u V VOL. 89. WALTERBORO, S. O, WEW ESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1913. NO. 23 Dm CROP OF ' POKIIC01LEI0N IX LS ESTIMATED THAT OVEU 1,000 ACRES WILL BE PLANT ED THIS YEAR. 1 Subscribers to the v Red Cross Fund PLANTERS ENTHUSIASTIC Tmmcj iVces LmI Year Caoslng Mabj to Plant That Never Grew Potatoes Before. From all Indication at the pres ent time there will be the larsest area planted to Irish potatoes in Colleton county*this year than ever before in the history of the county. It Is estimated that there Will be be tween 1.000 and 1,500 acres plant ed. and if It should be a favorable season*there will be a bumper crop harvested. * In Colleton county is found some of the finest potato land In the South, and this valuable crop U becominc mbre popular with our farmers each year. Irish potatoes is considered s very risky erop, due to the enormous expense of planting, harvesting and marketing them, but not so much In Colleton county as farther South. In this section where the seasons are long and mild, potatoes can be followed by corn, cotton and other staple crops without the use of ad ditional fertilizer for the second crop. In thk way the planters fie ure th&t if the potato crop should be a partial, or >vpn a complete failure, or if they should fall _tc bring profitable prices on the mar ket, the second crop can be made to help defray t^ie expense of growing the potatoes. The fancy prices paid for the Southern ctjop last year stimulated Interest in the potato industry anfl induced many of our farmers to plant on a large scale thia year who had never before given more thag 'a passing thought to the proposi tion. Sanders and Lemacks, of Rit ter, and the Combahee Corporation, of White Hall, have been large po tato growers for several years, and have made a great success with the crop. Among those whom we know are going to plant this year we men tion the following, /together with the number of acres each will plant. There will be numbers of one and two acre patches all over the coun- tv, but we only mention here those who will plant five acres or more. ~ Sanders and ,Lemacks. Ritter, ar? planting 200 acres. The Combahee Corporation, Whit% Hall. 150 acres. acres. Isham Padgett. Ruffin. 10 acres. Dr. J. R. Padgett, Williams, 20 acres.' »' J. J. Padcett. Williams. 15 acres. S, A. Croabv. Colleton. 6 acres. G. Varn. Colleton. 20 acres. Capt. H. A. McGee, Green Pond. 30 acres. Andrew Runton. Wiggins. 7 acr'' ,, A. H. Brant. Salkehatchie. a acres. E. C. Beach. Coosnwhatchie. 35 acres. It is estimated that there will ne at least 300 acres planted in the county in addition to the above in on* and two acre patches in the gardens. The following is a list of the sub scribers, and amounts pledged, col lected by the Peoples Bank at Lodge and turned over to Treasurer C. G. Padgett: A. L. Aiken $ 1.00 Slke Abenite . , r 1.00 I. W. Bishop ............ 1.00 J. A. Brabham 1.00 R. B. Cox : 1.00 J. E. Brabham .... * ' 1.00 Clide Brunaon 1.00 Frank Brown 1.00 Alex Bod icon 2.00 G. W. Brunson 5.00 E.R. Bishop .........4 • 2.00 John L. Braid 2.00 Miss Carrie Brunson 3.00 Clyde Bennett 7; 1.00 J. J. Breland 1.00 Hdllman Brady 1.00 C. S. Caldwell ,2.00 FAOKDS Mir GO ‘j FLOl HUI MEM. FOOD ADMINISTRATION'S PLAN FOR THOSE Wild HAVE „ * ? t . * ‘ tT -* OWN CORN GROUND ■ k, \ • P ONLY OBSTACLE REMOVED F< Caa Purchase as Much Fhuir * AaiHe Haa Corn Ground Not C. X H. Caldwell . H. .‘4 Cummings. C. P. Carter . . . W. F. Cone . . . . C. J. Cone Milly* Crews '. ... H. P." ’ Carter ... Alma Coleman . . . 5.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 Joe Carter 1.50 A. I*. Carter 5.00 G. A. Carter ; 2.00 E. O. Cone 2.00 E. R. Crosbv 1 00 C. S. Caldwell J. H. Fender 2.00 g.00 W. M. Fox * 5.oo 01. IV Fox 5.0d J. Hampton Fender . . • . • Jr. 00 M. C. Fralix • • • 5.00 Happ Goodwin • 2.00 Gibb Hodge yt • • . • .05 Jam ch Ha v L. H. Harley c." 1.00 G. Hazel 1.00 W. G. Hiers 1.00 L* J. Jones Sr.;. • • . 