A ) ' ' 7 1 -2l. . “We Are CarefaU \tt Liberal ” We appreciate your l&sinefig. 5 o’o I>id in Savings Department. home Hank of barnwell. | C*X-X-XK*&*<&.'<*++*<>*+*<>•< IARNWELL, SOUTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, MARCH 13TH, 1921. NUMBER 3 Y LOCAL SCHOOL CLOSED BECAUSE OF MEASLES EVENTS OF PAST WEEK IN AND AROUND BLACKV1LLE Fear of Epidemic Causes Board Health to Take Action. of Several Homes Being Renovated.- Two Young Men Join Navy. . C. KEYS SANDERS TO MAKE RACE FOR CLERK OF COURT Ex-Soldier Has Had Many Years E\- per,ience in Clerical Work. Fearing an epidemic of measles juch as visited BlackvHle and Dun barton, the local Board of Health closed the Barnwell High School on Monday until further notice. Several cases* of this disease have developed aere in the past week and many chil- 'Iren have been exposed. The order of the Board also prohibits school chil dren from attending the theatre, Jmreh or Sunday school until the ^tajvger is considered past. It is also in»h*rrttood that stricter quarantine ‘egulations will be put into effect. It is not known just how long the ocul school will remain closed. In •>unharton it was necessary' to keep 'be school closed for three weeks be fore the epidemic subsided. Measles has not been confined to tny one section, but is said to be srcvalent throughout the county and State, and of course has -been worse u some section:* than in others. A oca! physician stated a few days ago 3 hut he could not understand the at- ,;tude of people towards this disease. statistics show that more deaths esult from it than from smallpox. Blackville, Mar.-h 10.—Mr. J. Em erson Ford, Superintendent of the The political pot in Barnwell Coun ty’ is beginning to boil. Elsewhere ip South Carolina Sunday School Board, this issue of The People will be found of the Methodist Church, gave a very instructive discourse at the Methodist Church Sunday afternoon, basing his talk on the words “And Jesus in creased in wisdom and in stature, niryd the formal announcement of Sheriff C. Keys Sanders as a candidate .for the office of Cferk of Court. Sheriff Sanders is too. well known to the people of the county to need'llny in troduction at the hands of this paper, and'he states that if thro-are any now B. H. DYCHES ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR SHERIFF SOCIAL AND PERSONAL new's From williston BUDGET OF INTERESTING ITEMS FROM DUNBARTON Mad Dog Causes Scare Among Peo ple.—Measles Epidemic Subsides in favqr with God and man.” The Rev. M. W. HooK, of Denmark, was' a distinguished visitor at the j w ^° no ^ ^ now they Vill^Jiave Methodist Church Sunday afternoon : the pleasure of making his acquain- and made an earnest ajid eloquent | tance before the campaign is over. The friends of Sheriff Sanders be lieve that he is well qualified to fill the office to which he* aspires. He had 14 years experience in clerical work for the Southern 'Railway Co. and was recognized Us one of the best accountants in the service. During the war he was in charge of railroad transportation at Camp Jackson for one year prior to going over-seas and yondered exceptonal • service to the government. He Was honorably dis prayer. The Rev. L. H. Miller will assist the Rev. H. FI. Hitt this week in a revival in the Allendale Baptist Church. Mr. Chaoses Miller, brother of Rev. Miller, will conduct the song services. He is a singer of considerable note and is a great addition to a revival. The Rev. Mr. Hitt will fill the pulpit at the Baptist Church here next Sunday and everybody is cordially invited to at tend services. Farmer Supervisr of Barnwel County Lieut. Murray Smith, U. S. N., Ar- Tte-enters Political^Arena. ""rives for Visit to His Parents. Mr. Roncil H. Dychcs, of Blackville, Williston, March 8.