- ? mggSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^ THEY WILL FI ic|WAI A WORD 1 1 il I TRY THEM THE DEALERS AND SALESMEN wanted for best light plant on earth and best seller. Guarantee of perfect Service for 10 years with each machine. Address S. Sidney Kibbe, representing The Curtis Publish ing Co., P. O. Box 86, Gaffney S. C. 794-26t. PRESCRIPTIONS filled accurately by graduate and licensed pharmacists, only and delivered promptly. Peoples Drug Store, Phones, 68-69. 804-tf. FOR SALE?Pure bred male DurocJersey pigs, three months old. $15 and $20. J. W. Buchanan. WANTED?A man to sell phonographs?a very attractive proposition. Apply to Storm's Drug Store. Wanted?Men or women to take orders among friends and neighbors for the geunine guaranteed hosiery, full line for men, women and children. Eliminates darning. We pay 50c an hour for spare time, or $24 a week for full time. Experience unnecessary. Write International Stocking Mills, Norristown, Pa. July 16-10t-Fri. only. SUMMERS, Smith and Taylor-Cannady buggies. Peoples Supply Co. 818-5t. Lisi To Our Friends an< Public in General: We are expecting those Beautiful and see Marble Monume days. These Monuments as any marble on th If it is durability workmanship that yc can please you. Come look them o of these facts. Tk 1 "i nememoer, wnen save agents commiss See us before you line. Yours to serv UNION Mil 15 Gadberry Street, ~T Pope's Marvelous Etiquette ennipolx the T'ope to w? different garments enoh day. nn nv-i j of thorn nre ornamented with rare > gems, wliilst iiis state robes. JU:?* the "cnppa magna," lltornlly gleam from , top to bottom with gold and preckttis trtonea. I , a= ifea iiYn A porous tube, a small pinhole or slow leak means running on a flat tire and most likely ruining the casing. We can test and repair your tubes at little cost?combine service and economy best for you. Have us "show" you. Smith Vulcanizing Co. PHONE 98. ND I T FOR YOU NTSic IV I V A WORD Y BRING RESULTS FOR SALE?One new 10 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine, type Z, at cost. One new Williams 18" corn mill at cost. One new Williams 20" corn mill at cost. Above machinery has not been used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Spratanburg Machinery Co., Spratanburg, S. C 809-12t. STUDEBAKER has been building wagons successfully for over 6f years. One of the best farm wagons on the market. Peoples Supply Co 818-Bt. DUROCS FOR SALE?Spring gilts and boars of popular blood lines; also two fall boars and three spring barrows. Priced for quicfc -eale. Harold H. Jeter, Carlisle, S C. . 4t-July23-27 Aug. 3-6 TIME WAS when the farmer ant 4- J 1 . utiier cuuiivry aweners nua anipii cause to envy city folks. Times have changed. Willys Light is indispensable for the farm and home Simple, compact and durable. Citj comforts for country homes. Gilliam Light & Motor Co. 818-51 LOST?Tire 30x3 1-2 on rim. Lost between Whitmire and Union June 22. Reward if returned to Meadoi & Goforth. 796-12pd RED OATS and mixed horse feed. Peoples Supply Co., 818-ot ten! 1 the our third carload of Everlasting Tennesnts to arrive in a few 5 will be sold as low e market today. , beauty and artistic >u are looking- for, we ver and be convinced you buy from us you ions. buy anything in this e and please, iRBLE CO. Union, S. C. Boiling Is the Only Sure Way New Method of Washing is Quicker, Better and More Economical Old-style scrub boa i ds and warm water have li-f-n responsible for the spreading 'if many contagious diseases. 'rhcri' is no nwil for iiny woman to take this risk. The best way to Kill va-rms is with heat. Moll your chit In s and i vory uerm is killed. And bos-ides, this wonderful new i omlcul than any other way. Ji ti.ink! S'oak your wash over i ight. Shave I?:ir of Clean Kasy -.'api hi Icin- Wash Soap into a 4 Vis calii n t>;)> of water l.et it dissolve, .. tul h' nit to hoil. I'ut the clothes in nd st r for 10 minutes only. Kvery arment is clean and pure. Th- r< no c mparison between this nd the old. dan;;'rous, back-breaking wash tubs. Your wash will be ! nished before your neighbor has ( rubbed the skin off three fingers! I tit * a hii- ot ("Pan Kasy from your grocer. < 'no-half bar will do an averng< week's washing of heavy clothes. And it goes after dirt, grime and germs in a way that you couldn't possibly do with a scrubbing board. Protect jour family?ease your work and get everything twice as well done at half the cost in less than half the time. How does that sound? There never was anything which could compare with Clean Kasy?the wonder soap. Just notice how different It looks from other soaps-?and how different it works, too! Try it today. You can bet your life you'll never work In any except the easy Clean Easy way .gain. Follow the directions