'‘Hi. I <•' ■ ■ 1 't HOME BANK DEPOSIT^ T 1920 $214,000.00 ? 1922 .1. $156,000.00 X 1924 $318,000.00,. X HOME BANK OF BARNWELli. ePTUB OrFlClAL NEWSPAPER OF BARNWELL COUNTY r *^H a r t. \ Established in 1877. f “Just Like a Member of the Family” LarRest County Circulation. January '25 Subscriptions Hive Expired. 0* ■. % PLEASE RENEW PROMPTLY 1 A • o VOLUME XLVIII. \ ^ BARNWELL. SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 29, 1925 NUMBER 22. Contest Is Held by j T. E. L. B^ble Class of Blackville Church ROOSTER GETS “STUCK IN fHK MUD” IN FIELD NEAR TOWN LAST WEEK Blackville, last wvok : l )()Ut autoniobik* | There were manv stories poinR tlu 26.~Din injf* the | roUn(l< Iast Wwk , 1924, the adult j tlr i vers whose t . a rs wen Bible ela-s for women in the Black-| mu(1 of tht , puhlil . 1 , )ads in this am vine Baptist Clmreh put on an auto* Many Local Bills Are * i Introduced by Solons in §tate Legislature f vTork they rb l in fol- meliile cont* st for the purpose of in- I ereasim? its membership. At the, .. ' - — —“———■-—F eomm oHcnient of the co ite-t the en-j rollmen-t 6f'this < i:ri* v.as 33. The class was divided it.t » four - p.iuups 1 and ca ii Kroup selected an automobile . to ivpre.ser.! it. the aijirbiif<>nijes"seIditt- i d beiiH the Frunkiin. B.uick, • Essex and Fol d. The T-’v. .iftVm s f r the. e cat s were Mrs. \ !!:■' Rush f ii r the i Franklin; Ma-. d m Creach • for the, Buick,; Maty Biu.iie- for the Es sex, and Mrs. Edna Faulkner far the! Ford. It was, the duty of each chauf feur to .'take on as ur>nv pa scnjrers : : ^ i— ^— a'< possible, for her ta"? einl . a'Ji of the chauffeurs deserv • a ureat dea cradlt far th contest. The contest eounte lows: For every *r.ew merriber 29 mib's were credited to the* car in which sia h new nv'^mbtn- njvae. ruiintf^ every ’ visdor counted two miles; ev- ery promised ■ attend the cliiss which was not kept counted as a puncture, iuid every refusal to promise to attend the class counted as a blow-out, while every member who failed to make an effort to enljst new members was marked with enpin > trouble. A lively interest was manife ted in this contest throughout the four Sundays, an 1 the' class not Only ppew in numbers but-in fellowship. At the close of the con- tes't, the Buick was found to have made the greatest average mileage for t,he contest, and won the banner which was awarded. As a result of the contest, our enrollment grew from 33 to 71. However, we have a rule that when a nu mber has been absent from the ckws cm three consecutive Sundays her name is, removed from the active roll and placed oh the ip- active roll, unless such absence was due to sickness or absence from town. * 1 • lienee, our enrollment has been re duced since the clc sc* of the contest to 51.. whic h gives us an increase as a result cf the contest of IS new mem- bc*t s x whi m ' we expect to retain .as regular attendants. Adopts Name of T. E. L.. The women’- Bible Clasp has adopt ed the name of T. E.“L. Bible Class of the B’aekville Baptist Church, which initials stand for Timothv, Eunic-e umri- adjoining States, hut' the^experienee of a Barnwell County rooster Fao's the i-c limax. The* chick( ti in cjue-t icur is : on a farm near this city and or.* day j la. t week was “foraging”:; in ,a .^ic*!,d i near the barnyard. Tip. ground; was V V o,f* ai l very --oui tlu I was stuck hard and ‘'a-t in the mud, ibis efforts to evtraeate himself only Columbia, Jan. 26—More’than sey- mired in the i e,! . , y bills.ha'o| been introduced in the South Carcdirn House of It •pre-cdita- tives since that body has been in ses sion. The grtatcr part of this number have been local bids of r.uhiTr infere-t to othc;r counties, but. In the opinion of the it authors, of great impoefane'e. in the ( 1 uuijFty which they affec-t. Of 'r.»V)st-*r 1 a b the-e but fey,- ar.