\ V BARNWELL. S. C.. THURSDAY, DECEMBER1UUB^~7 -zrr- KO. 19 tAB0R4W ^MEW-ROIE-THEY SPEAK OUT ready for ihe fray LEADERS ARE JAILED. Coinix'rs, Milchcll and ^•orri.4 n, President, \ ic«* Preftident and Sec. retnry of the Ijibor Federation, Condeuined to J’rlsi'n Il«Vau»e Tliey Advised T to Huy Certain embers Not Ilecanse They Dasht'd by . Him on Horseback He Cut One of 'IH’eir Horses. Washington, Dec. 22.—The query, ‘Is the president in hls^ight mind?’, •a has tejeu discussed in A’ashing:on by ft party of college -gir^—even N \\ _ aejhington; Dec. 23.—Twelve months in jafl for Samuel Gompers, prestdetr, nine months for John .Mitchell, oil’ of the vice presidents, and six months for Frank Morrison, roc retar y, all of the. American Fod- eraiioh of I^ioor. was the sentence impofied by Justice Wright, of th> Sipreme .Court of the District of Gdiri lua, today for contempt of , Court by. violating an order previous ly' Issued emjoining them from plac ing on the “unfair” or "we don't juitronize'" list the Bucks Storve and_ H:tn*e Company, of St. Louis, totr" All thxet! of t|je defendant* were -iii Court. X«f!ce of an a| peal to the Court of Appeals, of the District of uruMa. at once was filed, Gom pers IK*ing released on $5,000 bond, Mitchell on $4,000, and Morrison on $3,000. In •addition to th« wife and daughter, of Gompers, there were .present a cumber of local labor Iiadors and others who were attract* • d by the no’ice that a decision in the famous case would !»^ announc >d today. Mr. 6o.mper's family Wt re visit a ffected. Wit inears coursing down his owa cheeks, Prlident Gompers he»rd the QC'I'T of the Court, which con;krini.. ed him to T»nson for a year.' Roth ‘Mitchell and Morrison seemed stun- ned b jmC e srurrenre, although MPrch- * II appeared to be the least con., cerned’. Asked if he had anything to say why wntiuvce- elho^Jd nott be pro nounced, Hr etude ot (e>mpers- dtHtlar- ed tlfrit he had not consciously xlo- before the now famous, message de nouncing certain newspapers as tlanderers of the government, and fhelr editors as Kars. An incident occurred on Thanksgiving day in one of the parks of Washington, which has just been made public, and which has been the subject of Messages of Sympathy Sent to the Labor Leaders * | SENATOR TILLMAN WILL BLESS ♦ OIT TEDDY. SENTENCED TO JAIL A Washington Palter Says tl& Sen ator Has Plenty of Fight in Him Yet. Hryan Chief Among Nearly . Two- .Score Men to Wire Protest-Against Judge Wrifeht’-s Decision In the Washington, Dec. 19.—That Sen- itor Tillman. Is expected to give fur ther exhibitions of his ability to Wield Ills famous pitchfork* .in . imll Contempt ‘Case Against Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison. Washington■>. Dec. 24,—WVt.. J. who attend the National Park Sem inary, at Forest Glen, Maryland. A teacher at the school In quej Ion was riding, in companv^tmh three of thj? young ladies^dn Rock Creek park -on Than>*i?fving l)a> A^dhey were.gotng-dflong one of the road's of theu«uk>nal reserve they saw a party^ahead of them w hich in clude's that as they came near er the party, she recognized ond admirable horsemanship, she m have been thrown beneath the feet of the horses. I do not was int n- know whether' the blow tional. ;; . ~ luted any law. The r e was mi'eh-he would line to say, ho said, but, he • ttkl not do it that ti'me . Il^-midel. nowevor, that “this Is utrngMa^ of the working p (oole iggle It iggle f the mcii.Vof laisir t>-thf©w off e une of the \lmrden^ v whjci^v^ha • l"'n. heaped \'pon them; to abolish wrongs and to secure \nghts too long de- go .^tijad of our party,’ said 11 res i de nT.’^ftk' • be r*4e* --paot- u > i'imk. rv, ui aue worKing px ♦if our couftlYy^ and it is a st'iif 'of the workiing people for right, iu a fitnigglA of the age?