/ ; February 13, 1918. YOU COOK YOUR FOOD—WHY NOT YOUR TOBACCO? i r * ' - • ’ Y OU know what broiling does to steak, baking to a ' potato—and toasting to bread. In each case flavor is brought out by cooking—by “toasting.’* So you can imagine how toasting improves the flavor of the Burley tobacco used in the Lucky Strike Cigarette, a - . • ITS TOASTED » w ■ * * ADAMS RUX . * * * + *#* + ***** + *•* Adams Kun, Feb. 9.—Editor Tb'’ Press and Standard: This' beautiful ^ spring like day induces me to send! you a few dots from our community. * Since'my last writing Cupid has completed his worlf. and I report the 'marriage of Miss Eva Pehr eldest daughter of'Mrs. E. P. Ptatt. And Mr. Wilkie Messenrejr. which occurred In Charleston, Thursday. Jan. Si; at "the residency of Mrs. William White. .. ... Mr. F. Y. Legare and his daughter Miss Gertrude, have moved to Wil mington^ N. C., to be with Mioses Emily and Claudia, who hold lucte- tive and responsible positions in the postoffice there. Mr. Donald Bailey 4ias moved his family here. They are occupying the Kavenel cottage. Mr. W.T. Sutcliffe has moved hts family to MeggetL' Mrs. Sinch and Mias Kathleen are visiting in Darlington. Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Palmer at tended the county teacher’s associa tion in Charleston Saturday. 1 ' Miss Agnes Wallace, teacher of the Roxbury school spent the week end with Mrs. Taliferro Taylor. Dr aab Mrs Taylor, Miaa Dorothy Nell and Taliferro visited the city Wednesday. Miss Anna Perry is spending the week end in Charleston with her sister, Mrs. W. L. Messervey. Mr. Andrew Edmundson is home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Smith have returned, from Norfolk. Va. They were called there by by the death pi’ the latter's grandmother. Mr. R. T. Kine. Jr., postmaster it Georgetown visited his father thi» week. s Mrs. Henry Barnwell is vi-Mthig her daughter, Mrs., Henry DargLK at Florence. »• Mi, ' 'Fox dffd family have maved back to Adams Run. Sayj there is no place iike home. 4 .Mrs. William Perry'visited friends here recently. Mrs. E. J. Turnbleston'visited Cot- Uv# die yesterday. • Don't think Walterboro has* the monopoly of "grippe” and ’measles.’' Others arc- enjoying (?• both. Hop ing you have recovered. I am. ’ MORE ANON.” AND STANDARD Asks for Magazines For the Soldiers To the Council Women of Lower Carolina: ; An urgent request has come from M' G-ar Beckman. Beaufort. S. C.. askir, for magaxmes. and records for tb-- Sojourner’s" Club, and two Y. M C. A. buildings. Beaufort. The Marine Training Statioji. Paris Is land and the boys at Fort Freemont. Mr. Ilecjcman writes that he cannot ohta n enough magazines in Beau fort to meet this need, and asks that the council women of the southern counties of the state will help fur nish these boys of the Navy, train; iUg at* these points. He is very- anxious to receive monthly ship ments of "monthly magazines as ne< as possible. The boxes should he sent by express, prepaid, to the So journers Club. Beaufort, S. C.,' cfo. Mr. Oscar Beckman. Mr. Beckman is in charge of the Beaufort War Camp Community Re creation Service, and he.'will take' pleasure in ^distributing them to our boys in such a way that will secure the greatest benefit. v Mrs. F. 'Louise Mayes. ChaimiaTi South Carolina Woman’s Council of Defense. The above letter was received by me a few days ago from Mrs Mayes. If any one. wishes to. contribute their magazines to this cause as sdon as they have read them, please leave them at my office at The Press and Standard. I Tweedie Fioklinz. A . County Chairman. BIG SHIPMENT HORSES aod MULES JUST RECEIVED 3 A [fill mOUT FEAR OF m OR RIALS! GIRLS! TRY! IF SISP OMDRUFF MO YOUR * For the Colleton Garage. There . . , * • - y * .