The Bamberg Herald. ESTABLISHED IS91. BAMBERG. S. C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7,1899. ONE DOLLAB PER YEAR. j PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. * Many Topics of Interest to the Country Touched Upon. 1 HH IB CONTENTS SUMMARIZED. ^nKlArie a{ Wflc UnitMr onA Tnietc* *rwmvw v* ? i vti f IIAVMV^ HUH a hv?? Discussed in Extenso?Gold Standard Favored. s-i-^ v. -r? Washington-, Dec. 5.?The president today transmitted to congress his annual message, as follows: To the Senate and House of Bepresentatires: At the threshold of your deliberations you are called to mourn with your countrymen the death of Yioe President Hobart, who passed from this life on the |pT morning of November 21st, last. His great soul now rests in eternal peace. His private life was pure and elevated, while his public career was ever distinguished by large capacity, stainless integrity and exalted motives. He has been removed from the high office which he honored and dignified, bos his lofty character, his devotion to duty, his honesty of purpose and noble virtues remain with us as a priceless legacy and example. The Fifty-sixth congress convenes in its first regular session with the country in a condition of unusual prosperity, of universal good will among the people at home and in relations of peace and friendship with every government of the world. Our foreign- commerce has shown great increase in volume and value. The combined imports and exBjgv ports for the year are the largest eTer Br* shown by a single year in all oar history. Our exports for 1899 alone exoeeded by more than1 $1.000,000,000 our jg. imports and exports combined in 1S70. The imports per capita are fcO per cent less, than in 1870* while the exports per capi ta axe 58 per cent more than in 1870, showing the enlarged capacity of the United States to satisfy the wants of its own increasing population, as well as to contribute to those of the peoples of other imtionn. f '; f \ Exports and Imports. Exports of agricultural products were $784,778,143. Of manufactured products, we exported in value $838,593,148, being larger than any previous year. It is a noteworthy fact that the only ye^rs in all our history when the products of our manufactories sold abroad exceeded those bought abroad were 1898 and 1899. flftwnwftwt MMintt from all sources 1 banking act seemed to prove a reason* able avenue through which needful additions to the circulation could, from time to time, be made. Changing conditions have apparently rendered it inoperative to that end. The high margin in bond securities required, resulting from the large premiums which give the bonds command in the market or the tax on note issues, or both operating together, appear to be the influences which impair its public utility. The attention of congress is respect fully invited to this important matter with the view of ascertaining whether or not such reasonable modifications can be made in the national bank act as will render its service in the particulars here referred to more responsive to the people's needs. I again urge that nations il banks be authorized to organize with a capital of $25,000. I urgently recommend that to support the existing gold standard and to maintain "the parity in value of the coins of the two metals (gold and silver), and the eqnal power of every dollar at all times in the market and in the payment of debts," the secretary of the treasury be given additional power and ? charged with the duty to sell United States bonds and to employ snoh other effective means as may be necessary to these ends. Our Merchant Marine* The value a an American merchant marine to the extension of our commercial trade an* the strengthening of our power upon the sea invites the iznmeMMBmem iMffilf ri Ujj for the fiscal year, ended Jane 80, 1894, including $11,798,81414, part payment Central Pacific railroad indebtedness, aggregated $610,882,004.88. Customs regg> ceipts were $206,128.461.75 and those . from internal rerenne $278,437,151.61, For the fi col year, the expenditures wen $700,093,56103, leaving a deficit of The secretary of the treasury estimates that the receipts for the current fiscal year will aggregate $640,958,112 and upon the basis of the present appropriation the expenditures will aggregate $800,958,112, leaving a surplus of $40,000,000,000. For the fiscal year ended June 80, 1899, the internal revenue receipts were increased about $100,000,00a The strong condition of the treasury with respect to cash onvhand and the favorable showing made by the revenues have made it possible for the secretary of the treasury to take action . under the provisions of section 8694. revised statutes, relating to the sinking fund. Receipts exceeded expenditures for the first five months of the current fiscal year of $18,413,389.91 and. as men- I tioned above, the secretary of the treasury estimates that there will be a snr- I phis of approximately $40,000,000 at the Hg|p'^ end of the year. , , Under such conditions, it was deemed advisable and proper to resume compliance with the provisions of the sinking fund law, which for 80 years has not I been done because of deficiencies in the revenues. The treasury department, therefore, offered to purchase during November $35,000,000 of the 5 per cent loan of 1904, or the 4 per cent funded loan of 1907 at the current market price. The amount offered and purchased during November was $18,408,600. The premium paid by the government on sach purchases was $3,263,521 and the net saving in interest was about $2,885,00a The success of this operation was sufficient to induoe the government to oontinue the offer to purchase bonds to and including Dec. 213, lgw, unless the remainder of the $25,000,000 called : , for should be presented in the meantime for redemption. Money Supply Too Small. Increased activity in industry, with its welcome attendant?a larger employment for labor at higher wages? gives to the body of the people a larger power to absorb the circulating medium. It is further true that year by year, with larger areas of land under cultivation, the increasing volume of * agricultural products, cotton, corn and wheat, calls for a larger volume of money supply.