—a stnif v /* some of the Vnne.of th.e Tile I.” 'li’'' , ii ll amt‘ "Moi risen confined ihemselvevs t;d an endota* ment-of what Mr. ConifsTs had said. History of the Civse. The Rucks Company’s prosecution of the officials of the Federation be gan in'-August, 1907. The original notion was a tent case wherein 1 was song-ht to enjoin the labor un i >ns from using the "unfair" and “we don't patronize” Mists in Their P ;bt a gain rt firms and individuals. Justice Gould, of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, hwued an injunction whica was later made permanent forbidding the publication of the company's name in tbl«s veil Is given o t n that way.^Xit. was ' proba ly bought that the story would not gut Into the papers. Xflut it has come out. And there are ■some peo ple In this city who are asking the inestlon, “is the„ iresident InNfiis right mind?” 1’resi lent Goni|>ers in an editorial in "The Federatidnist" of last Jan- * ~ / nary, elnime^ that fhe .labor organ izations had a right To advise their members' not to patronize certain firms tAat was not friendly to labot organizations, and made known his intention jidt to pbey the Court’s or der. contending that the Injunction Issued was in derogation of the rights of laboii and thh press and an abuse of the injunctive po^er of the Courts. , . rtotnimrs. Mitchell and Morrisor "subsequently were cited for contempt ami fhir phase of the case has been before the Court for many months the proceedings taking the form,-of a hearing of testimony before an examiner and many arguments. * SHOOTS WIFE, KILLS CHILD. West Virginia Dentist Follows Vp Quarrel With a Tragedy. J-'w- Cameron, W. Va., December 24,- Dr. M. C. McCrackei), a dentist of this place., today, shot Ills wife and frihadlf wounfled his two-yeftF-old fhtM, It. 1? said, after having quar- 'rolled *mh his wife. He then turned ilte gun on himself, but It failed to explode, and Mrs. McCrackek sue coedofl in taking W from him. After the shooting the « mother picked up the child 'and Parted for the home of her grandfather. W M - Kinettld, about four squtirwr'~awiay. The, blood was streaming ^trom the ; ^from hal in wound in her back and tihil in th' 7 . chitA’a head— The taJhy, died, rtaottiz after reaching the Kincaid home. McCracken was arrested at , hits home and taken to the Moundavllje jajl tonight. Steamer Wrecked. CrooVhsven. Ireland. Dec 23 — ^'TKe'TiTTn'sTT'srwrmFr iTads- CatAain Roberts, from Oalveerton. December f.th. for Llvtirpool, Is a total wreck on the southwest T^i™! Miz?n , , Roberts, a steward a rnd four m®r sere drowned the remainder of the crew, si»ty-flve men, sawed tbeoM^W®* by climbine the lace of the lUff* \ much disemesibh*among the girls oated bj^the-following article which appears In one of the* Washington afternoon papers: , "All these- stories-about Senator Tillman'to Mhe effUct tha.t his^recqnt illness took all the old-time fire out of him and left him in a condition where he Wlir be nothing more than? a harm lees spectator of the pro- exprqgsive of thHr cordial sVmnafny I ceedings of the senate, which . he to’Presfilent Gompers, Vice President used to enliven to no small degree MitcM ft and Secn^tary Morrison, of b y hte pitchfork taotic*. are o Ttaln the lentihi news A’hite ftfHise, MEETS TKAUH’ DEATH. Is Clothe* Caught Fire and lauly Fatally Burned. Lexington, ^ec. 21.—One of the saddeat deaths that has ever. oc curred in jlY\s section was that of Mrs. Oarrle Hallman, w'ife of G Henry Hallman, a prominent me nt of Giltiert. this county, on Fn day. Mr._ Hallman left for his worl arly In the morning. l»ri\ing hi-, wife apparentLgwi the host of healt only to ba c^^Ti back a few hours later to find her in the agonies of death. About 9 o'clock neighbors were at- 'racted to the Hallman house by a woman's screams and when they ar riVed they found Mrs. Hallman lyib- in th‘ floor with all of the clot hi u.