» » . * - . * ♦ V *t* Vos, if >*hi want money we have It.Y ♦j* If you have money we want it. v 5 o o I’aid in Savings Department. X HOME BANK (TF BARN WELL. Z A V~ V EstabIished in 1S77< t^TUE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BARNWELL CbUNTY. <^-XK^-X-X^x-XHX-X*TH, t:*Jt NUMBER 40. f-i SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEW S FROM W ILLISTON Interesting Happenings of Past Week in IkarnwelUCounty Town. W’illi.stoniJuiu* 21.—Mr. and Mrs. (L M. Greene, of Burnwell, were visitors in Williston last week. Dr. Ci. J. Trotti attended the dental 'meeting in Chanlestaa th^ week. The Mi sses Kate Kennedy and Carey All have returned from a visit to Dublin and other points in Georgia. | _ A ~ Mr. an*e Bennett left Satur day for a motor trip to Atlanta where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Bennett and Dr. and Mrs. Norman Snelling. -r—Mr^and Mrs. Av C Hnir nnd Miss Nellie Hair, of Bfaekville, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Wood ward. Ted Riley and Mi ss Jean Riley, of Barnwell, were week-end guest.- of Miss Martha Dixen. . - Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Guyton, of Wil liams ton, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Crpuch at Elko, and }.'f>ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Q A. Kennedy, Jr. The Misses Lenna and Jack Davis have returned from Govan where they visited Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Browning. Miss Alice’Scott spent Sunday with Mrs. W. B Johns.>n m Blackville.. Mrs. E. (J. Fletcher and daughter, LoretU CANDIDATES WILL VISIT Barnw ell on julv ioth Aspirants for Congressional Honors to Address “Deer Peepul.” Aspirants for Congressional Honors of which there are five, will make their appeals to the voters of Barn well County Thursday, July 10th. a: Barnwell.—An itinerary has been at ranged by' the county chairmen of the counties in the Second Congres sional District. th<‘ rules of the party requiring them to agree upon the dates. The'campaign will Tieglii at Ridge-" land. Wednesday, July 2nd, and end at Aiken on Thursday, July 17th. and ca.ls for eight meetings.- The ques- tion of having a meeting at Hampton An Open Letter Williston, S C Barov el l. S. C. June 23, 132 4. Editor. The P u nwed p eopU Dear Sir - Kindly !ect to win, which I do, I will have-to put in my time from i\oJY omtil- the election making friends among people in the, counties where f am not known. The people of Barnwell County know me; when quite a young man 1 had the honor of receiving nearly a unanimous vote in Barnwell County when I ran for the Legislature and 1 want to say publicly 1 would rather be ^defeated for Congress with the unanimous endorsement of Barnwell County than to be elected without it. POISON WEEVILS NOW IS ADVICE OF ( OCNTY AGENT Mol a s-ies Mixture or Calcium Arsenate Dust Should be Applied. \ IS ITS OF WINTER AND FROST BRING NO RELIEF Regulation. Size Crowd Hears Office Seekers n Barnwell. * ounty Agent .M. G; Boy’lston has issued the following statement: “Such farmers as the Matthews hoys^of Blackv'ilLg, Council Bush and A. R Dunbar, df 1.Menton, and V ictor Lewi-.nf Kline, s.»y that boll weevil : are now puncturing squares quite freely Now i-’the time to begin con- n '-t fhe hnll weevi.* while the wea ther is good.' If you Have weevil- presets, earlv applications of molas- .