1 v M If you nant money, we have it— ‘j* Y If you have 'money, we want it.”^ HOME DANK OF BARNWELL. ? v v Established in 1877. X S^TUE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BARNWELL COUNTY. c ^| ‘Just Like & Member of the Family” r L VOLUME XLVIII. BARNWELL. SOUTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, APRIL 30TH, 1925. LarKest County Circulation. Ij! BARNWELL COUNTY’S BEST |& MOST POPULAR NEWSPAPER. | ALL HOME PRINT. V NUMBER 35 MEMBERSHIP PRIZE WON BY JOHNSON HAGOOD CHAPTER J.-S. RECEPTION AT BLACKVILLE u. I). U. DISTRICT CONFERENCE MET HERE FRIDAY. M (♦ Se\eral Hundr«?d Delegates and Visi tors in Attendance.—Splen did Meeting. Willisten Man Babiy SOCIAL EVENT TO BE HELD FRI DAY EVENING.- Hurt in Difficulty ^Marriage of Miss Annie Eubanks and Mr. Bob Walker Was Pleasant Surprise.—Other Items. What I is said to be the most ifg'ely attendetl U. D. C. Conference • ver held in, the Edisto District con- ened at Barnwell Friday momlng! white man of Williston, the arrest lx .n capacity. The first thing "o attract the eye’was 1 a huge banner ecrosis Main Street, with the words,! E. R. Beaslev. of VVilliston. a broth er of Policeman Perry O. Bdksley, of, Barnwell, was lodged in the Barnwell j County jail Wednesday morning of Idackville, April 2i. On last Sun- last week, pending the outcome of in- | da * v afternoon - at four 0 ’ clock ’ at tho judies he is alleged to have inflicted rosldonce wf tho hH(lo ’ s P^^nts, Mr. upon William Jennings, another young aad ^ ,s ' ^ Fubanks, .Mr^ Bob Walker and Miss Annie EubaWere married, the Rev. Mr. 0’KelR*y, of Denmark, officiating. Although it CHAUTAUQUA AT DUNBARTON SOON THREE BIC. DAYS'AM) MtiHTS NEXT WEEK. BARNWELL COUNTY WINS FIRST PLACE PER CAPITA School Will Have Holiday Tomorrow On Account of Reunion at Mever's. Mill. Result of Spelling Contest Announced Dunbarton, April 29.—Friends of 'Teachers froth all oyer the county " V* ^ came to Bamwtdl last ’Friday even ing. bringing with them their Jjh'am- pion spellers whp, participated in the was*knowm for some time that the It is understood that Jennings was hit over, the head, probably with a I piece of wood, about 8:30 o’clock couple “were engaged, news of their Tuesday evening, the 21st inst., and man '‘ a ^“ camt ‘ a " ( l uiU ‘ a ^’ Prise to rendered unconscious. He Was found man >' ot ' their fviends - 11 was a ver >’ lying on the ground shortly after ^ u,ct afraH . ( ' n! y the ‘nnned.ate fam the Rev. L. B. Johnson wil! regret to annual county spelling contest. This learn that he is at the Lniversity Hos- i contest wais h'dtl in order to select pital in Augusta, where he was taken icpresentativi'is from Barnwell Coun- last week to undergo an operation, He * v p, the^State Spelling Contest which was stricken with kidney colic Tues- j H to held ut Winthrop College day and rushed to the hospital Wed- next JulyW One representative for nesday. His iriemls hope he will get the Grammar Grade Contest (grades MRS. A. A. LEMON, CHAIRMAN. GETS TRIP. County Led tho Christmas Seal Sales in ,0'bunties Having No Tubercu losis Associations. Sumter, with a per capita kale of .05, led the Christmas seal salts in South Carolina for 1924. Mrs. A. A. Howell was Sumter’s campaign man ager. Richland, under Mrs] Morris Lump- 'Welcome. U. ETC.’*,” ami that was | nine o’clock that night by J. F. Us-i d -V and close friends being present, ic keymTtc of^the occasion. Every-1 sery, an employee of ^he Greene Lum- Immediately aftei the eeiemony, the \ssii>le was done to make the! her and Crate Co., at whose plant the c()Uple !