd *t Mi|lciltfuv:|le. m Auguftt 1817 I lifH** ir.net* m* well nvluMed, ami core* pri*, lu-rvoil ?*c. fce.. USSOIH or Mil An infall.hlc remedv fuf. inati?m, minibnexfl, elnlblf|r. Ilr therefore x\ Tli MfCmed ronfjilrnec re?perlfiillv pnll'-r* tlioni f> n liberal ar\d dxrernliift public. I bey aro old b) hi* appoint men', bv WII.I.IAM ItIC NMJIWMTK, lit Wjt;i I, I ?? May 4 1? tl" JUST KhiCKlV Kl), \ ncl for Ktilo nt lliisOMoc, and at Law Kllixoa's Store, TIIM Till A L ')F MJIHTM & MICHAEL TOO IIE Y, ??R TIIK MI'HIIKIl Of James