I T- Yes, if you want money we have it.£ IF you have money we want it. fjgr’TtiE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BARNWELL COUS'TT. v *i j \r\* • i tx v xr m utitr j c ^ a n v n. 2 5 o o Paid in Savings Department. »|* X HOME BANK OF BARNWELL. $ Jt HOME BANK OF BARNWELL. i Established-in 18r«. ‘Just Like ci IVIeniber of the Family” Y ' June *21 Subscriptions Have Y v ■ -* <♦ ^ X V _ * Expired^ v t PLEASE RENEW PROMPTLY! Y * " ’ 5^ LanTest County ( irculation. vex->-Xy->-X-;-XXX^X->->-X-X~:->-Xv IV VOLUME XLVII. BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA. THl RSDAY, JUNE J9TH. Pt2i. M M BEK PERFORM KUKLUX KLAN WEDDINt; \T BLA( KVILLE Miss Ahagail Sanders Becomes Bride . of Mr. I Ivsi’es E. Still. 1 First Prize is Silver Loving t up and WILL AWARD PRIZES IN “HEALTHY BABY CONTEST BERTE D. CARTER, BAMBERG’S CANDIDATE FOR SOLICITOR LKV.TH OF SF.R\ l( K VND Af.K DETERMINES BONl ALL ( ANDIDA FES (QUALIFY I OR PRIM \RY ELECTIONS One Hundr/d Dollars. known specialists in the through the second annual Rlackville, June 16.—What is said to have been the second Ku Klux wed- ling ever performed, took place at the Blpckville Baptist church Tuesday night of last week, when Mis.V Aha- - gail Sanders, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Sanders, and Dr. XBysses E. Still, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. H-'ts of New York. Still, were united, the klan ceremony being ustaLathroughout. -<- ^ The wedding was witnessed, it is -uid. by about 1,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan from various sections ot the state. The ceremony was per formed by the Rev. D. W. Heckle. All >f tin* attendants, ushers arid mem hers of the marriage partyj were in the robes of the kiarr. 1 The church was decorated with United States flags and a mass of beautiful flowers. The emblem of the klan, the fiery cross, furnished the illumination for the event. It is said that the pastor of the church. Rev. L. H. Miller, offered 'trenuous objection to the ceremony aking place in his church, arjd it was rumored that the pastor and some of |the church officials had resigned, but this statement has not been substan- t iated. ern brat'oru ul a! oir and Carolina team (Frdm Tlie Bamberg Herald) j seated the Ujiiver.'ity in* some Believing that with the retirement p irtant e\nnCs, including the Mother^ of oah'es in Barnwell yvill of Solicitor Gunter the second judi- have an opportunity to have their : cial circuit needs the -ervices of an htrhies judged by four of the best ' able Christian lawxei to eope with country the problems of—law enforcement!tfie students honored him .in many in- Healthy i people of Bamberg and throughout | stances, and when h»* 'finished at Smith (Cves Explanation and ( alcn- lation—of-i*resent Law. d to Senator lime for Filing Pledges Closed at Twelve O'clock Monday. They're off in th (as^iesi in 1 .* 10. H‘\j I h«‘ People i.> indeht tdayial football with both the (Tern i K. D. Smith for the following explana-. With a large number His f, race for offices, of candidates ape, the l'J24 cam- Baby Contest” arranged for by E. R. the circuit have prevailed upon Berto ; Squibb and Sons, manufacturing them-j D. Carter to allow his name to l>e These judges ary presented to the Democratic voters in Dr. Royal S. Copeland,-I'nited States the forthcoming primary election for Senator from New YoikT^Dr. Chas.i solicitor of thf* three rountigs. Aiken''. Gilmore Kerley, author of several Bamberg and Barnwell, comprising standard works on thy care of infants. | the circuit. Mr. < arter ha> tin* uivanj- Dr. Charles White Berry, fellow ot the New York Academy of Medicine, and Mrs. Walter Me