* of Statewide in-' tc*ieSl.' ' ^ ' Due t i tlu* fact that the Scmafe-hus Charlton B. Lafitte, Native of Barnwell, Was True Southerner Camden, Jan. 21. Sunday after- tioon, January is. ;.t 1:50 o'clock, (-i.arlton Brown l.atfitte, foimerly of Ridge* Spring, died liere at the home of h;s d Wal h, Jr. His death, while -udden, BIG S^I.E GOING FULL BLAST; HUNDREDS ARE lHiivpiNG THE BENEFIT dosing out sale of the 1. Co.a of (th;- city, opened , i of. any sab ight *r, Mr:-. Tirana Vaidcllei •• ,, in win not UiH’Xrocted, for Mr. ,'ciVitU l>ecU) in ill health for ; ;.t timed hovel • d bi-t'wee rnomung -om * time ■p life and January serving to get !u u i". deeper. A ne- ded again-1 a i- ng'.by adjournmen. Lois, and which is a favorite name of organized Bible classes, the member-, ship of which consists mainly of moth ers. Our class ha"- been registered with tlu* S. S. Board at Nashville, and T within the next few months wo expect to be a standard class. The T. E. L. Class, held its regular- monthly meeting on Friday evening, the Dit.h. and despite the most unfav orable weather there was a good at tendance. The members of the mean's Bible class together with a number of otficers and teachers frohi other do- partments of the Sunday school, were our guests. Most'interesting reports were given by the variou- office rs and gr tupe tp- ,vhi'h i in I i.;i t. • 1 de illeil li!'Q- g: ess sd'ce the last business meeting of the ela-s, A hanaer is .awarded ( •■-ii Sunday to th-* group having the be st rccard, the edght point system be ing used in our etas-, imd Croiii) No. 1 ( Miss Marie* Boyi*sti>’vbeing group •capta'ini ha- ln*ld the barrier coT!\iin- uouslv sin e our December meetingk Const itutic»n (loote d. A (•on'Ttitution was adopted for tin* class and a numboriof plans made, for th'* com mg mont'u. It is honed that —t-H* EuniVe H.imo D* peH-mcr.t-hoM tl.e gro farn hand. sVv.ing - the p!:gh‘ o r the roo-ter, went to his rc- .'la* a:*-! in turn v.as cirnght in the hog. Both Were i>i the samu* ‘ix as Rro'FTL'iPbit when Jic* attacked the Tar reiat/.a! by Itre’e Rom ns. (lUOte I’neb* Rem'l U The -giviag’ the. abov<* facts as given to us.v *r will p,roii;0|U- Ilou-e ac'i ii.:, XI a nt be in ken to opinions ,V ses-ion. >•! for in a unc Hi K mscicV.ic while a ad m \ or ret? • ii’.e. death Was |»eacc’ -chniiuie Ttml W.-drcsdiiy morning.of last week with the largest attendance 1 that has ever b en seen -ection. Tic store was pacl.ed t and jammed and- for aw'iph* piany j were unable to geTr-admifonUco;—AH | sa!" - ic-cords for- thst*ctioii Inokea, it h. snid, and croy buyete continue.-to '•ISif tile n'hcjte;.. thv. •Xnl -e-sum o; .the Eel rose Created No Excitement in This City; Radio Is Heard at tin Saturd Siuli t* rec.'s- was -pn-vi*. rc splutiati at the t’.rst House, During, the pa-1 wc*'.*k th means committe e, of which CahoIM). Xani-i*. of LauiroiiS, is chairman, has held several me‘tings. Oivlv one up- Tuesd iy n ni.r.g‘nrthe i.irch, being c pndcic'ted by F. Mahaffcv, of Grav Court, a f'-’-mpr pastor "and. beloved wayis arfcTi ^ 1 ' i n 'l ’’F 51 r. LaM'ltde. -.-si ted by the i nt Pi ’he tryst of Soi : :i English, the and *,unar, or. m •elipse of the sun pa-tor. th* Rev. N. K. Polk, menf was at the Kidgo_Spring < , ino- U*iy. Beautiful floral 'offerings-, and nitUPriati.Tn request hasMiren htmrd by . - m< ' ; synijia:Kv to the bo th.* CorVnnittee. That was pro-eh ted ’ctu vd. fami’y froi.n all parts of the by the State Hospital for the Insane $B*f” bor;*. evidence' of t he numerous tj otigh Dtp !•’. Williams, -uperin- i"'khu Mr« Laffltte hafk temlent^d - 'tlhe institution. . / , ; r - lyafiitte was bora in Barrtwell, Jun- 15, 1.-5s, being the son of John Hancock Fnffitte ann of n iirnwe ], hv ( ; om . ra i Kilpat rick and of the exciting times subso- th worth o r ' uh ' i'lvacheil a (Iont*l The People, as ■ tli. t'.*< sak* ai>peared/m paper in .tile Vounty, A grin this week The People i Intrimr a - d« •nble-page an vert i-c*f»eiit '".a iiiig att ntion the nKii.y l.-ar- .gaois being offma'd, wit-.i a still fur ther reduction in prices. "Specials” arc Iming ofi'ered during- c; itain hour- of tlu* day during the coming week. To take advantage of these alone woijjii w.*r ! h a visit to I’ai n- welL 1‘ v.rH—pay you to read every line in the advertisement again this week and* act accordingly. vidge a’ out 20 feet wid* and 15 feet k"*p.- .Mrv Pot ter, b-oing unable.to see h.