-es m'xture or calcium arsenate dust shoiiW be tM*gun with. Remembe*' that plowing every week, i- %’erv un- will lie placed before the county ex ecutive-committee on the Itnh. The following i- the itinerary: Ridgeland. Wednesday, July 2nd. Beaufort, Thursday, July 3rd. - Allendale. Tuesday, July Sth. Bamberg, Wednesday. July 9th. Barnwell, Thursday, July 10th. Saluda. Monday, July I4th. - Edgefield, Wednesday, July 16th. Aiken. Thursday. July 17th. An Enjoyable Occasion. 'iia Elko, June 23.—An enthusiastic body of Winthrop Daughters met on the afternoon of June 17th, at the lovely country place of Mr. R. R. Johnston, with Mrs. F. H Hitt as are visiting friends in Colym- hostess. ' • For the coming year, Mrs. Hitt wa* re-elected president, Mrs. \\\ M. Jones, of Barnwell, vice-president; Additional License Fees. John J. McMahan, state insurance commissioner, is paying out to tjje counties the additional license fees collected from insurance companies on premiums for the semi-annual term ending Dec. 31, 1923. Following amounts were received in this “section of the state: Aiken - — _ $1,27)1.47 Allendale 21fi.l0 Bamberg . ___ (592.72 Barnwell (563.H9 Mr. and Mrs. George Sadler •hidren recently sailed from York to resume their missionary work Mrs. J. K. Kennedy, of Williston, sec- m.Nigeria. Africa. Mrs. Sadler will j ret.ary; Mrs. LeRoy Still, of Black- vifle, treasurer, an l Mis- Hattie New- Cq\. Edgar A. Brown left here Sat urday afternoon for New York to at tend the National Democratic Con- v vention. He was joined here by the Hon. C. D. Nance, of Cross Hill,- and Senator Sam McGee, >f Greenwood, who are also delegates. Blanks Are Ready. To the Editor of The People:- Would it he possible for you to give the Chapter a small amount of space by^ giving publication to -the fact that it now has on hand all blanks for making application for the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Adjusted Com pensation Bonus? That these will be distributed to those desiring them at the present time, and that at a later date arrangements will be made to assist those who might need aid M preparing their applications. All supplies and assistance may be obtained at Chapter Headquarters in the Bank of Western Carolina build ing. Perry A. Price, Chapter Treasurer. Barnwell. S. C , .ftihe 24, 1924. a - Mis- Annie 1.auric be remembered Maynard. Mr. Johr - F r C >ok and family an l Mr. \rt!uu Moody., asij.argley. and M rs Wrfiam Roboi-tsTiir. ,nf A -he', die, \. ( . w the i\><« > 1 gu - of M: ami M '- I* M. Ha v. M;- M .y liar ha.- r •* .irn.-.l 'from i vi.-it to ii'Miittcvillc. Mr. and Mrs. W.. R Owens and son;, of Williston, Gleaner. Rep.irt- troni the r••rent Winthrop ( >l!ege conimencvment a-xercisi*s w n o greatly enjoyed a*’«l an. Altogether happy afternoon wa- -pent itr the com fortable ipen air .-itting room. In- tmv tmg plans for'tht^'uHire of the rhapter Wi*rv \fo:mulated and recent THE POSITION OF R. L. GUNTER On Some of the Public Questions Coming Before the Next Congress. portant; keeping the ground culti vated will help to destroy the egg.- that are laid in the squares. W<- must take advantage of the hot wea ther .Hat we are nev having to gel the weevils reduced to a minimum “With the increased acreage in cot ton. there is probably a likelihood of vv n lugusta. .Mrs'. H. W. S, ,1* has■ i ,\ 11.ell* a. • Tain e W l.am- ret • -ch.vo| at ::i' * ram that every Winthrop woman who left W ui hr >p ( dlege ip good standing 'hail attend these meetings and be come a part of the movement for the Having announced foi Congress from Lite S .ond ( oiigre-sional Dis trict. it is bu' right that the voters should know my •pasiti.iii on life ques tions and measyies likelv to come be- iq favor of a leduction of the tax bu - d»‘iis imposed thereby.