—Mr. and former Supervisor of Barhwell Coun- James A. Kennedy, of Philadelphia^ cm ty, has rvH'ntercd the political arena, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Ken- aml elsewhere, in this issue of The nedy. * * o', People will he found his fprmal an- Mr. and Mrs. Bert D. Carter and nouncement as a candidate for the of- children’, of Bamberg, were guests of fice of Sheriff of this comity.'- Dyr- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Latimer Sunday | then one of these aogs has gone ma«l. ing his incumbency of the Supe*visor’s am t Monday. | here are cautiously ro- DycheS’ made a wide cir- Mrs. W. B. Way. yf spent part of last week with Mr?.. a,, d quite a Clothilde Thompson. . Miss Georgia Sawyer, of Johpston, j is visiting Mrs. T. M. Willis. Lieut. MiH ray Smith, of the United Dunbarton, March 10.—A mad dog tme through the vicinity of Dunbar ton some weeks ago, biting every dog he came across. The owners of these bitten dogs gave them the anti toxin against hydrophobia, but since Mr. J. C, Haltiwanger, principal of thar ^ ed from lht ‘ aim >’ the ‘-ank of fii'st lieutenant and now holds Death of Mrs. A. B. Patterson. The people of Barnwell were great er shocked "and grieved F'rid ay moni- • hear of the death of Mrs. So- ,hic Matilda Patterson, wife of Dr. \. Patterson, of this city, which Vccurred at her homo in Bomwell at 1:15 o’clock that day after an illness < f only a few hours, following a /ffoke of paralysis. Mrs. Patterson, \\ho was* born Oct. ‘•'•th, 184S. at Grahamville, Beaufort district, was the daughter of the Hon. ^lobert Lawrence Tillinghast and Sophia Wilson Tillinghast. She /as a woman of remarkable person- lity and could eonvtrse intelligently » n practically any subject. She was n active church .worker and will be nissed not .only in the home but in he church and community. Her Ixxiy was laid to ivst Sunday ftermvm by the side of her son, l&tibert BethiiiH', who died in 1H84, the Rev. Mr. Brayshaw i*onducting tin* futaral services in the presence of a ■xrge number of -omnving relatives nd sympathetic friends. Besides her us hand she is survived by three 'aughters, Mrs. E. J. DaUosta, >f olumbia, blisses BeBee and Mary the Govan school, was a visitor here F'riday. Engineer Watts and his interacting family are among the new comers in | a in the rowrve corps. .When Cap! J. B. Morris resigned as commission office, Mr cle of friends to whom his. announce ment will be of great interest. He was a capable and efficient Super visor anil his friends believe that*ho would make a fearless Sheriff 1 . “Bonce.” as he is known to his more intimate frieivds, states that he will make an active ct^mpaign and will leave no stone unturned ^in his race for office. Mr. Dychcs is the second candidate to formally announce for this office, Capt. J. E. .Morris, of Barnwell, hav ing “thrown his hat in th ring” last week. As stated in the last issue of The People, the race for Sheriff jj^.ws promishw to he » very interesting one. Another announcement of interest t > the voters of Barnwell County i., tflat of Comptroller General Walter Ridgevill *, P an ltnP ev'ery canine in the neighbor- number of the smaller children will have to forego playing in the yards Tor sometime. Among the new automobile arrivals last week are the following: Messrs. States Navy, now stationed in* the ; K' n 8. of Dunbarton, and A. L. Carvibean Sea, Is visiting his par- Bowman, of Donors, preferred tne familiar and famous make, while Mr. A. T. Beard, of Donora, annexed ;t cuts, Dr. and Mrs..W, C. Smith. He was joined by Mrs. Murray Smith i.i Atlanta from where v thcy both came 1 ^ udson v‘ oac h- to Williston, Mrs. Smith having made ! l° ca l talent of Dunbarton .s the trip across the continent fronv K cttin * U P a minstrel which will be California. given in the near future. Dunbarton Miss Janie Matthews, of August!, has s °mc remarkable talent for min us. visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mat-| strel wor k. and the announcement that the young men are putting on *» show will be interesting to quite a number of people in Barnwell County. The number of cases of measles is fast dwindling, due to the fact that Sheriff, Mr. Sanders was appointed E. .Duncan, of Aiken, as n candidate for Congress to succeed Hon. James F. Byrnes. Mr. Duncan is well known Mta. E, C. Smith has returned to Bainbridgc:, G-a., after vKiting Mis. Q. A. Kennedy. Mrs. Glenh Darbyshire and daugh- Blackville and have apartments at I to fill the unexpired >rm by Governor the home of Mr. and M.