1.50 B J Johns 5.00 Frank Johns 1 • * 5.00 Adam Jones . . . • 5.00 Philip Jones ......... . . • . 5.00 Jessie Johns r».on Lee J. Jones • • • • g.00 Jones George . 1.00 Jim Jones 1.00 R. J. 'Jones .50 Wendell Jordan • • • . 1.00 J. S. Jordan 5.00 R. C. Jones . 2.00 P. M. Johns • • • • 2.00 Ezekiel Jones . . i • • • 1.00 Alonzo Kinard • • • • .23 M. M. Key /. . • . . 5.00 Lonnie Kittrels ....... • • • c 3.00 Leslie Kirkland . . 4 . # 1.00 W. B. MeCuen . • « 5.00 J. S. McMillan . . • . 1.00 J. B. Miley • • • • 5.00 F. M. Murdaugh • • • • 1.00 B. M. Murdaugh 5.00 W. M. Moorer . 5.00 J. IV Mills 1.00 f. B. Moore 2.00 L. B.x Morris 2.00 A. Newton • • • • 5.00 Isaac Owens • JS* »■ -w- - i.mr Leon Padgett . .... 1.00 Jim Padgett . . . 5.00 A. D. Padgett • • • , 1.00 H. Junior Peters 1.00 Henry Riles • • .* • 1.00 M. I. Kizer 5.00 I N Rizer 5.0 0 J. W. Rentz. Sr 5.00 G. C. Raymond • 1.00 L. I. Richardson • • • 5.00 Dan Stephens ..... ... l . . . 1.00 Excess of Half Barrel T. C. Smalls, Jeff Smoak Joe Thomas B. G. Thompson 5-00 Julius Wyman, . Oscar Wesley . .; J. W. Warren . . . . ; Alex Williams Ceorsc Williams II W Walker P. J. Williams J. H. Rj.’jors ...... . F.X. Jones TTbnhio Linder (donation) TOTAL PAID The following Walterboro pledges have been paid since our las* re port: A\L. Blocker . . . $ 1.00 Mrs. H. C. Glover 3.00 J. M. Moorer 20.00 The National Food Administra tion has gleen authority for a modi fication of tne pound-for-pound law In order to give, relief to the farm er in' South Carolina who has' his corn ground locally. Much dissatis faction has been caused among farm ers. who felt that it was unreason able to ask them to buy northern or western meal when they had their own home ground meal which they could use. There was no protest concerning reduction of the con sumption of flour, hut simply that the farmer did not wish-to buy meal from his store when he had better meal or grits at home. Under the new rule the farmer can have his corn ground by a mill er. who will-give him a certificate. This certificate must be filed with the grocer by the farmer, whereupon he can buy N an equal amount of flour, not in excess of half a barrel. This plan was recommended hy practically the unanimous vote of County Food Administrators-at their meeting In Columbia on the 4th instant, and has been advocated by a large number of prominent peo ple having knowledge of conditions in South Carolina. ' • . xV The National Administration was by wire immediately consulted about it. and on Saturday gave its consent to the plan. For the information of. County Food Administrators and food representatives over this state, millers ,and farmers, the following is a description of the procedure necessary to obtain, flour upon a miner’s certificate. The farmer takes his corn to tho mill and has it ground. v^He signs a certificate which the millers will have, stating number in his family or tenants for which he buys, the amount of flour he has on hand r.nd agreeing to use in his house hold equal weights of flour and substitutes.” Thereupon the miller signs-a certificate as-to lbe number of pounds' or meal ground. This 'certificate Is then /iled with the grocer, and thereupon the farmer can buy an equal weight of flour.’ but in no rare in excess of one-half barrel. This relieves the only difficulty that has been encountered ih South Carolina. There has been no objection what soever to the reduction in consump tion of flour, and the farmer haa been patriotically ready to reduce his consumption of flour, but he very naturally did not desire to buy more of what he already had an abundance in his home. Blanks are being mailed to the County Food Administrators for dis tribution to millers. They were mailed yesterday afternoon. Millers should apply to the County Food Ad- ',o.