Nab Miller, chair- Tnan of the division of Health of tin* General Federation of Women’s Clubs. The contest, which is now under way, will close on July 1st. Silver cups and cash prizes will be awarded t > tlie twenty-five healthiest babies and to their mothers. *, - Any baby under four years of age is eligible to compete in this con test. The mother may enter her chilli, by filling out #n entry blank obtainable from her druggist, giving details of its age^ weight and other essential data. This blank, toggtXer with a photograph of the baby, will he forwarded by the druggist to the judges who will render their decisions ,>n the strength of the information and photographs furnished them. The first prize is a silver loving cup and •Slihi in cash, with cups and lesser % amounts for other winners. •House Friday morning..thr-ri^ being Dr. Copeland, who was also pm) of dxmt Jno men and women voters io^tn, judges in last year’s contest, was ■ itteiidaiu e. The meeting twas called ( ofhmissinrrer of Health of New YorK ’ i'V !Te be authorized to appoint the executive committeemen, but on thi objection of J. (). Patterson, Esq, t tic'mot ion wa, withdi awn. Col. Har- ♦ h**n • omi" t'ed' Od/ Edgar A. 'Migabeth McNab, Mrc M i-s. (;. M. < ireene. M i, icp ami ' a i \- *\ ..f:, 1 n •‘ir.lnM the f ladit - an 1 UK ■the . » •!,.,.• f i d v i n w > t * i w t •*1 in this Burr S r ipa i* \ f . ■ • h.e na>r twu y oa rs . M*. \ "hi 11 be (Vttiero) >m:na;cd i .b N. ( \V \\ VV . K-A \) --i'-.. ; c. B1 ack. Si. c. ! ''-tm*)!',: Blow n, . dui'a'c* .- K A i it ('. 11 ilma:: >'!' tile Vo'f- V. bi.UIld D I u:d. < ha. f M - harlie. been . Hat nl •te tl ; •>. MI - L.*mon I’.'i'ovvn i <) i am ia r •v-n*'. M:-- Mi ! M un ill,' . iM'l'tl 1 It’CtCli. sah.: nd ■ B-,: - K. A. Y.’i Theia- * 15 no'< Vl-. •mg. in* flirtht was adjourm* *r bu d. f The Best I’ha rmai v. moils endorsement of -tlvt?-"BT»m»»crat-ic convention of Bamberg county, the Bamberg Democratic club, and the bar of Bamberg county. The county convention gave it- endorsement to only two men, William G. MgAdoo and B. 1). Cartel', the endorsement of the latter being without the slightest opposition. Berte Dean Garter Is a selGmude man. ' Born on the farm of poor but honorable parentage, one of a family of six boys, left orphans at a tender asge, he made his own way through Clemson college and the law depart ment of the University of—South Carolina, being admitted to the bar in 1910, and entering Upon the practice of his profession as g member of the law firm of Carter nnd Carter, his brother, Jesse F. Carter, being the senior member of the firm, which a few years ago, added another mem ber. J. Carl Hearse, the fi i‘m up. un •ii task now being Carter, Cartel and Kearse, one of the leading legal firm- in lower South Carolina. Mr. Carter was born in 18S1 in up- I per Colleton County Upon the death of his parents whan he was a small boy, the old home was necessarilv broken up. and he came to Bamberg County to live with relatives on the farm until he wu s old enough to take care of himself. During this period he had little op portunity to attend school;, several years of his school age he wasttukyble to attend at all. and never more than three month-' out of the year. ’ Fired with an ambition t; -ecure an educa tion. however,- hi\ saved up his. mea gre earning- and entered the pre- of Clemson college in aid of the first -session, exhau ted. To replen- , he secured a :>o-i- i a rural school and ei m. again 'entering By winking on the oils a- could be s_c_; caching during the . Mr. Caite’r inan- iged to work his way through Ciem- -on atid was'gradui ted gitli the class paratory cla 1901. By t+r his fund.