rv THURSDAY, JUXB 25TH, ifttj THE BARNWELL PEOPLE-SENTINEL, BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA PAGE FIVE. * r % \ % Weather Suggestions FOR MEN Tropical Serge, plajh blue. Coat and Pants Seersucker Coat and Pants .... Seersucker Pants . White Linen Pants - - - H - White Duck Pants ^ . Pin Qheck Pants, Sizes up to 50, regular sizes v ' Extra sizes $22.50 7.50 2.00 2.50 ‘ 2.00 1.50 1.75 A LEMON BROS., Inc. barnw'ell c. u Mesdames Gary Owens ' and Otto Evans 'have returned-’after a pleas ant visit to relatives in Graniteville and Aiken. ^ Mr. iwd Mrs. Perry Moody and daughter, Mrs. Jesse Sanders,- of Sleiglingville, visited relatives here j Monday. •.-J A cablegram was received Satur day from Mrs. Lizzie M. Cave in London,' announcing her safe arrival at that port. / •T—T. ’J’hone Us the Names of Your Visitors, or Other Items of Local ’ a Interest for This Column. . V- Mr. and Mr*. \V. E. McNab and children left Monday in their auto mobile fey a visit to relatives in Farmville, Ya., Mrs. MeNab’s hornet 4 Mrs.. W. A. Freeman returned to her home at Conway after a visit to Mrs. Marie T. Cornell. Mrs, Free man is pleasantly remembered here as Mss Nell Duncan.' ■; 1 j. The Leisure of Old Age Miss Frances Goolsby, of Harts- ville. who was the guest of Misses France's and Margaret Lemon last week, is -pending time in Denmark before returning ,to her home. . Messrs. J. G. Moody, Si'., and J. G. Moody, Jr., will leave by automobile for Way cross, Ga„ this week for a visit, to Mrs. B. G. .Parks,' who is pleasantly remembered in Barnwell as Miss Lulie Moody.* A man who has worked all his life is entitled to well-earned ✓ leisure in his old age, but few get it for they do not prepare for the future by saving while they &re Voung. Are you saving a definite amount each pay day? Hi- > BANK OF WESTERN CAROLINA " BARNWELL BRANCH u ^ Aliss Spann, of Sumter, is'the guest of her sister, Mrs. Perrv A. Price. r v Mr. Cartel Price has returned from ti weeMs visit to' Atlanta. Mr. Drtn P. Hartley is visiting Batesburg this week. The Rev. Howard- Cady was the guest of friends at Lyndhurst no Ms>n- day^ . m Mr. W. H. Greene, of Ellenfon, visi ted Barnwell Friday. . Mis- Juanita Hayes is visiting Miss Ro\ e Cook, in Allendale. I M’ s. Mat .Ida Grooms' left Tuesday tmirning for Columbia tor a tonsil operation. • 7' Mr.-and Mr-.' Ralph Smith have moved into their beautiful now home M * on Marlboro Avenue. 7 It j,? \yith regret that we chronicle the-continued illness of Dr. L. M. Mace. * » *•' T Mfs's • Sallie,-, britforL of Columbia, was the guest Of friends here last week. ' , - Miss Maigaret Owens,- of Augusta, i* \isiting relatives and fiio'nds in Barnwell. “ ' ' - •; Mr. and, Mrs. T'hris Langley, of Columbia, spent the week-end with Barnwell relatives. Judge and Mrs. J. K. Snclling have returned after a .visit to their son, Mr, Thonfas Snejling, of Charlotte,. N. C. The Judge reports a most de lightful trip and visited several near by towns while m- Charlotte. Miss Pauline Richardson, who has been desperately ill for several days; was carried to a, hospital early yestr- day (Wednesday) morning.;Her many friends sincerely, hopee for her early Recovery, „ r W .M Knfertarns Bridge Club. Mr. R; A. Deasrtfr and children leave today (Thursday) for a visit i» rela tive- in Greenville. . Mr. and M -. R. II. Wilco.wnd chil- dtt n spent several days in Augu-ta ■as; week. t L Mr.