( ii> fpi Denmaik. where they, took the evening train to ahiV^nicely and be able to he among his people within the week or so. Next Tuesday, W< dne-duy Thursday, May 5. <5 and 7. are tin 1 -7 i and one High School kin, and Darlington, under Mrs. W. representative for’ thejH. Evans, tied for second place with Contest (grades 8-11),; a pe r capita of .03f», the former hav- V 7’ # 1 h< , .Tilid: nmg jh trtihgej within the gates^-f’cePthat | alleged difficulty is said to have a- or she was welcome, and if there | curred. The injured man w’as carried • any one thing for which Barnwell to his hoarding place, the home of s noted above all others if is hospi-j P. F. Parker, and was in an uncon- ditv. I setous condition throughout the ' t>ay a ‘ u * bapps. lile. * j The business section presented a night, and until some time Wednes- oil i’day : an pea ha ncewith show win-! (jay. An examinatio T“ of his injurfe.- decorated with y appearance n*’s attractively (•'.federate flags and colors. The meeting \va- openwl at the v a rap Theatre with prayer by Mrs. B. Hagood. the chaplain of the oc visit 1 Charleston and other points of intere. t. Heartiest goiwl wishes an* extended to this young couple for a ig and \lthough it rained copious showers all amiiiid Blackviile and-neighlmrimn 1 were allowed from eaeh school, and r i') lc . judges .irving last Friday e big evening weie’Supt. E. T. Spiegner, of days fm-the people of tirs'Community, the Denmark.TIigh School. Mr. D. L. 'The Radcliffe Chautauqua will be here i^.y.js. Rural S h-xd Supervisor of then. Three !.igdays full.d enter- Columbia, and Mrs.*W. I. Johns of M showed that his -kul! was not frac- 1 tured but that he suffered a concus sion of the brain-. Ji*nnings, who is about ^21 years sections Sundiy afternoon, no re- !( i fr e.shing showers fell here, much to the disappointment of everybody. Mi tainment and instruction. The pro grams are stronger this year than ever, because of the facT that this same Chautau(|ua has been nlaying the tourist centers' in Florida and Allendale. As a result of this con test, the following were announced as winners: .* In the Grammar Grade Contest: First place -Francos Owens, of LieurgiadJie—past winter and , k^d to VV i!i ist on; se-.eYtel-place -- M i ria‘m Hut - burg.—Charleston^—Eexingtor,—Union, would satisfy of Blaekville; thinl place of the tourist Odom, of Healing Springs. Myrtis t'hnson Hagood Chapter. The as- -*mblj then sang “Dixie,” after and • hich Miss Elizabeth Easterling do- ; company. ghted them w ith a musical selection. der bomb ohl, is in the emplov of W. E. Ander- i her ht,nu ' in r ' >,u ' mbia ’ ixfU ‘ r fon. Beaslev is a mid.jlg. aged man ' hi ‘ r » >a '-eni.s, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J Fickling. Beasley holds a position with the crate He has been released un tie addres: of welcome in behalf oft Barnwell v.a> delivered by Mayor J. r. Moodv, Jr., while Mrs. (i. M. lee it\ pies dent, weieomeM the visi- . os in behalf of the chapter. ‘ Cei. Harry IV Calhoun extendo 1 greetings from the Poos of Veterans .rid Solomon . Blatt, Esq., from the • eterans of tlie World War, the lat ter being particularly fine. After ’Little Miss America and Uncle Swimming Pool Onens ! 1 Next Monday, ?4ay have a program , that tin* exacting demands trade. These same programs will be ] n the High School Contest: Earl DeWitt has returned to J given in Dunbarton, the smallest town | Kjrst j>!ace Miss Sarah Storm*, of i visit to (in the* State to put on the three-day Blackvilk*; second ))lace Basil Jcn- program. T'm-'afternoon .perform- t;j rWt n f KHne; thiiri p!ace--Morris ances will hegi i at four o’clock and W .ngpow, of Willi-ton. tho night shows will begiu al <*ight- thirty. The te'it will Ik* placed on the •■ehool grounds this year. Oomf irt- :.i!,!e seats will be provided for the j Dies in Columbia Mr. J. M. Farrell was a recent vis- j.itor to hi- sister, Mrs. George Milner, j in Aiken. Among .ho boys from the Citadel i who visited home folks here recently . were Messrs. Reddick and Henry Still. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fickling are Barnwell Infant ing, if anything, a slight edge on tho latter. Greenville and Spartanburg averaged .03 each, the formet having Mrs. Biuce Moran as chairman, and the latter undor Mrs.-Fraser James. ( ho-tor. with Miss Ann Fraser, chair man, averaged ^029. There were 20 Counties making a cent and a fraction per capita. These were: Greenwood, Dillon, Newberry, Fairfield, George town, Lancaster. Laurens, Orange- Mi-. IV A. Dyches. piupiietor y Miss Willie Mac Vann, the accompaniment for. their f at T mo again, after spending several months in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning, Jr., and little naught t. Anne, of Colum bia. are visiting home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fickling, Mrs. James Nevils and little son and M ss Eugenia Still visited Orangeburg comfort of those who attend and there will be plenty of parking space pro vided for the cars. The tickets will sell for two dollars for adults and one r For all school ehidren. Tickets tiie being sold by the high srhool girls. Everybody i- ui-ged to make arrangements now to be on hand for The umber being played by Miss Josie 'ax is. Mis Blanche Bennett, who .ayed the nia io during the. morning xeivises.- also added much" to the ijoymeiit of the occasion. Tl'e State prosiiient. Mrs. O. D. s.dley, and the director.' Mis Alai ion I\. were pt sented with fltiwers . litth- hnv: .It’DWn and June Mil- •us. tip' page•. Ev» r\ n-inib-" <>n Hie’ I'ldvrani. ‘ f t , j r hu h was published in Th ience of spevtutors apd noliody will lx allowed cn the first floor except bath ers or persons with small children - .* who wish t tundei-stood that as long as a nerson is ! clad in a bathing suit, he or she will not bo given access to , the second story. Several individual dressing rooms People , j, -t Week, warn thoroughly it i-- a mu’t<*r. for ?vg- ire a et*n provided foi- the eon- j venieuce of patrons. „ , | Mr. Dyches, in an advertisem--tit j rh'-where in this 1 sue of .The People, J si > announces that :.ilmis'' n will be Monda> aft rri-nm to tjiose own- heir own suits. source ot recreation serious illness - of Mr. J. Lang Buist is a source of regret to his many -friends and his speedy recovery is anxiously hoped for.V Mr. John C.- Matthews has just purchased a h indsome Franklin tour ing car. Hi* and his family inte nd to motcr to Birmingham, Ala., in the near future to visit his sons. -Messrs. Hubert and Ralph Matthews, who are succes-fully engaged in the electrical business there. Mr. Matthews stays if God spares his life and continues to pro: per him for t,en years longer, He hoj-t s to visit them then in his flyfng machine*. all three days. The Dunbaiton Wallace Perry Harley, the eight- months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gil more S. Harley, of Buniwcjl, died sit the Baptist hospital in^Cplumbiu about six o’clock Saturday afternoon. The little fellow w-utS carried to the hospital a week prior to his death,. ! suffering with an attack of colitis. , . uas His life was dispaired of at the time, represented at the county spelling t)Ut ht . ^ apparently - recovering contest, wh^ch was held in Barnwell when pneumonia developed. In bis last i-nda\ night, by Miss lui!;*. hi at * weakened condition ho was unable jto P.u-bee for the higher grades and Uu- ravages of this dread ‘ n tb, ‘ ^ r amni:>r school. ( ij seato . Hj s death came unexpeoted- W hile neithei ef these pupils won a jy an( j brings much sadness to friends of the family. the j ’pv... iini#» i.jk.ic- \ymic 1 .r/,ii,rP♦ ^o to' cil Harley in thi er of place, it is to their credit that they school and did The pool was a Mrs. Reka Ri*-h vi itw O*angeburg Thursday*'' n i iVC t lir nn svin q>- ),j il lll.jow .U-Sr.