*' IP, s Inhent; \ • a-me 1 t of Barnwell Countv, during the i.i two ance tax and stamp tax an- war .niea-ures, pas.-ed to rn. ef m emergeney caused by the ent rani e of the I idled States info the World War. W ■ ;r. Mid \! W The next. meet in; the home of Mr- I. * n i W ; I’ - * o o i) a 1 ; : vvC>. w;ii als i pt iv ent • . • J ,n till 1 1 q of IT"- :r. . g 'wi!. >' !’ •• .i . i), • . -*3~ ilt W-H-i H Ef. Ke'nta'dv. vv.:* Itef- ns hnstes-e a program hr tit -t Mirde ■ he'd on .“the tirs un (.r M v\ \ ( W I 'loti-and- \:!end I’icnic. M V\ M W AU \-ho A l,. < lU.st '■ y vv i I. ' i”. Bank- should he orop'er >afe-guarils. of the agr’i a:!ural - ■'■it ks pi ov ide f unit - a 11 a-ona'di ; a’.e of . e.v in.* and reseui.ng ft'n. nior: gag. -f.a’ d!, at hrst. was ti ' . ngr’Ulf.i. tUt !nr ti'ed St a’e —,. win" CiltC w itit tjie iur in six yeat- till remain. • tamp tax : of peace, these who.'! Bhii Kvifle, June g_. Wednc-day af• t ‘moon. June Id. at .7:30 o’clock. M‘;s Julia F.mily Ray, daughter of Mr-, fame- Jefferson Ray. Was married to Mr.-Jumes Manu McMillin, of Spai 'anhurg, the ieremony bidng per formed by the Tie c. W. M. Jones, f). I)., >f Batnwell. The old Heaiing • Spring'-_ Bapt is*, liureh. was beautifully de< orated for *f.e o, ea-ion with ferns, flowers and pastel colored -t reamer-. on ume of t l n ronte oorrowe h- uxm the !' , i. I r v- V iv. '• A! ,. ■ r- of “1 •ee”’ gUe-' »f, M I . '.ather-ii.' ■. D:\ot. ist f-akHiig a* Winthrop Coil. 4 Ml R S. W Mt s. J W •-’imhie. Votir.- Miss Kat/. f -j.. n tie Id. of North In . , ’.a, v. a - a '.P-r - ii-t vvi er of Mr. R S. W oat ao -'oee! \li !! K Rutl'.erfotd .a; d a hildreti visi U)i> iad:iti\v*s ii ( olumbia. V11 Mar'''a D:' on»-t vt-Utig M* mt lute afte'rnoon. ' th* ngetj With pleasure secki t -. ye i the day- in! ?he vprivi- : V o. " f~ ~ ’ m to a large Mills' Oreb‘ 'music for aster upg i.arnvva ■ 1' /eigl of \ k"n; M .. F. Dicks, of CotumtuaT ■Mr. 'and Mrs. W illiani M ifthew-. —Me-sts. Berry I Smith, of Barnvv 'll, Williston '.a-: vveT. B.ag+dng vv.as indu’ge <*xtign’ a • vv a -’ dam :tig ' fra furn. -1v.ng exeellept the o., a-ion. .'One ti'.markab'le feature was 'tlie i far! ’hat with the -eoje- of automo- bfe mt inuaRw d. ,v :t..g to and from , the p.ii ttie 'grounds, not one aecidetu I was reported, and r.o ope Wa- injur • i ii: *t*H-y vv a\g ‘HI la”.| or in the water. * In the ovoHing, the hugest erow l evPt Ktiovvii at a. dance, in Allenda!" -if atl EUrop lumdre. i y mg, givni few at : he exnen at s t he taritf i prptei.ti.on to en; erpia-es more than . -till grow the favore. f t he manv . it i out of t !'.• tit at m>'s\ eo.-»|- at.-- of intcgi s* : p a St a* <‘b (iovernm :i\ : iidi by Hie >t •a liliet y., lllij is ' _• per i'i; paid ' »y t - -. >qt h f e o! ey • .T dmn the -fate G ■ I -hot! d l>e t eijileed. (t'. , n of per cent iv. ,i atmualTy glen: I Brior to the < .mgs. -i pii-isting 'My 11 at'“ and “( -nng 'oy Frank T ie organ. <1 • n .omory a group d 1 ' At I >a\v uni". > Berteet [,ove." vv as : ov bridge, an omn. ' M 1 owh, idj ’ d ; would*!" est "f :hd-. K1 [,ij. t . ( i,.| ) t - au.i Ralpit visitors tv gatlieied at the evening, per oils were the t. jvn hall to 'enjoy About three , hundred pre.-ent. With almut fifty ' Mr-. J. A. McCu . of Bamberg, was a . i-itor of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Walsh t.hi- week. Miss Bpssb 15.e. 1 ton, of Ajlendal •. i- visiting Mt. and vlr-^ Q.' A. Ken- nedy.