-and Mt'-s. Wg E. Bennett ‘‘ami children, i f Springfiehb spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dirks. Mr. R. A. Denson spCnt a days last- week in Jessup, Ga., business. few on Master Rawti Christie, of Deuimark, r*-' is on a visit t'> his grandmother, Mrs. L. H. Christie, f The friends jjf Miss -Ruth Peacock will regret to learn that she is quite Mrs. R. S. Dick-s ’ enterlu.ir.ed the Wednesday Aftetnoon Bridge Club last wc-ek. Mrs. Harry D. Calhoun won the high- score prize and Mi's. Charlie Brown, Jr., cut the’ consola tion. A , salad course was. served - af ter the games. - , e.d his brother, Mr. Lee Croft. Friday-., Mrs. S. F v Di Ik visited the home of Mrs. Henry -lieIk Saturday. Mr. Freddie Jones was in Black- viIk* Saturday afternooig Citation Notice. The State'of Sftuth Carolina’, County of Barnwell. By John K. Snellihg. Esq.', Probate Judge. WHEREAS, Carrie Martin made | suit to me to. g'ant unio lier Letters ’of Administration of Jme Estate and effects of W. H M^/tJh. THESE ARE, THEREFORE, toi cite and admonTsh all and r.ngular .the kindred an I creditors of the said W. H. Martin, deceased, that they he and-'appear before me, in the court of Probate, j to be held at Barn we I, S. C., on \\ endesday. July i^th, iiext ai- CahtaloOpe Shipments Begin. ill at her h tine here. ! F. C Mr. and Ml-r John B. Hailey (al lied their - litth daughtd. Eiaine, to a Colu.mbia hospital Monday treatment.- for y*;—t**!—I—;-*t**t—I**I*-f—t—2* Mrs. M. F. Reid and daughter, Alice, are visiting the former’s sis ter. Mrs. Carter Price. Now that the cucumber season is ah >ut over, farmers are turning their -attention to cantaloupes an die Sunday. > ‘ i i ' • ' ' ■ Miss Clara Killingsworth, of Au- gust^Miss Carrie Anderson end Mrs. T. W. Dieljs, of Dunbarton, were visi tors in town Tuesdav. ‘ m « m * m ’ m n Double Bond Items "I suffered from womanly 0) troubles which grew worse n and worse as the months went by,'’ says Mrs. L. H. t, Cantrell, of R: F. D. 9, Gaines- ville, Georgia. ^ “I frequently had very il severe pains. These were so f®* bad that I was forced to go £ to bed ami stay there. It seemed to me my back would i- come in two. H| A Double Pond, June 22.— Airs. C. H. Hutto has returned to her home in Vance, after visiting her sister and other relatives of this section. Airs. Horace Hutto, amL^ children, qf Savannah, ere visiting her sister. Airs. F. W. Delk. and also her niother- « m n CARDUI ► i * 1 Mt in-law, Airs.. l.eola Uuttd. Mr.Li'. E. Warren was a business visitor in’ Blaekville Saturday, Air. and Mrs. Finest Croft tle KrnesW J.l., sfient Wednesday with the liitters.vparents. Mrs. Ethel ’I-iuit find Miss Hazel Hartzogwere in Blhekvilk* Saturday afternoon. < 'Mr. and Airs. J, K. Collins and children of Baniherg. were the guests of Air. and Mrs. R. W, Warren Sun day. ■ * « m « For Female Troubles » 4 W “I taught, fichool for a m while, but my health was so Ik bad I would have to stay oiM ' “ nM ' ! * * Mrs, John Henry Dyches ^ spent sometimes. This went on till 1 got so bad I dhlnM know what to do. _ J® “One day I'read about the merits of Cardui, and as I W' had some friends who had j. been helped by it, I thought Hr I would try it. 1 began to • get better after I had taken half a bottlei b decided to keep Ik on and gfvevjV a thorough trial and I did. I took in p all about 12 'boftles and now hk I am perfectly well. I do ^ not suffer any pain and can ^ do all my housework. Mr.. the week-end with her parents, and Mist Rock Bolton. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howell TTelk ftnd. chil- dren were, the guests of Mr. R. W. Warren and family. -’We are glad to know that Air. Rock Bolton is at home agairtf 1’hom the Columbia, hospital, where he has been for several weeks. Alias Julia Warren and brother* Norman, and their aunt. Airs. C. H. Hutto, visited Air. and Airs. J. E. Warren Wednesday. Air. Earl Collins and sisters, Jennie and Stella, of flamberg, and Aliss Alaude Gilliam, of the Ghents Branch section, were the guests of Miss Julia Warren Sunday. ^ i At All Druggists’ E-H Clemson College . Scholarship