- rrr y nil Blv • - .attic, iii a.*:;' i. lioweAer, 1 a; .'decoral) >1 ■-'■in-.i' uii'u (> ro.i er*- o.pncing hat -.out was \i a- I I’d (* ij ym lent for h um'.i red ' of p^onp 1 n « ' I* ;. Dll;’ ' .* 1 art ha Still. dauj; ♦ L ’ . sect' •n la- t 'Mil 1 it i ' t i. ('. Si H, Ivs avear ,4 ,1 1 VDAv'l led tH •it it \vi 1! nn )\ ’ » C T X.: t • - S f M ’ 1 - j -t. nog- ai pher in' ‘Bambe lias t hi A X 1 nr. j boarding with .... , L W. — Th ■ v (Ut gel- . ScA Ut ' Sot Douh ic r 'em: 1 Ha:; pi rings f trxvani w ith a * l (’"hi — jt'( the. Jl ill foTC’ A nine tv r: Him . kvill v 1 . • Ap, il »»•. •. •• Pi i • IC 41! 11; g i- to t.■*.!.( • plaae Fi id ay i v *n ic es xxv •re r ;i id ' V i i ,a\ \ * S.uir lay aft;*! '- j hum; e,f M As Marg. i: et ( tOMl. >nnp ■dial •ely <• wtiie n 1 ]"» e.Atl • i i - eo-j • wii ieh is .iit !;e Sun! K-air ' < ! m . ' i", W. Al. 1 ’. , tUl'e.*(ji;:' S( 11 i M for tiii.-' lisp ! , M G (‘IT' i cl: ;u iar i Ue" t i ng. i Mr. ai ■d Mr s. Somei s posit ton -g and n i’ ae. represented the best they could, The local school will have a holiday I-h-iday on accidint of the Meyei ’s Mill l>ienic. It has been the oust im for a number of years for th** Dunbarton school to give this day so that the children o|a at ing with Dunbar- t n. makes it doubly expedient that ,n this day should be observed. There !wil! be a bu-ll game that d r on the "all • »und .-it !"unluirton be*\Voen the Dunbarton Hig.i Sehm*! and Edenton. Tie* , .inn* will'Tie (-all'-d at four <>'- (IikH . The T’blhiwing- admission to , The little body was brought Barnwell that night and laid rest Sunday afternoon in the Bap tist Churchyard, the funeral services being Conducted by the Rev. R. W. Humphries, pastor of the Barnwell Meth -dist Church, in the Baptisjt-' ChurCh, iti the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. Many beautiful flowers coveted the little child’s last resting plu ' *.. small !«»ys act *d as pall bearers: Crenshaw. Jim Bush; Cecil Ray Wilson Sai.deis. WaH.-M*"'i uu viv.( 1 by hi- pav' n* m ai 1 ' looking of | '( 'll , Wtt i the gam:' vv: i\v..na;i. Id ITT I. V. 'V.'M ".at the to,. .'boi DC ! i . hurgH; air M-,; 25c; children. bool * .*i ‘t.: ‘i i to c.< inn ! two ‘n-al! brothers, who have sympathy of many friends in thei*. reaverrant. ' out a*-,(l supp )*■ a- this i ; ; their lirsit t hi high school boy rame this vcaiy i I. Ml n . r *’llSe . Ill ■ ist yea i. • the pro Iiagid'd Chap' ./.e for the largest ni ; ership dimhig pf i/.,* wp. present'd her itp-h* .n'Oiar Saturday afternoon. Miss Julia Warren spent Saturdav M Gif^em. who Ml '. Sallie Mi Nab to had Ip* accept it. the P> mo Th'.' ident ir turn called ih<- stage and i.y tei having hruftght into the chap- p j 22 memlK‘i-s served at the Court House, cafeteria style, and a bevy of prettygirls who acted as Ushers also took ( hai-'-e : of the Veterans and Ik Ippil sene • dinner. ('opfcjlerate k etorms and W orld War Veterans of Barnwell .were served at long tables on the Court House ground;, while dinner for tin- delegates and other The j ,M. - Ltila BnC of l! wmi section; va ihe w in- ! M i.-s Ollic I a e Janes. th.