-, his car plunged into the waters »c!i,w. The-f Ui tain • were up, making t ditflcuit for them to release therh- . Svi s fiiim the i ar. Mr. (Jooilwyn ■ut his way 'through the top and Timbed uporr thcea-op qf jhs> car, His f J water. Ho' ' head was thea out Stn‘e was discussed. Governor Thos. im*r ed airman of the ways and means committee, were the principal speak- BUDGET OF INTERESTING SOCIAL AND PERSONAL . NFV S FROM Ml I.LISTON Williston, Jan. 26,—Col. and Mi vs. R. M. Mixson had as their gpuests re cently .Mrs. Rufus II. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.-Andrews, of Au gusta. Ga., and Mrs. Robert H. Stan ley, of Johnson City, Tenn. Miss Cora Hutto, after ’a visit in Blaci^ville. is .visiting relatives in Co lumbia. Mrs. W. E. P.othro l|a,s returned fiuim a visit to relative^ in EffStcva- and to Mrs. Gentry in Sumter. Mr. and M's. \V. (). Stuckey, of Eastov’er, were the guest,s last weck of Mr. and Mrs. VV. E. Prothro.' ■ . Mr. C. Keys Sanders, -of. Barnwell, was a n cent vi; it )r in Williston. Miss Mary Robinson, of Rc.wesv.ille, Mi<'. W. T. Willis. Jr. Miss Virginia .Kchhedy has return ed front Furman, S. C.. ^liere wa.- a 'milliner this seas ml ! quent to the war c-. They presented the needs for ; the Kllent-n Cm such a building and called attention j tu the action pf the- last He participated in I the - Ellenten i lot in 1876 and was a member, of several organizations for e U>.t lyegislatme |^|, ( . advancement ef white supremacy ' 0|!ar ' l,n - SUlh an I.hi (hi. Slat,:. ih,. R,,l Shirts of G< n. Wade Hampton, whom he greatly-loved and admired. Having been born during such troublous times Mr. Lafitto was a true Southerner in every respect, and he instilled tim* patriotism into the hearts of his chil dren so that in the recent conflict Lis two sons were both in the service, one of them having seen service in France, i This was always a source of great •satisfaction to Mr. Laffitte and a point Action was taken during The past week on several matters of Statewide interest. A number of bill- have been ordered passed to the third reading, .among which is a lull by. Representa tive J. O. Williams of Pickens, requir ing a license* tax on all. dogs in the State. vThc bill, as ordinarily intro? duced, placed the fee at seventy-five cents, but it was amended so as to i make the amount , one dollar on al| 1 (I..KS in the StatJ part "ix nmn-.h, of | of ,, s f,' 1 - A , l>il !,!’ y .ROPC^ertativ?. Mr, T.affi;;* w;., In.<- to bis convic- Adams of Abbeville, to reducer^ the *• ■, i It —yV . , . , , , - . v tion -and wa.sjalways found on the side legal rate if interest 1 per cent in I ? • u* 'i . v> _ . ■ ... , 1 ‘V of right as opposed to wrong. No one South Carolina was-aLa) passed ta the i , i u , i . . , . . 1 ever doubted where he stood on any thin! .readmit. •• • ' ■ ' -quo.lion nor doubte,! Only .me Ml has been killed in (he | h( . lakl , n .. „ as tra( . hu House so far. Thi.- was a bill intro- 1 duced by Representative Finklea of! •cr t (r-*i * 1 1 Mr. Laffitte was a consistent mem- Good Cotton Seed Likely to Be Scarce Says County A^ent - Owing to the bad weather which prevailed at picking time last season, a great many of t he cot tom iteWl -Were sb badly damaged as to be unfit for planting purposes. Many timers had not saved their planting seed before, the bad season came on; therefore, they arc* without their supply, or have saved some of those, seed which were partly damaged. One of the mo. tne '‘student strike*” tion no^ so long a ,r o y adi.ptcd by ih-* House, .'utions v.hi. 11 a! it expi' >>n the* ()art of the House, cessful admin stration.- for i H' w head of h’lein-on. wa- a that institu- was unanimous The reso- -e;J ho >e, for a vsuc- R. A. Th-ason. suits that have been secured in this State show that where land is not in- festeit with wilt no better cott(fir can be planted than Cleveland Big Boll, and for those land- which are infest ed, wilt resistant cotton, such as Dix ie Triumnh or Dixie Big Boll, should be Used. Very favorable results .la-t year were gotten with Dixie Big Boll cotton, one farmer producing more than a bale per acre on 100 acres of .cotton. Such varieties as King. Half and Half and Cook’s Improved ha vs* not given the results wherever tried, and I strongly advise against using all these different varieties of cotton ti plant.’ We have a fairly good sup ply of seed in the. county with differ ent farmers. that may be secured at reasonable prices. It is unnecessary to send off long distances to buy seed of unknown worth. I shall be glad to TUlvtse .'tin) ;r j ‘.fist nnyon Kline, Jan. 27.—The following is the honor roll of the Kline school for the last month; -First Grade—J. F. Ready, Jr., Myr tle (’reech. Mamie Sue Padgett, Mar tha Morris, Emile** Morris. Second Grade* 1 —Jack Sanders, Otis Sanders, Gertrude Hogg, Ilughlon Creech, Jessie Sanders. Third Grade—Lloyd Moody, Mazie Sanders, Lois Sanders, Willie Brax ton, Winnie Padgett. , Fourth Grade—Thomas Hogg, Irene Johnson." Fifth Grade—Virgie Mae Moody, Oneda Moody. Sixth Grade—'Billy Bradley, Mary Hogg, Louise Johnson, Mildred Lew- to is, George Sanders. Eighth Grade—Mildred Thomas, Gladys Lee. Mary Moody. Ben Harley. Ninth Grade—Lillie Mae Thomas. Tenth Grade— Basil Jenkins. Carter Elected Senator. I Dr. S I. Lois Circle of tin A*i\ i'll by Repro.-.'ntii'. ;\e I of tru cakes, fruit an 1 candv. ‘The Mikado” Friday Night. * pit tely organised by the time our next business meeting, intention to enlist every^woman in our clmreh in some branch «bf the T. E. L. class. — t The business meeting was fallowed by the social meeting. The social di rector, Mrs. Pearl Mathis, surprised both H e members of our class and our visitors with a most laughable dia logue, played by Dr. Carter, Briggs Kammer, C. J. FickJing and Miss Keel, all of whom rendered their ;e- spective parts well. Refreshments ‘jhis isstttr-of The~Pcople. were then served and were much en joyed. Our next monthly meeting will be held February 11th.—Alva Baxley, iss,Reporter. - »>y a vot House 'sev< reported up n 'favorably .—piavi ij i on j put all county officers on a salary P oasis. ileprcsen! ti'vi*. McAdams of A b i ii \ i' 1 .* ha- ii.t i oduc.-d a # brl! that wua’d authorize the State-wanibouse Kes. -conimDsibner to itII nitrate of. soda inti .'duced ri i n( j potash to' .the'-*farmers of the of Darlington. -Stiste. This bill, though repttrted un- r i K*rs of the favocai*iy by the judiciary committee, idi, ; that have "been was refrired to ‘til.* agricultural com mb tee. The judiciary committee also ■t.onnrt'i-l ll.r.f>, \ i i! y (. >1 M bill bv Mr. oe L k aVe been ili.r pure seed from those farmers in this avion who can furnish-isoed if i»roVj- er value for planting;* - Bcgii; no,' to (get the supply *f sec l needed a.:.d ‘ .Ivt-thi- iffatter up with me. in < re o that I may a ;st y<.u as much a p"-- sibb* in getting seed for plaining the . m st importaat c.tsh crop we hav< in Barnwell County.—By County A'eent, Hanv G. Bovlston.’ Bamberg, Jan. 24.—In the Demo cratic primary held Friday to nomi nate a successor To the late Senator Janies B Black, J. F. Carter, a prom inent att )rney.ofj Bamberg, was nom inated over Hx-%nator S. G. May- fiebi. of Denmark. Four boxes not counted are all small and Carter ap-, peats nominated by a large majority. Carter led in all but two precincts. The lieutenant governor bus "ordered an election for Tuesday, January 27. ^•uuc.! iTnpyr |T1 it* rn'ini nation, of* courses - is. equivalent to election. Mr. Carter is a highly edueat-ed man and a very ca- ji.d*!- -Fvif'yei' at; l -l.ouid make a good R’'tintori. . More Rain Likely I bis \N»*ek. More riCn is pr* ha' • 1 ,* in th bv sect ion i '* week, accordint Among these is a l.ill by Representa- McAdams, that would require the live Sensemy of (’hark*don, _ tlrrrt-• KL.V*. tux , cemmission-to reduc** as- vou’d •.exemjit all railroad men in sessments 20 per cent or all farm ii'' State irem jury duty,-and several l a!1 (l- in the ^tate. This matter has other bills. A not h« r is that by'six- betn placed on the calendar.. . During the past week, by a vote of 110 to 1, the House rejected the pro- the posed, twentieth amendment t< of this week. This production j the people of the State at the next j federal constitution that woUld give l ’ 1 ^ u> pvi-soual direction of Mp. ■ election and one by Representatives'phe federal govermnentoiontrol over / Class . The Davies Opera Company will present Gilbert - Sullivan’s famous j teem- members of Hie Ilou-e providing comic opera, “The .Mikado," at the | that^ie matter of calling a consti- Vhimp Theatre in this city Friday j tutional convention be' placed before night of this week. IS under c.v wo,, ui .»»».