# V You have Attention and. Service - . * . X Standardized the County/Over - - ’ » ’ >> » The Colleton Garage RAILROAD AVENUE, WALTERBORO, S. A big lot of the finest horses and mules we have received this V N. season are now at our stables for your inspection. If you want a real good work animal be sure a : lot i-.t ' 19 r x A. Ill'tUIlt IjmK. Iteliel! ”l*a|*e's N«>ur Stomncli „ Try It Y i>i«iK-p*» ,< r’ 1 lli'lrv*.*.. t 1 New spring Goods We now have a beautiful line of Skirt and • ’ . / . , - * Dress Goods in*the most popular cheeks/ and stripes. A n assortment of many new patterns. ^ ^ are ready to show you our new line/ of Ready-to-wear goods, such as Dresses, Skirts, Waists, etc.—the most beautiful assortment we have as yet had. THAT’S ENOUGH TO CONVINCE—Hundreds of -other new articles too numerous to men tion. Pay us a visit while out shopping— we would be glad to show you our line. X (Always Something New.) Hair stoi* lulling oat and get* tlA-k. wavy. Ktrong and c/bmaiifl. Yoor hair becomes light. •Vav/ fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young- girl's after a "Danderin** hair cleanse” . Just try this—moisten a cloth with a little Damjerine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust dirt and excessive oil and in just a few moments you have doubled tli£ beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair it once, Danderine dissolves every par ticle of dandruff; -cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itching and failing hair — But what will please ybu tftost Will be after a feW weeks’ use when you .will actually see new hair— -flh'e and downy at first - yes—bpt really new hair growing all the scalp. If you care' for prettv, soft hair and lots Of 1 It, surely get a small bottle of Knowlton’s Dander- Tne—itoin apy ?dfuggi*t or tofl d count,fora- few cents. , Wonder vhat upset your stoieach wY.ich portion of the Bind did ftie «l;v.u a:•- do you? Well. d»*o't bother. If your stomach is in a revolt; if swk-.'tassy and upset, and whol you juxt ate has fermented and tuYped sdur/ head dizzy and aches; belch ga>e» and acids and eructjite undi. ge«t»d food; breath fpul. tengiie coated—just bake a little Rape's I):c- pepsin to help nutraiize acidity and in five minutes you wonder what be came of |he indigestion and dis tress: , ‘ / Millions of men and women today know that Jt is needless to have dyspepsia.* A little Diapepsin oc casionally keeps the stomach sweet ened and they eat • their favorite foods without fear. / If your stomach doesn’t take ca»>? of your libera) limit without rebel lion; if your food is a damage in stead of a help, remembar the quick est. surest, most harmless relief is Pape's ffiapepsin. which costs onlv flftj cents for a large case at drug stores. IT’s .'truly wonderful—it stops fermentation atnf aciilitx anX sets things straight, so genti//««»4i asilv that it !s' really astonisUtng. SEE LS BEFORE YOU BUY Rizer & Ayer’s Stables * • / .. ' / / ■ ' THE MULE EMPORIUM \ ''W ■'M ■ m n X Quarters \ !M \ St FI’Klt AT There Will he a l>yA shipper given lye a IkA at PAntel school lions/ on^EeehTy nicht, Feh. lath Tliy:-proPeed* frock the supper \yiiFlT/isse I baxe. But a. man’s wkYs leads far, A.nd he always win..., —Against fal^j-AhTit may l»ar. X EVER SUIEO BY GIlQIi; HORRIBLE! x / You Nm4 • General Toole » The Old Standard Grove’* Tasteless thill Tonic it equally valuable a* a General Tonic because it contain* the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver. Drives cut Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 60 cents. What is LAX-FOS > LAX-FOS IS M MPMVED CASCAMc A Digestive Liquid Laxative, Cathartic and Liver Tonic. Contains Caacsra Bark. Blue Flag Root. Rhubarb Root, Black Root, May Apple Root, Senna Leaves and Pepsin.* Combines strength with pala table aromatic taste. Docs not gripe. 