and we refuse IlfuKtrious example of what the reve- 1 7 < ' ^ 4- *• |‘ , BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA THURSDAY. JUNE 25TH, 1925 to believe that they etcpre,, the wnti-.- '"", on ,»» »"* f!? .I"' mew. of W coneiderable number <&. Z !!r i!Z V H OMN W. HOLMES 18^0-1912 B. P. DAVIES, Editor and Proprietor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year —-•— $1.50 Six Months — .90 Three Months .60 (Strictly in Advance.) THURSDAY, JUNE 25TH, Jil25_ ('lemson College announces that .Inhn O. Pepper has joined the forces fitfbtintf the boll weevvil. 'ffiat >hould make it hot for the little pest. The Williston Way takes issue with ;he irovernmefit experts and County A»rent Boylston in the formers' con-, tenHon that t,he results secured front .'ipplications of molases-arsenate mix tures do not warrant “a continuance of this methoj of fi(rhtin(r the weevil and that the only one that has shown profit enough to warrant its use is calcium arsenate dust” and in the latter’s statement that “the use of the home mixture of arsenate and molasses was larjrely-due to the fact that one two .strong advocates.” The editor of The People-Sentinel is not prepared to ^ discuss the relative merits* of the two methods of poisoning, hut 1 tSe .editor of the Willistun paper further states that he asked the manufacturer of a liquid-poison why the government ex perts ’stick “to - dusting when ♦•uch practical men as Coker had shown that the other was feasible,”- and that the manufacturer's reply was that.he had asked high • offisials in Washington the same question. This official’s repl^ was so serkfas that the Williston Way did not quote it in the .absence of substantiating proof. That reply, in our opinion, is the meat ifj, the coconut and we are cer tainly interested in knowing what it was. The implication is that the government.experts are on the wrong track and -refuse to admit it, ( an that be true? We hope not. but be that as it may, the reply of the high official in Washington should be man Sunday to visi sister, Mrs. J. T. Busbee. conversion of Israel. .--teuton VIfl.—[\fter Saul's cr slon/ he straight)v>iy preached » eonver- hrist as the/Son . of ffod... Those who are really savci whom they have acreage ftf t>ie Kveninjj School, -MoonIon ) Lesson for June 28 REVIEW > CtOt.PKN Ti:.\T—'y> sh'n^l t.f Wlt- nesst s unto nit-, l>otli (p Jerusalem, .iiid In all .1 iidca, and in S, iVii .il ia. and uifto and Hi** uttermost part tif"tht-' *PIC— Ttie l\iy .I. sms at ttle Temple Sehooi Jl’NUiH f. >i*1('_Jp^ u «' Ags^x •■ring Quest inns intki:mi F, W. Falkenstein i Barnwell, f^outh Carolina As usual, the nictlio'iK f*Jiq;lo\cd' in the reyiew largt'iy dopchd uponTthe tnolicr and Ijie class. Two methods' an* suggested : *• F'irst : 'j'lie hlogrnphlchU (I'his is a method which can msitlv alwavs t.p ■ . . * • used t-- advaiitiigtv^sitn r pupils Vd' - nil iigt*s are iirtiTcsjod ifKjfii p« rsons. i'eter, Baul. Ste »? . v ^ ' Ilf cliara-ters In tip* quarter's lf a luief hiogVap’lileal sketch ’being prepared and to tlic elass - Seeuitd : The suiit]uar\ Ihi tlmd I'his metl.ioil*‘dulls for the review'of. ♦ lie principal faets of ea- li lesson with statement of the n-a.UTTgs teaelutig* ther-'of. The MTfrm'Ing is suggested : j-'Csson I. tin the I'.-v of I’-^H-eost th»‘ i l-i'ii and aseeiideil t'hri'-t .sent the proiiii't* of the Father 'hising the Hol\ < iliost to dcseejld UpiMl the ( r is ■iph s-to i|u:iUf\ them to }n‘ witliesse* o£ His death and resnrreetiort-to all the world. Lesson II..-Tin* healinc <-f Hie fame (nan shows-that the ristsl (Uirist rs. •dde to make strong a man who wax horn a - ripple. The ifian who Wats healed thoroiighiy itdvertised Jhe miia-le. Those who have experienced 1 1h* life of Cod cannot hc.lp hut inake it known. — Lesson III.— The church, is Cod's dwelling pliVce. Since it Is His dwell ing place It is as holy as the' holy piace in the san< tuary. The judgment which befell Ananias and Xitpphira proves that God wHl 1 not allow the hypocrite to escape His judgment.' .Lesson IV.- The hehHvinT*\nf Ste-- phen proves that the risen Christ i* tilde to sustain His witnesses, even while they are sealing their testimony with their blood. His standing shows His active interest. Jn His disciples, and that He welcomes home to heaven those who are faitlliffil. Lesson V.--Tliei,^experiences of Daniel and his companions show that total abstinence pays. Lesson VI.— Philip, the only man In ♦ he New Testament called evangelist. Is in' the energy of the Spirit preach ing the M’ord and -winning men to Christ. y 1 Lesson VJI.—The ~ conversion of Saul* the bitter enemy of Christ, Is an , New Orleans, June 21.—General (trend of the cotton market during, the j past week was upward, with increas ing gravity of the drought rtuation iii a large portion of Central and Eolith Fejcas. 