-Jr. ^ Mrs. Clve.-tet Bagtv of Augu-ta; Ihc tnany fri»»nds throughout tin Miss FlourtP'V" Owen and Master Al-j county of Mr. W. ( .Mitchell will In -d+nnem: couple? on the floor. Mills’ ! Orchestra was again in attendance, rcndeiitvg spleiidid^ dance music, whicli made the a.T.e.r more enjoyable. ABcndah Countv Citizen. I am opposed to any .taritf except foiGxuvonue, -ati for this purimse it should be reduced to a minimum. • ; . i Fnon'the sueces- of tin' farmers of j w * thieSoutfi ahd We *. lieppirdythe pro; j pen: v of the nat ion. B.!isit'es- inte.re-t s canlt t, pi'o-per if ! tti. y fail; and the', "should have thei ■ ! pt ojn-r plai e iti the .allaii - o} tliej : at .or. l.aw - '-houjil atirBchiti.-t be ■ pa— il. that vvil: protg. t their riM’o--! ' est- and guarant'' 1 to them a lig'htfal' " >h:i i •• _of • t he profits of their, labor. TIk y should have the benefit- of the -open’ markets of- the vvorliT This, tin y i ;uiiiiiL.have a',- luint a- tile Umt-- The Income Tax should !>< i-evi-'-d. so a- to place ‘ the burden thereof on thp-e whose fabulou. vveii i: tiiti'afeti- to domimite and coptr the f mini ial scheme of the (iov’ei nmetr. Nor can I see any reason foi .■... a- q mg five salaries of member- • f t e gre s and <>tbi*r goveiim ■ ' m : ploy ee--from t his tax and pi.o •• it“t. Tie- u-lie) - v. : ( iaude Rav. 1 lei - .ei ’ K.t . Howard MeMiliin a* 1 t l’i id" Trultick. “1'he. brnF-ma'id- '.yete: Mi -e- <)!iv Kay. -i-tei' of tin 'brid".. M :U T Sue’ .McMrllin.. i-■*.•>■ .»f Hi' Ft idegroom. M /’ Kathei u<‘ i.'*".. of lle.e h ;i-land. Julia Carrol! lumber". Mi .-oUrf Walket , Not even the visits of Winter and Frost could lower the torrid tempera ture here Saturday, but a goodly num ber of voters, men and women, braved a thermometer reading of around 100 % degrees to hear the candidates for State offices- About 60 pereons wera present when the meeting was callel - - • • to order by Chairman Edgar A. Brown, the number gradually swel ling to about 200. Eat'h candid.ata was accorded Hose attention and the efforts of the office seekers w»re rewarded with more or les^ gnthixv- iasitic applause. . SufH'rint**ndent of Education J. H. Hope, slat<*d as the first speaker, was not present. Lieut. Gov. E. B. Jack- son thanked the voter?- of Barnwell ‘County for the handsome vote gives him two years_agt> and briefly re viewed the efforts of the general as sembly to finance the State, while at the same time trying to equalize the burden of taxation. C. C. Brown, of Spartanburg, waa the first candidate for secretary of state to address the voter.-. He stated his qualifications for the pisition. James Can-let devoted much of hi* time to attack on the legislature for taking the office of railroad commis sioner out of the primaries, charging that it was done to get rid of him. \N B. Blackwell, a candidate to suc- c«*ed himself, made a clean cut prec- entation of hi.^ claims and seemed to be the favorite. J. Monroe Spear led off in the race for attorney general by paying a glowing tribule to distinguished sons >f Barnwell County, chief among them fieing the late Leroy Youmans and Robert Aldrich. He made a most forceful address and wa- warmly an- phiuded at its close. D. Mi K. Winter presented the claims of the young nyen- to political»recog nition and took a fling at his ot>;»o- nent.-. . J. M Daniel expressed himself as being in favor of law ‘enforcement, both good laws ah-1 bad, and gave an account' of his stewardship of the of- r fire of assistant attorney general. \. J. Beattie- and W.