r J r ' ' f t J*r- ^ Yes, if you want money we have it •{♦ If you have money we want it. .j! 5 o o Paid in Savings Department, y ‘4 HOME BANK OF BARNWELL. •} v Y ♦-•C-X~X-X-X-X X-X-r-X-X-X-X-X-•> Established ME OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BARNWELL COUNTY.^gl in 1877. Just Like ci Member of the Family” Largest County Circulation. May *24 Subscriptions Have • • . 4 . ‘ Expired. | PLEASE RENEW PROMPTLY! Volume xlvii. BARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSD.VY, MA\ 13TH, 1924. NUMBER M. 37 STATE CHAIRMAN BROWN — FAVORS ELECTiNt; WOMEN Wants the Fair Sex Represented 'at the National ConventuTn'. BUTLER B. HARE MAKES FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENT DUNBARTON SCHOOL TO CLOSE RRIDAY, MAY :W . ; There has been much talk through out. the State as to what representa tion the women of South Carolina will be allowed on the delegation to the National Democratic Convention which meets in New York next month. When interviewed at his of fice here, Col.HCdgar A. Brown, Chair man of the State Executive Commit tee, gave out the following state ment : . -4 * v % “From every section of South Caro- Saluda MaA Is Seeking Congressional News of Death of Mr. Heyward Bates Honors in This District. Elsewhere in this issue of The Peo ple will he found the formal an nouncement of the Hon. B. B. Hare, of Saluda, as a candidate for Con gress from the Second. District. While he is well known to many read ers of this paper, the following sketch of his life Will he read with interest: Butler B. Hare" was born on a faVm in Saluda County Nov. 2», t87.'>, and attended the rural public schoolS Tin- til entering Newberry College, where Was “(Irossiy Exagerated.’ lina 1 have recently received in«iuir- j he graduated wit^i the A. B. .degree.in ies as to my attitude and the probable | Afterwards he pursued post attitude of the State Convention, on graduate work at George Washington the question of four women being elected along with four men. a< dele* gates at large, each with a half Vote in. the National Convention. I have repeatedly expressed- myself on tl subject. The National Committee | months University, receiving his" M. A. de- gree in 1910 and the I.LB. degree from Georgetown University in 191“. He taught school seven years; was a .didaje for Congress in 1906; served as secretary to Congressmen ago. being iu%ed so to f wage I fu-drtily concur in this, position and i earners in. cotton mills of the Sout^i shall urge the State (’onvention to and lyt-w England. For the pasf sev- .adopVthc recommendation <»f the Na tional Committee. "I further favor the idea of sending •< four instead of two delegates, with Ihalf'vote each, from the various Gon- jgiesjiional Districts, and shall urge • this before, the State Convention. 11 hose mav la t . , wo women. ♦ will, suit the ku' diktviet. oral-years he has been connected-with the United States Department of Agriculture as_Assistant in Agricul- tumUEducation. Editoi- of Rural Eco nomics, and .Agricultural Statistician. It will by remembered that he d“^ vised and outlined the first complete divided, two men and plarr for rura 1 credits and it was this or in suvh way as best j tliat furnished the basis for the pres- situation ‘In the particl- n othoj woftls, 1 can set 1 Dunbarton,' May 12.—-The conv meneement at the Dunbarton Hign school will be held on thi- night of May .