* This is especially noticeable at the crop harvesting and crop moving period. Tn its earlier history, the national diate action of congress. Oar national development will be one-sided and an* satisfactory, so long as the remarkable growth of our inland indnstries remains unaccompanied by progress on the seas, There is no laok of constitutional authority for legislation which shall give to the country maritime strength commensurate with its industrial achievements and with its rank among the nations of the earth. The past year has recorded exceptional activity in our shipyards, and promises of continual prosperity in ship building are abundant. Advanced legislation for the protection of oar seamen has been enacted. Our coast trade, under regulations wisely framed at the beginning of the government and since, shows results for the past year that are unequalled in our rectrds and those of any other power. Tfo shall fail to realize our opportun ties, however, if we complacently regard only matters at home and blind oursei^a* to the necessitv of secnrinfir onr share in the valuable carrying trade of the world. Last year American vessels trans* ported a smaller share of our exports and imports than during any former year in all our history, and the measure of our dependence upon foreign shipping was painfully manifested to our people. Without any choioe of our own, but from necessity, the departments of the government charged with military and naval operations in the East and West Indies had to obtain from foreign flags merchant vessels essential to these operations. * The other great nations have not hesitated to adopt the required means to develop their shipping as a factor in national defense, and as one of the | surest and speediest means of obtaining ; for their producers a share in foreign markets. Like vigilance and effort on our part cannot fail to improve our situation, which is regarded with humiliation at home, and with surprise abroad. Even the seeming sacrifices, which at the beginning may be involved, will be offset later by more than equivalent gains. Question of Trusts. Combinations of capital organized I into trusts to control the conditions of trade among our citizens, to stifle competition, limit production and determine the prices of products used and consumed by the people, are justly provoking, public discussion and should early claim the attention of the congress. The industrial commission created by the act of congress of Jnne lb, 1898. Has been engaged in extended hearings upon the disputed questions involved in the subject of combinations in restraint of trade and competition. > They bare not yet completed their investigations of this subject and the conclusion and recommendations at which they may arriTe are undetermined. The subject is one giving rise to many divergent views as to the nature and variety or cause and extent of the injuries to the publio which may result from large combinations concentrating more or less numerous enterprises and estalishments which previously to the formation of thev combination were carried separately. ^ It is universally conceded that combinations which engross or oontrol the market of any particular kind of merchandise or commodity necessary tathe general community, by suppressing natr ural and ordinary competition, whereby prices are unduly enhanced to the general consumer, are obnoxious not only to the common law, bat also to the public welfare. There must be a remedy for the evils involved iu such organizations. If the present law can be extended more certainly to control or check these monopolies or trusts, it should be done without delay. Whatever power the congress posesses over this most important subject should be promptly ascertained and asserted. It is apparent that uniformity of leg' islation upon this subjeot in the several states is much to be desired. It is to be hoped that such uniformity founded in a wise and just discrimination between what is injurious and what is useful and necessary in business operations may be obtained and that means may be found lor the congress within the limitations of its constitutional power so as to supplement an effective code of state legislation so to make a complete system of laws' throughout the United States adequate to compel a general observance of the salutary rules to which I hav8 referred. i The whole question is so important j- and farre&ching that I am sure no part i of it will be lightly considered, bnt every phase of it will have the studied deliberation of congress resulting in wise and judicious action. The Nicaragua Canal. The Nicaragua canal commission, which had been engaged upon the work of examination and survey for a route across Nicaragua, having completed its labors and