« ' 1lln ‘*t™tor of. JR* countv for the ! blanks. 5 UO Ii.OO .10 IRE NAMES RAVE BEEN CUISSffl) j . * F \ FURTHER LIST OF THOSE WHO lARE LISTED TO GO TO WAR NUMEROUS CLASSES Names of Men Placed In f'lam Four and Five*1*0 Far by the 1*0- • • * cal Board. The following classifications havo been mad^f bj; the, Local Board for Colleton county. Classes 1. 2 and 3 were publahed last week. Class Four Peral Glover, Frank B*iN*>\ Christopher Owen. Hoff. William Henry McMillan, Ivy Horace Beach., Nat Crosby. Melvin Jaques, Carlos Tracy Crosby, Amos Green, William Nettles, John Walter Beach Launo Jasper Benton, Joseph Tillman Tay lor. Louis Allisoil Fender, Willie Neal Jones, Ebbie Mosely, Johnstc Lee Crosby, Alfred Smith. James Berkley Benton, Gabriel Bedon. Jar- yj» Rarnes Craven, George Brown. Otis Albert Peters, Henry Ancrui\| John Oliver Addison. Slab Mitchell, William Aihjrew Faulkner. Arthw* Young Beach, George Frank-, lin Brant, Mannie Reddish, Milton Risher, William Henry Crosby, Wil liam Stewart. Willie Wyman Car ter. Jr., Klsler Groves, Thomas J*‘t- erso| McDaniel. Simon Prieste*-. Willie Rice, Charlie Clifton Trlc-», I terboro Parent-Teacher Association James Hiott. Grover Cleveland Bar was held in, the school auditorium wick. Tbbmas Washington. Willie ‘on Tuesday afternoon, the president, Brabham, Sum mam Brown. EmmueliMrs. Bailey, In the chair. Cross. Marshall Gruber. Isiah Tel-! Secretary Mrs. C. P. Fishburne, don, Doc Givens. Edgar W. * Good-! finding that she would be unable to win, Monday Bell. John Wilder; attend regularly resigned her po- Carey William!*. Joseph ; sition. Mrs. H. N. Stokes was elect- Missionary Society Met With President The January meeting of the Wo man’s Missionary Society of tho Methodist Episcopal church was held at the home of the president, Mrs. E. E. Jones, on Thursdsiy af ternoon, January 24th. The at tendance waji not as large as had been expected, but n very interest ing meeting was held, and the so ciety was glad to welcome as new members* Mrs. E. H. Beckham and Miss Betty Beckham. The treas urer made a full report of the year's work, which showed a total of 9123.46 raised. In addition to the membership dues the society contributee 650.00 each year to the pledge fund for new work. This $50.00 is used to educate a native Japanese worker. The members at this meeting subscribed liberally to the pledge, and it is hoped that the entire $50.60 can be raised without having to resort to candy sales, ba zaars. etc., as this is certainly not the way our Lord expects us to give. Let the offerings be) made liberally and cheerfully. The February meeting of the society will be held on Thursday af ternoon of next week, February 21, at the home of Mrs. H. W. Black. Sr. f at /4 o'clock. An interesting and instructive program' has *been planned for that afternoon, and thc» members are urged to be present, as efficient work cannot he done with out the co-operation of every mem ber of the society. Dismci comoN MKHTSJF P11IS PYTHIAN8 OF FIR8T DISTRICT WILL MEET HERE NEXT TUESDAY • BANQUET TUESDAY NIGHT Grand Offlc^r* Be Caret* Local K. of P. Lodge at Banquet, , \ ‘1 Parent-Teachers . Hold Meeting » f The ‘monthly meeting of the Wa'.- Yates, H."lmes, Richard Ford, Johnnie Har vey-Kinsey, Ben Gilliard, Benjamin iHiott, Carl Anderson Fanders. Claud Elmer Jennets,- Henry Bedon Ritter, Eugene Ryon. Abraham Boyd Ackerman, Perry Sidney Hudson. Vail Wfllard Jones. George Fraae.* Jordan. Junior Child Kinsey, Lazras Fleldr^ Howell H. Sweat. Thomas Evington Polk. January Harvey. Jr., James Randum. Van Pye, Elliott Hodge, Louis Valentine, John Ed ward Rose, Illman Folk. Oliver Ack erman. Luclous Bellinger Goodwin. £ library for the school Dan *Htsey Ri»her, Willie Voeni’. Joe Divon, A iPT\rett. Fra rap ed in her place.