‘{0th. The graduating exercises will be turned over to the senior class of the High' School. The exercise? will be held in the rnureh, and if is hoped that the main auditorium ot the church will ' have been completed by that time. Mrs. I . I . Bui'ton. of Dillon, is spending sprue time with Mrs. M. E. Whaley. Mother’s Day .was ciimmemrrrated at .the Dunbarton Baptist Church last Sunday night. Pastor Jonh son prea ched an appropriate sermon on “Mother” and Mrs. r>. F. Owens an 1 tht* male (juartet 'endered selecti(*ns in song,—; CRIMINAL COURT WILL B. R. TILLMAN ANNOUNCES- ' ARMSTRONG HEADS BOLL CONVENE 'MONDAY WEEK ,'-— CANDIDACY FOR CONGRESS V H . Judge Hayne F. Rice, of Aiken, to Son of the "Late TitchforVtien' to Preside at Approaching Term. The May term of the Court of Gen eral Sessions will convene at Barnwell Make Race This Summer. The People this week publshes tl»e formal announcement of Mr; B. K. on .Monday, May 26th. with Judgc^fr. Tillman, of Trenton, as a candidate E. Rice, of Aiken. The term is sched for ('■ongress to succetsl the Hon. .Lis. uled to la>t one week. Petit jurors ; FTByrnes. He is, the eldest son of ent rural credit law providing for the Federal Land Bank and the Joint Ho good reason wh\ South Carolina Stock Land should not send dhirtv-six delegates ; ank. During the past ten or 13_years he has, given special I'iom the entire State to the Conven- ! study to the economic side of agricuh Don in New^York. Inasmuch as the*! ture. especially farm finance, farm delegation will vote as a unit, it will ! tenantry, farm labor problems, farm not make t-he htest difference : wages, drainage of farm lamb whether any individual delegate ha- i half or a whole vote. 1 am con- i iiiy^l that the above wifi be the utf i- tu ie of the great majority of the dele- cate- to tiie State ('(invention, and ti'vt this idea will lx* adopted." Rev. D. W." Heckle Announces. TIVIFI.V FARM, HINTS BY (OUNTY AGENT BOVLSTON Sa\ Vpplkation of Nitrate of ,Snda Mill Be l-'ound Profitable. The people of Dunbarton are gf.-iti, tied to learn that iliey will have two highways under cbnstructioii so.-n.. One .of these,-which will run from Barnwell to ElUdibrn, will 1 be started as soon as federal aid cup lie secured. '1'hc other will open^up the san Hill section and will b- a gy^at conven ience to people who. live in thSfetr tion. This road will run from Dui'biii- ton to \\ illiston. We have be'-.i about the last town in Barnwell C tunty to get a^highway. an.| now that -here is some hope for these roads, wo fee! like we are somebody. The County Board of- Education will meet tlie trustees of De- ,ol i districts bordering on Dunbarton next Wednesday. May 21. at four o’clock at Dunbartolit The meeting wil* prob- ably be held- :if o;i“ of tin 1 school class Tooms. — • Master Herbert Kay Kiog who has been at His grandmothrfV—rrH- Healing Springs for the pa < month, saw fit tqcaccompany fds par.‘iu4 t( Dunbarton last Sunday. Friends of Mr. Rube Rountree,who was .shot last Tuesday nigh, are gratified to learn that he is getting along as well as could ire e\pect(‘}!. were drawn Tuesday, as follows; L. L Birt, Williston. L. Bowman Connor, Bttrnwell.“~ W. M. Hartzog. (Teorges Creek. B. M, Jenkins, Jq., Grt. Cypress. Mr T^Quattlebaum, Williston. \S. W. Woodward. Barnwell. M. JCe Hitrden. Red Oak. — .J. B. Hartzog, Georges Creek. W. H. Bodifrol, Blackville. W. B. Paiveli, Wmiston. 0. B. Staley. Williston.- Howard Black. Georges ,*(/reek. Layton E. HaTr-AVillisfon. Nathan Blatt. Blackville. l.eon W. Hutto. Blackville. Barnwell Boy • - • Winters. WEEVIL CONTROL WORK Dr. Is Successor to —Reports June 1. JT. E. Hair, Williston. B. W. Sexton. Barnwell. H. .L Hair. Blackville. - J.. (!. Owens, Barnvce’T. Frank Samlerai'Georges Creek Wade Hampton iiutto, 'Blackville. S. J. Kei-!.' Bolrnwell. J. W. Toole. Williston. J. W. Justus, E-nur Mil 1 . J. M. Burckhalter. Richland. ('. E. Boylston. Blackville. O. Tl. Owens, Red Oak. (’- A. Px-nnett. VYillisi»n. F. Chitty. Blackville. George Harfzqg.. Rlackville. .('. J. Bates.’ Willi fo-. v August ’ Saridei-.s. Barnwell.' H. J. Phillips, Barnwell. (if M. Hogg. B’im ny/el!