made its reports, was dissolved on May 81, and on Jnne 10 anew commission, known as the isthmian canal commission, was organized under the terms of the act approved March 3, 1899, for the purpose of examining the American isthmus with a view to determining the most practicable and feasible route for a ship canal across that isthmus, with its probable cost and other essential details. -This commission, under the presidency of Bear Admiral John G. Walker, U. S. N., retired, entered promptly upon the work intrusted to it and is now carrying on examinations in Nicaragua along the route of the Panama canal and in Darien from the Atlantic, from the neighborhood of the Atralto river to the bay of Panama on the Pacific side. Good progress has been made, bnt under the law a comprehensive and complete investigation is called for, which will require much labor and considerable time for its accomplishment. The work will J>e prosecuted as expeditiously as possible and a report made at the earliest practicable dat8. The great importance of this work cannot be too often or too strongly pressed upon the attention of the congress. In my message of a year ago I expressed my views of the necessity of a caned which wonld link the two. great oceans, to which I again invite your consideration. The reasons then presented for early action are even stronger now. The Paris Expos!lion. ~ - A A* Preparations for the representation of the industries, arts and products of the United States at the world's exposition, to be held in Paris next year, continue on an elaborate and comprehensive scale, thanks to the generous appropriation provided by oongress and to the friendly interest the French government has shown in furthering a typical exhibit of American progress. There has been allotted to the United States a considerable addition of space which, while placing our country in the first rank among exhibitors, does not suffice to meet the increasingly urgent demands of our manufacturers. The efforts of the commissioners general are ably directed towards the securing of a display of all that most charaoteristoically marks American achievement in the inventive arts and most adequately shows the excellence of our natural productions. The United States government building is approaching completion and no effort will be spared to make it worthy in beauty of architectural plan and in completeness of display to represent our ! nation. Boer-British Conflict. This government has maintained an attitude of .neutrality in the unfortunate contest between'Great Britain and the Boer states of Africa. We have remained faithful to the precept of avoiding entangling alliances as to affairs not of our direct concern. Had circumstances suggested that the parties to the quarrel would have welcomed any kindly expression of the hope of the American people that war might be averted, good offices would have been gladly tendered. The United States' representative at Pretoria was early instructed to see that all neutral American interests be respeoted by the combatants. This has been an easy task in view of the positive declarations of both British and Boer authorities that the personal and property rights of our citizens should be observed. Upon the withdrawal of the British agent from Pretoria, the United States consul was authorized, upon the request of the British government and with the assent of the South African and Orange Free State governments, to exercise the customary good offices of a neutral for the care of British interests. In the discharge of this function, I am happy to Bay mai auuuaaub uppuriuum/ uao afforded to show th$ impartiality of this government toward both the combatants. Partition of Samoa. Important events'have occurred in the Samoan islands. The election, according to the laws and cnstoms of Samoa, of a successor to the late king, Malietoa Laupepa, developed a contest as to the validity of the result, which issue by the terms of the general aot was to be decided by the chief justice. Upon his rendering a judgment in favor of Malietoa Tann, the rival chief, Mataafa, rook np arms. The active intervention of American and British warships became an imperative necessity to restore order at the cost of sanguinary encounters. In this emergency a joint commission of representatives of the United States, Germany and Great Britain was sent to Samoa to investigate the situation and provide a temporary remedy. By its active efforts a peaceful solution was reached for the tlm8 being, the kingship being abolished and a provisional government established. Recommendations unanimously made by the commission for a permanent adjustment of the Samoan question were taken under consideration by the three powers parties to the general act. Bat the more they were examined the more evident it became that a radical ohange was neoessary in the relations of the powers to Samoa. A satisfactory arrangement was concluded between the governments of Germany and of England, by virtue of which England retired from Samoa in view of compensations in other directions and both powers renounced in favor of the United States all their rights and claims over and in respect to that portion of the gronp lying to the east of the one hundred and seventyfirst degree of west longitude, embracing the islands of Tntullla, Otoo, Olosonga and Manna. I transmit to the senate, for its constitutional action thereon, a convention, which, besides the provisions above mentioned, also guarantees