^Y. But'her- and. eandidtite- foi comptroller gen- ••ral. were the tie'" -peaker*. ... S. T. < a'rFor, •♦•eking 're eiertion as •t ale. * is a unq'. made quite an : m- 'Hi-s-iun on in audionce with a 1'riv‘f i <■'. "V of Mi" matin")' in which he has l;-( hargod i'i - dnti"-, ivi.m' the tax- payors thqu-and- of doi'ar. in thg l . laj+flling of 1 »ohd i suf-. He remin-D— i'd hi hi arer ■ that, hi- initials, “S. T t.ai’.d- f.r •' Ln-asurer’’ and , ho hop",i'thqt Mv-y would eohtinue to Mo o. \\ J. Si t‘ugg- disru-sed the fraudulo'tit bonds' i.--ued vears ago and a >f >'l. o 7.v ii! • and • Rai hel Arthur,. >f UlCoIlH' if farmer- ahd 1 m sine Our n.'lations with other . world, dir! my opinion, gravc.'t • pndvlems i" nat ion. 1 am in fav or of a\ aie. i.,. r t Ovveo-, ..f Washinj^ton. H are , yJad t<» know" -that Jie is rexuyering vi-'ting Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Mixson. ^ 1 '“onv ;i lonp illness His friend-hope H.-uTV Tlarvin. Stewart 1. Harvin. to see him out again soon. 'I,"\vis Appelt, of Manning, and Jack j ' * of Ell ioth arc visiting Rich- ( “unningham. The main friend- W. ( are j glad to kitovv . that I lave i'd and John Odiorne., Mis. T.. (j. Dick—41 ml grandchildren. Marc Elizabeth anTTommie Dicks, of Mrs. J. W. Floyd Is visiting daughter, in Tabor.. \. C. Mrs. Clothilde S. Thompson Atlanta, are visiting Mr. and Mi's. : spending “several day- this week V Vc.eorge Dukes, at Finowood. ^ftl)r. Hugh R-Murchison spent Sun- with Mr. and MrsM. A. Latimer Dr, and Mrs., John W. DeFree and Augusta, James M. LatimefT of Greenville, ed States, isobites itself from inter-j naimnal affairs aid intposes piohibi-j tiv. tariffs“on agricuhural ptoducF. j Tere .-hotild al.-o be established impartial freight rates. ^ Phe coTTf-. mot if tiers 'if 'l^e country should he prev. nted from 1 di-cnminarrrrg in fav ui i-ff very serious problem , Fnde'F' the present condi tions uf European countries, and the prejudii - there existing against thV Fnited States, I am in favoe-of ex- cluding all immigrant- for the. pres- tliat will piomote world I !' lit.'Ve that an Internationa < ’.gre or League of Nations, vv ;tk pow-ee 1VV : make arid enforce saluTiiTy govern the relations of an to nation- witii leach —ether, ami an 1 m■ mat ional Court with power to sett!" in a ju-t and !e'g!i! way, all matt"!- oi diffio 1 - ences which may at i c among h" nation- without. .ay-nrCb. arms: I am al»olutely opp" '1 to the in- -idiou> encioachments of Congress on the rights of the indiy aiuik Stato.s. It is cont rat y Jo the scheme or intention of the men who organiz' d our govern ment. North Augusta. Phe maid of honor wa- Mis- Alice Ray, sister of th" M iO". She wore a flow'd georget'-q in tiastel shades.and car'ried a cof-age - f white' ahil laVetiilpr sweet peas. 'Phe tiny r'itrg Marerwa- H'fbett Ray King, nephew of the biide.Tai- g the ling i i vee s a v He was fiillovved by Pittle Virginia Mi MJhn. ni.'ie if the bridegi oo’m. w lio i .in, I ,i pink ba-ket from which ' : ■ A'. .j rp." p"i.t ut ’th«. paFi of the" bride. . SL.