‘If you want money, we have it— If you have money, we want it. HOME ^ANK OF BARNWELL. ^ Established in 1877. ‘Just Like a Membe-r of the Family" VOLUME XLVIII. BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, JUNE 4TH. 192. r ,. Jfe. SESSIONS COURT HAS ADJOURNED I RKO SNELI.INt; UONVKTEI) OF MANSLAUGHTER. Quite a Number of Other Cases Have Been Disposed of Since Last Week's Issue. The Court of Cicnenrl—Sessions ad orned sine die Friday afternoon, after a five days' term, during which time a hftge number of cas'es was -|s)sed of. As this pajier went to press last- week, the Court giged in thr was en- tiial of Fred Snelling, 1ST CONSIGNMENT OF COINS ARRIVE LOCAL HANKS HAVE MKMDHIAI. HALE DOLLAKS a Tribute to the Valor of the Soldier Minted by Government as the South.' The first consignment of Confeder ate Memorial Half Dollars, minted by the United States Government as a “tribute to the valor of the Soldier of the South," which are to he simul taneously released throughout, the nation on July 3rd, has heeh received PERSONAL NEWS OF BLACKVILLE HUDSON MAKES NEW BROUGHAM TOWN WELL REPRESENTED AT ELKO PICNIC. LATEST MACHINE \\ ILL SOON BE DISPLAYED HERE. A. R. Medals Won by Misses Mil dred Still and Estelle Biume. Fishing Trip Enjoyed. Four I)oiu4 Alodel.—( oust ruction Aluminu-m.—Fittings Same- Standard as Sedan. the alleged murder’of Doe by the Bank of Western ( arOlina and GanttJ The jury, after deliberating l several hours, returned a” verdict of manslaughter against Fred Snelling. and—acquit ted—b+s—mother—Eli y.nbeth the Home Bank of Barnwell, accord ing, to an announcement made by Messrs. Perry A. Price and John B. Mi-Nib, cashier-- of the above insti- Snelling. and two brothers, ( . R. and Herbert Snelling, who -were named ,-ts accessories. - Snelling was senten ced to not less than five years nor more than ten years at hard ’ahor on the chain gang or in the State pen- ’tentiary. Notice of intention to ap- Hamp Jennings was found guilty < f the charge of violating the pro- h bit ion law and sentenced to six m-mths at hard labor on the chain- gang or in the State penitentiary. Mack Creech and George Grubbs, charged with assault—imd— -hatterv a oh Inuiit tirdTTTupon- the person of Paul Owens, were found not guilty. G. Lee Knotts, charged with vio- ’ .‘Png the jvrbhihition law, was found guiitv with recornmemlation G> mercy a- n- Phs., the balance of sejjH-nce to in- .-u-pended during gimw behavior. K. L. Bin ])le^de«l guilty to the barge of vhdrffihg the prohibition 1 ivv and was^sentenced to pay a fine of $.')<> afid s -ive one year a* hard IriboiCupon payment of th(- i:ne. the suspended Blackville. June 2.—Mrs. William Baisden went to CVilumbki Wed nesday to visit Mr. Baisden, who is in a hospital there. •Mr. Murray Turner was among those from he*e who attended the closing exercises of the Williston High school. Blackville was well, represented at the school picnic, at Elko last Satur day, and it was pronounced by all be “a great day ” Misses Eula Lee am ai tin. who have \>een t Fur- man, arejat home for ys. Mr. amt Mrs. Clifi <() r and • passenger lu-ot ns-ifdsome car new four a strikingly pounced by* the Hudson Motor One'of the new car- will brougham is^- an ar Go. Im* on PAPER TO BE K1 W AS “THE BARNWELL F LE-SENTINEL” COMBINATK MAKES FOR BETTER SER; VICE. • AN SPA PER NOW HAS A (IR( LLATION SEVERAL TIMES \S LARGE AS THAT OF \\V OTHER NEWSPAPER o/vJT PUBLISHED IN BARNWELL (OLNTA . - i>rfTm of the W. of Barnwell, lo- . t Sandifers’ father; tut tons. _ “Citizens of LarnweLFnovv have th(- opportunity of making sure of ob taining some of these coveted Mem- j orial coins on their national aistribu-j family visited tion July 3rd," said these gentlemen, j M r. PrestorpXindifer, Tri the Orange- -hy immediately purchasing coip cer- i Iturg Hr^rfutal Friday, where he has tificates, redeemable for the actual | just/tmdergom- a serious operation, half dollars on July 3rd. y "As less than two million display at the sale I). Harley Motoi cal dealers. The new/Oir is a four door, close e-oupled/fype-, with leathe-r rear quar- teis^'The gene-ial Imm-s are typicaljof udson constructiotv and design. 