us the same privileges and conditions in respect to commerce and commercial vessels in all of the islands of Samoa as those possessed by Germany. Cuban Administration. My annual message of last year was necessarily devoted in great port to a consideration of the Spanish war and of the results it wronght and the conditions it imposed for the fnture. I am gratified to announce that the treaty of peace has restored friendly relations between the two powers. Effect has been given to its important provisions. The evacuation of Porto Rico havipg already been accomplished on Oct. 18, 1898, nothing remained necessary there to continue the provisional military control of the island until the congress should enact a suitable government for the ceded territory. Of the character and scope of the measures to that end I shall treat in another part of this message. The withdrawal of the authority of Spain from the island of Cuba was effected by Jan. 1, so that the full re-establishment of peace fonnd the relinquished territory held by us in trust for the innabitants, maintaining under the direction of the executive such govern ? a?? 1 nan. men if &UU UUU U U1 bUUl OUi no DttVUiu vw* serve public order, restore the productive conditions of peace so long disturbed by the instability and disorder which prevailed for the greater part of the preceding three decades, and build up that tranquil development of the do* mestio state whereby alone can be real* ized the high purpose as proclaimed in the joint resolution adopted by the congress on April 19, 1898, by which the United States disclaimed any disposition or intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction or control over Ouba, except for the pacification thereof, and asserted its determination when that was accomplished to leave the government and control of the island to its people. The pledge contained in this resolution is of the highest honorable obligation and must be sacredly kept. I believe that substantial progress has been made in this direction. All the administrative measures adopted in Ouba have aimed to fit for a regenerated existence by enforcing the supremaoy of law and justice; by placing wherever practicable the machinery of administration in the hands of the inhabitants; by instituting needed sanitary reforms; by spreading education; by fostering industry and trade; by inculcating publio morality, and, in short, by taking every rational step to aid the Cuban people to attain to that plane of self conscious respect and self reliant unity which fits an enlightened oommunity for self government within its own sphere, while enabling it to fulfill all outward obligations. Claims Against Turkey. The United States minister to Turkey oontinues under instructions to press lor a money payment in aanamotion of the just claims for injuries suffered by American citizens in the disorders of several years past, and for wrongs done to them by the Ottoman authorities. Some of these claims are of many years standing. This government is hopefnl of a general agreement in this regard. In the Turkish empire the situation of our citizens remains unsatisfactory. Our efforts during nearly forty years to bring about a convention of naturalization, seems on the brink of national failure through the announced policy of Ottoman Dorte to refuse recognition of the alien statutes of native Turkish subjects naturalized abroad since 1867. The arbitrary treatment, in some instances, of American productions in Turkey has attracted attention of Jate, notably in regard to our flour. In these, as in all instances, wherever occurring, when American * products may be subjected in a foreign country, upon specious pretexts, to discrimination compared to the like products of another country, this government will use its earnest efforts to secure fair and equal treatment for its citizens and their goods. Failing this, it will not hesitate to apply whatever corrective may be provided by the statutes. Recent Peace Conference In response to the invitation of his majesty, the emperor of Rnssia, delegates from 26 countries were assembled at The Hague on May 18 as members of a conference in the interest of peace. The occasion seemed to be opportune for the serious consideration of a plan for the pacific adjustment of international difficulties; a subject in which the American people Have been deeply interested for many years, and a definite project for a permanent international tribunal was included in the instructions to the delegates of the United States. The final act of the conference includes conventions upon the amelioration of the laws and customs of war on land, the adaptation to maritime warfare of the principles of the Geneva convention of 1864 and the extension of judicial methods to international cases. The convention for the pacific settlement of international conflicts embodies the leading features of the American plan with such modifications as were rendered necessary by the great diversity of views and interests represented I*'* f AO vjr buo uoicgabta. The four cities of the convention provide for the maintenance of the general peace; the exercise of good offices and mediation; the formation of commissions of inquiry and international arbitration. Army Statistics. ' Since my last annual message and in obedience to acts of congress of April 22 and 26, 1898, the remaining volunteer force enlisted for the Spanish war. consisting of 84,831 regulars and 110,202 volunteers, with over 