Primary u „ r *Jbo~o ot ReprpMmtM’ tt^^Mnter county to th* u« UWt TOto -£fl« ^ »^ fv22t r*pre*entotlT«, iWAycock, a former third ■,^*Cllfton, oo® of U»® Lier* of th® Sumter fcjj*! by hmi- J of belnx renomtoot«d. - ■ • ubulotion wero: ryan M0; Clifton ,72 and Jackaon riff W J< Aeale waa r®noml* .vtf ttree dpponenta. H® re- 7 total l»®d4 rot®®. . r Mabry. M» n®ar®rt op- ' Weired C. Btouo® ’ 444 md R. C. Tham®® 1*7. Rights Realizes Neat Sum jlW was raiaed for th® jod-Wrlght campaton at th® riron last Thursday night i Ward’s by Logoff citizen a. . the dinner th®r® Waa a m of speech-making partici- Tta by L 0. Funderburk, who i Senator R. M. Kennedy, X deLoach and other®, to [larly everybody at the din* metking to aay during j and nil wmo strong for Rights’ nominee®. jiuwr waa arranged hy * of which J JL Li STRONGLY BEHIND THURMOND Th« i« voters of South Caroling appear to be lining up almost unanimously behind the candidacy of Governor J. Strom Thurmond for President on the States Bights Demo cratic ticket Numerous county Democratic executive com mittees have gone on record unanimously aa endorsing his candidacy and in many sections fund-raising campaigns have been laundhed. Among th® county committee® that few® unanimously endorsed th® Otata® Rights ticket composed of Gfreroor Thurmond for Proo^ Governor Fielding Wright ■alppi for Wo® President, are Kershaw, Charleston, Anderson, Sumter, Greenwood. Orangeburg, Allendale, Calhoun, Jasper, McCor mick and possibly others. At the first official campaign held to Allendale county held Tuesday in AUendale, the hat was passed and $114.71 raise amid orach applause. In Pellon, a rural section of Lex ington county, over $200 has al ready been raised tor the fund. - Congressman L. M. Rivers, of Charleston, representative from the First South Carolina Congres sional district, issued a statement in Washington Tuesday urging an Immediate meeting of the South ]Lf 0 ’ 'A-, jnajonty. Over Opponent *1 think this course to iportant,” Rivera said, mere is n oqueation m my mind that the people of South Carolina want an opportunity to repudiate Representative J. F. roman Just as he has rapudlatei waa returned to Congress by u mn> u" . —£ Jortty of over MW over his oppou- The Stote Democratic conveniiou eat, Roy a Oobb, of Gaffney. 1 in Jackson, Miss., Monday tostract- Kershaw county stood handsome- sd the electors of that state to cast ly b> Its native eoa giving a 1,971 their ballots for Thurmond and votes to 4<4 for Cobh. v Wright and Alabama baa already i n laacaater county the vote waa done llkewti* Richards *.010; Cobb SS,SS1. Over 17,009 people have signed in Chester the vote was Rich- petition# to North Carolina asking *rd8 1,77®; Cobb 2,196 that the name® of Thurmond and York gave Richards 6,824 and Wright .bo placed on the ballot to Cobb $,776. North Carolina. t j Chesterfield gave Richards 4,600 t-7 1 and Cobb 1,144. Fifty-five thousand u. 8. clvi-' Fairfield gave Richards 1JN8 and liana are now working to Quma. (Gobb 684. ■i Cherokee, Cobh’s home county, ——r i. radar-equipped furry now is was the only county wh operating between BroeklyB, N. Y.j against Richard®. There (he rot# and Staten Island. 'was Richards MW; Cobb 6,977. I„.r,,r.. >,- W ««««»*• zjj&!sjb ^ *;, w - Jwf? in M T 3,ba Jf k J ,M i ,,femi,u * t * d for tbe United wnfr.vfT^ m »««• four opponents. in a h politic” « k ntert ° f DeVer h * Tto * b ** n drf «» ted You Wants... [Auto Seat Covers IndfviduaDy Tailored •T SKILLED CRAFTSMEN You select the material and style you it and we Tailor Them To Your Taete. ANY MAKE [lops—any kind—and Headlinings in- ialize Vi lery and And—Well Bo Hen TOMORROW To Bncfc U» Whnt We Dn.T»dnT !NER MOTOR COMPANY US E. DoKnlb & For 3|ly 9 v -, * ^ ^ G - m,, tF. v* ises and Let* of All Sites in City and Suborbs 92 Businesg Building* fot Mile in itu •/ Good busineot for oale in coun now doing a good businest. PlLirpeud small farms and tim ber lands. To Plant Fan Vegetable® Early Oardeuor® are* urged tor the Aug- net Garden Letter issued by the Extension Service to plant toll vegetables early as a safeguard against frost damage. A. K BchO- lettsr, leader, Clemson Horticul- W Rxtenaton Work, who pro- pared the letter, points out that every day counts now aa each day’s delay in planting is one link nearer “Jack Frost” and possible lose from coM weather. “Never were vegetables important to supplement the family 'tod supply than now,” he says. *Food prices continue to rtee and also food remains scarce. Vege tables this VaR will be more im- portant than ever is aa well as in hflptng to retain the family’s health: >tow la the time to plant the faJhgarttep,” he W pie Top,and white Egg Varieties of turnips may be planted at any until September If and iha and Seven Top varieties planted for greens may be seedM until October L Logal. U. 3. No. I, and String- less Green Pod varieties of should be planted before S< her 1, and Early Wonder or Detrott Dark Red beets should be planted now. Other vegetables and varie ties which should be planted at oace are: Chanteaay or Imperater .Carrots: Sotweil’s Evergreen or Tracker’s Favorite Corn: aul PLEASANT VACATION TRIP Hot Sticky Summer Day® ■y.y -• « a,... . j, ■ '%*•>.4 : ''' When Your Clothe* Are Sticky and Sweaty and You Smell Like a Goat For SPECIAL WEDNESDAY ONLY 100- ONLY ptoiir Assorted Pottery.. 1 ■« • .■* * . , We urge you to let > - »'• ^ * ' \l < * us Sendee year ear before you atari. ' 1 * X l - : - yj'.. : i* • Only— . Bring Thmn To BECK’S Station DuKalfc «t tyftlWom ■ f . V Regular 59c vaL Stock up now at thte Roek Bottom Price. Newberry’s 5-10-25c Store V-’*V; V Cleaners “ 4 WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIALS ^ V, - Men’s Fancy Dress Shirt® All Sizes m, - Special Wednesday A. M. 1; ■ I - Hankets • va - 60^ Wool, value 1798 Wednesday A. M. ff | , — ^-iu.. $5A8 m ■ M *■»- m \ > -*> 1 WEDNESDAY MORNING Home Appliances 4 s /• Eitite Salw & IhsviBee he. viMuaaMMR . 61 gauge—16 Denier Value $1.99 ^ • -WA'*- •» . 'i ' ' All new Fall sksdee,.. Beq> Dawn | Autumn Dusk, Brown Toast, Smoke : Sizes 8% to 10% jra. ^ y At- '