* . As the days are longer it was moved, and carrlef 1 that the hour for meeting be changed to 5 o'clock instead of four. The following, program was en joyed: , Song by the high school. “Billy Boy" hy'the Fourth Grade. A very interesting paper on "Th<» Necessity for a School * Library,’* was read hy Mrs. J. M. JA’JtsaMv Dr. Bailey juged the necessity* fo" Ashby Farrow Lodge, Knights of Pythias, Is making extensive prepar ations for the District convention which will be in session here Tues day of next week, the occasion be ing the anniversary of the founding of the order. February 19th. It Is expected that many of the leading members of the order from over the country will be in attendance, among these being Grand Chancellor W. E. Derrick, of Orahgdburg; Grand Vice Chancellor. L. J. Bristow, of Colum bia: Grand Keeper of Records and Seal. C. A. Brown, of Abbeville, “and other prominent Pythians from the diatrict. The program will embrare a bus iness meeting Tnesdav. afternoon at 3:00 o’clock, followed b<*. a banquet at 7:00 o’clock and a regular meet ing of the lodge at 8:00 o’clc’ck. Is expected that there will b<” " mrge number of delegates from the of the First District. The committee on arrangements consists of Chancellor Commander D. B. Black as chairman. E. D. Le- markfl. treasurer. R. R. Mlley, Co- zart Binns, R. M. Jefferies. Subscriptions were taken and the carded as graxe of $9.00 was realized. # jMrs. Rev. J. M. Craven Seriously III Rev. J. Mf. Craven suffered an at tack of appendicitis - this morning and was rushed' bv his - nhyslclan, Dr. L. M. Stokes, to the Clara Fa- Dorn Infirmary where an operation wag performed at 1 o’clock this afternoon. Mr. Cra**en’s condMion was Ouite serious -vtiAn he wa? brought 40 the infirmarv. He stood The operation well and Is reported as resting quiet)'* at th*- time of yo- j ing to/ press. H's comlUiou ,S re- 15.00 5.00 1.00 5.00 l.Ofc l.aO 5.00 1 00 1 00 $273.40 Colleton Soldier Amonj? Survivors sum toit WbH'nYan. Willie Hickman, Lav- Cam Fishburne suggested that each ence* Creel, Barney Crosby Dozia'school child be asked to bring a Croeby. Bennie Bazzle. Isnan Allen, Ismail contribution to supplement John Willis Smoak, Oliver Middle--this fund. ton, Noah Lee Craven. John Till-j Mrs. G. C. Brown offered to dor man Rhodes, Dunk McMillan. Thoni-|nate an encyclopedia, consisting of as Brabham^ Joseph Barnes, J^onni** three volumes, which waa accepted. J #**:::**# ^ ifr * DEATHS * ****** * * * * * * * * * f. MRS.. MINMF SAULS Bellinger Hffmdnn, Marshall Fraser, David Dalton Mitehum, James Camp bell. Edward Ren Crosby. Jonas Smalls, Willie Olepn. Wallace Wii- Jy. Rams, Mack Middleton, Hampton I Miss Cladia Bailey recited Mrs. Muchenfuss gave a very in- struetive paper on “Why Parent.* should Visit the School Ocoasional- Rmoaks, Fob. 12.—The entire community was saddened February fith, when death entered our midst and claimed one of our most Iqved friends, Mrs. Minnie Sauls. She D. E. Johnson '..00 Ray Jon*}<« l.ob II. A. Francis LOO Unitv Lodge 25.00 F. S. Fennell 5.00 C. L. Fishburne 10.00 D. A. Johnson. Dal*-, S. C.. . . 5.0)) At least one soldier from Colle ton' county was on board the Tuse- anla when she was torpedoed la*t Week. A cablegram was received by Mrs. Annie Harks, of -Smoaks, thnf her son. Alber S. Harks, was among M'n Washington those who are numbered among th > Ernest Henry Simmons. Arthur Christopher Mear». Ben Grant, Charley Carson. Gliver Graham, Henr> Inahinet. John Spell. Joseph Eugene Kinard, Tillman Crosby, David Oliver Drnwdy, Rob ert Murdock, FPck Bodison. Jacob Gadson, James Benjamin Robert*^ Benjamin Monroe Murdaugh. Carle- ton Abraham DnP.ant John White. Addle Robert Smith. Ezeacb* Brawn: Clyde Sallie Frank Brunson. Waller Diewey Lynns, Willie Jessie Kinsey, John Stokes. George Brunson. Isaac Coger, Asbury Samuel, John Char lie Iriyl, Richard Joseph Hiers Rob ert Brown. John Ayers. Ravil