1 here was no consider able rain in those sections, although her parts ot Texas and most other por>qms of the belt experienced bene- ficiaf sNqjvers. One cause of thb ad vance was Fear that from injury to the Texas crop from drought the condition average of that State will \be sufficiently large .in the report based on’ returns of June 25 to-.cause :hi general average condition for the J kvUole belt to show a decline for June when ordinarily the condition of the croS improves during that month, averVgo improvement the past two year periods having been 2 pel 1 cent. The drought has caused liberal eov- vering of short in teres'- and some . * trade buying and price advanced from 21.bfi for October Saturday last to 23.35 Thursday, an advance, of 129 poKits. hih- ehi-ut 30 points of this gaip was lost, during Friday's trading, the i;aii.\ of Sitturday hrmkgr’t prices ha* k almost to the high point of the week. >()ne of the influences which brought about'-this reaction was the t ublica- tion-of an acreage estimate by a well- known authority showing a probable increase of *i per cent, over the re- wised estimate of the acreage planted n 1924. which would, mean a total l .A'- T '• r, Shirts for Summer- Selecting t-he Shirts vou need for Summer is a pleasant task, if you come here , tio (to your choosing.. All the newest and most popular patterns and colors are in our offerings—and the lowness of the fusees will please you. t * *y Mazurskys Department Store Winthrop College SCHOLARSHIP- AND ENTRANCE - — EXAMINATION The examination for the award of vacant Schc^arships in Winthrop Col lege and for admission of new students will be held at the County Court House on Friday, July 3, and Satur day, July 4, at 9 a. m. Applicants m^Jt be not less than' sixteen years of ■age. When Scholarships are vacant after July 4, they will he awarded to those making the highest average at this examination, provided they meet the conditions governing the award. Whether there are vacant scholarships in your county or not, the'examina tion will be held on both Friday and Saturday. Applicants for Scholar; ships should write to Presidept John son before the examination for Schol arship examination blanks or procure them from the County Superintendent 6n July 3. Scholarships are worth $10(' and free tujtion. The next session will open September 9. 1925. 'For further information and catalogue eddresF Pres. 1). B. Johnson. Rock Hill, S. Week-End TRIPS BARNWELL (Proportional Rates Other Points) —TO— W rightsville Beach $10.05 Augusta, Ga.. $ 2.40 Tickets on Sale Fri. Sat. and forenoon trains Sun. Finp.1 limit undnigM of following Tuesday. Round Trip ^Summer Excur sion Tickets, on sale daily to re- v* sorts in Canada and the United States good until Octobei 31. We are preparcd|to s*?rve you. TICKET AGENT ATLANTIC COAST LINE Telephone 1 No. 5 V; /* U "■ Georgia Duster The Most Practical Cotton’Dusting Machine on the Market; ■ H For Sale by * . * C. KEYS SANDERS * A ' ’ r ' . . ' . Barnwell, S. C. l —■ TREASURY DEPARTMENT Oft ice of the Comptroller of Jhe r t* ■ Currency. 7 Washington, D. C., May 7, 1925. Notice is hereby given to all per sons who may have claims against ‘’►The First National Bank of Barn well”, South Carolina, that the same rrfu. t be presented to J. R. Vann, Re ceiver. with legal proof thereof, with in three months from this- date, or they may be disallowed. J. W. McINTQSH, Acting Comptroller pf theVurrency. hood, when a few cts. worth of ICE will pre vent, besides' preserve its flavor and freshness. what you can do. T.A YI tiR C< )U|l ITT CO Easley, South Car. Wedding - Presents— We have just received a bcauti-* T’ul selection ' of Silverwa'.e, Cut »- Glass, etc., suilahle for gifts * L 4'(ir.*the Juno bride.. Look at what we have to offer lie fore •\' * 1 * \ ♦■making *yojtr selection elsewhere'. Mace and Deaison BA l^XAVELL, S. ( . Y.c Don’t Throw Away . Your Old Mattress - The ticking may lx* soiled or worn out but the cotton* can he cleaned, carded and,felted. ’ This, with a high grade new licking, make ii mattress that you cannot buy for four times the price of renovating. We have the only factory of. its kind in this sectiop of the'Smith. ATI work guaranteed. Highest references from hun- dred< of customers over the entire State. Write for prices and samples. * NEW CHARLESTON MILLS, Renovating Department, P. 1). Box 637 - Charleston, S. C. DENMARK, S. C. , v- " . 1 , - - , . [ Send us your wheat. We are now grinding. Self-ris ing flour a specialty. / g> ■ V When your engine refuses to function, tell us about it. We wall not worry about it— we’irfix it in a jiffy and you’ll be on your way. 1 hat’s our business. - . Vickery Bros. Barnwell, S. C. I Y ' Y * Y X Y X 1 S : 4 !♦• j •!* Y *!* HALL & cWe, INC. I I ^ i l * * ESTABLISHED 1848. J COMMISSION MERCHANTS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Special Attention Given Asparagus Shipments. ^ 94-102 Faneuil Hall Market y* BOSTON, MASS. » ' ... ... m t