ory Display of ory Prices ►veil, S. C? imont sht>'jl 1 trive v>tt lifetime v ami hear the-; * >:i I vfa! pianos t Fair Valuation ? * of these piano., under favorable come. H> special arrangenent ,vh>1 T makes it possible for you, your., > u;r own home the playing of Bl SOM OKI£G . SAINT SANKS qua I prominence, touch, their technique, and th •produced hy 'h-* StielT Keproduc- ly reproducim; action licensed to non patents. It O interesting and . It O preceding all Mayer l'iano». *. V\e cordially invite all tnus.c ► hether interested in buying now "b i r direct to you. el:nunaOng a!!. ’ - ' .•* • ✓ h, tie ns 'hqs access i .’num'ooi* rom l-N.o.OO and up t days, f>•)»••! cv*tv:::as. ‘STa'i* ’ At The GIFT SHOP ♦ ♦ I hereby announce myself a oani ; - d.-ite for the office of \ I,j, f.H* town of I’.arnvveil, subjeit ’,1 • ! ' u ^* s of the Democratic munic:- > primary election. C. C. Duer.. I hereby announce niyodf , ( da’o tut reelection to the iip •• .if \ derman of the town of [ta; rwe'l jcct. to the rules and regulation the Demiicratie fmini ;iial on • '•i'-' If * I.. \: A>{ y I hereby nruioun.e m\-eif j 1 iote lor the off, of Xhit-rman *’ ; the town uf liamwi II mb' . ■ . I fub s ami feirulationy of th.- D on • . (■'i. Muna,.jial primary elect m. i • • Al/r.-I». rl?nn „e i . i ereby mnounce nr. off dat *•. for tie • offie.* of \|,j.. 'F' \ »Wt. (,f Barmy If, - : rul< ainj^ae -Tula: ibn. ,,f • a,. \ ,r .XI unu i|»; 1 }) 1 I. i.. i I \ { t h c[ ■ C. F. X I h •rcb; ; (!•'••*; u e nv. .'*■ • ta t * • for tie <*ffh'r- of Abb- t hr* t* >wn of It.'fl'n'w ejj, -tilij,. ruh- ainl r< ■gulatio!'- ,,f i|. c rat ic pi unary eh*e.tirm. * •L -Bunvan ■ r i i m ■re : >y ; nnoiim hiys..*: f ,! • j ♦, •or -th, offie* of \-Me., the W11 (if Barnwell, .-ubje rai« ami it ■gula.i.in- of ;h i ia! iU rnunit ipai. piamaiy e 11. p. i : >em D' i I a!: l or ( ommissionere oF I'ublic'W orks. L > I hereby announce myself a ca> i date tor”tlie i nice ot ( ommissioner I ublic Works for the town of Bor". \m II. to succeed Mrs. Bessie B. j.* terlueg. subject to the rules and regu- ia, ions uf the Democratic Municipal primary election. I.. M. Calhoun. I hereby annour.ee myself-n cand,- du’e. lor the office of Commssjoner if Public works to succeed Mis. Less". B. Kasterling, subject to the rules an 1 rcgulatpiDs of Democratic municipal primary election. B. S. Moore. I hereby announce myself a-randj- iate fo.r the office of Conftnkssioone- 1 public Works for the town of Barnwell to sucteH Mrs. Bessie B Kasterling, subject to Dhe rules ar : ^ regulations of thx‘. iH-fftoeratic p r J mary election. " (I. Malcolm Anderson. Send Us Your Job Work. l % *|* Yes, if you want money we have If you have mortev we want it. 5 o o Paid in Savings Depart ♦% IOLUME XLV t^TUB OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BARNWELL COUNTY.^561 A HOME BANK OF BAR? ^^K-:->-X~:-X-- X-X->5>*:~X»*X~X' A Established in 1S77. “Just Like a Member of the Family" v } Y July ’J 1< Subscriptions Have A ■ • • / ' V V Expired. *.» A •> > PLEASE RENEW PROMITLY! X * Largest County Circulation. BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, JULY 2ITH, 1H21 NUMBER 0fi mm CAN DIPATES FOR SEN \TE / SOC.VIL AND PERSONAL XT BARNWELL TOMORROW NEWS FROM WILLISTON St PERMSOR J. S. STILL KILLED N E(iRO LAST WEEK / Blease. Byrnes, Dial and McMahan to Mi- Address X’oters Here. A> announced in The People last week, candidates for the. United Stitles Senate will address the voters Louise Black Entertained XXith Dan Oreen Shot After Striking Cuurd Mi scellaneous Shower. and Xttempting to Escape. BARNW ELI. MAN S HOME , SIRLUK l$Y LKJHTNINC MRS. ROBINSON S TEA W AS LARUE / Al l AIR oV W EEK ELE( TRIC LIfiHT WIRES KILL BLA< inXILLE MAN XX’illiston, July 21. mon has returned ' E rede rick, Md.. afte Mrs. B. T. Har- her , h"me in •a visit to her Dan Green, a negiTi XX md. Rain and Thunderstorm X isited Recent Barnwell Bride Honored b\ Heart I ailure Xfter < Old Sw Asheville Hostes.. im AI sr> was One This Section Monday. »f tin rf Barnwell (jounty at Barnwell to-! mother, Mrs. J. K. Grandy, who Iras i Joe Baxley, chajn gang guard, with worst thunderstorms of high negro had hit Mr. ! winds and a territic downpour of rai i, ‘Visited Barnwell and the surrounding convut, shot and killed Friday h\ Supervisor j the Summer, accompanied by J. S. Still after th Proved Fatal.—Two Injured. morrow, Friday, July 25th. There are four entries in tne race—Ex-Gov. C. L. Blease, Senator N. B. Dial, C-ongres-man “Jimmie” Byrnes and the Hon. John J. McMahan. While no announcement has been made to that effect, it is probable that the meeting will be held at the Vamp Theatre, as a large crowd is expected to he present. Rest Room Ready. Mrs. G. M. Greene states that the ladies’ rest nxun in the new addition lb thg Court House will he in readi ness for the occasion and visiting la dies are invited to make usj- of it. Furniture was bought a few days ag > end will Ix^ installed hy Friday. The rest room fills a large r^Jt want her • and will add much to the pleasure and comfort of visitors. • Members of the Barnwell Method- | .’hureh announce that a barbecue f ier will hi* served Friday in ,€al- Lm Park, the proceeds being for the nyefit of thii church. Everybody is invited to attend the ’cue and a splen- iid meal is promised. been quite Messrs. Mat Lolt and David Mat 'Green hit Mr. Baxley over the head thews, of Washington, D. were I with the shovel, knocking him sense- recent visitors in Willston, having less, and wa's in thv act of striking driven down from Washington, ma- ' the fallen man again, it is said, when king the. trip in two days. They vis- ! other convicts intervened and prohab- ited Mr. .uul Mr-. G ('. Matthews and 1 V ^aved his life. The negro then a* - | othes' relative- in this section. tempted to make his escape. Mi". Mr. and Mrs. William .C. Matthews j Still, who was near tire camp at the of Birmingham were recent guests of time, gave chase on a mule and finally \ shovel and attempted to escape. ‘section early Monday afternoon. Gathering in the nort.h»east, the storm swept over the city, accompa nied* hy vivid Has he- of. lightning and crashing peals of thunder. As the wind veered to tlv* east, the storm seemed to ii'crmt-a* in fury, the rain coming do'vii in .-beets. The resi dence of M XV. A. Hayes was -light ly* damaged hy lightning, the holt forated the convict hidden m a- .ditch I-striking The- chimney • and knocking off some four miles away. He ordered | a few bi-i, k-. Nfj- Have-, who had Green out of the ditch and the negro | just finished taking a bath, was slight- advanced toward "him in a threaten-! ly shocked hy the bolt. Lonnie (,'al- ing manne-rtw ith, a large stick in his ' houn says that “Bill” should have hand, whereupon the SupWvisoi fired !*known l>etter tluui to have taken a bath 4- BLACKYILLE TRUCK XX \S G RE A*1' IMS XPPOINTMENT Mr. and Mrs.,G. C. Matthews." ' t ^ r - Misses Lillian ^and Carrie Eubanks and Sallie Marsh have returned to Aiken after a visit to' Miss I^eila Wood Sprawls. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Williamson and daughter, of Metier, Ga., were recent one shot, which tTvTK - effect "urthe coii- i on Monday affeTnoon, SaTunlay irtghf vsitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ! vict’s left side, causing death. : l>oing the conventional time in mo.