• eiei-uon ano out* uy ixepresentauves : the federal government Harry Davies, late of the Henry. W. j McK'ssick of Greenville and Williams c hild labor, ft^resentative Senseney Savage Castle Square Operad Co., j of Pickens, calling for a check on all of Charleston was th* only member etc. Prices are 75c, $1 and $1.50, plus ' automotive, vehicles in the State for cas t^ng a dissenting vote, tax. See advertisement elsewhere in thi-purpose of determining what, per- Thy House will get down tn husi- centage has escaped^ taxation. There n oss again at noon tomorrow. Many ha\e* been many others. i nremhers of the House have announc- Swimming Pools. c* ( l that they will offer bill-- of a con- Mar.y. billsi have been introduced, structive nature during the week » Card o. Thanks. during th, 1 * week, according to the foreca-t issued hy the United States Weather Bureau at Washington. The formast is as follows: For Sout !i Atlair c and Pu?l Gulf S.tates: Rain about middle of week; temperature near normal most of week except for cool spell latter half. Has Narrow Escape. Many Trains Through BmrwTil. —Many trains have, pa-sed through Barnwell during the past week or ten days, due t» washouts ot%*tber lilies^ of the Southern and Atlantic Coast Line lailroads. Numbers of'the-e are solid Pullman trains from the North, loaded with tourists for Florida. On J JutiefF BusfiT Es(|J >>f Barnwell, account of wa* houts between Charles- , had a narrow escape from a “ducking’ ton and Savannah, the Atlantic Coast j Saturday, when a bridge over Duck Line s fine trains on that division have j Pond, near Estill, gave way under the been routed by way of Barnwel. It is weight of his Buick touring car and not known when normal service will settled to the surtAce of the water- lie restored. Several negroes who were passing in a wagon assisted in rolling the ma- Barnwell Man Swallows Tack. We truly thank each and every one Xh^ majovity of them concern local The ways aiuLmeans committee is, | of the Reedy • Branch community and matters. There have been a few. due to meet this afternoon for the j elsewhere lor the kindness i-howui our- however, of statewide interest. Chie r purpose of resuming work on the The Ladies Guild of the Episcopal j ing the long illness and deaths of our among these is one hy Representative ,"cnf-rnl appropriation bill. Officials Church gave a bridge tournament ; parents and grandparents, Mr. and Sloan of. tJreenville that Would ;pro-1 of the Stall* health department are T ue. day aTternoon, the proceeds be-j Mrs. N. C. (^rubbs, Sr., and to Dr. h:bit the operatipp of swimming pools i expected to appear before the com ing for the qrgan lund., .It is hoped j Cecil Ray, of Barnwell, who has stood in South Carolin'a on the Rqbbath. mittee at its fir.-t session this week that the organ will be installed in the by for nearly six months. There has been another by Represen- j and present their appropriation re- church for the Easter services. 1 — The Family. * tativc Jenkpis of Richland that would quest. While recovering the top on an au tomobile one day last week, Mr. Gil more S: Hurley, of this city?, swal lowed a tack, several of which he had ii) hi- mouth at the time. A few dads chine from its dangerous position. Court Convenes Feb. 16th. Court will convene at Barnwell on Monday, February 16th, .at which time Solicitor Berte , D. Carter, ‘of later he complaiped of internal pains Bamberg, will make his debut here in and went to a Columbia hospital. The his new official capacity. Grand and tack was located tl.rouglj the medium ; petit jurors will be drawn Monday and of the X-ray and was removed. Mr. : will Jpe published in Th’e People next Harley returned home Sunday. i week.