\ Phe bride enJej'ed with her biajh ", William Ray. She vyore white eantoM i-repe, tiimmexl witii tiny frills of sat in, with a white, hat and earned <• atnt vailev ii was a visitor this week arf Mr. and cnt. Ikit should any be allowed, they Cl > r - a ge lit t Iia !e 1 *) s * ies. They were met at the altar bv the bridegroom and his bint man. Walter M' Millin. of Spartanburg. During! the ceremony "Love Setvis a Little Gift of Roses’’ was played. The bridal party left the church to the -tratqs uf Mendelssohn’s reces- .sional. Immediately after the cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. M< Millin left in thgn car fot the mouirtains of wes tern North Carolina. ” - The out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude I. Truluck. Holland questioned -ome of the fat men* made by his 'ipponent Adit, (ieneral Robert E. C’aiig le- •latyd that the National: Guard ■ hav aiad" greater progress during hi.-s ;vd- ministration than at any time during t.hc past 27 years. ( He briefly ^ re nted some of Mie accomplishments »f his .office, Ma J >hn D.‘Frost, gif- ’er briefly stating his qualifications, rged aTnV)-ei- cooperation between the people of the coast and the Pied mont for the advancement of th? State and < M-.d hi- address 'vulh.. ; 4i~ tribute to womanhood. 15. Harris. K. W. ITalibs and J,. VV. Shealy pre-ented' their claims' for the office of commissioner of agriculture in the order named. Govoruor McLeod wa-s—md—in'esent and John T. Duncan, candidate for governor, made,the Hosing address. I believe the people d South Caro-! jqhn Christopher, of Lan- lina have sense enough to know what (ji um; M r . an(i Mrs. U. C. McMillin and they want, and intelligence enough to Stockholder’s Meeting. Mrs. J. A. Ixuimor. should be required before they a tii daughters. Dorothv and-Let a. .return- Mrs. Annie Harley and Miss Mary 1° swear allegiance to the American Tel ‘ J od to Greenville Monday, after visiting HarJey, of Columbia. Mr. andMrs. J. A. Latimer. Mrs. John fJ. Richards, of Liberty Hill, and Mrs. T. H. McRae, of Den mark were visitors of Mrs. W. K>. were visitors this week of Mr. and Mrs^ W. F. Prothj-o. Dr. J. 1.. Smith spent several dayg this week in Greenville. Government, and also to learn t<> read and write the English language as speedily as possible. I am opposed to the present ex travagance of the government, and daughter, \ irgini i, Miss Mary Sue make law- Brsafeguard their liber*v. M( . Mil i in Walter and:Howard McM'il- J believe in the -enforcement of all 1 , iUi ()f Spartmdmrg; Frances law.-, enacted by "’it law-making Austell, of Sjtytanburg; Mr.Und Mrs. j . Hines, Miss Fannie Sue Hines, "Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McMillin, of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Carroll, Miss Ru:h Carroll, of Bamberg; Mr. and Mrs. F. The annual stockholder's meeting of the Barnwell ( ounty Building and Loan'Association will be held at the office of the First National Bank on Tuesday, the Ft day of July, 1924, at 6:30 o’clock n. m. All stockholders are reqUcstcd to be represented in person or by proxy. Arden A. Tern on,—,— N. G. \V. Walker. President. Secy, and Treas. bpclies, but from fourteen years ex perience. 1 have learned it is impossi ble' unless public st ntiment i s behind the law. If my views meet with your ap-: B.^Vrthur'and family, of North Au- proval, I shall greatly appreciate your ! gu , ta; Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Greene, of votes for Congress in the primarl - Barnwell election.—adv. . / 1 -r -r - ROBERT L. GUNTER. I Advertise in THE PEOPLE. Notice. The patrons of the Reedy Branch and Galilee schools are requested tu be present at a meeting to be held on FridayrJune 27, at five oVlock p. m. This meeVing”will beheld for the pur pose of deciding whether or.not tho above named schools shall be con solidated. B. W. J. Still, ’ Chairman Board of Trustees.