on inside of the wrapper. I \ I . PROHIBITIONISTS F ARE READY FOR FIGHT Lincoln, Neb., July 23.?With the national convention finished and a C' ticket placed in the field, for the fall C campaign, prohibition delegates today 3 were on their way home and the a newly elected national committee was m making its plans for the coming fight c with the Democrats and Republicans. The convention adjourned shortly e after midnight after naming Aaron n S. Watkins, Germantown, Ohio, P school teacher, as its standard bearer v and D. Leigh Colvin, New York, au- J thor, as his running mate. The nom- 11 inations came after Wm. J. Bryan A , had sent word that he could not ac- ? | cept because he wished t oremain c a Democrat, although he had not de- s 1 cided how he would vote this fall. tl In addition to planning for the A . campaign the national committee expects to issue a statement today or s : in the next few days haking known C its feeling toward Senator Harding's a prohibition pronouncements in his t< . speech of acceptance yesterday. In, dividual members said it seemed un- _ | satisfactory at first glance but want- ' ed more time to study it. i FOCH WILL NOT GO TO WARSAW v 5 J. ; Paris, July 23.?Marshall Foch ; will not go to Warsaw unless the v : report of the French and British n . missions now en route indicates the " . necessity of his presence and should " - developments show that military aid ? 1 by the allies is required to prevent f , the Bolsheviki from overrunning Po- ? " land, it was learned today. ' Some hope is entertained in official " - circles that direct armistice nego- v . I tiations between Poland and Soviet u , Russia may make allied intervention tl unnecessary. w : FARM BUREAU OPENS SESSION F | Chicago, July 23.?The Farm Bu- ? : reau Federation, comprising a mem- c ' bership of 1,250,000 in thirty-two states, opened a two-day conference . today to consider the advisability of 1 . establishing one great farmers grain market, where tho products of the . farm may be sold direct to the man- LJ ufacturer or consumer. Speakers declared that grain brok- . ers now charge the farmers $50,000,000 each year for handling their J1 crops. Preliminary to today's meeting the general board of the National Board s of Farmers' organizations met and plans were laid for raising a $11,- r 500, 000 fund for erecting the Temple of Agriculture at Washington. MANY HOUSES WRECKED IN CALTRA I t London, July 23.?Caltra, near I Ballingsole, Ireland, was visited to- c day by police and military who t wrecked many houses in the town, ^ including the Sinn Fein hall which wasbumed to cries of "TJp Tuam," \ according to a message from the Press Association correspondent in Ballingloe today. There was much shooting, but no loss of life is reported. V The slogan "Up Tuam," evidently a refers to Sunday night's incident, C when Tuam was sacked, the sacking d( hninir nrruincf f ko r\ol i/m o e T, a reprisal for the murder of two con- C stables by a mob. a: The all of every < KOI For Kodak amatei H. O. Cameras, d ^ , r and conveniences tl making all the easi ?everything's here. r.Vy Kodaks froi ' Brownie Cam i Peoples Di Phones 68-69 \ . DECEPTION FOR | MISSIONARY Tokio, June 12. A notable reeption was held yesterday for Rev. Hay McCauley. of Boston, who after I years of missionary effort in Japan s the representative of the Unitarin church, will return to his home ountry in July. . Dr. McCauley was hailed as an Amrican who had labored "for the prolotion of religious liberalism in Jaan, a better understanding and good nil between the United States and apan and the furtherance of interational cooperation and peace." imong the organizations which joined i the public tribute were the Amerian-Japan Society, the American Asociation, the American Peace Society he Asiatic Society of Japan and the vssociation of Concordia. Baron Sakatani presided and the peakers included Viscount Mc&uley's long: and helpful work for II things for all things for the betering and uplifting of mankind. IAND AT FUNERAL OF JOSE CASTRO San Jose. Cal.. July 23.?A thirty iece band will be in attendance at he funeral of Jose Castro, aged inaate of the county hospital here, /hose bttffy was found today in a ond in a down town park. Five years go. it became known following the iscoverv of the body. Castro depositd in a local bank money to cover his uneral expenses and contracted with n undertaker to provide a thirty piece and and a hearse drawn by six white lorscs. Owing to the death of the ,hite horses the undertaker will be nable to comply with that part of he contract. An automobile hearse /ill .be substituted. 