-s, Uharles j H* 11 ^ t0 a ful1 u ‘ r ^ the following year. He enjoys the distinction of being the younge .1 Sheriff in the State, being only 20 veal’s of age at-the time of his ap pointment. He .Hates that he will make an active campaign from start to finish. FickHng. Harry Arthur, Buist, and J. R. John- son, two of Bim-kvilie’s popular boys, joined the U. S. Navy several days ago and left' Monday for. Columbia. F’rom then.* they will go Jo Hampton Roads, Ya., for training. Their many friends fuel sad at their dcpartuivY from Blackville, hut wish them much 1 . ♦ ' success and happiness in .thek' new. environment. ' - j Th ‘* Cou,t of Con,mon Vk ' lx * xt : n Misiea Sara Fickling and Eugenia vcl ^ h( " v Monut everybody has had it now. The Moultrie, Ga., after-visiting Mr. and attendance at school this week is bet- Q A Kennedy. •k' r ^ an w ’ a,s "'wk, and it is Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith and dau- ^'Ihved by next Monday about the regular average* attendance will **e in school. F'riends of Mr. and Mrs. T. TTiiirt of Common Pleas. with the * Crescent Drug Co., of'Beau fort, was a visitor to his Daren's Sunday.. He. was accompanied by thm* Beaufort boys, Mt -srs. Crosby. Mann and Black. They made the trip by automobile and expressed much appreciation for the splendid high : 'ways in this section. F’rom Blackville the Barnwell County Medical As-ocia- 1 tion, which resulted in a ruling in fa vor of the Association. In the ease of J. B. Colt Co. vs. VV. F’. Weeks, suit on note, a verdict was returned for the plaintiff for $193.05. When Tlx People closed its form- the Court was engaged in the trill of "Orphans of the Storm” Ha? Booked at the Vamp. Been they motored to Bamberg to visit friends and ivlatives. Mr.- Charley Rent/, of Bamberg, was a business visitor here Monday. Mrs. J. B. Keel and daughter, Miss n Patterson, of- Barnwell; her gra..u-1 •- • — i Mr Henrv i 'hsiting Mi’s. Norman Young- j blood and Mrs. Alonzo Batiiu_^ 1 n( l: j Marian Keel,.spent the week-end i ephew and adopted ?vjn, < lifford Harrison, of Columbia; one -isber, Mrs. John 1. Bronson, of Barn- WtH, and one granddaughter, Miss Elizabeth DaCostu, of Columbia, who ,ave the sympathy of many friepds -A their bereavement. Mr. Brayshan HeW-up. Rev. Mr. Brayshaw, of Orange- ^.'OTg, who was called to Barnwell -.'■Saturday to conduct the funeral ser- .a-<'K cd’ Mrs. A. B. Patterson, was the victim of a hold-up while retuiping •tome that night. While (Tossing ihe )ridge over the Fkiisto River, two young white m**n commanded him to .-rU»p and after orderng hiin out of tiis 1 ay; proteoded to stiuvii nim for mon- y. He had only two dollars in his nocket, whx-h wetv taken, but tlie ^ » 1 rhievcs allowed him to keep his watch ^uid a small gold cross. He said that ihe small amount of jjioney and the gold crt*ss led the men to believe that lie was an impecunious Catholic priest. The? robbers ovcrlookcxi sev eral checks that Mr. BrayritlW^Lii'f placed in his prayer Ijook, of /■nurse, these would have been worth less u» them. Another Cold Spell. I ,• Tuesday was one of the coldest days >»f the winter, therrahiheters exposed in cold winds registering-m; low as 23 degrees early that morning. The wind began to Wow Monday and as it increased in force, the mercury be gan to- fall. AT dark the reading was :1G degrees, a further drop of lb- de grees coming during the night. Thiv < old will naturally delay the aspara gus season' and will damage early gardens. Mrs: Harold ’Buist, of Washington, 1 is the guest of her 'aunt. Miss' Marie : Meyer. , J ' Friends of Mrs. R.. B. F’ickling will W*' delighted to karn that 'she is at j home fi-om the Baptist Hospital, and is much improved in health. % 1 To the delight of his many frh'ndv, i Mr. J. H. Sander s is able to. he out ' again after a spell of illness. Mr. J. A. Creech has purcha.