-t B. M. Smith. j Green was serving a RO-day sen-1 localities. Mis-es May and Margaret Johnson : fence on the gang for vagrancy and i The only other damage reported have returned to Allendale after t I malicious mischief. | in Barnwell was the uprooting of a visit to Misses Maxine and Beatri*-e | Mr. Baxley was painfully injured small tree in the yard of Dr. W. M hy the blow on the h, 1 ',1(1,'*it lieing re ported here that he was unal»le to Work Mondav. The following item from The Ash"-' Blackville, July 21.—The people of ville (N ( .1 Citizen >f July 20th wdl Blaekv.Ue and vi'inity were griev-i he read wiVh- much interest by the hy three mi.-fortunes, two of them Barnwell friends of Mrs. Wldmau, fatal. Fiiday and early Saturday, who before her marriage a few weeks r—Douglas Rymer, aged 25 years, who I 1r ago was Mi-- Emily Porter, of the , worked with th*- Southern Bel| Tel city: . j phone ami Telegraph company, was The tea on Friday aftt'rfioon- given ’ up in a tree on one of the main bu-r- by Mrs. N. T. Robin-on and daughter, nes's streets sawjng off a limb, whic r Miss M iriam Robinson, to honor Mrs. was renting • on the telephone cab! , John Lawrence* W Ionian, a rei^eht and the electric light wires of th •, bride, proverl to !»*• one <>f the large-t ' Edisto Public Service Commisssion and most enjoyable 'affairs of . the were resting against the same lim >. week. The affair wa- given at the The tree seemed to carry the current Hair. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright and children, Clarence and Frances, of Charleston, West X'irginra, Miss Mil dred Hill, <»f Berzelia Ga., and little Misses Dorothy and Anna Rose Bra- cey, of AUgusta, were visitors last week of Mr. and-Mrs. J. C. Hair. J Mrs. Rosa Patterson has return** 1 IMPORTANT CHANGES TO Jones, although several trees were blown down on the Barnwell-Olar public road. " Considerable damage was done to crops by the heavy rains, a numl**r of BE XOTED <>N THIS FALLtields being under water follow mg t In* down pou r. ■- Season End ! to her heme in Burlington, N. C., af- yXXith Poor Result- Tor tre visiting Mr. and Mrs. XV. R. Davis. . ; Miss Mattie Lou DuBose, of Bish- I armer-.—Good Cotton ( run. I , s. o opvtlle, is visiting her .sister, Mrs. S. Raw To Decide For or Against Seven Con-; I stitutionai Amendments. Merritt-M unn. Blackvil|e, July 21. The truck crop here has about come to a eltrst*. It has been most disappiointing to the farmers. The cucumber crop was very good, but the prices were -o low that the farmer- did not clear I* .<* (K*nses oiut of the crop. It was the .amt* with thv cantaloupe- and water- melons. The ("Bmtaloupe crop wa- fine with i < large output and tin* fmit ve’y I t-w«*ot, but for the same reason the i <»!;uiter.s did not nearly (Tear expenses, j Numbers of ears of watermelons weie l«naded hut could not be sold and wen* unloaded. Several farmer- letr their j melon., in the field and did not even, load them The -'corn crop is one of the' be-t generallv hen* ew i seen m the (oun- t *■ v and a v ;mI>e' of ^annet-s -a\ tin \ lia\e or* of the h. est r : na v (•.tt’t''*n e|, >jt they 1: lave eve ‘t liail. Tne cel: Kli rop i- .- potted. though. an ton l;u • r 1 rah r» for the fr uit and r* i . niaju - tn- Id* re very t •ew boll v an I (t(‘ 1 .n to la* t» thr\ - h;i IV e (ion. r • ai t ica! ! > M’ll no ha* in-. Smuk* 1 fa riner- claim t h<'V <*n* Il.ie : t ba i'. 