• • • • • • SPECIAL NOTICES. One cent a word, tharge, $5 cents, i Minimum FOR SALE. FOR SALE.—-Shetland Pony, Black Beauty; Gentle as a lamb, any child calt drive or ride. Pony, cart and har* ness complete. Reason for selling have no one to use It. C. L. Jordan, Allendale, S. C. FOR SALE.—1200 to 1500 bushels Cleveland Improved Big Boll Cotton Seed, known as Sawyer; saved espec ially for seed. $1.50 a bushel, f. o. b. Blackville. Address C. H. Mathis, Blackville 6 , S. C. 10-25-tf • HERB AND HKHR A BOUTS. • The diys gain 11 minutes in sun shine this week., Mr. Max Bronson is iut again af ter a severe attack of grip. Mr. J. C. Patterson spent Sunday with relatives in Walterboro. Mr. Angus Patterson spent a couple of days in Columbia last week. Mr. J. R. Boylston, of Allendale, was in the city this week on business. REOS! REGS! Now on hand, me at Blackville. C. H. Mathis. See FOR SALE.—Job Work of any kind—from a visiting card to a double page circular. Send us your orders. The People, Barnwell, S. C. FOR SALE.—600 pounds aspara gus feed, French Argentile variety; price 35 cents per pound in lots of one to three pounds; reduced prices on larger quantities. Apply to W. H. Wooley, Elko, S. C. l-24—$t. FOR SALE.—“Remtico" typewriter ribbons for any make of machine. Send us your mail orders. The Peo ple, Barnwell, S. C. J. Emile Harley, Esq., went up to Columbia one day last week on busi ness. Attorney A. H. Ninestein, of Bfack- ville, is attending Court here this week. Mr. J. E. Bates, of Elko, was in the city Tuesday and subscribed to The People. Attorney Solomon Blatt was called to Columbia Friday on professional business. NEWS OF BLACEVILLR. Mr. Chaa. Malony Elected PreaWent of Railroad Company. Private Sam J. Woodward, of Camp Sevier, spent Sunday in the city with his mother. SALE.—Seed Rye and Rape C. N. Burrkhalter, Barnwell. a t-7—4t WANTED. WANTED.—To rent 60 to 90 acres Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Sanders, of Al lendale, were the guests of relatives here Sunday. Jas. M. Patterson, Esq., of Allen dale, ta among the visiting attorneys here this week. Sheriff J. B. Morris and Mr, E E Moms went op to Augusta one day last week on John W 8 C MIBCELLANBOIE SPRING COAT BCITR.—We knee >mt received an advance shipment of Bpeing Coni Bmta and cordmAf Write the laitiee of RomweB County to eafl Messrs N Knopf, of Pairfaa, visitors here this wi Mr R W R4ey. r eekiey and the all the la not styteo. ay to atWwf the l Riley wtll swat aoi Miss llallae At uw CohmsWh md the feoirwl of Mrs R to Ot is J A Miss KHsseos leeching ashool •pant the wash an etty with sei- ms at Rterhvil Now so bond C M Methm Blackville, Feb. 12.—The many friends of Mr. Chas. Malony, formerly of Blackville, but now of Savannah, Ga., will be pleased to learn of his promotion from assistant to the vice- president and general manager of the Central of Georgia Railway to the presidency of the Wrightsville and Tennille Railroad. At a special meeting of the board of directors held at Tennille, Ga., on Feb. 1st, Mr. Ma lony was elected president, vice Mr. Henry D. Pollard, who resigned to ac cept service with another company. Mr. Malony is the son of Mrs. Sallie Malony, of Blackville, and this com munity, together with Barnwell Coun ty and South Carolina at large, feels much pride in his great accomplish ments. "He first saw railroad service at Blackville, his boyhood home, in the capacity of telegraph operator for the Southern Railway, later becoming as sociated with the Central of Georgia at Savannah, where he has worked himself up from the bottom of the lad der and his promotion can easily be attributed to long, faithful service and meritorious work. The people of Blackville tender their heartiest con gratulations, and expressions of grat ification are heard on every hand. The following item from “The Lead er,** of Fort Meade, Fla., will be read with interest here: “Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner Gyles of