^ inrned off and eome parts of hoi >ody burned almost to a crisp. .It s the siippoittion thiit she’ had fainting spell and fell foremost into 'he fir,e. •*She expired within a ; f‘‘\\, hours, death relieving her from h *«rrjble' agonies. Mrs. Hallmani-^vas 4 2 years of ag ’ and leaves, besides her husband, in sistlrs. She wfik a meml>er of-a;fhb Luthern church and was a devoted Christian. The" body of Mijs^ Ha ll man w as laid to rest ,at ShlToh Mnthodbt hurch on Saturday in the presence of a large assemblAgp> c^f relatives and friends. ^ The fuueral services were conducted by her pastor, the Rev. B. D. Wesfinger. — News am Courier. Bryan was cut tf^ ampng noarly two score, of mem .the majority of whom' are leaders in.the labor movement of % th*’ country, w ho today -tent messages future are assured, t.hi'se which I It is only (>t Ocllla, G.a., Doc/ 23.—Within stone’s throw of each other, Thi-ir life blood making crimson the sh li ed sUro its of this quiet town,, three men were Instantly killed tonight I < ' , ‘ r,a ^ ,l,b ‘ K ,bal * shail speak here; and an officers of the--fei-w-r.e.coiied 1 "L " iHiiii^ the next, tweifty or rbt^^yeiTefV ^-nuii-it wltt start, within ooncrtUi fhe American Fidorvtion of lobor. . The meesates, wlii^h.came from every section of ly all to the bad. Uncle Benjamin is right back on the job In the old form that made him famous. He the country, and I demonstrated this to the queen’is voi-rod the smtlmi-nits of jsl-sona in taste while the matUar of rebuking almost every'avenue o' Inbnr. convey the president w-as under considor- fex’Mngs^ of regret over the Cortri’s ahioti. ' — •> . »— iecislon, Mjctentl moral and Tnancial I "Onci mortal w-ounds-. The (bad are: Charlie Moore. I ,h « next Two or three -concrote ar Virgil Mcx>re, laonard Smith. Ichltecture will take enormous Fatally injuerd: Policeman Ca-'n WtaW >r«. .» | (umcrete wUl l*e reduced to a scienfu support, and in some- Irrtnnces ex press imllgpatibn.- Mr. ^Iryan in a telegram darted Pi'rtsburg addressed to Messrs Oom-'| lams, Mitchell and Morrison, .says: Sorry to read the decision. You did your duty in testing law. Glad rou are taking appeal.” “What action on the part of or- ranized wage earners will. In your ipihion, b/ most useful to re-estab- Ish ’freedom of the ‘press and of sjjeerli?” asks H. P. Her ham, preai- dent' of the Order of Railway Tele graphers in a telegram from St. Louis, addressed to Mr. Gompers I’erhaj s opeMrf ti e p ost unique' among th • .messages is that from J. 5 Barry, of Oklihonia City, who af ter expressing n-arr. t o\* r the flo- ision. diu'larvs: ""Stay with the lag- age, right niuot .prevail.” W. 1) Mahon, president of the AmAlgamgiJ d tisso< ia-ion rtf .Ttre'ft Railway' TThijiloyees. expresses sin- — . .—■ cere rv’«T«*at what pe-considers “an ” ‘You know' tha^ymis^oufniWr "fnT^cT’ and I’h-Amorican* s'dienro more he rose from his 'sat on the center aisle and brand; ♦ fledjhis big hand over the cham- !