'to* :F. i'Tc a*! naik on 4 :n Sa i -i all. . ’rf tru bob \\ :’ i let .V ■ Ion t h.o . and ma kt‘ ! )01l ■ r- . •' fa nvt r' had Ik *ugl't fill por-tt.** a!’ d ha\ e lit \ ('! list* • i' it. a - Daw •imi pra ! i* ally m * ’ < I II IP.'iL . ,. .-..p-jY,- • Ke /- •< - xV!*x*V'l. Ttte 1*, i— t rr' -1 ■ y p;,b«n u ti.e nr •(*;<* pi a p • ! ■ f- r a. (my : ■'P aft. ■* gi a in are W e .*• y o.t,) ,r and.th garde 1 !’ re .ils-o i—SJX: Mis- .Mary Robinson. Jf Rowes-j ville. i- visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. T. XV ill is, Jr. Mr. G. M. Folk, of Dublin. Ga.. i- visiting relatives in mts section. Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Kennedy, Mrs. Q. A. Kennedy, Jr., Q. A. Kennedy ILL and Dr. J. I week for Hendersonville. X (’. Mr. and Mrs-. J A. Latimer and family spent last week in Ren rose. X C. Mis- t’onjje Hair, of Augusta, i- visiting Mr.»and'Mrs. S. B. Han . Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Amiker an I daughters, of (2>!umhia, are visiting Mis- Dai-y Willi-. Richard Odion; * is vi-iting in Maye.-vilU*. Mis- Loui-e Blai k entertained Fia- afternoon. July 11th. with a fm.-- aneoii- -hoWi*r in honor of Mi-- '.abeth Mi-rritt. e bri the poll- in the general election this fall to vote on seven con stitutional amendments which will make important changes in the State government, in addition to voting on the selection of a President and Vice- President of the United States. Joint resolutions providing for submission to the people of the pro- Smith left la-t * amendments to- the State Cou- | stitution were p is-t*d at the 192J i session of the. Legislature and have j since been signed by Gmvrntfr Tho.-. | G. McLeod. The |\ropoSed amend ment' provide for biennial sessions of | the Legislature; levy of taxes hien- ! nially; reelect ion of constitutional 1 State officers every four instead of every two years; calling of the leg ; >- lative session- by a two-thirds vote of its members; changing the State’., fiscal year to begin Julv 1st instead Williston. July 20.—All social inter est of the week was centered in the marriage of Mis.- Emily •Elizabeth Merritt, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dozier Lee Merritt, to ChajTf*- Dew(*\ Mutin', of Pamplieo, whrth was solemniz4*d at “WimlyhiUjUMonduy af ternoon, July 14, at 4 oVl(M'k hy the Rev. W. R. DavhC pastor of the Wil liston Baptist church. Mist- Hattie Smith sang *Until v and “At Dawning." accompanied by Mrs. Carl Hyman, cousin of the bride. The ceremony room wus decorated with a triple mirror with a Htark- ground of palms and ferns to reflect many bowls of sunburst rose- and other summer flowers of yellow tint-. White tapers in brass candelabra car ried out the color -< I.erne of while and gold. The French doors connecting the Robin-<-*n home on Mernmon Averu *. which i- spacious and well adapted for entertaining. Summer flowers added Ireauty and charm to the. rooms used for the recent ion. Little Mary XL Lai ty, of High Point, arid Master CharleV McArthur received the card- of the caller-, who were grei'ted at the door during the ceremo* v Mi F W. B ar Aft, :btti cou:so ,v. ne gu of January 1-t. abolition of the pri*-- •'•’veptioii room and ent three mill- constitutional sr'hool I W'ere oprjned by Mi>* s Elizabeth an*l tax levy, and. pa-.-agv of a ten-mil-! ( "hri-tine Munn. sisters of the bride- lion dolin' bond issue for a building : k r n>om. At the • trains of the “Bridal f,,,- -durational, penal and Choru-” from “Lohengrin" the ma d lack, the ,*:*•,1, Siv* n*«-n ii^for- ]>ro^ram toi* rharitahU* inti4* i 'Ummer school fot Mi am! Mi XX Sina But -pent,. . v in Black'- lie. Mr.