* i Mrs. Leiia DeWng-was I. I'd Hrain n :est of a vi dor to ,j t:u* I .ippy rat (*p.t s •! ■ a S’lnday id.: in. Mis. foi merly Miss Kitty daug-lite, of Mr. am > a very pie- joyful event. Pringle arc fiiii* son, Io n Pringle was 1 Irown i ne only MVs. (. W vatt. i y. Mi. and M < . A. \very and ■'hilili'' n, of AngU'ta. and Mr. and Mrs. •'•oh ii Ei’bank' were in Blmkville Sunday t . attend the aj(- :;t ix al ien s[M-nt and Sumlav with Miss Oilie night Jones. Quite a number of the Double Pond folks attended tlte .school exercises and the picnic at Hilda Safui day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winton Jone- and children were the g-ues-- of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hair Saturday night ami Sunday. Mr. H. W. Jones. Sr., attended the Ernie cue jfixen for the old Veterans at Barnwell Friday. I Browning. Sr. Best wishes for many : happy years are sent the little box- by • hosts of friends. An enthusiastic and appreciative I crowd from here attended the E. D. ; C. Convention in Barnwell and cairre ilker-Euiiank iptarvi.ige. Dr. Murchison fidh d his usim jointment at tin Piv-bvSc ian < 'hi(;vh y^T ( , llT ; Sunday morning anci Suhoay evening, and as usual impressed his hearers 'with his earnest and intellectual ser- » ' m ons. i Mrs. Ellen Izlar and Mrs. .f W. Biowning, Jr., and Irftle Anne Brown-: T-d h:m.- H" in'*.! miol. er-in-law, vvliq xva m inag<*est in the his tory of the association, and the cam paign committee, of which Gov. Ttios. G. McLeml was chairman, has ismed a statement thanking the public for its cordial support and promising a year.of enlarged activities. The total sale of seals was $31,- 224.7)3. Five per cent, of this goes tq the National Association, $1»561.23. Elxpensg of the campaign was $2,000. The local associations will spend $12,- 963.72 of the remainder, and the bal ance. $14,699.7(8, will be spent- by the State Tuberculosis Association. The seal money last year was rpent in employing cloven county and field workers; in operating free clinics, at which 4,221 persons were examined and 1 822 were diagnosed as active or suspicious eases; in enlisting the chil dren of the State in the Modern Health Crusade for thi; purpose of building resistance in them against disease. Detailed reports are avail- ab'n^at all times from the State office. The program for 1925 an exten sion of this work. Th f> children’s \x i k will be carried on as usual. Tu berculosis nursing demonstrations v ill be put on in four additional coun ties and survey and clinic campaigns be conducted in 23 counties, be-* s the regular pro gleams carried on *r ocal associations, f Th sale by ebuntieh^ in State, showing the this section amount re seven*- Aiken , $7,32.31 .011 oiuiit ...m ■ Allenddle 47.1-P ,003 . is'.held i BamK*rg 38.10 .0017 I Barnwell .7)00.00 .0215 •'•.tempt- Beaufort _ * 200.00- . .0089 powered Hampton 175.61 .0088 L »j Jasper 86.10 ,0086 aUDSS a GrangebUig M,148.31 .0167 o’clock hack singing th" prai-es ot that won-jjng spent Meilday' in Barnwell; derful event. j guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. B Mr. and Mrs. (!. W. Saxon .and f-* S. the (Ul- tam- xvare l f* were '(■veil un-stairs visiti > iv j* menu consisted of bArhoru Hash.. •x saiad, pickles, iced tea, coffer chicken, giblet gravy, hot rolls, egg . red and whiti meat. vice, bread. bloek Messrs. ,\. T. IVeani. of Aiken, 1. V> . Roiirti'ie, of Dunha- u.n, and T. E. IcMii-et;. of Augusta, were in the city Mead,iv mi business. Farmer Is Found Dead After Slashing Baby and Attempting to Kill Wife dinner at. tin* (’ourt House. cream and pound cake. N'inete n Yvtenms of tin* Sixties I . . hind about ti dozen World War Vetcn- v 'Uns were present.' in addition to a ttige number of wives and widows of e.Veterans. Col. Butler Hagood. son of the-hrte'Cenei al .ko^nson Hagood. *vi. Avho played so valiant a part in the War Between the States,* was an jNHonor guest of the Daughters. Ap- !, pvoxinvate 1 y 700 people were served At the afternoon s *ssion, the recent- 1 iy rirgnnized ('hripter of Children of the (’onfedei-i-.ry g'n.ye an interesting frchf.Denmark l>eirrrra’k. Apf-ii 28.