5,000 volunteer officers, have been discharged from the military service I recommend that the congress provide a special medal of honor for the volunteers, regulars, sailors and marines on duty in the Philippines who voluntarily remained in the service after their terms of enlistment had expired. By the act of March 22,1899, congress gave authority to increase the regular army to a maximum not exceeding 65,000 enlisted men and to enlist a force of 85,000 volunteers, to be recruited from the country at large. By virtue of this authority the regular army has been increased to the number of 61,999 enlisted men and 2,248 officers, and new volunteer regiments have been organized aggregating 33,050 enlisted men and 1,524 officers. The new troops to take the places of those returning from the Philippines have been transported to Manila to the number of 581 officers and 26,322 enlisted men of the regular army and 594 officers and 15,388 ehlisted men of the new vclnnteer force, while 504 officers and 14.189 men of the volunteer force are on the ocean enronte to Marti 1^. The force now in Manila consists of 905 officers and 80,578 regulars and 594 officers and 15,888 of the volunteers, making an aggregate of 1,499 officers and 45,968 men. When the troops now nnder orders shall reach Manila the force in the archipelago will comprise 8,051 officers and 83,483 men; Daring the past year we hare reduced onr force in Cuba and Porto Rica In Cuba we now have 834 officers and 10,796 enlisted men; in Porto Rico 87 officers and 2,855 enlisted men and a battalion of 400 men composed of native Porto Ricans, while stationed throughout the United States are 910 officers and 17,317 men, and in Hawaii 122 officers and 453 men. Philippines Problem. On the 10th of December, 1899 'the treaty of peace between the. United States and Spain was signed. It provided. amohg other things, that Spain should cede to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine islands; that the United States should pay to Spain the sum of twenty millions of dollars, and that the civil rights and political status of the native inhabitants of the territories thus ceded to the United States shonld be determined by the congress. The treaty was ratified by the senate on the 6th of February, 1899. and by the government of Spain on the 19th of March following. The ratifications were exchanged on the 11th of April, and the treaty pnblicly proclaimed. On the 2nd of March the congress voted the snm contemplated by the treaty and the amonnt was paid over to the Spanish government on the 1st of May. In this manner the Philippines came to the United States. The islands were ceded by the government of Spain, which had been in nndispnted possession of them far centuries. They were accepted, not merely by onr authorized agents in Paris nnder the direction of the executive, but by the constitutional and well considered action of the representatives of the people in both houses of congress. I had every reason to believe, and I still believe, that this transfer of sovereignty was in accordance with the wishes and the aspirations of ftia moo f moon nf. thA Filinino naonle. From the earliest moment, no opportunity was lost of assnriiig the people of the islands of our ardent desire for their welfare, and of the intention of this government to do everything possible to advance their interests. Aguinaldo*s Claim. The claim of the rebel leader that he was promised independence by any officer of the United States in return for his assistance has no foundation in fact and is categorically denied by the very witnesses who were called to prove it. The most the insurgent leader hoped for when he came to Manila was the liberation of the islands from the Spanish control, which they had been laboring for years without success to throw off. The prompt accomplishment of this work by the American army and navy gave him other ideas and ambitions, and insidious suggestions from various quarters perverted the purposes and intentions with which he had taken up .arms. No sooner had our army captured Manila than the Filipino forces began to assume an attitude of suspicion and hostility which the utmost efforts of our officers and troops were unable to disarm or modify. Their kindness and forbearance were taken as a proof of cowardice. The aggressions of the Filipinos continually increased until finally, just before the time set by the senate of the United States for a vote upon the treaty, an attack, evidently prepared in advance, was made all ?long the American lines, which resulted in a terribly destructive and sanguinary repulse of j the rebels. With a devotion and gallantry worthy of its most brilliant history, the army, ably and loyally assisted by the navy, has carried on this unwelcome but most righteous campaign with richly deserved success. Although their operations have been somewhat interrupted and checked bv a rainy season of unusual violence and duration, they have gained steadily in every direction and now look forward confidently to a speedy completion of their task. ? Treaty With Sulug. The authorities of the Sain islands have accepted the succession of the tJnited States to the rights of Spain, and our flag floats over that territory. On Aug. 10, 1899, Brigadier General J. C. Bates, U. S. V., negotiated an agreement with the sultan and his principal chiefs, which I transmit herewith. By articlo 1, the sovereignty of the United States over the whole archipelago of Jolo and its