*. . W. II. Hartzog, Blackville. A. P. ,Wooley. Blackville. County Agent Han'y_ G. ABoylston He is at the Miirgiiret Wright hospital in Augusta. W< wish to collect a statement in one of the county newspaper BERTH CARTER RECEIVES BAMBERG * ENDORSEMENT A . J r-* — - Candidate for Solicitor Mas Visitor ^ 4 .A , ^ in Barnw'f 11 Mondarr - ‘ <);' ijitciCM to 1 li- many I’lfciid- i ha- issued th((. following time he antlcUiHa merit ot *ic Rev. 11. \\ . to farmers >* ;b •Me. (;f 11. all ;,q " S!•! nil.'-.' hs a i .t-ja- b Be s ure to It a\(' -ufficii (,,fatc '' tl, ( lb; l' j ’ * >' 7 i vf' ! > i t .1 - t'iii \\ her choppi itj to have . ■ \\ h * 11 (pea .-> 1 :m v\here ip *his stand. Sr X to 1 2 inches apt: 1.' M'' 1! 1 . . ,. t, ,a-' •- w> 4 h'; •>•,'. n ’ ' o'lr' to ttt( ■. - ’ a' k s to tin ’ hill ; „ ■ .;4- :iV;u n •AcIT '1 >ag i-n"Ugh; \\ h.-re a - e. alLa,nioun' • 'J ■«• !);, Mia 1 !r ' A •ivic for t b, :i : /.( r is 11 >ed on medium, to pi ■ a • ]•: n ei i::ina 11'.- fr<>*n ■! ( hop ti iiu h‘cs a uait. On * f-hl i\ ,; !) »■ *1 f' I »’ ' 'M< In i*H ’»] v ;pii(|- uhe? ’♦ ■ Y , ' ■ la rg er amount- 0 IMitf ..-ITV Tor •* ’4 va’ai - ' H. i- tzer 'a re .aopY ed. clvoppill week which stated that Mr. fb'yward llates. who was* wounded in th,* fight which took place last Tuesday night, had died sometime last Wednesday xvith ! morning. .Mi. 'R;it< s did not die, and The Hon. B. D. Chi ter, of Biimberg, candidate for the office of Solicitor for the Second Judd ia! Circuit, was a visitor to Barnw.cll . Mbndjiv and of .a-- wlijl^i* here left his form; Huddle-Benjamin Ryan (“Pitchfork. Ben’’) 'fillman arid, according to The Edgefield Advertiser, “is fitted by t raining and .experience to successful ly represent the people of the Second District in Congress. He was a mem- ; her of the first class to gr^luate from Clem;on College and "for nearly 20 » * years following his graduation he was in'active touch wi'h the national law- -m:iking—inxlic-.-—t-bce gdwng- first hand knowledge of affairs in Wash ington that will of- mcalctilable lamefit to him should he be~chqsen by the people this summer to represent them in 'Congress,’’ says The Adver tiser. In addition to being widely read and a student.of national affairs, Mr, ...... ■ * Tillman is a practical farmer and un derstands the needs of the masses. For several years he been ciu gaged in filming and dairying near Trenton, At the meeting of the Edgefield County Convention »nst week Mr. Tillman was unanimously endorsed by that body and was elected by ac*- (bimation as a delegate to the State (’onvention. v SOCIAL AND PERSONAL NEWS FROM MibLfSTON Interesting Happenings of Past Meek in Barnwell Countv Town. Wi' at writing ,,f f,,,.. l-ii’i ■■re I’lcm advice*—rtrtrrt- qiomlent; i- getti,;,. aioti fi n s-it (tDtinel ly’ urn- ■ 1 si o< id that, -h • H».! Ill be ele ’t I'd. will not giVe-n p his cburches. ’ ' . - ;•(• ilo;a- - : - wdcj i iicht s', wi: h die to hill. \Tiu cannot n a. it. in iwo -talks -.iike a full In Mcmonam. memory ad’ B.m ih-n p.rowii Eas- ig. who died Liv 12. |-92;t: ) untes • v. re b ,Vsid( .'iO to 1 all pounds to i■ •' 1 o11 eiii!y, very pi.ofitable. applies uff.ieierj npmi'f ■■ o ot ; . tbe land.. . . .. ipplaafidi of () loin i-.ie nitrate -it to the ;ici;e. iin- ' w ill lie found Tin’s nitrate qf -I'.ould lie ton is three, to four when the inches tall. ecn+tls' spiru . gone to ha m i . ' ■ . ■ y -Of God's sweet angel- iti the Glory laind. Our heiirt- are i'oWed in deepest grief' today s' • Because voj went awav. tlv- O Pat rick-M iblcr. The'-frTT-fids of _M t. Osea a.H. Pat rick. C i Uteriv o'' ilririivvidl. will reiid with ■ - , . . • i : y.icst 1 1 c foil awing annminci ment. ; I!.. Begin tb vvlqeh api'KSireii in—Sunday’s issue of iiig the e.irly i'he Atlanta J■ >u; hid: ' • , Three to four ! amount i(f apply dcpetuling unOn the j amount'.'of fe'-tdi/er that has already ; .