'Ine whole effect is one* of striking smart- ness a ltd'style*. let to J mi < tdoin- near hid'ance of se-nte-nce to r elu''ing good be-.havioi'. i lard u W-- n. charges riui v aiquitted \ mistrial wa^urd.en-d m tin* cast . : M Pmvhatt m Harley. i barge: h i- violating ' the prohibition law th,. jm y failit" t<> agree on a vot'd it •ifter g those from here who enjoyed the school closing exercises at Spring- field Thursday night. mil Molonv, who attend- “These cars are custom-lvuilt by one of the oldest dnd best known body manufacturers in the countly,” said Mr. Harley. “The construction is all aluminum, and the details of trimmings and fittings are of the same standard as the Hudson sedans in the seven-passenger size. This car will l>e recognized at once as one of the handsomest on the streets. “The outstanding feature, however, is that.they are given a quantity price. Hudson-Ksscx is now the larg- Mvs, Lang est six-cylinder manufacturer in the world, and all its costs and manufac turing expenses are distributed over a very large volume of business. This fact has made poss’ble the unusual prie'es which Hudson has established bn this car. Wfth its custom-built body and the advantages of the fa- The plant, good will, subscription list, etc., of The Barnwell Sentinel were sold Saturday to B. P. Davies, editor and owner of The Barnwell People, and henceforth this newspaper' will lx- knovvn as “THE BARNWELL PEOPLE-SENTINEL,” Mr. Davies having consolidated the two papers. While this announce mottUsw-dl probably come as a surprise to many read ers of the two papers, iMhas been realized for some time by those :on the “inside" that tin- th-ld here is too small to support them both as they should Ik* supported. Hence, the decision on the part of 'the parties interested to effect a consolidation whereby the U-st interest of all concerned coaid be best conserved. r^s'Tlie S* ate rem.nkod in eemmont injr nit the t<.( ioit ni.P. of The Fdg**- KWU t li _ taiant -f be M. And v of viola* '(-nf <*m c <;uod bid.'avior. wa< tout’d not ihe pfidfibition law . Gallia Still Badly Cut Saturday Night Mrs. Dicks Hostess at Enioy^hle Party Thursday afternoon Mrs. R. S. Dicks entertained with elev ^t tables af Irridge. at her altractive home on Mai lh -to A'enue. • f<*r Mis- Marie 1 "ui^c Cornel!, a bi'idi--(-lt-(-t. Mrs; R. Hendersoic lof I-'urman. a re- •i*ot i- i de. and Mi <\\\ . 1.. 1* ii'ken, id ( "i-.arh >tnii, her house guest. After being pleseilted to the' reveiving line, the guests were eai blo-si-m bouquet b Patfiiia Ayer Dick Southern^Xtlanta Dental College, is at home for the summer. Miss Edna Belle Fickling, of G. W' ; is jit home for the summer holi days. The Rev. Mr. Cowherd, of Branch- ville, exchanged pulpits with the Rev. L. Li. Miller last Sunday morning, and his sermon was greatly enjoyed. Messrs. G. T. Still. Henry But and Baseball wn-nt on a fishing trip be low Walteiboro last week and :ts a result the poimlation of the “finny tribe" is considerably less im num ber. One of the, | retty sycamote trees here has its hark and trunk badly scaired by injuries .received Satur- a diiver I colored ) of t.he unusual tunt of day tiig'ht, when a Ford car tri -d felling a tree with his car. Tin- tree) stood the crash, hut the car was' mous Super-Six chassis this brougham will be one; of the finest cars any where. It ready must he se-*n to he appreciated in its fineness, of details and its general impression of-4kxury and smart beauty. "The general volume of Hullson- Essex business i> at an unprecedented rate. This month will.l>e the largest we over have known, and it would be much larger if we had as many cars as the public asks usf for. We are making every possible; effort to de liver cars pntm'ptly but the demand is s’o unusual that the task is almost be yond us. “The -public is looking for utility Land value in, motor cars, and -when ' these qualities ere offefed asjnudson- ! Es field Chroniide, “The passing of any newspaper from ti community in which it h;ts had its being for a generation or more is a pathetic incident. But s-uch incidents, pathetic its th y are, nevertheless are occasionally inevita ble. Economic necessity governs and imposes its mandate. There is pros perity where two heads of grain grow- where one grew before, but where two newspapers attempt to live in a community where there’s legitimate support for but one, there is but one inevitable end sooner or later. And not alone are the owners of the papers affected by such enditions. The community suffers, since Neither paper can expatid so as to give its best to its town; no multiplicity of hampered, restricted newspapers can give the value in service