-ed the ■ former home of Mrs. L/ottie Rowe : Buist and is having it repaired ami tv - j painted. Mayw J. V.‘Matthews is having hi? : borne rtqraintect. Mrs. Jlossoms” and “Way Down East.” Its metropolitan debut iq the house reseived for Griffith premieres was the holiday event of the New York theatre* world. Since then a Griffitn presentation has lx*en arranged foi ^progressively in other important cen ters of the country, and the picture r? l>ooktKl as a s’trictly “big-time” propor sition.- The reception given it in Boston, Chicago* X’levelaiid, Dirtioit, Pittsburgh, and other large cities has lH*en an echo of. the praise won by it in New York. ‘/‘Orphans of the Storm’ i*s lb. W. Griffith’s higgest,’’ -ays Manager Diamond, of the Vamp. “It , is the most brilliant t-peetacle ever produced in Americar/and that leaves nothing to lx* said. Based on th( stirring melodrama ‘The Two .Orphans,’ wi’.h a record of a half century’s success, the Griffith film utilizes .every Int of dramatic action in it.and display,■> it against a Titanic background of ac tion ami atmosphere of the period — the F'rench revolution. They have hailed ‘Orpharis of the Storm’ as a moving story, swift in action, won- j (jei’fui in historic rnt< < -t. and filled i with, a masterly sense of suspense 'successfully it will be an advertise ment of the pu->h, pull and pep of our Cunningham,' community. Let’s put it across ? Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. of Liberty Hill, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Cunningham. Death of Mrs. W. W. Molony, Miss Lucyle j Molony, Miss Kat ; c Lee Steele, Mrs.; BlackviUe, March 10. Sunday, Uewts Grubbs, of Blackville, were March 2ml, at noon, the Death Angvl visitors in Williston lust Thursday, j visited the home of Mr..and Mrs. Lin- Mr. C. Whittle and family were nie Hair and called away to a better homo above Mrs. Hair’s uncle, Mr. Billy I>an«is.ter. • He w^s about 70 years of age and was sick about two and week- with measles, which developed pneumonia. AIT that loving into visitors Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Smith. . Mr. H. F’. Jackson, of Columbia, was a week-end visitor of Mi Mrs. M. A. Smith. ^ A marriage of interest to their hands and nursing could do was done many friends was that of Miss Lizzie His body was law! to rest in the Dou- Lowe to Mr. Lewis Wallace, which ble Pond Church yard oh the follow- was solemnized at Barnwell Febru- ing day, the funeral services being ary H5th. Both of the contracting conducted by the Ri*v.‘ L.' HI Miller, of parties an* from Barnwell County. | Blackville. Mr. Lancaster was a S. E. Moore and W. C. Birt, of member of the Double Pond Church, and lived a Christian life. He is sur- Snelling, were visitors here Tuesday. ^JL. E. Lagrone, of Johnston, was a visitor here Wednesday. vived by two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Still and Mrs. Nancy Dychesy two brofch- Mr. and Mix. W./T. Stuckey and ‘‘rs. Messrs. Lfiirkin and Darling Lan- f am ily, of Eastover, spent the week-; caster, and a host of other reiatives c*ud w*ith Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Prothro.1 an( l friends. Mrs. J. H. White, of Columbia, is | now, but in the coming years, vhating h(*r parents, M.i - . and Mrs. L.l ma^ he in a better land, S Mellichamp. * v! We’ll read the meaning of^ our tears, Mrs* A., M. Kennedy is visiting) And there, sometime, well under- Mesdames .Julian Clements and Per sia ml. liox Party Tomorrow Night. The Galilee and Reedy Branch '(•hools_will give an entertainment and Box party at the Reedy Branch school house tomorrow (F'riday) night, March 14th. A fhere will be an address by .some local speaker. The * * ' public is cordially invited, to attend. Mr. uncKjMrs. Carter Ibnce and Mr. pairing their home. ^ ! Josh Baxley left Tuesday m the form- Mr. and Mi's. F. 