>er. Once more that half plaintive half tlmatenmg tone iesued forth from his mouth. And once more he fi.x*Ml his quizzical eye on the Repub- ’lc;m f#de ot,. fhe chamber to see what Messrs. Aldric]i and Hale might perchance have to- say to his mslought. Hu even cast a glance n the direction of Senator Lodge of MaseachiisetB, the president’s par- Mcular friend, and the senator of ■elephone fame, whom In the past h i doughty ’ South Carolinian ha* always delighted to twit. This was conclusive evidence that the ’fire- eater’ is still In his prime. “And the curlou* thing about it there doesn’t- saem to l»e a sena tor. not even a Republican, who really minds it much. He delivered bis parting shot in the debate on 'he pn Mdent s message when he hurled this declaration across the Isle: 'Pome iiewntoeft-—■wiayte‘i'ATu|g»e upon -tl# labor barters. y *He >u ar e clearly Qm* vl$ttltrp.'W£ ti l uddV^jsj^.jaliiak• nn-., c’ub^ ituTlohal. Tf Khontd be carried to the hi'ghest court t and' contested to the blirtor ‘iid. ard dne you iIk nniii’d s’i|ipf$t of uflf‘AssoHdJtion to that end,”* Pbat history will pi ire the names >f Messrs Gomocrs. Mitchell and Mr.- rison on th(‘ roll of honor with those men who have made real sacrifices for human uplift is, the declaration of John R. Lennon, treasurer of the Xmorican Federation of Labor. In' a message from Bloomington. 111. . “No Court decision.” Mr., I/cnqpn says, “can make you criminals at the bar of public opinion.” • * Two hundtl Id union farmers o! T-Tas sympathize with the three la- >or leaders.” declares D. .T. N’eHl. the »r< sident of the Farmers’ EduPation- itKiind Co-oi>erati\ti Fnlon of Texa*. in a Titeesago frrm Fort worth. “Ab- vi-K’ ns fiow to aid you.” conclnder Mr. Neill. ‘‘Vlctrvry oNyre^d is hurt tempor ary; vert Jn«i*|ceNit 111 yet prevail4\ F the way’ John F MCXamee, niiltor of the Lui’orn >tive FlrenKm and Kneine- men's Mae*,'z!ne. states fi,In a f le- gram from -Indianapolis. .1 \ Franklin, president: Wn> dli'h«‘riH>., inrerpatlona.! secret.aj-v '.reasu’vw, and A. .Tlinzman. of th .Tntern.uitirin.nl Boxtherhood of Boiler maHrs. at Kamsas-Cirtv, sent a me? nee declaring that Jqdge Wright s sentence Is “unjust.” “The evidence pr.ovesdhat you obeyed Judge Gould’s order.” navs the n*usage, ““but hn- 'naq j'id gee retain and reflect the en- H'-onmcnt ib wbich thev Th s iudgmeiit rtlirottles free sp.trh ard j*»iidhey n€fi.d Inveotlgatlon, '’’‘but 'err Vhows 1 lYon’t.^- ‘^crwirtor Hale smiled and anybody who was watching hlm roal cloAel/ ■night have se* n that he even flooded hi* head just a awe* little lull, .1*-- much a* to ray, ‘That’s my senti ment. too, though of .course, I taren't flay It that way.”’ ]K>t HLL I'HAtiEDY. Tw- Shooting Seni k* in Which M< n Die. “ Hartsvllllh,- Deo. 21.—7.A shoothu .ffalr among white people occurred Saturday .venlng at Ashland, about -lx miles from here, just across the line from Darlington. In Ixm county. \k a result two m*n, Charlie Moore md W. L. Smith, arc dead.’ Then' was a Woodman of th< World banqu ’t nr supper, at which W. L. Sm'.'h, about 45 years old, a merchant of Ashland, his son and a voung man named Charlie Moore the prlnclp'Is tn the tragedy,. ycc« present. HI feeling between Moon and the Smiths had existed for scran Mine A (fispi le arose over a trival remark made by the younger Smith While at f ,pper and the difficulty •ssumed omlno'ij proportions after the banquet. Mooros.und Smiths had come loWnstaiis fraa^phe hall. It re uortert U at on leaving the table the Mder Smith made a remark, rising an oath; crying’ “We’ll fix you!' Moore. It scions, was standing b 'he fire when one* of the Smiths made-an aliaek v>n him with a, cat sup bottle. It is also stated that free press^and tramp!