-- L.tc\ (Kok D-i'.’andM r- H. M ville last week. Mr. and" Mrs. *0 l ,v riday in August a. 11 M • tink an* 1 fami- i in '*he dining room an*: ■OUmi tho di.iiing tatile. —Black. . dre-sed a- ’ till* pre-ont in from oimiig teom. There were mat ami ad 11 act i\ e gift >. I’-hursdav atterivoon, Mr-, nm-d - '■nH-rtainmt f**r the * •. M ; F.lizab 'th Merritt. i\ '.tig . i>ridge. for awhile, the : o itic it e,l into • lie pat bo: 4>emlevl fi oidi Dio .cluimhdioi, ndal veil, vvere’t-lie dainty, gi • i"i,io-o!oi-1.. • ... Do'iigtit.iul citam. cake and ■no -erved' by. MMartha d M i -. J. A. Latimer. Mi-, 1 i e o 1' g 1 a i ■ o t L .X11 - > i.tt-aml Mrs. C i-Tirned from a ai ov at wa- the guest of Johnson at Row -- D M core spent M r and M i s. ly were visitors at Dunbarton Sunday. .XU. amT .XI i * - X. t,. Moi-ias. *it (Xlar, Mr and Mr.-. Otto f\>ok. and Mr. ami Mr-. Lemv ’oil Cook, of Miley. -pen’ Sutidav hero at tho itoim (d Mr XX. M. I 'ook. Messrs. I! M. and James -Ermh- -pent Frtdtty in O* aiigehurg vyith Mr. ,nd Mrs. R. M. Harley Mis-’ Mihlrt'il Hoi i^turned' to bar Rr,mo in, Berzelia. Ga.. Sunday after spetidiiig -omc time with relatives an»,l Sends hole !rs. Ella Rutland is visiting'' ie' i- ves ami friends at XX illi'-toit. —— U Mrs. Laura Sanders i- visiting her .Sett • rerun’. and Mom k - t omei . Mrs. Maud Able. ,,f St. .Matthew . visiting Mas. 11. XX Scott. Mr-:- H. E\an> nas returned to her. home aftei visiting- Mr. and Mr-. H;' \\k SeoftT I athiu me and Alexandet Moore, ot rfren g t air! gath-| 'nun dred amt n.iin I'Ult- * >f a local ra Mi-s j t ur* *. having to do Wit in schoo! a> i y’upiil. nuu lieipai bond s-U*'.-. t-xtension •*(' an ad-! bon d limit- .Va: * 11 ht • r inatt 'i.' of ,y use- ! t on uty-w id** unp* oTantt P robably tl.t- niendr lien t *f ore a - X. M ' est ■ importaace r - that which woud be ie pro 1 vide f.o In, i. > H e .* N < ‘ -ioiis of the Aft *i Leg uslature. ever y otln M \ ear.' .X*1- gu--ts , Vo< ; alt - <)t t in* t n st itU t ional change when-. ate ue' t hat it yv !’ '•■e*ll Llt’O t fir V (»t U’lder ‘ ft- fo. of * i.e vernmen' tax burton ,i•.i tl n i ♦* r * * h \ lliri’.tr — ■everal # aniei |d tnellt WOlllll !»r punch net e-.-ary to ma I.e tile opei'atioli -"f Dix-.u th. ivemiiai -:oi.- ; iinemiment *•'- fee' 1 Ann'iig t he -e is, the- pto- Luc ile po- eti amei tlnu i \1 .4--a: itng f;,: tin* n ha' «.* i lest on lev; . of a iiienni. tl Wax a- w**ll a- tin am' < . t V' e! ei lllpllt !'eft .-' Ue Otf'ce! - to the term- *>f hiiiior. M ;.-s Luuise hride's ' on Iat t enda oi. \Vt>{N* ,t rustunit* <» gette over -atm with 'tratni h-mon eobirod lace. She car: bouquet "of ye.low * ladioli. I bearer. Littb Ft h 1 Mura 'lu- brah -groi in. carried the a - ilv ei t ray. 11.t bride en!*- hei Lithe!, who L'.ra- nerai Ilia Loutl f » .. ra'ln.nt b,-; •ii I! by hta e i-tumo o. ta- •oi-onimg .-tyle. Sin -a ! oiiq'let ' f bride r*>-* ■ i t man wa- 'XX on first hour by Mrs. J. T. Bledsoe and Mrs. Fred McArthur. Little Susan Jackson opened the door for the gue-t.'. Miss Sarah Grimes intro duced to the receiving line. During the second hour, Mrs. J. R. Rice and Mrs. J. W. Houston wel comed the ladies. The receiving lin**, which stood in the drawing room, Wa com posed of Mrs. Robin-on 'and her daughter and Mr.-. T/idman. Mrs. Robinson received hey guests in a beautiful afternoon gown of gray georgette and lace; wmle Mi-s Robin son wwT were: Mrs. Canie X T . Brown, Mrs. K. K. XV dree-ter, Mrs. Josepn Fulton, Mrs. ('Hester Brown and Miss Eva Brown, who alternated during the receiving hours. ♦ Presiding over the punch Ixtwd, which was attractively arranged in the sun parlor amidst a bower of grapes, were Mis- Annie VX’estall, Mis*. Dorothea W eaver. Mrs. Whita ker English and Mrs. Ringgold 1 n " m 1 Schb.y. of Brevard, who also alterna ted in service. A-yi.