'OLAND SENDS ARMISTICE _ . Warsaw. July 23.?Poland has sent rmistice proposals direct to the ^ oviet government at Moscow. After these proposals had been disatched bv wireless at 2 o'clock this ft or noon by the National Council of lefense. a new "coalition cabinet was armed under the premiership of M. y iTitos. P The new cabinet has the support of j lie socialist party. M. Datsenski, the , ead of the socialist's organization is . he vice premier. Aside from these J wo changes the cabinet remains the t ame. 8 RENCH TROOPS 1 MARCH ON DAMASCUS Beirut, Syria, July 23.?French roops. in view of the failure of King 'eisel of Syria, to begin execution of he ultimatum terms began a march on )amascus yesterday. They enountered no opposition and are proiodine toward Alepho. fILLA HEADED FOR COAHUILA Mexico City, July 22.?General ilia and his forces, said to number hundred men, are heading toward oahuila, according to statements of eserters as reported by General oaquin Amro, chief of operations at hihuhua. The rebels are described s poorly equipped. \ ' \ * 'VvL other sport? )AK irs this store is G. hotographic helps hat m^ke pictureer, film and paper > n $9.49 up eras $2.86 up ? h ug Store Prompt Service V, > FINANCIAL CENTER. DEPOSIT YO In a Grow Men of business wil ZENS NATIONAL 1 Bank. Always Up to the 1 Ad Sai Gr< Dei THE BANK ABRE A FEEL AT I YOUR BANK. CITIZEN'S NA Resources $1 J. W. WILBANKS, Cashier. uNior NOTICE Only 11 more days for making out our Federal Stock Tax Report and iay the tax. AH corporations are iable and unless you attend to this [ufing the month of July you are subuct to a heavy penalty. I am ready o assist you. Ug-4t W. S. McLure. WHERE THE STATE CAMPAIGNERS MEET State Offices. Marion?Saturday, July 24. Conway?Monday, July 26. Dillon?Tuesday, July 27. Bennettsville?Wednesday, July 28. Chesterfield?Thursday, July 29. Bishopville?Friday, July 30. Darlington?Sunday, July 31. Rest?Eight days. Camden?Monday, August 9. Lancaster?Tuesday, August 10. York?Wednesday, August 11. Chester?Thusday, August 12. Winnsboro?Friday, August 13. Union?Saturday, August 14. Spartanburg?Monday, August 16. Gaffney?Tuesday, August 17. Greenville?Wednesday, August 18. Pickens?Thursday, August 19. Walhalla?Friday, August 20. Anderson?Saturday, August 21. Abbeville?Monday, August 23. Greenwood?Tuesday, August 24. McCoimick?Wednesday , August 2b. Laurens?Thursday, August 26. Newberry?Friday. August 27. Senate and Congress. Eight day's rest. Lexington?Monday, July 26. Saluda?Tueadav.? Julv 27. Edgefield?Wednesday, July 28. Aiken?Thursay July 29. Barnwell?Friday, July 30. Allendale?Saturday, July 31. Hampton?Monday, August 2. Beaufort?Tuesday, August 3. Ridgeland?Wednesday, August 4. Walterboro?Thursday, August 5. St. George?Friday, August 6. Bamberg?Saturday, August 7. Eight day's rest. St. Matthews?Monday, .August 16. Orangeburg?Tuesday, August 17. Dillon?Wednesday, August 18. Conway?Thursday, August 19. Marion?Friday, August 20. Florence?Saturday, August 21. Kingstree?Monday, August 23. Manning?Tuesday, August 24. Georgetown?Wednesday, August 25. Moncks Corner?Thursday, August 26. Charleston?Friday, August 27. ? The State. To Builders Cook & Company have recently opened an office at Greenville, S. C. in order to furnish prompt service tc Builders, Contractors and Cottor Mills. They furnish lumber, Shingles, F.tw with us, I posit with us. 9 Hj AST THE TIMES. 1 40ME BANK. 1 VISIT US. ft TIONAL BANK I [,500,000.00 I K. P. MORGAN, President. 9 s. c. I 2k NEW EDISON "The Pkauttrutk milk a Saul" which backs this challenge?(reprinted from an advertisement by the Edieon Laboratories). "W? are informed that the represents tives of talking-machine manufacturer* have stated, that they are able to distinguish between a singer's voice, or instrumentalist's performance, and the New Edison's RE-CREATION of such voice or performance. "We hereby invite responsible represents, tives, of any reputable talking-machine manufacturer, to listen to such a comparison, in the presence of judges of their own choosing, indicating to the judves when they think thev are listening to the artist and when to the New Edison. "The teat will be m?de with an Official Laboratory Model, taken from stock, such as can be bought in any Edisua dealer's *tore."?iSlgmd) THOMAS A. EDiSON. lac. BURRIS FURNITURE CO., Exclusive Agents . LET US CLEAN AND PRESS YOUR COOL CLOTH AND PALM I BEACH SUITS and keep them much cooler for you. We Clean and Press them in the shortest possible time, and our charges are most reasonable. I have installed another Pressing machine and am ahle to give you prompt service. All of our help experienced, with many years in this business. All work will be called for and delivered when and where you want it. I will appreciate your business. I'hone 167, Nicholson Bank ; Building, HAMES PRESSING AND REPAIR SHOP All work guaranteed. Agents for the largest Dyers in the South. ! . ^ " V *-:j Ihbfj