*’* on the prln-j^^-Rh started on Moorp w Rh a piece ciples oL.the American free man.” * Birmlngriam,''A! - '.. I)cd rrlM'r 24 The offices of the United Mine Work- ers of America, in A la bo ma, sent To President Roosevelt today the folio v- fnging telegram: “RLrp resenting the Fnited Mine Workers ofWmefica, in Alabama, w<> eninhatlrallg proteet. a.m.inet th*‘ con- vi<‘*iop, and sentence to penal sorvl- nf wood. Mo -e theneojjened .firp on the e’der S.nltji, shooting him three or four times One of ‘the Smitts ihen^it is claimed, fired at M'ore k 1‘ivv him instantly. W L. Snlf dt (1 at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. Yon'g S’.iiih. a bov of about 1 ti in father,lone brother and twW fude^ rtT~tl!oae., groat lenders of The American labor movement, Samuel GriTritiers, John Mitchell and Frank .Morrison. They may have violated the la tv, but we Itelieve the decision a'r 20 years old, has been lodged jail at Bishopville. The tragedy Is i most 1*'pi ••■.”le one. It is said w'^isley was , in evidence.—Th Strte. . SERIOUS FIRE IN NEW-YORK. is in vi($fa»ifi.tj of-4he‘Constitution of | 0ne Man Killed and Four Persons the United Stales-and aboHshos the OUR SHOT DOWN nine new ones. SOME GRI0X- INVENTIONS ARE n Fight fn Struts of a Georgia 0 n thk wit Town. THREE men killed Tlios. A. Edison Say* They Will Siam ; Come and Pave the IVay forjlun- rlnuls of Other*. In a recent article in the New York Thin'S Thus. A Edison says the next Fhe WantySi ^'lrlng of a Cannon Fire Cracker Brings Forth MjjldJ era wfll mark the most wonderful .iilvanre tn~grtr‘Tic<’ and lnvcn>tto»4hat Renioustraiii e IVom Police Officer Walter* and the Wholesale Trag- It he world has ever known or ho|a*o'las at short range. 'V’opnrd got out of the way afid ook no hand furtlu’r than related tn he rtragdy. The offider, mortally wounded bv Moore’s first bullet summoned fits energy and gamely fired upon Moo re as the latter rar So ofiV-ers aim was unerring, tne ba'H striking Moore squarely In th< ^he buildings of the Columbia- ex pibltlon w ill appear common. * But great, oxjw nse will not attend this; H will be done *0 that the poor man will be able to enjoy houses mm* beautiful that the rich now aspire to, and a mem earning $1.50 a day. with a family to support, will la* liette housed than the man of today who is ♦arnlng $ 10. * A BLACK FIEND Forces His Way Nile a Younf Married Lady's Roam AND ASSAULTS HER The Barbarous Crime Wo* Commit* ted in a Home on One of th« of llurtsxiile While the Hii*band Waa at Hi* Stoie. Hartavllle, Dec 22.'=The crime o* Inst nlgjn. hetnoiyfl,- -T)lr:ck and terri ble, Its'"'which j) young married wo man was brutally asaulted by a ne- groT cverly Hartsvllle cltjzen today. There Iue, no ei-ld, pee of who or , fhe-gi’IHy party t*. except 'jfhe vietim^ knows that the fiend : s a negro, that he Is of m<'dlnm elro, that h<‘. has a beard and that he wore a gray slouch hart. The scene of the horrible crime was a home on a principal ■trtetL the time about 9 o’clock Monday night. The towi^ has no arc light* and there Is an IncandoBoong Is rt r>- where I hsit"* here “('it. —It was dark and the rail w-a,' iwiurlrg. The victim Is a young marri’d worn m of -.■♦t ini able char- c>t( r. Sly* has been married sev eral y'ars, and has a little boy about five years of age, who was asleep, nrt who was the only one at the time Hi the house with her. Thu husband, a young.bnslnesa man’ had not returned from his «tore. The I lack fiend forced his war through the f-ont d(Or of the homo 2. Moving piotun* machines will I and ent*"*d the bed chamlier of the so perfected that the'characters [ lady. She had retired, but had a back. He mm acro«*’,*ihe vitreet fror'I W ^1 not only move, but will speak, -imp burning on f the bureau. The he officer, and fell lifeless. and all the aceesHorb s and effect i Mend wont to thio U’d and snld* “I While the duel Iretween the officer th(* stage will be faithfully pro- .win kill you if you make a fuse," ud Charlie Jdoorc was in prognss on living picture stage, staring hri had a gun. He went to T/eonsurd Smith, a son of Chief of This ’ of fourse. will nort be done uslihe bureau and blew out Ah* light, 'Villce Rrnllh. rushed to the offleor's "ell as on the regular stage,'but Its [ vent-back to-tho be! and faugVt the rtd. At this juncture. Virgil Moore. Ulandard "i' 1 approach very m ur fotl'.dy .an.und the w.ili.t . pulletT her brother of Charlie Moore, went ( 0 f 'hat,, aipl the fayf -Hwrt siyh eari’i -1 frojri 'ne bed »Pd carried her Into he fiifp of his brortiher and, M^l« Jutamenta will be furnished for five the hall Bh' pbadejl for her H'e. •aid, fired upon Smith, killing him' w ‘ n ’ t * ,,r!,w vas ' nu,n, T'rs of the tie rc-peuted. “If yen' scream I win n*tarytly ' Smith, like the officer, j-e- work ing classes. 'J^h'’ will be 111 yon.” She »«M, ".Please do**’! timed the fire upon his aflaallant, ,,m1 tho-masnes wlM’hSve the van kill me; spare mv life." die renlied. hooting him dead In Iws tracks. ’ ***«’ of the moUl^of. gooil dmma. ”Km ,p vent'* me irth shut and l w->nT - ’ *■ 1 J “ ac-omn lahed his ’ / EATEN BY SHARKS. ’an I* Attacked and Bitten Iff Two By Them. Mexico City, IIr. 22.—Inquiry in thev will find an Inexpensive and liu-11 111 you." He proving way of spending the evening fiendish purpose, then made his es- and the death-knell of the saloon will unpe, the rain, which continued to )>♦■ sounded fall, covering up all possible traces 3. In perhaps fifteen or twen' v I of his steps. to the recent dearth of Col. Harry. T Earle, who was reported drowned off the coast of Qultaina Roo tcrrl- rtry^wjjlle .waiting with a companion n an open boat to hof picked up by a steamer, develops that h»* was de voured by a shark itv>4(ad of meeting learth by drowning,, as first report- yoairs depending on the financial ■ondirtion of the coimtrv the Inc > motive w ill pass aliiioHt out of us ■ and all our main trunk line will tic oneratml bv electrlolry! 'I he 1 i lv ,1# ilieve* she would rcc- 0 crnjze the fiend w *0 he brought ‘ f .ice to l ire with her. Chief of Po tt M Kirkpatrick of Hartavl le, '>epnty“ Sheriff W. H. Mosingo from »‘d. The small Ixvat capsiz’d and Col me! Earle wa« swimming to th* *•*• whring into ri.wlingt >n and sewurol oth* r depu-- existence, containing a hirg*’ percent- tized mrm, as well as the citizens *>f age ofTHTfogen. This wfiTtjie drawn 1 artsvlllc, are doing all. In f'eir from the air by elect riclty, and will | miwer ^u.iini>reh«'nd- arrest ‘and c >n- be u.sisl to Increase thi’ arabllity ofl vjet the right main. Beye'ral f»'i* the land? Even now this is done (o pect.s have be.i'n arrested an 1 car- a large extent In Sweden. | ried b. fore the lady, but th”y prov- 5. All our waftr power will be I ed to be innorttnt. utilized by ek'ctrlcity to an extent One feature in The chapter is th now almost unthought of, and will the negro, purposely to sfirond Ms be used with great advantage, both | Identity In m:’steiy, stited to the f FATAL SNAKE BITE. Man Hie* After Being Bitten by Big Rattler. Gainesville, Fla., Dec 22.—-While hunting 30.miles down the Kissimee river yesterday afternoon H. C Fountain, a ^omlnept contractor. whosu home is' here, roused a hi rattlesnake and In a fight killed the reptile onlv after it had sunk its fangs into his flesh. With his hunt ing knife he cut away the poisoned flesh*; digging out .'he wound, nhd when ho w-as found by the two men who were hunting with him war* able fndustrlally and for raflroads fi. A successful aerial navigation will "be establish d -perhaps for t.he malls and achieve a so/tind, -prar'i- cal working basis: - • *’ “* . 7. WV’ sbal+-l*e able to protect our- sulves ikgalrist envlrotimen* by the fisc of serums and Hungs of that sort. | so that "the general siate-of health will Is* improvu'd and the average span of lit*’ will ■in«'i'<-rise by a larg*’ percimtage. The grand fight which Is iM’ing made against tuberculosis and cancer w ill reach ^fT-successful culmination, and those diseases will be entirely mastered. ; . 