Examinations. Competitive-examinations to fill va cant scholarships ir. £leinson College will be held on Friday, July 10, 1925, beginning at 9 ARM., under the super vision of the County Superintendents of Education. Tn> loir -year scholar ships are jppen to ye/ing men not less > than sixteen years old who are inter ested in one of the regular . Agricul- t * tural or Textile courses. An applicant for a two-year scholarship in Agricul- Alr?. Alott Redmond and little grand lure* must he eighteen yearv old. 1 Messrs. Herbert Stokes and Courts- worth I* ishhurne, of Walterboro, visit ed-their aunt, Mrs. F. W. Falken- stejn, last week. ' . * • daughter, Alartbi, ^re visiting her son, Mr. Jim Redmond. Air. atad Airs. NR’k Grubbs visited the Tatter's brother, Air. Lee Crofct, ( Aliss JulieTWarren spent Saturday with Mrs. Bessie Delk. Air. Alii lei - Delk was in Blaekville Saturday. Air. Floyd Croft, of ^Denmark, visit- Flaeh Scholarship is worth $100.00 a session and free tuition of $40.00. A scholarship winner must meet fully the requirement* for admission. Application blanks, catalogues and full information will be maile d to any one interested^ Wurite to THE REGISTRAR. > Clemson College, S. C. iff rv As Good as It ■Vl And thett s saying a lot, for our Sodas and Sundaes are especially liberal helpings. Le us serve you your choice today—then you’11 know. Barnwell Fruit Company ' Barnwell, S. C. “I Never In My Life, Saw Anything Lijb This New Medicine, Karnak, ,, De clares Mrs. Williams. kA East, west, north and south, all over North arid South Carolina. people by; the hundreds ate taking the sensational medicine, Kamak, and reporting remarkable results in. the way of returned health, strength and energy. Statements such as that of Airs. G. W. Williams, of 308 Smith St., Charlotte, N. C., arc being heard' ort all sides every day. “It just seems like a miracle to me to he feeling so good after all my miserable suffering,’’ says Airs. Williams'. “Why, I ‘ was telling some of my neighbors the other clay that Karnak had made- me feel, so fine that I would .like to go to an .old-fashioned dance and show the^ young people how to step around again. * . “You wouldn’t bhHevc it t.o see me now, but before I started tak ing Karnak, my back jvas giving me. so much trouble that I could hardly bend over and straighten up again without the most excruciat ing pains. 1 was in a had run down condition and my food didn t seem to give me any strength. I would often have weak, fainty el^E and my work was just a a) “I was fortunate enough about this time to get some of the Kar nak that first came to Charlotte, and this grand new medicine gave me instant relie f. Why, I began to feel good resuits^jtffter the very first day’s treatment, and now I am feeling 20 years younger. . “I can do a hard day's work now without feeling the least bit tired, and I haven’t a sign of an ache or a pain. ' “I am talking Karnak all the 5- time to my’friends,, and if anyone wants to know what I think of*this new medicine, all they have got to do is ask me,” Karnak is sold in Barnwell exclu-. sively by Mace & Deason; and by the leading druggist in every town* it 1 i if I M i i f ii I ALL EXPENSE TOUR BERS|I).\ A LLY CON DUCTEI) NIAGRA FALLS, TtfRONTO, CANADA, NEW YORK CITY AND WASHINGTON, ATGl Sf. 5TH to AUGUST 16TH FROM VARIOUS SOUTH CAROLINA POINTS Most economical. A wonderful vacation tour without worry. r* ' AR , 1 . Everythingj fire-arranged. Splendid chance for parents to give their childihjn an eilucational trip during this vaKition period. Write for descriptive folder, showing cost, etc. S H. McLEAN, District Passenger Agent Southern. Railway Company COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. ADVERTISE IN - - . Si The Barnwell People-Sentinel -W