dependencies is declared and acknowledged. ( The United States flag will be used in the archipelago and its depencie3 on land and sea. Piracy is to be suppressed and the sultan agrees to co-operate heartily with the United States authorities to that end and to make every possible effort to arrest and bring to justice all persons engaged in piracy. All trade in domestic products of the archipelago of Jolo. when carried on with any mart of the Philippine islands and under the American flag, shall be free, unlimited and undutiable. The United States will give full protection to the sultan in case any foreign nation should attempt to impose upon him. The United States will not sell the island of Jolo or any other island of the Jolo archipelago to any foreign nation without the consent of the sultan. Salaries for the sultan and his associates - - ? ?-a-. in the administration 01 me ismuus have been agreed upon to the amount of $760 monthly. Article 10 provides that any slave in the archipelago of Jolo shall have the right to purchase freedom by paying to the master the usual market vadue. The agreement by General Bates was made subject to confirmation by the president and to future modifications by the consent of the parties in interest. I have confirmed said agreement, subject to the action of the congress and with the reservation which I have directed shall be communicated to the sultan of Jolo, that this agreement is not to be deemed in any way to use or. give the consent of the United States to the existence of slavery in the Sulu archipelago. I communicate these facts to the congress for its information and action. Everything indicates that with the speedy suppression of the Togalo rebellion, life in the archipelago will soon resume its ordinary conrsa under the protection of our sovereignty and the people of those favored islands will enjoy a prosperity and a freedom which they have never before known. Cannot lie Abandoned. The future government of the Philippines rests with the congress of the United States. Fewer graver responsi bilities have ever been confided to us. If we accept thfim in a spirit worthy of our race and our traditions a great opportunity comes with them. The islands lie under the shelter of our flag. They are ours by every title of law and equity. They cannot be abandoned If we desert them, we leave them at once to anarchy and finally to barbarism. We fling them, a golden apple of discord, among the rival powers, no one of which could permit another to seize them unquestioned. Their rich plains and valleys would be the scene of. endless strife and bloodshed. The advent of Dewey'a fleet in Manila bay instead of being, as we hope, the dawn of a new day of freedom and progress, will have been the beginning of an era of misery and' violence worse than any which has darkened their unhappy past. The suggestion has been made that we could renounce our authority over the islands and giving them independence conld retain a protectorate over them. ' This proposition will not be fonnd, I am sure, worthy of your serious attention. Such an arrangement would invoive at the outset a cruel breach of faith. It would place the peaceable and loyal majority, who ask for nothing better than to acoept our authority, at the mercy of the minority armed insurgents. It would make us responsible for the acts of the insurgent leaders and give us no power to control them. It wonld charge us with the task of protecting tbem against each other and defending them against any foreign power with which they chose to quarreL In short, it would take from the congress of the United States the power of declaring war and vest that tremendous prerogative in the Tagal leader of the honr. It does not seem desirable that I .nnnmmond ot thin HmA A RTM> OUUUiU APWli lltWMVfc WW w?*w ? -rcific and final form of government for these islands. When peace shall be re* stored it will be the duty of congress to construct a plan of government which shall establish and maintain freedom and order and peace in the Philippines. The insurrection is still existing and when it terminates further information will be required as to the actual condition of affairs before inaugurating a permanent scheme of civil government Until congress shall have made known the formal expression of its will* I shall nse the authority vested in me by the constitution and the statutes to uphold the sovereignty of the United States in those distant islands, as in all other places where our flag rightfully floats. Our flag has never waived over any community but in blessing. I believe the Filipinos will soon recognize the fact that it has not lost its gift of benediction in this worldwide journey to their shores. Porto Rlcan Affairs..' I recommend that legislation be had with reference to the government of Porto Rica The time is ripe for the adoption of a temporary form of government for this island. It is desirable that the government of the island* under the law of belligerent right, now maintained throngh the executive department, should be superseded by an administration entirely civil in its natnre. For the present purpose I recommend that congress pass a law for the organization of a temporary government which shall provide for the appointment by the president, subject to confirmation by the senate, of a governor and such other officers as the general administration of the island may require and for legislative purposes, on subjects of a local nature not partaking of a