8. A new force in nature, of some sort or other, will be discovered by which 'many things not now lin/ler- stood will be explained. We, unfor tunately, have only h v '‘ senses; if wc had eight, we'd know more. "IK We shall realize the .possibili ties of rviir coal supply better and barn how to utilize them so tha' l* • adv Hint he a fortune teller, 'bat he was "’ith the carnival and 'hat if . V* -rre*.m-v* nr made a noise h»’ would return later an3 kUl h*** - Th*••-Km.ita Greartj n- shows ara>_Jiere hut no on*' belie) ;hc ne^rv was*In In my .vay eopnee’ed with the hows. It is thought tfiif.it the ma i was arquaintel with the town. Hartsvi’le is dtertresued, her cit izens natu'-al’y are greatly enrag d >t th<> outrageous crime! but JJiey are calm and oool headed, yet dlii- gent. A A ward of- $500 has be-n offered for tlje capture, appretvensl )i and conviction of the fiend. He Is described ns I el nr about five, fort ten ineives high, of medi um size, beari oji face and ifr/rtF aray. slouch hat." The lady Is bear ing up as well as could l»e expect' d ii the face-of (h • tei-lhTe experience hnmgh which she passed. to hobble with their aid. He roachedl pcr cenO^f the efficiency will not Ic tnis place this morhlng. but died h hrown awa y, as It is today, dwplte all efforts to save him. I- pi na ny, let it be fftTiTt hardly any 1 ——————— piece of machinery now manufactnr- IKH’BI.Y ArFl.lCTF/D FAMILY. IfTfi-fs more than ten per cent, per fect. As the years go on this will oe WAS I/1ST AT SEA. y ' *■ Sole Survivor of (’rew of Schooner -»— S ~~" Beache* Port. Newt>ort News, Va., December 24. -News of the has off Hog Island K-bur Members Of It Die In Short {-improved upon_tremendously; mor>* ^>^1 neoday of the three-masted automatic machinery will dcvisy l I schooner Jeanle Upjvitt and the land articles of comfort and luxury drowning of Caprt. Robinson and flva will lie produced in enormous hum-1 members of the ship’s crew, was Istrs at such snval Time, I >ec . ' ' T“ ' 21.—Mr. and Mrs Lancft.-iTer: nee. zi—.-vir. and Airs i at ' S| -, h snj , ;i n f . 09 t that a'l ['brought to Old Point thtepmorMng by r *co Ta\lor^lxrtjh dl^d at their home | , ...m 1.,. jho T»ono-J ^ivdn’w Jor^onson, the n\wryi&Qr hpre yesterday within four hour 1 < lasses will lie ablq to enjoyjho bene--J fits of them. of the wreck, who was picked up at FATALLY .BURNED. Child’s Dress Set on F'lre by Fire- -erackers* Savannali. G«., December 24— While her mother was down-town trt- iright buyla? presents fior her firs* real Chridtraas, three year old Annie McKenzie was fatally burned, her dress Ignitting from a firecracker. TKa child inhaled the flames and por tions of her lips were burned away Her hrofher. who was with her. nougibt rtibe baby’s nurse and calmly remarked that ‘ilPtle sister is burn ing up.” A hackman passing tha house put out the flaunes too late to save tjie child, who died Uirtp bnu r6 Utw* . rights of free press ajid free speech." It is riigned’by J. A. McKennamer, president, and .1. D t Clemo, seeretary- trcasiircr, Difltcicrt No. 2fi. and W. R Fairlv, mernl>er intefnational execu- 44ve4iaartl L _United Mine -Workers of America. ~ _T * Badly Burned. DIED FROM FALL- FaTR ’ FnSift" Tfi rrd'Sfdfy Window of Hot Springs Hotel. New York, Deoemlver 24—One mV i was kiNed and three other mea and m a wvmvan were- seriously burnw;. while the liv'es of- many others were saved only t>>’ prompt and heroic -W'ork by firwheu tenants thems^vTOjjg^flixi.lutl ; Hot Springs. Ark.. December 24.