- w. ish lii- exc oeqtie’ tion as teacher n taught for 'in* : Clem-on l‘,*o::. unnu- at such. I cui'ed. and by { 1 summei vm u io Clemson, the college annual paid him a very high tribute. As a .prhi t it loner at the Bamberg I»ar \v.ith hr- law firm. Mr' Carter has handled all phases 'of legar’pf'aetice, but gave pvote particular attention to the criminal practice: He has assist ed in the prosecution of many inir portaiit cases, some of them of wide interest. His firm has been singular ly successful in criminal' practice. The "Carter boys,” as they are af fectionately known, to their hundreds of friends, will not accept the prose cution of any person unless they are convinced of guilt; in this event they are relentless.On theiir effi>rts; on the- other hand they will not defend knowingly any person whose case they believe has no extenuating cir cumstances. Thi* firm, -when it takes a case, puts every ounce of energy possessed- into it- proper presenta- turn in court. He has had~some experience in poli tics. From 1914 to 1918 he repre sented Bamberg County in the house of representatives, making an envi able record for himself.. Some id>*a of what his ''home people think of him may be gained ’from the fact that in his first race, with six promi nent candidates in tlie field, he was elected on the first ballot by the larg- ost vote ever given any, candidate- with opposition in Bamberg County, being re-elected by an equally-flatter ing vote. He lacked only about 100 votes of securing every Democratic vote in the county. Since his retire ment from the house voluntarily he has practiced law and engaged in fa rming. Berte Carter does not possess the kind of character that wou^d per mit him t'o per.-eeiite any man. Mr. i % . ('alter says: “1 stand tor a fair and impartial but strict enforcement of tlie law. I do not believe in persecu tion. but I do believe in prosecution of the-guilty and conviction when the evidence warrant- it." That, briefly, represent- h-is idea - of the duties of a sol icitin . Personally. Berte Carte! i- me >f Bamberg'- tines) men and leading- ■,v j tion and eahulati m of. the working.- lined up at the ot th'* bonus law. which i- published paign in Barnwell County started of- foi the intormation of ex-service men: * fil ially at 12 o’clock’ noon Monday, How to Figure ^ our Bonus. (juite a number waited until the I he following i- an explanation and 1 eleventh hour before filing their calculr.t ion that ha- been published pledge- and paying their assessment J and is -t, - cleat .» statement, 'as any | to The Democratic jrarty. that I have -etm of the practical work-| The office attracting the largest mgs of the-present bonus law. ’t iV-T number of aspirants is that ofJC5ro- will liliserve that ago and length of I ner, for which there are six candi- service determine- the result of the | dates. The State Senate came nex‘, multiplication by the “iai tor.” with four and the House of Represen- I he bonu- bill as reeently enacU* 1 ! tatfvn- third’with three. Two afe in'* provides for a cash payment of $50, j the race for Sheriff, two for Clerk or a paid-up twenty-year endowment | of Court and two , for Master. The insurance policy, the value of the lat- t *r depending upon the length of service. As a bonus of $fln was given all veterans upon their discharge, the first sixty days in the service will not be counted. If all service was in the United States, the maximum allowed is $500, and if part was overseas, the maximum allowed is $625. If you, as a veteran, wish to calcu late the amount of your bonus, pro ceed as follows: Estimate the num ber of days you were in service, minus the first sixty days. % Multiply