Bowlds, Tom Jenkins. Julius Gee. Joseph Marion Polk. Edward Holmes! ' Mannie Norman Morris, J-imr-' Dan iel Rainev, John David \id tie t. Thomas M, Williams. Roley Holmes,« Joseph Earl ‘Hiers. David Roasf John Belton Tuck* 1 * Abrnbsra Pt r Dr. Bailey and Mr. Strickland ; "'as sick for about ten days, and all spoke of 'preparations for the sum* was done for her that loving hands mer school to be held at Walter-1 could do. but she contended from boro. Both Dr. Bailey and Mi. Strickland urged the necessity of providing homes at actual cost for the t**achers who would attend. A committee was appointed, con sisting of tlie following ladies* Mesdames Hope, Strickland. Isham Padgett and Brown to canvass the tf'NBvand ascertain how mai|v homes would he open to the teach ers. ' \ After' delightful refresh meats rerved.ii' the girls of the high school the meeting adjourned— the-first that the time had come for her to make her departure for the other world and was erady and will ing when the summons came. She leaves her husband and six children five sons and one daughter, beside* a host of friends and relatives to mourn her death. II. 11. PADGETT BOX PARTY A bbv party will be given at, th * [Fire Hill school house on Friday, ry Lmisious Glover. Melvin Oliver hp „ innjn . ; at *, oV,oc*t p. ^rdV Lane. Laney Green. Rufus Hora-*.} Everybrnly Is invited to \rchle Hodges. Bill *• Williams. Ro* survivors. ert Black William*-- Benjamin Frank-! Jack Washington, j \ckorman, \rthnri : Clide Rrnwd'. Sinynie Dosia Fim I Walter L. Gainev. Thomas Morgan Hrnrv and br.ve a good time. Murdock. William Nathan Roberts, Jgsaie- Blown. Jr.. St«-pben Joycnor, Thomas Washington, Henry Aloxr.n- LE(;LSLATI HE ADJOURNED A Kentucky Belle At School Auditorium “A Kentucky Belle.” a comedy in three acts, will .be presented at the Walterboro High school ^fiditorium on Wednesday evening. February 2©th. The play will be given under the auepires of the Civic League, and the cast of characters will in clude. some of our best local talent. A special musical program has heen,*nor resigned from the principalship arranged which will be rendered during the evening to entertain the audience between acts. j An admission fee of 50 cents and 25 cents will be charged and the money derived from the entertain ment will be used in the good work being done by the Civic Leagu^ » s Dr. W. B. Ackerman is home for * few day* from Camp Jackson, Co lumbia. “Doe" is looking fine and •dviaea all who do opt care to ob- kerre meatless and wheatless days to Join Uncle Sam’s fighting forces. v" Attending Conference At Clemson College County Agent F. W. Rlshvr and Prof. F. M. Conner are this week pt Clemson college where fhey are at tending a meeting of the agents and others of the extension farces. Mr. Risher was on the program for a paper on the soy bean. Prof.* Cori- ©f the Walterboro school to accept a position as teacher of agriculture in a group of schools, but he has since been offered a position as county agent, which he will possi bly accept. , • f COAL FOR WALTERBORO I. am in receipt of a letter from the State Food Administrator advis ing that he is shipping one ear Of coal to be distributed in Walterbo- * * »;; * # * $ * * * * ,[; * * Bolds, Tbotnns Joseph Hiatt * \ Cummincs. . Kenprfh Levi A eke.