to a town which it is possible for one journal, unhampered and running to as full capacity as support will* warrant, to render.” The subscription list of The -Snntinel will Ik- combbined with that of The Beople and all pnexpired subscriptions will be filled by The Barnwell Beople-Seritinel; Until the mailing list has beltett revised, there will probably be some duplications', whet e persons have been taking both papers. Likewise, in the future those who are indebted to The Sentinel for that paper will make payment at this office. The editor extends a cordial welcome to every sub scriber of The Sentinel and hopes to give them the best weekly newspaper i|l South Carolina and to this end he solicits their (ordial cooperation and support. ^ The consolidation of The People and The Sentitv.1 gives the new paper a circulation several times as large as that of any other newspaper published in Barnwell County, and one of the largest of any weekly newspaper in lower South Carolina.' In addition, the combined plants make up one of the best equipped newspaper and job offices in this'section of the State. Several new and up-to-date type faces are also being added, and buyers of advertising and job pt inting are offered a service second to none in the State. And now just a word as to the future editorial policy of The Barnwell People-Sentinel; Briefly, it is a square deal to everybody. The paper will be controlled by no clique, clan nor faction and iG columns will be open at all times to the free and impartial discussion of timely topics. Factionalism will lx- taboo and the editor invite- his tenders to lend their assistance in promoting the- Ijest ' interest of the town and county. Later he may have something more to say along this yne. In the meantime, it is hoped that friends of both papers will lend their material support to the end that Barn well County may boast of a newspa;x-r in which every reader may take a pardonable pride and the splendid traditions of The People and The Sentinel he upheld. 1 - < -ex nffeis tire to H* them this Spring there an immediate tind a chn- T tinuoUs, mnsistent demand." ■h given an "rang - v iitt'e Mis-V- - and I '"i "* in all’n a - -ill. a young white man. who -ev era! miles East of Barnwell. -etdoUsly (Ut in the back and on | us kft arm Saturday night. He was brought here f.n medical attention. Warrants wen- sworn out for Doris Still. Bruce Sanders.'Billy Cruft, Wade -ft. Vincent Still and Willie San- white, in connection with the -aid to have.occurred highway while the wounded man was' returning home, p is understood - that Doris Stijl is '-charged with cutting Callie.Still,Lil- thouii-A iti. is. said that he denies the VitalgeL He and his companions were ,acrested Sunday morning and lodged *in the county jail, being released that afternoon on bond. (,’r. -tiers* » atTair, which is on the publn pink ,and white the*: individual lir the Mayor's Court. Sandy Taylor, a negro employed by Alford (“(instruction Co. who building the new highway into f-iu-d SIO or 20 days Court Monday night Some time The color s'-heme f was carried out in favors contai’iing inipts. .Tin*, high score prize was V.a‘h by Mis. John Stevens, of Kershaw and the consolation was cut by Mrs. ( has A. Tlcnsley. These and the ']>rizes pfesented to tin* guests of honor w<-re hand embroidered, linen. (An i W- * K. medals were- A'-on. by the an’ Barnwell, wa in the Mayor for ta-ckless drii ing- night or early Sunday ntrol Saturday Tnoi ning. Taylor ,f.«» car and dashed headlong int tlv- plate gljisr Pharmacy. ef his o one of windw's at the Best Alt .''Alfoid agreed to pay for the diimagt* 1 hat was Mono. Luther Hogg was fined Slbj'i' for heittg drunk and Ashleigh. May 29. family reunion at thi and Mrs. Moses Morris members being ^called of Mrs. Morris,-who is quite ill. Mr. Ronell Morris, Mrs. R. B. Griffin and Mr. L. D. Mon is. came tjAhi- W est Pa Vs i 2 b disoi (fei ly. Advertise in Tlfe People-S“|ntinel. Palm Beach; I-la.. Mrs. O. A. Scobic from Saviinnah and Mrs. S. \\ . Jen kins from Manassas, Ga. Mrs. Mor ris’’ early recovery is hoped for. Miss”PaulineHplman gave an infor mal dance Friday 'evening at her home on Main^Streef in honor of Mis.< Marie Louise C5»irnell and heg house guest'. Miss Evelyn 'Cadle, of Detroit, Mich. IkmIIv dainagcil. ’!'hc driver ('(apedi-r-* without -n-rious injury; M i r.. ( all it- lk..U- Meyer, of Colum bus. (ia., cam-- down last week to attend tin-, graduating'- exercises - of she hool here, at which time her 'wo niece . Mbs.