. * Op** SL*nl 7 Vta» BETHUNE sacqny punt ^ . hAg begun on 1(he constructWrf ft building for W 01 * SShime and will be rushed to completion as *‘ig, Wbicl^ will be 60 feet loc ®F d one-half block off lancr having been bought . v, J ifjghSt lon«.«i SrirMt, seven Mrt ^ UcCaskill estate. trhkb win be occu- m soon «• <*m- f nethune. noUiune now oceuj»^ building und (• ’T^TtrUr sucony for new buUdln* to JXiU be able to gwstly ft opemtlons nnd wfll em- I liay « 15° peopl®- > K3 Op«»» y ' rear on Sept •JS*. Chnrlee Dsrto d McKinnon) and Mr. Sfti i»»1t DaTia and children of apartmenta In tbe old **” We. recently jmr- by W. I tad remodeled iJ A.Mc- |l» Conway Presbyterian pal pit for a for- and tbe pea tor, Eer. who to taking patient In the Id. McArn of Camden J^ggt in the Praebytonan . qnnday evening. ‘lE. Arthur and daughter. i— of Orlando, P^a., are ^ Sr. and Mr* Conway * , BeM lce Hilton la rtoltfilg irlwton and Savannah, Oa. ^^n* Moiingo and "*■ ar, Pl® rt ^ a ® iu. and St. Charles, r»- are guests * of ’Jafft wWest. • gk gMyrtl* Mungo of ColumMs ■ treekand guest of her moth'- »weekend guesi in um ‘‘.nr w o.oi* Hubert hto Pad Mr. and jttin. N. E. Truesdale and family, Mias* Stella Bethuns nnd little Kgtftryne Sima are spend* ittg thin wedk at Ocean Drive. £ »• Frances Bolton of Btohop- to th« guest of Mr. aud Mrs. s Bolton. ^ ^ > Mr. and Mrs. Jane Traeedsle ▼totted White Lake, N. C., re cently. - ■b Travis Kelly has been sa id tp active duty jt Camp I^ee, tor a study course under the National Guards. Cramer Jones to a Camden hospitafc ~ Mr. and Mrs. Georgs S. King and daughters, Misses Joan and Georgia King of Moncki Corner May*. reC€nt tUe * U ° f ^ ^ U ‘ Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Z. P. Gordon ware Mr. and, Mrs. D. Hurst of ChesterttsM and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mack of Char lotte. *■ Mr. and Mrs.^James Beckham and little son. Glann of Hartsvllle, ire Sunday guests of the.Robert okas. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McKinnon visited In Timmoosvflle Monday. wmmKM'' Representatives Conferred Here i^reral days In Florence with In nst week. i. hitgle Lee of Monroe, N. „ | saaday guest In the home n frank Lee • dildren and grandchildren k-Amaida McKinn ®U« TTlAM • ' 4 ' Pm' MS&tZ M. ate ^4 W* ^ u. 18 TUMATOES M-AW and COOL OFT! ADD COLOR AND appeal TO minus with a crisp summer salad. MHLOW Mi 140 PANCY MD \ th. 22* TMftttMD 0 RAM totHM Lk 40 CAUP. Lb. 15 6 THOMPSON SEEDLESS lb. 25* LARGE. FANCY CALF. Lb. 27# FRESH GREEN £ lb*. 17 0 _S»i 25 ^.^rOSCANDYWO' BAY* lTO8L0WPR« P.-k .... A dnesuat Lsa~-4. tot) TO bay fOUR best MEAT WEEK—THIS LOW 1 Imeat. no waste] itSRU LYE ALL l-thm U)W ASSORTED FtA. CITRUS s: 25* CASf OF 14 CANS . ... *#• L - ——r-\ |HH[P# Cm * \ * *■' fW-i i 1 PAN 12-Ox. V* waMTknM i.S3c V» 1.4 Extra Value! FAMCY WHOLE RED LIBIEY GIVEN SAFEDGE iphcT TEA GLASS . fl*' « * jtm THRIFTY A1 Trout .. Ik 27t Perch Fillet .... .i...... . 14. Me Flounder FUbet lb. 55c >, metf. ...... to. 59c Dressed Black Bass lb. 43t Red Bass Steaks 5£ COOL ’ ^ V f4 .A t* *JL, 4. « -..4 ff 4# A ft Aft. : 4 . ' 1ft Lb. Tree! Oleo CUTLETS , ror-ovaun * SLICED BACON - FAMCT SALT POUA - ^ STHEAK o lcm » 37* nma plobida Ift u - , -V - . Orange Juice 2 Chili Con Carne Get Regular Package of Mix for Only fe Extra With Cehe.lllx he JUICE m M '.k — im sns-xa«4£x I W >D IVUlilk J Ga, MAID aunt pqitwit -rnLUMumiaK” mm in H rTJKlrrtfti Imabgarime mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrniimmmmmmm Mad Mips Tomatoes : €, \ Ho. 1 * • AS % i i ■ It lV X. ^ 45 SHoi 39h • i'. A' 1 wS>-- * 1 • • i