■ .iieen applied‘ and tire fertility of the i' sfTil.' think, now about ki!l- I HI If w eretts ott cotton, light applications of .darling-boy, life’s rqndr ;i 1 lout you, —— () loving la art. how dark tin without you. Earth's joys grow dim “ • i seems so .near -Since you are there. and ! wne da\ heavyn ■Miss Zudij- M ieder and Dr. O. H. calcium.aisenate dust applied before Patrick, -of Little Rock, Ark., \yerethe" squares begin to form 4s very ef fective. .This dust should be applied • to the Toft op wljH'n it is very (piiet and (tuietly married Suivdax the home of the. brides and Mrs. A 'C. Wieder. I.cdiietter officiating. • The bride was gowned ful blue go.TttgFtte modi afternoon ;it parents,. M.-. C tf,e m-the Savior's aimis our love He’s keeping, . 1 While ’neath the daisies your dear „form is sle'ping. M dliston. May 12.-—Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Miller and daughter, Mis.s Vir ginia, of Allendale^—were recent vis itors here. . 7 Miss Kahrqn Folk, of Columbia, visited relatives* here Jpst, week. .Mr. M yatt M oodwaril; of Detroit, Mk-h., is spending a few days Vith bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wood Ward. Y . Mrs. (leprge Dukes and little duagh- announce- tei- (it Pinewood, have been visiting ment with The Reople. Mr. (’after i- Mrs. AValHs Cone, friaking _aii active-campaign and at j Mrs. Roliert Bunk, of Bambei .s|H'iif several days last week with her mother. Mrs. W. 4. B. Newson Mis Julia Kay Mr. ann- gerrKgFmr sories to match. Mrs .Patrick lives in Grady county, generally beloved- among Iter vv. t . M. still and'largely when the (lew is col le'eting t>n the plants: in a lioauti- 4 .(’otton should be plowed ofto-t,.! ' " ■ ' ■ with acces- keeping the, land thoroughly cultivat- Sometimes when stars fia-"h tlnd '(Vlll kef'p-watch—tjll~ free care and pain r T~” —— We find vou dmc again. from . (lucted himself in court and.out i tu ...Lisomplify the'noble * tbii s of as | Mis.. Fred Pollock, of Homestead, the ; Fla., is viS-rti-i 1 g d nf. and Mrs. R. M. cthi.Cs-o; . . T profess ipjx, whech h<' nr.nor j; who has I Mixsoti,^. . — enjoyed eminent success, la: the fiebl i Mr. and Mrs. I). S. Smoak‘left Wed i ed. causing the cotton and other crop ‘to grow as fast as possible, i ■•'>. By all rneiins do not allow an- , and gummy'sTem blight to of the-criminal lavv'fn which his verv nesdav night for Atiama, being called Y - > • : , • . • • i*e se liiick 1 W>de experience, knowledge!; and skill there 1'V the sad news ot the deatn front (fUtoC streams, ! 'ender -him peculiarly fittejji for the early Wednesday morning- of the.in Like joyir that darkness minors in office -of solicitor. an* t wc Wommend sister-in-law^. Mrs Bennett . Sfririg our dreams. Mr. GaiteiMo the Denv+eratic .Voters fellow. The Pedyib- this week publishes a nymb* r (d' new advertisements that' are of interest- to the readers of thi.c paper. Thed. a! Ghero Cola Bottling.Com pany tukt s almost a page to tell if.i fi ;etiJ - of the “Bond of Friendship’’ offn. In this advert•-rmonl will Ik? fbund a coupon v, hich entitles the bolder to a bottle of that delightful beverage absofut ’v free. Clip .the < (Hipoii and enjoy a refreshing drink. Mr. John B. McMillan haTTm’adver- meiit of interest to melon growers. Be -ure and read, what be has to say. The W. D. Harley Motor Co., of this city, again .’calls the attention of .Tip- People’s reader- to the exception al value being .4feeed- m—the Essex Coach. . The -Johnson Motor ( o., of Blacky ville, announces Oveiiland’s newest creation the “Bluebird"—which is -equipped with balloon tires. . Several new candidate cards will .•rhrr-bo found in - issue, arrvong, them being the, announcement of B. R.«TiMman and B. B.'Hare for Con gress, B. Dj Carter for—Solicitor and, f). W. Heckle for the House of Rep- ntatives. . ■ several thracno- - if. the pitying night rn\d-serrfivy knew. Sleep brings its dreams of you. O lo n- if dreams of you can mean much. “ . 