KAISEIl TO ABDICATE? German Author Fomaj?t> I'pheaval in Empire. Paris, March 24.?The abdication of the German emperor is forecast by the former German magistrate who wrote the celebrated book, "J'Accuse." In an interview published in Oeuvre, he says: "The kaiser is obsessed by the thought that he is responsible for the war, a thought which poisons his whole existence. He feels that he is ? ~~~ ~~ J Kir throo onpmips at home liitrua^cu uj ? without counting those abroad: First, is the crown prince, the real author of the war; second, is the Junker Pan-Germanist?you cannot imagine the smouldering hatred of the emperor for those he believes to be menaces who are driving him into an .abyss; third, are the people, not Socialist party, but the people who are starving and who he feels are growing in number and rising little by little against those who organized the war. Bitter Struggle. "The other day at the meeting of the parliamentary presidents and the ministers of the federal sovereigns, at which the submarine war was decided upon, the struggle between the kaiser's party and that of Von Tirpitz was most bitter. The majority against the emperor was so great, however, that he was obliged to submit and pretend that he was convinced. In particular he was personally opposed to a break with President Wilson, but he was forced to consent. Documents will be published one day which will prove that secretly he did everything not to bring America down upon him and that he considers that the rupture was an irreparable mistake. The failure of the submarine war will / soon show that he was right, but it will be too late. Those He Fears Most. "The people he fears most are the anti-militarists, anti-Prussian, Liberal Republicans who want the Reichstag to be based on universal suffrage. That is why Wilhelm is so anxious to convince the nation that he did not want war. All his protestations are made to appease the Liberals and his famished and ruined subjects whose murmurings are growing stronger. He wants to continue popular at any price and that is why he spoke the first word of peace. The people are grateful for it, but the submarine war came and spoiled everything. 4