--. der Sinentb, Jonas Rivers. Walter ! man Obida Eliia Cralix. Jneob Kirk-j Ghavlesworth Glover. James Hall v j'and, Linde-, Raymond Calvin Polk. Martin. Otis McMillan. Joseph Nes- jc I Robert Elbert. Asbury Glover bit. Richard M. Crosbj*; Allen Smoak. Fletcher Minus Caldwell. Ned Sea-sWillle Iveair Flewon, Oliver Is;*'* • brook. John B. Pellnm. George • Augustus . RenU>rt, Alford Moorer, Washington Oodley, John Jenkins'Charlie Williams, Jefferson Brown. Smoaks, F-eb. Jl_2v—ftrlV. Padgett, oiie^jiL-thwMIlaunch citizens of the Community, died at his home hore Tuesday of last week, and was bur led Wednesday. Mr. Ibidgett was 70 years of age and had long been n prominent citizen of his commun ity. The funeral was held Wednes day* afternoon, and was attended by A large crowd-'of relatives and ott is survived hy his wife add the following children: Mrs. Melvin Padgett, Robert, Ren, Gqorge, Eugene and Miss Mary Pad gett. A. R. Du BO IS The legislature adjourned sine .die shortly after midnight last night, and the members who had not already gone to their hoqies, left this morning. The session began January 8. and lasted, therefore, about 35 days. ' •* Colleton county’s members, > John C: Goodwin, of- Smoaks, *■ remained till the close: W. W. *• Rmoak. came homrt Tuesday fc. night. 4 * ************** * fin. Isiah Hamilton. Dunkin Pad-ett. ^ Willi; * Tewton Evans. Eugene Holmes. R'-t. RrrU BUYS CORNER LOTS Irving M Fishburne is reported to have closed a deal with Mrs. G. A. Sauls hy which he has purchased from her the corner lot where Fin- kel’s shoe store is located, and fh * vacant lot between this and the Farmers Mercantile A Warehous' Jo« Washington. James George Gnf-j Jordan HayVard, Arthur Gardener, William/flohp' n. tieorge Maynarn, >/o^nes, William Peterson Con- ry A. Brown. Nathan Jones R/ <■ Robert Aaron Linder, Laqrie Fdrd Ganet. Levi Brown. HaLuon LKlmed Martin, Joe McCoy, Capers Broody, Thos Geddens. Joe .Hqy^Eugene Martin. Isiah Bradley. Mon ward, Polimon Williams. Joseph jnie Hierai-Btenjamin F'ranklfn Du- Cleveland Renfoe. Willie W;lliane*. {Bbis. Frank ’Francis. Jr.. Albert Irvin Walter Lemacks. -James Met- Lansdale. David Nichols Givens, vhk Smoak. James Judge. Andrew j Dwight Moody Saunders. Richa’d Brown, Christopher Williams. Japan , Carter, Rhett Cauley. Seners W. Skitllng, Calhoun Hiott. Beniamin * Warren. Willie Bryant. Henry Gra- Hodges, Lawrence Brown. Henry pdy Drawdy. Oscar Benjamin Godley, Thompson. Cornelius Green. Willie. Philip Drayton, Adam Fields. Jatuea Islandhm. Feh. 12.*/A. B. Di> Bois, a prominent farmer of this section, died at his home 'here last Friday, Feh. 7. The funeral .was held at Penlel Baptist church Fri day, being conducted by W. M. E. Campbell, in the ab'tt.-nee of his pas tor. The deceased in survived by his widow and two sons. Joseph Di.- Rois, of Plant City, Fla., and Ham DuRojs. of Islandton. Mr. DuBois was in his 73rd year, and was long one of Islandton’s leading farmers. Mrs. DuBois has returned to Plant City. Fla., where she will reside with her son. LITTI/E ROY INJURED 1 ^Hnmons. Charlie Sauls, Thomas WllJlun*. James Heyward. Gassie McMillan, Willia m(Boskie) Greeq, I.uclus Miller. Bruce Hiers Cart< r. Julius Richard Powell. James Hen- Smith. Willie Lee Ramsey. Richard Varn. Lawrence Tty Smoak, Zena Adams Class Five. John Adam Barnes, Henry Mar ry. DeWIft, Milton Stephen Striek-.tln. Robert Benjamin Redman. Jos- land. Robert Brown. I^>vless Dick-! eph Pinckney Carter, Ben Brown, pon Breland. Charlie Brothers. John Walter Hudson McLean. William Conipany it is not Announced t F. Lucas. Jr., Samuel Pritean Car-; Wallace Dunn, John Evans, Abra- AU those who want coal apptv ^bat purpose Mr. Fisburne has to ,ter, Frank Warren. Isakiah Rhodes. me at once view when he purchased this prop- Levi Jenkins, William Hazel, John .—J. Tf. GLOVER, Mayor. erty. 'j Trowell. Albert Johnson, John ham Finkel. Sytns Middleton, Joseph Cleveland Jones. Isador Sohel, Hom er Bowen, James Henry Rice, 3rd. * Marshall Gruber, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Gruber, waa painfully injured Sunday afternoon. The little fellow was riding a tri cycle around in a room and lost control of the vehicle and turned over, inflicting a very painful wound on his leg, which required two stitches to close. The little nine months old baby of Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Price has been very sick t&r the past week.