- Luther Robin-(water abuu on, pi-ospnous farmer of two miles^fmaijks of violi u x\(is f >und dead in thElgie and o: relatives six^hearT failure miles fabout 11 o’clock kmC nig(it after he had apparently gone program. ' Miss Maude Brabham, as woods near ihe homi president, extended greetings.. The entire chapter sang a chorus com posed tor the L*. 1). ('. and a quartette j suddenly-* mad, severely cutting the ot girls, die-sed in costumes of the. youngest of bis six children, a girl of <» f| s, sang “When You and 1 Were two. attacking his wife, his mother.- 5 oung, Maggie.’f ! in-law and brother-in-Taw. The little 1 he next meeting of tho District j girl is in a grave condition hut hope is ( (inference will be held with the i held out for her recovery. Robinson’s ; body was found, in a shallow pool of ' - “b nc’-.e’s de<*p with n*i nee or signs of a-strug- stiPTKised he dieiUAof or from some other nat- ill in bed, but she md escape. Theri. D'! Id d in"-h‘c- D-e ceivod' and; the per capita, follows: 1 man cut her throat an her body. The i - gray but hope i out i o>" aer n cov i i A blather ff Mrs. Robinson ed t a'intei’fere l*Ut Was ovg mvc* fjie eye. Robin.'oii then tied on foot field and xyus found about 11 at night in the woods wi,th his face in a mb all piKil of writer. ** No marks of violence were found on the body nor signs of a struggle at the spot and it is supposed he died ‘of heart faifure or some other naturaf cause. Robinson had savedj up at)imt"$7(Ki. in the Bank of Denmark, whijlrfailed a few days ago, JtTTo was despondent .1 , r' u ; u • arr island in the Edisto River, where a •over the Toss of tms money, txxhich is ,t - 1 '*“*" * 'I* t r 'the only cause that can Ik*., assigned for his mental affliction. It is said i the, xvife wished to buy a ear with her share- of the money, while Robinson «• wanted ;to purchase a home. W’hib* ♦ he discussioii xxas still uns«* , tled the i bank closed. —-v » Robinson was regarded as a giKnl •father and husband and w as xx'7*tl liked. - < Officers Capture Two Large Stills Sheriff Dyches and his assistants succeeded in locating and destroying two large stills during the past week. The first raid -was made Saturday on Elloree Chapter. Account from BlacTcx-iHe. Blackvilk*. April 28.—-Although at this time the report has not lieen veri fied officially, there comes news of a terrible tragedy' occurring between Blackville and Deiimark today. It is said that Mr. Luther Robinson. ia suddenly seemyd to becomo violently | tenant #n lh( . fl ,. m „ f Mr Joh „ Da „. in>ane. He secured a knife and first ; —— *— attacked (Mrs. Robinson but she evad- uVul cause.. Late yesterday afternouq Mr. Rob inson, with his wife*-and six small children, drove to the home of his mother-in-law, four miles from his own home*, and it was there that he (CONTINUED ON EIGHTH PAGE.) Mr. and Mrs. W. Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boylston. of Springfield, ar^d ^trs. Jennie Strickland, of Wagoner, - " at- 1011(1(^(1 the funeral of little Wallace Pi Harley, here Sunday afternoon. 100-gallon copper still complete was found, together with 1,900 gallons of ma h, three gallotis of liquor, buckets, and other utensils. Monday morning the officers raided a still on Simon Branch, in the Wes tern part of'the. county. This was a big-s.earner outfit, consisting of a 100-gatlon still, thirteen 750-gallon vats'filled with mash, shovels, axes, etc. No liquor was found and the s* iil apparently had not been operated for several days. No arrests were made in either raid. * mm—mm