federal oharacter. A legislative council, composed partly of Porto Bicans and partly of citizens of the United States, shall be nominated and appointed by the president. Lynch Law Condemned. The love of law and the sense of obedience and submission to the lawfully constituted judicial tribunals, are embedded in the hearts of our people, and any violation of these sentiments and disregard of their obligations, justly arouses public condemnation. The guarantees of life, liberty, and of civil rights, should be faithfully upheld, the right of trial by jury respected and defended. Those who, in disregard of law and the public peace, unwilling to await the judgment of court and jury, constitute themselves judges and executioners should not escape the severest penalties for their crimes. What I said in my inaugural address of March 4, 1897, 1 now repeat: "The constitutional authorities should be cheerfully upheld. Lynchings should not be tolerated in a great and civilized country like/he United States; "courts, not mobs, must execute the penalties of the laws. The preservation of public order, the right of discussion, the integrity of courts, and the orderly adminis tration 01 jnstice, must commas lurever [ the rock of safety upon which our gov-! ernment securely rests." National Celebration. In accordance with the act of congress providing for an appropriate national celebration in the year 1900 of | the establishment of the seat of governI ment in the District of Columbia, I have appointed a committee consisting of the governors of all the states and territories of the United States, who have been invited to assemble in the cit^r of Washington on Deo. 21, 1899, which, with the eommittee of congress and the District of uommDia, are charged with the proper condnot of the celebration. Congress, at its last session, appropriated $5 000 "to enable the chief engineer of the army to conticne the examination of the subject and to make or secure designs, calculations and estimates for a memorial bridge from the most convenient point of the naval observatory grounds or adjacent thereto, across the Potomac river *co the most convenient point of the Arlington estate ? ? piuucifcjr. Iu accordance with the provisions of this act the chief of engineers has selected four eminent bridge engineers to submit competitive designs for a bridge combining the elements of strength and durability and such architectural embellishment and ornamentation as will fitly apply to the dedioation, "a memorial of American patriotism." The designs are now being prepared and as soon as completed will be submitted to the congress by the secretary of war. Civil Service Changes. Thq executive order of May 6. 1896, extending the limits of the classified service, brought within the operation of the civil service law and rules nearly all of the executive civil servioe not previously classified Some of the inclusions were found wholly illogical and unsuited to the work of the several departments. The application of the rules to many of the places so included ware found to result m friction and embarrassment. After long and careful consideration it became evident to the heads of the departments responsible for their efficiency that in order to remove these difficulties and promote an eIndent and harmonious administration certain amendments were necessary. These amendments were promulgated by me in executive order dated May 29, 1899. The principal purpose of the order was to except from competitive examination certain places involving fiduciary responsibilities or duties of a strictly confidential scientifical or executive character. These places were comparatively few in number. The order provides for the filling of a mucn larger number of places, mainly in the outside service of the war department, by what is known as the registration system, under regulation to be approved by the president, similar to those which have produced sncn aamiraoie moiM in the navyyard service. Great Opportunities. Presented to this congress are. great opportunities; with them come great responsibilities. The power confided to us increases the weight of our obligations to the people, and we must be profoundly sensitive of them as we contemplate the new and grave problems which confront us. Aiming only at the publie good, we cannot err. A right interpretation of the people's will, and of dnty, cannot fail to insure wise measures for the welfare of the islands whioh have come under the authority of the United States, and to inure to the common interest and lasting honor of our country. Never has this nation had more abundant cause than during the past year fpr thankfulness to God for manifold blessings and mercies, for which we make reverent acknowledgment. William McKinlet. Executive Mansion, Dec. o, 1899. Harpers insolvent. Well Known Publishing Firm to Go Into the Hands of a Receiver. A New York dispatch says; The business and assets of the publishing firm of Harper & Bros, have been taken possession of, as a preliminary to the appointment of a receiver, by the State Trust company, acting in behalf of the first mortgagees of the property. Althongh the proceeding was in the nature of a mortgage foreclosure, the step was taken upon the suggestion of the directors of the firm and with the friendly concurrence of J. Pierpont Morgan, the largest creditor. It has been known for some time that Harper & Bros, were in financial difficulties. From statements made public, it appears that the action