1 and he business circles. Dr. and Mrs. Can bring so. near your and your touch morn-. ing b«t That gives you back to me! Mother. crat tried and true, a man fail r -"‘ ' -' a lawy( \ of ability and courageous and fearless prosecutor, worthy pf your, suppoit preseiwe and of any public trust. Held on Seriou- Charge and 1 many friends, 'She has fot yetirs taught school in this county. !•’destroy your ctu-umhers, cutitaloupes She i^a talented young woman and a nd watermelons. Begin sprayingMr ' possesses many sweet and lovable , dusting when the vines begin to run. troit-s of character. [using three applications at intervals , Dr. Patrick is the only son' of. Mrs. ,,f Id toMJi davs. G W. Patrick, of Winder. Ga. He' q. Hogs will likely he very much , was for several years in business in higher this winter. Take care of vou-'-iv , . Pelham as optomeu-i.- t. He now holds hogs hy furnishing- suffbuent grazing | ■ in [ f h| , a responsible position with the A a-,-,-ops for them during the summer, Kansas State Life Insurance Company and h.-tve "pbitHa of velvet bean?, etc., is prominently identified in for early fall grazing. *~*. . . 7. To prevent peaches from hav- Patrick will leave- ing brown rot, spray now and again! Saturday tor Lbtle Rock, Ark, Hot j n a fio U ^ two weeks, using self-boiled Sprinirs; tthtI scvenil other points irfi-jj^,,. su |ph a te : S l!>^. .,f sulphiir. KjJ ef£e rsori Kny has anmiumyTth,. cn- , , lU . .. aft.'.' II,s. „f lump-lime. r*t uall.m, »f water. | K ^,. nt „f |„„. ,| 3UK j, t( „, Miss " ml ,t ”' awauU " sa '’ 1 Add) the sulphur to the lime while it j Emi i y Ray, tic Tames Marcus McMil- i‘ s in oidci that the heat |j Tti ( ,f Spartqnburg, I’te wedding t) caused will cook the Time. The late, j take place June 11 in the Healing of the second circuit a a ettizen efifi- W<'tluesiltty>•,May 7th, saw the 17th ctTMit and willing to aerve', a. Demo- car of asparagus loadi'd in Williston. an 1 Elko has shippi'd ■42 cqu's Ur date. (’bnrtcolls, a lawy. \ af ability and Williston hits sent in between Sfib energyv'a ( rrerrageous and fearless and $100 for the relief of the suffer ers of the recent ternado which swept over the State. Gasoline Tax Shows Increase. A treat for The People’s Readers* Engagement Announced. 1 Blackville, May 11.—Mi James Interest. They will be home May 10 to,their many friends af 1104 Cross Street. Rnscoe Sanders. ; young white man Receipts from 'he state three cents of the Big Fork -cctioii of the county, a gallon gasoline tax amounted to was arrested Monday .and lodged ; n S104,T40.17» during the month of Apr:!, the Barnwell jail ■/> a charge of crimi- this being the second largest month ual assault. The victim of the alleged of tl|e present year, an increase over' t-rime is a young White woman of this the March returns. Amounts receiv ed by counties in this section follow: Aiken ?-_i._ $ho89.05 Allendale - ry 393.23 Today is the day.of the big treat we told you about last week—a treat for every reader of trie People, Look for the_iioupon in today’s paper.-Find it and clip it: It ; s good for a free bottle otTChero-Cpla at any dealer’s. This treat is meant for you, and L» made through special arrangement with the (’hero-C')la Bottling Com pany. local bottlers of th* well known drink. All you do 'is clip the coupon and take it.Ur any dealer. Then.enjoy this delicious beverage absolutely free of charge. Tear out the coupon now, while it’s on your mnd. Use 4t today, or any other of the days shown on the coupon. - .* ' » tu* have been rommitted Sunday night near Bamlalff. the* two having gone >vul t,u umv - ,no ia W [ take place June 11 in the Mr. John Stansfield. of Aiken, can- peaches will very likely need'a -third Sp r i n