20c X Calnmel is Qtiickt-Hter ami like ilyniunitr on yonr liver. \«t« Calomel losms you a day! You know w'hat calomel is. It’s mercury; quick- silver. Calomel is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamir- cramping and sickening you. Ca 1 - ome] attacks the bone* and shoub! never be put into your system. Wheu you feel bilious, sluggish, constipated and all knocked and believe you need a- of dan gerous calomel Just remember that your durgxist sells for a few cent*' a large bottle of Dodson's LiyeV Tone, xwhjch is entirely veaptab!'* end pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for calomel. It ts guaran teed to start your liver without stir ring you up inside, and can not ra! 1 - vate. X ,, ' Don’t take calomel! ft makes you sick the next day; it loses you a day’s work. Dodson's Liver Ton-! straightens you right up and you feel great. Give It to the children because it is perfectly harmless ana doesn’t gripe. . * x USE "WHEYS', FOR LIVER 10 BOWELS WHEN WhenV biWoriln-mJacYiy. H-.k. for ><>ni -.toiniM-li. I'.id hrxuilli, 4 t»:*»! colil*'. We are now in our new Brick Stables, \ ■ , ;. j' . " . ' [■ and have gotten in a ca»* load of the finest « . * . • - r --'" '; j MULES ever brought to this market 1 , and will continue to handle them the balance ; — X of the season. All our customers and . - * . . -> ^ / t X % . a,1y ^ ... friends are invited to come in and look them over, for we feel satisfied if you are needing any stocks we can supply ybur 7 X tr ' ■* / . • ’_ X * needs. Dannelly & Company Ehrhardt, S. C. . •? • wffii EI, ,m j JUj - X fit-t a 1 u-cent 1.f»\ Take r.C f r*»-nij;iit to cleans your lively #tou>ach and ivow*!*, apu you w.ll Purely fe>* l great h\ mov ing. Ytiu men and women who have Iw'ad’r.che. coated tongue, a had cold arb billions. n< rvogs, upBor roll for onth end 1 .; : Following i*- th» Truffiu school, for th' atonmeh./r/have bAckachn and fXl'Feb.' 1st. all wdfn'out Are you keepHrT your F.raLGrade Lisa Nfay Smilli. Har- bowefs cl<-;irj w.tb Ca-^aref* .obi Patrick. Janie ^mith, Merrlal nierelv foc-nT a passagewrv v»erv I Breland, Klein Williams^ Lonnie Du- 1M& M few dayR with saHs. cathartic pil or casjdr oil’ Carkcaret- iii> mediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove < he >our'. iindigeitted and ferment in .’ food and foul gase#, take the e\ce-- bile from the liv;er and carry off th * constipated waste matter and p«dson from the bowels; • Remember* a Uascaret to-night will straighten you out by moritin - A 10-cent box from, your druggist Vneans healthy bowel action; a eleer head and cheerfulness for months. Don’t forget the children Mr. and Mrs. C. Jocksonhoro. were Thursday. ett. / - -j '2nd Grade- Duncan - -PadKetK Pear) Crosfty. Stephen Fmyit. Frank McAlhahy, Parker Chassereau. "rd tirade—Cecil Ilhoad, Edna JJtnyly. lK»rothy Chassereau. Bessie Breland. Ixiuise Htiiyly, Bessie Lee Smyly. 4th Grade -Edna Griffin. Jennie Pmyly, Boyce Bnlanff, Prentiss ri mer. • > r,th Grade— Willie Mae Miley, Mae Crosby, Mazle Padgett, Pattie Mae Crosby. fith Grade—Alma Griffin. Mayrue l'Inier t William Patrick. J. Reynolds, of 7th Grade—Ida Breland, Junior in Walterboro , Crosoy. Eva Crosby, Hughie Carter. ' 1 Percy Carter, Harold Thomas, Capye Applebv,. Duncan WilUams. Ernest Patrick, Leon Crosby, • Albert Kin- ard. Sfli (trad*—Morgan Smyly. Maud Crosby, Lawson PI tiler. 9th tirade—Bay Miley, Merc Williams', Annie Belle Crosby f Leona's* Carter. - X Tenth Gfade—Thelma Miley. Mol- lie Williams, Gertrude Thomas. \ s m< When You Have a Cold It is when you have a severe cold that you appreciate the good quali ties of f'hamberlain’s Cough Rem edy. Me*,. Frank Crocker. Pana.. DL Writes: "Gur five year-old sen. P^t 1 caught a sev’vre cold last winter, thst settled on his icings arid he hod ter rible coughing spells. We were greatly worried about him *a the medicine we gave Him ^did not hel^ him En the least. A helghbnr spoke so highly of Chamberlain’s Cough /temedy that I got S bottle of It. The first dose benefited Mm so much that I continued giving It to him nntil he was cured.” vi