the V' number of days spent in the United States by $1, and the number spent on foreign service «by $1.25. If the total is or less, your bonus will Ik* $50 iu cash. If the amount i? more than $50, your bonus will be an insurance policy. To get the value of this insurance policy, add 25 per cent to your nasic total, or the total figured on length of service. Then multiply this second total bC one of the "factors” given below and corresponding to the age of the vet eran. and this amount will be the faee value-of your insurance policy. For instance, Jones served six months in the United States and four months abroad.— For home service it a dollar a day, his bonus will be 120‘ day-, at $1 a day, or $12<>. His for eign service will be 120 days at $1.25 a * d; iv, or $150. That nuiki *> il total of $ 27t). With th. • 25 per ci ■nt added. tin tiital is Iq/oUg h’ to $:!87 r50-.- Siv>- po ' Jone s is thi rty years old. T!m "f; 1C tor” foi his age •is 2. 521. The fat va!u< • of his insur a ni t* polic y will only candidates for Magistrate who are unopposed are W. P. Sande r s at Barnwell and I. F. Still at Black- ville. The complete list of entries is. as follows: Sheriff —B. H. Dyches, «of Blark- ville, and J. B. Morris, of Barnwell. Clerk of Court—R. L. Bronson, (in cumbent), of Barnwell, and C. Keys Sanders, of Barnwell. Master—G. M. Greene and V. S. Owens, both of Barnwell. State Senate—R. M. Mixson, of Williston, A. B. Patterson, of Barn well, VV. C. Smith, r ixf'Williston, and’ G. L. We is singer, of Blackviile. House of Representatives—Edgar A. Brown (incumbent), of Barnwell, D. W. Heckle, of Blackviile, and Vic tor Lewis, of Kline. Coroner—-J. M. Diamond, (incum bent), of Barnwell, S. A. Hair, of Long Branch, IT. P. Lancaster, of Ashleigdi, (’. W. Moody, of Barnwell,, E. K. Morris, of Barnwell, and jW_ Apgus Ross, uf Ashleigh. Magistrates. Barnwell W. P. Sanders, (incum bent). Bennett Springs—W. F . Duncan and B. W. Peeples (incumbent). Blackviile—-I. F.'Still, (incumbent). Dunbarton—J. L. All and C. S. Anderson, (incumbent), both of Dun barton. George’s Creek \\ . G. < dll ins an I J. A. Morris, (incumbent). Cieat Cypres.-- R. B. Harden and \. Otis Sanders. Williston M. .< . Kitching- and R. I.. W.ioicvi incumbent i. Bap " \ Milage Fair.” In Memoriani. laekvilie, June 12.. On April 2‘. ! th Dcatk Thgel vi-ite'd the home o and M' -.' iV (’. Bill andtMiik aw. 1 '- /Mi tbeii” dprling i*abv, ln*avenl> home. She old and is survived mother.- four sister.- tilers. The fum-ral c miiuetetl bv t he lb" I nett a. to her whs IT month- by her father, and two bro- -ervi.ee-! ive’ e . Mr. Dav-ts, of doift want to mi-- the "ViTlagv* to In- held at Calhoun park on afternoon, heginning at - 4:”t) The children will V*e t-pecial- rested in the various amuse- pliinned for Wieir pteasun*. hut iding for tile diildren the older lye not beifn forgotten, active booth, will contain th 1 following: ^ , ('ountiA ham sandw'eh.es, chicken salad sandwiches'; ■ erecse and pine-', apple s'andwielies, ic.* Tea. iemonad *. i old drinks, home made eakesg ro-iifctes, -home made ice cream, can dies aiql la-t. but not least, a ‘ Hot- Dog ’ cotmtei. The pioa'ced- of the "Fair” will go to the* building fund of tin* Ik'pt ist eluil'ell. Come >ut.and take .upper with u- tinre help a wortln . F 1 ;io7. 111 s T •vp.' ri* cmkvs in I'ais’m 1tH>l icy to pay in- vv ay throu gh col ,■ veer t * i M ) t 1 i - s; t i and amusing the •-«' cx; m*i :ci!» ' t*s ai e known to a bo\ s—and girl s \v In » suuvet •ded ' mem be i ehuich. working their way through school back in tho-e day- when an educa tion was hal'd to get-unless one had the money to pay for it. A ft el • He h i,- iilenti.fi • t hhn-e'f j j up to 90 per ci aiv'ic and religion-^ act ;v i- j value any t ino mhc|'g' and tin ( our tv . V : the diite >f i •' 12 years be imn-d 11111 S * ' imlicy, for iiisl pt i.