- Dcut'ic and Ruby Bates, graduat -d. • Th( lb v. L. li Miller preached the b-ucalautcate -ermiin.-fot the B'aluh- villc High ScFiool last Sulida; morn ing*. - - 1 Mi>< Bertha Delk has ictuinedfi'-m a pleasan] visit in The D. A Misses Mildred Still tttnl Estelle Biume, for recciviugAhe highest aver age in theh’ school work during the past term.- Mis-s Still in the high school departnnoit. and Miss Illume in the Intel mediate . detnci tnn-nt. Other pupils came near getting them and received Honorable mention: Miss Kibler, : former Blackville teacher. w;is th - recent guest of Mbs Rosa Rich. Mr. and Min. Julius little daughter. Blanche. < -Fla., came up last week t. a* at the graduat ion—of son, Judson, who Iras a "star pupil" in the Bbrt-kville schyol. Mrs. L\>jlw' iod Davis atid little son, Lynwood. .Ti . were i-itoi <'in Colum bia last Thursday. Mrs. Delhi Sojourner, of Denmark, attended the 'closing exercises of the school here lafi week. Friends of Mastei Audrcv Still will 0- regret to learn of tlx- critical illness of his fine Collie pup w hich Ava- given to him not long ago. Miss Theft Sandifcr vi-ited rela tives it; Denmark hist week. An event of much importance -to hosts of Blackville friends, is the graduation, in p-harmacy of Mr. Sent Brown Will Deliver Commencement Talk Negro Was Fatally Injured by Train Cbarlc-ton. May 30. Thirty-live gtadu ilc-' iti - medicine, IS in phar- mac\ and IT in nuiNing^worc an nounced at th-' Medical ^College to night. Coinmei.cemoifi- eV'i -iycS* will bt* 'h'-lil Thut si|a> ♦with Co-!. Edgw--A-.- Brown. -f - I lai n w (*!!, as .t he annual speitker, , - Among the giaduates in pharmacy this year are Julian Ravenal Harrison.- Jr., also of Baia-well, and Sam Rush Buist. of Blackville. at the Sanders and of Lakeland, o be present their oldest alwav- been Biiist Rush, Tuesday night. Chi'ileston Med’cal College. Dr. and Mrs. George Hair. <> r Bam berg, came qn laH 'Phnrxrlr'T'-•'night to be present at the gratiuation (if their nephew. Jiidsorr Sanders. Mrs. Cleveland Risher and daugh- tej.s. Misses Margaret and -.Hai’iiet; \rho have been in Athens, Ga., < where Mj . Risher has a position) for the past school term, have returned to their summer home here. Mis- Kunicc 1 Turner, who taught at Langley, is at home for the summer. The Junior Aid Society of the Methodi'-t Church nu-t with Miss Ha- 1 belle Murphy Tuesday pftern< on, with Miss Hottie Mathis a- leader. MesdamiN Lizzie. M. (Tave anrl B. \V. Sexton, 'gf Barnwell, wen* recent visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. I,ting Buist. Engineer Hughes, (if Columbia, was the recent guest of Mr. \\\ IT. Johnson. Misses Valirea and Minnie Black and Mary Duffy, of Augusta., and Mrs. LeHtia Walker, of Warrenville. Were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. §. F. Black last Sunday* A negro m ui, -aid t-- he Albert ()v.’(-ns. iwrJes'-apcd convict from Al lendale County, u He red injuries l)ere early FridaV mottling from which it is Understood he died a tew days later in a C dumtiia lv spiral. He was found lying on the t racks of the A. G, L.- 'Railroad at the point whet.- that road is ( ro-sed bv the SpUthorn Rail- . , •''it:. way. Both foe had boFri cut oft an nession under the supervision . of Supt. J. D. Robison with commencement exercises at the Vamp Theatre Thursday evening. The theatre wtt* filled to capacity and standing room v,as at a premium. The in vocation was offered fiy the Rev. R. W\ Humphries, after Which the following p.rogramjfjyas'rendered: Salutatory—Miss W’Hlie Busl. Dea- son. A Vocal Sobs- Aubrey HSrlev. J 1n> « Va!cdict(ity- -Mis' k"ranees Simms. Addtess—Hon.. Berte ff. ( arter, of - "f y Bamberg. ’ ' To the Pupilsjand Teachers—Col. If. D. Calhoun. ^ Delivery of Diplonut?—3ftr. . J. I>. Robison, Supt. 1 ' \ * Bencd.ictioiUs* Evv. Hovfard Cady. Mr. Carter made one of the best V S «’ here in somg, time .and for the benefit of those wfid did not attend the exercises. Thursday even ing, hi'- remarks are reproduced on page two of this issuct. His address was very timely and is well, worth preseving. Col. Calhoup also delighted his au dience with hi' remarks*-as he usual ly does. The tyxercises were presided, over by Thos. M. Boulware, E^q. I , rof.‘"J. D. Chitty, of Fairfax, was a visitor here Tuesday afternoon. x A, ■A