Blackville, S. C., are the gusets of Mrs. Gyles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe G. Durrance, of Wauchula, Florida Mr. Durrance is President of the Peo ple's Exchange Bank of Wauchula and one of the biggest citrus growers end cattle raisers in the “land of flow ers " Mr Gyles is ea attorney and merchant of Blackville. He mamed M»aa Durrance a year ago and aa the young rouple spent a part af their honeymoon here at the Retf House they are pleasantly rsaiiaihTsd hy many fnsada Leaving they will spend a fl Grande ta Ash far reatempiale a trip to Cuba before re ta fleath Caruhaa" Mrs M r. hotel of CotaaWia spent a few days here th*s week Mws Anale Epps af Bamtee la Wg Mtaa Juanita Matthews Mrs LaVefwe Thomas ead chddreu el BamWeg are «is*iiag Mrs C W, Rents, Jr Mrs Anale Parker af BaHiwefu. Md. la vtaMmg her aaekeee, Mrs C J. J U 7 mvwg m Weaahala few days at Bpee tarpon and thea Rt T TUB BRUT -Dua'I he de ceived Flee grata aaptna wkteta, IA rente per doooa; two deeea fee SA routs C M B err k he her. Rerawell. R C I 7—41 The warm weather af the past see etui days has heea af immense heao At te the farmers la the prepersliae of their lauds Mrs A. Bull af Bpartauharg t family here aad wtB af Caam Aevi ■ is Mr JI BT BRt RtVRD^. Keutacky mates, the Wealara markets. Qu lect the aaimal you m humper crape They right aad win he said ereeedmgty A Porter. Barawed. A C. A carload af seam af the te m aad sa id to pr adore were bought Fee the poet P»eph has heea lea vutweteer "There's a ream several weeks adding from It sahamhers m% JLBT RECEIVED.—A carload af Keatarky mules, the cream of the Weetera market* Caam la aad se lect the aaiaml yea need ta produce bumper crops. They were bought right aad wtU he sold eccordmgty. J. A. Porter, Be me eft. 8. C Rl’B-MY T1SM--Astiseptic. Relieves «m£eumsU*m. Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. REOS! REOS! Now on hand, me at Blackville. C. H. Mathis. See SPRING COAT SUITS.—We have just received sn advance shipment of Spring Cost Suits sod cordially invite the ladies of Barnwell County to call and see them. Our selection includes all the latest styles, colors and tex tures and our prices will suit any purse. Come in before the size you want is sold. J. A. Porter, Barnwell, S. C. Mr ead Mrs Larhla mvtsrvd ever te Auguota Sunday te eee the fcvmer's lister, who le it] m a hospital m that etty. Mine Madge Bowman returned ta her heme ta Orangeburg Saturday af-* tern sen after spending a few days la the city with Mise Leuise Porter. Mr B Mssursky has returned from a visit to the Northern markets, where he went to purchase goods for the Western Carolina Department Store. Mr. and Mrs J. W. Woodward, of Columbia, Lieut Harry Woodward, of Camp Sevier, and Mr. Oliver P. Wood ward, of Allendale, attended the funer al of their sister, Mrs. R. W. Riley, Sunday afternoon. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with a few doses of 666. Circulars Supplement News- . paper Advertising. We Make a Study o£ the Attention Compelling Kind and Print Them Quickly. j 'REOS! REOS! Now on hand, me at Blackville. C. H. Mathis. ADVERTISING MAKES MORE BUSINESS. Money to Loan Loan made same day Application received. No Red Tape. Harley & Blatt Mrs M Jamei Sunday here and Mrs A fl Mrs E C Miss ADuwss. Mrs Wstann s Mias Blanrhe Mstthews. after frwd- uattag at Usher Callage aa February !« ia spsadisg a f«w days with her sister. Mrs C A. Epps, at Sumter, be- farq returning home Wataaa and I sgsat several days a, WsWs at Omrlnstna Material is being hauled to the lot on Main Street opposite the Home Bank property for the erection of a modem brick business house. The building was planned by the late Hon. George H. Bates a short time prior to his death and his plans will be carried out by the executors of his estate. It will be quite an addition to the Business part of the city. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE. Seeley, World Famous in This Special- ' ty, Called to Bamberg. "F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila delphia, the noted truss expert, will be at the Mayflower Hotel and will re main in Bamberg Friday only, Feb. 22. Mr. Seeley says: “The Spermatic Shield will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, but contracts the opening in 10 days on the average case. This instrument received the only award in England and in Spain, producing results without surgery, in jections, medical treatments or pres criptions. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Government, Washington, D. C.. for inspection. All charity cases without charge, or if any interested call, be will be glad to show same without charge or At thorn if aired Business at aay Ulmer, Feb. t.—On Thursday after- mm. January 24. Miss Annie Leon Dickinson and Eldon Kirkland motored over to the Baptist parsonage at Syca more and were married by the Rev. Mr. Shealy, pastor of the bride and groom. Mrs. Kirkland is the young est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Dickinson and her girlish beauty and •ttraetive personality have won for her many friends who are pleased to know that she will continue to make her home here. Mr. Kirkland is the eldest son of Mrs. Annie Kirkland and has been here about five years, having come to Ulmer from Bamberg and holds a prominent pfoce in the town. Play at Allendale. Allendale, Feb. 12.—On Friday evening, the 15th inst, there will be a play at the Pastime Theatre here, entitled “Down in Dixie." This play will be given by the Literary Society and the proceeds will go for the bene fit of the school library. Everybody is cordially invited to be present. “Un cle Moseley” and “Susannah" will give you a laugh every few minutes, while the pathos and vivid reality of the whole play will stir the heart of ev ery true Southerner. Admission, 20 and 30 cents. ‘ Solve Fertilizer Problem With MANURE , t f' * f Cost and efficiency considered, it’s The Cheapest Fertilizer A COMPARISON OF* THE COSTS OF PLANT FOOD IN COMMER- CIAL FERTILIZERS AND MANURE . * > • BASIC PRICE PER UNIT Acid j $1.25 Ammonia . $7.00 Potash —$6.00 COMMERCIAL MANURE FROM CAMP FERTILIZER JACKSON Analysis— Analysis— K-.VO coat per ton.......$37.00 8-3-3 coat per ton $84»P0 10-2-0 coat per ton $30.00 Acid. 0.45 At $1.25 $ M Airnnom*. 0.M at $7.00 4.76 PoUM). 0.66 at $6 00 $.46 $8 80 ACTUAL WORTH OF MANURE BASED ON COMMERCIAL FERTt- . L1ZER 9»M ‘ OUR PRICE LESS THAN HALF THAT Furthermore the decay inf orpuik matter In the Manure la maatantly adding available plant food to the aoiL la valuable both from a humus standpoint aa uraU aa a land builder., Manure will show reunite for three year*, and its coat divided through this period will show a much lower coat per unit of plant food than any other fertiliser on the market. WE ARE daily making shipments Right now la the time to use ma- of thk product into all sect tone of the aunt. Wrtta as today If yon are inter country, and It ia being received with sated In prompt delivery. We already entire antiafacUon on account of its ex* have numeroue orders booknd for r el lent quality and condition on arrival prompt shipment, but will one our bast at destination. efforts to make delivery la accordance We will be glad to make credit ar- with inetmctioaa. rangements with responsible parties, or We specialist on car lot shipments. we will accept wood ia exchange for Cars average S3 tons. Boy a car ia con- manure. Wood to be delivered during junction with your neighbor and save the summer months. freight SHIPMENT MADE FROM EITHER POINT CAMP JACKSON CAMP WADSWORTH COLUMBIA, S. C. SPARTANBURG, S. C. Agents Wanted in Unoccupied Territory Powell Fuel ; Columbia, S. C. »•••••••• 0 Home Demonstration Work. The regular monthly meetings of the following Home Demonstration Clubs will be held next week on the following dates: the Iftk. the 2Znd Just Received A new supply of “Remtico” Carbon Paper and lemtica” Ribbons for all makes of typewriters. The best made.