-t ThTITch; he now a 1 years, a loan < f the Bambi*,ru Itapti-i 1 and on the -an ’i.r five year- In* •'• ived a- i nineteen ye;u • d' tin* Men’s Bihli , .. j. ^ ; * Would he pos- i! years •■)g'> wa- e l.'i'tetl a The Diet or- be $.'217.50x2.521,. or $851.85. CO Loan-*may be made on the policies nt ot thei j currei)) face ■ after two year's fro.n -suafiee. < >n ' a 81,000 an> .at t he end of t w » ilde junH>i de.'ii im ot the chill' rh, 'He i- i age of the veterai i ;tt . hi a member of the hoard " )' trustees birthday to January 1, 192 of the Bamberg school ,d i-ti'ict, and I Age Factor Age gave freely of hi s timo a nd .ibilitv 2o - .-2.545 21 policy at tin- end til a ioan o( $881^.25 orespond!ng to the ipeare-t follows: Death ol Mr. L. VV. ( (H»k. Sm iling, June 16. The manv frien of Mr. L. VV ik Will grieve* of his death, -d tv morniri c a which 1 to •urre I home to tlie eoiistfuction of Bamht* magmtiieiit high school building. H is a member of - graduation, the same lark | Knight- of Pythias, rf funds again pivsonTed it-eif. liu.t ■ ., f;, m j| v Bam iter :;.i fin* same Williston. tin to rmst in rtm little body 1»*utk amilyAemetery; Dll, how oin h aiTs h ink we can liei ei- 1. trl t ' • m m! 11 eTC la. a* no i but we Horn .hear her^s'vji' to mt*et. acne when u * «ee her loving et voice again, her in heaven. Vlr. Duncan Announce Mr. Carter greatly destreeT to enter law, and seVui'ed a. position in the .government sort ice for one „j,ea;’. With the earning- jof that year in hr-, pm ket. he entered 'he liny school of 'he university and gradiiafet,! in I'.MH. entering 'k' praetice of law with his hrother. il 1. tf-arter .- i ollege i .areei' was tuil of difficulties and di-advantagy--, due to the lack of preparation anff lack of funds; houever, he took— a prominent, part in—rolh'ge aitivities, pa:'ieulni'lt literary sqinety work and a]h].*tics. He won in several debating and oratorical contests, .and repfe- man, the.duties the courts owe pie. particulaily the w children, of the country, -everal years, ago Mi- Roherts, daughter of Dr cits, of Ehrhardt, and g ter of Dr. Richard Robei' well County. , H|* is the two children, both hrtglr Ht*-i.- what is' genera!!;. ^‘home loving man." ; / that a man’s first duty then to h;s familv ami » He—helieves—that a m ’ • >! i. :: I lean Thill'S.lav mm-nin • .‘it t li his son, Mr. J. (». (’ook, of Langley. Mr. ('ook was reared in BarnWell County, but had masle his home in Augusta for the past fifteen years. He ha- a host of friends and rela tive- here who admi"fd him. He was loved a.s he was known and it is left to us to mourn the passing of a Christian worker to his home yond the skies. t He i> survived by thr»o ehildreti. Mis. W. S. Robison, of Alexander, N. ( .. Mr-. Paul S. Cook, of Globe, Ari zona, and Mr. J‘ (I. Cook, of LanglJ-Vr- three brothers. M- ssrs. .VV M and H. M. Co .k, of Snelling, and Mr. U. D. such be- It:' married | oil 2. ID O'" • • > 1 . A 2.1/2' ( ' iok, of 1 iarri.wel!, and a member ci!/.abetn ' 2 H5 2. ITS niece- and •nephews. ' . > ’ .1 H. Rob - r Jd 2.17o • 11 2.460 Thr fum r;il services vvcr(* condu rind'la ugh- | 12 . . . 2.45n ' 43 / 2.439 Tridity morning by the Rev. J j 11 _ 2.42*1 15 . 2.11 J Owens, of White Pond, and the 1 fat Hi* r ot ; 46 2.:jpK 47 2.881 was laid to rest- in the Seven P * 1 * . - 51 '• ; l.s 2..::«14 49 . 