-ting in di-q>en-- ••lag the cooling beverage were Mt-- Maurine Bledsoe aiid guest. M!- - Thornton, Mi-.s I lizabeth L’Engle and Mis- Edith Carr. Mrs. J. R. Rice and Mis. (’. <’. Knight piruj’ed during the fiist hour in the dining room which wa- presid* d 'over by Mr-. XX F. (ileiin and Mi . XX. XX. Uanaman. Serving during tin- fir-t hour w<*r-: M i - - Exiiiii cs M. Dowell and Mrs. Ringgold Schley. The second hour. Mr.-. Cat.tie X. Brown and Mrs . XX. L. Nellbeek poured, and .-erving were’ Mi-. Anna- XX’estall. Mi s Marn*n M'rrick and Mis: () of the light wire- and when the vourg man put his Hand on the cable h * wa- killed instantly from the shock: Mr. Rymer’s home iTrjginally was* in Asheville, X, C. The company had lu- bodv erhlkalmed and shipped it to j*» * 1 1 Ashe-ville for interment. Mr. Rowell, of Bamberg; editor of a newspaper there, hc-ard of the a. v eident and, taking his mother and sister in hi- automobile, was driving up here to get a writeup of it for his paper. They were on-the high way in sight of town when run info hy another automobile driven by a man named Cave. Mr. Rowell’s ma chine was badly wrecked and his mother and sister seriou-ly injure*! Cave and another man, who was with him were arrested anti will lx* prose cuted for the offense. Saturday morning at 2 o’clock Be* • ton- Fanning, 25 years old, died sud- denly. He was a .-'lingle young man, in business with his father, D. F. Fanning. During the night he and a few friends went-out about two miles from here to what is known jas Heal ing Springs and went in bathing, re turning about 1 o’clock. He went to bed and at 2 o’clock his father heard him struggling and, going bo h;s l»ed. found him dead. The water at the Healing Spring* bathing place is very cold and it in thought, as it was a very hot night, it was too much of shock for him and caused heart failure. He was buried yesterday afternoon at 5 o’clock in the Blackville ceme tery. SCOFIELD BROTHERS PURCHASE SAW MIL?* Barnwell 'Saw Mill Company Sod For $100.1)00. I 11 | Mi-*—1 a*roK(i—Brown. " M I \ uhl. Mi.-- Marguerite Ilia m < lAicvr- woo-e terms would r*e iU Jed are the L’.eU-tenant GoVernoj. ■r’ciavy n‘lit.'. Mr. ’ ati*-burg after vi-- iting Mr anai Mrs-. Alt A Siifith. —Mr-, and Mr-; J. A Merritt, of St. -Matthew.-. Dr. an 1 Mr-. L. D. Boom*, of I.angley. were visitoi - hist,.vgbk of Mr. and Mr-. F. T. Merritt.^ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reid'and Roe), of Augusta, were the guests oi Alt, .ami Mrs tP.L. M-e-rrltt Ig-t week ' ' ' '‘"'S t*~. [et the Wedd Itecetving Mr. and Mt 1 ile gia)<*in. XX ikit - .ri, an aunt. Reieivtr vestibule vyeie Mi-. ,»nmes R Gr**er\ !•• and Mr-. Quincy nedy. Mr-'.. !•. T. Merrit pr Mu* gUe.-J.- To. the bridal jlart' food gob! ake. cream and m; served by Xlisses Agnes La', Kiizabe’h Kennedy, cou-in- bride. M s Lucia* Smith B -ided at tin* punch bowl Mr ■tall. Mi- XI an- *n M* •rrick - Do r* a he a XXL a ,-rr. w r JUt) lac lies tailed tluri ng ini It to ■eft and di b 'hono . XV i tunai 1 , w;h* t vvas 1 at-fol c riag e a f \\ wet :k.- ago .. M;-- Port ♦ * r, ' ( • f Bai •nwell. S. < irnm g g i rl. Ml and Mrs.' 1 w i j 1 hi’ at horr ;e with Mt sell on S' oil -h F i eh eh 1 • rt iad Aiken, July D>. The Barnwell .Saw Mill Company wa- purchased tixi.iy .for $llM(.00il by Scofield Brohers, b:g A mill owners of Philadelphia. The prji|ieity was In the hands Hon. Charles Carroll Sirnm- as re ceiver for some niuhths. and Hop. E. X. Brown bid in the holding for Set- field Brother-.