— That the dearth of 'H. M. Cox. a weal- •thv and retired manufacturer of Port- flvv’-story apartment house at 122 W. 12 7th street, narly to-day. The mao who lost his life w>s Daniel Frizzell, 18 years old. ‘ “27 " The injured are: ' of each other, the wife passing away | Jdr<> 0 f the - invenrions I sea Wednesday" afternoon by the first. v^Only a few* weeks a*o |i»'‘ir w , h *j c h‘the world la awraiting which it | American steamship Ravenscnaig, is sijre of seeing foalizod'. Just how they will be realized is what the in ventors are working now to dHor- mdne. .* son. Edward Tavdor, and his boy died on the.same day. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor-w^ie^vGxtitfls of pneumonia. Mr. Taylor wa^s about 50 ye .rs of age and his wif’ about 45. They were orlglnall.’ from Kersha”’ county and’their.'hod- les were taken today to Buffalo church. In that county, for burial. Eight Children survive the cbuple. Capt. Johnson The Lippitrt wa:8 IjouJ&d up the coast from-rTflblrflonv'Tlle. Tla., for-New York voth-a cargo of lumber. She ran into the recent heavy nortfi^aBt gale off Cape Charles Tuesday after noon and after taking a*board consid erable water and sustaining much damage to ••the hull, -she ran on a shoal off Hog Island and loon went to pieces. Caprt. Rqhlnson and four men were w-a shed overboard and drowned when sbjp ffpuck. Jorgensen and the KILLED THE OFFICER. Him for Beating; JB* Mother. Mrfr. * Alice Looker, TTfT yrsjrs^ old, land. Maine, who fell head-first''from j burned abmit the face and body, con- a third-story window of a local hotel [dlrtion serluus.- Looker i her soa; .-2 e yesefr to his dea'h on TRe“7OTCrete pave- Ohae- me»t of Central avenue last night, was due to an accident was the ver dict of the coroner s jury, whi/b In vestigated the dieatih. Cox, wl a'rufferer from nervous neura* ceme to this oily a month ago to -'od the winter. * - • htch tn- rtmt was schema, old. burnei about the head and face. Harrison Looker, another son, 23 years, hands »atid arms burned. '*• David ^fallen. a firenjan, burned about the hands and face. < Mullen rooetived hi* burns in saving the life of Mr*. Looker. 0 Columbus, Ohio, December 2 4 Harry E. Campbell, police officer, 3 4 yearm-oVL wag kliled early this eve ning bv Harry Hilliard, aged elgfc- YOI NG LADY ATTACKED. And Almost Killed In Her Home B} Burglar. X— ' • Richmonl. Va.. December 24 — Miac Florence .lones, th(» grand ntec« 1 Ham. yj lain to Robert K."Lee~dufThg'ilimty^j r~ the,.. taew-w' teen. Xjl'hen Mrs. ^Jessie Msrin, the voutfij’s sister, went to the police sta- r+trirrnint-informed- the oflfleers that- Hilliard waa beating^hls mother; As he mounted the ateps, Hilliard ap peared in the doorway with af-shoc- gun and fired. The wound was just above th* heart. Campbell died in a few miaiits*. Yhe stayer was ar- j ; war and now grand chaplain of the j overboard, but succeeded In C—Camp United Confederate Vet^ lauhlng themselves to a piece of the eran:u-wgpattacked and almost killed wreckage. The other seamen became In her home In this city tonight by exhausted from cold and died befioro an unknown burglar. the Ravenarrslg could reach port. Miss Jones was sitting with th» the men were picked up off WthUflf- family when phe started up-stairs quarter light ship Wednesday after- aad he/'Msc^pd the tep of tha ngotir • -The- Rweascrsig’s marilhirfy when she uttered a scream and the became disabled during tlieatorB'*a4 family h«ird her fa.IK A base ball -v-2* returalng here for repafrn w%td bat by her sM® was the weapon ustd the men were sighted. The, burglar ha'd evidently been sur- The LippRH w*a« owned by Corowell / _ • some hope of her reettrery prised by her and felled her wTh the & Thurlow, of Boston, and was built blow.' Physician^ tonight hold out at Boston In 1880. She was 74$ •‘'tonnhff*. 4 *