2.845 cemetery!. near His old-home, in CL . iO 2.82 1 _'2. hi2 | presence of a large concourse of 2.25 ki. ■HTF rowing relatives and sympatbetiiT friend- should serve God ill th- as well a'- in the chut < h w here there will no more iTTrrting. The lord gi\8*th'and He taketh away blessed lie His name. lace we oved to see i- go I leg- A voice we loved is -tilled; \ place i-. vai ant in our hofm Which nevIVrn‘'aiv'be filled. Mr.. VV F. Duncan, f Meyer'- Mill, wa- in the city Monday to file Trf< pledge as-o-candidate for Magistrate of Bennett Spring's and Four Mile* Townships, his formal announcement appearing elsewhere in this issu< H* i, 5'8t - 2.1 13 : . 59 . 2.082 Mr 6o . 2.0oo / 61 2.ol S - : ' +'•2 1.9 >6 68 1.951 The I ♦'.I 1.921 65 1.88.) foi mal Mr. Lancaster for Coroner. • • ** —~T~ < . - First Cotton Bloom. y^iie i- a progressive tarmer of the western part of the eoxmty iind has | always taken an active interest in i public .affairs, being an ardent advo- | ‘ i l — of law enforcement. Should 7m be elected, he fn'omis(ni_jm t efficient ! tiist cotton bloom from the administration of the affairs of th* by ThiuPeopte was-j "ifi'-e. He was aciompanied to Batgmj ( lub Institute for Women. *,' , The Club Institute lot Women - will pei: at Winth'rop College June 2Mrd ( and last through July 5th. This fn- I stituti* is open to any woman, whether i a member of a federated- club or nor. Theo are many outstanding lea- 1 ire Saturda) Night. The garage and I t if Mr. E. W . Holman, of thi- eit; . V.« y,totally d< - "stroyed by fire Saturday night. VV hem first discovered. fh<* blaze had made such headway that it was im possibly to save tJm buildings but -ei v ice between Aplil 5, 191 pk* thi- week carries the muncement of Mr. D. I\ and j Lancaster,,of lAshleigh,,candidate for .July 1. 1919, ma\ be countcl although | Udroner. There are very few people j turns for the two week- and full in-;the local -firemen lid i-ffieient work in | f eat. Kdgai I desirii will U- eaYvd for in one of the college dormatories at a nistof $9 per week or $2 per day for a shorter period d f ' time. Appljeations for rooin reser vation- hould be muoio at once to Miss Leila A. Russell, Winthfop Col lege. Pock Hill. S, C. Advertise in THE PEOPLE. to adjoining re.-idei **s. Mr. Holrpan’s car v.'a> not in thefga'r- age at the time, but he lost a quanti ty of corn, „etc. The loss is covered hy insurance. It i- thought that the fire •started through the carelessness of a cigarette -mokerT enlistment must have been - befor* November 1 1.. 191L All veterans u:» to and including the rank of captain in the Army and’ .VU»: ine Corps and lieutenant in -the Navy are eligible. Women who served a- yoemen in the Navy ami Marine ('orps also are in- I eluded. .Service* as a civilian offic e' 1 or in the Student's Army Training I Corp- does not count. 7 Through the courte-y of: E. D. Smith, - ‘ United States Senator. in this section, especially the older men and women, who do'not know Darling Lancaster. Coming home from the War Between the Sections 59 years ago Monday, he engaged in the Viattie- of peace with the same dauntlcs- courage that prompted him to enlist in the armies of the Oonfed- » eracy at the age of 15 years. During the months that he served in that bloody struggle he was stationed near Charleston. He is a farmer by occupation and is a man who is held in high esteem by his neighbors. His Make your plans to attend the “Village Fair” at Calaoun park Fri day after non. The friends of Col. and Mrs. Edgar | Giends predict that he will make an A. Brown will learn with pleasure that their little daughter, Emily, has re- vceored from a sudden attack of ill ness and was brought home from a Columbia hospital Friday. excellent race*and an efficient Coro ner. should he be elected. Get a "Hot Dog” at the ‘‘VTllage