'H. Hitt,-of Elko, t etY? ear for a visit to relatives and wei-e business visitors here Saturday., friends in Laurens. , F'riendf? of Mia. W. B.’ Johfiston ! will learn with pleasure that, she is improving afu-r a serious illness. The Windy Hill Greek ccrmreu* bridge and the Whaley Creek eon- ry Gills in Charlotte. ami climax. I^mm my inspection of j ^J. II. Randall, after visiting his One Who Loved Him. the picture 1 more than share the en- ? v thusiasm of the entk. :”. Mot only hasui 'great spectacular undertaking been accomplished in the - m*w"Griffith film, but it is played by sion that the cold spi'U j-his wet*k may j a notable cmd. l'or“ tlie first time aid in exterminating the boll wet-vil, | since the “Heart of the World," tbc* hut Capt. Jim Gue.->s, of Denmark, J two Gis^,..sistets are in one 'film, as says that after one of the severest Khe two orphans parents Mr r and Mrs. L. F. Randall, has returned to Atlanta. . Walter-Griffin, of Egypt, Ga., was! Small Blaze Thursday. . Slight damage was done to the ! drug, store of Dr. Max Bmnwn on a recent >x4tur in this section. , .. . Mr.W Mre; B: I>. -w« ra »rtz ^ Thursday .(ternoon by ,. firv of unknown origin. The btax-f son have returned to their home ir> S^annah after visiting relatives in th.-, section. ' , 1 nlv when the volunteer fin* depart; Mr. • and Mrs. Willie* Porter and • . , . , , , , ; started under the floor near the pre- 1 scriyiftion case ajid was burning mer- erete bridge are completed, hut not cold spells of this winter, he found | Other players ar-'-'the sensationally ' family, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Boylston. open for traffic. | him “eozily huddled” in his wood pile. J "magnetic Joseph Schndkraut, idar of Miss Mildred Owens, of White j Mr. T. O. Reynolds pnd family are . the stage success “Liiiom,” Monte Pond, was the week-end guest,of Miss new comers in town. Mr. Reynolds is ^ Blue, Frank LoSc.e, Sheldon Lewis, Lunice Turner. (the baker here. ; Sidney Herbert, Creighton Hale, Kate Mrs. Ronald C, Gyles and her.inter- j School will ^clo.-.e for this week on j Bruce and other—Griffith selections, (.•sting children have, mined to their ^ Wednesday in order for the teachers/ The big feature of the production, lie- home at Tar 1x310, N. C., aftei- a visit to attend the teachers’ meeting in ! sides the heart interest, is the tre- mvnt arrived, and quickly had the fir* under control. Notke. to home folks hen*. Messrs. C. J; Martin and G. Cull Columbia. They ar£ looking forward mendous scope of the Reign of Terror with much pleasure to this important I portrayal. ‘ The last half of the film Still made an interesting automobile j'occasion, the. pupils are rejoicing over !.is described as a soul-stirring whirl trip last week to North Carolina.- j the holidays and many pleasures are Some folks are under ,the impres- being planned. .of acute suspense. I Prices 30 and GO cents. M rises Alice and Alberta Boylston, of Williston, spent lasriSunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Birt at.Snelling. —- J. W. Jones, of ; Ridge Spring 5 , „ The County. Board of Equalization general manager of the South Carolina will mevt in the Auditor’s office on Asparagus Growers’ Association, was , t h c . fourth Tuesday in March, 1924, a visitor here this wejek. J for any busumw that may properly Mr. and Mrs. (}. A. Kennedy. J. F. oome before ill. Kennedy and Dr. J. L. Smith left j M,* t H. Manning, Thursday for St. Petersburg, Miami ( ' Auditor, and other points in Plorida. They. ♦ are making the trij) by motor.. j Advertise in THE PEOPLE.