- The Hendersons,, at - 'orneys of Aiken, peKfeet**d the pa lter- for the deal today, finally closing 'he trade. Be-:dr- the mitt property the Barn well company owned a timber leas j *iV4*! nearly twp thitusand acres 'and in tin* distri* - t. , - ** R. W Scofield, member of the pur*- j ehasitig firm, spent several days th s i week in 1’anrwell nrd Aiken. r.m- Death of XX . I). Fanning. nue I ranks’ -Slavers Plead Guiltv. \ng< Xatlian L(*opo!(i, Jr., and Riehprd j o I.oeb, the "intelle*dual murderers” of '' < hicago, haye pleaded guilty to ah Me >1. or murder o h j -ell o bov of ?hat city. XX rei e the governoi refuses to cad a s* --ion of dhe Logi-lature. that law rnaking' Ixtdy would be i*mpo\vered Emilv to * ,i:! a -peeia 1 it- nVeHtiters, t.w neee- -ary majoi it'' t* i'esolu' ion. under one amendments. The hauge of the yeai -ortt-—to begin steyyci 'j on Jariupiy catt (l 'ii av.tid th (Kaurred b<*tween ’ht e-siun l>y vote •<’ third- - bemu th-- to earry'the joint le of the nt'ojtosed Mr and Mrs. Munn in t lie r t ai f-u: a \4| ddii weeks in ;be nmuntaiu. 1 lin;; ai d X'irginia”. after wall Kd at n to make ft Paaiplieo. where th* prominent young bu-:re The b i-i and the fY-cal year fund- are |>rovided. e-en* -vstem there is argue*! ’ha* with aid for .'chool.-.. the i- ' not neees*-ary. ’I the levy are exjwnde f,- a.-ing .Mate ee mill' levy proceeds >f r i the counties loo! purtxtsed. Blackville. July PL—Mr. XV. I), h aiming. *»f the Spt«ngfu*ld s<*ction, dual at the home of his daughter Mrs. Lee Lancaster., near tMjfrukville. H • wa- in his tiKth year,' surviving nu w ife only two month' and Pt days. Mr. Fanning had Lggn gradually ' It.sing his eye-eight for the past years, but his general health was lobeit hrank-, F'-rt''* : ; good until recently. The death of his -X 1 *' I wdft—t'i'oke his hear t ati>i hasteneil the 1 di-ea-e that took hi- life. He leaves ! three daughters, eight grandehildreti, four great-grand<* vote*I ' . 4 . J U|)on in NovemlH i, and not in the August primar\ Voter- of the Blackvilie. .1 ulv 15. The children March, when 4 appropriation^- ain* State hav»* been urged.by high Stare | • 5? of tlie late Mr. XX’. 1>. Fanning wish t > made, during which the State di’part- officials to consider t.he.-e /proposed 11T he life :n \\ illi-’on ami Mas en d.are.l'herself ;o loth young and oil by h*'( sunny d;.-|Kisition and ievely ma: ne( and ai’ regie* r-o -ee her leave to make her horn*- el'«• where. The out-of-town guest.- were: Mr. and Mr-. X. A.* Munn, Misse, Georgi'., ('hi.stine. Kliz;.l>eth and Ethel Munn, Mrs. XX’.ilkinson. Mis.-es Maria- Steel, and Mj*- Carl Hyman, of Pampii Mi-s I^ui ia Smith Poston, of Jrvhn- a period between January 1-t March, when * afipropriatoms- sonyill burg. rs. XX’. G. Smith, of Oia.in handicapped for lack of :*} ments ar ml funds, in'l 1 Advocat*-- of the reneul * of i Constitutional. s' ho.jj tax levy ■ -o as' to render a deris ger.s*ral die-.-'i*m which will 'a- best interest chang in thi in rieepin^ with the' -State. *f According to repairl4 received ’ry Mrs. James Ru-sell. of flreen- ihj. State Department at Washington, ^ ville, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Reel and Mis- nro'e than 2.00(1. civilians have been * Emily Reel, of Arfyu.-tn. Mr. and Mr.-, killed at Sao Pauhg Brazil, during.; ,'of North Augusta, add ^ recen t revolutionary fighting. James A. Merritt, >f • ^ * , Advertise, in THE PEOPLE, j , E. L. Merritt Mr. and Mrs 1 St. Matthews Manv Civilians Killed