of the State Trust company was taken at the instance of Colonel Harvey himself, who, as a result of a personal investigation of the affairs of the firm, frankly admitted that to attempt to put the. corporation's finances upon a sound and durable basis while staggering under so heavy a load of indebtedness, without beginning to build up the business again from the bottom, would be 'little short of insane." In taking the course he did, Colonel Harvey acted with the consent and approval of the members of the Harper family and of the principal creditors. Although J. Pierpont Morgan was willing to advance more money to the firm, Colonel Harvey, in a statement given out, made it plain that he was unwilling to assume any responsibility for the payment of interest upon the $3,500,000 mortgage which rests upon the property, and the settlement of unsecured claims amounting ap$9 000.000. without [71 UAimawij w , first a thorough readjustment of the company's finances. A special clause in the mortgage held upon the property enabled the State Trust company, as trustee under the mortgage, to take possession of the assets and operate the business at any time. It was under this clause that it stepped in and ap-pointed Colonel Harvey to manageand control the firm. ONE LONE HIGHWAYMAN Holds Up Two Express Messengers and Levants With Loot. An unknown white masked man robbed a Southern Express company car pear Branchville, S. C., on the Southern railway Friday night. The train had just left the station when Messengers Ramsey and Rhodes were covered with two revolvers held in the hands of the stalwart robber. One messenger was made to stand with his hands over his head and the other was commanded to hand over the money packages in the safe. $1,700 was secured and the robber, after warning the messengers not to put a foot outside the car until the train had got under headway again, pulled the bell cord and jumped off as the train slowed up. One of the safes in !the car, which escaped the robber's notice, contained $8,000. The sheriff of Dorchester, with six men and two hounds, were hurried to the scene of the robbery and took up the chase. The train robbed was from Columbia and Augusta for Charleston. A special from Branchville says that two men' committed the robbery, but the messengers, Bhodes and Bamsey, who arrived in ^Charleston, says that there was only one robber. SOUTH CAKUUNA ; STATE GLEANINGS Motes of Interest Culled From Various Sources. 1 Governor Acted Promptly. ' Governor McSvreeny received re- j cently a letter from Governor Can- ( dler, of Georgia, in regard to keeping smallpox ont of Augusta. Governor j McSweeney will do everything in his . power' to have the disease not only ( kept ont of the Georgia city, but to stamp it ont in this state. Governor , Candler says in part: "It has been reported to me by JDr. Foster, the health officer of the city of ( Angnsta, that smallpox exists on the , Southbound railroad, in Hampton connty, and at Allendale and other 1 points in that vicinity, and Dr. Foster has asked me to communicate with yonr excellency and ask your co-operation in an effort to prevent the spread of the disease. Augusta is peculiarly exposed. Smallpox exists in some twenty-five counties in this state already, but they are all in the western and southern part of the state. We have no board of health in Georgia, but I have an expert in the field all the time to aid local authorities in the arrest and suppression of the disease and we think we are making very good headway. Any assistance you may render us through your health officers in the neighborhood contiguous to Georgia will be greatly appreciated by me and by the people of this state." Governor McSweeney immediately wired instructions to the state board of health as soon as the cases were reported to him and ah expert has been sent to take charge of them at every point. The governor wrote Governor Candler, assuring him of the hearty co-operation of himself and the South Carolina board of health. X?v Charters Granted. A commission for a charter was issued recently to the Southern Harrow company,- of Boia the past week. Colonel Jone* 7 % : ? graduated, 1832, at the University of ^ Sorth Carolina. Two of his sons *?ti|| ?| jolonels in the Spanish war?Willir? Tones of Sonth Carolina and JefeavM m stone Jones of California. The grand-. M father of the deceased was an aidea&j -'|| Oeneral Lafayette. % j| The funeral services were held^y Trinity church, in Colombia, the ~|? rices being conducted by Dr. Eya^aj^J| The members of Camp ^amptont, ^ v C. Y., turned oat in a bodytoatt?*dp M the services and the Confederate it Book Hill sent an honorary deleg*^ tion. . Wm Will Bring: Bodies Homo. At the recent convention of Z&m |1 ' ? - ..... ? . n_a n ..tliamH regiment (Spanish tw) members of the regiment who Cuba be brought home at th?ero?M '-'| of the government. CoL Willie Jofcj J-S aa chairman of the special oomittf | cjjl took the matter ap at once; and^M , . and the var department ha^^K^I^ the neoessary orders for bringi^lfca^^ bodies home. ' ""^|g sonPmade an eathiiiil^e^^^^^B against the praetfee of ations to state colleges and correspondingly eai^v to common schools. the education of 1^,0^ rpi?| appropriated for the ., adnjiffift year. 1 pressing sentiment against th#| of affairs were referred to report later in the ??to It is.more than tee to prepare for the oreation of the Disfa-ict c The state hoard McCreary r passing of IIt* 'eoisties indicates that the